tv Government Access Programming SFGTV September 15, 2018 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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see if we can resolve a number of the issues before we make a decision on the appeal of the e.i. r. we'd like some additional plan to do that. the plan does not come before land use committee before monday, october 1st. it does not delay the plan in terms of the board of supervisors' process. it gives my office some additional time to continue to work with the four litigants in this matter. >> president cohen: thank you. supervisor peskin. >> second that motion. colleagues, seeing that these items, these matters will be continued, let's open up a public comment on the continuance and at this point i want to acknowledge any member of the public that would like to comment, not on the project, but on the fact we're continuing the item. this is on the continuance, would you like to speak on the continuance?
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>> hi, laura clark. it does not make sense to continue to negotiate with people who are operating in bad faith. there is one group of people who are operating clearly in bad faith, when it it comes to central soma. everyone else has been very earnest about their concerns. i have concerns about central soma. i have concerns about the jobs housing and balance. there's one particular group, led by the homeowners association of the blue condos, that has demonstrated a complete lack of good faith. it's clearly advocating for their own personal penthouse views. to give anything to this group that is so obviously motivated by pure self-interest, not even of the building but a few handful of penthouse dwellers
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who might have some views impacted by new housing would be insane. it is not acceptable to negotiate a way, the pittance of housing in this plan, to condo conners. who do not want other condos within their line of sight. it's just ridiculous. i understand these things need a couple of weeks but there are people with whom we can negotiate with in good faith to try and get whatever community benefits they think are need. we are at risk play ball with people just want to preserve their views. and this is why we need fundamental structural see >> next speaker, please. >> my name is scott feeknee. i'd like to echo a lot of what laura said. as the member of u.n. b. action who coordinated opposition to
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the central soma plan, we previously opposed the central soma plan for adding what was originally 50,000 jobs and only 7,000 housing units during a housing shortage. we have taken a step back from actively opposing the plan. we're not one of the opponents, because we got concession this is some of the office space being converted to housing and housing being stream lined. we believe that san francisco, including this body, was serious about increasing the housing in other areas. if we were able to negotiate with the condo owners, it would call into question that belief. i'm not here to negate the concerns of community groups who were concerned about displacement. we were concerned about the impact from building office space and not enough housing. i'm not here to negate that.
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if you continue this, let it not be so you can just negotiate with a penthouse condo owner, who doesn't want his view blocked. >> next speaker. >> this is going to be short. i represent san francisco housing coalition. i want to say the number of units that this project represents is important that it moves forward as quickly as possible. also recognizing we're in a housing shortage. >> thank you. next speaker. >> i want to caution you, i believe this is a trick device to time delay to further give people away and don't giffin put. like it did with the mission rock by the building complex. it is sponsored and financed by the giants. it's 1,100 -- 1,500 apartment units there. in the contract agreement, it
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says 15% of that 1,500 units is supposed to be for very low and low income bracket people. the very people out in the street. homeless who breed and touring around the city. yet, when you design the fine print and application for people who apply for that building, the 15% that is supposed to be of that 1,500 units, which is 225 of those units is not included in the application process. so your time delaying technique that you are using here is a very same time delay technique that you are using now to eliminate the most vulnerable people to have a housing opportunity. it's not fair. you are always doing this time after time and again. and then, with this time-consuming technique, people failed to appear, lose track of their thought and you sneak in this requirement and you campaign that it's supposed for for low and affordable housing
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but yet the only people that can afford to move in the building is people in high income brackets. since when does people making $125,000 a year need to be part of a low income affordable housing program. you do that time and time again. time and time again. it's disgusting. and then you sit up there talking about affordable housing. every time you come with a multi billion dollar housing bond, you claim affordable housing and the only people that can afford it is people in the high income bracket like twitter. and you give twitter a 217 billion-dollar tax-free budget. money free, not paying taxes. what you got to say about that? >> next speaker. [applause] madam president, before the next public commenter speaks. i want to remind the public if you are in support of someone's views, you can use your
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supportive hands. there's a board rule -- thank you. there is a board rule that you would use your supportive hands. >> instead of crapping. this is what we're going to do. like this. >> let's be respectful of the speakers at the podium. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is gina and i'm president of the sf blue homeowners association. i want to thank supervisor kim for the continuance. this is a very serious matter we're talking about. there's extreme traffic and extreme cancer risk, identified in the e.i.r. this cancer risk is actually identified in the e.i.r. as
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target our block. i know we've been vilified in the press, as being concerned about views, but it's really about cancer risk that effects everyone in our neighborhood. i want to thank you for the continuance. it takes a lot of time to work through this kind of problem. i want to thank the supervisors for giving us that time. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, everybody. so, you know, the important thing to understand about these board of s.o.b.s, i'm dyslexic so i see b.o.s. in my mind i actually see s.o.b.s. and you know these s.o.b.s have been screwing over brown people, black people, poor people, gay people, trans
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people. any marginalized community is not welcome in san francisco because we don't throw billions or millions of dollars up your butts. and that is what this is about. the working class folks of san francisco. for your billionaire boyfriends. they can put a billion dollars or a million -- y'all aren't that expensive whores. a couple thousand dollars, $20,000 will buy most of you off. because these are republicans in democratic clothing. these are the corporate democrats. the ones that lost 900 seats in congress and statehouses and governorships across the nation
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in 2016 because you support the corporate bastards. therefore, you are bitches and bastards. it's hard-working people that built this city and continue to elect you unbeknownst on how corrupt and whor esh you all are. maybe it will change when we move away from the corporate democrats and we move into the progressives, which i'm hoping this board will elect a progressive president, not some slave holder. thank you. >> next speaker. >> i'm not completely sure, but i think the previous speakers were supporting a continuance. >> that's right. >> i also support a continuance. >> any other members of the public that like to support this continuance. seeing none. public comment is closed. i just want to recognize that
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we've got a motion made by supervisor kim to continue this item to the next meeting of september 25th. it's been seconds by supervisor fess kin. seeinpeskin. can we take this without objection, colleagues. i think we have everyone. without objection, this motion passes. madam clerk, could you please call item 13-15. >> clerk: items 13-14 com surprise the second special order for the board of exercises to convene as a committee of the whole for a public hearing that has been scheduled pursuant to a resolution 232-18 adopted on july 24th, 2018 for a public hearing for the board of supervisors to consider the following two ordinances contained in items 14 and 15. an ordinance to establish the sub project areas g2, g3 and g 4:00 of city infrastructure financing number two and to
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affirm the determination and make the appropriate findings and a resolution to approve the issuance of bonds in an amount not to exceed $273.9 million, $196.1 million, 323.3 million for sub project areas, g2, g3 and g4 and trust and pledge agreements and to approve other matters in connection therewith. >> president cohen: we turn to a number of items related to the formation of a infrastructure financing district for pier 70. we'll hear a staff report on the matters from staff about the proposed i.f.d. which will be followed by public comment. i want to recognize brad benson, from the san francisco port. i'm grateful for your analysis and your presentation. the floor is yours. >> good afternoon, president cohen, members of the board. brad benson. i'm here from the port of san francisco representing port
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executive district or arlene forbes. i'm sorry, i'm a bit horse. we appreciate your sponsorship of this item, president cohen. your staff have been very helpful in the preparation of this. i also want to thank the city attorney and outside bond council and madam clerk, your staff have been very, very helpful. this item is integral to the approval this body adopted last fall for the pier 70. it's about financing the new neighborhood at pier 70. i'll try and keep the presentation brief, so that i can answer any questions. just by way of a bit of an update, there was a ground-breaking at pier 70 on may tenth. some of you attended that ground-breaking. we've been working diligently with representatives of forest city, the developer for the site. our sister city agencies, to process the infrastructure,
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including the new streets and parks that will be needed to support the new neighborhood. demolition activities are already under way and four cities started designing the first two buildings for the site. this is a very fast project for a master planned project. we need to move to these financing approvals so we can pay for the public infrastructure and public benefits in the project. so, as a reminder, the pier 70 special use district is a 35-acre special use district next to the dog patch neighborhood. it includes an approval for 1600 to 3,000 housing units, 30% of which will be affordable 1 million to 1.75 million square feet of office space and 500,000
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square feet of industrial space. the public benefits in the project are robust. 470 units of affordable housing. sealevel rise protection for the site and also sea level rise funding for the entire port waterfront. nine acres of open space. a new arts facility and historic rehab of this amazing historic district. it's a three-phase project, projected to cost $260 million in today's dollars. the first phase of the project is what is shown in yellow on this presentation. we expect $140 million to be spent during this phase. the infrastructure financing district before you today operates essentially like redevelopment. it allows the capture of tax incrementses to fund public improvements, like those i've described. under the ports i.f.d. law, we're able to capture the state
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share of property tax growth and the city share of property tax growth. so robust public financing. this will not only fund public improvements for the s.u.d. but also the rest of pier 70, because it's a broad historic district. after project needs, this will provide funding for sea level rise protection in the port seawall. the port's harbor front and the city's general fund are protected under this financing approach. just to the over all projections in today's dollars, we're looking at about a billion dollars of investment in the project over a 45-year period of time. and you will note that we'll have half a billion dollars overtime to fund sea level rise protection and about $50 million to fund other improvements outside the project site. so, in closing, we're requesting
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your approval of the legislation following the close of the public hearing and i'm available to answer any questions you have. >> ok, thank you. i think it's appropriate to take public comment on item 13-15. if there's any member of the public that would like to come. before we take public comment, we have one more report from the budget legislative annalist. my apologies. thank you. >> good afternoon, president cohen, members of the board. the legislation before you to approve the i.f.d. for pier 70 in the issuance of bonds, the board did approve the intent to form the i.f.d. in july of 2018. the actual proposal before you now is exactly the same as what was included in the intent. we presented on the financing plan at that time and this is approving the financing plan.
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as mr. benson said, the generation of revenue is a billion dollars over the term of the i.f.d. and this would approve the issuance of bonds and being other proved up to $790 million. that's more than the amount the port expects to issue. the difference is just to allow flexibility should financing costs be lower or revenues higher than anticipated at the current time. the other key point is that before the port can issue bonds, they would have to come back to the board for approval on the terms of the bond issuance. we do recommend approval. >> president cohen: thank you. we appreciate that recommendation. i want to pivot to public comment on items 13-15. >> this is another example what i was talking about earlier. you have to stay focused. he claims 30% will be affordable housing. then when you process the applications to be turned in for
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a tenant to move into the building, that 30% housing affordable housing will start at an income range for people making 80, 90 to $125,000 a year. people who are in lower income, very low income brackets are not even getting the housing opportunities to apply and put in an application to be a tenant in the building. this say discriminatory practice and tricky device. we have emergency homeless problem here in canada. and you are in violation of criminal law pertaining to price fixing and price gouging. you can be put into county jail for that. is that clear? i want to put strong emphasis on t you do that all the god damn time on your housing opportunities. i'm going to start addressing it. if i have to address it in the united states federal district court for the northern god damn
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district of california, i don't mind doing it. i'm giving you a warning. you are depriving low income people of their civil rights. that's not due process, and equal opportunity for housing. you deprive us of the civil rights and you campaign on our backs. and claim that is supports affording housing. just like the hispanic female going to school living in a boarding hole. you can't pay for her on a commercial, saying she would love to live at mission rock. and when the truth of the matter is revealed, she can't even afford to live in the god damn apartment building complex and 225 of those apartments is supposed to be for low income and very low income bracket people. is that clear. i want to be sure you are clear on that. el when what we get if federal court you are aren't going to say you didn't know about this. when you deprive a person of the civil rights, you can be fined on criminal laws too. >> next speaker.
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>> i didn't come up here to speak. the brother makes a lot of sense. his verbiage may be rough. listen to what they do in the white house. y'all have to be a little compassionate here locally. this is a newer a. boss man is right on point. bottom line is, the rules and regulations and everything that y'all put together in this is assembly doesn't sit. i've been in the city hall for over 30 years and i have shared some tears. but i'm here to tell y'all, it's a newer a. we don't have no time for eras. i was just looking over tndc of 35 years. a represent the way pack. it's been here 40 or 50 years. this inspired me to put a book
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together about what way pack did. this is a spin off ace is here. and with the spin off with ace is called case. community. assistance. service. enterprise. we're going to make some money. the bottom line is we have to right the wrong. all these non-profit organizations getting all this money and our current mayor for affordable housing. we want the kick down. the breakdown. and why is it there's no black non profits. we do have a group. i'm going to do a study on what's going on here in the city. by the bay. where everybody thinks everything's ok. but you have to listen to that what gentleman says because we're going to have social media. i'm having on my show and he has to say what he wants to say for an hour. without taking a shower. the reason i say this, i appreciate this board and you
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guys are simple and i'll be back to talk to you later. my name is ace. and i'm on this case. >> thank you, next speaker. tom gillberty. i second the speaker ahead of me and i second the speaker ahead of him. what we're trying to do is change the formula. change the equation. we don't want little percentages changed, we want the format changed. we want basically ever housing development to have part of our community in it from basically getting out of the homeless situation, senior situation, the seniors need homes.
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the kids graduating from the foster program. then we can go up to people actually living and working in the city from muni, for the police, teachers, nurses. how about 10% 15% for people that have lived in the neighborhood for 20 years? we're trying to keep our community together. we're trying to make it healthy. and this is not working. and that's what we're hoping the new mayor brings to the situation. thank you. >> thank you. are there any other speakers at this time that would like to speak? public comment is now closed. this hearing has been heard and filed. we may now consider an adopt the resolution and one ordinance related to the formation of the
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i.f.d. i see no names on the roster so there are no questions. everyone is clear. madam clerk, could you all the roll on item 14 and 15. >> supervisor. >> safai. >> aye. >> tang. >> aye. >> yee. >> aye. >> brown. >> aye. >> cohen. >> aye. >> fewer. >> aye. >> kim. >> aye. >> mandelman. >> aye. >> peskin. >> aye there are 11 ayes. >> president cohen: thank you, very much. these items pass unanimously. clear call items 16-22. >> clerk: 16-22 the third special order today. we have here the board of supervisors convening as a committee of the whole. this hearing was scheduled pursuant to a resolution adopted on july 24th, 2018. this is a public hearing where
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the board will consider forming an infrastructure and revitalization financing district number two also known as the hoedown yard. the subject of the following items. item 17, a resolution to propose adoption of the infrastructure financing plan or the i.f.p. and the formation of a city and infrastructure and revitalization financing district or irfd to provide for future annexation. item 18 is the resolution to approve the i.f.p. for city infrastructure and revitallation financing district number two. item 18 is the resolution calling for a special election for the city. for the irfd number two. for item 20 it is declaring the results of this special election. 21 to create the city i.rfd number two and item 22 is the resolution to authorizing the issuance of bonds for city infrastructure and revitallation financing district number two in an aggregated amount not to exceed $91.9 million to affirm the determination to make the
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appropriate findings for all five items. >> president cohen: thank you. so there's been a request for continuance and this request was made by the port. they're requesting we continue these items to october 16th, 2018. at this time i'd like to open up the public comment. anyone with a public that would like to comment on this continuance, they are able to do so by coming up to the podium. is there any member of the public? >> again. here is the situation. i'm going to give you an example of your housing bonds. your housing bonds are always proposed and called by all of you board of supervisors, except one. ever time you board of supervisors get any kind of bond pertaining to housing, infrastructure, within this injury us diction of san -- jur,
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$91,900,000,000 is always for people and high income brackets. you got a situation enjoyed by high-income bracket people, but not enjoyed by low-income bracket people. and then you complain about people who aren't permitted to apply in these buildings and homeless on the street. they don't have their own bathrooms being forced to discharge their human waste but the waste of their service animals on the sidewalks, then you want to explain about it. then you demonstrate a high level of professional stupidity by hiring a poop squad and paying them $186,000 a year to clean up feces off the street. need to send the poop squad to your office to clean up because the office is full of shit. i'm tired of it.
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how can you sit up there with the bond for homeless teachers, $44 million for homeless housing teachers but you don't build a homeless bonds for non homeless teachers. you have a situation enjoyed by homeless teachers, but not enjoyed by non homeless teachers. and then you turn around and wonder why you have so many homeless people on the street. there was a study conducted where you spend more money cleaning up the city than several larger cities in the united states and the population is bigger than the city itself. that's poor management. >> next speaker. >> let me just say one thing here on national tv. i helped create this channel. i help create the government channel. it's called pay a government charge. educational and public access. i don't need credit for that
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because i would rather have cash. don't biff m give me no credit. i'm supporting what he said. the real thing is what i'm getting ready to do, i'm coming back from coming up here acting like ace on the case. there is a case called case force. we are going to bring out a new thing. what he is saying needs to be heard. he needs a platform but you can't get here at city hall because it's structured. the bottom line what he is saying is so irrelevant to the housing structure. i'm just sitting down and talk to our mayor. but let's talk about what i'm very familiar with. i want to give a shout out to our supervisor who came out to the west. i have pictures i want to show you afterwards. the bottom line is the western edition, for example. not reflecting on her. and the a2 area. no black businesses on fillmore.
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no black ownerships, no housing. i mean, this city, which is under ocii, consider it the western addition. i have to talk to governor brown. why is it we're not even considered part of the projects in this side of the bay and that's not ok. you see we need strong advocates, like he and myself and others. they're around. they're watching tv. when they find out how you talk and the structure you come down here, we're going to be coming to make things happen. but i'm so glad now it's election time. i might run for election. i don't know. i might put my hat in the arena. i don't know. >> are there any other members of the public that would like to comment on these items? seeing none, public comment is closed. and seeing there are no other speakers, may i have a motion to
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continue these items to october 16th, motion made by supervisor yee. is there a second by safai. call the next item. >> we would go back to roll call for introductions with supervisor tang. >> supervisor tang. >> i submitted. >> thank you. >> supervisor yee. >> thank you, madam clerk. colleagues, you know, there's times when we should acknowledge good deeds like when kaiser decided to go 100% renewable energy. i am introducing a resolution to stand with resolution state wide kaiser permanent sites and healthcare workers, west workers based in kaiser in san
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francisco. as of october 5th, next is next month, 2018, 16 messenger drivers parking attendants and department secretaries at sighser, san francisco will find their benefited positions eliminated. kaiser intends to contract out the parking and shuttle services and replace them with ride share services. these workers will be outsources to companies that pay less and offer fewer benefits. this decision comes as kaiser reported $29 billion in reserves in 2018 and 3.8 billion in profits during the first three quarters of 2017. colleagues, unions and good-paying middle-class jobs are increasingly under attack. middle-class workers are working harder than ever to make ends meet to support their families
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as inequity increases, especially in the bay area and in our city. we should not stand by in great conscious as hard-working staff are laid off and the interest of increasing corporate profits. in november of 2017, kaiser announced its intention to outsource and layoff the hundred of the seiu good-paying middle income jobs. including 70 pharmacy warehouse workers in downey, 34 carriers at a lab in north hollywood, six pharmacy warehouse workers in oakland and livermore, nurses. moving these jobs from centers in hollywood, baldwin park and woodland hills to other areas of the state where workers earn $2 per hour less.
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setting down a skilled nursing facility in man tika effecting families of 13 workers. oakland city council, alameda county board of supervisors and los angeles city council all unanimously passed resolutions opposing kaisers' plans to outsource jobs and encouraged a good faith with the union how to retain and grow good-paying healthcare jobs at their facilities. on labor day, 1,000 kaiser workers and supporters worked in protest of the plan massive layoffs. colleagues, i ask you to join me in urging kaiser to protect these 16 positions in san francisco and over 800 positions state wide. i want to thank my current co sponsors, fewer, mandelman, kim,
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ronen and pose kid i urge my colleagues to join me and our oakland, alameda and los angeles colleagues to take a united stand against kaiser outsourcing and layoffs and hope we can pass this resolution unanimously before the determination date october 5th. and send a strong message to kaiser that san francisco board of supervisors stands in solidarity with our union brothers and sisters. the rest i submit. >> president cohen: thank you. supervisor brown. >> supervisor cohen. >> thank you. >> supervisor fewer. >> thank you. >> supervisor kim. >> thank you. >> supervisor mandelman. >> thank you. >> and supervisor peskin. >> i just wanted to return the meeting in the memory of joe rosenblat. the grandson of the usl rosenblat and a lover and
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participant in the arts. he was a great travelers and very involved in the ruth salel as of arts and served as dean and later as principal of ruth soto and i'd like to adjourn the meeting in his memory and donations can the donated to the scholarship fund. the rest i will submit. >> supervisor safai. >> i'm sorry, i just wanted to be added as a co sponsor to supervisor yee's resolution. >> thank you, very much. >> madam clerk. before we close out for roll call for introductions i i forgot to do a vote to close this board meeting out in memory of joseph and colleagues, if we can take that without objection. thank you. madam clerk.
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>> clerk: madam president, that concludes the introduction of new business. >> president cohen: i couldn't hear you. >> clerk: now it's time for public comment. >> now it's time for the good fun. all right. are there any members of the public who would like to address this board during general public comment. come up and step forward. lineup to my left to your right. you have two minutes to address this body and you will hear a soft chime indicating 30 seconds remaining on your two minute allotment of time. >> you would like to join on activities being taken care of outside of san francisco, i move you to join in o on on example g taken place in oakley.
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it's putting together 135 million-dollar affordable housing bonds, ok. unlike what you've been doing in san francisco, where you do these bonds for high-income bracket people, this $135 million bond is to create affordable housing for seniors. victims of abuse, people experiencing homeless and suffering from mental illness, health and substance abuse. the very same people who is vulnerable and out in the streets who you claim i want to support. i move you issuing out bonds instead of putting them in navigation centers because you are doing nothing but navigating around the solution of stopping homelessness in the city. now, i started this investigation intested rape kits. now i turned to have an investigation done on these
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catholic priests who are a bunch of perverts, ok. now, the catholic victims of the abuse in pennsylvania have an investigation in california. a grand jury reporter of pennsylvania has triggered where more victims are out there and how many more abusive priests are left and exposed. and san francisco, ok. i want an investigation like i did and a hearing like i did on sex victims of rape to be conducted against these catholic churches here in san francisco. new york and new jersey is doing the same thing on the dialysis there. the new york attorney general. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> i am jesus of nazareth.
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when saul heard those words he was shocked and changed and altered. he became a christian. he didn't realize that the christians he was persecuting were actually the sons of the living god. the sons of the living god. my bible tells me, behold what manner of love the father has bestowed upon christians t in that he had called them the sons of god. you can be adopted into the family of god if you believe on jesus christ. jesus said in john 12, he that believes on me believes not on me but on him that sent me. and he that sees me, sees him that sent me. i am come a light into the world. that whatsoever believed me should not abide in darkness. if any man hear my words and believe not, i judge him not, i came not to judge the world. but to save the world.
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he that rejects me, and receives not my words has one that judges him. the word that i have spoken, the word that i have spoken will judge him on the last day because i haven't spoken it myself. but my father which sent me, he gave me a commandment what i should say and speak and i commandment is life everlasting. whatsoever, i speak therefore i speak even as the father said unto me. now, he said he didn't come to judge. but when he comes back he is going to come to judge. he is not going -- it's going to be the greatest day in the world for the saved and the worst day in the world for the unsaved. of course this is 9/11 and once again, you know, to repetition is a good teacher. a month before 9/11, i said the sixth trumpet would sound on 9/11. there's a reason for it. that's because we're at the time of the end of the last days.
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>> next speaker, please. >> i'm just up here for commercial purposes. this is copy writing, i'm going to do a little bit of what i know. ♪ you call it city hall ♪ but i call it a silly hall ♪ because i'm going to tell y'all ♪ ♪ because you are looking at y'all ♪ my name is ace ♪ and i've been on this case ♪ some of those people out there didn't want me on in this place ♪ ♪ but it's no mystery ♪ just check the history ♪ whoa ♪ i've been working on some cases involved ♪ ♪ with a lot of conspiracies ♪ you know what, some people don't like me ♪ that's ok. i'm just here to say y'all, i'm
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glad to be here in the city by the bay, san francisco. because as you see, and they see on tv, there's no other city like the city by the bay. the bottom line, what i'm going to be doing in my career, is trying to bring a roundtable discussion here at city hall so we can have a roundtable discussion on whatever issues are coming instead of us having three minutes. i would rather be here 20 years and i've shed tears but all that blood got clogged and they had to open up my head to let it o i want to thank supervisor cohen for coming to visit me. that was very nice and i appreciate that. god has lifted me and i have to bring it onto the younger generation that you can come to city hall. you can have a voice here. and i'm going to put together a platform. it may not be in this surgery. but people will come and sit down and be on social media without cussing and fussing and
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talk some interesting things. my name is ace. i'm on the case and i'll see y'all next week. >> thank you, next speaker. >> good afternoon. president cohen and supervisors, my name is bradley wheatmeyer and i'm speaking to you as an ihss home care provider. a member of sieu2015 and member of the living wage coalition. together, with about 300 people, we had a rally earlier today, talking about the m.c.o. the minimum compensation ordinance. we need that desperately. we are low-age workers. we are the bottom. people are suffering. we need that passed. we'd like to see that come before the whole board. we thought that perhaps it might be part of the question period that the mayor had, because the mayor in may, asked former mayor
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ferel about the m.c.o. and says she was the supporter. however, she's offered 50 cents. the m.c.o. means a 1. 1.86. san francisco needs to set an example in the bay area. the other countries in the bay area have moved towards supporting their contracted county workers at a rate above minimum wage. san francisco has not. we are lagging behind. a friend of mine has left the profession because she couldn't get housing and she was commuting from sacramento. it's crazy out there. we need to have a living wage to stave and care for seniors and disabled and do the job of the city for the city. san francisco needs to set an example and not be a low-age slacker. we are doing the work of the
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city. please, pay us a living wage. maybe not a city wage but not the bottom. we are not the lowest workers. we have to work hard. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. >> good afternoon, members of the board. and board president. my name is rudy gonzalez. there were many more workers were bradley and many other labor supporters and community allies but unfortunately, they work as in home healthcare providers caring for our loved ones and their loved ones. they work as non-profit workers and critical services that the city cannot or does not or will not provide for anymore. they work as airport kitchen catering workers and security and janitorial workers at the airport. they live on poverty wages. so many of them have two jobs. they couldn't stay this long to actually speak to you directly. i have the burden and great
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responsibility to carry their message forward to you. i appreciate that everyone deserves time off and i know that many of you work hard and earned well deserved time off last month and you are back and this is your second full meeting. the workers i represent are teetering on the edge of poverty. the airport workers at 14 and change and even with the minimum wage increase at $15 an hour, they can't survive. you don't have to look far to see calculations and analysis that tells you that a single parent with a kid needs upwards of $38 an hour to have a living wage in san francisco. and so, labor is here again. we have three main priorities. we want to chip away at the housing and affordability crisis and further restrict and reign in airbnb and sharing. we want to provide generations of good jobs that provide for local hire and apprenticiship and pathways to good careers through a city wide project labor agreement and we need your
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leadership to amend the minimum compensation ordinance. that these poverty workers who, are earning the bare minimum can afford to live. many of us make enough to live but they're barely making enough to survive. we have an opportunity to do something. so the time will come where we will ask you to publicly cast a vote and work with working people in san francisco. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. >> supervisors, tim paulson. i was sworn in about a week and a half ago by the mayor as the secretary treasurer of the san francisco building and construction trades council. i think this is maybe the first time i've stood in front of this board in this new position for the first time in 13 years. i want to reiterate what rudy has just said right now. for two years right now, the priorities of the labor council and i'm here representing the building trades council, who is in full support of three
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priorities to get the m.c.o. passed, for all workers, this is private sector, in home healthcare workers as well as the non-profit workers in the city. we've been working hard to try to get a per veiling wage project labor agreement passed in the city so people can make the good union wages and with the training and apprenticiship for the m.c.o. and we're also looking so they won't get screwed by the airbnb. that is a unparallel priority of both of the councils and we are here to make that support. now we know that there's going to be some amendments that will be coming to the m.c.o. but i want to be clear, this is still a coalition of local 2 and the teamsters and sciu10-1 and sciu2015 and all the workers and unite here all the folks that work in these low poverty wages. we had a wonderful campaign for
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the minimum wage, just a very short period of time ago and now the living wage is less than the minimum wage. it's time to fix that for all of the workers and we are united and asking you to make sure that this happens now that we're back into the new session. thank you, very much. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> supervisors, my name is david can and i'm from sciu10-1. we've been working on coalition with other unions to get the m.c.o. passed. the m.c.o. seems to be stuck in committee and the most recent development has been that there's a move to exclude non-profit workers. that is absolutely unacceptable. non profits are facing a crisis of retention and recruitment. some of them are turning work away because they can't hire people. non profits such as housing clinics can't hire people at $1. so raising the minimum compensation ordinance will help address that. in addition to some of these
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folks not being able to live and work and live in san francisco. if you don't believe it, we invite you to spend a day in the shoes of a non-profit worker to see the challenging conditions these folks are working under and the crisis these non-profits are facing in terms of hiring and retaining people so we are asking you as a board, please support the m.c.o. when it comes before you. thank you. [ please stand by ]
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>> thank you. next speaker, please. come on down. >> good afternoon. >> you are welcome to stand with the group if you'd you'd like. >> my name is allison owens. i am one of the shuttle drivers. my last day will be october 5th . i've been with kaiser for 29 years. i was planning to retire. >> icky -- if you could speak into the mic. >> i'm sorry. >> i was a very loyal employee. hopefully to retire from kaiser. i support my granddaughter who has asthma, a very bad to. my husband, a couple years ago, fell and broke his back. i support him to each week. by losing my job, i don't know what i will do. with you supporting this resolution, i think you. >> thank you for sharing. >> my name is teresa and i will be outsourced october 5th. >> speak into the microphone,
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please. >> i will also be outsourced october 5th. i am asking for all of you guys to stand with us in solidarity to support us so we can keep our jobs at a stop kaiser from outsourcing. i have been working with this company for a year and i really enjoy the benefits and i really need them because i do have an autoimmune disease. this would, basically -- i would have nothing to do or know where to go. as far as health care, everything would be taken from me october 5th. stand with us today in solidarity and support us in trying to find a resolution to this. >> my name is crystal prior. i was employed by kaiser two and a half years ago. i'm a single mother with six kids. one is in college. with the date of the 5th of october, it has forced me to make decisions to try to find other employment to make sure that i can sustain my living for my children, as well as provide health care for them. we want to thank you for putting
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this resolution on and we hope you will support it. >> thank you, ladies. next speaker, please. >> hello. my name is anna lopez. i also support this group of people here that are really close. >> you need to speak louder into the mic so everyone can hear you >> we are -- they are close to lose their job. it is a step that is going, that is starting in one corner and we keep going until we all lose it. we are talking about having less homeless people on the streets by saving our jobs. you will have a lot less people that will have their house, their security, rent payment, mortgage payment, to pay for health care, at this moment, this is what is holding us. we will work hard to give our members time for kaiser the best
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we can. we want to work every day and try to give these people what they are paying for. but if they start outsourcing and taking all these jobs away from us, it will be a lot less happy people because it we will be on the streets and then you guys will have a lot of hard work to try to clean up the streets in trying to keep
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>> he pays himself about $10 million a year. we, as employees, are invested. we are invested in our jobs. our patients and our communities that we serve. kaiser wants to replace our drivers using uber and other services. really create kaiser is a nonprofit organization that wants to start outsourcing our jobs, despite worker profits. behind these jobs are real families trying to sustain a decent standard of living here in san francisco.
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