tv Government Access Programming SFGTV September 14, 2018 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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>> understood. public comment -- one more thing, i just want to echo the recommendation made by the budget legislative analyst to communicate, for you to communicate her recommendation to mr. sataro to ensure that we are handling the contracts in the most efficient manner. >> understood. we are already in the process of changing how these kind of process. >> president cohen: good. a lot of conversation around your contracts on the agenda. public comment on item 8 and 9, any member of the public. all right. public comment is closed. thank you. all right. i would like month make a motion to accept the budget legislative analyst's amendments for item 8 and also approve that with a positive recommendation, and also make a motion to table item 9. if we can take that without
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objection. thank you, colleagues. >> clerk: item number 10, department of public health to participating the one time homeless mentally ill outreach and treatment, to outpatient service, intensive care management, residential treatment services and facility beds in the amount of approximately 3.2 million. >> president cohen: thank you very much. welcome. department of public health. >> good morning, members of the committee, madam chair. i'm with the department of public health. and i'm here on behalf of the department seeking approval to adopt resolution for the department to participate in the funding opportunity, one-time funding opportunity under the department of health care services for a program called homeless mental ill, outreach and treatment.
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the program is designed to provide outreach and treatment for individuals who are homeless, with serious mental illness. available to san francisco $3 million over 18 mostly sunny. to participate in the program, submit a letter of interest and a resolution adopted by the board of supervisors by september 25th. >> president cohen: thank you very much. any questions? pretty straightforward item. no, seeing none, public comment. thank you. public comment is open for item 10. >> i believe in helping the people with mental disabilities and homeless out in the street. but i believe the best way to provide services on a permanent basis is to take care of this problem the same way that you are taking care of the problem of homeless teachers.
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you put down $44 million housing bond for 100 unit apartment building complex and the same additional $44 million housing bond down for another 120 unit apartment building complex for homeless teachers. by doing the proposal here, i take it you are going to place the mentally disturbed and people with disabilities and locations like san francisco general hospital, which is only going to be a temporary treatment of the people who need help. the money would be spent more wisely by putting them in a permanent apartment building complex and staff that's from the system to have offices and locations within the same building to make sure that this recycle of over and over and over again of getting supportive treatment and then getting kicked ot in the street with nowhere to go because you don't have your own place to live.
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one of the reasons why you have so many discharges of human body waste discharges in the street, and service dogs animals discharging their body waste out in the street. people need housing, not additional programs. that's one reason why we have this problem. it keeps recycling. you have navigation center, you can only stay there for a short period of time. as a result, you end up on the street again. you need your own bathroom, just like all of you have. sincerely. >> president cohen: public comment is closed, thank you very much. colleagues, a pretty clean straightforward and i want to remind you a request for one-time funding. i will make a motion to approve with positive recommendation to the full board. thank you, without objection it passes. please call item 11. >> clerk: 11, resolution declaring a shelter crisis
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pursuant to senate bill 850 and authorizing the department of homelessness and supportive housing to apply for funding under the california emergency aid program. >> miss emily cohen here from homelessness and supportive housing. this item is a declaration of a shelter crisis compliant with state requirements allowing the city to apply for state funding which has been identified in our june repa lancing plan. don't worry, it's not a controversial item. it's simple request for homeless funding. floor is yours. >> as chair cohen mentioned in the 18-19 state budget process, new -- funds to be allocated to continuum of care in large cities. through the two source, estimate san francisco will receive approximately $27.7 million in
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one-time homeless service funding. as part of the process to apply for the funds, we are required to declare a shelter cries i declared several times, although the previous crisis did not include the items to receive the funding. >> president cohen: thank you very much. another pretty clean and straightforward item. we are going to go to public comment on item 11. >> start my time before i even speak. this is another example what i'm talking about. spending millions of dollars on programs when it should be spent
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on permanent housing. building programs, $27. million, for a program that constantly recycles people out in the street. there's nothing permanent about that. that money should be spent on building permanent apartment building complexes for people who are out in the street who you are targeting and trying to help. homeless people do not need homeless programs. homeless people need a place to live just like you do. it's disgusting. homeless is big business for people who run the homeless programs like jeff kaczynski. how many hundreds of thousands are you paying him to oversee the programs moving homeless from one location of the city, back and forth and forth and back. when is it going to stop? do like you are doing the homeless teachers. provide a fund and apartment building complex for them to
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live. now, you have a modular proposal, 100 million and i object to that because those are overseas cargo ship containers, that 100 million that's proposed for that, combined with the amount of money you ask for here today is more than enough to start housing people that's out in the street. in fact, i demonstrated one time where [bleep] kaczynski, how would you house the 8,000 people and he said it would take a million dollars to house 1,000 homeless people. you take just a million dollars from the $217 billion that you -- free money from twitter and house all them people with the money. you answered your own question. >> president cohen: thank you. any other speakers? seeing none, public comment is closed. make a motion to move this item to the full board with positive recommendation. and seeing no objections, take
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that without objection. thank you. >> clerk: item 12, resolution authorizing recreation and park department to accept expanded grant of 150,000 from the san francisco park alliance to benefit the department's scholarship program for the project term of november 1, 2018, to june 30, 2019. >> president cohe >> president cohen: item for approval of $150,000 grant from the san francisco parks alliance. and it raised this amount of money at the crab feed. remarkable to see it grow and grow and grow over the years, and if anyone has never attended, i suggest you get your ticket and attend, it's a fun event on the west side of the city, packed at the irish cultural center. and also want to acknowledge it will be going to the edwin lee scholarship program which supports the low income students to help them pay for their college tuition. and lisa branston from the rec
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and park department to present. thank you. >> thank you, chair cohen. i want to clarify that this funding does not go to college tuition, this is for recreational programming, that the rec and park department runs. >> president cohen: thank you. >> start by saying that unfortunately, our partners from the parks alliance could not be here because they are getting ready for a party for the parks, which is saturday night, which is separate but important way we also partner with the parks alliance. so, as you said chair cohen, i'm lisa branston, rec and park department. here to request you authorize the department to accept this grant from the parks alliance, $150,000, to support the departments edwin lee scholarship program. funds were raised at the annual crab fest on february 22nd year, and key part of the mission,
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enriching recreational activities to all san franciscan's regardless of ability to pay. special meaning as we remember the passing of mayor lee. the crab feed was dedicated to his memory and at the event, general manager announced we would name the department's program in mayor lee's honor. funds are an important part of the overall scholarship program that ensures all in san francisco can get out and play. last fiscal year, the department awarded more than 9,000 scholarships valued at $1.2 million. especially important for the youth programs to pursue passion in sports, dancing and arts classes, and safe place to be during out of school hours. and some of the the department's after school programs, nearly all the children are able to be there, they pay nothing or a
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fraction of the regular cost. scholarships covering 50 to 100% of recreational programs are available to san francisco residents with household incomes of less than 250% of the federal poverty guidelines. to qualify for 75% or full scholarships, households must participate in two public assistance programs, such as food stamps or reside in public housing. key part of the work for equity in san francisco. for example, last fiscal year 68% of scholarships awarded to residents in areas of designated equity zones. scholarships are critical to ensuring equal access to programming in san francisco, and the private dollars provide important support for the program. i hope you will recommend that the full board accept these very important funds. allowing everybody to get out and play. thank you very much.
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>> president cohen: thank you. we will go to public comment. thank you. any member of the public to comment on item 12. >> hello, supervisors, this committee. i wanted to speak on the park and rec ability to provide equity in san francisco. i wanted to talk about the deep rooted physical conflicts that stops a lot of san francisco youth from being able to participate in certain spaces, and i have like some solutions that i put forth for that, applaud the raising of extra funds to waive some fees for them. i worked at park and rec. i saw like in the after school programs where they, if you have a child that's from 2 to 6 there, they wanted to do an initiative to expand the
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learning time to make use of that after school space, to reduce the achievement gap, the largest in the state. that san francisco currently has. applaud this effort but i hope that it leads to some real achievement gap reduction in combination with the school district, and in combination with dcuif. >> president cohen: any other member of the public? thank you. public comment is closed. all right. colleagues, i make a motion to approve and send with positive recommendation to the full board, take that without objection. item 13, please. >> clerk: ordinance amending the administrative code to increase the minimum hourly compensation rate for employees of city contractors other than non-profit corporations or public entities to 15.86 per hour on july 1, 2017, 16.86 per hour on july 1, 2018, and
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followed thereafter, but annual cost of living increases. >> president cohen: item 13 is legislation which would allow frankly a much needed raise to minimum wage workers in the for profit sector, particularly those at the san francisco airport, who don't enjoy the higher minimum wage and it's a very long time coming. originally heard in may of 2017, almost a year and a half ago, and was sent to the full board with the positive recommendation. since then, members of the board of supervisors engaged with the labor leaders, and hear from them during public comment and heard from partners, the employers and the contractors across the entire city and how we can give a deserved wage.
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meantime, workers at the airport have been waiting very patiently, very patiently and have sacrificed a great deal. along with our labor partners, we are committed to moving this legislation forward. minimum compensation ordinance for our airport workers, i wanted to see if there's any colleagues that have any questions or remarks or anything they wanted to add. supervisor fewer, you have been pretty vocal and instrumental in this legislation. >> supervisor fewer: yes, thank you chair cohen. i'm thrilled to see this is moving forward, the airport workers have been working hard and also waiting patiently for this raise. i just would like to note this raise actually brings them up to 15.86 to 16.86 per hour, which
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is still below a living wage for anyone living in the bay area or anywhere near san francisco. so yes, looking forward to this passing and thank you very much for your assistance, chair cohen. >> president cohen: and we got better news, instead of 16.86, bump it up to $17. nice round numbers, why not. all right. let's go ahead and take public comment. any member of the public that would like to speak, mr. wright, why don't we -- mr. wright. ok. the floor is yours, mr. wright. go ahead. >> good morning, members of the committee, rudy gonzales, san francisco labor council and the pleasure of one of my counterparts and the jurisdiction and the work connects mostly around the airport, and the affiliates we represent who represent the rank and file workers there.
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specifically local 2, teamsters, even some machinists and other affiliates. what this represents today is really a step forward. it is not the demand that many people made back in april when we were here before this committee before, but i think it is a step in progress and important and the workers counting on this will be watching this vote and will be i think excited to hear the news when it comes down. it's significant. i think i'll echo what supervisor fewer said, it is not truly a living wage, it's frustrating behind the scenes, and includes chelsea, on much deserved maternity leave right now. so anyway, the move here i think is important. i was looking at the m.i.t. living wage calculator and looking up based on some of the members i have met through this problem sesz and for a single
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income earner, one adult, one child, in san francisco, they need about $38 and change an hour for truly living wage. this is not getting us there, but it is an important step in that direction and appreciate the leadership that's been taken and i think you will hear that echoed by my colleagues today. >> thank you. >> good morning, julie lind, head of the san mateo labor council where your airport lives. happy to be here to support rudy and the san francisco labor council and his leadership, and thank all of you for your leadership and to recognize the partnership by the san francisco airport, i see several staff members here, including emily from social responsibility and bill wong from the quality standards program. our members that our jurisdiction shares with rudy have been waiting patiently for quite some time and look to you now and thank you for the $17. it is a lovely round number and
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way more easy to math, so, nicely done. and look forward to seeing this legislation pass with a positive recommendation to your full board and hoping to see these members with the increased wages in their pockets as soon as possible for the betterment of ourselves and families and the shared community. thank you. >> thank you. >> hello, ben sizemore, local 1021, field representative for them, represent mostly city workers and also have one non-profit community housing partnership. who is here to support the m.c.o., we think it's great to get these airport workers the m.c.o. up to where they need to be, and we support our sister s.i.u. locals. also want to let you know we plan on coming back to keep asking for our non-profit workers to get the same m.c.o. we feel that they do a lot of
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really important work in this city, helping provide permanent housing, not just programs for folks who would otherwise be on the streets, and they need a living wage as well. we have folks making $15 an hour doing important work in these nonprofits and places like the support service hotels here in the tenderloin. city counterparts make more money, and they are trying to get by on $15 an hour. they are paycheck away from being clients themselves, from being homeless themselves. so, we are really going to keep coming back and keep pushing for those non-profit workers and also for our in-home support workers as well. so -- thank you for passing the m.c.o., for the airport folks, we would like to see it expanded. >> you can always count on the m.c.o. to have a thank you, but. >> it's important work.
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>> president cohen: mr. wright, your turn. >> another design oversight. on the right track, punch line, annual cost of living increases. you do the math on this $16.86 per day, per hour, per month, per year, come up with approximately $32,179.20 per year. each and every apartment building complex that you build and you set the requirement of income to move in always starts at a minimum of about 80 to 90 to $125,000 a year. so, you talk about starting off for the cost of living increases, you give an increase to the amount of money you are talking about here today is not even enough to move into a brand-new apartment, build a complex coming through the mayor's office on housing.
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that's an insult on my intelligence, and other people who are working 40 hours a week trying to survive in the city. still going to be homeless on the street and bouncing around in temporary hotels and during certain parts of the month, of the year, living in transit. if they are not getting the cost of living increase like you claim annual cost of living increases, that's not no increase for them to live here in the city. you don't meet the target. you fall short of the target. you never have an apartment building complex entry level to move into an apartment building is $32,000 a year. and add $1 to it, still not enough. you see my point? is there anybody out there object to that? all right. so, offer more money to set the price of cost of living based on how much it costs to live here.
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then you'll be levelling the playing field. until then, you are not taking care -- >> president cohen: any other members of the public that would like to speak? we have a lot of representatives from the airport. seeing none, public comment is closed. thank you. so, i have a couple of questions or a question for the budget legislative analyst. i was wondering, do you have a sense of what the cost to the city of this increase in contract might be? >> i don't think we could calculate the cost. any cost would be the point of a new contract or lease or an amended contract or lease, and there are so many factors that enter into that that the impact of the m.c.o. in particular on the contract or lease, you know, quantify in advance. i will also point out two issues. one is that many of our contracts just for security guards come under prevailing
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wage, under separate piece of legislation. and yeah, there is the concession leases are often based on a minimum guarantee or percentage of gross>> refere referereferee: oh. >> president cohen: you have a sense of what the -- what the -- what the increase, and we are talking about -- what, $0.14. >> the $0.14 difference between 1.86 and $2? and we are talking about that as it applies to the airport? >> correct. >> i would assume -- in the scheme of the 1.86 on the table, it's a bit higher than that, obviously. i don't know that we have an exact number here today and our
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comments are consistent with the budget and legislative analysts. >> mayor's office. same question. >> thank you, chair cohen. i think we would say the same as the b.l.a. no formal analysis to quantify that. >> president cohen: colleagues, i have circulated amendments that would update this ordinance in three concise ways. first, it sets the minimum compensation ordinance for profit contract workers airport workers to $17 an hour. second, sets the effective date to november 3rd. and that's the most expedient time to get before the mayor for signature. and sets the effective date to november 3rd or the first available effective date of the ordinance, whichever is later.
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that is consistent with the way we handle our contracts. and finally, the third apartment i'm proposing includes an annual c.p.i. adjustment for all, for profit workers on contracts with the city, starting on july 1st of 2019. so, given that the san francisco airport workers are not subject to our city's minimum wage, this m.c.o. update is long overdue, and i do ask for your support on these amendments and i hope we'll be able to move it forward. public comment is closed, sir. thank you. colleagues, is there any -- supervisor fewer. sir, you are out of order, stop. yeah, you are. >> supervisor fewer: make a motion to adopt the amendments and also send this to the full board with positive recommendation. >> if i can just to clarify for
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everyone in the room, the apartment is to increase the m.c.o. rate for all for profit contractors or just for the airport to $17? >> president cohen: thank you. it's for -- just -- double check. thank you. yes, you are correct, that means it does not include home health care workers, i.h.s. workers, it does not include non-profit workers. this is the airport workers and a small contingent of workers that are for profit workers associated with doing work at the san francisco airport. >> so only for the airport, not for for profit contractors outside the airport? >> president cohen: that's correct.
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for profit workers, excuse me. for profit workers. >> ok. so the m.c.o. increase that you are proposing would raise the rate to $17 as of the effective date of this ordinance, could be as early as november 3rd for all contractors for profit contractors. >> that's correct. >> ok. >> president cohen: thank you for tying that all together. all right. ready to gavel down, no objection, passes unanimously. please move that to the full board with positive recommendation. >> this amendment triggers a continuance in committee, it needs to come back next week. >> ok. all right. i was unaware of that. >> president cohen: motion to rescind the vote and without objection, thank you. given that the amendments need further review, introduced them into the record, clarified them into the record, a motion to
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