tv Government Access Programming SFGTV July 28, 2018 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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million for 211 and 291 putnam and 1000 tompkins avenue. item 72 aggregate principle amount not to exceed $32 million [reading] >> president m. cohen: thank you. we can take these items same house, same call? without objection these resolutions are adopted. next item. >> clerk: item 73-75 were considered by the land use and transportation committee at a regular meeting monday july 23rd and forwarded as committee reports. item 73 is an ordinance to amend the planning code to allow catering as an accessory use to limited restaurants under certain conditions for ceqa conditions and to make findings. >> president m. cohen: thank you. supervisor safai? >> supervisor a. safai: sorry, i have a lot to talk about today. it just happens to be a busy day. this is one we are excited
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about, myself and supervisor ronen. we met in an office of supervisor campos. we highlighted this issue on calle de quatro, sadly it looks like that business through a family dispute is going out of business. but that idea stuck with us. a limited use restaurant, a cafe or a bakery can use its commissary kitchen when it's not using it as a primary purpose for the baking or cafe could use that space as an accessory use for catering. this is a way to enhance and stabilize existing small businesses often legacy businesses in the instance of la victoria, they had been in existence, and have been in existence and still continue to, hopefully something will change. but they have been there since the late 60's and they have been doing this catering since that time. in fact, when i met the current
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owner jaime maldonado, he told me his father catered the democratic convention that happened in san francisco all the way back then. this is something that's been a tried and true practice. we work with the planning department aaron star and his team over there. the planning commission gave unanimous support for this idea. in fact they asked us to expand it just beyond corridors they want it to be citywide, we made that amendment. we believe this is an opportunity one to enhance and support small businesses, i see a small business commissioner spoke in favor, they also passed it unanimously. support and enhance existing businesses. but it's also a way for start-up catering businesses, those that cannot afford the brick and mortar, the cost of brick and mortar businesses to have a pathway to future expansion and growth. we think this is a thoughtful
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piece of resolution. we appreciate the support, many members of the community, small business and otherwise. colleagues, we ask for your support and we think this will help to enhance and promote the backbone of san francisco businesses. supervisor ronen? chair? >> president m. cohen: supervisor ronen? >> supervisor h. ronen: thank you. i want to thank supervisor safai for supporting this. a frustrating constituent service situation that supervisor safai and i worked on before we were supervisors end up leading to what i think is a really smart policy change for many businesses like la victoria or other smaller businesses that have a kitchen but really don't have a way to make additional profits through
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the products that they sell themselves. this provides an avenue to stay in business as rents are sky rocketing. i think it makes a lot of sense. so i hope we have everyone's support on this. thanks so much. >> president m. cohen: all right. thank you very much, supervisors. colleagues? we can take this item same house -- supervisor safai? >> supervisor a. safai: just for clarification are we voting on just 73 or 73 and 74? >> president m. cohen: just 73. thank you, colleagues, can we take this same house, same call, without objection, the ordinance passed on first reading. madam clerk? >> clerk: item 74 ordinance to amend the planning code to create a two-year pilot program to remove public notice and planning commission review for certain uses in neighborhood commercial districts and modified zoning controls for certain uses in supervisorial
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districts and find ceqa and make the findings. >> president m. cohen: supervisor safai? >> supervisor a. safai: thank you, president cohen this. is another piece of legislation myself and supervisor tang came up to enhance and promote small business. there's a significant amount, as you heard me talk about today in our accommodation for captain hart, a significant amount of vacant and empty store fronts in district 11. often times when businesses do approach and are in the process of signing up for and occupying a location, they are confronted with a cumbersome process of neighborhood notification and change of use rules. in other parts of the city, in its inception supervisor peskin highlighted to me when we started this discussion well over a year ago this is when we didn't have strong controls on formula retail. we have that now. so areas like mine that are a little more economically
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depressed and suffer from lack of investment from businesses, we confronted a few situations where a few small businesses were ready to occupy, actually one of the places where there was an illegal gambling operation but was zoned specifically as a women's clothing store. the cafe that wanted to occupy that space then confronted a 6-9 month delay. this 6-9 month delay is a burden to a start-up business. it's also something in terms of property owners, in our particular case we had to write a letter to the property owner asking for rent abatement. this helps facilitate the start-up of new businesses and accelerate areas experiencing economic, or in the need of economic revitalization. we did this as a pilot project. but in the process we also took the opportunity to look at what was principally permitted, what needed a conditional use and what was not permitted. one thing we found on top of
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the cafe we are opening up, we are happy about that was art use. we wanted to promote more art activity on ground floor. that's something that was absolutely not permitted in mine and supervisor tang's district. we were able to make that amendment and now youth art exchange along with art span will be occupying the space that had been vacant over ten years. we are super excited about that, this is helping to enhance that. again, it's a pilot project. there are other uses we want to control for and we have over saturation of. so colleagues, i ask for your support and appreciate the thoughtfulness. >> president m. cohen: i have a couple questions for you, supervisor. how long is this pilot program? >> supervisor a. safai: 24 months. >> president m. cohen: thank you. what do you expect to learn from this pilot? >> supervisor a. safai: we are hoping we will learn to see what types of businesses, what kinds of delays they had confronted, how we can shorten
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the neighborhood notification time. is it still necessary? i know we had to make an amendment because part of our streamlining we made that amendment based on that suggestion of deputy city attorney jon givner but essentially what we are trying to learn is this notification for things principally permitted if you are going from a women's clothing store to a cafe. do you need to go through that process in every single commercial corridor? some commercial corridor have overlays, they have processes they ban certain things, there's conditional uses. we are trying to learn from that. the other thing i didn't mention, president cohen and thank you for bringing that back up. this is also about allowing for freeing up planning department staff time so they can also focus on our housing crisis and some of the crisis we are experiencing in the city because of the amount of time
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they take to review an application that again, principally permitted takes away from their ability to focus on other areas deeply needed. >> president m. cohen: you spoke about some of the other commercial districts, the overlays. like i know third street has an interesting overlay. did you look, or make any other considerations to expand the pilot program beyond your respective districts? >> supervisor a. safai: we did. that's why i referenced the conversation with supervisor peskin. we were thinking about having this be a citywide program. but as we saw the situation with youth art exchange and art span and the situation with the cafe in our district and supervisor tang had the same concerns, we were confronted with businesses that were either going to be unable to open or would have to wait a significant amount of time so we decided, rather than going district-by-district and looking at the overlays, we
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decided to start it in district 4 and 11. we knew there would be some desire to expand the conversation so we are happy to do that. >> president m. cohen: zo you have a list of other suggested districts that would benefit? >> supervisor a. safai: i think your district would certainly benefit, i know you share some of the same impediments to businesses opening up. i know that there is some different concerns in district 9, but i know when we met with some of the folks that are concerned about economic development in the mission, they were also talking to us specifically as catering as a use but wanted to control for certain uses and allow other uses and help facilitate the notification process. so those would be the two off the top of my head. but certainly i think this could be a benefit to the entire city and to our
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conversation about streamlining. >> president m. cohen: thank you. seeing there are no other names in the roster, can we take it same house, same call. without objection passed on the first reading. >> clerk: item 75 ordinance to amend the planning code to correct errors in inactive legislation, update outdated references clarify existing requirements and reenact existing text inadvertently deleted in the reorganization of article 2 and 7 to affirm the ceqa determination and to make the appropriate findings. >> president m. cohen: thank you. can we take this same house, same call? without objection these resolutions are adopted. madam clerk? what's next? roll call for introductions. >> clerk: yes. supervisor kim? supervisor mandelman. submit, thank you. supervisor peskin. >> supervisor a. peskin: already submitted. >> clerk: supervisor ronen? supervisor safai?
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>> supervisor a. safai: i have a couple of items today. [chuckles] i'm going to talk about the first one, regarding -- again, i think this is something that those of you that experience individuals violating the law of our front yard setbacks. many people in my district and i know other districts, share this concern. but individuals have been a rampant problem of paving over parts of their front yard that are required as part of the green setback, often times to add additional parking and or space to the environment. the planning department is the key agency that the concerns are referred to. what we are proposing today is to expand some of the oversight to the department of building inspection, when a building inspector goes out to look for violations they would now be required to look for and
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identify if there's been a violation of a front yard paving over. we think more eyes out there, the fact the department of building inspection has more inspectors and actual individuals that are tasked with responding to not just this type of complaint but other types of complaints would increase enforcement, the penalty for the violation is something that will get people's attention. so we have asked for the penalty to be increased but also asking for those in department of building inspection to help us with the front yard setbacks and those that may have been paved over. so we are excited about that legislation. the rest i submit. >> clerk: thank you, supervisor. >> supervisor a. safai: sorry, the rest i submit on that. i know i'm not supposed to say that. i have one more thing to introduce, i'm doing in partnership with supervisor peskin, and we released this today is a ban in office
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buildings of in-house cafeterias. we are proposing this now because we believe the amount of office space that's in the pipeline over 6 million square feet in the central soma and millions more citywide there's going to be a push for and desire to be on site cafeterias where employees are fed, often times, breakfast, lunch and dinner. as someone a city planner by training, i think about this what are the key ingredients that make up a healthy city? i think small businesses, restaurants, cafes, locally-owned businesses are an important ingredient into making a city healthy. we decided in drafting this legislation there are over 50 businesses in our city that have on-site cafeterias. what that means, they are not open to the public. they are talked about as a perq
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as a benefit to their employees. those employees then, in my mind, remain more insular, they get there, stay inside, eat and go home. what we are thinking in proposing this legislation, how can we be a more vibrant healthy city, how can we get people out of their office environment and encourage them to support and participate in what makes san francisco a healthy community? so we are proposing, this is a prospective piece of legislation, this would be an outright ban on these types of cafeterias. in the process just yesterday mountainview introduced -- actually, i became aware that mountainview a few years ago produced something similar to this but it was actually going after this particular type of service as an employee benefit. we are looking at this as an
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amendment to section 202.2 of the planning code which references 451h of the public health code which allows for these types of on-site cafeterias. this is the beginning of a conversation. we want to talk to all the different businesses that might have these, or be thinking about these. because we believe this is a reset. this is an opportunity to change culture. if your business, that uses a model that might have been something that was successful or necessary in silicon valley, but you come to san francisco, you are coming to san francisco to enhance and add to and partake in the vibrancy of the city. you are not in an isolated office park. you don't need to have something like this, in my mind, as a recruitment tool and a perq. and if you do, there's an opportunity to provide a voucher for your employee to go out and patronize small businesses in the area.
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i think it's a positive step forward for us to become more of a healthy city and i'm proud to co-sponsor this with my colleague, supervisor peskin who might speak about it later, and i hope he does. the rest i submit. >> clerk: thank you, supervisor. supervisor stefani. >> supervisor a. safai: [chuckles] i don't think i have anything else to talk about today. >> clerk: supervisor stefani? supervisor yee? > supervisor n. yee: submit. >> clerk: thank you. supervisor brown. >> submit. >> clerk: thank you. president cohen? >> president m. cohen: thank you. i have two inmemoriams. a long time san francisco son passed away. james real gomez, executive director of the san mateo county labor council. and i would like to read
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inmemoriam for mr. frederick robert gomez, also known as "fast freddie". he was given this name because he was often found racing on alameda highway on one of his hot rods or harleys as a teenager. he survived by his wife of 54 years, mrs. diane gomez. his children, grandchildren, host of many nieces and nephews. mr. frederick gomez passed away peacefully surrounded by his family. he is dearly missed by all of his friends and family. and colleagues the reason i'm bringing forward this at this time because i think it's important to recognize not only the famous sons and daughters of san francisco, but those that make san francisco who are the heart of san francisco and
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i just would think it would be remiss if we didn't take a moment to acknowledge his life and his contribution. and on another sad note, our friend and former member of this body, former supervisor fiona ma recently lost her mother. i want to close today's meeting on behalf of all of us, if that's possible. in recognition of the loss of a great woman by the name of mrs. sophia ma. she was born in china and lived many different places while she was growing up. she played the piano and organ, taught sunday school and was a wonderful soprano singer. she taught public school for 19 years in new york. in this capacity she mentored and supported students teaching them how to express their thoughts and feelings through art. most importantly, mrs. ma was a
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caring mother to three children and devoted wife to dr. william ma. her children, fiona william and samantha will greatly miss their mother. she was a fighter. several trials and tribulations with her health over the past ten years she has maintained her strong spirit and she will truly be missed. i also want to recognize her faithful son-in-law jason hodge also at home watching this inmemoriam. colleagues i would like to make a motion we close the board meeting out in memory of ms. sophia ma. seconded by supervisor peskin and we can take that without objection. thank you. madam clerk, the rest i submit. >> clerk: thank you, madam president. supervisor fewer is not here. seeing no other names on the roster, madam president that concludes the introduction of new business. >> president m. cohen: thank you. madam clerk, shall we go to item 7?
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-77? >> clerk: yes, at this time the public may address the entire board of supervisors for up to 2 minutes on items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board. the minutes at the budget and finance meeting which constituted a core -quorum of the board. proposition c.n.g. adopted by the san francisco voters at the june 5th, 2018 election and item 78-81 on the adoption without reference to committee calendar. public comment is not allowed when an item has been previously subject to public comment at a board committee. pursuant to the board's rules please direct your remarks to the board as a whole, not to individual members or the public. speakers using interpretation will be allowed twice the amount of time, and if you would like to display a document on the overhead
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projector please state such to sfgovtv and remove the document. >> president m. cohen: before we begin public comment is it possible to report the hearing results for the c.b.d.? >> clerk: madam president, yes. we are just obtaining the report at this moment. the return weighted ballots voting for the discover community benefit district was 50.35% and the return weighted ballots voting against the benefit district was 49.65%, further indicating there was no majority protest. >> president m. cohen: thank you very much. supervisor peskin? >> supervisor a. peskin: madam president, i would like to move san francisco's newest community benefit district discover polk street. congratulations to the steering committee and ms. raquel fox i
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would like to move item 63 and hope we can adopt that unanimously. >> president m. cohen: thank you very much. all right. at this time, the tabulation? okay, we've got a different house. all right so at this time the tabulation of the ballots will have ended. i would like to do a roll call vote. >> clerk: on item 63. supervisor kim aye. supervisor mandelman aye. supervisor peskin aye. supervisor ronen aye. supervisor safai aye. -- absent. supervisor stefani aye. supervisor yee aye. supervisor brown aye. supervisor cohen. aye. there are eight aye's. >> president m. cohen: thank
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you. given there's no majority protest this item -- i would like to make a motion to rescind the vote so supervisor safai will be able to vote. a motion has been made by supervisor cohen, seconded by supervisor safai. can we take that without objection? all right without objection. madam clerk from the top. >> clerk: on item 63 supervisor kim aye. supervisor mandelman aye. supervisor peskin aye. supervisor ronen aye. supervisor safai aye. supervisor stefani aye. supervisor yee aye. supervisor brown aye. supervisor cohen. >> president m. cohen: all right aye. >> clerk: cohen aye. there are nine aye's. >> president m. cohen: the resolution to establish the discover community polk district and levy assessment is unanimously passed. congratulations. madam clerk? may we return to public comment?
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>> clerk: at this time madam president we will call the first speaker. >> president m. cohen: thank you. >> i want to start off with the fact that we already know there's a lot of disparities and discrimination that takes place. i want to start off saying today i have no problem in dealing with all nationalities as i take care of my business, not only on the inside of this building but the outside of this building too. sfgovtv, please? i want to demonstrate and give accommodations and demonstrate that all the age that work with you supervisors, this aid by the name of chelsey boulliard is a special tribute to me. i like the way she has taken care of business. because she is 6-7 months pregnant i have to persuade her
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to sit down when she is helping me pertaining to my issues. also want to point out that the treatment that female pregnant homeless people have a serious problem out in our communities. for example, homeless women that are pregnant, okay, these females have a greater chance of not having water, food and use of the restroom which complicates their pregnancy. the city doesn't keep data on the amount of pregnant women homeless on the street. i believe there should be an ordinance to protect that. and by the same response, social workers and others who serve these females who are pregnant and homeless on the street feel it should be a higher priority.
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and about the shipyard, i found several cancer-causing materials that are located in these shipyards and by the same response this scanner that was used was not engineered and given to -- [buzzer] >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> president cohen i was going to thank her on behalf of the united states navy. the shipyard was polluted but it wasn't their fault.
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if you tell ms. cohen i was going to salute her. have a good day norman. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> the golden state warriors are suing the city of oakland in an attempt to get out of paying a $40-$50 million bond debt for oracle arena. this is not right. but when you consider the fact that san francisco is a party to this, it makes it worse. the arbitration hearing began yesterday. though it will be a week or two before we know the results, consider this.
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the warriors were purchased for $450 million in 2010. they are now valued at $2.6 billion. with such success, why are the warriors being so cheap and miserly against the city that had supported it for decades? for san francisco's role, the fact that the racist actions that helped facilitate the warriors move to san francisco will not be rewarded. the golden state warriors would not play one game in san francisco once its revealed how racist this move was. [buzzer] and i say that this board should be ashamed of itself for its participation.
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a world class city helps its neighbors, it doesn't help itself to its neighbor's jewels. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> can i get a little time there to show a little something, something, something there? i'm sure you will give me my time. i will try to read from a script so i could be very designated and my time be worth -- as you see there, london breed and fred, oh here we go. talk about the out migration. this mayor right here, and this gentleman right here were both on the out migration. and right now i'm trying to find who is going to be accountable right now in 2018. what does this mean? so let me get to my script. this is a public notice to the san francisco city by the bay. to all the movers, shakers, policy makers, legislators, community players, and all the haters.
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as well as we as the community takers. places all part of my cases, let me get some time on my face here. thank you very much. faces and places all part of my cases. community reform is something i will roll out. it's going to replace that's vacant right now, something for the black folks to have something a voice here in this legislative circle here. community reform. but before we have community reform, we must inform our community. and what i'm going to do is a 10-week series of informing the community what has been going on in the city by the bay as far as the blackness. we have a mayor that's black. we have cohen -- excuse me, mayor cohen, yes, she is the president of the board of supervisors. we have the kelly's husband and wife team. mohammad. all the power in the world right here in the city by the bay.
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but yet look over to the media, ain't no black folks there. what is going on right here? i've got 13 seconds. i wish i had enough time. i will rule out the tapes going to 205 to 215 will show all your faces. and the fillmore exhibit. don't get enough -- [buzzer] >> clerk: thank you, mr. washington. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name is rob hammond, district 7 resident speaking in favor of item 78. also a senior advisor to sunrise project, we have been leading a global campaign to get the insurance company to put its money where it's mouth is on climate change. we have secured commitments from largest insurers to stop under writing coal and tar sands operations but none of those companies who made those
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commitments are u.s.-based. we are hoping to change that. for decades we have been warned about climate change but despite the warnings and it's costing the industry hundreds of billions of dollars u.s. insurance companies continue to prop up the fossil fuel industry in two basic ways. as investors u.s. insurance companies hold a trillion dollars in fossil fuel stock but also serve a critical role in providing insurance to every part of the fossil fuel supply chain. simply put without insurance none of these projects go forward. cities like san francisco are playing a critical role in fighting climate change, especially now that trump has pulled u.s. out of the paris agreement. by calling on the city to cease doing business with insurance companies that continue to invest in coal and tar sands the board of supervisors would be sending a powerful message it's well pastime for the u.s. insurance industry to do the
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right thing, to step up and play its part in combating climate change. rather than investing in and insuring the very industries making climate change worse they should stand with communities already suffering the impact of climate change. i hope you can support this resolution. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors, beverly upton, so glad to be here on behalf of the domestic violence consortium and everyone who works to end domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault and trafficking in san francisco and beyond. i really want to express our gratitude to the budget and finance committee. president cohen, supervisor stefani, supervisor fewer, supervisor yee and supervisor sheehy really did such a great job on the budget and we want to thank our champions --
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>> clerk: ms. upton, please stay away from the actual budget itself. >> will do. thank you so much to everyone who is working together to end violence against our most vulnerable residents. thank you so much. and i just want to say i'm so happy to see supervisor vallie brown here. i'm a former d-5 resident. before an ellis act, she is so kind, generous and knowledgeable to us and all our neighbors. so we want to thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> i need the projector, please. >> clerk: sfgovtv, please? >> okay, thank you. my name is dane hanson, i reside at 201 harrison street and i'm speaking to you today related to the project at 430 main, 429 biel.
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the planning code ordinance states the purpose of the code is to promote public health and safety. when they stand in front of the commission and urge approval because on balance the project is in compliance when in fact it's not, it's an abusive act, especially when that recommendation doesn't protect public health. in fact the project is contrary to local ordinance brought forward in provision of 309.1, amounts to acts of preferential treatment, flis in the face of the values and goals expressed in the rincon hill plan, the urban design guidelines. features of our governance are not solely in place for purposes of making pretty buildings. they are to protect the values and concerns that protect quality of life issues and protect health and safety. several planning commissioners stated their goal was to approve housing.
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this is a misunderstanding of their role. their role is, or should be to ensure the planning department does their job appropriately. the planning commission acts in an abusive fashion when every project they rubber stamp where the decision isn't based on a proper recommendation. [buzzer] so this is an exhibit from ramble that shows the increase in pm2.5. it affects adjoining buildings, which were never addressed in the environmental planning. particularly, these yellow areas are five times the threshold. this is port side and bridge view and there's no commentary in the environmental planning that relates to impacts of those buildings. [buzzer] >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hello, my name is cynthia montes. i'm here also for the same
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project regarding 430 main 429 beel street. i've been an owner resident of bay crescent for 25 years. unit that faces the center courtyard that has fresh air intake vents. the only fresh air my unit gets comes from the windows and vents facing the courtyard. i'm extremely concerned despite the adverse environmental impact information provided in the ramble report which dane just showed you the san francisco commissioners either ignored or do not realize the severe impact, the study will have on not only residents of bay crest but also port side and bayview. i have a history of pulmonary embolism with hypoxemia, with consideration to the latest ramble environment it concluded there would be a dangerous impact in particulate matter. we feel the developer should
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take measures to mitigate this, since they are substantially adding to the increase of the particulate matter. being here for 25 years surely exhibits my commitment to this neighborhood. i moved into bay crest with my 5-year-old son. during the week we would catch the 41 on howard and maine, go to his school on north beach. weekends we would ride our bicycles in various parking lots, there was a large selection to pick from well before bike lanes. the building on the northeast corner was vacant and had railroad tracks to the front door. over the 25 years we continued to live through the construction of many new buildings where some of the infrastructure inconvenienced other neighbors would experience. my point is my family was a pioneer for this up and coming community. my son went onto graduate saint peter and paul sacred heart, a marine [buzzer]
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>> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker. >> hello, ladies and gentlemen, my name is amin. i'm here for the same project. 430 main. i'm just going to make this brief because i just have a couple things to share with you, my girlfriend has asthma and i have vitamin d deficiency. it seems this developer is very arrogant and they aren't willing to do the right studies and everything necessary to mitigate our risks. it seems the different planning departments didn't do their job to push the developer to do their job, so i think it's up to the board of supervisors, remember your name, you are supervisors, your job is actually to supervise what these people are doing so they don't kill people. these are basically like, i understand profitability. i understand that we need housing. and i'm pro-development and pro-housing. but these people need to do the
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job properly. they just need to do things by the book. that's all i wanted to say. please don't let them kill us. that's it. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> thank you, tom gilberty. images, powerful images. white short sleeved-dressed man in the middle of a boulevard carrying a brief case. stepping in front of the leader of a platoon of tanks. anybody remember that? or do we have the courage to do that ourselves? i've remarked by mario woods in that statue of five policemen pointing their guns at him just before they fire and just after they fire when he is on the ground.
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it's a powerful statement. it's a harsh statement. i wouldn't want to go by it everyday but it happened. it's real. it's where we want to come away from. could we put a sculpture in front of 850 bryant as you walk in. one of those on the right. one on the left. and maybe that would encourage us to demolish that building. and we could demolish that statue and we could fly away. the next part, i'm not -- i don't really want to hire 200 police. there's 40-60% of the traffic on the street that the police deal with is with mental crisis people. let's hire 200 mental crisis people. if we are going to hire police, i agree with the mayor, let's do it from people who live in this town. another image.
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somewhere in the future around november, before election or after election of president putin in washington d.c. with who is in charge. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments, mr. gilberty. next speaker, please? >> good evening, supervisors, i'm peter warfield, director of library users, we are disappointed with your vote to defund $3 million worth. i would like to talk about open hours at the library which will shortly be cut. 15 evening hours will be cut from the library schedule at 10 different libraries. those hours will be put into
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daytime hours, mornings or afternoons before 6:00. the library, unfortunately is expert at appearing to solicit public opinion and then making decisions that are exactly the opposite. the library spent a year and a half studying open hours as required by the measure that has made them rich, beyond any other library in its size category. almost triple the per capita funding of the average library in its size category. they asked folks if we gave you additional hours, 51% said they would like more evening, or more late hours. while only 32% said they would use additional other hours. so what did the library do? it cut from 10 branches, 15 evening hours.
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bernal heights, golden gate, merced, north beach, presidio, richmond, north mission. losing one or more, evening hours going from 9:00 to 8:00 p.m. it also causes difficulty scheduling programs in the evening, when they want to close up the programming an hour before closing. i hope you will look at what the library is doing with your funding, thank you. [buzzer] >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker? >> in my opinion, up until this point you have prioritized a host of sub -- institution, task force, rather than obtaining mission achievement, attempts to reduce disease transmission have facilitated
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syringe distribution, disease of addiction, dysfunction, social disturbance and mental illness, contributing towards brain injuries, suicide and hepatitis, doubling patients in psychiatric clinics in account of illicit drug usage while you -- oh sorry. lest we forget incoherence, auto break ins. the more individuals introduced lead to frequency of injection which encourages growth of the needle exchange program leading to more self harm and destruction. distributed for this matter simply recycled among the recipients and while you spent $200 million on suicide
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deterrence, fatalities occur through overdose historically. injection have lead to practice use of anti retro virals and i question whether they have reduced transmission of viral hepatitis of symptom of abnormal bowel movement as our sidewalks bear witness and the public has all but tripped over themselves. the needles you shift focus straw from diners. aren't streets aren't littered with plastic straws but plastic syringes. personally i figure police raids -- [buzzer] >> clerk: thank you for your comments, sir. next speaker, please. before the next speaker, are there any other members of the public who would like to address the entire board of supervisors during general public comment? please line up.
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>> thank you, madam calvillo. my name is winship hillier. for over a decade i have been an involuntary psychiatric outpatient in this city. last time i spoke to you about the supreme court decision washington versus harper issued in 1990, liam harper was an inmate in washington state penitentiary, the supreme court ruled he didn't have a due process right to a hearing to his capacity to give or refuse informed consent to the administration of anti psychotic medication. but in doing so they implied very strongly that but for the fact he was a prisoner he would have that right. now this raises a very interesting issue because it says anti psychotic medication is not for the benefit of the patient. it is not for the benefit of the patient, it is for the patient of the management of
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the institution. a prison institution. a prison institution is what justifies the involuntary administration of anti-psychotic medication. and yet you are funding citywide case management, community focus here in this city at a rate of approximately $1 million a week to do just that. how is living in san francisco equivalent to being a prisoner in a state penitentiary? i would like to know. because that was the justification in washington versus harper. now the law has not changed. [buzzer] madam calvillo. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. madam president? >> president m. cohen: thank you very much, madam clerk. i appreciate that. seeing no other members of the public that are left, public comment is closed. madam clerk could you read items on the adoption without reference committee calendar.
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>> clerk: 78-81, a unanimous vote is required. alternatively any supervisor may require a resolution to go to committee. >> president m. cohen: thank you, madam clerk. i would like to sever item 81. >> supervisor a. peskin: item 78. >> president m. cohen: supervisor peskin severing item 78. anyone else? supervisor kim? >> supervisor j. kim: i just want to ask the city attorney do we need to sever item 65? >> no, it's not on the adoption calendar so the board will vote on it after the closed session. >> president m. cohen: are there any other items people would like to hear separately? all right, seeing none. please call the roll, madam clerk. >> clerk: on item 79-80. supervisor kim aye. supervisor mandelman aye. supervisor peskin aye. supervisor ronen aye. supervisor safai aye.
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supervisor stefani aye. supervisor yee aye. supervisor brown aye. supervisor cohen. aye. there are nine aye's. >> president m. cohen: thank you. those items will be adopted and motions approved. madam clerk, could you please call item 78? >> clerk: item 78 is a resolution to urge divestment by insurance companis from coal and tar sands industries. >> supervisor a. safai: we are truly in a race p against time as it relates to climate change. the board previously and unanimously supported resolutions to urge the city's pension to divest from fossil fuel and tar sands and coal.
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and i want to acknowledge the service that supervisor cohen rendered on that board and acknowledged that supervisor safai has now replaced supervisor cohen on the retirement board and i know you will continue working on fossil fuel divestment. but this effort, hopefully, will prove easier than our fossil fuel divestment efforts, as it relates to insurance, because insofar as san francisco is largely san francisco-insured this genie isn't that far out of the bottle. i have 2-3 minor amendments in the long title before the word "industry" we should insert "insurance" add an s to sands, so tar sands. out should be our. i would like to make those amendments and pass the item as amended.
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>> president m. cohen: thank you very much. supervisor peskin, once we take our vote, i would like to add my name as a co-sponsor to this. i think it's excellent and i'm sure supervisor safai will continue doing the great work we have done already, and the employee retirement board for divestment of fossil fuel. supervisor ronen? >> supervisor h. ronen: can i also be added? >> president m. cohen: supervisor brown? mandelman? stefani? supervisor safai. there it is. supervisor peskin, we are off to a good start. >> supervisor a. peskin: thank you. >> president m. cohen: ladies and gentlemen, can we accept -- >> clerk: the second on that was? >> president m. cohen: supervisor ronen was the second. >> clerk: thank you. >> president m. cohen: and i would like to accept, or we
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would like to take a motion to accept supervisor peskin's amendments and we will take that without objection. thank you, as amended. madam clerk? how are you doing? >> clerk: item 81. >> president m. cohen: all right, there it is. item 81. >> clerk: item 81 was a motion to approve final map 8615, 6 unit condominium project located 246-8a, through 247-8b bush street. >> president m. cohen: i separated this to table. seconded by supervisor kim. we will take that without objection. thank you. madam clerk, is there any other business before us? >> clerk: other than the closed session and item 65. >> president m. cohen: all right. let's go to closed session. >> clerk: item 64 is the closed session.
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scheduled pursuant to m18096 pursuant to code section 5496.5 and san francisco administrative code section 67.10 subsection d-2 approved on july 17th, 2018. so the board of supervisors may confer with the office of the city attorney today regarding anticipated litigation in which the city may be a plaintiff or a defendant regarding the adoption of proposition c, additional tax on commercial rents mostly to fund child care and education and proposition g parcel tax for san francisco unified school district at the june 5th 2018 ballot. and madam president, the public comment requirement on whether or not to go into this closed session has been satisfied on the date the motion was approved and in addition this afternoon during general public comment. >> president m. cohen: thank you. thank you very much. so at this time, the board will convene in closed session to discuss the anticipated litigation, the tax measures adopted by the voters on the
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june 5th, 2018 municipal election. persons in the public gallery will be asked to vacate the chamber while the clerk prepares the room for the closed session. and then the board will reconvene into open session after the closed session is complete. >> president m. cohen: ladies and gentlemen, i want to bring us back to open session. want to report the board took
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no action in closed session. motion made by supervisor yee. seconded by supervisor brown. and we will take that and adopt it without objection. thank you. without objection. madam clerk, let goes to committee reports, please call item 65. >> clerk: ordinance to amend the business and tax regulation code to permit action and permit statute of oppose with cng adopted by san francisco voters at the june 5th, 2018 election. >> president m. cohen: all right, colleagues, could we take this item same house, same call? without objection this ordinance passed. it passed on the first reading. i believe we took care of 66-68. >> clerk: that's correct. >> president m. cohen: any other business before this body? >> clerk: yes, inmemoriam. today's meeting will be
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>> good morning, everyone, the meeting will come to order. welcome to the july 25th, 2018, regular meeting of the public safety and neighborhood services committee. i am supervisor rafael mandelman, chair of the committee. to my right is vice chair supervisor ronen and to my left is supervisor peskin and we are also joined here by as a guest supervisor fewer. the clerk is john carroll who is going to be guiding me through this first meeting and telling
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