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tv   Government Access Programming  SFGTV  July 21, 2018 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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focuses on adult classes. and saturday workshops expose youth and adults to photography classes. >> supervisor breed: good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. welcome to the july 17th, 2018 meeting of the san francisco board of supervisors. thank you for being here today. will you please call the role for attendance? [roll call]
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>> supervisor breed: thank you. ladies and gentlemen, will you please rise and put your right hand over your heart and pledge of allegiance? >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic in which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. >> supervisor breed: thank you ladies and judgement. are there any communications grease be 13 these are well known fact by now, it is important to stay for the board record for future research, please bear with me and i asked
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the audience to hold their applause until the very end of the statement. on july 10th, 2018, this board of supervisors declared the june 5th 2018 election results and found the same day by the former mayor, mr. -- mehr pharaoh. -- mehr farrell they both received a plurality of votes cast at that election. appropriately, we received resignation letters from former district eight supervisor jeff sheehy and the district spies -- district five supervisor, london breed to fill the vacancy as the mayor. she has appointed vali brown to serve as a district five supervisor. and finally, i am confirming that our two newest board members have been officially sworn in and they are both bonded as required by the san francisco administrative code and are prepared to vote at
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today's meeting. madam president, please join. >> supervisor cohen: thank you. colleagues, i would like to give supervisors brown and supervisor mandel meant a few moments to make a remark and we will starth supervisor brown. welcome. the floor is yours. [applause] >> supervisor brown: ok i will make it short. but just because i've listen to a lot of these and they are long. but anyway, thank you mayor breed and thank you my fellow board members. first, mayor breed, thank you for appointing me. it is a privilege and an honor to serve the district five residents. i am excited to be on this team of the board of supervisors of
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san francisco. working to make better lives in san francisco everywhere. residents of district five, my door is always open. i am ready to listen. look for me in your neighborhood's, your business corridors, your parks, your schools, your senior centres, your bus stops, i will be there to listen to your concerns, your ideas. to make a better livable district and city. i am your voice at city hall. thank you. >> supervisor breed: thank you and welcome. supervisor mandelman, the floor is yours. >> supervisor mandelman: thank you and i will start with a whole bunch of thank youse to people. thank you supervisor cohen for allowing me to use this chamber for my swearing and added hosting a reception in your office afterwards. all of my colleagues, all of you have been so incredibly gracious. including some of the mothers, catherine stephie -- catherine
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stefani and sandy fewer who brought food by the office. everyone has been so gracious and welcoming. and of course, the mayor, your staff has been coming by and introducing yourself. we appreciate that. i am looking forward to working with them and getting to know them better. and to our city clerk, you have been so wonderful to us. your staff have gone above and beyond. everyone in this building has been so wonderful to us. and of course, i want to thank kyle and tom for doing such amazing work of the last week to get us up and going. i want to thank my predecessor for his decades of service to our community. i look forward to continuing to work with him in the future on the issues that we both care about. i want to congratulate my new colleague. i am really glad you are here so i'm no longer the junior member of the board. this is an auspicious and exciting time to be joining the board of supervisors.
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we have a new mayor and a new board president. two new members of the board. i think, you know, it can be daunting to think about all the challenges facing the city at all the hardships facing the country and the world, but this is a wonderful place. we have so much talent in this city. human talent to, financial resources, if there is any other american city that can offer real solutions to homelessness and can build and preserve the affordable housing we need to maintain a diverse and dynamic safety and to update our infrastructure for growing a 21st century city, it is this one. i am excited to do this work and i look forward to working with all of you on that. thank you. >> supervisor breed: thank you very much. we want to welcome you both joining us. >> supervisor cohen: are there any other changes to the june 12, 2018 board meeting minutes? seeing none, we have added motion to approve the minutes as presented. the motion made by supervisor
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yee and seconded by supervisor tang. the minutes are approved once we complete public comment. all right. madam clerk, please read the 2:00 pm special order. >> clerk: the special order is the appearance by the honourable mayor london breed. of there being no question submitted from the eligible supervisors representing district 5-8, mayor you may address the board for up to five minutes. >> supervisor cohen: welcome back to the chamber. >> supervisor breed: i feel like i was just here yesterday. thank you president cohen and thank you to members of the board of supervisors. congratulations to the newest members of the board. supervisor brown, no relation to ms. miss brown, and supervisor rafael mandelman. i'm sure you both will do an amazing job on behalf of your constituents and to the city. welcome to the board. i know firsthand what an honor it is to serve.
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again, it feels like i was just here yesterday. i look forward to really working with all of you to tackle many of our many pressing challenges that we need to deal with. in fact supervisor mandelman and i have already started. just a few weeks ago we travelled to sacramento to testify and support senate bill 1045 which expands our conservatorship programs providing us with additional tools to help those who are struggling with severe mental illness and substance abuse. what we see happening on our streets every single day is unacceptable. we have people who are struggling and not able to care for themselves and in some cases, are dying right before us. it is inhumane. it is not compassion to just allow people to die on our streets or cycle in and out of our jails because our current laws do not allow people to get the help that we know that they need to.
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we must do more. and this bill is an important step in helping us to ensure that we can help our most vulnerable residents live a healthy and stable life where they are housed for the long term. i am committed to reforming our mental health system here in san francisco and i want to thank supervisor mandelman for his early support on this very important issue. i truly believe this is just the beginning of a long partnership in trying to address this, adds many other challenging issues. i also want to welcome back again, supervisor brown to the chamber. district five is a place i have called home my entire life and i have seen first hand many of the changes that have taken place all across the district. ensuring that all of our district neighborhoods from the western edition, to hayes valley, to japan town and the inner sunset, and on many other committees have a strong voice here on the board. it is not just personal to me.
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it is critical that the residents have the support they need. i know they would -- they will have that in supervisor brown. i am proud that she has joined the board. i know she is ready to roll up our sleeves and get to work collaboratively with all of you. many of you, i'm sure, remember her time here on the board working for the two previous supervisors for district five. i'm sure it feels as though she is very familiar to all of you. during the first week, my administration has spent time working on some of these very pressing issues. last week we took a walk through supervisor kim's district in the tenderloin. today we spent time out in a tenant -- tent encampment and looking at the problem directly and bringing out our city team members and trying to get a better handle on some of the challenges that we know people talk about on a regular basis. we know that the conditions on
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our street is completely unacceptable and letting our sidewalk be the announcer to our housing affordability crises is not just unacceptable, it is inhumane. what i saw today when i toured one of the tent encampment's, were people who need help. i am grateful to mohammed nuru and chief bill scott for working together to get those people that were out there directly into services and transferred into navigation centres and clearing out and cleaning up that particular encampment. i also had a chance to talk to many of the residents there who actually live in affordable housing. who struggled with homelessness themselves. it can work. we also have to consistently stay on top of the issue and move things forward and provide an alternative other than our streets. this is why following the failure proposition d. in june in partnership with president cohen, i took swift action to
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restore the $40 million in critical homelessness and housing investments that were left unfounded. we need to do everything we can to keep people housed. but making sure that people who are struggling with homelessness get housed. that is why i want to make sure that here in san francisco, we make the right investments and we build more housing and build more housing faster. i have a whole lot of other things to say, but my time is running out on the clock. now i know how members of the public feel. i want to apologize for cutting you off at that three minutes. it is only to be fair. it is exciting to be back here at the chambers. i am truly looking forward to continuing our work together. nothing is more important to me then making sure that we address what we know are serious challenges on our streets in san francisco. i am looking forward to working with each and every one of you to do just that. thank you for having me here today.
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>> supervisor cohen: thank you very much for being here. colleagues, in the future there will be an opportunity for question and answer back and forth but because there was -- there were no topics submitted, we will not be having a back-and-forth question time, but next month, excuse me, next september when we return after recess, we will have an opportunity to have an engaging conversation with the mayor said he won't let me add that my door is always open. if you would like to schedule a meeting or need to meet with me last minute, i am available to members of the board for that purpose. thank you president cohen for this opportunity. >> supervisor cohen: of course. thank you for joining us. colleagues, there are no topics submitted to the clerk, we will move on. madam clerk, please call the consent agenda. >> clerk: madam president, i will add that if members of the public would like to comment on the mayor's appearance today they can do so during general public comment.
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items one through three are on consent. these items are considered routine if a member -- an item may be removed and considered separately. >> supervisor cohen: thank you madame clerk. did you call items one through three 20. >> clerk: yes i did. >> supervisor cohen: it would any supervisors like to settle these items? >> supervisor mandelman: i would like to sever items to auto and three. these ordinances are ever lamenting a settlement agreement which will be coming to the board i believe on july 31st. i would like to sever them and continue. >> supervisor cohen: thank yo you. i will rerefer to you and you will be able to talk on the reasons why. just so we are able to keep moving forward, madame clerk, on the question, shall item one b. past, please call the role. [roll call]
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>> supervisor cohen: thank you. this ordinance ordinance shall be passed unanimously. madame clerk, please call items two m3. >> clerk: item to rib amends that planning code to rezone assessors and parcel block ab 2719. located at burnet avenue and burnet avenue north from public to residential mixed districts. rezoning a portion of the aven avenue.
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to affirm the planning department's determination and make the appropriate findings. item three is orders at the summary street vacation of a portion of burnett avenue north generally bounded by s.f. 2745. subject to specified conditions and to also affirm the determination and to adopt the appropriate findings. >> supervisor cohen: thank you very much. i would like to recognize supervisor mandelman's. >> supervisor mandelman: i would like to move to continue these two items to july 31st they can be heard at the same time as a settlement that they are implementing. >> supervisor cohen: thank you very much. colleagues, can we take this motion? i'm sorry. seconded by supervisor ronen. colleagues, a supervisor mandelman has made a motion to continue items two and three
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until july 31st and we have been seconded by supervisor ronen. i would like to take that motion, same house, same call without objection. without objection to continue items two and three. to meet him of july 31st passes unanimously. madame clerk, could we go to the regular agenda? >> clerk: item four is an ordinance to match the planning code -- code to eliminate discretionary review hearings that are for projects that contain affordable housing. they will provide the department's review of large projects located in the c3. the downtown commercial district for certain miner alterations to historical landmarks and in conservation districts. to consolidate and streamline notification requirements and procedures to include newspaper notice in residential, commercial and mixed-use districts and to confirm the determination and make the appropriate findings. >> supervisor cohen: colleagues, can we take this, same house, same call?
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yes. ordinance is finally passed. adam clark, let's turn to a new committee business. please call items five through 20 together. >> clerk: these items are being called together as they comprise the budget for the city and county of san francisco. items five and six approved a budget appropriation ordinance to appropriate all estimated received expenditures for departments of the city and county of san francisco as of june first, 2018. item six is the annual salary ordinance to enumerate positions in the annual budget and appropriation ordinance for the fiscal years ending june 30th 2019 and june 30th, 2020, item seven is the audience was ordinance to de- appropriate items from district seven and ten. in general city responsibility and appropriating $800,000 to various departments. item eight adopts the
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neighborhood beautification and graffiti cleanup fund tax designation sealing for tax year 2018. item nine immense administrative code to allow the planning department to use the proceeds in the planning code enforcement fund for all planning code enforcement activities. item ten amends the administrative code to increase the balance of the district attorney's revolving fund to approximately 2,000. item 11 amends the health code to set patient rates and rates about the services provided by the department of public health beginning july 1st 2018 for fiscal years 2018, 2019, and 2019 through 2020 and to revise certain substance use disorder treatment services and to increase patient rates charged for those substance used up ordered treatment services retroactive to july 1st 2017. item 12 immense administrative code to reclassify the mayor's fund for the homeless as a category two fund eight and permit the accumulation of interest to receive grants,
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gifts and bequests of money to transfer the ministration of the navigation partnership from the mayor's office to the department of homelessness and supportive housing. item 13 approves the budget of the treasure island development authority for fiscal years 21832020. item 14 approves the fiscal 18 through 2019 budget of the office of community investment and infrastructure and approves the issuance by the office of community investment and infrastructure of th bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $143 million. item 15 is a resolution to concur with the controller's establishment of the consumer price index for 2018 and to adjust the access line tax by the same rate. item 16 is a resolution to concur with the controller's certification that services previously approved can be performed by private contractors for specific services at a lower cost than a similar work performed by city and county employees. item 17 is a resolution to
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retroactively authorize the office of the district attorney to accept and expanded to $.2 million grant from the california victim compensation board for a project entitled joint powers agreement through june 30th 2021. item 18 is a resolution to authorize the director of health to sign a california mental health services authority participation agreement to facilitate the transfer of funds to cover san francisco's obligation to pay for mental health treatments for san francisco for foster children placed out of county as required by the california welfare and institutions code. item 19 is a resolution to authorize acceptance and expenditures grant funded by the san francisco department of public health for fiscal year 18 through 19. item 20 is a resolution to approve the fiscal year's -- fiscal years plans for the department of homelessness and supportive housing fund. >> supervisor cohen: that was a mouthful. thank you. i appreciate that. i see there are two names on the
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rosters. we will hear from supervisor stefani followed by supervisor yee. >> supervisor stefani: i would like to move to continue some items to the next board meeting. discontinuance would match the budget -- budget calendar from six months ago. >> supervisor cohen: thank you. as there is that a second on this motion? seconded by supervisor safai. can we take this without objection? all right. without objection, it will be continue to one week's time. supervisor yee? >> supervisor yee: can i ask for clarification? >> supervisor cohen: it included items five and six and
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excluded item seven because you severed it. >> supervisor yee: i want to sever item seven to reload it onto today's. >> supervisor cohen: ok would you like to speak to that? >> supervisor yee: sure. i think most of the items have to be continued. it has something to do with the new budget. this is actually an old budget item from last year. we are just waiting for the expenditure appropriation of the expenditures. where a participatory budgeting for district seven through ten for the year of 17, 18. it has nothing to do with next year's budget. >> supervisor cohen: thank you very much. madame clerk, i want to make sure we have that record accurately reflecting on what we are doing here. supervisor stefani, you made a motion to continue items five and six as well as eight through 20 and we took that without objection.
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and supervisor yee has made a request for us to sever item seven and move item seven forward. please call the role. >> clerk: on item seven -- [roll call] >> clerk: there are 11. >> supervisor cohen: without objection, this item moves forward unanimously. thank you. colleagues, madame clerk, please call the next item. >> clerk: item 29 is just 21 is an ordinance to replant the planning code 480 use.
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to authorize the zoning administrator to waive and modify bicycle parking requirements and allow more than one authorized unit constructed without a permit to be legalized to exempt from the permit notification requirement, date can be constructed within the divine -- to find envelope. and allow a standalone garage or other auxiliary structure to end a.d.u. and expansion of the existing building envelope to allow dormers and allow payment of an in loop fee for a requirement from the determination to adopt the appropriate findings. >> supervisor cohen: thank you. supervisor tang? >> by now my colleagues have briefed all of you about the a.d.u. we talk your ear off about this. this is a piece of legislation where we are trying to figure out how it is that we can better streamline their processes to allow people to build more accessory dwelling units which i consider, and many of you probably consider, a more
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affordable way to add more housing units to san francisco. so i definitely want to thank my office and the planning department for the hard work on this. we heard, over time, through the committee process, several changes that commend -- community members want to make. i'm offering up a couple of amendments which you should have in front of you by now. one is that, regarding the street tree requirement, it was not actually noted property in the land use committee. i want to let you know we are severing that portion out and sending that part in itself back to the land use committee. the second amendment has to do with the dormers. we wanted to make sure that there is still notification procedures in place if the dormers have to do with historic structures or any building that might contribute to a historic district. a third amendment has to do with it mandating a preapplication meeting for adjacent neighbors if someone is trying to feral
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under and create an a.d.u. under a cantilevered room or a deck. the next amendment is that originally, we were going to allow more than one unauthorized unit to be permitted if it meets code requirements. we heard concerns about that and so we are going to revert back to what is already allowed. which is one unauthorized unit can be legalized. the next amendment is that -- sorry, i will let supervisor pass can go to that one. and then we are allowing -- we are clearing up a typo that happened in land and use committee about allowing expansion of the a.d.u. within the buildable envelope. you have that language with you in a summary sheet on page 7. we are also limiting the height of an expansion into the buildable envelope of an a.d.u. to the existing building height. those are a, in summary, the amendments i am planning to make at the school board to the a.d.u. legislation and i will let supervisor pass can speak to the other one.
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>> supervisor cohen: thank yo you. >> supervisor peskin: i want to start by saying -- thinking supervisor tang for her work on sharpening this legislation that has evolved over a long period of time. i think when we did a.d.u. legislation last year i remarked that a decade ago it was impossible and could not be passed at the board of supervisors. a lot has changed. as to the specific amendment at page 18, lines 24 through 25,, and i passed this out to all of you, i would like that paragraph to read, for unauthorized units, this conditional use authorization will not be required for removal if the zoning administrator has determined, in writing that unit cannot be legalized under any applicable provision of this code. ad on page 19, lines 19 through 20, we would delete subsection a
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pack whether the unauthorized unit or units are eligible for legalization under section two '07 .3 of this code, would be deleted. >> supervisor cohen: is that it supervisor pass chemically. >> supervisor peskin: yes that is the motion. >> supervisor cohen: thank you very much. supervisor safai? >> can i speak after the emotion? >> supervisor cohen: supervisor kim, do you want to speak to the motion? ok. all right. a motion has been made to make amendments to item 21. iis there a second to that motion? supervisor pass can agree. >> supervisor peskin: i am happy to second supervisor tang's motion. >> supervisor cohen: all right. supervisor tang while second supervisor peskin's motion and supervisor peskin was second supervisor tang's motion.
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colleagues, if there is no discussion, can we take that without objection? without objection, thank you. is there any other discussion? seeing non, ok. supervisor tang, did you make a motion to duplicate the file? are you planning on doing that? 's benign yes, i would like to duplicate the file to sever out the portion just about the street tree approvals. i think it was wrapped in that whole set their. >> supervisor cohen: supervisor safai? >> supervisor safai: thank you to supervisor -- president cohen. i want to highlight a discussion we had in the land use committee. it was not in the legislation. it was a conversation about new construction and how this would impact new construction and the ability to have an a.d.u. in new construction. there was conversation at the
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planning commission. there was a reservation and fear about encouraging demolition. i wanted to say that i think that with further conversation, we may be able to follow this up in the coming months. i think we need to have a conversation about the ability to work with the a.d.u. in new construction only. not somewhere that there has been demolition but where there is new construction within the legal limits and the ability is. i understand there is concern about monster homes. i share those as well. myself and president cohen dealt with an over-the-counter permit abuse situation that a two bedroom one bath home had morphed into a 14 bedroom ten bathroom home. we were able to work with the planning commission. they stopped it and made it reasonable. i think within the legal limits of the law that we have now, i think we can control were overly expanded units and why kate monster homes, but at the same time, think about the ability to put an a.d.u. into new construction.
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i want to say i appreciate supervisor tang in trying to push the envelope on that. there is further conversation to be had and clarification and separation between demolition and new construction. thank you. >> supervisor cohen: thank you. supervisor kim? >> supervisor kim: i want to commend the boards. single-family home owners and multiunit building owners feel that they can move through the process. i think as units, particularly in my district, are climbing to $800,000 poor door, the a.d.u. will increasingly become the more affordable way for us to increase the housing capacity here in san francisco and throughout the bay area. since the a.d.u. program started, i think there are hopes that more a.d.u. systems would be built up to this point. i think that it is important we continue to refine and improve
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this program so that it is one that every day, homeowners can actually take on. it will double the capacity in our single-family home neighborhoods throughout san francisco. it will build housing more cheaply and more quickly than all the multiunit buildings in the district that i represent. i just want to thank supervisor tang and her office for the time they spent on these listening sessions in terms of improving the process so that's the everyday homeowners can be part of addressing the housing crisis and also increase the value of their parcels and their homes as well. i thought it was a very thoughtful legislation. i look forward to the ongoing discussion and develop much of this program. i also really want to encourage all of the various departments, i know that is included in this ordinance, and really work together to create an aligned program so the planning department, the fire department, in particular, and making sure we are trying to make it easier for people to build these types of units are not creating a
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heavily discretion oriented program where certain units move forward and others don't. it makes it very complicated. these are not large developers. like in a district that i represent, but i hope we create better coordination as a program continues to move forward. i would like to add my name as a cosponsor. >> supervisor cohen: thank you very much. supervisor tang, any last-minute remarks? 's benign supervisor tang has made a motion to send the file back to committee. >> supervisor cohen: what i would like to do is see if we can take the balance of this item as amended. entirely take that same house, same call? all right. this ordinance passes on first reading. madam clerk, i see that it is 2:30 pm. >> clerk: yes, we have supervisor tang's duplicated item which you indicated she would like to scent to committee. a requires a second and a vote or without objection. >> supervisor cohen: ok. seconded by supervisor ronen
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you. we can we can take that without objection. all right. thank you. this ordinance passes on first. deputy city attorney? >> so the duplicated file has been amended by the board to remove all the content except for the street tree removal? i believe those supervisor tan tang's motion? thanks. >> supervisor cohen: that is correct. we can take this same house, same call. all right. now, madam clerk, it is 2:30 pm picklist go to their recommendation -- the recognition of commendations. >> clerk: i believe a supervisor peskin. >> supervisor cohen: yes supervisor peskin and followed by supervisor ronen. mr. peskin? >> supervisor peskin: thank you madam president and president and colleagues. it is my honor to command and acknowledge the incredible work of officer joshua olson.
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i think you all will recall a few weeks ago, on friday, june 29th, central station responded to an incident where a distraught individual was sitting on the edge of the high-rise building on california street by nob hill threatening to jump. seeing the individual was agitated by some police officers being present, the police scent a negotiating officer, joshua olson, to the scene. after two and a half incredible hours of talking to him, he was able to convince that individual to come down and not to kill himself and receive mental health care. the pictures that the captain scent me during that were really remarkable. i want to thank you for keeping me apprised during that period of time. so i just wanted to -- i asked the captain about officer olson and he informed me that he was born and raised here in the city and served in the united states
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army for seven years. after graduating the fish and game academy at napa college, he joins the sheriff's department in 1995. four years later, we got him here at the sfpd where he has been ever since working at southern, ingleside, bayview, northern and on the bikes and in the last four years, has been showing his prowess by serving in the hostage crisis negotiating team. they can be called into any possible situation. whether it involves a barricaded suspect, actual hostages, or a person, as in this case, suffering from a mental health crisis. members of the team undergo extra training and annual recertification to maintain the mental stamina needed to handle really stressful situations like this one that can take hours to resolve. members like officer olson are able to utilize their skills to figure out the situation and get it done peacefully so that
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nobody gets hurt. as our city continues to adjust public safety and support people with mental health issues, it truly is my honor, our honor to recognize officer olson for his service and outstanding work. in recognition of your response, your compassion, at professionalism, i wanted to give you the opportunity to come up and addressed the board and thank you for your incredible work that day and every day and acknowledge the captain and the deputy chief and others who are here. thank you for being here. come on up, officer. thank you. [applause] >> i wanted to say thank you for the acknowledgements. whenever we respond to one of these incidents, it is never just the individual. it is always a team. everything we do is a team effort. i want to thank you for the commendation and everyone on the board of supervisors. thank you for your time. >> supervisor cohen: thank you officer olson. [applause]
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>> supervisor cohen: thank you very much --dash -- officer joshua olson. i want to recognize our next colleague. supervisor hillary ronen. she has a special commendation she would like to share with us today spee h. thank you so much. i know some of my colleagues would like to speak as well. today i am going to present a certificate to the family specifically, cassandra gutierrez and a liat.
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if you want to come up here to the microphone. >> supervisor cohen: any microphone it would work. >> yes, thank you. i am presenting this post famously. i don't know how to pronounce that word to their father. he was a beloved calculator, a member of the mission community. i have prepared remarks about his life but i want to share personal remarks before i read the details about his life. carlos was a good friend of mine. he actually, in recent years, was my neighbor and lived around the block from me. when i found out that he passed away, on sunday, between then
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and now, i have learned so much about him that i didn't even know. i learned he was a teamster and talked to rudy gonzalez who told me that he was one of their best organizers that they ever had and that he brought all of the young people into their contract fight for one of their best achievements. i found out he was on the board of directors of jobs with justice. i didn't know that either. although after i found out he was a teamster, it made so much sense. of course, carlos, not only spent his life fighting for racial justice, fighting against violence and for peace in the community, but of course, he fought for economic justice as well. he saw the interconnections in all of those struggles. it quickly made sense. and then he didn't just fight
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for economic justice through the union movement, but then he realized he could bridge the gap between labor and community and what better place to do that then at jobs with justice where he could bring those two powerful forces together to fight for the san francisco that he cared about so much. than i learned that he not only meant so much to all of his friends in the mission that he grew up with, that he spent his life with a, to his mom, to his kids, to his fiancée, but he meant so much to all of these old labor and white lefties in the community. these people who were in the communist party who met him and fell in love. because that's the impact that he had on people. and being one of those white left to use that comes from the labor movement, i know why. when i first met carlos and became close to him i don't know about to you in the room, but
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whenever i go someplace and he was there, i would just let down my guard a little. i would let down a wall. i felt safe with him in a room because he was genuine. i know that he didn't have any pretense. he was not being fake. he wasn't kissing my ass. he was being him and him and i agreed and shared our politics and our love for community. i felt like i could let one of those walls down and i could relax with him. because that is who he was. i don't know that any of us have really faced it fully because it is such an absolute shock to us all. it is a loss that is so great and so tremendous that i think it is going to take a very very very long time for us to process it and to grieve it and to lift
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each other up and carry each other through. but i just wanted you, cassandra to know that so many of us are going to watch out for you for the rest of your life. you have got a whole room full of people right here, including me, who love you and two are going to -- >> i love you so much. >> supervisor ronen: we love you so much. we will do what your dad did for you guys. not half as a bulb at or close to as well, but we will be here for you because we know that that is what he would want and we will be there. i would just read a few things about his life that i felt like i had to speak from the heart. this is a hard one. it is with great sadness that i offer a certificate of honor in memory of carlos gutierrez.
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a determined and heart centred mission warrior. he lived a strong commitment to building up communities of color, especially san francisco native's. countless generations will undoubtedly remember him for the lives he helped transform as cofounder and staff of homies organizing the mission to empower youth. he was born and raised in the mission. he attended horace mann middle school and the international studies academy. he had an amazing life story. i'm trying to get them to profile him. it is that inspiring. he faced great adversity in his childhood but he became involved in a gang and spent time in juvenile hall. when he was 16 years old, he became a father and started to reflect upon his life more deeply. you changed him from the get-go, cassandra. he was determined to be the best father he could be and during the year he spent on how to -- house arrest, he turned his life around. he decided to move to sonoma to
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focus on his family and his future. he took the opportunity to focus on his studies and he earned a ba from sonoma state university. during that time, he helped to raise his children. it is a testimony to carlos' unquenchable spirit that he was able to transform his life of struggle and adversity into cofounding homie. he was an extraordinary community organizer with a clear vision for leadership and community development. through his compassion and outreach, he connected with youth in the communities and schools and on the streets and in the jails. he delivered resources that would empower them. last year they served over 300 people, youth and adults through the program. it is set to grow by leaps and bounds this year as well with a bunch of new programs that we are really excited about. but he helped formulate these programs. he was deeply proud of his heritage. he was passionate about
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connecting the youth to their ancestral cultural roots. he believed that your culture could serve as a form of self awareness and empowerment. 's legacy will live on for literally hundreds of lives that he helped transform. especially the at-risk youth and youth and young adults that he inspired to choose a path of education, self-sufficiency, and peace. but you also strive toward stability in their physical governmental, and emotional well-being. he exuded kindness, determination and love. he had an incredible ability to uplift and brighten the spirits of everyone he encountered. he was deeply devoted to his family and met so many of them. his aunt and his mom, and his fiancée are here. and many of you are here today. please know our condolences and our library with each and every one of you. carlos brought so much love to
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his community. his spirit will stay alive in our streets and in our hearts for generations. rest in peace and power carlos. we love you. before i turn it over to his children, i wanted to note that the education of his children was one of his biggest priorities and concerns. we are creating a fund that his mother's -- mother is administrating to help his children continue their dreams and their education. please contact my office if you are interested in donating. we will get that addressed to you. with that, i want to turn it over to supervisor kim. >> supervisor kim: i just wanted to add my words to supervisor ronen who so eloquently it spoke about carlos. i first met him when he was at homie. he was always that bright light
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and energy. and for the almost 15 years that i have known him. what i appreciated so much about carlos was not just his passion and energy, but also his vision. he not only worked at homie and was a member of the teamster and justice, he was actually one of the rare individuals that managed to straddle both community and labor. it is actually, you know, we cannot take that for granted. often there are silos between these two communities. he understood the importance of bringing these two movements together. communities of color on the streets, and labor as well. if we are going to truly empower the community to the next stage and the next level, he was committed to working with youth. sizing for the community against gentrification are working on the front lines against youth and gang violence. he was a peacemaker. not just in the mission, the
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south of market as well. i remember visiting him on his second floor in the homie office on mission street in it so my. he printed t-shirts for me for my program and different campaigns. i think this was a shock to all of us. on behalf of not just myself but my entire team, including bobby lopez and john, also note carlos so well, i want to send my wishes and rest in power, carl carlos. >> supervisor cohen: thank you. cassandra, i think you may want to say a couple of words. >> i would like to wear my father's jacket at the moment. thank you. he wore this jacket. i'm proud of it. >> supervisor cohen: speak into the microphone. >> he loved this jacket. so i feel like it is still part of me. i like to steal his clothes
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anyway. i do it to ellie as well all the time. for the rest of my life. my father devoted his life to the service of humanity. he did not want recognition. he did not want to praise. he just wanted to be acknowledged that he was doing this work. that he was taking action. i always remember him telling me all the time cackling on the couch doing nothing, what are you doing with your life we at least i'm doing the work. this would frustrate me. not because it was a frustration towards him, it was a frustration of me that i was not doing enough. he was tough on us and loved us like that. he was right. no matter how much i disagreed with him, he was right. he firmly raised me to be a strong woman and i would not be standing here today if i did not believe that. i would not be standing here today if he was wrong. at this moment, i feel my
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father's presence. i know he would appreciate all of you coming out here and reaching out to his family. he loved all of you. people -- even the people who hated him, he loves them too. he tried to make it work so ha hard. he loved you with every fibre of his being antique guided and protected us. he tried to be the best person he could be he wanted to be a better person, no matter what he was or what he did wrong. moving forward, i encourage anyone to reach out to my brother and i. even if you did not know my dad, you can still come up to us. i love meeting people and networking. i'm happy to hear your stories. that is fine. i would love to reach out to you guys. i am so happy that he introduces life of politics, of community building to me. that is what he built out of nothing. he was a 16-year-old single-parent.
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he knew he loved him. someday, i hope to return that back to the community. i want you to build me up as well. he had his elders and people who guided him. i want to follow in your path and get back to the community in some way in the long term. i am ready. thank you, everyone. >> supervisor cohen: thank you. >> i don't necessarily have anything prepared. for the past two days i have been free styling -- >> supervisor safai: -- >> supervisor cohen: please speak directly into the mic. >> i have been saying what comes to me. growing up i wanted to be like my dad. he was my role model. he was my hero. that was in a time when he was not necessarily doing the best. aas i grew, he grew with me.
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there was a lot of trial and error in terms of parenting. he was stubborn sometimes. he had a big pride and a big quito -- chico. this led to a lot of arguments. i know he tried his best. as a parent, that is all you can do. try your best. he raised me well. i turned out somewhat good. his biggest thing, he always wanted me to go to college. that was his biggest thing. he put me into a position and made sure i had the available tools. now i am looking to go to college and planning to apply this fall. i love my dad and i miss him. he was my best friend. my partner. he was so knowledgeable. i've said this already, many times, but i can confidently say he was a smartest person i've ever known. he just knew everything. everything you needed, getting
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advice, knowledge about the streets, academics, he could help you -- he could help you with. i am proud of him. he did everything he said he would. to be here and to be honouring my dad, it is amazing. i didn't realize how much he actually meant to everyone. i knew how much he meant to me. thank you. >> supervisor cohen: thank you very much. [applause] >> supervisor cohen: thank you. if you are here first carlos, can you please stand up? on account of three, can we say carlos. [speaking foreign language] >> supervisor cohen: thank yo you. on behalf of the board of supervisors, i want to extend
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our deepest and most heartfelt condolences to the family as they grieve their loss of their loved one. and to his children, we love y you. and his spirit lives within you. all right, madam clerk, let's continue with the agenda. could you please call item 22 queen. >> clerk: item 22 is an ordinance to remount their apartment coat for the housing
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opportunities of the main equity san francisco program to revise the amount of inclusionary housing required on the type of development bonuses received for projects with complete environmental evaluation, application submitted, on or before december 31st 2019 with existing requirements and bonuses revive your projects with complete environmental evaluation application submitted on or after jan refers, 2020. to require project authorization under planning code section 328 to revise a 100% affordable housing bonus program to eliminate a planning commission review hearing for 100% affordable housing projects upon delegation by the planning commission and to affirm the department determination and to make appropriate findings. >> supervisor cohen: thank you. i would like to recognize supervisor tang. >> supervisor tang: thank you very much. it has been a year since it's board has passed home s.f. i want to thank the planning department.
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to thank them for getting that voluntary program passed in san francisco to incentivize more middle income housing as well as family sized unit housing projects and especially in neighborhoods such as district four and others where we have not seen a whole lot of development take place in recent years. since the passage of home s.f. we found that many project sponsors have opted to either build projects under the state density bonus law, which is former generous and does not have nearly as many requirements, and of course, you can understand why they want to opt for the state density bonus law. or they are just building projects that don't even meet the inclusionary housing requirements. so i will just give some examples of what that means. [please stand by]>> supervisor
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that's how we arrived at this home-sf second version. we're call it home-sf 2.0, and as we talked about in land use committee, different tiers for project sponsors to meet their affordability levels, which we
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originally set at 30%. so for today's purposes, i do have a couple of amendments suggested to us. one of the amendments wanted to be included in here has to do with what is being called a use it or lose it amendment, which is the planning commission would expire within 36 months of the date of the planning commission approval if the project sponsor hasn't procured a building permit or a site permit for construction, again, within 36 months, and so we do believe this will help us, hopefully, achieve more affordable housing faster, so we have that amendment that we're offering today. the other amendments that we are including in here have to do with the vehic-- [inaudible] >> supervisor tang