tv Government Access Programming SFGTV August 12, 2018 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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magnificent. i was to comment neha, and even when things get hairy, she managed to find a path forward, listening carefully to what we were trying to achieve and then finding the legal path forward, so i'm grateful for your leadership and your tenacity, charles, jack, and alexa, who's not here. thank you. >> thank you, president bermejo. i think this is a great ordinance. i think this is all great work, as debbie said. it's the product of a great team, and i think even more than that, it illustrates so many things that are terrific about this department, creativity when faced with a
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problem, the willingness to really push the envelope. the solid partnerships you all have with so many people and organizations in the community, the outreach work you do, and the leadership role that you take. i have a couple of comments on the ordinance, which -- >> the resolution? >> the resolution, yes, thank you, which anthony has told me i should go through and then hand him my piece of paper. one thing that's not on my piece of paper which i would like to have raised for your consideration is adding a new paragraph, which i hate to write these things here, and maybe we don't have to, but i'm wondering whether we should have a paragraph that addresses the controversy that both of you referred to, and that was illustrated by this morning
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ease chronicle, a -- this morning's chronicle, a paragraph that talks about the extensive efforts that you all have -- that have preceded the ordinance to work with the business and disability communities. the -- as a result of which there are exceptions for medical needs, for example, as well as the fact that there's at least a year that people have to prepare for the imposition of the actual ban. i think that such a paragraph would strengthen the resolution. and then, if my colleagues don't mind, could i just go through these few? they're really not that many, particularly if you consider that i'm the one that's suggesting them. >> and commissioner wald, if i
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may, i just clarified by the deputy city attorney that we do need to write the amendment now. >> i know we do. >> okay. >> i know we do. i said i hate that we do that. perhaps somebody could write it for me? so on page 1, and line 15, i'm troubled by the expression marine plastics. so me, that sounds like something -- like it sort of belongs there. i think it should be changed to read plastics in the marine environment because we are, after all, talking about trash. >> that -- that works for me. >> on page 2, and line 1, where we refer to areas impacting urban runoffs, i would just refer to say, a study of street
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litter that contributes to urban runoff or something like that. in line 3 on page 2, the word fifty should be replaced by the number 50. i don't like to give charles extra work, but i had a lot of problems. i had to read the whereas that begins on-line 16 several times, and i think we could take it -- >> a question. what -- what's the beginning of that sentence so we know -- >> it's line 16, whereas, fluorinated chemicals.
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and then, page 3, line 17, where it says what the ordinance does, i think it would be clearer if it says the ordinance ensures that no person may sell or distribute any food ware that is not verified through third party certification to be free of fluorinated chemicals, as opposed to any food ware that is not fluorinated chemical free and verified. no person may sell or distribute any food ware that is not verified through third party certification to be free of fluorinated chemicals. i don't mean to change the intent of any of these things
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by the suggestions that i make. i -- i just think that for people who know even less than i know about this topic, which is not very much at all, that some of these suggestions would make it easier for them to understand what it is we are talking about. and that's my list. >> while charles is writing -- [inaudible] >> thank you. charles is writing the amendment or -- >> president bermejo, may we move to public comment as we do
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the rewriting? >> sure. any other comments from our commissioners first? >> do you want my help? >> okay. commissioner ahn? >> just a brief comment. it hasn't escaped my attention, actually, the implementation of this ordinance around boba tea. i know the original roll out was around boba guys, which i thought was very good. but recognize there is a higher cost to pom coastabcompostable would just urge you to be diligent in your outreach to immigrant communities. >> sure. i appreciate your comment. i think there's been some press or some concern around the availability and how so many people are switching. and we would take that into consideration. if there's just a backlog and
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one's not able to get a suitable boba alternative, you know, we would give people that time. we -- in our experience with other ordinances, a lot of players that come forth once they see that it's not going to be san francisco, other jurisdictions as well, you'll see a lot of scaling up. with scaling up, costs will come down, as well. so you know, i think they're -- there's going to be a period of time they're going to want to look at different alternatives. i know they are already doing that. it's interesting, there's even new players coming forward that have ideas that they can provide, reusable straws and provide a washing service for them, so that can certainly be something that might work if it's on-site consumption. off-site's a little bit trickier, but there are even reusable programs for people
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taking stuff off-site, so i think there are different options, and we would track those, work with, you know, various players and certainly work with the -- you know, the various businesses that are affected. >> commissioner sullivan? >> that was also my question, that i was going to ask about the boba tea purveyors, but you've already covered it, so thank you. >> any other questions from commissioners? director raphael? >> yeah. i was just going to say with the boba, it was interesting because we had our presentation at the boba tea place, and the owner was thinking creatively about how they'd address this issue. they take such pride about the ingredients of their bobas and
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how sustainable they are and local. and so for him, it was just the latest challenge of i haven't figured it out yet, but i know i can. there are a lot of reusable boba straws that they were giving out to gifts as people, and we hope they will have their reusable boba straw in their backpack or purse. i have mine, so it's just a change of habit. it's clear for a boba, a straw is a part of the drink, so it's not so much eliminating the straw but finding an alternative. and they were excited to try, and we're excited to work with them, too. this is -- as jack said and as you all know, san francisco is not alone in this. this ban on plastic straws is far and wide, and so the -- i believe in the power of capitalism, and i believe that when there is a gap in the
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market, somebody will rise up to fill it. >> this is for sure true. i wondered if because -- if this is also a movement, and it's not just in san francisco. you read about it, you hear about it, who is opposing something like this? for instance, the restaurant association, and how do we -- if there are people who are opposing or organizations, what kind of outreach are we doing to them or can we do, as maybe in an ambassadorial role as commissioners, to give good information out there and sort of preach the gospel of no plastic straws? >> yeah. well, there were a lot of meetings that me and the supervisor tang held with different players, and there was some concerns raised initially by the restaurant association and chamber.
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they've come around to support it. i think it's really a matter of talking through and say our approach is one of helping businesses comply, showing them the alternatives, giving them the time they need and reaching out which is sort of how we've done our other ordinances. this is a business, but it's also what consumers can do and sort of promoting that. so where you have the opportunity to kind of encourage people to think about how they can reduce their impact, bring their own, debbie was saying the people get into the habit of carrying straws, that is a good example. i think it's an amazing amount of material that's being generated. we estimate 1 million straws are being used in the city every day, and there's on the order of 300 million disposable cups being used in the city every year. just the quantities are so dramatic, so i think there's really some huge opportunities for us to reduce the impact.
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when he with think about zero waste, we think about the old mantra, reduce, reuse, recycle, compost. that's something that gets to more of a cultural change and a shift in attitude and perception, so we just need to kind of help walk the talk, i guess. thank you. >> thank you. director raphael? oh, commissioner wald? anthony? >> all right. president bermejo, i've consulted with policy and communications sector, with the two suggested amendments. so besides those proposed amendments by commissioner wald, we propose, on page 2, line 18, after the word grease, to start a new whereas that
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says, whereas fluorinated chemicals are extremely persistent in the environment, leach into the environment and into food. the second -- the second proposal, commissioner wald, would be to, on page 3, after the final whereas, before the resolved, to add one additional whereas clause, whereas efforts to work with the disability community have resulted in kpemss for people with disabilities and medical needs and allows people one year to prepare for the ban, therefore be it resolved. okay. that's resolved. okay. that's ibe it resolved. okay. that's it? okay. so the other amendments are, just to go through them all, on page 2, line 15, remove the
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word marine, and after the word plastics, add the in the marine environments. the other is on page 2, line 1, after the word litter, that contributes to. on page 2, line 3, replace the word fifty with the number 50. so we have added the changes. on page 3, line 17, after the word that -- after the word not, to replace it with verified through party certification to be free of fluorinated chemicals. and then, the addition of that additional clause about the business and disability community. you're welcome. public comment. >> yes. we have one request for public
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comment, at this point, from lawrence carter long, disability rights education and defense fund. >> good evening. >> good evening. >> how are you? thank you for taking my comment. i hadn't actually planned to speak, but these issues seemed to be rising, so i appreciate the opportunity to give some insights. a month ago, i didn't think about straws. i don't use straws. i send them back every time they're offered to me, but as the communications director of a national disability rights organization, i started getting phone calls, both from consumers, from businesses, from news organizations about these proposed bans that are rolling out across the kroo and indeed internationally, and i think there's a lot that san francisco can learn from the mistakes that have been made in other cities. for example, seattle.
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first, it proposed the ban a year ago. they found that it was unworkable -- ten years ago. i'm sorry. ten years ago, they found it was unworkable, and then, just recently, a few months ago, decided to implement that ban on july 1. they had their own disability policy commission that is designed to assist in making these decisions. that's why it is there, who were never consulted before the law was implemented. and then, they had to scramble. they had to deal with people like me going on n.p.r. and calling them out, right? we've had places like p.b.s. news hour, calling, asking about bans in los angeles and new york city. they are now faced with rewriting that ordinance. here, there's some questions that have been brought to my attention that my community
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has. the ordinance says, strict compliance is not required where it would interfere with accommodating medical needs. okay. on the surface, that sounds fine. but we've got to ask, who is doing the accommodating? how are they doing the accommodating? we also have to wonder, how are we going to ensure that everyone who needs a plastic straw for the time being can get one? how is a person supposed to show that they require a straw due to medical needs? are we going to tell people to get a prescription to go to mcdonald's? what does it mean? the devil is in the details here. no other constituency is required to bring their own cup, their own cutlery, or their own doggie bag. it's ironic to me that 28 years ago this week, on july 26, the americans with disabilities act
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was passed, saying that americans with disabilities have the right, the same right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. we should not be faced with these additional burdens. an option is not a mandate. may does not equal must. we cannot -- because we didn't think it through, put an undue burden on the disability community on people who were left out of the initial conversations. so please, i implore you before these things are implemented that we give firm, concrete and specific answers to these questions before implementation, because i can tell you, we all love hurdles, too. but we don't want to roll back the protections that we've fought for in that process. next july, i want to be standing on these stairs with
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us in celebration of this going into effect. i can't do that. the disability community can't do that unless we're considered, consulted, unless you learn from our insights, our expertise and our experience in making these decisions. thank you very much. >> thank you. any other public comment? okay. we can move onto a motion for the resolution. >> i'll move approval of the resolution as edited. >> so moved. second? okay. it's been moved by commissioner sullivan and seconded by commissioner wald. all in favor? [voting] >> any opposition? any abstensions?
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great. the motion carries. [inaudible] >> anthony, item 12. >> clerk: the next item is item 12, announcements. this item is for discussion. >> commissioners, any announcements? any public comment on announcements? we want to be thorough. neha's here. okay. next item. >> clerk: the next item is new business, this item is for discussion and possible action. >> good evening, commissioners, charles sheehan, policy manager. next meeting is september 24, so a little bit to go.
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we will be reviewing the green report and the pesticide list. and we're working on the joint meeting with the commission on the status of women. we want to bridge the global action climate summit with the bay area women's summit that's happening here in december. the date for the joint meeting is october 24 at 4:00 pm m., so please hold that for your calendars. we're still working on a location for that joint meeting, so if you do have any ideas, let anthony know. the next policy committee meeting is august 6, and the next operation committee meeting is october 17. >> commissioners, any questions? any public comment? we hope to see you on those
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dates. okay. next item. >> clerk: the next item is item 14, adjournment. the time is 7:27 p.m. >> okay. we are adjourned. i can hit this [ gavel ]. >> thank you. and thank you for the comments. thank you for everybody who's still here to listen to the really important information that is being presented today, and thank you for the last public comment, and those are heartfelt words, and certainly will be taking them into consideration. thank you. have a good night.
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>> when i open up the paper every day, i'm just amazed at how many different environmental issues keep popping up. when i think about what planet i want to leave for my children and other generations, i think about what kind of contribution i can make on a personal level to the environment. >> it was really easy to sign up for the program. i just went online to, i signed up and then started getting pieces in the mail letting me know i was going switch over and poof it happened. now when i want to pay my bill,
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i go to pg&e and i don't see any difference in paying now. if you're a family on the budget, if you sign up for the regular green program, it's not going to change your bill at all. you can sign up online or call. you'll have the peace of mind knowing you're doing your part in your household to help the environment. >> all right, hello, everybody! >> hello! >> you know, there are days like this when being mayor is absolutely amazing. this is exactly why myself and our aseptemberably man phil tang, this is why we do this work, to make a difference in the lives of people who need us to make sure that we make the right investments. thank you all for being here.
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i'm glad to be here to announce the grand opening of the division circle navigation center. clear cheer [applause] [cheering] this navigation center will help so many people transition off the streets into this place, into permanent housing. the opening today is a result of a collaborative effort between the city, the state partners like our assembly member phil tang and cal trans. we are working together to help address this homeless crisis. many of you know my top priority as mayor is to make sure that we're moving our homeless population out of tents, off the streets and into permanent housing. navigation centers go beyond
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the traditional shelters by allowing individuals to bring their partners, their pets, their belongings with them, which are often barriers to getting into our shelters. once they are there, the centers provide the care and services that people need. health care. services around social workers and possibly, hopefully permanent housing. this particular navigation center will serve up to 125 individuals at a time. the opening today is the result, as i said, of a collaborative effort and there are a number of difference people who made this possible. and it is a reflection of what we can accomplish when we work together for a common goal. phil tang helped to secure $10 million last year in the state budget to help with two navigation centers in san francisco. [applause]
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[cheering] and that is not all he did. his legislation, aba-57, allows the city to lease underutilized property that is owned by cal trans at a very reduced rate. we wouldn't be able to national -- to make this happen without his leadership and we're so grateful for what he has done to lead the charge in just a minute toe. -- in sacramento. cal trans worked in partnership with our state and local representatives to involve the hurdles in leasing the land and i want to thank laura berman from the cal trans director here today. ams want to thank the departments of public works who helped move this project forward quickly. jeff kaczynski from the department of homelessness and the city real estate division, countless other folks who made it possible and especially our homeless outreach team who consistently are out there on
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the front lines trying to identify folks who are in need and bring them into our navigation centers to get them the help and the support that we know they need. i'm commited to addressing this humanitarian crises that we see in san francisco and all over our state. it is going to take a consistent and sane effort to open navigation centers like this one all over our city. together, we know we can bring noticeable changes. i have met some of the people personally who have been in our navigation centers, who are now permanently housed. but i also met people who have been in our navigation centers and who have come back time and time and time again. what i appreciate about the work of so many of the city employees and nonprofit agencis that work to help folks who are struggling on our streets that we have not given up on folks. and we won't give up on the people that we know need support and services the most.
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that is why navigation centers like thiss are critical. they change and they save lives. and that is what we're committed to doing. one person at a time. and with that, i'd like the introduce our leader in this effort, assembliman phil tang. [applause] >> thank you so much, mayor breed, for your leadership on this issue of homelessness. i know that we had an opportunity to work together when you were president of the board and i have no doubt that you're going to be working on this issue every single day as mayor. i also wanted to thank supervisor hillary ronen who had approached my early on to talk about how we can fund navigation centers in her district and also in san francisco. and i would be remissed not to thank late mayor ed lee who brought me aba-57.
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it was really a team effort where the citied that idea of we need to work together to solve this problem. this is a state-wide problem. we have 134,000 homeless people in the state. it is a state of crisis. we have 7500 people here in san francisco. but these people aren't numbers. they're lives. they're lives that missed different paths, that have taken very challenging directions. but we as a city have not given up on them. we as a state have not given up on them and only by working together and solving this problem together can we really move this issue forward. cal trans has been great because cal trans told me they spent, i believe, almost $10 million last year or the year before to just move homeless people off their property. homeless encampments up and down the state were under freeways. everywhere.
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i would drive under the 101 and the chavez interchange and drop off my daughter at school every day and you would see a line of tents. so, cal trans said, hey, instead of us using all this money to move people off, figure out another way to be part of the solution. it doesn't help when you move people off the lot and they come back three days later and we have to move them off. it doesn't get them any closer to housing. by cal trans, myself and the legislature, appropriating $10 million for two navigation centers, working together with mayor breed, with mayor lee, with supervisor ronen and the city family to really solve this issue, we have moved one step closer. and other people are taking notice. because navigation centers aren't just happening here in san francisco. they're happening in santa rosa. they're happening in seattle and happening in austin. because it is not about housing. it's about people. it's about making sure that people are getting help with their addictions.
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with their mental health. s with helping with their job training. it's all about how we are assisting each individual, each one of those 7500 people that have families. they come from somewhere. they are going somewhere. and this city and this state is not going to let them fail. so w that, again, i want to thank mayor breed for her leadership on this issue. so excited to see this navigation center up and running. i want to thanks, again, supervisor ronen, late mayor ed lee and it is my pleasure to bring up the new director of cal trans, larry berman. because their agency played a critical role at making sure that this happened by working with me on aba-57, cal trans has worked out a deal with the city and county of san francisco to lease up to 10 properties at far below market rate. this being one of them. and they again have stepped up to the plate. not being part of the problem, being part of the solution. so thank you, laurie and thank you to cal trans. [applause]
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>> thank you. good morning. i want to start by saying congratulationss to our new mayor of san francisco. mayor london breed. [applause] >> yeah! >> i am really honored for this opportunity to speak on behalf of the california department of transportation. to express our appreciation for the collaboration with the city of san francisco, with homeless advocates, with private donors and community members to address one of the greatest crises of our day and that is homelessness. cal trans and the city of san francisco share a commitment to public sthafs predates all of us here today. but it is good when we can continue to work together to solve big problems. we are really proud to work with the city of san francisco for today's ribbon cutting of the division circlele, navigation center which is also dedicated to the memory of homeless advocate brian quinn who passed away in april. we are proud of our commitment to develop sustainable
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transportation solutions in san francisco and we appreciate our great partnership with the city of san francisco to sustain vibrant communities. in the next few year, cal trans has many repaving jobs that will be delivered through dedicated transportation funds from senate bill 1, the road repair and accountable act of 2017 and this year, senate bill 1 is paying for projects that are revamp several bridges and overcrossings along highway 101, including wider six-inch striping to increase visibility and safety. the department of transportation is planning for the growths of california's population, economy and emerging technologies that will be used on the state highway system to transport people, goods and services. we are also working with our local partners throughout california to help address an issue facing many californians and that is homelessness. this project, the san francisco navigation center, along with the site at 5th and bryants, represents a step in the right direction.
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the van nuys center is an innovative approach to help address the homelessness crisis. this project required commitment from local and state governments, private donor, grassroots organizations and countless volunteers. we must all think outside the box to address california's homeless epidemic and that is exactly what this project has delivered -- a fresh approach. we are commited to helping in every way that we can and we are proud of what we have achieved with today's project and i want to particularly thank the innovative thinkers in the city of san francisco and cal trans who worked together to address the challenges of delivering this project on state right-of-way. and i also want to really thank cal tran staff who worked very hard on this project. this is not what cal trans normally does with our right-of-way. but i wanted to especially thank our senior right-of-way agent who was our point person on this project. and thank you to the staff at
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san francisco department of housing and public works and san francisco's department of homelessness and supportive housing. i look forward to our quonlted -- continued partnership with the city of san francisco to xraet a transportation system that enhances california's economy while also working with communities throughout our state to make every california city a better place to live. working together, we can solve big problems. thank you. [applause] >> good morning. i'm the executive director of st. vincent depaul. we have been a long-standing, nonprofit in the city and county of san francisco since 1860. our mission is to offer hope and service on a direct person-to-person basis, working to the break the cycles of homelessness and domestic violence. we want to thank our partners today for the beautiful navigation center and what we are able to accomplish with 125
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clients that are with us. at this time, i want to introduce representative ronen's representative from her office, carolina morales, considered a bridge builder and political organizer, advancing domestic si. she has over a decade of experience in community health, services and community organizing nicker tiffs. she has built and managed programs, wrote and managed grants and restructured an organization. she has been our key person from the supervisor ronen's office. [applause] >> hi, everybody. good morning. i'm catalina morales with hillary ronen. so, six years ago, when the district nine office began our work to build this first ever navigation center in san francisco, we immediately recognized the division circle site as a perfect place for
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another navigation center. last year, when the supervisor took office, and our tent encampment crisis was at its worst, we have about 250 tents concentrated in the mission as ground zero for our crisis, we knew that we had to do a lot more. we started work with the neighbors to ensure that we could open a navigation center. we worked with ed lee very closely to ensure that all of the partners were really working together. and in that partnership, another very important department was the san francisco police department. our chief, chief scott, our commander lazhar, and our captain have been important partners in ensuring that those homeless residents and house residents feel safe as we share spaceing to and make sure that
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everybody gets dignify housing. so i want to repeat the words that mayor breed and assembly member tang have repeated. this has been unprecedented collaboration that has been very, very effective. we think supervisor tang for partnering with us and granting us this massive amount of money to ensure that we are serving our most vulnerable people in the mission in ground zero for the tent encampment crisis and with that, i want to once again honor the memory of ed lee and his commitment to building more navigation center, those in the mission and in our city. this is our way forward. this is the way that we will solve the tent encampment cry theys we? -- that we have in san francisco and make even california. thank you for your time. [applause] >> so, we've had many successful stories from those who have visited with us at the navigation center. so, i'd like the introduce you
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to anna. she has been a long-time member, resident of san francisco. and due to her life experiences, she recently became homeless and we just worked with her and she is now housed. [cheering] [applause] >> good morning, everyone. and thank you all for coming out here. i want to thank the navigation center and mayor ed lee and now our present mayor. thank you to staff. i -- i'm an ex-postal employee and i never thought i'd become homeless. it's sad, but thanks to the navigation center, i'm now housed and i'm living at 6th street. i'm very happy. i was there 35 years ago. and so i feel that i've made a complete circle.
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i'm back and it is a good feeling because i know that i'm where i'm supposed to be. thank you all. [applause] >> are you going to do the robin? >> and now we'll cut the rick bonn. -- ribbon. >> ok. now we're going to cut the ribbon. afterwards, if anyone is interested in a tour, let me know and we'll do a nice quick little tour through the navigation center. >> here we go! five, four, three, two, one!
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. >> the san francisco carbon fund was started in 2009. it's basically legislation that was passed by the board of supervisors and the mayor's office for the city of san francisco. they passed legislation that said okay, 13% of the cost of the city air travel is going to go into a fund and we're going to use the money in that fund to do local projects that are going to mitigate and sequester greenhouse gas emission. the grants that we're giving, they're anywhere from 15,000 to, say, $80,000 for a two year
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grant. i'm shawn rosenmoss. i'm the development of community partnerships and carbon fund for the san francisco department of environment. we have an advisory committee that meets once or twice a year to talk about, okay, what are we going to fund? because we want to look at things like equity and innovative projects. >> i heard about the carbon fund because i used to work for the department of environment. i'm a school education team. my name is marcus major. i'm a founding member of climate action now. we started in 2011. our main goal it to remove carbon in the public right-of-way on sidewalks to build educational gardens that teach people with climate change. >> if it's a greening grant, 75% of the grant has to go for greening. it has to go for planting trees, it has to go for
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greening up the pavement, because again, this is about permanent carbon savings. >> the dinosaur vegetable gardens was chosen because the garden was covered in is afault since 1932. it was the seed funding for this whole project. the whole garden,ible was about 84,000 square feet, and our project, we removed 3,126 square feet of cement. >> we usually issue a greening rft every other year, and that's for projects that are going to dig up pavement, plant trees, community garden, school garden. >> we were awarded $43,000 for this project. the produce that's grown here is consumed all right at large by the school community. in this garden we're growing all kinds of organic vegetables
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from lettuce, and artichokes. we'll be planting apples and loquats, all kinds of great fruit and veggies. >> the first project was the dipatch biodiesel producing facility. the reason for that is a lot of people in san francisco have diesel cars that they were operating on biodiesel, and they were having to go over to berkeley. we kind of the dog batch preferentials in the difference between diesel and biodiesel. one of the gardens i love is the pomeroy rec center. >> pomeroy has its roots back to 1952. my name is david, and i'm the
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chamber and ceo of the pomeroy rehabilitation and recreation center. we were a center for people with intellectual and development cal disabilities in san francisco san francisco. we also have a program for individuals that have acquired brain injury or traumatic brain injury, and we also have one of the larger after school programs for children with special needs that serves the public school system. the sf carbon fund for us has been the launching pad for an entire program here at the pomeroy center. we received about $15,000. the money was really designed to help us improve our garden by buying plants and material and also some infrastructure like a drip system for plants. we have wine barrels that we
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repurposed to collect rain water. we actually had removed over 1,000 square feet of concrete so that we could expand the garden. this is where our participants, they come to learn about gardening. they learn about our work in the greenhouse. we have plants that we actually harvest, and eggs from our chickens that we take up and use in cooking classes so that our participants learn as much as anybody else where food comes from. we have two kitchens here at the pomeroy center. one is more of a commercial kitchen and one is more setup like a home kitchen would be, and in the home kitchen, we do a lot of cooking classes, how to make lasagna, how to comsome eggs, so this grant that we received has tremendous value, not only for our center, for our participants, but the entire community. >> the thing about climate, climate overlaps with everything, and so when we
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start looking at how we're going to solve climate programs, we solve a lot of other problems, too. this is a radical project, and to be a part of it has been a real honor and a privilege to work with those administrators with the sf carbon fund at the department of environment. >> san francisco carbon grant to -- for us, opened the door to a new -- a new world that we didn't really have before; that the result is this beautiful garden. >> when you look at the community gardens we planted in schools and in neighborhoods, how many thousands of people now have a fabulous place to walk around and feel safe going outside and are growing their own food. that's a huge impact, and we're just going to keep rolling that out and keep rolling that
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>> i had a break when i was on a major label for my musical career. i took a seven year break. and then i came back. i worked in the library for a long time. when i started working the san francisco history centre, i noticed they had the hippie collection. i thought, if they have a hippie collection, they really need to have a punk collection as well. so i talked to the city archivist who is my boss. she was very interested. one of the things that i wanted to get to the library was the avengers collection. this is definitely a valuable poster. because it is petty bone. it has that weird look because it was framed. it had something acid on it and something not acid framing it. we had to bring all of this stuff that had been piling up in my life here and make sure that
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the important parts of it got archived. it wasn't a big stretch for them to start collecting in the area of punk. we have a lot of great photos and flyers from that area and that. that i could donate myself. from they're, i decided, you know, why not pursue other people and other bands and get them to donate as well? the historic moments in san francisco, punk history, is the sex pistols concert which was at winterland. [♪] it brought all of the punks on the web -- west coast to san francisco to see this show. the sex pistols played the east coast and then they play texas and a few places in the south and then they came directly to san francisco. they skipped l.a. and they skipped most of the media centres. san francisco was really the biggest show for them pick it was their biggest show ever. their tour manager was interested in managing the adventures, my band. we were asked to open to support the pistols way to that show. and the nuns were also asked to
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open the show. it was certainly the biggest crowd that we had ever played to. it was kind of terrifying but it did bring people all the way from vancouver, tee seattle, portland, san diego, all up and down the coast, and l.a., obviously. to san francisco to see this show. there are a lot of people who say that after they saw this show they thought they would start their own band. it was a great jumping off point for a lot of west coast punk. it was also, the pistols' last show. in a way, it was the end of one era of punk and the beginning of a new one. the city of san francisco didn't necessarily support punk rock. [♪] >> last, but certainly not least is a jell-o be opera. they are the punk rock candidate of the lead singer called the dead kennedys.
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>> if we are blaming anybody in san francisco, we will just blame the dead kennedys. >> there you go. >> we had situations where concerts were cancelled due to flyers, obscene flyers that the city was thought -- that he thought was obscene that had been put up. the city of san francisco has come around to embrace it's musicians. when they have the centennial for city hall, they brought in all kinds of local musicians and i got to perform at that. that was, at -- in a way, and appreciation from the city of san francisco for the musical legends. i feel like a lot of people in san francisco don't realize what resources there are at the library. we had a film series, the s.f. punk film series that i put together. it was nearly sold out every single night. people were so appreciative that someone was bringing this for them. it is free. everything in the library is free. >> it it is also a film producer
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who has a film coming out. maybe in 2018 about crime. what is the title of it? >> it is called san francisco first and only rock 'n' roll movie. crime, 1978. [laughter] >> when i first went to the art institute before the adventures were formed in 77, i was going to be a painter. i did not know i would turn into a punk singer. i got back into painting and i mostly do portraiture and figurative painting. one of the things about this job here is i discovered some great resources for images for my painting. i was looking through these mug shot books that we have here that are from the 1920s. i did a whole series of a mug shot paintings from those books. they are in the san francisco history centre's s.f. police department records. there are so many different
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things that the library provides for san franciscans that i feel like a lot of people are like, oh, i don't have a library card. i've never been there. they need to come down and check it out and find out what we have. the people who are hiding stuff in their sellers and wondering what to do with these old photos or old junk, whether it is hippie stuff or punk stuff, or stuffestuff from their grandpar, if they bring it here to us, we can preserve it and archive it and make it available to the public in the future.
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>> self-planning works to preserve and enhance the city what kind hispanic the environment in a variety of ways overhead plans to fwied other departments to open space and land use an urban design and a variety of other matters related to the physical urban environment planning projects include implementing code change or designing plaza or parks
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projects can be broad as proipd on overhead neighborhood planning effort typically include public involvement depending on the subject a new lot or effect or be active in the final process lots of people are troubled by they're moving loss of they're of what we preserve to be they're moving mid block or rear yard open space. >> one way to be involved attend a meeting to go it gives us and the neighbors to learn and participate dribble in future improvements meetings often take the form of open houses or focus groups or other stinks that allows you or your neighbors to provide feedback and ask questions the best way to insure you'll be
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alerted the community meetings sign up for the notification on the website by signing up using you'll receive the notifications of existing request the specific neighborhood or project type if you're language is a disability accomodation please call us 72 hours before the event over the events staff will receive the input and publish the results on the website the notifications bans feedback from the public for example, the feedback you provide may change how a street corridors looks at or the web policy the get started in planning for our neighborhood or learner more mr. the upcoming visit the plans and programs package of our we are talking about with our feedback and participation that is important to us not everyone
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takes this so be proud of taking ann [roll call] >> clerk: we expect commissioner hillis to be out and commissioner fong to be in shortly. first up, cases for continuance, 2018-001243cua, proposed continuance to august 23, 2018. item 2, 2014-002541dva, india basin development agreement project, proposed continuance to august 23, 2018. i would like to be
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