tv Government Access Programming SFGTV September 1, 2018 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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travis and in deep cooperation with anna. anna, raise your hand. [applause] anna has been instrumenttal in launching e.c.s. services both at this site and right down the street at the auburn, which was opened i believe january and february. with that, enough about e.c.s. and us. i want to introduce you to alex who now calls the minna lee home. welcome. >> hello. >> hi, alex. >> it's a nice neighborhood. thank you. that's all i'm going to say. [laughter] [applause]
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>> thank you very much, alex, for sharing. and alex and i met when he with standing in an encampment out on the streets and ended up in the nav center and now is living here, which is exactly the way the system is supposed to work. so let's close it out with the people who do the work on the front lines work really hard. they are amazing people. they're angels that walk among us and we're blessed and honored to have denise rigens, the general manager of this building that will share a few words with us. [applause] >> all right! so, god, this feels like a really -- just a beautiful day. and i just can't wait to now build community and bringing our tenants home, safety, caring and love. especially during these times. and so i'm just truly humbled by that. and that i get to be a part of
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that. so i'd like to thank you, mayor breed, for being here with us. and supervisor kim and also h.s.h. for the opportunity and support for this amazing project. we're still working on the finishing touches because really what our first priority was to make sure that we provided people a home. we want to thank our e.c.s. coordinated entry team and e.c.s. as well and support services team for the fabulous coordination and partnership and shout-out to the whole dish team. you guys are remarkable and i'm so proud to be a part and work alongside of you. and we also like to thank our dish advisory board and ties for keeping us on track. [laughter] so this project demonstrate our collective capacity and to end con kick homelessness and in partnership with e.c.s. and n.s.h. we have paved the pathway home by removing barriers to housing. ours tenants moved in the day
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thank you for joining the regular board meeting of the board of education. today is tuesday, august 28th. i am now calling this meeting to order. can i get rollcall, please? thank you. [roll call] >> thank you. >> thank you for rollcall. please stand and join me for the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag
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of the united states of america -- [indiscernible] >> thank you. section a is acceptability information for the public. section b. are opening items. we have an approval of board minutes of the regular board meeting of august 14th, 2018. i need a motion and a second, please. >> so moved. >> second. any corrections? rollcall vote please. will knock -- [roll call] >> just a reminder that speaker cards for the regular agenda and close session are necessary in order to address the board of education. members of the public are reminded that individuals can
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complete a speaker card. it looks like this. they can be found in the foyer. please give them to the executive assistant. that is really important, according to the board rules and procedures as speaker cards get provided prior to an item being hurt. please be sure that you fill out a speaker card so that you can speak during an agenda item. if we are already on the agenda item, we will not accept any more speaker cards. item two is the superintendent's report. dr matthews? >> thank you presidents. good evening, everyone. we had a great opening up schools last week and i have the pleasure, on the first day of visiting three schools,, the willie brown junior middle school, hillcrest elementary school and francisco middle school.
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i welcome students to willie brown in the morning and then went to hillcrest. it is one of the first schools in our district to begin using a japanese methodology called teaching through problem-solving during meth -- mathematics class this methodology focuses on student solving novel problems in which no solution is known in advance and this builds critical thinking and mathematical understanding. over the past school year, francisco middle school has dramatically improved its culture, climate, among teachers and students, by using encouragement and constructive feedback. as a result, suspensions have dropped over all but the fight -- highest dropout rate by 15 percentage points. there was a wonderful visit at all three sites and the great to see amazing work being done by our teachers and staff and they are completing this work with our students. last thursday, students at dr martin luther king jr. academic
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middle school participated in passport day, which helps onboard students with the school 's expectation for the year and a fun learning environment. students obtain stamps on their passports, which were earned in various ways, like taking a self eat with the a self with the head counsellor, or doing a dab dance with the principal. [laughter] >> these activities and other efforts at the school have led to a decrease in suspension from 118 and the 2014 school year to just a 16 last year. for the second school year, nearly every high school senior at the academy of san francisco is taking classes at city college of san francisco's mission centre or ocean avenue campus. each afternoon to earn college credit as part of our district's early college program. students selected from 19 classes including african-american studies, film history, child development and
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other classes. san francisco international high school also has a very similar partnership with the city and college of san francisco. finally, very important, all san francisco unified school district and offices will be closed on monday, september 3rd in observance of labor day that concludes my report for this evening. >> thank you, very much dr matthews. our next item is a student delegates report. we have two new student delegates. welcome. unless you like to both introduce yourselves and provide us with your report. >> thank you. i am a senior at lowell high school. >> i am a senior at s.f. international high school. >> on the topic of high school voter registration, we are encouraging high school peers to vote early and take part in engagements. the students propose that schools wanted to set up after school to set up voter registration. we want to thank michelle morris
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for their presentation and support on registration materials and entry. >> on the topic of -- they would like students to know that the annual -- annual climate march will be held on saturday september 8th at 10:00 am. this is an opportunity for people to show their support of climate change awareness, finding related jobs and social justice. thank you. >> lastly, we elected our new cabinet members. we have students delegates.. a senior at s.f. international and a senior at thurgood marshall, and a senior at longbridge high school. a junior at wallenberg and a senior admission, a public relations officer at wallenberg high school at a junior at bird
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in high school. >> they have been engaged in leadership training with outward bound. we met at baker beach and did teambuilding exercises. special congratulations for winning the dance off. [cheers and applause] >> this weekend, we are going to bikini and reservation in sonoma for conclusion of our leadership training. >> for our next meeting, it will be on september 10th at 5:00 pm. anyone is welcome to attend the meeting. if you like to attend, make a presentation or come talk to us yourself. thank you. >> thank you both very much. welcome. our next item is item for. recognitions and resolutions of commendation. we have none tonight. item five is recognition -- recognizing all valuable employees. we have an awards this evening. superintendent? >> yes, we do. this evening, their special service award is going to be awarded to alma. she's a secretary at an early
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education school. presenting this award will be her principal. >> good evening. thank you for inviting us. it is my pleasure and honor as the leader for the early education school, to present this special service award recipient to alma. as a first-time administrator, new to the role as a leader, i would not have survived my first year without the knowledge, help and support from all month. i was not the one who broached the initial nomination. it was her previous site leader who scent in the recommendation. however, when i heard of the nomination, i could not think of of anyone more deserving than alma. she is the first person parents, families and staff see when they walk through the door. every day they are greeted with respect and a warm smile.
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she is kind, carrying, and dedicated to our community. her honesty and loving nature makes working with her a pleasure, day in and day out. congratulations and thank you for all that you do for our students and staff. [applause] [laughter] >> i just want to say thank you. i have only been in the district for five years and it has been the most rewarding five years. after coming coming from the mortgage industry,, working with families and children, it has no comparison. it is so rewarding and you feel like you do something for the community and for the families and for the children. it is just a pleasure to come every day to work and to help whoever it needs help. i thank you for everything that you do. because from the pre-k, you do
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quickly to thank them for the brand-new sweatshirts that some of us are probably wearing. they are really great and we wanted to thank you for that. all of us got them. our next item's advisory committee reports and appointments to advisory committees by board members. there is no report tonight. does anyone have any appointments to the advisory committee by board members? seeing non, thank you. second see -- section c. is consent calendar. i need a motion and a second on the consent calendar. >> so moved. >> moved. >> thank you. thank you. i don't have any public comment on the consent items. any items withdrawn or corrected by the superintendent? >> no. any items removed by first reading by the board? any item severed by the board of superintendent for discussion about tonight? seeing none -- rollcall plays on the consent calendar. [roll call].
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>> thank you. section d. as our discussion on consent calendar resolution for separate consideration. there were none tonight. section e.'s proposal for action .. we have two items this evening for action. our first item is resolution 186-2681. it is the renaming of the chinese education center to the edwin and anita waite newcomer school. this was authored by myself and commissioners. this is moved and seconded on june 26, 2018. we have an amended version from last night's committee meeting and a copy has been provided to all of you. the board members, a report back
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from buildings and grounds from our meeting last night. we recommended to have this moved with the positive recommendation. at this time, we would like to do the reading of the resolution and then we will have public speakers and comments by the board before the roll call vote. i will start and all three of us will do segments of this resolution. this is the renaming of the chinese education centre to the edwin and anita lee newcomer school. whereas a chinese education centre is provided to -- is committed to providing a strong foundation. especially english language arts and an orientation to american culture and in a positive and nurturing environments. the entire student population is made up of newcomer students who are learning english for the first time and adjusting to a new way of life and a new set of expectations in america.
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and whereas most students stay here for one year before they are transferred to a traditional public school, students receive a strong foundation of basic skills and gain all core subjects. english language develop and, chinese language arts, and the core subjects. computer literacy at extended learning activities and house and safety education. field trips, dance, art and music are also part of the curriculum. because all students are beginning english learners, they received 2-3 hours of focused english instruction daily. and english learning is integrated into other subjects throughout the day. the committed principle teachers and staff at the chinese education centre have warmly welcomed students and introduce them to the traditional american education system, as well as exposing them to a dutch accomplished chinese-american leaders to aspire to. the community and the chinese education center, city leaders, community partners and established community leaders have requested the renaming of the chinese education centre to the edwin and anita leave
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newcomer school. to reflect two important community leaders that have demonstrated their commitment in supporting immigrant students and families and the importance and value of a great public education. and whereas edwin has consistently demonstrated strong support for immigrant students and their families. particularly as they are challenged by a new education system and social culture. and whereas edwin and anita have been a welcoming bridge to our immigrant community. after the war, are provided opportunities to live, work and thrive in san francisco. whereas edwin and i need to have been long-standing champions for public education, fighting for equity, opportunity, and empowerment for the most vulnerable populations. and whereas they are committed to public education was not only professional, the very personal. including sending their own daughters to the san francisco unified school districts in public higher education institution. both graduate from a high school , u.c. santa cruz and u.c. berkeley.
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>> edwin west the 33rd mayor of the city and county of san francisco and the first chinese-american mary elected. he served as mayor of san francisco from january 2011 until his untimely death on december 12th, 2017. if ed lee was born in 1952 in the beacon hill neighborhood, his parents emigrated to the united states from china in the 1930s. his father thought in the korean war and worked as a cook and managed a restaurant in seattle. he died when lee was 15. 's mother was a seamstress and waitress. he has five siblings. he attended seattle franklin high school before graduating from a college in the 1970s. he completed a year overseas as a watson fellow and graduated
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from the university of california berkeley berkeley in 1978. he was the managing attorney for the san francisco asian law caucus where he worked from 1979 , 21989. from 1989, 101991, he was a whistleblower at investigator and the deputy director of employment relations in san francisco. since 1991, he held several leadership positions in san francisco, including the director of the human rights commission, director of the city purchasing department, director of public works and city administrator before being appointed mayor in 2011. he went on to win his first election as mayor in november 2011 to be elected in november 2015. whereas mayor lee held many -- led to many educational and use initiatives to help improve performance and provide access and equity in early education and early care -- to name a few. his accomplishments in education
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were substantial despite his lack of jurisdiction and oversight at sfusd. he believed that in order to have a great city you have to have a great public education system. through the partnership initiated and led by mayor leacock the mayors stamped initiative -- initiatives. they built a strong foundation for mathematics and science across the district. he successfully led the efforts to create and pass legislation to create the first our children , our families council which is mandated for the next 25 years. the council is cochaired by the mayor and sfusd superintendent with the goal of setting a coordinated effort to leverage funding and partnerships to collect and impact uninsured children, youth and families. under his tenure, he created the office of early care and education, which is held advocate for resources, align
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funding, generate public policy public policy and support thousands of families and secure presold --'s preschool classes while increasing funding and coordination the youngest residents. >> the mayor continued and enhance the commitment of recognizing excellent teachers through his principle of the year award. if you want teachers and principals have been honoured and recognized for their outstanding service to their students. they have been presented with gifts, cash awards, and this year we added an award for an outstanding parent educator of the year award. he started public service as a educator. he raised and awarded $220,000 in scholarships for the eye and the future scholarship award. in 2011, many awards were given. a hundred $80,000 since college -- college scholarship report.
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-- supports. an additional 52 students received over 31,000 for a scholarship. chinese family honor award that mayor lee gave primarily to african-american and latino american students to encourage different cultures to connect. anti- included educator housing as part of his legacy of 30,000 units by 2020. he committed to build at least 5,000 units of -- per year with an average of 33% affordable. his commitment to $44 million in city funds to build over 100 rental units and teacher housing it is a testament to a strong desire to recruit and retain excellent teachers. using property in the -- we will build a first joint housing project between the city, sfusd and united educators of san francisco. mayor lee helped to start the heading home campaign and let the fundraising efforts and secured $30 million to help out
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homeless families with children. thanks to to our key partners, and hamilton families. the goal of housing at least 800 homeless families by 2020 is within reach. so far, 200 families have moved into permanent housing. when with his accessible door success successfully used jobs, he generated 48,000 public and private sector jobs and internships for youths aged 16- 24 years old. many of the students were immigrant students and found work for the first time, which enabled them to help their families as well as safer college. i anita lee served as the first lady of san francisco from 2011- 2017. she is a proud emigrant of china and was a trained bilingual teacher and helped teach many students in cantonese. mrs. lee has contributed most of her time to promote san francisco to various diverse communities locally and helps to form economic and cultural
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exchanges with international cities in gizeh, the middle east and europe and elsewhere. she introduced five elementary schools to the delegation. she promoted a pan to art competition that resulted in a famous chinese artist creating a life-size replica of the first place to have a panda on display >> thank you. mrs. lee has met with many distinguished -- she accompanied she accompanied mayor lee to meet with pope francis of the vatican to discuss climate change and modern slavery.
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mrs. lee is a strong advocate for eliminating violence against women and girls worldwide, including combating human trafficking and protecting women 's rights. mrs. lee led the san francisco delegation of the 2014 u.n. commission on the status of women meeting where they launch the video campaign that has been georgia has since been joined by over 70 cities and countries nationwide. whereas mrs. lee is passionate about girls issues, particularly in her native china. she organized medical missions in china, raising money for supplies and recruiting doctors and support staff to try -- to travel from the u.s. to china to address issues that hurt girls. it is remedied by simple procedure that is nevertheless, out of reach for many low income families who have little access to medical care. her work has touched the poorest girls in several provinces in china.
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she is deeply invested in promoting education for young girls and recently met with a nobel prize winner who has been an advocate for women and education in pakistan. she partnered with the friends of the san francisco commission on the status of women to host middle school and high school girls and conversation in 2013 and 2014. students were matched with accomplished women in science technology back engineering, arts, arts and mathematics. edwin antony dot reyes two dollars -- daughters and their beloved city of san francisco. they lifted up and touch the lives of thousands of children, youth and families across the family -- across the country. they have been a role models in public service. particularly in the chinese community. the chinese education centre will be renamed as the edwin and anita lee newcomer school to
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honor two generous community leaders that have helped guide and support the immigrant community as well as champion strong, effective educational initiatives that lead to better academic outcomes and success for our youth. that is the reading of the resolution by the authors. we do have -- we do have public speakers that have signed up. i will call your name. if you please join us at the podium,. do you want to open with remarks first and then each speaker will have two minutes to speak quickly. >> it is nice having a box of tissues up here ready for me. good evening.
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it is an an honor to address you this evening because of our school's proposal to change our school's name. schools and educators need to inspire young people to engage in their learning and tried to do their best, to care. to do good work that helps the community. schools need to inspire young people to aspire to be better than they are each and every day part of this can't be done and who we choose to honor in the name of the school. who we choose to honor does matter. mayor ed lee and anita lee are people that inspire each and every one of us to aspire to be better people than we are each and every day.
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these are people who made and to make a positive difference for the people of san francisco. mayor ed lee was a champion for education. under his administration,, our district and our city shared one of the strongest partnerships supporting children, families, immigrants, and public education ed lee was an unassuming leader, who led with his heart. he was thoughtful, intelligent, and joyful. he was the kind of leader that i aspire to be like. all these different pieces of who he was, and how he came across connect with a kind of learning environment we want our newcomer school to be like, for immigrant children and their families.
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when mayor lee died unexpectedly , many many of us were shocked. if not devastated. as our city grappled with his loss, the idea came from different members of our school community to rename the school in his honor. to embrace and continue the legacy of his work and his life. fast forward to an afternoon at the school where i was afforded the great honor of sitting at a table in my office with an easily, wife of the late mayor edwin lee. president of the school board at one of our over-the-top super amazing community volunteers from the rotary club of san francisco, chinatown. it was, in that afternoon, in that little office, in the shadow of these three powerful leaders, that the idea brought in to include anita lee so that we could honor the work that she
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has done in supporting education too. our school team connected with our families, our cbo partners, our business partners, our volunteers, our chinatown district schools, some of our public officials and our friends everyone we connected with embraced and loved this idea to rename our school. so here we are, this evening with our board of education about to take a vote on this name change idea. and it is feeling quite unreal. just last night, at the board of education building and grounds committee meeting, one of the commissioners mentioned how, together,, as we consider these proposals of the school name changes, we are embarking on making history. i don't mean mean to put pressure on you. [laughter] >> and while this may not be --
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it sure means a whole lot for our little school down in chinatown. if this name change is approved tonight, it will be one of the highest honours to have the chinese education centre be renamed as edwin and anita lee newcomer school, after our first asian american, chinese american mayor of san francisco and the wonderful mrs. anita lee to is, in so many ways, an active champion of education, especially for girls in science education. thank you for considering our proposal. [applause] >> thank you. the other speakers, if you would please join us at the podium.
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>> good evening. i am a former student of cec. i often say that i graduated from cec because i attended the school as a fifth-grader. that year, s. it is special to me since it was my only elementary school education that i experienced in the u.s. although, the experience was phenomenal. the name of the school misled me into thinking that i was enrolled in a center and not an actual school. [laughter] >> this was disheartening. it is obviously not true. however,, even today, i still hear parents and a local city residents who misunderstand the mission of our school because of names. i am now a teacher at the school
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is the current staff member and alumni, i feel it is my duty to urge the school board to support this name change. we should give our future students a reason to proudly say that they attend the edwin and anita lee newcomer school and know that they have leaders like mr and mrs. lee to look up to end aspire towards. thank you for considering this name change. [applause] >> good evening. my name is jolene. i am speaking as a former c.e.c. student. as i -- and as a representative of the chinatown ymca. i finished chinese education
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centre as a student in 2,006. i am now a ymca excel afterschool program coordinator at c.e.c. my -- the chinatown ymca has been a committee partner with the c.e.c. for the last eight years. on behalf of the chinatown ymca, a branch of san francisco, we are in full support of the proposal to change the name of the chinese education centre to edwin and anita lee newcomer school. for me, as a former chinese education centre student, i also think it is exciting that our school will be named after our first chinese american mayor. it is my pleasure to be here today and supports my school. thank you, very much. [applause] >> good evening, everyone.
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all the commissioners, board of education, site directors. i stand before you as a community partner of the chinese education centre and a volunteer there. i want to thank, especially the president mendoza mcdonald and the commissioners for writing up such a beautiful resolution for the school. the c.e.c. and the remaining of it. i was moved from being here last night about the renaming of a both schools. c.e.c. and the fairmont school. honouring a very remarkable people. i learned about a woman named dolores who is still so remarkable at the age of 88. and all that she stands for. and then our humble mayor, ed lee and his immigrant wife,
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anita. to recognize these are marketable people and to name a school after them, for what they have done pack what they stand for, but they have given gifts of hope. hope from the daily distress from all of the breaking news about issues regarding immigration. the comforting thing to know is that if you vote to have these name changes, the future students that walk the halls of these schools will learn about these remarkable people. i want to thank you for considering this and for listening to me tonight. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, very much. we will take comments this at this time from the board for
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superintendents. vice president cook. >> i just wanted to thank my colleagues for their leadership and mr tab for his decades of service to our district and for being -- leading to community efforts. this was embraced and discussed at the school. i just want to say briefly that i first met the late mayor ed lee when he was city administrator and who -- and 2008 when i was a city hall fellow. they got me back to san francisco. and i went to williams college which is slightly better than bowden but we do not have as many mayors as bowden does. [laughter] and, you know, i bantered with him about that.
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he was city administrator. you gave me a lot of great advice on how to think about long term and sustained employment for communities in the city onto the door was opened and he was very committed to the city. it was very tragic to see him go his legacy and his life will forever live on and the community has missed so much in the city of san francisco. i will probably be voting in support of this tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you. thank you to colleagues as well for offering this resolution. if it is no trouble, maybe we could add our names to this resolution. i have met the former mayor ed lee at this desk. he was marching in the latino honor roll parade in 2009.
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it was a very door she was a very understated man. he was wearing a baseball up and i think you had to force him to meet people in the parades. i just really appreciated his low key attitude. he did not seek the limelight. he was there to serve the city as best as he could and he did so much for our district as well it has been mentioned in the resolution that he, the day after they run just round the cover story of one of our homeless teachers, the day after that, he said the city is giving $43 million to build educator housing. so our educator housing that will be coming online in 2022 is in large part, due to his work. i also want to mention, i don't know if this is totally accurate , but we have schools that are named after former mayors.
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willie brown, font -- and feinstein. are there others? i think that might be it. it is not every day that we name schools after our former mayors and nor does every mayor get school named after him. it is not every day that when we name schools we named them -- we name the school after not just the person who honors it, but it has been also given to their wife. we have we have only done that once. i am really happy we are doing this as well to honor both ed and anita lee. thank you very much for helping in this resolution. >> thank you. >> i want to thank my colleagues , especially the president mendoza mcdonald for your leadership. i know so many things you are involved with. your partnership with the city around with mayor lee made this
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possible. we have to get back to being here for this and we are able to do this while you are here. i also see some connections to you here. we are really grateful to have a very strong partnership with the city and a lot of that is because of great leaders who are sitting up here and to have been in the mayor's office. i want to thank the members of the community and especially the principal for your leadership. this is something that can be difficult to change a school name. it is something that when a name has been around for a while, and to get the consensus, and to have such support and excitement about this. i think it is a testament to your leadership and to the school that you leave. i mentioned this last night, but when you step into the school
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you can feel the joy and the warmth and the love for the children who are there. i want to thank the former students and staff as well for that. when a young person when it comes to this country, sometimes the first touch point they have with institutions and with the larger city or community is at the school. and for you all up to be having them have the first touch point and be one of such warmth and love and carrying anti- belief and their future, i think is extremely powerful. and for them to be in that school and to look up and see, you know, ed and anita lee's name up there and to know what they did to, and to understand the connection between what they've done and their service and the people who were in that building every day serving them and caring for them, is so
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powerful. we will never be able to measure the impact that this has on children in the future. this name -- 100 years from now, this will still be the name. some of our school names, you know, at last that long and beyond. this is a a very big deal. it is is something that we are very proud to do. it is an honor for us, also to have mrs. lee allow us to do this. i want to thank her and thanked the lee family as well. i'm sure there were a lot of people who wanted to name things after mayor lee and for the family to say, yes, this school feels right, means a lot to us too. it speaks to what we are doing in the school dressed strict -- school district. i am very proud to be part of this. i think the last thing i will say, school names matter. they do communicate.
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to children, who they should look up to. who is valued and whether their cultures and their community and our diversity is fully respected , and for this service that ed and anita lee have contributed to our kids and to our school scent to our city. i cannot think of a more powerful statement to the kids of today and of the future to put this name on the building. thank you to everybody for doing this and i'll be very probably supporting this this evening. >> thank you. commissioner norton? >> i want to add my thanks to the authors of resolution for bringing this forward. everything that i know about mayor lee and his career, i think is he would really be proud and honored to have his name on the school. i think the school and it's mission is particularly about what he is about. it feels like a very fitting and
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lovely tribute to someone who served the city well and has gone too soon. >> thank you. i want to thank you in a tonight 's public comment speakers. particularly the principle. one of our finest principles and a force of nature once she gets an idea. nothing will stop her. but a proud partner with my colleagues in the community on this. i wanted to point to the pocket of letters of support that the commissioners received very broad-based support, including support for comments you -- and the association of chinese teachers, as well as dozens of families from the chinese education centre. this broad level of community support is the best way to do a school name change.
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and is not a random idea. it really has the support of the surrounding community. i was with merely the friday before he passed away so suddenly. we were at sunset elementary school. i believe there were others there. we were celebrating sophie lee. a principal at sunset. the mayor was so happy. he was hamming it up with the faculty and the educators. with the students. i cannot imagine that he would leave us so quickly. i do think that this is an appropriate way to honor his memory and to honor anita lee's contributions. it also sets a strong message of sanctuary. we are a society of delinquents. thank you. >> thank you. superintendent greek. >> i wanted to pay you back on something that commissioner haney said. he was speaking about the joy
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and the warmth. the feeling you feel as you enter the school and you feel the love for students. that was something that each and every time that i had the opportunity to interact with mayor lee, it was absolutely at that sight at that school and it was a joy and the warmth of the love that he felt for students that you came through loud and clear each each and every time. any time we requested him to be at an event at school, i did not seem to be in his vocabulary to say no. he was always there and he gave almost every time, beats me there. he would be there talking with students, asking them what they are doing. i always loved what he entered the room and you could hear the audible gasp here the students pushing each other and saying
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there is the mayor. there is the mayor. but his love for students and love for wanting them to achieve their best was why i was proud to call him a partner in this work. i don't think there is any more fitting honor than to have the school named after him. >> thank you. this is a really just let me try and get through this,, this is a really special resolution for me my colleagues will tell you, i i don't write resolutions. what has not been my practice as a board member. my practice practice is to work with staff and try to solve issues that way. and work with my colleagues on issues that are important to them. and it worked for me, primarily because i had this very unique role of being on the scoreboard and serving the mayor, both mayors for several years and
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most recently, mayor lee as his deputy chief of staff education and equity. and when mayor lee past, i think one of the things we all thought about as staff members was that we all felt like we were his favorite child. because that is how he treated us. he treated each and every one of us as if the work that we were doing was the most valuable work that anyone can do in the city. 's through the lens was through what he did for education and he did for our children and families in san francisco. that included all of the departments that i was responsible for liaison and which included the department of children and youth and families in the library and the office of early education and all of the educational institutions.
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so my connection with him was his idea that we were going to do as much as possible, as quickly as possible and make as much impact as possible. so this resolution was filled with so many stories and accomplishments that i may have guided him on, but that would not have been able to do had he not been willing to do it. if you do not have the passion and the dedication for our children here in san francisco, none of this would have been possible. so i really felt i had a partner in so many ways, to do some of these amazing things dot, you know, we, as a board wanted to do and the superintendent wanted to do. and i served as a vehicle to try and make so many of these projects happen. and, you know, there so many other things that we didn't include in this resolution that made him such a special person.
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and, you know, as people were talking, and kept jotting down more things and more things and i'm reminded how he would get up and say, i will be short because i am sort. and that was always his opening line but but he was never really short. and so my job was to be on the side, doing this so that he would wrap up his comments. at, you know, his comments got better and better and better every single time he got in front of people. i wanted to rattle off a few more things that i thought were noteworthy. when he first became mayor, i was the president of the board for the first time. we did an amazing land swap school district that would have the back area of our parking lot that we now have the ability to do something that we would want to do as is a school district. in exchange, we gave him a piece -- gave the city a piece of property which was because of
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supervisor fee where. supervisor fewer would be 100% affordable housing -- housing in the mission. that was something that he was so open to and for years, you can vouch for this. we we tried multiple ways to do some land assaulting with the city. we are able to do it with him. he showed up for the first day of school every single year that he was mayor. we had the 40 niner suite as a gift from the city because it was run by rankin carrick. and never did he filled feel that suite with adults. he always had sunday games filled with kids. we had 15 seats, and every single sunday game was filled with a child. as one of the most beautiful things. these were kids were all over the city that would never have an opportunity to see a professional football game. he was -- he was able to do so
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many things on a professional level but it was also really fun he was shot at block parties and he would go to basketball games. he would do backpack giveaways and he just always made every single one of those moments fun. commissioner norton, when you said he would have been really honored to have a building named after him, i really think that he would have -- it would have made him a little uncomfortable. it would've made him humbled and a little uncomfortable. that is how he was. in that day, emily, when we were with him on that friday night, on that friday morning, i wrote back to city hall with them and we were talking about thanksgiving and we were talking about some of the things that were coming up and what he wanted to do next year, you know , with the school and some of the other companies he wanted
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to trap to make sure they were giving us money. the last text i sent them was at 9:45 pm on the night he passed away. the the night was at the hospital. because our thing was to talk about who won a worrier warrior 's game last night. before we got in bed every night , that was our parting words before we saw each other in the morning. and that was incredibly special. the most special thing that he did for me, which actually was an act here in the school board to, when you were president and richard was superintendent, and i got proposed to buy my husband in the boardroom but mary merely married my husband and i five years ago. this resolution was extremely important to not only do immediately after his passing
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but it was something that i think as a board, we have the ability to do. i absolutely wanted to make sure that this happened. but because, also, my departure from sfusd and going to new york , and one of my dear friends said to me, when i told her i was leaving for new york -- new york dot she said why kate that job as a gift from mary lee. [please stand by]
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lease stand by] . >> so in addition to the letters that were provided, we also have a petition that was signed by all of the teachers and students and faculty at chinese ed. and so with that, it is with great honor and pride that we take a vote to rename the chinese education center to the edwin and anita lee newcomers
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school. miss casco, a vote, please. [inaudible] >> yes. there is a message from the family that i do want to share, and this is from tanya and breanna and from anita. our family is so honored by the proposal to rename the chinese education to the edwin and anita lee new comers school. both are dedicated to improving the lives of immigrant children and quality education that meets their unique needs. renaming will be such a great honor to our late father and the amazing work of our mother that she continues to do. miss casco. >> clerk: thank
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