tv Government Access Programming SFGTV September 11, 2018 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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>> he pays himself about $10 million a year. we, as employees, are invested. we are invested in our jobs. our patients and our communities that we serve. kaiser wants to replace our drivers using uber and other services. really create kaiser is a nonprofit organization that wants to start outsourcing our jobs, despite worker profits.
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behind these jobs are real families trying to sustain a decent standard of living here in san francisco. these represented jobs with united healthcare workers carries a sustainable living wage with quality benefits. i stand before you here today, urging you, the board of supervisors with the support of norman lee and a seven others, including the seven supervisors, to support this resolution and to stop kaiser from outsourcing these jobs before october 5th, 2018. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hi, my name is stefani. i'm a respiratory care practitioner from kaiser santa rosa and i'm a proud uh w. sciu member, union member. i'm here to support the resolution by supervisor yee to
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protect our workers from outsourcing. many of those workers are from this very city. kaiser is operating on a not-for-profit guys and receives substantial tax incentives for such. last quarter, they made close to 4 billion in profits and has $29 billion in reserve. kaiser is bypassing all the formal processes that are labor partnership to expedite this outsourcing, to companies like uber and lyft question mark. as supervisor yee mentioned, inequality is mentioning. please protect our workers and join him from outsourcing our
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jobs and adopting his resolution put people before profits. our deadline is october 5th and then pink slips will be handed out. if kaiser is not stopped now, they will not stop in the future my job will be in jeopardy and probably already is in jeopardy. if you give kaiser an inch, they will take a mile. the green light for these companies to be greedy, since this president has taken hold of our country, is off the hook. and not-for-profit doesn't mean corporate executives and board of executives aren't making millions of dollars and kicking back to their bodies. thank you. -- kicking back to their buddies thank you. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is lisa. i am a healthcare worker with
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kaiser and redwood city. i want to thank supervisor yee for this resolution and this opportunity. i was born and raised here in san francisco. i actually have both of my children at san francisco kaiser up on cary street when it was just the two buildings up there. i have a long history here. i must say, i am appalled, and very, very frustrated at what is going on. i just have been working for kaiser for ten years. i went to kaiser for the stability and already had to offload the benefits because i come from construction where i got laid off for a time. now kaiser is doing the same thing. i sat wind -- with one of the outsourced workers when they got notified that in 60 days they would lose their jobs. it was quite dramatic. this employee has been there 30 years.
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again, kaiser is -- i will not give you the numbers. i think you can tell me, at this point that they made $4 billion in profits and they have $29 billion in reserve. but i will say this. they are enjoying the nonprofit status on san francisco's dime. wow. bernard tyson enjoys $10 million a year. and while the other executives make over a million dollars a year. so let's think about that. supervisor yee, thank you. thank you for this opportunity. please help us. thank you for your time. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello. my name is tracy. i'm a licensed vocational nurse and i'm a proud member of the union. we are here today to ask your help in a very serious matter.
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kaiser is a company with 29 billion dollars in reserve in the middle of an outsourcing storm. it is all across the state. but locally, kaiser is scheduled to outsource 16 parking and shuttle employees on october 5 th, 2018. that a 16 employees who rely on their employer for a living wage , healthcare benefits, and a pension that they earned. in this classification, these members will be hard pressed to find another equitable position outside of kaiser. kaiser has a slogan. that is to thrive. the c.e.o. of the company makes 10 million a year and he is thriving. he is also thriving with eight pensions and we are asking that our 16 employees continue their employment and keep their one pension. why would they not want our 16
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parking and shuttle employees to thrive. we don't know. corporate greed, probably. but as a single mom with four kids and a lifeless social life as a vocational nurse and as hundreds of employees are being laid off or outsourced, those are nurses and i am afraid. i have one child in college at sacramento state and i am paying his tuition. what about these 16 members clearly these are your constituents. please do the right thing. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hello. thank you for the opportunity. i just want to stay at my name is james ellison. i was born and raised in san francisco. i work for kaiser. i am also a proud member of sciu uh w. i am here to support a protection resolution sponsored by supervisor norman yee to stop outsourcing jobs in the city of san francisco. i want to emphasize that 16
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transportation jobs will be outsourced in san francisco by kaiser october 5th, 2018. i have to say, this will be in a form of right to work in the private sector and will lower the standards of living. wages will be lowered and benefits will be taken away. panel of supervisors, please stop outsourcing by kaiser. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> my name is rebecca. i am a lifetime resident. i am asking you to support the resolution to stop kaiser from outsourcing our jobs. i am an 18 year employee with kaiser. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> i am with senior and disability action. let me ask you something. how many of you remember when you were making $15 an hour?
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if you have ever? do you? i remember. i am a single mom. it was very hard to survive on that. so we still have workers making $15 an hour. that shouldn't be the case in san francisco when we have people making millions of dollars. like what they were just saying about people in other places. i can say, that isn't it weird times now that we live in times where people get replaced by robots in different industries? please, consider our people first. consider their living wage for the workers. we need them. i know my members would not be able to participate in the
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community. many of them, seniors and some people with disabilities, would not be able to participate actively in the community without them. so please, find it in your heart to look better at how you can make the workers to stay in the city. in a city that calls itself, you know, and takes pride in being an aging family city. make it happen. make it friendly for aging people and people with disabilities. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hello. my name is cindy. i am a 28 year employee of kaiser. i am here in support of the resolution sponsored by supervisor norman yee.
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the real urgency here is that these 900 jobs that are being outsourced is only the beginning for kaiser. we are seeing a very assertiveness. a very aggressive leadership at kaiser. norman yee spoke about the 18 employees recently given notice is at kaiser. the union had one hours notice before these folks were getting pink slips. so it not only are these jobs getting contracted out, but they are getting contracted out by someone who is not invested in good quality care. they are there for a paycheck. paycheck to paycheck. kaiser is not paying them benefits. it is not supporting their retirement or their health benefits. so we also want to think about these workers who are getting outsourced. it is not just the workers. it is the families. it is a communities that they live in where they spend their consumable income. thank you.
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>> my name is linda. i work for kaiser for 20 plus years. i am asking that you support the resolution by the supervisor, norman yee. i am asking that the outsourcing stops. we are not just looking at outsourcing small things. whatever kaiser decides to outsource is a large thing to us because as employees, people need these positions and need these jobs to support their families. i think it's very wrong to try to take working people and put them in a place where they now have to try and ask for public assistance when they have no intentions of living the life that way. it is a very important to allow people to live their lives the way they choose to live their lives. the working class should stay the working class. they don't want to be placed in a place where they are placed
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into the system, asking for any type of assistance to keep their homes, keep their families, keep their health care. it is very wrong. i am glad to speak to dense honourable panel today, because my thought is that you would support this resolution to make life better instead of making it lives a worse and that you will use the authority and power that has been entrusted to you and you will use it in a way to make life better, instead of worse. one thing that has been outsourced by kaiser is the newborn hearing screening. when babies get their hearing test before they leave the hospital to ensure that the mother and father are not taking home a child that cannot hear. that is deaf from birth. this has been outsourced. i have asked that since this was a choice to habit total strangers handle these newborn babies in a nursery, that the families be notified that this
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is not our kaiser employee that is taking care of these infants. but they are other areas outside of this one. >> thank you. >> this honorable panel consider making life better instead of wares and that you use your power and authority that you have been given. >> thank you. your time is up. >> making your decision. thank you. >> my name is carl kramer. san francisco living wage coalition. we are in a serious crisis. we have a severe labor shortage all across the country. at the airport, workers -- we are hemorrhaging workers. we are losing experienced workers. there are people that are constantly needing to be retrained. this is a threat to the flying public. you know, this was a message we brought to the board of supervisors prior to september
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11th, 2001 when workers they were getting paid $675 -- $6.75 an hour. you cannot scrimp on having -- you know, the best possible for the safety of the flying public. also, with the social infrastructure of the city, you can't fiddle while san francisco burns. we are losing experienced caregivers. people are being displaced out of the city and commuting back and forth from manteca, tracy and stockton. we are at the point just ok, san francisco, you have a higher minimum wage but it is no longer worth our expense and time to come back and take care of the elderly and the infirm. we are losing home care workers. we are losing workers from the homeless shelter. every project that you have is going to be costing more because you are losing experienced
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workers. you have to take action. you have to bring up the wage. fifty cents per hour does not cut it. we are demanding at least a dollar 86 above the minimal wage you need to bring up the wage rate and the compensation ordinance and for the airport, for home care workers, nonprofit workers and others. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, police. >> my name is alice. i live in district 11. i am here representing living wage coalition. today, i will read a statement by a woman who is also a member of living wage coalition because she had to leave because she had to pick up her child from childcare. this is what she wrote. my name is tenisha and i am a member of the san francisco living wage coalition. i live in district ten. the amendment to the minimum compensation ordinance are important to me because i used to be in the works program when
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i was working providing valuable service to the community. i am a single mother of three children. being paid just $50 per hour is not enough to survive in san francisco. i have been looking to move to the east bay, but a round-trip ticket on part is more than $15 and the community is one hour each way. i support increasing the wage rate and the limited -- limiting wage law to a dollar 86 above the minimum wage. we need more money to stay here instead of being forced out because we can't afford to live here any longer. i have been in san francisco my whole life. it will be difficult to adjust to another city and my kids to adjust to another school. i would like the mayor and supervisors to realize that minimum wage is not enough to raise our children. i have been working on these issues for the past ten years and i will not stop until changes are made. we need to give a better future to our children and to show them that working hard to make some feel good about themselves. and it is fairly compensated.
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that is the right thing to do. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon supervisors. i'm david williams. i am a resident of district seven. on the president of the west bay retirees chapter. adds an original member of the living wage coalition. i am speaking today as a board member. the california reliance for retired americans which represents over a million members around the state and is an organization of organizations that is doing advocacy work and organizing work for seniors issues and legislation. last year at our convention, we passed a resolution saying there is no better investment than investing in the people who do the hard work of taking care of our elderly and disabled, mentoring youth, counselling families, caring for the homeless and serving communities and whereas the san francisco board of supervisors are now
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considering amendments to these laws that would raise wages of thousands of workers including nonprofit workers and in-home supportive service home care workers to a dollar 86 above the current minimum wage. we sent a letter to every member of this board and the mayor's office urging that to happen. that was a year ago. it is time. it needs to happen. and needs to happen because as a member of the coalition, and as carl mentioned, it is an urgent issue for seniors and disabled. we are in a crisis. and many home care workers are leaving for better paying jobs in other industries and many are being displaced. it is time to excuse the expression, get off the stick, but time to not amend this thing any farther. everyone is a dollar 86 more now >> thank you for your comments.
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next speaker, please. >> supervisors, my name is alice i have worked with the living wage coalition from before the ordinance was passed. i am also an officer of the san francisco chapter of the coalition of labor union women. you know this ordinance affects women largely. i was with the living wage coalition formulae. i interviewed many of the people whose lives were very much improved by the ordinance. but you no kak many have been left out and how expensive the city has. i have gone over the years to meetings to talk to supervisors and the mayor and i have often been told that there are so many things in a budget that there are many good reasons to fund various things and then the living wage won't get funded.
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but you no kak this is a very good reason to find. this -- i hope you will do this and raise the wages. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> my name is and. i am also a member of the living wage coalition and a member of church women united, which cooperates with the living wage coalition. we are a coalition of 40 mainline churches. we sent our newsletter to over 100 churches in the city. we support the rewarding of the left out workers with a living wage for their very vile and necessary work that they do for
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people in this city. i hope that you will reflect upon how importance what these workers do is and that you will support their efforts to remain in their jobs and remain in the city. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> my name is tom. i will do a lot of seconding here. as a recipient of services, i know it is difficult to find it and i know how important the minimum wage is. that extra dollar. these workers will go somewhere else for another dollar. two years ago, an electrical engineer at a building in town
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hired an assistant for $20 an hour. after two months, the man, he was hired and went to his boss and said i am leaving. i can't support myself here on $20 an hour. i'm moving to sacramento. these are pillars, healthy pillars of our community. they need to be protected by their governments. turning the page, i watch a lot of television. last week was the supreme court. a very nice guy. possibly caught in a lying exchange over a -- papers of information that would lead to an intelligent discussion -- decision avoided. road versus wage. i was born in 1950. i remember when i was seven or eight years old. before i knew what sex was,
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knowing that women, young girls, good girls, died of abortions. we don't need another corporate pretender. one question i would like to ask him, would be what do you think of global climate change? global warming? we are needing a big effort. a war effort. not in guns and bullets. we need smarts. here in the city to protect these neighbors. with these are our neighbors. just like the part drivers when they went out on strike. they are parts of our healthy communities. we need to protect ourselves. thank you. >> thank you cap next speaker. >> i want to thank the bigotry of the aging folks -- the asian
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folks that sit on this board against the gay community, lesbian community, trans community and bisexual community it was evident that another trans phobic, anti- gay, anti- bisexual, anti- lesbian, asian was trying to apply their way with two-faced talk about who they really were. because we found out that the most famous anti- gay person was -- that killed harvey milk was down white. a board member. the second most hateful person to the lgbtq community, is katy tang. when she brought her pacific justice institute and here that advocated for the mental torture with reparative therapy, against
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, -- homosexuals in the california supreme court. katy tang, i call her catty, she is a witch. i wish she would go back at her broom closet. >> no name calling. >> it is not name-calling. it is a fact. >> one of the things that i think like eight the asian community can start doing, instead of hating gays and hating trans folks, hating lesbians, hating bisexual folks, is to stop, can i get the overhead, please? is to advocate for the stopping of the slaughter of 30 million dogs in china and korea that are eaten every year, and then at the dog meat eating festival, 70,000 dogs are killed and eaten on that festival, which is coincidentally gay pride month.
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shame on you for attacking gay people. look at your own house and go back to your own broom closet. >> the time is concluded. >> thank you. next speaker. >> the mayor and president, cohen, you are the only two who can appoint board appeal members [indiscernible] his members should be knowledgeable and building code regulations and ordinance. court of appeals has four members. but they have no knowledge. only mr fong has the qualifications. but he has been a member since january 30th, 1986. in one of the appeal hearing, the architects pressured the way that people require license.
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the issued lighters citing the violation. but they support duties architects because they have connections with the city e.a. diversity antibiotic officials. [indiscernible] we have to put our faith in these professionals [indiscernible] one commissioner say the projects were too complicated. mr fong states the building and planning revealed the dimensions they are satisfied with that. then all members use the rubber rubberstamp to support d.b.i.'s statement. based on the inaccurate amount of plans. they are using the powerful position to hear cases without
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qualification. we want to no kak are you going to appoint members to have the qualifications and replace the unqualified members? thank you. the decision is affecting many people's property. thank you. >> thank you, president cohen. good evening ladies and gentlemen. my name is winship. seventeen years ago today, two large airplanes crashed into some skyscrapers in new york. which then mysteriously collapsed. it is helpful to look -- it has been said that this had repercussions that were felt around the world, of course. that is a cliché. but it had repercussions that were felt specifically here in san francisco. why would that be? san francisco is 3,000 miles away. it is on the opposite side of a continent, on the opposite coast
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while, let's look at the circumstances around that were present at the time, a prominent psychiatrist said that involuntary outpatient treatment was a lightning rod issue. that is a quotation at the time. a lightning rod issue. and subsequent to it, what happened? the patriot act was passed. among many other things, you changed the foreign intelligence surveillance act of 1978. it amended it to make -- to take away the requirements that electronic surveillance under the act be conducted for foreign intelligence purposes. electronic surveillance under the act could now be conducted under almost any reason. i don't have enough time. >> thank you. are there any other members of the public would like to address
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the board during general public comment? madam president. >> thank you very much. thank you. public comment is close at this time. could you please read the items 23, excuse me, 29 and 30 with the adoption without committee reference calendar. >> they were introduced for adoption without reference to committee. a unanimous vote is required for a resolution on first reading today. alternatively, a supervisor may require a resolution to go to committee. >> colleagues, are there any members that would like to sever any of these items? all right. seeing none, can we take these the same house, same call? peskin is not here. thank you. i want the record to reflect we do not have the same house. we will need to do a roll call vote. [roll call]
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>> there are ten yes, and one absent. >> thank you, very much. these items passed unanimously. is there another item? >> in memoriam. >> today's meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following beloved individuals on behalf of supervisor stefani, for the late mr stephen kendrick , and mr michael roberts painter, on behalf of supervisor peskin, for the late mr joe rosenblatt and mr michael wong. and a motion made by president cohen on behalf of the entire board of supervisors for the late mr joe tattoo we.
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before i van ness i might be surprised van ness will goodwill go the first transit corridor to have brt as more frequently known the goal to get conveniently van ness and geary boulevard one of the most reliable transit systems in the country van ness avenue is a major connecter between potrero hill and mission on the south side of san francisco correcting connecting us to the marina and state highway in the financial with the western edition neighborhood it is mostly residential a lot of the geography of van ness the rain that is wide it was uses is a firebreak in the 1906 san francisco earthquake a
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lot of building occasion that helped of hoped to stop the fire from jumping van ness had a light rail or sprash separating and along geary 0 when we came to the question of how to address the needs on haven because of its cost effectiveness we have found in the brt system with the new vehicles. >> the new mr. secretary is a change we will actually have transit in the middle ♪ the far legal unit and a broadly prom >> one of the reasons it is in the center a was it is an clouf right-of-way a set of pedestrians will cross from the sidewalk to the middle of the street a. >> to move the reliable along the corridor with this travel time had been signifying reduced we think the ripped will go from
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16 thousand a day in that portion the corridor up to 22 thousand and we'll have those beautiful new one like this one. >> with the dedication of the signal and lighter saying that between stops we were able to estimate a .32 improvement in travel time and a 50 percent reliability improvement as a result. >> we're pitting u putting in a up to date modern system of new thirty foot high light fixtures and pedestrian lights on the same pole again inviting a comfortable environment for pedestrians. >> it has become a 3 dimensional street project. >> the water that is my understanding under the ground and the emergency firefighting water system month will be
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replaced and new street lights and traffic lights and the paving and stripping the trees both in the medium and on the side. >> the main core of the project goes from market it lombard that's where we'll be replying the sidewalks. >> there are a number of trees that need to be replaced and they will be additional new planting. >> we're planting a lemon gum that gets to be 50 or 60 feet tall that comes over the offer head wires that wee when we get done van ness it will look like a new street it will visit fresh new looks like the grand boulevard again. >> we're going eliminating left turns off of van ness into the side streets and places the left turning traffic backs up
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the traffic and upgrading the signals to the mini traffic will flow more smoothly and traffic impacts as we execute the construction signed we're working to minimize these but impacts that will likely shift the traffic up franklin and we'll pick up the traffic. >> right now that looks like we're skeleton to start in march ever 2016 are of our construction. >> in the past people prospective of bus traffic that go unreliable and noisy and very fluting we're here to remake the vehicles are on the streets and with the combination of the brt improvements much more rail like services with the technology. >> the public is in for a.
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>> neighborhood in san francisco are also diverse and fascist as the people that inhabitable them we're in north beach about supervisor peskin will give us a tour and introduce is to what think of i i his favorite district 5 e 3 is in the northwest surrounded by the san francisco bay the district is the boosting chinatown oar embarcadero financial district fisherman's wharf exhibit no. north beach telegraph hill and part of union square. >> all of san francisco districts are remarkable i'm honored and delighted to represent really whereas with an the most intact district got chinatown, north beach
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fisherman's wharf russian hill and knob hill and the northwest waterfront some of the most wealthier and inning e impoverished people in san francisco obgyn siding it is ethically exists a bunch of tight-knit neighborhoods people know he each other by name a wonderful placed physically and socially to be all of the neighborhoods north beach and chinatown the i try to be out in the community as much as and i think, being a the cafe eating at the neighborhood lunch place people come up and talk to you, you never have time alone but really it is fun hi, i'm one the owners and is ceo of cafe trespassing in north beach many people refer to cafe trees as a the living room of north
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beach most of the clients are local and living up the hill come and meet with each other just the way the united states been since 1956 opposed by the grandfather a big people person people had people coming since the day we opened. >> it is of is first place on the west that that exposito 6 years ago but anyone was doing that starbuck's exists and it created a really welcoming pot. it is truly a legacy business but more importantly it really at the take care of their community my father from it was formally italy a fisherman and that town very rich in culture and music was a big part of it guitars and sank and combart in the evening that tradition they brought this
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to the cafe so many characters around here everything has incredible stories by famous folks last week the cafe that paul carr tennessee take care from the jefferson starship hung out the cafe are the famous poet lawrence william getty and jack herb man go hung out. >> they work worked at a play with the god fathers and photos he had his typewriter i wish i were here back there it there's a lot of moving parts the meeting spot rich in culture and artists and musicians epic people would talk with you and you'd get
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