tv Government Access Programming SFGTV July 19, 2018 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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is the clerk of this committee. madam clerk, any announcements? >> clerk: please silence all cellphones and any documents to be included as part of the file to be submitted to the clerk. and the items appear on the agenda unless otherwise stated. item number one, resolution to retroactively to approve a contract for the management and the operation of the airport's public and employee parking facilities between new south parking and the city not to exceed approximately $125,000 through from a five-year term from july 1, 2018 through june 30,2023. >> supervisor cohen: supervisor yee is just joining us now. kathy widener will discuss item one and we have john newman who is an attorney at law from the newman group who is here to assist with any other questions. mr. newman, where are you?
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good morning and welcome. miss widener? >> good morning. the item before you is a proposed new five-year professional services contract to oversee the parking operations and management at sfo with new south parking. the item was before you last week and it was continued while we looked into some location headquarters just to make sure that or to clarify that the companies involved in this partnership are not headquartered in any prohibited states. i can confirm today that new south parking is a general partnership, comprised of two partners. the majority partner is s.p. plus corporation, it's a delaware corporation who is headquartered in chicago, illinois. and the other partner is global parking systems. which is a louisiana limited liability company with its headquarters in new orleans. neither of those states is
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prohibited through the 12 acts ordinance. and i also just want to point out that it was brought up last week that there may have been missed opportunities for local businesses. new south parking has also partnered with s.f. parking l.l.c. which is a certified l.b.e. and s.f. parking will oversee s.f.o.'s employee parking program and the long-term parking facility offers a concierge service overseen by this certified l.b.e. and there's representatives from the company here today if you have questions for them. >> supervisor cohen: the interesting thing about l.l.c.s is that many companies and entities can hide behind them. is there a representative today? >> there is. >> supervisor cohen: why don't you come up and introduce yourself. thank you, miss widener. tell us a little bit about your company. you don't have to be nervous. just make sure that you speak into the mike.
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>> good morning, supervisors. my name is patricia shardnmp er and the owner of s.f. parking l.l.c. and i'm the only l.b.e. in san francisco's parking street. and i migrated to san francisco as an undocumented 3-year-old with my family from my home country of el salvador and fleeing the savage civil war that claimed several of my family members. as a child i aspired to achieve the american dream and while recall are other little girls dreamt of castles and ponies i dreamt of being a business owner to help to better provide for my family. by the grace of god and hard work and the help of family and friends and organizations like the mission economic development agency and i have fulfilled my dream. >> supervisor cohen: i have a couple questions for you here. how long has the company been around and established? >> since 2011. >> supervisor cohen: what other contracts do you have? >> well, we have our own parking
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management sites and we have the s.f.o. parking. >> supervisor cohen: so are you a san francisco-based business? >> yes. >> supervisor cohen: and -- and you said that you're the c.e.o.? >> the owner. >> supervisor cohen: the owner, okay, all right. and how many employees do you employ? >> i have six employees. >> supervisor cohen: okay. colleagues, do you have any other questions, anything else that you want to share? >> can i finish my -- thank you. i just -- sorry, i lost my place. although i have to have an additional job on top of running my business just to live and to be able to raise my two small children in such an expensive city like san francisco i'm optimistic as my future looks bright, especially with the mentorship of few south parking. and i'm getting my certification outside of the airport contract. i have worked with new south parking since 2012 and since
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then and through the mentorship i have grown to manage the $12 million of revenue at the airport. >> supervisor cohen: how much? >> it's $12 million. but there's other things they helped me to navigate, like learning how to become an employee and enabling good jobs for my staff. or sharing the passion that i have for my community, like the work that i do in the bayview in have the arthur coleman medical center which thank you, supervisor cohen, for your support and your passion on bringing the legislation to make it an historical landmark. without your support we wouldn't have founded the clinic where it is and the direction that it's headed. new south parking has contributed to the center and they've gone above and beyond by holding job fairs at the clinic during an annual christmas toy drive and even donating a new van in order to provide access to the clinic for those who are not mobile. in conclusion i'm excited about
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my future and my partnership with new south parking. thank you, supervisors, for your time and consideration. >> supervisor cohen: how did you become acquainted with new south parking? >> through colleagues in the parking business. >> supervisor cohen: and how long have you been working together? >> since 2012. >> supervisor cohen: all right, thank you. could i speak to the representative of new south parking. mr. newman, you're the attorney for the company? >> i'm their lobbyist, honorable supervisor. >> supervisor cohen: okay. and i'm wonder figure you happen to have their business license with you? >> i do. >> supervisor cohen: could you submit it so we can have it in the record with the clerk. one of the points of discrepancy in last week's committee meeting is whether or not it was a san francisco-based -- yes, san francisco-based company and when it became a san francisco-based company. mr. newman, do you know how many
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folks have been hired from the community? miss rodriguez talked about a job fair on third street in the southeast of san francisco and i wonder how many people resulted in the hiring from that job fa fair? >> first of all, let me introduce the representatives of the partnership. >> supervisor cohen: sure, please, why don't you all step up so we can see you. >> jason finch, the senior vice president of west airport from s.p. plus, which is a majority partner. and this is wonderful joy riddle. joy runs all of the airport operations, general manager of all of the facilities and has been part of the airport family for quite a long time. >> supervisor cohen: good morning to you both. thank you. you can be seated. >> i believe that joy was saying approximately 12 hires. >> supervisor cohen: come to the microphone and just answer about hiring. >> we were seeking security
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officers and we joined the job fair in an effort to get the people interested in coming to work at the airport, in addition to the security officer positions that we had, and we also had the ability to train them and to get them their guard cards. >> supervisor cohen: and how many people were hired? >> i believe that we had 12 that applied and they had to have a driver's license and so without having a drns driver's license y would not have been able to be candidates. so probably four or five were actually hired. >> supervisor cohen: in this drive function are they required to drive? >> yes, we have golf carts where we assist customers in finding their cars. >> supervisor cohen: i have been that person walking around a parking garage and can't remember where i parked. >> as have i. >> supervisor cohen: that's a very important function. i appreciate that. >> thank you. >> supervisor cohen: and from your recollection how long have you been in partnership with miss rodriguez's firm is it.
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>> they joined our firm when we applied for the 2012 contract and jason finch and i went on the web looking for a local business. there were two companies that were eligible. we selected patty's company as the better company, we reached out to them, and they immediately responded and we loved their energy when we got together with them. they have been responsive numerous times when the airport has an urgent demand for additional staffing which we just had in june. we had a need for staffing for the traffic congestion planning that we're doing with uber and lyft and they provided a staff of 30 for us, and responsible and qualified and very customer oriented staff. >> supervisor cohen: thank you very much. you can be seated. mr. newman, i don't think that i have any questions. colleagues, any questions? miss widener can you step back up for a second, i want to talk to you for a bit. first of all, i think that this is an interesting conversation and i am glad that i was able to
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tease it out more to find out exactly the details of new south parking. more importantly, if it were not through this whole exercise we would not have known about miss rodriguez and her partnership. i want to encourage the airport to continue to do a stellar job, let me rephrase that -- i would like you guys to continue to better your best. i think that there needs to be more outreach with l.b.e.s and n.b.e. businesses in the san francisco greater bay area, particularly paying attention to san francisco. i think that we need to do a better job of supporting these small businesses and not just throwing contracts to the larger and more dominant firms that have the ability, no disrespect, mr. newman, but to hire lobbyists and to hire lawyers to assist them with the overall negotiations, lobbying, and contract negotiations that happen. i would like to see more of small businesses being able to
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profit and prosper when doing business in the airport. with that said the airport does have a very strong program, i think that it's one of the stronger ones when i think about city departments across the entire city and county spectrum but there's no reason to rest on our laurels when we talk about hundreds of millions of dollars of contracts. i have spoken to him on several occasions and has done a fairly decent job on being responsive and answering my questions. so i just wanted to publicly acknowledge him for his leadership and thank you for i'd say going above and beyond to make sure that i had the answers that i would need to move this item forward and out of committee. so thank you to all of the folks that have come to be with us today. we'll get to public comment. colleagues, before we move any further, is there any other questions? all right, thank you, miss cathy and we'll move to public comment. now i have some cards here, doug parish and i have john nieman, do you want to speak in public
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comment too? no? and i have patty rodriguez, did you -- no, okay. all right, so if there's any members of the public that would like to come up and you have two minutes for public comment and you will hear a soft chime indicating 30 seconds remaining on the balance of your time. mr. parish? >> thank you very much, supervisors. i met patty here briefly this morning and it's interesting over the years that i have been in business here as a business owner here in san francisco that it always appears that small small businesses are often put in the same basket to compete with major corporations and it seems a little bit unfair how we come up here and battle against each other. i'm here this morning, actually, representing the san francisco african american chamber of commerce. we have been contacted through our chairman, mr. fred jordan,
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to express our concern about potential companies that are outside of san francisco capitalizing on our opportunities that are potentially intended for small local minority businesses. so i think that it's just really challenging for us to see the decline of particularly african american businesses not getting these contracts. and, therefore, exiting out of this beautiful city that we claim that is inclusive for everyone to be a part and to stay in this city. it's very challenging to stay in this city if you do not have jobs and contracts. and that's what i'm here t advocate for our community this morning. thank you very much for your time. >> supervisor cohen: thank you. next speaker, please.
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>> good morning, madam and distinguished members of this wonderful good hard-working board of supervisors. my name is benny yee and i'm a former commissioner 35 years with the state government and 13 years with the city. and i'm continuing to be a public servant which is i'm now the current active member of the professional association, and i'm the former president. and advisors to several groups in san francisco chinatown. the my honor to be here today for two things.
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one, -- and i want to comment that all of you have supervisors have been doing outstanding jobs for a lot of years. and i hate to say that i'm sure that many in the audience here today recognizes the fact that our leader, the president of the board of supervisors, will be elevated out of the city to sacramento. and i hope that you will have a continued success. i'm here -- and another reason is for the minority small group local contractors. and i'm sure that you all members of the board understand how important that the local minority contractors is and has
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always been there to emphasiz emphasize... >> supervisor cohen: thank yo you. thank you. next speaker, please. >> good morning, supervisors, i'm with the federation of filipino-americans. as a former executive director of a non-profit here in san francisco, i'm acutely aware of the struggles of small businesses and people of color in our city. and i'm here simply to ask you to please consider rewarding this contract to a company that has been here in the city for the past 23 years. and in that way we can keep the profit in the city and recycle it back to the economy. thank you very much. >> supervisor cohen: thank you. any other members of the public -- okay, we'll leave it there and we will collect it and put
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it into the record. thank you, any other members of the public to comment on item one? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, we have had a lot of discussion. i just want to let you know that we've got a copy of the business license for the record, everything seems to be apropos and kosher. i make a motion to move this item before the board as a committee report. may i take this without objection, colleagues? all right, without objection this motion passes. call item 2 and 3 together. >> clerk: the modification to the airport professional services agreement faith group l.l.c. to program manage minute support services for the airport security infrastructure program, not to exceed $15 million for mother mod ifngdz of the modern siegz program. and item through, approving
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number 6 to an airport contract between faith groups and the sea for an amount to not exceed $1 $14.6 million for purposes for the airport security infrastructure program. and extending the term by one year and three months and not to exceed an amount of $16 million. >> supervisor cohen: madam clerk, i am informed by supervisor yee that we call item 13 out of order and so we will honor that question. call item 13. >> clerk: for the business and tax regulations code to have validation actions and statute of repose to june 2018. >> supervisor cohen: this is a quick item. so miss cathy widener and thank you for allowing supervisor yee to present item 13. so this is an item that
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kickstarts a lawsuit response to the ballot measures c and g. supervisor yee take it away. >> supervisor yee: thank you, chair cohen, and president, chair cohen. and thank you for allowing me to take this out of order here. and this legislation would permit the city to bring suit to validate the proposition c and g which passed on june 5th. the reason for this is that opponents to those measures have expressed their belief that prop c and g needed a two-thirds vote to pass rather than a majority. such lawsuits would permit the city to rely on the funding from proposition c and g much sooner. and the board of supervisors will meet in closed session on july 24th to discuss this potential litigation. and so i'd like to just end on that and request that this be
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forwarded to the full board as a committee report for july 24t july 24th. >> supervisor cohen: thank you very much. and i want to pivot to the city attorney to add comment to this particular item. i understand that since the revenue is legally tenuous that initiating this process will accelerate the settling of this matter? >> i wouldn't say that it's tenuous but as supervisor yee said that there's been questions raised by the opponents of the measures and we'll discuss that further in closed session but, certainly, allowing the city to initiate a validation action will lead to the quickest possible judicial resolution of those questions. >> supervisor cohen: all right, thank you very much, and colleagues do you have any other questions, if not we can go to public comment. public comment is open for item
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13, any member of the public to come and comment? public comment is closed. supervisor fewer. >> supervisor fewer: i would like to move it to the full board as a committee report for consideration for the july 24, 2018, meeting. >> supervisor cohen: celebrity. we take that without objection. >> supervisor yee: thank you. >> supervisor cohen: and back to items two and three and you have called them, madam clerk, thank you. so, miss widener, thank you for being patient. the two modifications for the airport is for an additional year, correct? >> correct. >> supervisor cohen: go ahead. >> they're both project management service support contracts. one is for our terminal 3 west and the other is for our acip, which is our -- our airport security infrastructure project. both of these project management support services contract operate on an annual renewal through the approval of the airport commission and they are
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now reaching the $10 million threshold where they require the board of supervisor approval. and the modifications before you both on both contracts would extend the contract for a year. and it is also written in a way that would -- because we're so far into the contract, they will be annually renewed at the airport commission but it is at the preference of the committee whether you would like us to come back every year for future analyst. and both modifications and they leave it as a policy recommendation to you whether or not you would like us to come back every year. and it's worth noting that this is one -- sorry, these are two of approximately six to eight project management support services contracts that we have currently to support our capital plan. and so we would be back quite often on these contracts if you would like us to come back for
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annual renewals. that is completely at your discretion. >> supervisor cohen: i want to hear from the legislative analyst office. miss campbell? >> good morning, supervisors. item number 2 would approve the fourth amendment to a contract between the airport and w.c.m.e. joint venture and to provide project management services for modification for the terminal 3 west modification project. this is first time that this contract has been before you and it's now slightly less than $10 million so it doesn't meet the charter threshold. and item 4 increases it to $14 million for going through 2019. and we do show the budget for the $14 million on page 8 and page 9 of our report and we recommend approval of that modification. the future modifications that extend the contract for another four years through 2023, and we
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do show the budget -- the future budget for those on page 10 of our report. the total increase would be from $14 million to $60 million and we want to raise one issue here which is the original -- the way that the airport does these budgets is they actually do have a budget for the entire project that includes the contract services for project management. and the original budget was $48 million for this contract. it's now been increased up to $60 million. we did talk to them about that and they are saying that regulatory changes from the f.a.a., requests from the airlines, operational restrictions in terminal 3 have resulted in the increase. the total budget has a contingency that would be paid for this. we recommend approval of modification number 4 but consider the future modifications without board approval to be a policy matter for the board. item number 3 is similar, the
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modification to a project management services contract between faith group and the airport for their security infrastructure program. this is the first time that this contract has been before the board. it increases the amount from $9.8 million to $114.6 million and we showed the budget for the contract on page 15 of our report in table 2. you will notice that we actually have a recommendation to decrease the want exceed amount by $880,000. and so we recommend the resolution to reduce the contract increase -- not to exceed amount from $14.6 million to reduce to $13.7 million. and we recommend approval of the modification and we consider the approval of future modifications to be a policy matter of the
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board. >> supervisor cohen: great. colleagues, if there's no other discussion? >> you know, i think that we should accept the recommendation and fund these two item two and flythree, however, i think thate airport should come back and the charter says anything over $10 million in expenditures should come back for board approval and i think that is good fiscal practice. >> supervisor cohen: thank you. all right. let's take public comment on items 2 and 3, public comment is closed. a motion? >> yes, i make a motion -- items 2 and 3 to send to the board with positive recommendation that requires that the airport comes back with further expenditures. >> supervisor cohen: yes, i agree with that. miss widener. >> i will amend the resolutions to reflect that we'll be back for current modifications and to
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accept the rejection of the $888,000 on item number 3. i'll get that to the clerk. >> supervisor cohen: so madam clerk do we need to take a motion to amend item three? >> clerk: correct. >> supervisor cohen: and accept the b.l.a.s recommendation and i am on the record to stand that the airport is on agreement with that recommendation for item 3. and then we'll piggyback on what supervisor fewer says and we'll send to the full board with a positive recommendation and we take that without objection. moving on, please call items 4 through 6 together. >> clerk: item 4 to authorize the office of contract administration to enter into the second amendment city contract agreement between the city and central computers to increase the contract limit to $14 million with no change to the length of the term with the option to extend for up to one year. and item 5, authorizing the administration to enter into the fifth amendment to the contract agreement between city and the
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intervision to increase the limit to $32 million with no change to the length of the term with option to extend up to one year. and item 6 to authorization the office administration to enter into the 5th amendment to the agreement between the city and xtech with no change to the length of the term with the option to extend for up to one year. >> supervisor cohen: thank you very much. rob penning, are you here? there you are, front and center. take it away. >> good morning, supervisors, i am rob penning, with the office of contract administration. and we are presenting items 4, 5 and 6 today in connection with three contracts that form part of the technology marketplace and we have a brief presentation to provide you with context for the proposed amendments. those responsible for overseeing the procurement of information technology products and services, to the same that the
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department has created a contracting mechanism called the tech marketplace that is used extensively to meet i.t. needs. and within the current marketplace they were selected by a competitive process and all contracts in excess of $10 million were approved by the board of supervisors in 2014. the existing marketplace has been operational for almost four years and during that time o.c.a. has allowed vendors into the framework to enhance the applied diversity and to expand the need for products and services. and it is important to note that the agreements within the marketplace are requirements-based contracts and this means that the vendors must compete against their prequalified peers within the marketplace for sales opportunities and vendors receive no guarantee that they will be awarded work. and all spending within the tech marketplace is goff other thanked by appropriations approved by the board of supervisors. the marketplace is currently comprised of three tiers and there's 13 tier one contracts, seven tier 2 contracts and 13
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contracts that have been set aside for microl.b.e.s. and so we have historically worked with c.n.d. to make sure that the services and the avenue for our local businesses to grow and prosper. and so current l.b.e.s account for 6% of the direct spend in the marketplace and businesses that have graduated from the city's l.b.e. program account for an additional 38% of the direct spend. and in addition, 15% professional services work within the marketplace must be sub-contracted to l.b.e.s. the following slide will give you an indication of how much has been spent in the marketplace from october 2014 to the end of february 2018. the majority is concentrated in three of the vendors in this tier that now require contract increases so they can continue to compete for work inside of the marketplace over the next six months. and it is important to know that r.c.a. had an r.f.p. for a new
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marketplace framework and it was created after consultation with the department of technology, c.m.d., local 21, and the use of the departments with large i.t. needs. and the conference was held on july 9th and bids are currently due on august 1st. it's our hope and intention to have the new marketplace operational in january of 2019. the r.c.a. will present the new marketplace's tier one contracts to the board of supervisors later this year for their review and approval. to recap, we request permission to have the cap on three tier one marketplace contracts so the contractors can continue to compete for work inside of the marketplace inside the o of thet six months. >> supervisor cohen: i'm going to pivot and here from the l.b.a. and hear her recommendations. >> yes, as mr. penning said this approves amendments to three existing contracts in the computer store, central computers and intervision and xtech and we have the
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increase in each of the contracts on page 19 of our report in table 1. and the total contracts would increase to $136 million to $155 million, an increase of $19 million, through the end of the year. page 20 of our report summarizes actual expenditures as of february on these contracts and projected expenditures through the end of december 2018. and as you can see here in table 2 the projected expenditures are $152.6 million or less the not to exceed amount of $155 million. and the difference has to do with the expected expenditures for airport technology projects. we did talk to the airport and determined that this is probably a reasonable request and recommend approval. >> supervisor cohen: thank you very much, thank you for that. we will go ahead and have public comment. any member of the public to comment on item 6 in seeing none, comment is closed.
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all right, supervisor stefani. >> supervisor mandelman: i would like to forward this -- >> supervisor stefani:, i would like to forward this. >> supervisor cohen: without objection, thank you. all right, moving on, item 7 and 8. >> clerk: to authorize the execution and the delivery of a multifamily revenue in one or more series in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $35.7 million for the purpose of providing financing for the construction of an 8 is million unit multifamily renting project. and item 8, to approve and authorizing a long-term ground lease for 490 south finesse housing associate on city-owned land. >> supervisor cohen: thank you very much. i would like to make a motion to
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continue these items for one week. >> can we open up for public comment? >> supervisor cohen: public comment on items 7 and 8. seeing none, public comment is closed. thank you. and make a motion to continue motions 7 and 8 for one week's time. without objection. item 9, please am. >> clerk: to authorize the mayor's office of housing and community development to have the community stabilization funds in the amount of $125 million to address the impacts of destabilization on residents and businesses in soma. >> supervisor cohen: we have our guest with the community development to be here today and i was told that katie fong from supervisor kim's office is going to be speaking. please come on up and we'll acknowledge you first. and then we'll get to your presentation. thank you. all right, so this is miss kitty fong from supervisor kim's office. >> thank you, madam chair.
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>> supervisor cohen: this is her first committee appearance, ladies and gentlemen. >> thank you. >> supervisor cohen: all right. >> very honored to be here, good morning, supervisors. so a brief background on the soma fund for the planning code in 2005 which won... (indiscernible) and for the infrastructure fee and create a community fund to deposit the fees collected. and four, to have a soma stabilization fee of $10.75 per square foot on new residential development and in the district and to have a soma fund to deposit the fees collected. and to establish a soma fund community advisory committee. and the board of supervisors on expenditure of the fund. and the planning mandates that the funds be for soma residents for the impacts of the
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destabilization that includes affordable housing and community acts of building and other services. and the board of supervisors approved a resolution in 2008 approving the soma community stagization fund strategy plan and authorizing the administration to work with the soma fund c.a.c. on assuring r.f.p.s for non-profit organizations. last year in 2017 the board of supervisors approved a resolution approving the amount of $1.2 million to 22 soma-based non-profit organizations in year one. and based those, soma had a manager desarjoe and awarded the grant in year one for the performance expectations. and here we are today to propose with the same amount of funding for stabilization in the second year. therefore, i hope to get your
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support and move this item to the full board. >> supervisor cohen: thank you. well, miss derosay a joe rosarid your delivery for you. anything to add? >> i will add that we will come back for approval of probably the last cycle of the funding next year. a little bit before this. >> supervisor cohen: thank you, ladies and i appreciate your presentation and we'll hear from miss campbell on her thoughts on this item. >> yes, good morning again. and so this actually, as has been discussed, funds the second year of funding for the community-based organizations selected last year for services to soma. table one of our report on page 29 summarizes the amount, totals $1.2 million. and approval of these expenditures will leave a
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balance in the soma community stabilization fund of $2.6 million and those amounts of summarized on page 30 of our report. we recommend amending the proposed resolution for retroactivity to july 1st and otherwise we recommend approval. >> supervisor cohen: thank you, we'll take that under advisement. any member of the public that would like to comment on item 9, come on up. seeing none, comment is closed. thank you. and may i have a motion... or i'll make a motion to approve and send to the full board with a positive recommendation and as a committee report. >> clerk: would you like it amend the item? >> supervisor cohen: yes, as amended. thank you, without objection. and i should say thank you, ladies, because there are no gentlemen up here. thank you, miss fong and thank you miss delrasrio. call items 10 and 11 together. >> clerk: 10, to declare the intent of the city to reimburse
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expenditures from the proceeds and to have the mayor's office to submit an application to permit the mortgage revenue bond to 1000 tomkins avenue. and to reimburse expenditures from the future bonds and authorizing the mayor's office of housing and community development to submit an application to permit the issuance of residential mortgage revenue bonds for 3101 mission street and 141 and 143 persita avenue. >> supervisor cohen: thank you. we have our presentation. >> thank you, chair cohen, i'm adam cray with housing and community development. and i'm here to have acquisition and rehabilitation work at two projects sponsored by the neighborhood center.
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both don't require the funds towards the repayment of the bonds and the city will not provide any gap financing or subsidies to these projects. in terms of the project descriptions as described in the package before you, market height is a rehabilitation project for an all-affordable project at 211 putnam street next to the farmers' market. and 32% of the markets will serve households with 52% of the median income. and the scope of the work at this particular project include new roofs and exterior paint jobs and replacement of lighting and new water heaters and ann accessible restroom and a new play structure for the kids. and the residents will be displaced as a result of this financing as all residents have the right to return following any temporary relocation that might be required by the rehabilitation here. and also residents will want be
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financially responsible for any costs with relocation. it's an acquisition that we have a rehabilitation property at mission street at caesar chavez. and 27% will serve households with no more than 20% of the median income. and so very deep affordant on half of the project. and the remaining units serve the households with no more than 60% of the median income. and this particular project includes replacing major components of the hvac and plumbing systems and having features for the units, waterproofing and thermal protection throughout the project and various common area improvements. as with the other project, no residents will be displaced as a result of this particular rehabilitation. and for both of these projects the sponsor plans to submit an application to the california debt limit allocation committee
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by year end and they'll return to the board for approval next year is the plan. and on behalf of the project sponsor and the mayor's office of housing and community development i look forward to your support for these projects. i conclude the staff report and answer any questions that the committee may have. >> supervisor cohen: thank you, mr. cray and i appreciate your presentation and i have a question with item 10. how many residents will be affected by these construction -- by the construction? >> it's a 46 unit project and i'm not sure exactly what the resident count is because i'm not sure what the breakdown is within those units but it's, you know, i would say -- >> supervisor cohen: 46 units is the answer to my question. thank you. and there is a b.l.a. on this item, and public comment. any member of the public to comment on these items? seeing none, public comment is closed. thank you. all right. oh, okay. i'm going to make a motion to reopen public comment. thank you.
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yes, sir. >> i was wondering if after the resting period the funds would be distributed -- sorry -- equally pe pupil and we already spend the most of any u.s. cit . >> supervisor cohen: thank you, public comment is closed. a motion to approve and send to the full board with a recommendation, positive recommendation. and send this as a committee report. colleagues, thank you, without objection. and okay, item 12. >> clerk: to authorizing the city officials to secure on behalf of the city and the actions necessary for the purpose of obtaining state and federal financial assistance under various grant programs. >> supervisor cohen: we have ann cronenberg here to present
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on item 12. welcome. >> thank you, president cohen and supervisor fewers, and supervisor stefani. and it's a library t pleasure te before you. we did give the clerk a minor clarifying amendment to the res resolution which i believe that you have at the request of the city attorney's office and we have one whereas, the department of emergency management is authorized to execute the grants only if they are consistent with state and local law. as you know the last two years as we've had the issue of urban area security initiative funding that there has been some controversy and that goes back to the urban shield exercise that alameda county puts on each year. i'm happy to say that in the last year i sat on the urban shield task force which made
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recommendations to alameda county which were adopted in january and i think that everyone feels good about the direction that we're going. alameda county said that urban shield would no longer look or feel like it has in the past. so it will be substantially changed and i don't see any controversy with this. san francisco receives about $23 million for the bay area annually through the funding. we fund 39 city employees through this. and i'm happy to answer any questions. >> supervisor cohen: thank you very much. i am glad to see your amendments and i want to acknowledge that supervisor fewer has also circulated amendments and have you had a chance to review them? >> i have. >> supervisor cohen: are you in agreement? >> i am. >> supervisor cohen: what was the outcome of the committee that you joined? >> i'm sorry, could you repeat that. >> supervisor cohen: what was the outcome of the committee that you joined?
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>> so the outcome, there were 27 different recommendations that went forward and basically recommending that urban shield would no longer look like it had in the past. and that there would be more emphasis on emergency preparedness as opposed to militarization of the police departments which is the way that it was characterized by the stop urban shield people. that the trade show would no longer exist as part of urban shield. >> supervisor cohen: is that known as the expo with the trade show? >> yes. which was very controversial and so that no longer exists in 2019. and there were a number of other amendments put in that specifically addressed accountability and also transparency in the process. so the alameda county will have to report back to the board i believe quarterly on progress towards the new urban shield, whatever it will be called, the new exercise program. and there will also be a great
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deal more of the community participation. >> supervisor cohen: excellent it. sounds like a small victory for all of the advocates that came to this chamber and to multiple sites across the bay area, particularly in oakland. >> i did invite the advocates to come to testify today because i feel that it's been a win-win for all of us. i know that john lindsay polen was unable to attend and i don't know if anyone else could come, but i feel that it was a very productive year. >> supervisor cohen: good, good, i'm glad to hear that. and supervisor fewer, why don't you talk us through that amendment. >> supervisor fewer: i have a few amendments is that last year there were some concerns about some militarization of our law enforcement agencies, in particular our san francisco law enforcement agencies. and i am so glad through these discussions and your committee that we've come to the same agreement that this is indeed very, very important for us to have this cross-county
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collaboration around emergency preparedness. and it's actually imperative to have to keep us safe. but we did not agree on the militarization of our police department. so i am pleased today to present this amendment that i have been -- our office has been in contract with director cronenberg that agrees with these amendments and you have them before you today that basically affirms what alameda board of supervisors voted on in march 201 2018 upon the acceptae of the funds for use in 2018, and the result that urban shield would be redesigned and not look like it has been but also that they'd repurpose the funds. so concentrate more on emergency preparedness and not on the militarization of our law enforcement agencies. >> supervisor cohen: all right, thank you very much for your work on that, supervisor fewer. i appreciate that. and also i want to recognize supervisor yee has spent a significant amount of time as
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has myself and my staff and working with your advocates and the department and the overall structure to try to better understand exactly the best way to utilize taxpayer dollars. so i'm going to table public comment on item 12. and open it up to the public. to any member of the public that would like to comment on item 12? please come on down. >> hello, i'm not always in the city so i'm not always up on events but i was wondering, had a former school board member been arrested for agreeing to import weapons into the u.s. in some kind of strippin sting open before? >> supervisor cohen: all right, any other member of the public? seeing none, public comment is closed. thank you. supervisor fewer, do you want to make a motion? >> supervisor fewer: i move with a positive recommendation -- first to approve with amendments to the full board. >> supervisor cohen: we'll take that without objection. thank you. all right, ladies, let's go to
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item 14 please. >> clerk: item 14, ordinance to amend to establish and set the rules governing the appointment of the director and the qualification and the duties of employees of the office of sexual harassment and assault response and prevention under the direction and the oversight of the human rights commission. >> supervisor cohen: all right, thank you very much. just want to recognize mr. l. davis is out of town, unavailable. i thought that she was sending a representative to speak on this item. okay. supervisor ronen is coming to speak on item 14. just as a way of background this ordinance establishes the sharp program for sexual harassment and assault response to be housed at the human rights commission. this item was previously heard at the rules committee and it's been discussed at length throughout the entire budget process. i want to welcome supervisor ronen to join us in our
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discussion. >> supervisor ronen: thank you. >> supervisor cohen: thank you. supervisor. >> supervisor ronen: i'm sorry -- >> supervisor cohen: no apology needed. supervisor yee and we took 13 first. >> supervisor ronen: oh, gosh, sorry about that. so thank you so much for hearing this item. colleagues, today -- sorry, excuse me -- so today we are hearing less tha legislation thi introduced with all 11 of my colleagues that creates a sexual assault office under the human rights commission. the intent is to ensure that there's a dedicated team to oversee accountability within our city family when sexual assault and harassment cases are disregarded by any city department or employee. and to also help survivors to find solutions that restore their dignity and their sense of
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safety. and as i have repeated in the previous two hearings, sixual violence is a terrifying national epidemic. one in two women and one in six men report experiencing sexual violence. i have been meeting with sexual assault and sexual harassment survivors and advocates for over six months. in april i held a hearing with the public safety committee where we heard two hours of testimony on this issue. i have heard too many stories that clearly show that we have a big problem in our city government with our response to sexual assault and sexual harassment. these are not just a few isolated incidents. there is a pattern of negligence and mistreatment that i consider abusive towards rape victims. from hospital workers sending a pregnant woman home to heal after disclosing rape during a check-up to a police officer saying that both parties involved needed to take responsibility as if there's no difference between victims and assailants. we see the departments unable to
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keep san franciscoians safe from sexual violence. in fact, we have yet another very appalling example of a city employee disregarding date and acquaintance rape as less egregious than stranger rape. just a couple days ago in a san francisco "chronicle" article a city employee said these assaults were not date rapes. these were not acquaintance rapes, he said. these assaults were violent rapes committed by a serial rapist and a predator who is not going to stop until he was caught. how can anyone say that getting raped by someone you know is less violent just by the nature of it? this is wrong and should never happen again. this is the culture that minimizes sexual assaults and sexual harassment and the type of culture that leads to disregarding hundreds of women
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who deserve justice. let's not forget that seven out of 10 rapes are committed by someone known to the victim. disregarding these types of rapes endangers the vast majority of women who are raped. this is precisely why i am creating "sharp," the office of sexual harassment and assault response and to remedy the complaints, and having transparency and developing policies to improve the systemic responses to sexual assaults and sexual harassment in san francisco. i'm looking to establish a team of three employees for the sharp office, one staff member will be tasked with interacting with sexual harassment survivors and their advocates to navigate through options for remedy. and one staff member will collaborate with the city departments and community agencies to gather data, understand current patterns of violence on the ground and have yearly reports with policy
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recommendations. and the sharp director will provided meiation between survive -- mediation between survivors and written guidance to remedy mistreatment and to proceed with cases. the director will also serve as the public spokesperson and liaison with the board of supervisors and the mayor. instrumental to the work of the sharp office will be to collaborate with the department on the status of women, to bring upon -- to build upon the support and services and work that is performed by community-based organizations on a daily basis. i want to thank the survivors who have come forward to bravely share their stories and partner with my office to prevent more survivors going through this nightmare. i want to thank you the community-based agencies and advocates collaborating with my office on the legislation and doing work on the frontlines every single day. and last but not least i want to thank all of my colleagues on the board of supervisors who have unanimously signed on to co-sponsor this legislation with me. i look forward to the work of this office to begin this summer
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and for true accountability and transpatransparency to be the nr survivors in san francisco. today i'm introducing two simple amendments to clean up the language of the legislation and on page 1, line 18, i am deleting the words professional or administrative in order to clarify that this office is tasked with assessing if a case should be referred to any appropriate disciplinary authority. and on page 3, line 25, and page 4, line 1, i am making the same deletion of the words professional and administrative for the sake of consistency. and, finally, on page 4, line 7 and 8, i am deleting one of the disciplinary authorities to which employees' cases can be referred to. this is not changed the operational work of the office, but it helps to highlight that we want this office to use internal procedures before removing the complaint up to a licensing authority. and with that i hope that this committee can accept those small amendments and send this to the
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full board with positive recommendation. >> supervisor cohen: all right, thank you very much. supervisors, any questions for the supervisor ronen? seeing none, we will go to public comment. any members of the public to comment? public comment? hello? >> good morning. my name is sarah nesser and i work for the city and the county of san francisco. and i'm here today to stand in solidarity survivors of sexual violence in this city. in october 2007 a stranger broke into my apartment in washington, d.c., and raped me. i did everything that i was supposed to do and nothing happened. eight years later in 2015 after reading about the rape kit backlog i decided that i had to find a way to follow-up on my case for myself and others.
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and when i did suddenly there was a suspect. while the d.c. police were neglecting my case he sexually assaulted at least two other women just outside of d.c. in 2008 and 2010. i tell this story to remind you that the failure to take sexual violence seriously is an institutionalized national problem. the survivor stories that you have heard do not represent isolated experiences. these are the standard practices of many cities across the country and they are directly related to the epidemic of sexual violence in this country. but i also come here today to provide hope. when i sent my lawyer and case manager some recent articles about the proposed ordinance they said this sounds like d.c. five years ago. progress is possible. one of the changes in d.c. that
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made a huge difference to me was the establishment in 2012 of dedicated highly professional multicultural staff that are available to survivors each step of the way and hold the city systems accountable. the trial for my rape finally took place two months ago and i was on the stand for three hours and during questions from the defense attorney, like, why didn't you scream... >> supervisor cohen: i'm sorry, your public comment is over but maybe you can finish up with your last sentence. >> okay. i come here today to just say that it's urgent that you pass the sharp ordinance today as a critical step and to keep on going. >> supervisor cohen: thank you, thank you for sharing your testimony. we're grateful for it. any other member of the public to comment on item 14? seeing none, public comment is closed. and colleagues, i would like to make a motion to accept the amendments. if we could take that without
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