tv Government Access Programming SFGTV July 28, 2018 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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item two. general public comment. members of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes on any matter within the commission jurisdiction and does not appear on the agenda. speaker shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or department person them. commissioners are not to enter debate or discussion with the speaker the lack of response by the commissioners or department personnel does not necessarily constitute agreement with or support of statements made during public comments. >> do we have any public comment? please come forward. state your name. >> good evening commissioners. thank you for your time. i'll be brief. i wanted to address the
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commission regarding the pier support service resolution that's offered by commissioner veronese i'm daniel griffin. i'm captain stationed at the airport now. prior to being at the airport i was a counselor for five and a half years. i wanted to briefly touch on. this resolution. first of all, just little bit of my knowledge about history. it's my understanding stress unit came to be approximately 35 years ago under chief condon.
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you had three but my understanding it's. two. this is we're talking now going back to 1982 and 1983. our call volume at the department has increased dramatically. scope of work for first responders has increased with the addition of our medical and ems division and e ms runs we go on now. stress unit counselors since the inception to now, our scope has increased dramatically. previously we dealt primarily with substance abuse. now we still do deal with substance abuse obviously that's probably a good 50% of our work. additionally we deal with
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post-traumatic stress related issues and injured personnel which takes up considerable amount of time that wasn't allocated previously. my feeling is clearly that i think we would benefit by approving the pier support resolution that's offered by commissioner veronese. the police support model which is -- it would be beneficial to our members and the unit. thank you very much. >> thank you. any further public comment? public comment is closed. >> item three. approval of the minutes. discussion and possible action to approve the meeting minutes of june 27, 2018. >> is there any public comment on the minutes? seeing none. public comment is closed. commissioners? moved by commissioner veronese.
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>> second. >> seconded by commissioner hardeman an all in favor submitted. thank you. >> item four, request for leave to attend the first rescue international conference. discussion and possible action to approve chief of department's request with pay for three days august 7th through august 9th 2018 to attend the 2018 fire rescue international conference sponsored by the international association of fire chiefs in dallas, texas. registration, travel and accommodations will be covered by the iafc. >> thank you. is there any public comment on this item? seeing none. public comment is closed. commissioners?
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commissioner covington. >> commissioner covington: i move that we authorize this request. >> do i have a second? commissioner veronese seconds it. all in favor of approving the request say aye. it's unanimous, thank you. >> item five. chief of department's report. report from chief of department joanne hayes-white on events within the department sense the fire commission meeting on june 27, 2018 including budget academy, special events, communications and outreach to other government agencies and public report from the administration, deputy chief janeane nicholson on administrative divisions and homeland security and training within the department and report from chief of operations, mark gonzalez, on overall field operations including greater alarm fires, emergency medical
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services, bureau of fire preemption and airport division. >> i'm aware on june 11th president cleaveland you asked to withhold on that meeting so that all of you can attend inauguration of the new mayor. i like to congratulate our new mayor on leading our city and continuing to get the great support from the mayor's office for the san francisco fire department. thank you for also making better priority and can' canceling the meeting. i appreciate that deputy chief acted as chief of department.
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it worked how pretty well. he did very good job. i really appreciate the support and the time off. it was very enjoyable. two weeks in ireland with my son. i really appreciate that time and support. i'm refreshed as i return and as i get my report on the budget, we are in the process of closing out the fiscal year '18 budget. we continue to work with the comptrollers office. we don't see any red flags. we are waiting for approval and loading of the '19 budget. all that's working out according to -- just as we thought it would. regarding the division of training, 124th class in 18th week in final weeks of
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that academy. we will graduate 49 members on friday august 10th at 9:30 a.m. you'll be receiving official invitation. they're on my desk for tomorrow. once again, i appreciate the great work of deputy chief sato and his staff for preparing the new recruits for their assignments in the field. they'll do six months and six months on a truck company. as it came down, i'll give the numbers towards the end of my presentation and report -- we did take a look where we're at in terms of staffing. we had 73 retirements in the last fiscal year through june 30th. slightly less than we projected. we took a look what we have budgeted through 2020 in terms
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of academy. we are planning to have three academies that remain. we have decided to put off the 125th academy by a few months. we will -- it will be a class of 54 as opposed to starting end of august and september of this year. we're going to place it in january of 2019. that came from looking at how many -- what our staffing model look like. we're always trying to replace new hires with those that have been retired. we feel that that was a decision. away wanted to wait until the end of fiscal year to make that decision. we will have those three classes. there's a slight alteration on the start date. during that period of time in the fall we anticipate having what we call bump-up academy.
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these are advancement opportunities for current members. that will take place in the early fall and september roughly. basically, we're looking at approximately 20 that have the paramedics licenses. we have hired firefighters with paramedic licenses. we're looking at placing approximately ten h2 firefighters and advancing them to h3 level fully cross-train. that training will take place in the early fall. then later towards end of the year and late fall, we look at who's where in retirement. we will be offering an entry level emt class. which is about six weeks in length in the late fall.
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we appreciate the work that will be taking place. with regards to activity since the last meeting, june 28th will be patient rescuer reunion. it was after commission meeting last year in october, there was a very serious injury accident in the park. the young man in his early 20s had significant injuries. we were able to -- he was very willing and wanting to meet the first responders that saved his life and saved his leg. we reunited everyone at headquarters. most people were working that
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day, showed the young man and his family. i find it rewarding. one of the things that's difficult for us, that's why i think we do great work and we don't know what the outcome is. having that closure is helpful. bureau of fire prevention had a luncheon on 28th. they do that periodically. he likes to get his -- he has members work on oak street and 1616 mission and members in headquarters. they came together and put a lunch on. number at headquarters fantasieded that. on 29th of june i attended an event here at city hall acknowledging the wage increase of minimum wage. that was very well attended. as i stated before, i was out of the country from july 4th
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through july 18th. on the 19th, when i returned, i attended biweekly hsoft. to talk about initiatives regarding street safety and homelessness and talking about different zones that need to be addressed. that is ongoing meeting that i typically attend every two weeks. on the 23rd, two deputies and i met with the veterans group. they're a great group of people that have great ideas and have really represented the department well since they've come on board as an employee group. my goal is to meet regularly with the employee gripes if the- groups if they have an interest.
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we had good exchange of information. w. of their priorities is to make sure that the department is reflective of the community we serve including those that serve the country. it's something that i'm supportive of as well. in recent classes, last several years, we have a good representation of those that serve the country. i was proud to be part of every single member. vice president nakajo congratulations on huge honor. i believe it's the highest honor given from the emperor of japan. we attended your ceremony. very impressive. we all felt very special being there and acknowledging you for your great work in the community
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over 45 years. the highest honors from the emperor of japan. pretty big deal. so congratulations. i also wanted to note that we've been busy since i've been back. one of the best things of the job i get to do is to announce promotions. since the last time we met, we have named 25 acting positions. the break down is two acting battalion chiefs, six acting captains, 15 acting lieutenants and two support specialist. they are going above their civil service rank in an acting capacity. lot of that have to do with the retirements i spoke about. even greater than that, the acting is one thing but conditional appointments are permanent appointments subject
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to a successful completion of the promotional process which includes paperwork as well as vivisitation. it includes four battalion chiefs, one captain, three age 33ems captains and eight permanent lieutenants. great news for those individuals and families. we do have a department that's evolving. we lost a lot of very good experienced people and now we have opportunities for some of the newer people in our department. i would be remised. i i believe it's last meeting. i offered him a job. that was with brook baker. he was the last, at that time, assistant chief. tonight we have with us and his role as a newest assistant chief. assistant chief rex hale. after chief baker was the next
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person up to get promoted. congratulations to chief baker. [applause] chief hill will be assigned to division two. i know division three was here earlier as well. they are both assigned to divisions. i wanted to welcome rex, he does great job for our department. he has worked his way up the ranks. proud to say, we sat right next to each other for 14 weeks. april 2, 1990, that concludes my report. cleaverland i.dreport.
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any public comment. commissioner covington. >> commissioner covington: for the acting position and additional promotions does like work like pay kick in as soon as you get them their new assignments? >> chief hayes-white: an acting -- both those categories become acting. the permanent kicks in once the process has been completed. going through medical, physical and so forth. as soon as they are assigned acting, they receive all of the benefits of that rank in terms of taking a vacation and they are paid at that rank. if they were injured they are paid at that rank. the
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>> commissioner covington: are they paid at that rank for the other days that they worked? >> chief hayes-white: they are compensated at that rank. covingto great in terms of division of training, have you filled out the rest of the year with the bump-up academies in the fall and cross-training. >> chief hayes-white: there's going to be other classes. we have officer's academy. we do anticipate because we will not have the h2 academy. we did have at least two retirements. those positions will not be filled. we do have a few h28 instructors scheduled to return to the
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field. we will ramp up again in january. we pretty much -- they are filling up the remainder of the year for their training calendar. covingto >> commissioner covington: my next question was whether or not the department is accredited. whether or not we'll be offering classes to other departments in the area. there doesn't seem to be room on the calendar for that. >> chief hayes-white: correct. >> commissioner covington: thank you. thank you commissioner.
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the unexpected retirees, the onces who didn't retire, those top ranking officers, did you get some top rank people retire? >> chief hayes-white: correct. we promote based on vacancies created. for example, which is unusual, we have a few assistant chiefs. we had two retiring. chief burke. that's why you have chief baker and chief hale that were promoted. we did have a few battalion chiefs that retired. >> commissioner hardeman: it's nice to see all the promotions. probably one of your favorite
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times. with the delay in the next h2 class that will probably have little effect on the next class and next class, we'll still be getting the three under the budget of the present system of two year budget. >> chief hayes-white: the hiring plan was through 2020. all three classes will be within that time frame. i would anticipate in the next budget cycle we need to look at locking in classes beyond that. that will be part of our budget request that begins -- we just finished -- that discussion will begin in december. we will intend to go beyond those three classes as we budget down the line for future classes. >> commissioner hardeman: nice to see that 1800 number. thank you. >> president cleaveland: vice president nakajo.
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>> vice president nakajo: chief hayes-white evening. i want to get clarification. class 125, 126, 127 will all occur in the year of 2019? hayes-white owe >> chief hayes-white: through june of 2020. >> vice president nakajo: we've been doing two per year. those two might be projected for 2019 and 127 will be 2020? >> chief hayes-white: correct. >> vice president nakajo: how far would you think that projection would go. >> chief hayes-white: i would anticipate that we would similarly ask for two classes per fiscal year. we need tolled -- we need to do
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more analysis. there was accelerated hiring he would need to keep up with that pace. >> vice president nakajo: , part of that 2019-2020 is because we do two year projections? that's how we're going start to look at the classes that we're projecting? >> chief hayes-white: with mayor lee, we did a five-year plan. we will be open to projecting out even further. we began the hiring in 2012. it was a five years through 2017. we extended three years. two years would be in my mind, very minimum. we love to project out four or five years. what it does for me, make me
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clearly understand and realize mayor lee's administrative support to the fire department by projecting two classes for six years in this administration. for me, as i understand it, i'm trying to get more detailed, 127 would be budgeted already for us to project. >> chief hayes-white: that's correct. >> vice president nakajo: anytha request? we just finished budget fiscal where in june this projection on terms of budget would occur about next spring? >> chief hayes-white: typically, it's the third week in february where we have to submit our budget. the instructions are released roughly early december. then we have january to discuss
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what our needs are. i would say early on in december once we begin discussions again with the mayor's budget office we like to put the hiring plan as well as our plan under the two sort of foundational items that we think are really important. back in 2012 and 2013 we were looking to memorialize today. it made for lot of continuity and streamlined our budget request. in december we would begin discussions of beyond 127 if you will. >> vice president nakajo: i think also, in terms of our request hiring and the fleet replacing -- that sets good precedent for us as a department in terms of consistency. we have a new mayor within room 200. i'm thinking that, perhaps, might be good appropriate time for us to approach the mayor
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about a projected hiring plan during her administration. i know we're talking about 17 months, i think it would be worth our time to project beyond that even though there's an election in 2020. just to institutionalize. i think eor ourselves, that kind of calculation of at least minimum two classes per year, would be a good thing for you as a department. last question on this, chief. let me check that last question. i'll come back to it at some point before you conclude. mr. president, i want to congratulate you chief hale. you know you'll be able to articulate it to us. congratulations on that as well. thank you mr. president.
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>> commissioner veronese: chief, quick question. on request from the commission for a grant writer, where we are on filling that spot? did that start in june, or july? when do that start and is that a requisition? >> chief hayes-white: we're in the hiring process. we're further along than you might think. >> the budget technically hasn't been fully approved. we aren't able to access the position to hire. that happens in early august when it becomes available to fill. we started job descriptions information to put together when
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that position does become available to us, to advertise for it. >> commissioner veronese: do you have a sense who that person will respec report to? >> chief hayes-white: physical location? >> there's some space we're looking at on the third floor. >> commissioner veronese: that's all i have other than chief, congratulations on your vacation. >> chief hayes-white: thank you. >> commissioner veronese: i was on the police commission, chief fong refused to take vacations. i would pull her aside and told her i would put a resolution before the commission forcing her to take a vacation. i know your job is extremely stressful. you certainly deserve every vacation that you earned. inhope you take more of it.
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to commissioner nakajo, congratulations on your honor. that's a really big deal. so congratulations to you on that. to be honored by another country to be a citizen of one country and honored by another, it's extraordinary honor. congratulations to you on that. i apologize for not being ail it make that event. only way that gets in my way from my duties here at the commission are family and my son. congratulations to you. i'm honored to serve with you. and chief hale, i look forward to hearing more about your job and what you do as well. i think that's it for me. thanks. commission secretary, when i hit the button, it doesn't register my name. i know it's a conspiracy on behalf of commission president to silence me.
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i'm not going to allow that to happen. [laughter] >> president cleaveland: vice president nakajo. follow up question. >> vice president nakajo: i remember what i was going to ask. the class 124 is going to graduate on august 10th. the class 125 is being projected for january. in terms of that delay, is that have anything to do with the ratio of retirees or is there a combination of that decision? >> chief hayes-white: it's primarily due to our current staffing levels. which we believe are sufficient to get to be able it fulfill our mission everyday. we put on the accelerator for a couple of months.
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we feel that class it will be graduating just before the summer months. we do anticipate more retirement, more vacation and so the timing weisz, w -- wise we t it was a better fit. >> vice president nakajo: i think the audience and those members trying to apply to this, understand factors that are part of that. thank you very much chief hayes-white. >> president cleaveland: what's the status of our h8 program? are they part inform promotional operation? >> chief hayes-white: for the h8 program it's alive and well. there's the per diem medics that fill in search capacity that are not benefited employeed. they work on per diem as needed basis. a number of h8 personnel over the last few years have entered
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the department on a full time basis through the academy. we anticipate that will be the case with the h academy this year. i asked the question yesterday. we have in the 70 range, or 75 or 80 on the books as h8. out of the 78, we have about 50ish that are very active. i would say more than five or six shifts per month. it has been a great alternative particularly if we need to step up and also get the ability to take a look and evaluate and assess. it's doing very well. >> president cleaveland: i concur with our vice president that it's priority for hiring people and making sure that we have our fleet replaced.
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those are two priorities of the department and continue to be priorities to the commission here. let's hear from deputy chief janeane nickelson now. good evening chief. >> greetings commissioners. , president and chief hayes-white. deputy chief of administration janeane nicholson. this is my report. i like to thank commissioner nakajo very having us to the ceremony the other night. it's a pleasure and honor to be there and congratulations to you. i will begin with my administrative vision.
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investigative services bureau, 59 drug and alcohol tests all negative. the assignment office the chief covered lot of it. thank you chief. what i can say, our current uniform staffing not including h8s is 1665. we're in a pretty good spot now. that also does not include our civilian members. strictly uniform. the assignment office is very busy with reassigning classes 122 and 123. class 1 through wil 122 will bef probation. class 123 will be going through their second probationary house.
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they're bill doing all that. support services. the good news on our facility requests, the repair of our fire houses, our fire station. we were definitely having some issues with that. thanks to assistant deputy chief and support services staff, we're making headway with that. we closed out for the third month, we closed out more service items, 177 requests we got. we've been working with dpw regularly. getting much better communication. bureau of equipment has been busy handling hundreds of requests for equipment service needs and materials and they handled more than 30 field and equipment repairs. i mentioned before, we do have those six triple combination
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pumpers engines ordered. right now we have a construction around new aerial trucks on the way. one part is constructed in pennsylvania and the trailer and another part in louisiana, the tractor. we're getting ready to send out a team to inspect the trailer in september in pennsylvania. once that's done and it gets sent by rail down to louisiana and we put the whole thing together. we're going to be getting three aerial trucks. it's tough to find property anywhere. we are working diligently on that.
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we want our supplies to be available in different neighborhoods when we need it for disaster. central shops where we get all our vehicles repaired has moved to 55 shelby street. more on our facilities. we did the station 35 stuff last month. this month i'm going to talk about the a.d.f. and deployment facility. the construction bids on a facility is due on august 8th. dpw pulled the permits nar building. awarding of build and notice to proceed should likely happen september-october time range. that place will be good to go in
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2020. sort of a fun piece of the job, chief van hoff and i were overnighted back to thovernighte final artist selection for the a.d.f. there were really talented artists. he did the mission playground. i'll show it to you now. that is part of his sense. i'm going to -- can you hand me that commissioners for me? this is his art proposal.
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what you're seeing here is the artwork a fence the gates on other side. this is his proposal. it's only part of the fencing. once he gets -- once it's finalized and we will work in conjunction with him to do more design and change some things and add a whole lot of things. we're really excited about that. we are facilitate collaboration
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with him on further design of the project. if you do want to see all the proposals you can see them at the sf arts commission website. this was our first choice. station 49 first choice. we're pretty happy about it. i'm going to go back to the overhead. don't take it away. put up a few photos. station 16, the final completion date is now november 7th. i'll show you the photos. that is the front of station 16 now. we continue to work diligently with d.p.w. to facilitate the successful completion of this project. there's a little photo of the inside as well.
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they house many of our rescue boat personnel. that's going to be where they keep their gear in there. next we'll go to station five. station five i know chief gonzalez is very happy about this. it's moving along at a blistering pace. here's a photo of the apparatus floor inside station five. a completion date is scheduled for december 28th. there's the outside of it right now. all going well there. i'm done with the show and tell.
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i did a walk-through last week of the t.i. training facility with heather green from capital planning. we need to build new training facility. we need it find a spot for that. it was super helpful to have her out there. i'm grateful she came to the subject matter experts about this. assistant deputy chief saw toe s there. we walked her through the treasure island training facility. they shared their vision with her. she gave us the opportunity to explain what our needs are and what we feel what our training facility should look like. this is a huge priority for us. i know you all will be by our side championing this effort for
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us. more to follow on that as we move along. the training division 124th class, is in their 18th week. right now, they have completed testing. state fire training including wild land, hazmat, firefighter survival, week 18 and 19 is dedicated to driver training and pump operations. remember last week is sort of some miscellaneous stuff, uniform issuance all the glee groups. they do high-rise and orientations. they're coming to the finish line and they are feeling it out there. they're pretty happy about it. our in-service suppression training. right now what they are doing is -- last week i walked through with the captain.
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there's a building on treasure island across from our facility that we got access to and got it cleared safety wise with the help of tony boone, our safety guru. basically he made sure we weren't working with asbestos. it's super helpful for members to be able to actually work on gravel roof. we have rooftops which is great to run a saw on, you get to do it when you go ton a real roof. they're putting four truck companies a day through the operations now. they're getting a lot of good feedback about it. also out inservice training, our co2 unit, we keep down at station 13 at washington and
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sampson. we use it for electric fires. they had a drill in conjunction with pg&e and it works great. don't want to put water on that fire down there and the co2 just smothers it. because we're doing rooftops now, our live fire module will begin after the class graduates. inservice academy, we're currently training our rescue captains in a several week module. our ems academy took part in the seminary. we love our fire reserves open they did 169 hours of drills and volunteer work and importances. nert did 19 events, classes and
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outreach presentations. last but you not least, homeland security, assistant deputy chief may travel to new york to our homeland security security. he made lot of good connections and got good information for us in terms of keeping our city safe. new york city has the most grant funding for homeland security and he made lot of good connection, got a lot of good information from them. he also with chief van hoff put together the mayoral inauguration event. great job with that. chief cochran is working on the hazard and resilience planning. he continues to improve upon our
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disaster preparedness. all those agencies are really working together and mike is doing a great job. that concludes my report. >> president cleaveland: thank you. is there any public comment. public comment it closed. commissioner hardeman. >> commissioner hardeman: thanks mr. president. thanks again for the nice report. what was that last number we received couple of months ago? 1807 a including civilians and uniforms. >> i don't know if that may have included h8 as well.
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>> commissioner hardeman: i thought the number was high at the time. >> 1665 uniformed, excluding h8. >> commissioner hardeman: nigh to have 1800. evil get this some day. >> we can dream. >> commissioner veronese: when did you say that station 16 will be done? >> final completion is now slated for november 7th. >> commissioner veronese: have we seen an up tick in the surf bay rescues. there are notable incidents in the report. >> i can get those number for
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you. i don't have then. >> commissioner veronese: thank you. cleaveland thank you. vice president, nothing? one quick question for you. training facility for the future, treasure island. what have we decided what we need in terms of space and acreage? what size piece of land we need for the new training facility? >> i would say about seven acres. >> president cleaveland: thank you. thank you very much. keefe gonzalez -- chief gonzalez, you're up.
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>> good evening commissioners, chief. deputy chief gonzalez, operations report for june. during the month of june, there are 18 working fires, two of can were second alarm. our assistant chief was commander of both fires they did great job keeping it. contained it as much as they could. structures involved. least amount got damaged. notable incidents, fire went over to oakland on june 2nd. you might have seen it on the news. showed the capacity and the capability of that fire. it's got really long reach. it put the dump fire out. they didn't have the capability to do it. on june 2nd, truck 15 say the
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kitten named scrumptious. he was adopted from the aspca. on june 9 -- he saw a swimmer that was struggling. he save the guy and helped get him on the boat. they did cpr and brought him back. great job by captain johansson. on june 13th, tourist was stranded on the ledge no injuries. june 16th, bay rescue of three kayakers. on june 17th, confined space fire. i mention it on our previous report. on june 17th, kayaker in
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distress. on june 27th, cliff rescue. more like a helping a dog afterwards. the dog fell about 100 feet off the cliff. luckily for the dog it was mostly sand. on june 27th, there's a collision involving pedal cab. the driver succumb from his injuries. on june 28th, there was a adult male rescue and evaluated
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for mental issues. some of the functions that came up during the month on june 12th, actually another notable incident. retired chief helped save a man from burning car in oakland. good job rick. on june 14, held a barbecue through national utility safety month. citing one of the best in the country. they doing a good job. we participated in several pride activities.
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june 25th paramedic matt lane received -- june 28th, car accident survivor, this is an accident that the chief responded to. i'm proud to say that sffd firefighters won the basketball game. great job. more about outreach, during every report, if you want to find out realtime announcements, our department twitter account is @stdpio. we continue to hand out education material. i like to remind the public, sign up for emergency notifications by texting alert
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sf all caps. no space to 88877. i like to mention an app it's calmed citizens app. there's a fire other day on saturday it was at this hotel. before i got to working fire, they came up on this citizens app. somebody was video taping it. it's a unique app to put on your phone. other events, crews conducted bridge construction on the golden gate bridge.
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>> you want to go to the overhead? >> yes please. this is just our crews showing people what we do. there's an oil spill or something spilled on the bay, this will help contain it if it's on the surface. it's one of our bike medics at sfo. they doing a great job. this was the confined space where they had the fire and freeway. this was the sheep dog i was telling you about earlier. still kicking. more of the help. these kids, they taught these kids more not just the ems, they
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taught them what we do with fires. this was the patient right here that they rescued. this was a very serious auto excavation. it took a long time. very we're proud the kid is walking. if you look close, you can see the chief. he's smiling. got firefighter rescue at t.i. that's the end of that. this is the co2 unit at work. it's out of t.i. the sound track is dedicated to friend of mine that lost apollo
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when he was a young kid. back to the overhead. if sound track works. if it doesn't, it's not working. i can talk through the video. this our rescue squad. they are showing up at the d.o.t. mercedes donated a car for this. we're very happy that we got these. you'll see the gentleman working on these cars.
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