tv Government Access Programming SFGTV July 21, 2018 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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now by having to wait for the muni cars with the backs. you know, when you send the sideways cars, i can't ride. one night, i had to wait an hour for one of the ones to come along with backs, because i need a back to sit against. so that's me, and i'm wondering how many people are vulnerable like me that's had back surgeries, back conditions, vulnerable seniors with any consideration given that some people can't sit sideways for sideways motion. now i want to extend this further. muni has had stops before, like, let's say a hard stop with a pedestrian or whatever. once we had to stop in a tunnel at 38 miles an hour, and the only thing that stops motion are seats. if you have a stop like that on sideways seating, everybody's going to be thrown into everybody, people are going to get bruised. they could get hurt. you possibly could be facing fatalities, lawsuits against the city. there's nothing to stop motion
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on a hard stop, so i'm getting really concerned about the impact of this new design of those new trains on the healthy, well public who has no injury at this point but who could get very injured on a hard stop because i've been through a hard stop, and the only thing that stops the motion in those cars is the hard seats. i personally think the safest design is seat backs. i called 311 and when he heard my complaint, he said that makes perfect sense. what you're saying about the public, i don't know what happened in this planning for these new light rail cars with sideways seats. were they even thinking about motion and stop motion for those of us that are vulnerable, and also if there's going to be a hard stop? i don't think thought would go into it, and -- thought went into it, and i would like to have further discussion. >> thank you, miss cop, for
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coming down. mr. reiskin, could we make sure staff reaches out to you to discuss this? yes. we'll make sure someone gets in touch with you. thank you so much. do i have anymore public comment? all right. mr. pillpell, and then, you can come up. >> three issues. i mentioned the neighborhood through way. at the same friday morning hearing which was in early june. i forget if it was june 1 or june 8, there was both the haight street neighbor way proposal and a proposal on broadway, both of which staff insisted it would be brought to this board on july 17. that may well have changed because of subsequent planning and events, but i think it's important to keep people informed and to notify them, however they sign in at the
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hearings, that -- i'm being distracted, that what the status of these changes are. so if there is a date promised, if that date slips, we need to touch back with those people. it's -- the previous speaker just said, it's common sense. it's pretty easy to do. there weren't hundreds of people there, there were a small number of people. i mentioned earlier about the notes to file, the environmental exemptions, i think, should also be included with your calendar items, but these notes to file and one page staff determinations, if something isn't a project for purpose of ceqa, it's very easy to include. other policy bodies do, and this agency doesn't, and i think we should fix that. and i've also said before that on the 10.1 consent calendar, the section on stakeholder input should be included there and should indicate that for each of the proposals whether
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there was support or opposition or no comment, or at least those significant proposals where there was opposition. that should be noted. all of the other calendar items seem to include some discussion of stakeholder input but the 10.1 and 10.2 calendar items do not. those are the changes that i would like to see. >> thank you, mr. pillpel. next speaker, please. >> edward mason. i'd like to give you a recap on the commuter bus situation in noe valley for june and july. we had a mystery bus that operated with no california license plates, no interstate commerce commission identification, and also occupied muni bus stops to lay over at 24 and chump at happy doughnuts. today at 25 and valencia, we figured out who it belongs to. it belongs to we drive you, but there's no stickers and it's
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not -- no blue stickers, and it's not paying a drive fee because you can only pay that if you have a blue sticker. valencia street median, the buses with idling and staging on valencia street up to 20 minutes or so, which is up acceptable to have this situation there. and lastly, we had storer. they graced us for 80 minutes with a broken-down bus between church and vicksburg. 80 minutes in the morning, disrupting muni, garbage truck pick ups, delivery trucks, and everything else, for 80 minutes to disrupt 24 street is
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unconscionable during commute hour. it was from 7:20 to 8:40. you say how do i know that? because i stood there because i wanted to document how long it was going to go on for. keep in mind that on friday, august 1, 2014, the pilot program commenced with the commuter bus program. it's turned into a full-time job for me just in my neighborhood. and the question is what is going on in the rest of the city with violations going on? we have buses that don't have stickers as they're supposed to have and everything else, so needless to say, we in the neighborhood are extremely aggravated. thank you. >> thank you, mr. mason. do i have anymore public comment? yes, please come up [inaudible] >> thank you very much for keeping our inbound safeway stop at 17th. the community will applaud you.
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[inaudible] >> please speak into the mic. thank you. >> i would like to mention briefly the problems with the outbound 17 avenue stop, which is not on the agenda. he removed it -- you voted two years ago to remove it, and it was removed about a little over a year ago. staff convinced you to remove it, because the safeway entrance is in the middle of the block. what they told you was that with a two-car train at 19th, it came almost to 18th, so a shopper with their heavy grocery bags would walk out of the safeway entrance in the middle of the block, turn right, cross 18th, and get on the back and only have to walk a little farther to get on the back of the two-car train. but a lot of times, you don't have two-car trains there. it's only one. so most of the shoppers at safeway are going outbound towards the zoo, carrying their
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heavy grocery bags. seniors, people with disabilities, and able bodied younger people. right now, while the tunnel's closed. you've got buses also that are only half the length of the two car train, and when they start ripping up taraval in early january , they're going to -- that area's going to be ripped up for a year, year and a half, and you're going to have buses again. so i would like you to please ask mr. reiskin to have his staff please meet with the community to talk about whether or not we should try to temporarily put the bus back where it was on -- at 17th, while their buses -- so shoppers don't have to walk so far until you've got -- it's not a boarding island issues, but we want you to reconsider temporarily putting back what's there. >> thank you. thank you very much, miss fox. do i have anymore public
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comment? no? seeing none, public comment is closed, and we will move back onto our regular agenda. we are now on. >> clerk: item 12. >> item 12. >> adam chair, we will go back -- madam chair, we will go back to that one. item 12 -- i have a copy. you can have these. >> good afternoon. john white. >> authorize the director to implement the delores street median parking project. i won't read all of the -- >> thank you, miss boomer. mr. knox white. >> thank you. john knox white. i'm the planning manager in the sustainable streets project. i am speaking on behalf -- not on behalf but that a lot of
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work that julia wilson on our team did, and i wanted to make sure that they want recognized for her work especially since this is her final tuesday with the agency. she'll be leaving us to go off to graduate school on friday, so we will be sad to miss her. but i wanted to make sure that having gone through this project, all of her hard work was recognized. >> you wanted to put her through one final board meeting? >> we wanted to make sure she was here before she left. >> thank you. >> so just for a quick background, i know it's been a long meeting, so i won't go very long. you know, we convened in 2015 and 2016 a community committee of about 12 -- about ten people to discuss concerns that had arisen and -- over decades in the delores park area around people parking along the median along delores street along 14th and 18th. at that time, we conducted
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community surveys and found that there was a strong interest in the community to see the practice stopped, but also, that there was also some acceptance from the community to allow the process to continue as long as it was continued in a way that seemed less ka preeshs and more fair, where the -- capricious and more fair, where the rules were clear. back in 2016, this board agreed with the concept of moving forward with the pilot, and you approved the pilot concept in january of 2017, and we launched it at the end of april of last year, 2017. after one year, it was a 16-month pilot, but we did a study after one year, were we meeting the goals of safety for people who drive, bike and walk-through the area, also
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stopping the practice of parking between the medians, which was a big concern of the fire department and also a big problem for people who live in the neighborhood who could not get in and out of the alleyways that were parking along there. at that time, we approved and -- and during that time, we implemented parking on sundays from 8:00 to 6:00 p.m. on friday nights along two medians. not two blocks, but two medians, and only one side of those medians, from friday, 7:00 to 10:00, and saturday, 8:00 to 12:00. during the course of this, we checked back with shake holders in the community and had actually one very energyized stakeholders who actually tracked on a weekly basis during the course of the process, how the traffic was going, how many cars were there at 6:00, etcetera, so we have good data about how many cars were parked on the median, how many parks after 6:00,
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etcetera, on sundays. and after the year went along, we did a business walk around, we talked to the businesses to find out how they thought it was going. they had add heard now complaints. in fact a few businesses said that they heard from customers that the clarity about what the rules were were much appreciated, that it made it easier to come without wondering if they were breaking the rules by joining other people parking along the median. the faith community definitely has expressed that parking got crunched but that it was working, and that they were supportive. i want to acknowledge at the time you received a letter from the congregation who were engaged through this -- through this process, as well. their letter expressed some issues that they raised early in the process that we did consider. we -- as you know, we are
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proposing to extend the parking time on saturday from 8:00 to 1:30. we found in looking at how the parking was being used there, it made sense to do that. they have requested on friday nights to extend the parking until 6:00 p.m., and we really -- we looked at the peak travel time, and we just determined that extending it into the peak hours just didn't make sense. that was from a policy standpoint. we weren't ready to propose that. on saturdays, they've asked if we can increase where the parking happens as well as add an extra half an hour. our compromise was 1:30, so going from 12:00 to 1:30, instead of 2:00. they do have some infrequent events, my understanding, where people wanted to stay longer, but we wants to keep this on kind of a regular basis, and have it be when people are using it, and that's what our data at the beginning of the pilot showed, as well.
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to delores park, people who might be sort of coming in once in a blue moon, and seeing somewhere in the city where it looks like they can park. i think that change, that's brilliant to have had people enough to recognize that there's a turnover at that time and then cut the parking off so we can avoid a whole new crop of people coming in and getting
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parking tickets for being towed. directors, do i have any questions before we go to public comment. we'll go to public comment. >> clerk: madam chair, you have one speaker card, and that would be irene ogus. >> good afternoon. my name is irene ogus. i'm a past president of a past congregation, and one of its founding members. it was founded 40 years ago by a bunch of young and vigorous lgbt jews looking for a place to worship that was safe and exciting for us. so we serve those -- that particular community, and they come in from the peninsula, the east bay, and marin as well as people who live in san
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francisco. on friday evenings, we have an average attendance of 150 people, and the current parking allows for ten cars. so you can see that our congregation is very committed to transit. so we appreciate the extended hours. thank you very much for that, but we still feel that we would like to have the board consider more space for us over the future years so that as our congregation grows and ages, we have more room for cars for our congregants. thank you. >> thank you very much. anymore public comment? no? public comment is closed.
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colleagues, do i have anymore questions, comments, motion to approve? [inaudible] >> -- so thank you for coming out, and i'm ready to support the staff recommendation on this. >> good. thank you. sounds like a motion. do i have a second? >> i'll second. >> okay. all in favor? aye? all opposed? thank you. thank you, mr. knox-white for presenting this. [agenda item read] >> miss hammonds. >> yes.
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good evening, diana hammonds, program director, sfmta. subsequent to the approval and just prior, we received some feedback that we wanted to take into consideration and two of the items before you are pretty straightforward. it was pointed out that our strount fare prices -- student fare prices, we're recommending that that increase be limited to $1 instead of $2 for each of the next two fiscal years. also, you all improved some pretty significant changes to our prepaid passport prices. generally, we've always increased passport prices in january . taking another look at that, we don't see a reason to push that
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off and are excited to get that in place as soon as possible, so we want to implement that in september, along with the other fare increases that will go into effect. and really, the third item is what we're really excited about, we're recommending that we increase our single ride fare from losing a $20 bill.
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before the board of supervisors in time and that we can advocate for its final approval. i look forward to taking advantage of this and the day pass come september 1. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker, please. >> can i take a slightly different viewpoint. this is 3.5 months after this board adopted the budget. i think this is a separate action from the budget approval. this changes fares, this changes implementation dates. i just think it should not be relying on the original february budget determination. i didn't see a lot of discussion in the staff report on the fiscal impact.
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all i saw was a summary impact that says oh, this is negligible or it's a wash between the various changes, i didn't see what the changes were from changing the time from 1.5 to two-hours. i didn't see how many transfers are being issued. they're old style transfers that aleta doesn't like or they're in the transfer boxes. the title 6 analysis seems adequate, but again, this is a separate stand-alone action, and i think once you've sent the budget over prior to may 1, adopted it under the charter, it's up to the board to act on it, and i think that all of these subsequent changes and all of the other changes that were made a month ago are stand-alone changes and should be acted on separately. so i think that this is a
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budget amendment, not part of the budget and requires its own analysis. so there may be merit in the changes, but i just don't like the process by which it's before you, so we're clear. until next time, thanks. >> thank you. mr. pillpel. next speaker, please. >> rachel hiden, herbert winer. >> i'm very excited to stand before you on behalf of my membership and board of directors and speak on behalf of the extension to two hours. as you may recall, i did come to you during the budget process and made this request. we made this request and thankfully to you, you directed staff to look into it. i know i'm sometimes critical
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of m.t.a.'s slow impact delivery, but i want to thank you how quickly this happened. to some people, this might seem like not that big of a deal, but to us, it really is. not only does this benefit every transit rider, but it benefits those who are coming from the outermost corners of the city who may relie on two or three buses to get to where they need to go. so thank you for your support on this today. we're very excited. >> thank you, miss hider. next speaker, please. >> clerk: herbert wiener is the last speaker to turn in a card on this subject. >> herbert wiener. i do approve the increase in transfer time because it reflects the difficulty of getting across town which is considerably different than 20 years ago. but one thing i call into question is the fare change for a single ride.
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now chariot charges $3. another point is, the part of a proposition aa that was passed at the poll was fare change was based on improvement of service delivery, and service delivery was spoefed to be 85%. -- supposed to be 85%. this has not been the case. so basically, what we're doing is we're paying for faulty service, and what's going to happen is there's going to be less ridership, people are going to be getting out of their buses into their cars, and basically, you're seeing a collapse. and one of my statements about the difference between muni and the titanic sinking, the
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titanic took oh, a little over two hours, but muni sinks eternally, eternally, eternally, to unforeseen depths over the years. [bell ringing]. >> so you better strongly consider raising the fares. >> thank you, mr. wiener. next speaker, please. >> seeing no further speakers, staff members? >> i just want to thank you to get this to us so quickly. thank you inform the transit union for bringing up the two hour single trip. really appreciate it, and i'm happy to support it. i would move the item. >> i'll second it. i'll just ask the city attorney, is there any issue with us approving this item separate from the budget process? does it have to be an amendment to the budget? is it well within our power to approve this separately?
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>> it is well within your jurisdiction to approve this this afternoon. >> this is great. i think it really will help gape us some transit riders when people know that they've got that two hours on that single fare. i've got a motion and a second. all in favor, aye? all oppose? approved. thank you very much. all right. >> >> clerk: mofs onto 14, presentation and discussion -- moving onto 14, presentation and discussion -- [inaudible] >> thank you for having me today. i'm annette williams, the manager of accessible services here at m.t.a. i know it's been a very long meeting, and so i'll try to trunkate it somewhat, but i want to make sure you know what we're doing here at m.t.a. in terms of seniors and people with disabilities. i think what's important to point out is that it is
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something that touches almost everybody. as you can see, every single department within our agency is working on access for seniors and people with disabilities, and this just shows you a few pictures of some of the things that are going on. in terms of my department, i'm part of taxi and accessible services, the accessible services division, and we have a number of components. just to start with our paratransit program, we provide door to door services for people with disabilities who are unable to use the muni
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system. and what i think is interesting there is 77% of those clients or customers that are using paratransit are seniors 65 or older, and in the category the that can't use the fixed route system. you can see there's some of the things that they do, both the contracting, the customer service, the eligibility process. we completed almost 800,000 trips, both in 2017 and again
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often for seniors, carrying groceries from the grocery store home or people with disabilities doing that is difficult, so we have a group van program specifically for shopping trips and a taxi program that allows people to do shopping trips, and that, you don't have to be ada eligible. you just to be have a senior 65 or older or a person with a disability. and related to that, we do the van gogh shuttle which -- vango shuttle which is for recreational trips. another thing we've heard is people are isolated, and it's important to do a trip with your friends or people in your building. so if someone organizes a trip and it's for seniors or people with disabilities, they can use the vango shuttle for that trip. and then we have one other
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small program and that's paratransit plus. that's for people that are not fare eligible, but they can use this kind of as insurance. if you had a really difficult day, you could use this taxi service, and it's $60 a month. so it's not a significant amount of service, but it gives that people that sense of independance and the fact that if something comes up, i have a back up. another thing that we're doing in paratransit program is a lot of new technology. we're using the flywheel app so the paratransit customers are going to be able to call for a cab similar to how you call for uber or lyft, using an app. and also on that also, you're able to ask specifically for an accessible vehicle, which is really important because accessible vehicles aren't all at one company, so that gives you access to vehicles from
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multiple taxi companies. we're also doing a web-based system for both scheduling for the van service and in the taxi program so that they can purchase their -- their debit card. roberta's trying to get me to hurry up. so fixed route accessibility, we've probably talked about this a lot in the past, but we've worked closely with our colleagues in the transit division to make sure our muni services are very accessible to people with disabilities and seniors. you probably see some of the decals, and we have the discount program, and with that program or with senior clipper, you can be eligible for the free muni program if you're low or moderate income, which is really helpful to both the senior and disabled community. the other thing that we worked closely with our colleagues on is capital projects
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accessibility. we've worked closely with brian rhodes and pushed for having that additional platform at safeway. another thing of great concern to people is elevators. anyone who rides systems or b.a.r.t. knows how important those elevators are to access, so we've been working with the transit division on rehabilitating all the existing elevators, and we're looking at the castro street designs for a second elevator, so if one's out of service, you have another option. [please stand by]
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>> and being proactive instead of m.t.a. doing it on a database, you know, based on the data that they have, or we have, that this is a neighbourhood that needs that type of treatment and going out and doing it neighbourhood wide. as well, we talked about vision zero. one thing i wanted to highlight is the vision zero senior and disability work crew, which was really a lot of work from lock ss, held an event here and we
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had many of the stakeholders from city agencies, as well as dot and the disability community, engineers and we all sat down and worked together on looking at the nifty grade to eat or nitty-gritty of bikeways and what we can do to make them better. some of the recommendations over there. we are talking about next steps which is going out on a monthly basis with new designs to the committee to get their feedback on the new bike wait designs. so one last thing, we also got a grant to work on mobility management which seems to be the big buzzword. it really is about outreach to seniors and people with disabilities, to make sure they know what his available character they know all the transportation options? we have been working with a committee from across the city on that project and we are
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looking to update our website with much more information, as well as looking at word-of-mouth. the way most people get information, we hear from the steering committee, as word-of-mouth. how do you get to those key people in the community who are the ones that pass along the information? who are the go to people? we are working on that with the department of aging and adult services who have found that is true for most senior services. one thing i want to mention before i end is one of the most important things about our program, is getting input from the actual writers. we have two very significant advisory committees. both the transit coordinator at the multi- mobile accessory committee that give us input on a regular input on all the services that we put out there. try to talk fast and i am here to answer any questions you may have. i'm always available. >> thank you so much. i'm sorry the meeting ran so long. >> i'm sorry i don't have any water.
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questions, comments? >> i'm curious if you are projecting an increase in the transit ridership in the commuters. i would expect the answer is yes, but i have not seen any numbers yet. >> one of the fortunate thing us as we have had a very robust program for many, many years. we have seen it pretty level the last three or four years. i don't anticipate it in the short term. in the long term we know the 85 plus population is growing. paratransit is going to go up in terms of coming in. we have a very extensive program. it is pretty widely known. i do not expect us to have -- we have seen in the suburban areas they are having huge increases. but they did not have as many services as we have had. we have been doing it since the late seventies, early eighties. >> thanks.
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>> i want to thank you for the presentation. i think i was -- i definitely asked for this. i want to highlight, a few things. one is that this agency does a lot in space and i appreciate it as a person with a disability myself. but also i think it is important to acknowledge we have an incredible community around us. you did a good job of pointing out. i am hoping to hear from some of those folks today. i want to give an extra shout out to walk s.f. they have done a really important work in the areas of pedestrian safety for people with disabilities and seniors. i'm super excited for them and us to work together on some of the initiatives. this agency is working on some good things. >> thank you. i think we have public comments. >> i also wanted to acknowledge that nicole bonds, the director of the mayor's office on disability is here. i want to thank her for a partnership. i don't know if she wanted to say anything or was just here to
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-- >> we would love you to. thank you. >> welcome. >> hello. thank you very much. i am the director of the mayor's office on disability. i have had the privilege of being able to work very closely with m.t.a. especially accessible services and government relations just relations on a lot of critical issues that we had a chance to mention. i want to thank everyone for the positive collaboration that we do have.
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the mayor's office on disability is in a unique position where we can help with outreach and extensions and hear a lot of different things from the disability public that may or may not come directly to m.t.a. we do hear a lot of feedback about transportation and transit related issues. so one of the things that i would like to encourage us to continue to work on our ways we can work together to do even better reit outreach for people with disabilities. especially around street project and street design, bike design, those are the kinds of things that come directly to me with concern. and the consistent feedback that i hear is i wish i would have known about this so i could give direct feedback on my thoughts about how this would work best for me as a person with a
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disability, or as someone who is blind, or deaf. we really -- our device meeting model that we have is a really positive step in that direction. i would really like us to be doing more of that. the other thing that we hear about is around the two other big issues. one is on redundancy. we talked about the need to prioritize funding for making sure we have elevators that work in the metro system. the other one is really around consistent and universal design, especially when it comes to thinking about passenger building zones and drop off. it is really significantly impacting the senior and disability communities, especially. and we are making some progress in having good conversations about this. i really would encourage any support that you can provide in
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helping us have this kind -- this conversation in a situation which would be most helpful to folks with disabilities. those are the most common things that we here. i just want to say hello. and let the group know we are here to help, especially with the outreach and feedback portions of how we collaborate. >> thank you so much for taking the time to speak to us. we really appreciate it. thank you for the work that you have done and helped us accomplish. >> public comment? >> that was a bad sound. good afternoon. my name is natasha and i'm a community organizer. i'm here to expand a little bit more about the charrette that annette and nicole mentioned. san francisco has been doing very important work building protective bike lanes to support division zero. some of these designs left out
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-- left some people out. specifically seniors and people with disabilities. together with the vision zero coalition, we brought this accessibility issue to the livable streets division and we really appreciate their openness into working with us to find solutions to these issues. we organized a three hour charrette to explore new ways to design protective bike lanes that are safe and accessible for all pedestrians. we made it clear the issue was not about pedestrians versus cyclists. we were confident that safe bike lanes could work for people walking. we talked about universal design and how making a bike design that accommodate seniors and disabilities isn't about designing for a special interest group. is about building streets that work for everyone. it was a success. we had 50 attendees including oakland dot staff. some of the next steps that we will be working on is putting together a toolkit that outlines
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the design recommendations that came out of this charrette to provide any feedback to anyone interested all over the world. walk san francisco and the vision zero work group will work together to add a design review process with sfmta. walk s.f. will be presenting to organizations like yourself, the mayor's disability council, caltrans, to get the word out there about the work you have been doing. we appreciate the openness and willingness to work with us and provide the solutions to our population. thank you for your time. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> thank you again. i am here for the record. as i mentioned before, i am a person with disabilities. i have an rtc reduced fare clipper card and some others in
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my collection including las vegas, los angeles, chicago, washington, d.c., and our and our largest city, new york. new technology, i am very encouraged about. people get paid by direct deposit. all your federal deposits come that way. i get paid by direct deposit. this is a way we can move these payments through. the communities of concern often pay a high cost to acquire money. this technology of payment and access is a very good thing. capital project accessibility is very helpful. i could certainly use more time crossing the street and in seeing an image hear of a bus, i hope that we can get the fleet converted over to the low floor buses. it is easier to get people on and off the ramps as opposed to having the lifts.
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i like the image of the side wake door sideways facing seat. i use them all the time. as i've said before about the new munimobile cars, all sideways facing seats. it is more opportunity for me to have those sideways facing seats, which helps me greatly. this is good work. i hope that we can actually get this going. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> those of the last two public speakers. >> i am still with the staff. this program is fine. but i see a glaring omission. any policy on programs and services for seniors and people with disabilities should recognize that before addressing paratransit and taxi, you need to do everything you can to keep
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fixed rate munimobile service as accessible as pop -- possible. this includes keeping stops space close enough to allow them to walk to their stops and maintain their independence and their dignity. this means and not removing more stops and restoring stops that have been removed. so fewer riders end up on paratransit which was meant to complement munimobile. cannot replace it. it appears to many this board's highest priority is to speed up transit byte 2-3 minutes regardless of the impact on those riders who would have difficulty walking to a farther stop. one board member has stated in the past that paratransit was available for those riders. many seniors and folks with disabilities cherish their independence and to their ability to get around on their own on munimobile. they do not want to ride. transit and taxi which are less reliable and cost more. their lives become more
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restricted because they can't go where they want, when they want. seniors are the fastest growing age group in san francisco. by 2013, nearly 30% of our residents will be 60 or older. should make a paratransit and taxis available for those who need it. but for those who want to ride, you should not rely on paratransit as an excuse to remove stops so you can speed up bus lines by just a few minutes. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello. one glaring omission and to the elephant in the room is that seniors are now expected to walk a quarter of a mile to the bus stop. and while i appreciate all these services that are offered, what is happening is that paratransit has a greater glut of demand and
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all these other services do. whereas previously, the accessibility of bus stops where pretty well so what you are doing is you are really sabotaging yourself and you are placing a greater demand on ancillary systems that should not be done. now it is true that there are three fast passes for seniors and the disabled of low and middle income. now this is basically a trade-off for approving munimobile forward. i don't like that compromise at all. i pay my fare for the fast pass. for the clipper cart, excuse me. i do that, you know, because i don't qualify. at the same time, you are losing ridership and it is basically a
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self-destructive thing. you are not addressing seniors, especially pedestrians on the sidewalk that can be struck down by road bicyclists. it is fine to protect them at the intersection, but you have to protect them on the sidewalk. the bicycle coalition, the transit riders union and division zero have to address this. which they have not done at all. there are bicycles running right and left on the sidewalk every day. and this board knows it. so these are the things you have to address. this is what is missing in the presentation. >> thank you. do i have any more public comment? please come forward. >> hello. i decided to come up to the microphone once more when i saw who was in the room. annette, kate, mark, i want to give you a shout out for the fantastic job you do with
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paratransit. through the years it is remarkable. we have one of the best paratransit, you know, organizing teams in the country. i know they go around the country and they go to conferences and bring back the best ideas to san francisco. i just want to say thank you to you all. >> thank you. do i have any more public comment? no, seeing none, public comment is closed. thank you again for the presentation. this was not an action item but it was a super valuable to have this presented so we are up-to-date to know what is going on. we are lucky that we have done so much work and we can help so many people get around the city and we continue to look forward to doing more. item 15 is a vote. a discussion and vote and whether to invoke the current attorney-client privilege and conduct a closed session. >> motion for closed session? [laughter] >> second. >> do i have any public comment?
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>> item 16, after the close section. we went into closed session to discuss it a case or city of attorney. we voted unanimously to approve it. item 17, would it be appropriate for me to disclose or not disclose the information discussed? do i have a second. hearing none, we will not disclose. madam chair, that concludes the business before you this evening. >> thank you. we are adjourned. >> you may all leave. [laughte
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adjourned. >> shop & dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do their shop & dine in the 49 with within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services within the neighborhood we help san francisco remain unique successful and vibrant so where will you shop & dine in the 49 my name is jim woods i'm the founder of woods beer company and the proprietor of woods copy k open 2 henry adams what makes us unique is that we're reintegrated brooeg the beer and serving that cross the table people are sitting next to the xurpz drinking alongside we're having a lot of ingredient that
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get there's a lot to do the district of retail shop having that really close connection with the consumer allows us to do exciting things we decided to come to treasure island because we saw it as an amazing opportunity can't be beat the views and real estate that great county starting to develop on treasure island like minded business owners with last week products and want to get on the ground floor a no-brainer for us when you you, you buying local goods made locally our supporting small business those are not created an, an sprinkle scale with all the machines and one person procreating them people are making them by hand as a result more interesting and can't get that of minor or anywhere else and san francisco a hot bed for local manufacturing in support that is
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what keeps your city vibrant we'll make a compelling place to live and visit i think that local business is the lifeblood of san francisco and a vibrant >> good morning, everyone. this meeting exactly to order and welcome to the july 19th rules of the rules committee. i'm supervisor ahsha safai and to pie left is committee member, supervisor catherine stefani. our clerk today is victor young and i'd like to thank jim smith and mr. hernandez for staffing this meeting. >> clerk: please make sure to silence all cellphones and electronic devices and giv
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