tv Government Access Programming SFGTV September 12, 2018 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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comtail, maybe throw a bocci ball or skee ball. i find third thursdays to be really reinrig rat reinriggating for me. >> whether you're in the city hall or financial district or anywhere, just come on down on third thursdays and enjoy the music, enjoy an adult beverage, enjoy the skee ball; enjoy an adult playground, if you and w
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housing, like 990. and i want to thank especially the residents who supported us from day one, some of the seniors are no longer with us, but they supported us. i want to thank, of course, the housing authority, mayor's office. you partnered the dream with mayor lee back then. any way, i'm not going to talk too much in the beginning except this: please appreciate these moments, when the community residents, mayor's office, housing authority, and h.u.d. can get along for once to get something done. so put your hands together,
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celebrate this moment. appreciate it. michael jackson said this is it, this is it, this is the moment. but we need the mayor -- oh, before the mayor, there's a video of someone did of coming home. emma, how do you dim the lights? all right. a little commercial break. all right. here we go. appreciate. okay. coming home, look at this. public housing residents coming home happy, okay? happy. so while they're setting up, we're going to do the ribbon cutting a little earlier. some people have to go, and we're going to acknowledge everyone, and the tenant's going to speak after the ribbon cutting. got it? so stick around. okay. >> so just a little bit of background while we're waiting
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for the video. so emma marie chang is our film maker. our residents and planning staff worked with emma to document the stories of eight residents. [applause] >> -- as they relocated to 11 different locations around the city. so roll the tape. >> here we go. i hope there's sound, too. [naubl video] [inaudible video]
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first one back, right, emma? was she the first one back? my god, it doesn't get much better than that. come on. coming home, that's why we're here. [applause] >> and i'm here your video will be a national model. and trump might not look at it, but somebody -- i mean, this is -- you've got to celebrate this moment. and now, we're coming home so that mayor breed can bring it home right now. let's welcome the mayor of san francisco, london breed. [applause] >> the hon. london breed: i am so excited to be here today to witness the incredible remodel of 92 units with 100 seniors and disabled folks who live here. there's a new home. "coming home" is an appropriate
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title for the video because sadly, i know what it's like to live in public housing and public housing where the conditions are horrible. over 20 years my grandmother raised me in plaza east public housing, and the roaches, the pipes that are busted, the bathrooms that are messed up, the mold, the frustration, the violence that i experienced, you never forget that. and so when i had an opportunity to be on the board of supervisors and work with mayor lee, and i went and i spoke with him about my priorities, at the time, olson lee was the director of the mayor office of housing, i asked the mayor to do more. because what we had discovered was we had over $250 million of deferred maintenance with a $10 million annual budget. how were we going to change public housing for the better
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for the residents of san francisco? and so i am so excited to be here today because we are doing something different with public housing, we are changing the face of public housing by changing the way it looks, the way it feels, for the people that live here. we are making a difference. we are finally seeing the fruits of our labor in less time than it typically takes the bureaucracy to get it together. and so i'm so glad to be mayor at a time when we have these openings, when we have these residences, that you are living in safe and humane conditions. nothing is more important to me as mayor to make sure that the experiences that i had growing up, living in public housing with my grandmother, are not the same experiences of san franciscans today.
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so we are in a better place, and we are in a better place because so many people stepped up to address this issue. i worked with olson lee when he was with the mayor's office of housing and ed lee, and so many people who fought for r.a.d., while others tried to stop r.a.d. i didn't want the conditions of public housing to continue to persist. and i want to thank the san francisco housing authority, who helped to lead this particular effort. and i want to thank our community partner because it is a partnership that gets us to a place like this. thank you, reverend fong and chinatown community development for not only taking on the responsibility of helping to manage this property, but doing it with love, making sure that you work with the residents so that they understood that they were derchfinitely going to be
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coming back, that you tried to find locations for them that were convenient for them so that their routines were not knocked out of whack. in plaza east, those units were torn down and only 200 were rebuilt, and many weren't coming back. we're changing that. we're changing how we displace residents -- well, not displace. excuse me. that's not the best word. how we make sure when we're remodelling these properties that we do it in a way that allows the residents to live comfortably until the work is done so that they know they're coming home, so that they know that this is being done on their behalf and not someone else's. that is the difference of what this program has done to thousands of properties all over the city. we will continue down this path as long as we have great
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partners like chinatown community development, other partners like bank of america, merri merrill lynch, who helped finance this project, the residents, the community, and so many who helped realize this dream of rehabilitating if you believe housing in san francisco. 92 units at 990 pacific avenue is just the tip of the iceberg. we still have a lot of units to go, and in san francisco we're going to get the job done for residents of public housing. thank you all so much for being here today. [applause] >> all right. she brought it home, but i want some noise especially because sometimes it gets not acknowledged, the staff of chinatown c.d.c. and board
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members. wave your hands, jump up and down. i can't name you because we don't have no time. i don't know, man, i love this guy. he causes trouble a lot, but that's normal. sometimes, i, too, but you know, he's home grown, part of chinatown north beach collaboratives in so many different ways, our own supervisor, the one and only, the bearded guy, supervisor aaron peskin, come on. you be nice today, though, right? this is a happy occasion. >> supervisor peskin: thank you, reverend fong. i think today is actually proof positive that r.a.d. is actually pretty dang rad. let me start with just some words of profound thanks. starting with mayor ed lee who had this vision and really went
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to the right person in the right department, and that is our recently retired head of the mayor's office of housing, olson lee, who had the vision that we could take that vision of h.u.d. and section 8 and plow it into this. let me name one name in particular, and that is cathy lamb who pioneered this with such love. we know the mistakes governments are capable of making. mayor breed spoke to that legacy of distrust, of broken promises. that did not happen here. all of those 103 residents who unfortunate temporarily had to leave the seismically unsafe building, all of them taken care of with love, each and
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every day, their needs taken care of. thank you to cathy and her team for that. thank you to the mayor's office of housing and everybody who brought them back on schedule. and let me thank the tenant's association. this was done as a collaborative project. it was not top down government, telling people how it was going to be, it was done in close collaboration, democratically, in the best sense of the word, with the tenant's association. the person who presided over the tenant's association, dorothy ramsey, who i knew and loved did not live to see this day, but i want to invoke her memory, along with ed lee's, and i want to thank the president of the association, susanna. you have cantonese speakers, russian speakers, all living in
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harmy, harmony, so i want to thank the tenant's association. in addition to merrill lynch, the bank of america has made an unprecedented investment not only in this $65 million project, but in our project citywide. this is over $2 billion in capital, and this project is just the tip of the iceberg. there is just down the street in chinatown hundreds of more units that are being subjected to the same loving treatment and rehabilitation in the pings where the board of supervisors with jane kim and the entire complement back when london breed was president has bestowed every bit of capital that we can get our hands on.
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i was worried this project could kill c.c.d.c., and if it did not kill it, it would emerge stronger. you have emerged stronger. congratulations. [applause] >> supervisor peskin: i would like susanna from the tenant's association to come up and get an award from the board of supervisors, as well as cathy lamb. i know you are humble, i know you hate the spotlight, but you have no choice in this matter, miss lamb. come on up here. [applause] >> cathy lamb, your moment has come, cathy. >> supervisor peskin: and miss tau, who is the president of the tenant's association, i want to acknowledge and thank, as well.
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[applause] >> it's priceless. don't worry, we got you covered. jane, you want to say a few words? where's supervisor jane kim? and then, we're going to get together for a photo, and then the ribbon cutting, and then we'll follow with a thanks to all the people who contributed. [applause] >> supervisor kim: thank you, reverend fong, my former boss. i always have the honor of being sort of an honorary
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representative of this district -- i like to call it district 63, supervisor peskin will call it district 36. i've long been a part of this community, and from my days at the chinatown community organization, c.c.d.c., to be a part of chinatown. we always celebrate of construction of new and affordable housing, but we know if we don't take care of it, we lose the housing that our seniors and low-income residents depend on. i want to recognize cathy lamb and tony lee. [applause] >> supervisor kim: tony's in the back, working, of course, and the resident services team
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to assist servicing the ten -- continue servicing the tenants. and you'll hear from her later, but joanna lad from the housing development team. [applause] >> supervisor kim: so this building was constructed in 1968, so this is the 50th anniversary of 990 pacific. with the 74 studios and 18 one bedrooms, it serves our most vulnerable tenants. one of the tenants that just moved into this building is 104 years old. [applause] >> supervisor kim: now you shouldn't have to wait to turn 100 to win affordable housing, but it is still a tremendous story of what this project means, and i again want to honor our late mayor, ed lee,
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who always wanted to make housing as what he's known for. i want to thank working with the mayor's office of housing, and olson lee, and now, mayor london breed. this work and project is so important to everybody involved. >> we're going to do the ribbon cutting first, and then, the great speeches. the mayor and others have to leave real soon. >> could we have dar and joy in addition to the residents, please? and we will have people speaking after the ribbon cutting, so again, please remain in your seats.
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earlier. isn't that cool? must be a jeff buckley idea or something. okay. the executive director darius and director procevost for the san francisco housing authority, joaquin -- no, he moved. let's give it up for the deputy executive director, and what did you have to do and how was our experience with you? here we go. >> thank you, reverend fong. good morning, everybody. i'm the deputy director of the housing authority, and i just wanted to just pause for a moment. i believe an opportunity like this is a moment just to pause and to reflect on our work, and
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just to slow down for a moment. we're all so busy, but we're often charging forward to the next project, but just to pause a moment for this work. i was watching that video. such an excellent video, and just getting emotional and watching that, and seeing people come into their homes and just remembering this was about people's homes. at the end of the day, that's what this is about. you've heard about the rental demonstration assistance program. it's repositioning our efforts on behalf of the city. it's not each department looking out for themselves, it's not one organization or another, it's everyone coming together. you heard everyone mention olson lee a number of times. olson brought everybody into the same room. we're thankful for c.c.d.c. to step up. this building is under strong stewardship, ownership of ccdc, so we know it will be run properly going forward.
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we're very grateful for that. the san francisco r.a.d. program is the largest r.a.d. conversion i think still today in the nation. it's almost 3500 units. it's 29 properties. again, we jumped in early and we jumped in big. in many ways it was crazy how we jumped in, but that was the opportunity and we just seized on it. the outcome of that leadership is manifested right here in 92 new homes. this is what came out of all of that crazy times, you know? so i just want to say at the housing authority, i've been there about three years. i came in to help with the conversion work. i got to work would my colleagues that i was with for many, many years. i think we are experiencing our strongest partnership that we've ever experienced in the city. i want to call out lydia right now, and she's just been -- [applause] >> i don't want to date us, but you know, i've worked with
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lydia since she was at the coalition on homelessness and created at the street sheet, and then when i came over to the housing authority, she rolled up here sleeves, we worked together. the collaboration, technical assistance, thank you for everything you've done for this process. she thought i was crazy to take this job, but it's been a wonderful experience. i just want to say that the housing authority is in this work for the long haul. we own the land that you are standing on right now, so it'll stay permanently affordable. our staff will continue to do the eligibility work, and we'll make referrals to these units quickly, so that units aren't sitting vacant when there's such a desperate need for affordable housing in the city. in closing i want to thank joaquin torres on the commission. i'm so grateful to have our president. barbara smith, alicia siska,
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will daniels, and our weightless team under kyla reynolds, and sarah randler. the last thing i want to say is i want to thank the residents. how many of you live in this building, please raise your hand. please raise your -- [applause] >> thank you. thank you for trusting us, thank you for believing in us that we weren't going to tell you something we maybe it said many, many times and when he within the going to deliver on it. thank you for dealing with this construction. this is messy work, literally messy work, and the relocation's really challenging, and the deadlines are time sensitive, and i just hope you are great and happy and are pleased with this, and thank you so much for putting up with us. we appreciate you.
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[applause] >> i'm going to get in trouble if i don't at least -- raise your hand if you're on the board of ccdc, raise it. phil chin, you're the president. come on. i want that system up, up there. all right. let me tell you something, janet, it was not an easy decision. i go, trust me. norman, we have faith, but do you know what we're getting into? you know, and i'm so thankful for the board and the staff that -- this is a labor of love. look at her -- oh, she -- how's that relate? well, any way, she's going to acknowledge d.b.i. and everybody in a few minutes. but funding is important. gloria mccarthy and bank of america, how much money did you invest in r.a.d., any way? thank you. >> hello.
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i'm julia mccarthy. i'm the northwest division executive and market president here in san francisco, and it's an honor to be here today. bam bank of america was the community partner, and we did provide the financing, but it was a joy to be able to do that. when i think about bank of america, we were started in 1906, and we helped finance the golden gate bridge and the ferry building, so we believe in san francisco. when you think about what mayor breed has said, those numbers are staggering, to be faced with a maintenance budget of 270 million and only be receiving in 10 million, that's an unsur mountable task. and together to -- insurmountable task. but thank you to san francisco housing and thank you to supervisor peskin. i think it takes a community to make this project happen. i've been able to tour some of the properties, and this
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property in particular was 100% relocation, and then coming back which was an even more insurmountable task, but you made it happen, and everybody came together to make it happen. sfrad is an example to the rest of the nation to happen. bank of america has spent 4.5 billion nationally, 2.25 billion here in san francisco, so that is a commitment to this city -- [applause] >> -- and we're so happy to be a part of it and happy to do it. i think community partners like norman, i just -- i just can't say enough. chinatown c.d.c. helps us put the personal touch on what we like to do. we can provide financing all day long, but if we don't have that personal touch and make sure that everything's done the way we would do it to create a home for people and not just an apartment, that really is the
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difference. and at bank of america, we always like to say, life is better when we're connected, and this is an example of being truly connected, having partners come together for one cause and making it work out, so thank you to everyone who participated to help bank of america bring this to life. we're so excited to see this, and thank you norman for making sure your residents were always top of mind, that there's not only lots of space to live in, there's also things happening seismically in the building that you can't see, but it's always mindful of being a community space, that people can come together, share a meal, stories, and have the life that they want to have. thank you, chinatown c.d.c. and everyone for making sure your residents are top of mind. i get the distinction of introducing grandma precious. everyone in this building is precious, but now, i get to turn it over to one of our
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>> translation, please. >> my name is chow ling, and i'm 88 years old, one of the oldest residents of 99 pacific. i i am grated to the united states in 1996, and san francisco chinatown has been my home ever since. in 2011, i was evicted by my landlord, and i could not afford other apartments during the area. during myevics i received help from chinatown community development center. in 2012 i was very lucky to move into 990 pacific.
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in 2015, ccdc announced they would take over the building's management from san francisco housing authority and planned to relocate all 100 residents from 990 pacific to temporary housing while the building was renovated. i was very fearful and scared about living outside of chinatown and not being able to return to our home, but thanks to ccdc, they helped us with everything. i felt confident i could trust chinatown community development center during relocation and then how to be more independent by taking the bus to and from chinatown. before 990 pacific was poor and under poor community management, but after chinatown community development will taking over, it has been a
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delight. on the second floor, we have a lovely resident services and property management staff to help us with our needs. all the residents and i are very happy and grateful to the san francisco government agencies, founders, and ccdc for providing us an affordable, safe, clean, and supportive community to age in place. i am very lucky that i have housing, but there are more people like me, and we all deserve affordable housing. we need to keep fighting for matters and supporting causes that will continue san francisco's commitment to its citizens. wishing everyone health and happiness, thank you so much. [applause] [end of translation] >> finally, now, there's a long list of people to acknowledge,
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and i can't remember anything anymore. i'm getting old. i passed senior citizen a couple of years ago already, so joanna lad what o's worked wit loving care, is going to thank everybody. if anyone is missed, blame her, not me. give it up for joanna. >> hi. i'm joanna. i'm the property manager of the 990 pacific. it took 67 different organizations to successfully preserve 990 pacific as affordable housing. our complete list of partners is in your program, but we wanted to publicly acknowledge those who have worked day in and day out on this project for years. our general contractor, b.b.i. construction, and our architect, galvan partners in association with m.e.i.
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architects. [applause] >> 990 pacific was the most challenging phase one r.a.d. project from a construction and relocation standpoint, and this team brought the project in on budget and moved all the residents back in on schedule. that was only possible because of the self-lessness of our architect and the sheer host of will of our contractors. we have a host of contractors who provided the residents with beautifully renovated apartments. of course the u.s. department of housing and urban development which created the r.a.d. program, our state financing partners, without whom no project moves forward, and affordable housing housing project moves forward in san francisco, those are the california debt limit allocation committee, and the california tax credit allocation committee. our permanent lender, freddy mac, and our investor, bank of
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america. they provided additional investment so we could hold activities next door door for the tenants. the san francisco department of ageing and adult services is funding our program to bring on-site supportive services to the residents for the first time in this building's 49-year history, and the san francisco housing authority and the mayor's office of housing. this was a monument tall challenge from a policy standpoint, and our department saw it as the last best chance to save public housing, so they took it upon themselves, and they gave and continue to give their days, nights and weekends to make this program work. we have a huge list of programs
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from all disciplines to make the project work, but we want to call out the california housing commission, to allow all 29 of the city's public housing and r.a.d. propertied to be rehabilitated on pretty much the same timelines. working on this project often reminded me of my favorite children's book called the phantom toll booth, in which this little boy goes yoff on a quest, and people tell him all along his way, i have something to tell you, but i can't tell you until you complete your quest. and when he completes his quest, they tell him, the thin
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pacific avenue. they made the most personal of sacrifices. they packed up and moved and endured construction in their homes so that this building could be preserved for them and future san franciscans. thank you for believing in us, thank you for believing in us back there, and thank you -- here. let me just finish this, and then, you can read this part. it is because of your courage and your patience that this building will be here for decades to come, and for that, you deserve the greatest applause of all. and bai is going to translate so our residents can understand that part. [speaking native language] [end of translation] [applause] >> almost done. so before i turn it back to norman, just a quick reminder,
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we will be leading tours of the unit does. we will be signing up in the lobby, and the tours will be beginning in the elevators. we will also be serving refreshments, which are outside through these double doors. take it away, norman. >> you heard it. there's going to be tours. i need to shout -- you to shout out these words after me. i tried not to cry today because i know how much staff has suffered, and this really is a national dream come true. housing preservation is not as glamorous, maybe, olson, i don't know. but it took a lot of love and hard work from everybody, so i just want to be really thankful, so let's -- let's leave this place with a few words. repeat after me. joy. peace. love.
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dignity. oh, that's good enough. all right. thanks. thanks to all the staff getting the food together and everything, too, and you've got to check out the -- the tenants will walk you through. thank you so much. . >> i love that i was in four plus years a a rent control tenant, and it might be normal because the tenant will -- for the longest, i was applying for b.m.r. rental, but i would be in the lottery and never be like 307 or 310. i pretty much had kind of given up on that, and had to leave san francisco.
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i found out about the san francisco mayor's office of housing about two or three years ago, and i originally did home counseling with someone, but then, my certificate expired, and one of my friends jamie, she was actually interested in purchasing a unit. i told her about the housing program, the mayor's office, and i told her hey, you've got to do the six hour counseling and the 12 hour training. she said no, i want you to go with me. and then, the very next day that i went to the session, i notice this unit at 616 harrison became available, b.m.i. i was like wow, this could potentially work. housing purchases through the b.m.r. program with the sf mayor's office of housing, they are all lotteries, and for this one, i did win the lottery. there were three people that
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applied, and they pulled my number first. i won, despite the luck i'd had with the program in the last couple years. things are finally breaking my way. when i first saw the unit, even though i knew it was less than ideal conditions, and it was very junky, i could see what this place could be. it's slowly beginning to feel like home. i can definitely -- you know, once i got it painted and slowly getting my custom furniture to fit this unit because it's a specialized unit, and all the units are microinterms of being very small. this unit in terms of adaptive, in terms of having a murphy bed, using the walls and ceiling, getting as much space as i can. it's slowly becoming home for me. it is great that san francisco has this program to address, let's say, the housing crisis that exists here in the bay
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area. it will slowly become home, and i am appreciative that it is a bright spot in an otherwise >> hi. my name is carmen chiu, san francisco's elected assessor. when i meet with seniors in the community, they're thinking about the future. some want to down size or move to a new neighborhood that's closer to family, but they also worry that making such a change will increase their property taxes. that's why i want to share with you a property tax saving program called proposition 60. so how does this work?
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prop 60 was passed in 1986 to allow seniors who are 55 years and older to keep their prop 13 value, even when they move into a new home. under prop 13 law, property growth is limited to 2% growth a year. but when ownership changes the law requires that we reassess the value to new market value. compared to your existing home, which was benefited from the -- which has benefited from the prop 13 growth limit on taxable value, the new limit on the replacement home would likely be higher. that's where prop 60 comes in. prop 60 recognizes that seniors on fixed income may not be able to afford higher taxes so it allows them to carryover their existing prop 13 value to their new home which means seniors can continue to pay their prop 13 tax values as if they had
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never moved. remember, the prop 60 is a one time tax benefit, and the property value must be equal to or below around your replacement home. if you plan to purchase your new home before selling your existing home, please make sure that your new home is at the same price or cheaper than your existing home. this means that if your existing home is worth $1 million in market value, your new home must be $1 million or below. if you're looking to purchase and sell within a year, were you nur home must not be at a value that is worth more than 105% of your exist egging home. which means if you sell your old home for $1 million, and you buy a home within one year, your new home should not be worth more than $1.15 million.
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if you sell your existing home at $1 million and buy a replacement between year one and two, it should be no more than $1.1 million. know that your ability to participate in this program expires after two years. you will not be able to receive prop 60 tax benefits if you cannot make the purchase within two years. so benefit from this tax savings program, you have to apply. just download the prop 60 form from our website and submit it to our office. for more, visit our website,,
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