tv Government Access Programming SFGTV September 18, 2018 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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and one was 10 and the other was in the first grade. here's pictures of these rapists who are still at large. [bell ringing] there is another one. that is still at large. i move to incorporate the fact that any of you, who have been raped here in san francisco to call this hot line, whether you're a male or female and
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we've done this a couple of times before, we'll do it again. let's see if we can get a good spin on this. as good as we're going to do. our weather, for 10,000 years it's been kind of normal. now we're going into the wobbles. the civilization -- and you see what happens. that's our climate right now. the wobbles just get bigger and bigger. and i would love for somebody to ask the supreme court nominee what he thinks of global climate change. um... oh, judy wood, november 6,
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2013, said on the news hour, on the briefs, global climate carbon in the atmosphere of 393. the stock market just went up to a new record level. i think it was 20,000. so the thermometer of our health, of our country, of our world is not the stock market. we have to get away from that. right here in san francisco, better planning -- [bell ringing] -- we have 4th street, the 1200 block of 4th street is falling away from the buildings. it's sinking. we have the millennium tower that may shed glass. what is going to happen in earthquake with all of those panels on all those different windows? it will be a flock of glass flying down. our high-rise buildings are not designed to be functional after an earthquake.
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they're designed to stay -- [bell ringing] -- and not fall down -- >> thank you for your comments, sir. >> you know, mr. reich taylor, i guess, number 56 just gave us a speech, alex jones interviews him all the time, about rush limbaugh's show, i forget the substitute's name, he had a caller about the 301 priests getting in trouble for what they're doing to the kids in pennsylvania. and -- [laughter] -- this is amazing what god is doing. i thank god for president trump, man. and this is the mercy of god. and when dianne feinstein is trying to pull this 11th hour thing about brett kavanaugh,
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what joke. the guy has 65 women saying hey, he's a great guy. it's a lie. if i ever see that woman, i'm going to try to get her saved and that's what i'm going to try to do. well, now, if you were to ask me, why am i a christian? there is a verse in peter, it says if somebody asks why you're a christian, tell them why, but with generalness, i'm going to try to do that. i try to you know, there is a verse in the bible that says thou shall not revial the gods, so i'm in between a rock and a hard place, you're here by the appointment of god, and that is what god says. i have to show proper respect, even though hillary here, talks about a guy -- [bell ringing] -- bearing a woman's attire and calls him, her.
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i have to remember that, you know, even though she's lying, because there is only male and female, i have to remember proper respect. >> i'm going to pause your time. address the board as a whole. do not call out individual members of the board. address the board as a whole. i'm reserving you're time. >> ok, ok, it comes down to this. jesus is the judge. he raised from the dead and said if you don't honor me, you don't honor the father that sent me. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. any other members of the public who would like to address the board. madame president >> president cohen: thank you very much. looks like we're almost to the end of the agenda.
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if we could go to the inmemoriam. >> thank you, today will be adjourned in memory of two beloved individuals, the late ms. mercedes miller and for the late mr. art peterson. roen roen >> if there is no further business before us today, i think we can adjourn. >> that concludes our business for today. >> thank you, ladies and gentlemen, we're adjourned.
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>> clerk: item number 2 is general public comment. >> are there any items we anyone who has public comment? next on the agenda. >> clerk: item number 3 consent agenda. three a, approving the minutes of the june 19th 2018 meeting. >> i move approval. >> second. >> all in favour? >> aye. >> rachel hiatt from the treasure island mobility agency will give us an update. this builds off of the discussion from last week's meeting on planning for a ferry service and building into the planning of toll and transit pass policies. >> good morning. good morning. is that better? i have included, in my
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background, or in my presentation, background on the transportation plan. i know you all are familiar, but for the benefit of you at home, the first transportation plan for the treasure island redevelopment was adopted in 2,006. so the goals and strategies for transportation and sustainability that you will see here and that we have been working on carry back to the first 2006 plan. the principles and strategies were reaffirmed in the 2011 development agreement. and the commitment there. and it was at that point that our agency started working in support of tid aim to take this support does take this plan from implementation. the last action that you took was in 2016 on the transportation plan adopting initial policies for how the
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program would work. there are aspects of the programs that are not adopted yet. but do need to be adopted in the next year in order to proceed before 2021, opening of the program. that is what we are looking towards. a 2021 opening of the program along with the first new homes that will be available for occupancy. and then forward to 2035 build outs. the challenges that the transportation plan is intended to solve our number 1, to mitigate traffic impacts of all of this growth. going from fewer than 1,000 people living on the island today, two over the ocean up to 25,000 people by 2035. managing the demand for transportation and travel on and off the island is a huge challenge. the bay bridge is the only way to access the island by vehicle and it is already congested.
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number 2, in order to provide alternatives, we need to exponentially increase the amount of transit service on and off the island. devising a plan to add new options to both sides of the bay and expand the current options. the only option for public transportation on and off the island is the munimobile 25. and then thirdly, to pay for the transit and have a reliable, committed source of funding for the operations of the substantial amount of transit service that can be relied on. and that is committed. fourth, per your direction and the direction of the board, affordability. within all of this program, we need to continue to support affordable housing and transportation for the low income families who are in the audience today and will move onto the island in the future. with those goals as the basis on the challenge, the 2006 plan and
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the plan that has been reaffirmed since then included a significant increase in transit on and off the island. incentivizing walking and biking on island and the ability to get around on the island without needing to drive on the island. discouraging driving, especially single occupant driving and during congested periods through tolling and through pricing of parking, and then third,, the financial sustainability and the performance goals that the program needs to achieve. we need to achieve a transportation performance goal of 50% of the trips on and off the island by transit. we need to achieve a financial performance goal in which the program raises enough revenue to fund all of the new services. let's start with the transit service. transit service has called for
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the first year of the program, on opening day, including a new a.c. transit service. it doesn't exist today. it actually used to. for those of you who may be familiar, but it was under a.c. transit board of control. because they went through some tough budget times, they decided to cut it. this program would bring it back and with a committed and permanent source of operations, so this board is in control of providing that service. it would start off at an hourly operation, all day, 5:00 am until 10:00 pm. by buildout, we are to achieve a ten minute peak. frequency for the transit. it will go directly between treasure island to, the terminal in downtown b.r.t. station. we are also able to achieve -- we do believe a ferry service, as you heard, starting from day one. this would be a peak. only service to start with until
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the next phase, over the next few years, the first few years of development there will be enough demand and enough travel that we will be able to support and fund. to start peak. and a water taxi style service, as you heard at the board meeting last week, using smaller vessels, 50 or more passenger festival -- vessels that is provided by companies like prop s.f., like a tidal line, operators like that. by buildout, we will be providing all day, including weekend ferry service. that is what we need to achieve. with 15 minute headways. which is more frequent than any ferry service in san francisco. lastly, munimobile. service also needs to increase starting with a move to the articulated accordion vehicles by unit 2,000.
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and eventually moving to five minute peak. frequency for the 25 munimobile. they will also need to add environmental work plans projected and additional roots. to make a combined headway of three and a half minutes. this transit service level is akin to the most transit rich neighbourhood in san francisco. the california, haight-ashbury, van ness, it is a rage transit -- rate transit service level. and you have heard presentations on this before, offer a transit pass program which would start from day one. this past is intended -- of this past is intended to be for operators.
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unlimited rides on those operators. the folks in the market right housing will have one of these passes each month through their homeowner dues or through their lease payments. we also are able to offer this pass as an option. an optional purchase to residents of the low market right housing -- rate housing and to employees on treasure island for below market rate housing would be offered at a 50 % discount. that is the wait that munimobile lifeline pass works. it is 50% of the market rate of the monthly pass. so all of this transit service will be funded by the revenues, including the toll, primarily, and parking pricing. the toll is, in our projections, going to be at this point the main revenue source for the expanded transit. it does have a another purpose which is to discourage driving
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during congested periods on the bridge and mitigate the traffic impacts associated with the growth. again, we need to achieve this 50% mode to share target that has been set out for us in the environmental and authorizing legislation of pop the trips on and off the island -- up half the trips on and off the island by transit. these revenues are committed to treasure island. especially on the parking side. that is unique in san francisco. there's no other neighbourhood that is able to keep and reinvest the parking revenues into the neighbourhood and into transit service. you took action on this topic most recently in 2016, as did the tida board and the direction you gave at that point was regarding things shown on the slide here. that both residents and visitors
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would pay the toll. not just residents. the toll would operate in both directions. that is consistent with all the pass plans dating back to 2006. that the transit, any transit that is registered, that could be a private, nonprofit van pool or public service, are exempt from the toll. and that there should be an affordability program. at that point, what you are asking us to come back to with recommendation, including the idea that longtime residents, folks who are predda have lived on the island since before the development agreement should be given special consideration. i want to show you two concepts for the toll. this one, the first one, as for your information. just to illustrate some of the trade-offs that we looked at in our analysis.
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the next one that i will show after that is what we propose. this, i am calling the baseline. this shows some of the trade-offs between transit service levels and toll levels that we looked at in our analysis. i think it something that we are trying to balance here is the cost side of the equation and the revenue side of the equation and the cost side of the program is mostly the transit cost. it is primarily the transit costs providing the transit service. and the revenue is primarily the toll. in this situation, with the right -- rate shown here, the transit service levels associated with this would be a half hour a.c. transit service to start, daily. and a publicly provided ferry service. so the ferry service provided through timma. not through the developer. that is a larger cost, however. so the toll rates related to that would be a five-dollar peak
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level, lower off peak and on the weekend. also throughout the overnight. , so after the peak period ends at 7:00 pm, there is no toll proposed in our program. we also looked at another option with the idea of seeking to lower the toll right -- rates in the early years and looking at ways to reduce the cost of the program. also raise additional revenue. i know you have given us direction in the pass and you keep looking for additional committed revenue sources and we have heard that and we continue to work on that. these proposals that you see today are reflecting the committed revenues that we already have committed. it doesn't mean we will stop looking for other revenue sources to offset the need for
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total revenue. what we are trying to achieve here was another alternative. what you see is associated with the hourly transit service and a water taxi service provided from the developers through a water taxi type of operation. the timma board would need to review the rates. and how well this manages traffic and how well the transit service serves the demand and adjust accordingly this is our proposal. the peak period would have a higher toll rates because they are the congested periods and we would use the same peak hours that the bay bridge uses in the morning, that is 5-10 on the bay bridge and in the evening, it is 3-7.
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the midday, or off-peak off peak periods is the time in the midday between that from 10-3. so after 7:00 pm, they would be no toll. the peak. rates would be $3.50. that is half of what the bay bridge toll would be at that time. in 2020 when the off-peak at two dollars and then a lower weekend rate at one dollar in each direction. this graphic shows with that rate would be by direction and it illustrates another proposal which is that drivers coming from the east bay driving through the bay bridge toll plaza onto treasure island would receive 50% off the treasure island toll. we would offer that because they
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have paid the full amount at the bay bridge. so the bay bridge toll operator has the authority to toll any of the approaches to the bridge, including on treasure island, subject to their board's approval. we are in coordination with them regarding our toll rates -- toll rates and how the systems will talk to each other. this graphic shows some example round-trip toll rates each direction. there are some nuances here, which i no kak this is just informational today. so we will be back again in the future and can talk about some of the nuances such as what it means to pay by plate and the surcharge associated with that.
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moving onto the affordability program proposals. there is a few aspects of this. the first is the transit pass that i mentioned which we want to offer at a 50% discount for residents of below market right housing as an optional purchase. we also are working on -- asking for outreach and getting interest in some of these additional services for people who either don't own a car but still need access to a car, sometimes, or who want to use alternatives to their own personal car. either to be able to shed their second car, for instance, and still get access to mobility. we will bring car share on island. there is no car share available today. there will be bike share available on island four on
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island transportation. we will -- we are responsible for implementing and on island circulating shuffle and the purpose of this is to connect the ferry terminal and the a.c. transit stop with the other neighbourhoods. providing the first connection would be free. we have been talking with folks at one treasure island to her working on a one treasure island resident membership program about including transportation benefits and features and an overall resident reward program or benefit scent discounts program. there seems to be interest in that. we are excited about it as well. this could be not just a transportation benefit program but a multi- sector type of benefit program where people
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could buy, being a resident of treasure island, access all the services but also get discounts on island residents and the family centre and also transportation. car share for below market right households -- bark -- below market rate households or bike share. also, folks seem to be interested in this idea of earning rewards for their sustainable travel choices. this could be a way to implement something i am about to talk about, which is a total credit program. lastly, there is some other trip types that we have heard through outreach that are particularly challenging. we want to work on programs to address the specific issues. school trips is one. a grocery trip is another. school trips are a challenge throughout san francisco. by particularly on treasure
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island. so there is some things that we can investigate and potentially include in our affordability program, such as facilitating carpool matching for parents. or investing in affordability program resources on and off island with school shuttles that are targeted to the schools that treasure island residents go to. similar with the grocery trip. we know that folks on island today like to go to food co. for instance and do ad hoc and informal ride matching. we can help support and expand that type of thing. for the toll itself, we are proposing benefits for two groups of folks. the first group are treasure island, a long time pre development agreement households.
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and for those folks, we propose a free round-trip toll per day for pred.d.a. households and current below market households for an introductory period through 2026. we also, moving forward, or residents at below market right housing, proposed this program of earning total credits for transit trip making. it is like a sandwich cart concept for your travel. you take 21 wait trips on transit and that is a total credit for the times you need to drive on and off island. this is another way of illustrating the benefit here and i can come back to that if there's questions about who is eligible for what. so i want to end with our outreach. we are launching a bunch of outreach, starting this month and starting this week. and leading into more
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presentations for you and for the treasure island mobility management committee. these are the dates looking forward and these are the dates for our open houses that we have planned on the shipshape over the next few weeks. thank you, so much. >> president tsen: thank you so much. thank you for that wonderful presentation. i suspect he will be working on this now for about a year and what we see here is extremely wonderfully done. i am going to dive and asked commissioners to ask questions. i will start with you to ask questions and then i will go to others. >> president tsen: thank you, very much, rachel. this is a very important plan with treasure island. it is how we are going to provide transit for people and
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give them alternatives. it seems like you have really put together a well thought out plan to do that. of course, we are urging people to get out of cars and to use the very rich transit options that will be developed. i think the key is whether we are going to be able to really provide this service that we are talking about, which includes the shuttles and includes the frequent service from the mainland to treasure island and the ferry service. all of that has to be there in order for people to really think of those alternative means as truly an option. and i know that it is a balancing act between having enough revenue from the tolls and from other sources to be able to afford to pay for those alternative services. this is a challenge for us as we
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go forward because we don't have a population there yet but we know that over time that population is going to grow. i do think that having those other options is really important. i'm glad that you went back to look at the affordability for the lower income residents. however, i do think that you've done a really good job of providing the transit passes that pass the cost and hopefully that will be something which will ameliorate the cost of the necessity of driving for some, as you said. for the people who have kids in schools, perhaps that will help them a lot. i do have a few questions. that has to do with the toll
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rates. i noticed that the tolls are actually lower for the treasure island -- treasure island to san francisco rather than san francisco to treasure island. the weekend toll is even as low as 50 cents to come to treasure island. i was wondering if you would explain that a little bit and see what the thinking was on that. >> absolutely. another way to look at it that might help illustrate is also the slide following that shows the map version. so you are right. for just the direction going westbound, this would be the direction going from oakland to treasure island westbound through the san francisco
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oakland bay bridge toll plaza. that direction we do propose a 50% discount, which would, on the weekend to make it 50 cents because it would be half of the dollar. because those drivers have paid at the bay bridge toll plaza. in the eastbound direction to oakland, the oakland drivers would pay the full toll. if you are driving from treasure island to oakland, we would ask those drivers to contribute the full amount. but we have heard feedback that sends folks going that westbound way are already paying the full amount at the toll plaza, we should consider a discount for that. i am open to feedback on this. that was the thinking. >> president tsen: was it more to make it affordable? i know that people coming from oakland to have to pay a toll to cross the bay bridge.
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whether they're going to san francisco or treasure island, is a toll that has to be paid. this is in addition if they do land in treasure island, specifically coming to treasure island for any event or whatever they might need? >> that's right. >> president tsen: so the concern is for residents who may be on the island who want to go to the east bay. they would have to pay a toll coming back from the east bay to treasure island as well. >> that is one thing that could happen. i think the larger group of travellers, may be employees on the island to her commuting from the east bay to the island to work. >> president tsen: could this be some program with employers to have transit passes for employees? has that been looked at? >> that is a great idea and
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should be looked at. >> president tsen: what was the rationale for having the weekend toll is below where than the off-peak tolls? why are they not basically the same? what is the thinking behind the weekend? because the weekends are more optional in some ways as to the trips that you might want to take, whereas during the week, because of jobs or getting kids to school, that is a required. >> right. in the scenario of the lower tolls, there would be less transit service on the weekends. so it is less service and also a lower toll. that is the trade-off click other scenarios we have looked at you provide more transit service on the weekend but the total would be higher. in this particular scenario,
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because there is lower transit service days at that time, the proposed toll right -- rate is lower. >> president tsen: thank you. i think that i will wait for the other comments from the other directors if that's ok his. >> commissioner richardson: so i have commissioner lai and then commissioner dunlop. >> commissioner lai: so i had -- i'm really happy to see that we have revisited the base assumption of having to rely on a higher cost ferry option to be subsidized by the toll prices. because that was a really early concerned that i had and i first joined the board. i've had multiple conversations with bob on this topic and, for me, i understand the need to finance this very.
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it is very expensive. but also, just reconciling with the fact that we are basically relying on a residents on the island and their daily usage to found a basic infrastructure. which busily -- which really isn't something we currently do on the mainland because infrastructure is paid for in other ways. not necessarily relying on the toll as a means. so this is something that i i'm still sort of grappling with. i am very happy to see that the direction of the toll has gone down, which, to me, i completely understand the necessity of congestion management and that is a very powerful tool. by keeping in mind about creating a vibrant and sustainable and new community on an island that is -- still has a lot of challenges in terms of conductivity. it does worry me some.
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to strike this balance of creating a sustainable community and having it be attractive for early adopters, which i personally think might be an issue early on. so having said that, i do have a bunch of questions that may be at a high level, can you tell us , based on your proposed plan, whether or not the revenue would meet the expected needs? >> yes. our challenge is in the early years of the program. while there is not a lot of demand. and for those early years, there's a couple solutions that we bring to make this scenario work. the first is that tee icd does have an operating subsidy obligation of up to 35 million. this is part of the development agreement. there are annual limits on that but we do rely on the tee icd
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subsidy to help make those early years financially feasible. in the outer years, the buildout , we believe this scenario will be financially feasible. we don't expect any problems they are at with this buildout level and the ability to provide those pick the early years are the challenge work and so the early to let her and then being created with other sources like a partnership with others and the bridge tolls that the voters approved in june to help bridge that early -- if you will, i did not mean that penn. those early years when there is just not a lot of demand. >> commissioner lai: my understanding is still that the amount of told that we are evaluating is still correlated
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with how much we need to bring in to sustain the transportation options. so in your current discussions? it sounds like have already gone out on discussions with some of the private operators. are you already discussing with them about the appropriate fee for the service we. >> yes. >> commissioner lai: because their feedback on how much they can charge per ride is probably going to impact the remaining gap that you need to make up with the tolls. >> right. >> commissioner lai: so let's see, i know in our meeting last week you had mentioned the spike potential study of a bike option can you read that for us a little bit? it seems to be one of the biggest opportunities for us is to really do this modal shift to the bike option and biking from
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treasure island to the city would not be a very far bike ride, i would say. it is a little bit of a shame that when we redevelop the bay bridge connection that we did not really build that and. it was always a surprise to me. but now with that measure funding, is not something that we can move forward to hopefully deploy in 2021? >> as the lead agency for a project like that, the west end bay bridge bike connection is m.t.c. it wouldn't be treasure island. but of course, we are a stakeholder to that project. we do know that they are studying this. we are supporting that work. in the interim, until the future of where that path exists, the ferry is the connection for bikes. >> commissioner lai: ok.
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it sounds like it is probably on a much longer planning timeline for the bike connection. >> it would not be 2021. >> commissioner lai: i would highly encourage us to continue to work on this. i think this could really help reduce the reliance on ferry and munimobile buses in general. i think we have realized that shift within the mainland and the more that we are providing new bike connections networks and in -- and on our own island street network plans, we are investing a lot in providing bike connections as well, it would could be great if we could integrate their lives. forgive me, i don't know the hierarchy of deaths but my understanding is they are the regional agency. is there a state entity that oversees this regional work? >> it is a state owned bridge. the bay area toll authority operates the toll system.
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they are at the agency leading the study. there are currently studies underway for west band and they are the lead. >> commissioner lai: got it. let's say the average san franciscan wants to get involved and encourage the agency to move this project forward and be more committed to it. who are we supposed to contact? as it assembly members? i just don't know where we all fit into this conversation. >> yeah. i will need -- let me find you the right -- so i would recommend that folks in the public who want to support looking at this, if you could contact our san francisco representatives on the m.t.c. commission, we do have two representatives on the m.t.c. commission. the governing body. one of them as a district six supervisor, jane kim.
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>> commissioner lai: that is a great suggestion. thank you. let's see. so i think my understanding of your presentation is that the transit focus, or the best transit focus is ongoing between the island and the mainland in san francisco and if people need to connect to the east bay, it is through a.c. transit, right? and they are proposing a once in our connection. >> they have proposed -- a.c. transit would propose 30 minutes they have proposed that. the alternative that is the hour is the transit service level that helps provide the lower toll right -- told rate. >> president tsen: i'm sorry. i have to leave shortly. can i make this comment. i am wondering, the revenues are so important to being able to
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provide the alternative options of ferry and shuttles and buses. i would look carefully at the tolls that you are proposing because, actually, 50 cents or a dollar is less than a cup of coffee. and yet, we are paying -- people are paying less for imported transportation services and incentives. i am just thinking that you should look carefully at what the amount that is being proposed that is charged, may be put the weekend and off-peak totals being the same. i don't know if the distinction between the off-peak toll and we can tolls of 50 cents or a dollar are really going to incentivize people not to use their cars.
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but i know that you will get this carefully. but may be that is something that you can look further on. thank you, very much. >> commissioner richardson: thank you. i know you have some questions. go ahead. >> commissioner lai: thank you i think we had talked about the bus. i think you are looking at this total map, i still have a little bit of confusion. if we can go back to that slide. i think it is 14 and 15. so am i reading this correctly that if we are going from san francisco to treasure island, we would be paying $3.50 during peak hours. >> yes. from san francisco to treasure island during peak, $3.50. >> commissioner lai: and if you stop a treasure island before you go to the east bay, you would pay another $3.50 to exit the island we. >> in that scenario you would. >> commissioner lai: but if you go directly from san francisco to the east bay, there would be zero tolls?
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>> yes. >> commissioner lai: i'm just imagining all the scenarios. let me go through the rest of this so i make sure i understand if you are going from the east bay back to the islands, it will be $1.75. >> from the east bay to treasure island, $1.75 and you have also paid the seven dollars at that point at the bay bridge toll plaza. >> commissioner lai: so it is $8.75. ad in the about the 50 cents, it would be paid, let's say -- they would be going from -- is that going eastbound or westbound? the 50 cents? >> the 50 cents, that would happen if you are driving from the east bay to treasure island on the weekend. >> commissioner lai: but you would -- >> i'm sorry. >> commissioner lai: but you
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have already paid the bay bridge toll entering san francisco property at the weekend rate,, whatever that is. >> yes. >> commissioner lai: and then plus the 50 cents? following up on other questions, why are we creating a cost differential between people travelling from san francisco to the islands versus people travelling from the east bay to the island? >> because it seems like -- >> commissioner lai: and they have already paid a significant amount. >> that was the thinking. >> commissioner lai: got it. i want to make sure i understood both sides of the conversation there. that seems to make sense to me. can you help me understand how the mechanism would work? where are the toll booths or the tolls going to be collected from entering and exiting the island his greedy. >> on treasure island? >> commissioner lai: yeah, spee his --
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>> there will be toll booths. the way the system would work as a way the bridge works. so there's no toll takers on the bridge. so folks -- the main way you would pay was by having a fast-track transponder and there will be -- it is like a glorified street sign or street signal. it has a detector on it. if you don't have a fast-track transponder, c.m.s. golden gate bridge, there are cameras that take a photo on your license and through the d.m.v. sent you an invoice. >> commissioner lai: my question is, i'm envisioning what i know of the on-ramp and offramp situation. i mean it is pretty narrow. i am assuming that the transponders would be located at the offramp and not during the actual bridge?
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>> right. i have someone here -- i do have a member of the engineering team here. she -- one of her roles is to work on the engineering of the system and the location specifically. the locations would be on the local roads and i will make a note to myself to put a map of this. they would be on the local roads and if you want, i can bring sam up and she can talk to you. >> commissioner lai: thank you that is fine. it probably sounds like a conversation that he will present to us later on when we are actually looking at the implementation, but i guess my early comments is just to make sure that when you are engineering the appropriate location, it does not impact the traffic flow of the bridge itself because they are already so impacted and make sure that it is not located in a place where there isn't going to be sufficiently time for a traffic
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calming which would lead to accidents jack i am somewhat concerned about the safety of this and how it will all play out. in your follow-up presentation, when appropriate, please make sure to speak to that point. >> ok. >> commissioner lai: and then, so, going from the east bay, they would be getting a toll as they are entering and they will be getting a toll if they leave the bay bridge going onto the island. that resolves my other question. i was wondering how that would work. whether or not there be a dedicated t.i. lane through the east bay. >> no. that direction that transaction would be detected as you are leaving treasure island spee seven that makes sense. let's see. so the other points that you made, which i thank you so much
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for raising this, as a whole school trips or school shuttle program. have you been working with the school board on this issue? >> not yet. >> commissioner lai: but that is part of the plan we. >> yes. >> commissioner lai: lastly, as you are looking at vehicle sharing alternatives, i know this is probably controversial, but i think just considering the shared scooter services or other last mile options. and then, -- ok ith global and my questions there. >> commissioner richardson: thank you. i want make sure that this is an important issue, as you can see. the enthusiasm and the questions that the commissioners are asking. also, commissioner dunlap, do you still want to ask questions? just one. go ahead to. this is an opportunity for everyone to speak. >> commissioner dunlop: thank
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you. it is less than a question. it is more of a comment on getting a bike lane from the islands to san francisco. you know, it is understudied now but it is very possible the study might say no, we cannot attach this wait to this 75 or 80-year-old bridge without having some really bad happenings on the structure of the bridge. because the wait is just so -- the weight does not really allow for a lot of extra weight on one side. i'm not even sure if that will be an option in our lifetime. but you never know. well, my lifetime. >> commissioner richardson: you also know that our director also would like to speak. i have a lot of questions but i will depart and make sure
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everyone gets their questions in so, bob, do you -- >> my comment was the last question before she departed in terms of the one dollar toll on the weekends. parts of what the transportation authority has been doing -- these are the initial toll rates as time goes on, and the ferry goes to 24-hour -- not 24 hours a day, but to fold a service, and the 15 minute service that rachel described capital levels will eventually be higher. but these initial toll levels, i think there were two goals. one is balancing the revenues, but the other two goals for which i speak are the -- establishing the pattern of times of days when there would be tolls while also easing the
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transition for current residents from a no toll situation to a told situation. there will be a.c. transit service and limited ferry service from the start of tolling operations or at least that is what is being proposed currently. but the future anchorage grocery store may not be established on the island and even if it is, the larger retail program will still be in it's infancy. so establishing the pattern, i think, was a critical feature and in looking at when tolls will be charged. but still, easing that transition until there is more dense transit service and a higher level of retail services on the island. >> commissioner richardson: thank you. ok.
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this is very impressive, rachel. your agency was given the mandate to come out and help us come up with this transportation plan and for treasure island and you have been working on this for a couple of years and here we are. i just wanted to say that i want to commend you, in particular, and your agency. i know you have worked very hard working with engineers and everyone involved. i have a series of questions here. i think i want to pull everyone back a little bit so that you all understand what's we are doing here. one of the key outcomes for the public and for those that are in the area and for those who will be watching and all the stakeholders, is the improved transit service to treasure island. at the end of the day, we have
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all the combinations of opportunities where you will be able to take a ferry. you will have a program with a.c. transit. you have sfmta. and you also have this partnership with all these alternatives, you know, the private sector and the employees and the different categories. i think that is to take away that i want everybody to be in mind while we are in the process of trying to resolve some of these technicalities of how do we make this happen and also knowing that at -- on the outset , we may not have the population that we have. everyone should also be in mind that treasure island will be a point of destination. we also have the tourism. we also have an elaborate plan to hold events on treasure island. and all the discussions, that needs to be
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