tv Government Access Programming SFGTV September 22, 2018 2:00am-3:00am PDT
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committee. our clerk today is victor young. i'd also like to thank sfgov tv, leo and jim. mr. clerk, please call item number one. and before that, do you have any announcements? >> clerk: yes. please silence all cell phones and electronic devices. complet completed speaker cards and any documents to be included in the presentation should be submitted to the clerk. item one is a motion urging kaiser permane kaiser permanente -- [inaudible] >> supervisor safai: great. thank you, mr. young. i'd like to hang this over to our vice chair, mr. norman yee, who is the sponsor of this. >> supervisor yee: thank you,
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chair safai. colleagues, i introduced this last week to stand in solidarity to stand with seiu worker sites based in kaiser. and as of october 5, which is coming up really quickly, 2018, 16 messenger drivers, parking attendants, licensed vocational nurse and department secretary at kaiser san francisco will find their benefited positions eliminated. kaiser intends to contract out the parking and scheduled services and replace them with ride share services. these services will be outsources to companies that pay less and offer fewer
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benefits. this decision comes as kaiser reported $29 billion in reserves in 2018 and $3.8 billion in profits during the first three quarters of 2017. unions and good paying middle class or middle-income jobs are increasingly under attack. middle-income workers are working harder than ever to make ends meet to support their families as economic inequity continues to increase, especially in the bay area and in our city. the -- we should not stand by in good conscience as hard working staff are laid off in the interests of increasing corporate profit. in november 2017, kaiser announced its intention to outsource and layoff over 900
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seiu good paying jobs, 34 carriers at a laboratory in north hollywood, and so on and so on, and you can see this is not just impacting the bay area but throughout california, and we need to make a stand in this city to say stop this, this is not acceptable. earlier this year, the oakland city council, alameda county board of supervisors, los angeles city councils all unanimously passed resolutions opposing kaiser's plans to outsource jobs and urge kaiser to discuss in good faith with the union how to retain and grow good paying health care jobs at their facilities. on labor day, over 1,000 kaiser workers and their supporters marched over support of these
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massive layoffs. colleagues i urge you to join me in protecting these 16 positions in san francisco and the over 800 positions statewide. and i want to thank chair safai for scheduling this item today due to the time sensitive nature of the workers that's going to be terminated october 5. and i want to thank my cosponsors for standing with me and with our union workers. i hope we can stand united with our oakland, alameda and l.a. colleagues and hope that we can passion this resolution with positive recommendations today so the full board can vote on the resolution next tuesday before the october 5 date comes to us. we must, as a city, send a strong message to kaiser
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permane permanente that san francisco on the records strong with its brothers and sisters of the seiu, and all brothers and sisters. that's all i have to say. i think i talked about it before, and i see that there's many members of seiu that are here. and i don't know that we need a lot of testimony, but if we could take public comments or if we have questions right now? >> supervisor safai: yeah no. i think we'll move to public comment. we heard a long list of folks that were impacted by this, a lot of testimony. we appreciate you coming out again. speakers will have two minutes. please clearly state your name. if you have any information you'd like to give to the clerk, please hand it over. >> clerk: if you'd like to speak, please lineup on the
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window side of the window. thank you. >> i'm with seiu united health care workers. we're here today because kaiser is planning to outsource our jobs. recently, that number that you last heard, 900 jobs being outsources to now 1,000 jobs across the state. in san francisco kaiser has informed us that she plan to outsource 16 parking and shuttle services jobs. in bargaining, we're told they plan to contract out and also use ride share services. on monday, clifford, who's a gardener, he's standing right there. gardeners were told they would be outsourced, as well. kaiser's eliminating quality jobs, retirement, quality health care and wages and replacing them with work that makes them money. this is about greed. this is about while they're
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earning $2 billion in profit. that's while they have more than $28 billion in reserves. that's more than california, and that's nothing but greed. we urge you to support supervisor norman yee's resolution to protect kaiser workers from outsourcing. thank you. >> supervisor safai: thank you. next speaker. >> how you doing. good morning. i'm here to speak on behalf of the gardeners for san francisco kaiser. my name is clifford pheifer. i'm been with kaiser five years. i was just informed monday that my job would be outsourced. there was no reason given, it was just that it was there are intent to outsource gardener's jobs, and my responsibility there is to keep the outside of the hospital clean, keep the garages clean, picking up drug needles and cleaning feces and
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other things and planting flowers and things of that nature. so we play a vital, you know, important part to kaiser, but it seems like that doesn't matter. now our jobs -- and it greatly affects me because i have a family, and my kids depend on me. they look to me, and i have two sons in college, and they look for my support. and for kaiser just to all of a sudden one day, and tell us we're going to outsource your jobs, i think it's wrong, and it has a great impact on me and my family. so i do urge you to support norman yee's resolution to stop the outsourcing, and thank you very much. >> supervisor safai: thank you. >> hi. my name is erica bodi, and i am a shop steward for seiu, but i am also a 37 year employee of
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kaiser permanente. so i think it's important that you guys know a little bit of history to know how kaiser got to where it is. seiu, i was original member of local 250. of course i started, when i was two years old. but i'm just going to talk to you, and tell you our union makes up the majority of kaiser workers, almost two thirds from the day i started, since i was 19 years old. we've been every rock and boulder that's built kaiser's quality care. every service that it has is from the work of labor workers. not only our union, but it's labor workers. it's unbelievable in this time that i see such a sudden change. we helped build the labor management partnership. we had a 70 year beautiful relationship with kaiser. we've helped kaiser grow to be able to make $4 billion in
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profits a year, to be able to have $29 billion in their back pocket. this impacts the community, when jobs are outsourced. it's like the spark, the flame that starts the wildfire. this is real. it impacts the gardeners, the shuttle drivers, the parking attendants. they're real-life people, and what we want you to do is to support norman yee and the resolution to have kaiser not outsource jobs and to respect its workers, and so i ask for your support today. thank you. >> supervisor safai: thank you so much. next speaker. >> good morning. i'm crystal prior, and i came about a week ago, as well. it's unfortunate, monday, last, we received that 60 people would be impacted, and that would across the northern
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california area. for 1,000 people to be impacted, it's not going to tap until we have people like you to hold them accountable for the action as that you're providing. like i said, i have six childrens. i had to move to discovery bay to be able to afford a house to live in. kaiser, two years ago, got me to a position where i didn't have to have financial aid to government assistance to be able to provide a place for my kids, and that being in jeopardy where i had to make a choice where i was going to work for the union full-time or being outsource now because i'm a driver. i've been a driver for 20 something years, and kaiser for two years now. when you look at my face, you look at what outsources is, and you look at clifford's face, and there are several other people that really depend on those jobs for their livelihood. i was fortunate to be in oakland when they made the decision to make the resolution. i was in alameda when they made
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the decision to support the resolution. i deal with the pharmacy in oakland, and livermore. these people's lives are going to be greatly impacted, and i want to thank you for hearing us and help us. thank you. >> supervisor safai: thank you. are there any other members of the public that wish to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment's closed. [ gavel ]. >> supervisor safai: i know that supervisor stefani would like to say something, as would i. and then, i have a few questions. supervisor stefani? >> supervisor stefani: thank you, supervisor safai. i just want to say thank you to supervisor yee for bringing this resolution forward, and thank you to those who came out today and who came out to the board of supervisors meeting last week. i am not comfortable with kaiser's plans to make sure that these employees are taken
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care of. i did reach out to kaiser. i think income security for a year is not enough, and i don't think the new vendor will offer the same pay and benefits. i'm greatly concerned with the stories that i heard and the outsources that would take place. i will be supporting this resolution today and would like to be added as a cosponsor. >> supervisor safai: thank you. supervisor yee, so this is a pretty straightforward resolution in my mind. i'm someone that came from the labor movement. i'm very fortunate to be here, having worked with brothers and sisters like yourself. i think it is unconscionable in this economy with this amount of wealth, with this amount of transfer of wealth into a few hands that we would be in a discussion about outsourcing and trying to save pennies and not thinking about the human impact. when you give someone a job,
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you're not just feeding them, you're feeding their families and supporting their families. this is about families, this is about working people, this is about allowing working middle class families to allow to live and remain in the bay area. we talk about it but don't do much about it. so i'd like to really appreciate and respect supervisor yee for bringing this forward. i'm hopeful that this will get the attention of kaiser. this is a statewide issue. this is happening all over the state of california because kaiser's making decision to outsource. we have these fight does all the time. suck -- figh su -- we have these fights all the time, but san francisco works very hard to make sure that outsourcing is not a practice that we support here
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at the board of supervisors. so anything that we can do, i believe this will be supported unanimously at the board of supervisors, and i'm really, really sorry that you all are having to go through this. the idea that jobs will be given temporary -- that that sounds good when people are reading it on the surface, oh, transitional job pay, but they don't think about the benefits, the retirement, and the job security that you all have developed and what it means to have someone like clifford who's out there in the fillmore, western addition, people know him, he has a relationship. it's more than just that, it's about also building community. so thank you supervisor yee. i'm in full support of this measure, and i appreciate you bringing it forward. >> supervisor yee: thank you very much, and thanks for coming out again. and the only thing i wish i could have done better is actually have sponsored this
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much earlier so the impact would be greater. nevertheless, we're going to move forward with this. i've -- my office has spoken to kaiser also, and we have expressed our disappointment with them. it's really disappointing with the profit they're making that they're picking these types of positions to be outsources. there's no rhyme nor reason for them to be able to do this, and i just don't understand the rationale in this at all. so i have a question to mr. clerk. did we pass this out as a -- to -- as a committee report? >> clerk: there's no need to send it out as a committee report. this will be on next week's board of supervisors agenda. it just needs one vote.
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>> supervisor yee: okay. i'd like to go ahead and make a motion to pass this out of committee with a positive recommendation to the full board. >> supervisor safai: can we do that without objection? in full support. thank you. thank you all for coming out today. [ gavel ]. >> clerk: next on the agenda is item number two is a motion approving, rejecting the mayor's no, ma'am nation is lieutenant david falzon to the entertainment commission, term ending july 1, 2022. >> supervisor safai: thank you. is mr. falzon here. oh, hey, there you go. >> good morning. good morning, chair safai and vice chair yee and supervisor stefani, good morning. my name is dave falzon. i first would like to start off by thanking the mayor for the nomination. i take that with great pride and honor. further i'd like to extend now to the board my sincere interest and hoping that we can get through today and next week
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and that i'll actually be appointed and sworn in as an entertainment commissioner. a little bit about me. i am a lieutenant in san francisco police department. i've been in the department for upwards to 26 years, and i am a san francisco native. i chose to raise any family here in -- my family here in distric district three. they went to school in district three. we were surrounded by high-rises, a little house surrounded by high-rises. for the past 16 years, i have been involved with night live with a.b.c. licensing with the whole entertainment community. my history goes back to actually the formation of the entertainment commission, going back when then-supervisor mark leno created it. i was part of the transition team when the authority left the department and went over to
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the commission. i think that kind of lends me a lot of historical perspective that i hope to bring to the commission and bring value. i know, in short, i think i've spent the last two decades trying to promote a safe, healthy, robust night life environment and really worked hard to find that middle ground. what i've found to be successful is it all comes down to communication. individuals get alarmed when they see a posting from the entertainment commission or the a.b.c., thinking it's going to bring blight to their community, but in good communication and bringing stakeholders together time and time again, we were able to find middle ground and allow businesses to succeed and allow businesses to be successful and assets to the community. again, i just want to thank you very much for your time today and optimistically well come
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any questions you have of me. >> supervisor safai: lieutenant, you forgot to say what section of the city you have roots in? >> your part of the city, excelsior. we came from europe to your district. >> supervisor safai: that's right, that's right, and stayed there for many, many decades. [please stand by]
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. >> -- because there's a history of -- i've lived with federal agents in the city here, and there's this habit of -- there's a -- there's a -- an association there. you get to flash and pass, you get to go in, you get treated with great deference, and you have to be mindful of these things. and not to say that you're biased per se in that fashion, but you have to be aware of this. and then, even though maybe the commission -- you know, the
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member of the board wouldn't participate in this, but he's a part of a community that does. when responding to a call that -- a license holder, i feel that there's a natural inclination to have assumptions in that fashion, and i would note that bartenders and proprietors in that fashion, they often consume alcohol, and they often -- they can often behave poorly, and i feel like this isn't something that would generally be acknowledged in the same fashion. lastly, i do recognize the mayor's right to appoint this person. i think it's important to be mindful of all these things. and lastly nau
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[inaudible] >> supervisor safai: thank you. thank you, sir. thank you. next speaker. >> good morning. my name is dr. tomas aragon. today, i'm not representing the department of public health where i work as a health officer, i'm here as a private citizen. and i want to support the appointment of lieutenant dave falzon. since i've been a health officer since 2011, i've had the opportunity to work with him through our alcohol policy working group which includes ucsf researchers, community residents, as well as activists, and we found him to be conscientious, thorough, and very patient. the words that come to mind when it comes to lieutenant falzon, he's compassionate,
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honest, he has integrity. he's fair. he treats everybody with dignity and respect. and he's a consensus builder. and as already mentioned, he's a native san franciscan, continues to live here, and so i continue to support his appointment. thank you. >> supervisor safai: thank you. next speaker. >> hello. my name's benjamin bleiman and i'm currently president of the entertainment commission in san francisco but i'm here today as a private citizen and a business owner to speak on behalf of lieutenant falzon. i had the pleasure of brokering a liquor license conditions deal with lieutenant falzon about nine years ago, and i found him to be extraordinarily fair and extraordinarily receptive but also focused on public safety. i don't think there's anybody in the entire city who has a better handle of the rules and regulations around night life
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establishments and police -- and how the police affect them and need to -- and the thing that comes to mind to me is if you -- if you ask a number of night life owners in san francisco who the most fair but tough police officer or lieutenant has been, it's always falzon, and he has a huge breath of respect both from the night life community and also from the -- from the powers that be on the police. so i literally don't think there's anybody better for this seat, and i very much encourage you to approve him. thank you. >> supervisor safai: thank you. next speaker. >> good morning, supervisors. i am currently the chair of the cannabis legalization task force. when the task force was formed, i thought of what would be necessary to bring for our representative from the police department, what would be the necessary characteristics, and
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history, perspective, and integration were the words that popped into my mind, and dave falzon. you heard dave talk about the formation of the entertainment commission. well, i was there in '95, and i was there as the board of supervisors, then mark leno decided that it was time to remake the permitting system, and i was there on the transition team, serving with dave falzon, and i was there as the founding president of the entertainment commission. dave was tough, dave was always honest, but when dave would come down and make a decision, he would listen to all sides. when i had him on the cannabis task force, he provided a unique perspective and view
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into the department. you are going to be faced with a similar transition, both for cannabis and a.m. alcohol. you need people with history, you need people with integration, you need people that understand the perspective of why we are here, why we have the institutions that we have, and why we have the successes that we have, and it's people that create those successes. good policy, but also really good people. thank you all. >> supervisor safai: thank you so much. next speaker. >> good morning. my name is kathleen daily, and i'm here as a private citizen. wanted to thank you for the opportunity to speak on behalf of my good neighborhood and district three resident, david falzon. my perspective, dave's initiative, leadership, and dedication with and for the san francisco police department are beyond compare.
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>> he is fair, open-minded, appropriately humorous and compassionate as he is firm. he encourages conversation and finds common ground. his attention to the topic at hand is obvious as he's quick to assess the situation. thank you for your consideration. >> thank you, any other members of the public wish to comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. there is one of the things that i really wanted to get on the record in morning. that is a problem that has been vexing the residents of district 11 for some time.
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you and i discussed it, it's not directly, but indirectly related to the entertainment commission. actually two issues. one is we have a significantly high rate of empty store fronts and vacancies. i know you know that. we've worked with commissioner blighman, talked about getting investment from folks that are in entertainment, restaurant, other industries. really like to see a focus on trying to promote more of that attention away from just the downtown core into some more of the outside neighborhoods. i know you talked about helping to create the program that encouraged liquor licenses that were below market design for economically challenged neighborhoods, so that's great. that's one. you don't have to respond to that. you can if you want to. but the second one is, the real vexing issue with the illegal gambling, after hour
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entertainment locations. we are going to be drafting legislation that is going to talk about enforcement and holding property owners responsible that these illegal -- when i'm saying entertainment venues, are happening in. i would like to hear you talk about those. and i know supervisor stefani would like to make a comment or ask a question. i know the inspectors have the ability to go to entertainment facility, but you also should have interest in or concern about illegal entertainment venues and how we can begin to control those. >> right, all extremely valid points and put very accurately. illegal night life is a problem on many levels. it's not just the impact on the community that can be massive, noise levels and the people pouring out at 4, 5 in the morning, but it has adverse
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impact on our lawful operators who are paying permits and paying attataxes. so it's unfair business practice. that is illegal. and it's something that i will advocate the commission, that the commission needs to take a stronger role in, but it will be collaborative. i think police need the abc involved, will need the city attorney involved. and i think the commissioner would be -- commission would be a great funnel point to navigate this in a coordinated effort. i think that your concept of going after property owners is spot on. these are consistent. these are lengthy processes. so the police have gone in the past, displaced these operations, for them to quickly reform and start back up. >> supervisor safai: just for the record. we're talking about venues that
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use front businesses, day operations, it could be a janitorial service company, a massage place, clothes store, but around 1:00, 2:00 in the morning, they turn into places for gambling, prostitution and drugs. it's not everywhere in san francisco, but it is pervasive in our part of town. in the last year, we shut down five of these. but they bounce around and look for empty store fronts and wanting landlords. thank you for that. supervisor stech stefani? >> supervisor stefani: i think this is a great appointment. i have not had the chance to call on you, but i know if i have to, you will be there for me. when i was an aide to peer for four years, to supervisor farrell for five years, you were
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there every single time i called, whether it was noise ordinance violation, liquor license issue, but i knew every time i reached out to you, you would be there, follow through and do so in a measured way and i'm happy to support you today. i thank you for always being there for the time i was an aide for nine years. it's true to your character, you show up, you do your job, do it well, and knowing we can always call on you is a big deal and happy to support you today. >> i take your praise to heart, thank you very much. >> supervisor yee: sounds like a great candidate for this. >> thank you, supervisor. >> supervisor yee: just talk a little bit more -- because your role is going to be a bit different in the commission versus your day job, so if you're on this commission, what would you like to actually accomplish, where would you like
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to drive our entertainment community? >> i think there is a couple of big topics. think one of the ones that is interesting for the city is the 4:00 a.m. i'm confident it will pass. there is a transition period and i believe it would take effect in 2021. again i'd like to advocate that the commission take a big role in that process. and i think there is going to have to be -- it's kind of how i view cannabis. if it's coming, the best thing we can do is prepare. something i would like to see, like we did cannabis, was we started very early with a team of stakeholders, public, private, and community, strategygizing on how we saw this playing out. that's something i would like to start pursuing at the commission, saying, hey, we
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should model what they did, because it was highly successful, tremendous dialogue came out of it. and then secondly, very briefly, i concur completely with the chair. the illegal activity is problematic on so many levels. i think it's something we need to get involved with. we can look at close across the bay at the ghost ship event. that was devastated and affected so many lives. we don't want that happening here. that's on a bigger scale, but we've certainly had those type of events. >> supervisor yee: thank you. >> supervisor safai: great. entertain a motion? thank you. somebody make a motion? >> yes, i'd like to make a motion approving the mayor's appointment of lieutenant dave falzon to the entertainment commission, striking the
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rejecting language and moving this to the full board with positive recommendations. >> supervisor safai: can we do that without objections? so moved. please call item number 3. >> motion approving, rejecting the nomination of amanda eaken to the municipal transportation agency board of directors for term ending march 1, 2019. >> supervisor safai: please come forward, address the committee. >> good morning. my name is amanda eaken, i'm mayor breed's nominee to the municipal transportation agency board of directors. it is an honor to speak with each of you this morning. i want to thank you each of you for the work you and your staff do every day to ensure that our city thrives. i have a deep appreciation for
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all the challenges you face on a daily basis and salute your commitment to public service. in my remarks, i hope to accomplish three objectives. introduce myself and it will you about my background. share why i'm interesting on sharing on the sfmta board and offer thoughts on the challenges facing the agency. i have lived in san francisco for nearly two decades. i currently reside in the north pan handle neighborhood with husband and two children. i'm employed with the natural resource of defense council, a national not-for-profit organization where i have worked ten years. prior to working there, i worked with the affordable housing project. in my current position, i am part of the healthy people and thriving communities team whose goal is to create healthy, just and sustainable communities. my commitment to this vision is part of what i would hope to
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bring to sfmta board. i'd be honored to serve on the board for several reasons. i'm deeply committed to the transit first and vision zero goals. i've been a transit rider all my life. i believe our streets should be safe, inviting to all and there is no level of fatalities that is acceptable as people simply try to make their way around the city. we must end traffic fatalities and do it before 2024. i also believe we're in a time of transition when it comes to transportation, when it considers all the private sector investments. i believe we have to manage this transition wisely to harness the best innovations available, but guard against the worst outcomes. all across america, cities are struggling and i believe san francisco can lead on this.
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one the fundamental reasons i'm drawn to transportation is how transportation intersects with social justice. in my view, a truly excellent system can be a great equalizer, elevating those with few means. or as we've seen commonly across the u.s., it can become a two-tiered system, for those who can or cannot afford to own a private vehicle. san francisco has been a beacon for equality, justice. i would like to see a process embodying these values. looking ahead, i wants to highlight just a few key issues i work with. one, the demands on the sfmta to deliver a high-quality transit service will only grow as more and more people move to the bay
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area and as the agency strives to meet the goals of 80% of sustainable trips by 2030. i believe the agency must operate on a model of continuous improvement. i believe it's incumbent upon the agency to thoughtfully examine what has gone well and what we could be doing better and strive always to improve. second, public outreach and engagement continue to be vitally important areas, not only to ensure inclusion of key stakeholders, but product delivery. as anyone has been to sfmta board meetings, individuals feel their input is devalued and priorities ignored. we need to do a better job, making sure people are not taken by surprise. foonly i want to -- finally i want to speak to the relationship between the sfmta
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board and board of supervisors. as supervisors, you understand transportation in the context of broader issues, such as education, employment and housing. i feel that information exchange between the board of supervisors and the sfmta board is not only appropriate but necessary for a city that has a dynamic as complex as san francisco. should i be fortunate enough to receive your support, i would make it a priority to meet regularly with your offices, hear your concerns and ensure that a dialogue exists. i want to close by thanking each of you for your attention and commitment to excellent transportation in san francisco. i look forward to answering any questions you may have. thank you. >> supervisor safai: i think we're going to go straight to public comment on this. i'll save my comments. i just want to see how many people are here to comment. ok. please proceed.
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>> good morning. my name is brian, i am the executive director of the bicycle coalition. on behalf of 10,000 members, i voice strong support for mayor breed's nomination of amanda eaken to the sfmta board. i do not have to tell the committee the sfmta has work to do. it struggles to remain relevant to the communities it serves. for the coalition and the member, it means delivering bicycle safety improvements with speed, helping to meet the vision zero goals. meanwhile, there are tens of thousands of vehicles and emerging mobility technology, from autonomous vehicles and
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scooters, present san franciscans with new way to get around and transportation planners with new challenges. the nature of transportation in san francisco is shifting rapidly. russell franklin, 56, was hit and killed while biking at the intersection of howard and van ness. last night, a 65-year-old man, yet to be identified was killed trying to cross the street. sfmta faces many challenges ahead if it is to stop the bloodshed on our streets and ensure that all san franciscans have access to transportation. as a public school parent who bikes regularly with her children, amanda knows firsthand the urgent need for street safety improvements. as a nationally recognized expert on transportation policy, amanda is better qualified than
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anyone i know to help the city navigate these challenges. mayor breed is to be commended -- [bell ringing] >> supervisor safai: thank you, next speaker. >> i'm here to speak briefly. on behalf of the neighbor and represented employee who works for sfmta, during this time of transition, i'm including the economy, which makes hiring difficult and we have substantial management turnover, it's created difficulties that are unappreciated for these represented employees. particularly those in enforcement division. i'm hopeful you'll be mindful of these. thank you. >> supervisor safai: thank you. next speaker. >> good morning, board of supervisors. my name is charles. i'm the president of the north pan handle association. i'm here in support of amanda eaken, the merely appointment
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for the sfmta board of directors. earlier this year, the association committed a vision zero subcommittee. the committee was to identify streets that are high injury corridors and to assist and to make sure -- we can approach it with safety. when we invited the public to join this committee, amanda was actually the one and only member of the public to join the committee. and which we appreciated because in the short amount of time that we have this committee, we have pushed forward measures from the planning -- from the mta to do daylighting on one of the high-injury corridors in a short amount of time. and amanda also assisted in the creation of a future proposal to
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assist, identify and do a study on high-injury corridor in the neighborhood. the pan handle association is asking for the board of directors to approve the mayoral appointment, amanda eaken. we believe her judgment, independent thinking and approach in assessing the situation, or assessing an issue or proposal, is very key. and also her ability to obtain diverse feedback from individuals, especially for the city that has diverse opinions. thank you so much. >> supervisor safai: thank you, next speaker. >> hi, good morning. i'm a delivery leader to delivery associate. i work with amanda as team member on the philanthropy climate challenge. amanda's knowledge, expertise
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and leadership has been instrumental to the success of the project. her passion for issues related to transportation is not only evident in her professional achievements, but also in her daily life as an avid bicyclist and a regular muni rider. in the time that i have known amanda, she has not only been a reliable and understanding peer, but also an inspiring mentor. as a san francisco resident, i'm excite thad amanda will be serving on the board to help the city move forward with the transit goal. >> supervisor safai: thank you. next speaker. >> good morning. my name is toya. i have been amanda eaken's colleague for seven years at the natural resources defense council, where she has been an advocate. over the course of her tenure, amanda has grown to be quite the power house. in her role in transportation
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and climate, she is integral to enforcing our climate emissions. her commitment to communities that she serves and her dedication to moving cities forward as it pertains to transportation-related pollution that plagues all of us. i have been witness tenacious advocate. amanda is an amazing colleague to work with, but also a staunch supporter and friend. she is thoughtful, inclusive of others and she's the person in the room, when she talks, you lean closer to hear what she's saying. when you work in an environmental organization, especially nonprofit, over the past few years, you begin to feel protective of everything you worked so hard to build. i recall how she was excited about being selected to this board and humbled by the opportunity of the nomination
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from mayor breed. her excitement was so infectious, i wanted it for her and all of us, because i knew she was the best person for this appointment. amanda embodies the ideas we all hold dear. she'll be a huge asset to the sfmta board and the city of san francisco and i support her nomination. thank you. >> supervisor safai: thank you. next speaker. >> good morning and thanks for the opportunity to give public comment. i'm here in support of amanda eaken's nomination and applaud mayor breed for selecting such an intelligent, professional and driven woman and fellow colleague. i've worked with amanda in my capacity at the natural resources defense council, i was the director of latino outreach and working with diverse communities. in that capacity, i looked at
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her personal commitment to being fully inclusive and dedicated not just the series, but truly meeting people where they are, learning more about their situations and continuing conversation in a way that yielded the best results. i believe she will bring that type of deep learning commitment and professionalism to this role. as a san franciscan who has lived here over 20 years now, and who has two children, who rely on muni and the safety and the dependability, i could think of no other person who i would trust more with making sure that our services are functioning the way that they should and justly and equally for all san franciscans. thank you for the opportunity. >> supervisor safai: thank you. next speaker. >> good morning, my name is christopher roach, i'm a private
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citizen, architect. principal of small firm in the mission district of san francisco. as the owner of a small business, i know all too well how many of my colleagues and coworkers live outside the city or even in the city, rely on a robust mobility system to be able to live and work. as architects that work on affordable housing, i also understand how our clients, the residents of these buildings that we design rely also on a robust, resilient, and equitable mobility system to survive, to get to work, to find essential services and nurture their families. i've known amanda for many years and have admired her as both a person and as a professional. i'm here today to strongly endorse her appointment to this board. amanda is generous, fair,
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inclusive, and driven by a deep commitment to making our city strong, resilient, and equitable places for all people. her work as the director of transportation and climate has prepared her well for this position. as you've heard, she knows -- shows how she can listen to diverse viewpoints, create compromise that work for all people and she is a planner that will embrace the important work of the sfmta, make a contribution in the names of all of the citizens of san francisco, both current and future. so, thank you. and i strongly support this appointment. >> supervisor safai: thank you, next speaker. good morning, everyone. i'm a student at stanford university. over the past few months, i've had the pleasure of working under amanda eaken. throughout this time, we've been
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working on the american city's climate challenge, where we're helping cities across the country on building efficiency and transportation. throughout my time here, i've been -- expertise, on all things transportation. from mobility hubs to charging to transforming transit and making it a better experience for commuters. i've also been in awe of her consistent dedication to her work and all the hard work she puts in every single day to make transformative solutions a reality. as a resident of san francisco, i'm excited to see her vision translate out into the city. please stand by.
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>> maybe it's a couple of percentage points improvement in that area. i think we're in an era where public transportation is facing a lot of competition from other modes of travel, and public transportation needs do a much -- to do a much better job competing. it's up to the agency to analyze why do people feel safe and what have the analysis been in other cities to improve safety and where have we seen a marked increase in the safety comparison. >> supervisor yee: follow up on that question? >> supervisor safai: go ahead. >> supervisor yee: thank you. i think by pointing out that maybe we need to find out why people feel or have the feeling
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of being unsafe may imply that it could be safe, but it's really not safe. what i've seen it there's been examples of good reasons why people shouldn't do -- wouldn't be safe because they've been attacked, been robbed, whatever, so can you -- i'd like to hear more about how you would try to address that. >> so to the station -- i think it was a 59 or so percent in the stations and 60 percent on the bus, so the station concerns is one area where we could address, populate issues of design, lighting. i think lighting is probably a big factor there. there's something also to be said about the locations of stations, whether those are near natural centers of activity or they're in more
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remote, desolate locations, so that's the station piece. in terms of the actual experience riding on the bus, i think that has to do quite a bit with the driver and the driver sort of training. through some recent conversations, it's come to me that in a sense, the driver needs almost a sort of facilitation skills. that's the driver's atmosphere, is the bus, and the driver has to manage a lot of dynamics on the bus. i'm not familiar with what trainings the drivers currently go through, but with my conversations with the transit director of the sfmta, that's one of the driver's roles is creating a safe atmosphere on the bus itself. >> supervisor yee: supervisor stefani, are you done? let me ask a question, real
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general question, what you see as one of the biggest problems with the sfmta and why would that be and what would you do about it. >> i think one of the major, major challenges we're facing right now is simply delivering a high quality service to the residents of san francisco. so we have all sort the of metr metrics in the strategic plan, but the one thing that stands out to me is performance, 57%. that's worse than a failing grade, if i can go back to grade school for a minute. the goal there i think is an 85% perthe city charter. there's a goal by fy 19 to bump that up 25 percentage points up to an 85% rating. so brass tacks, making
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