tv Government Access Programming SFGTV September 24, 2018 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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we are working very collaboratively. i don't want to say there's any animosity or anything going on, we are exchanging -- i just exchanged -- received a counterproposal as i was sitting here waiting to speak. the negotiations are going well. but they are not done and they are not inked. on behalf of the affiliates of the labor council, i cannot officially sit down and say we support this. we will get to where we will have to be, but as of right now, our official position is we're trying to get this relationship put together as we move forward. my instinct, besides the fact that the negotiations are going so well, is to ask for a continuance. that is what my affiliates would want me to say but we are doing some intense negotiations as we speak. i wanted to put that all in context to where we are. >> supervisor tang: thank you. supervisor kim has a question for you. >> supervisor kim: i thank you actually just answered it. i feel very uncomfortable putting something out without something in writing.
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it is something i have always gone through many years of negotiation is you have not gotten it until you have it. this is often the best time to be negotiating these agreements on behalf of our workers. i wanted to ask what the building trades official position was on whether we support this project -- well, there is an appeal, but whether we forward this project out of committee today. >> i think it is pretty simple. just because we have been negotiating, even over the weekend, we thought we would get to a place where we have what is known as a letter of intent. this is not the project labor agreement itself. it will be negotiated over the next course of time as to once everything gets penciled out with building and the planning department. and everything else. it is not a deal that we have yet and it is not inked. we don't have an epistle -- official position but i know if i went up you and i said support the project and i hope we go running forward right now, i would get my asses kicked by
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some of the union affiliates union affiliates that are around i am just putting this into context. i hope we get there but you are right. does not done until we -- until it is done. thank you for the question. and the bulk of my comments will be based on your question earlier. >> supervisor kim: thank you. >> supervisor tang: thank you. next speaker, please. >> my name is kathy perry and i may bayview hunter's point resident and i am also a san francisco native. i have been active for many decades and lately, not as active as i used to be. only because i am older now. i am a grandmother taking care of my kids and grandchildren, in support of their parents. i want to remind you that this is a private plan and private funding. quietly appreciate the city's interest, there are some benefits that the city gets and we as residents. the park line, the shoreline, the beach, new taxpayers moving
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into the community, bringing in more resources and revenue, these are positive and wonderful benefits for the city. i like -- the most favourite thing i have about it is the 394 affordable units. i realize the details have not been worked out. i like that the developer has been given three options. i also like that through these meetings, which are documented and recorded, that you have a record of what people intend to do. you already have something in the form of a record even though you don't have an actual signed an inked agreement but you have testimony. there are community partners that i believe in. a p.r.i. is one of them. i am singing and bringing that up because you have to hold -- and i know that you will, everyone accountable just like you have with the member of the city department how does the notice get out. everyone has to do their part.
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the builders have to do their part, the department has to do their part and the community has to do their part. they work with small african-american subcontractors, which i appreciate. this was before they were applying for this project. i support the project and i support a p.r.i. and hold everyone, including myself, accountable for this project as it goes through. thank you. >> afternoon, supervisors. my name is janice hunter and i represent green action for health and environmental justice including our many members who are residents of bayview, hunter 's point. green action respectfully calls on the board of supervisors to reject build l.l.c.'s project, as that will result in irreparable harm to the people, community and environment of bayview, hunter's point. the project will gentrify the community, contributing to the displacement of a people of
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color from bayview, hunter's point. the build project along the shoreline is directly at risk from rising sea levels due to climate change and the safety used outdated projection that underestimated the risk. the project is on toxic land, and testing has not been completed. and they refused to test for radiation even though they are next to the shipyard. but most importantly, the city's own e.i.r. concluded that the development project will result in significant, unhealthy unlikely illegal levels of air pollution during both construction and operations that would be unavoidable and cannot be mitigated. we ask you, the members of the board of supervisors, are you going to vote to add significant
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and unhealthy levels of air pollution, likely above the quality standards to the already suffering community of bayview, hunter's point? the bay area quality management district and the state of california have both found that bayview, hunter's point residents are vulnerable and at risk to pollution. the last thing residents need is more pollution. if you vote for this project, you are voting to harm the health of bayview residents who are already suffering from too much pollution. please reject the project and protects people, not corporations. thank you, very much. >> i agree with everything she said. they have some good numbers. they have a whole lot of numbers , but how many certificate numbers do they have on actually, real people who are
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real low income. people who have been living in bayview, hunter's point all their life. all of a sudden getting pushed out. how about -- it is toxic. what about the toxic area? it is already at a level where we can't stand it no more. people are dying on top of that hill. it is about lives, first. i just came here to express truly, i have been in bayview since 1966. i saw a lot of people die from cancer and stuff like that because we used to play in the shipyard when i was a kid and we use a climb over the fence and all that type of stuff. but then, you know, 30 or 40 years later, you see people pass away at a high rate, because it doesn't get you real quick. it takes years to come. and then when it comes, everybody that is affected starts dying. so i haven't seen my mother
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passed away and a lot of other people. my twin brother passed away. my oldest brother passed away. i saw a lot of deaths. but it is about affordability. can we actually afford to live in this neighborhood when they rebuild? no. how will our health beat when they rebuild? is always straining. it is already a high rate of asthma, cancer, at all this other stuff. you have to take into proportion the community impact it will have. all these people, with these buildings, skyhigh buildings, all these cars and stuff that is bringing more pollution into our air. thank you. >> hello, supervisors. my name is michelle pierce. i may bayview, hunter's point community advocate. i had several things i wanted to bring up in this meeting and still need to be addressed.
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i will save them until the hearing tomorrow because i want to commend supervisor kim for all of her questions. my biggest issue with this project is that the plan and the e.i.r. are half complete. how can we go forward on things that have not been addressed yet , that are the most critical aspects of this project? there is no doubt that we, in bayview, hunter's point need housing. we need green spaces, healthy spaces. the problem is this plan leaves so much out that we don't know what we will get and our assumption, when things are left in the hands of the corporation, is that we, the black community in san francisco, end up suffering. i am not just speaking to the black community in san francisco at this point. our neighborhood, since 2016, as
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of 2016, is 42% asian at and 38% latino. we, the poor people of color in san francisco, need guarantees. we have already been shuttled all over the city. we need to know what the housing mix will look like. we need that cemented. we need to know what the soil quality is going to be in the end. we need that cemented now. we don't need -- when we get to a five years from now, we will decide. and that is no guarantee. it really gives away our agency and your agency in controlling a process that is so critical to this neighborhood. i want to close with a quote from marie harrison who cannot be here today, because her lungs are 60% scarred. basically, her message -- she is outraged that they --
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>> supervisor tang: ok. thank you, very much. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name is jeff welch. i am a resident of north beach and i am also a piledriver local 34. i am here today to voice my support for this project. i am all for it. there is over 2 million square feet of new construction and it will provide a local and future jobs in the area. i am also glad it is a local project because i will have the opportunity to work close to home so i don't have to travel. at least not that far. less travel, the better for me. i have been doing it for 32 years. it will provide jobs, at completion. 1500 units of housing opportunity for san francisco residents. san francisco has a housing shortage and these project contributes to the solution and not the problem. think about it.
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these acts today and let's move forward with the india basin process. thank you. >> supervisor tang: next speaker, please. >> my name is francisco. i am a member of local 22 in san francisco. i'm standing in front of you to show support for the project. as a carpenter apprentice, this will give me an opportunity towards getting a good paying job and hands-on experience that is necessary for my profession. i am happy to hear the construction of this project is estimated to provide about 5300 jobs throughout the building. , alone. also, in addition to that, there will be 800 permanent jobs left behind in the community. when this project is complete, there will be more than 1500 housing units available. which is a great opportunity for the city. i am just asking you guys to act today and move forward with the
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basin, the india basin project. thank you. >> supervisors, thank you for allowing me to speak today. i delete field representative for the carpenter's union representing 38 men and women here in san francisco. the carpenter's union has the full support of this project and the development team. the team at bild have done an extensive amount of outreach to the community, to the labor up including the carpenter's union. this project is a reflection of that extensive amount of outreach. to jane campus as comment on the agreement, there is a labor agreement in place with build inc. they are using eight union general contractor on all projects.
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by making that commitment, they are making more than just a commitment to labor. they're making a to standards. -- they are making a commitment to standards. it will create opportunities for men, women, individuals who are incarcerated, to step into a career. not just a job. to provide for the families and continue to live in the city and county of san francisco. not to mention the 1500 units of housing that this will create for the already entitled housing units in the city of san francisco that we need. again, that we need in the city and county of san francisco, to ensure that individuals who are currently living here have housing and those who are looking to make san francisco their home, have the opportunity to look at. i will end with this. there plenty of developments within the city and county of san francisco that will remain sallow. let's make sure this is not one of them, by moving it forward to thank you.
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>> good afternoon, supervisors. i apologize. i misread an agenda somehow. i'm speaking in support of the project. the city and the politics of everything really love to talk about percentages and numbers. some hard facts associated with the project specifically, 1500 homes that they think everybody in the city knows that we need to. the total fees that they will be paying, and it is a little bit on finalized, we are talking about around $270 million. somewhere in the ballpark. when you break that down, they are paying about $180,000 per door fees. we had recently conducted a survey with all of our members and one of the questions we ask, is what our construction cost looking like? they were coming back for apartment buildings at about $550,000 in hard costs alone.
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and 70% of the members expected the cost to be going up. as we continue to see costs rise , at exactly the comment that mr rich made from o. e. w. d. we are in a very sketchy grey area right now. they recently described how a number of housing projects were not moving forward in san francisco. and ultimately people don't live in entitled or approved units. and when we have a 100% privately financed project that will build homes for people, it seems very risky to try to beat around the edges on that. risking nothing gets built at all. and ultimately, whether it is 25 , 26, 30, 15, all of those percentages of zero homes results and zero homes. zero market rate homes and zero subsidized homes for people in the neighborhood. we need to do everything we can. during the planning commission hearing someone asked me when this process started. it came out as a community
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process that was finalized in 2003. we are 15 years into it so far. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is jackie flynn. we were mentioned a little earlier, the a p.r.i. what i can testify about is the actual community engagement that we do provide. i came very -- i came along very slowly after the task force was committed. we are on the steering committee for the park prior to the conversations about the development continued on. and even at that point, i saw that community members needed to be more engaged. retook on the task to go out and to -- we took on the task to go out into public housing to
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engage folks around talking about a park and not only got them to participate in talking about a park but we began to talk to them about how that development was going to impact them moving forward. i also want to make a comment about, it is not just the folks that are homeowners right now packed but we really need to think about the next generation that is coming up. and one of the things we did is insure young people participated in many of these workshops and many of these meetings and got to meet many of the developers and staff, so they could see what is being created for them in their future. other things that i appreciate during these conversations, included having a conversation about climate change impacts and how we prepare for those moving forward, where as many of those conversations weren't held in the past and i think that, as opposed to just reacting to when stuff happens, we should prepare for it. the last thing i want to acknowledge, is that the last
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speaker was right. zero houses, where we currently have nothing right now, include zero income, zero resources, and it is just sort of a black hole. i would like to see something done there there. thank you. >> hello, supervisors. i was here last week when you tabled the topics to this week. i hope that you have time to read the letter that i presented to you guys. i would love your undivided attention when i speak if it is possible. during the whole development, build has created the e.i.r. that we are trying to appeal tomorrow. and we should appeal it. the mitigation measures that were addressed for the air quality, the wind speed, as well as noise, and other emissions, were not properly stated to. even with mitigation measures with air quality, you will have
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unavoidable effects to the community that you are involved in. i no kak as supervisors, you have tried to better the lives of your own district. that you try to represent the unprecedented. because many of them don't have a voice. many of them were not here today from the community. as was also stated, the notice of hearing was only presented in english. no updates were given or anything to the source about the project itself. if you are willing to amend these propositions today that you are trying to vote on, you are just trying to say it you are ok with endangering the health and lives of those in the community. i don't believe anyone from the company would want to live in that location, because of the soil samples that have been tested on before, because of the air quality, they will be causing a higher risk of cancer to those in the community. not just on site but off site as
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well. you are voted by the people of san francisco to better the lives of everyone. not to endanger them and not to make it worse. just because a city will get money for it, doesn't mean you'll be better for everyone else. housing is not everything. the house for people is more important here. i hope you take that into consideration and do not amend to these amendments. thank you. >> good afternoon. i am with the san francisco electrical construction industry as far as the discussions around labor issues, i will follow tim paulson's lead to has been negotiating on our behalf to try to get a good labor agreement to make sure that we can put the promises that are contained in this development agreement into actual practice. specifically on the question of development agreements, this is less about this one and more about development agreements in
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general, which you will be seeing, starting with this one but down the line. as the d.a. says right off the bat, the development agreement is an opportunity for the city to get far more than it could have through the regular regulatory process. the question you need to ask yourself is whether -- whether this is, in fact,, the case. what we have been seeing coming out of oe w. d. and which is surprising for projects this complex, is that they are incorporating waivers of things that we have on the books to ensure prevailing wages are applied to this project throughout and that local hiring apprentices are getting requirements as part of the land swaps on the public trust land swaps that are happening, as well as with the public financing that is underwriting the infrastructure program. what the board of supervisors really needs to consider is
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establishing minimum standards so if we don't have situations like this where people come in on the day of the hearing, basically, maybe they've had a chance to see the d.a. for a month or so, and everyone tries to open these things up. it's untenable for members of the public and it certainly creates a whole range of uncertainty for the developers themselves. it doesn't put us in a good light because it does not strike our position to get the most that the public deserves. >> supervisor tang: thank you, very much. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is michael hammond. i am a longtime resident of india basin and i am here to speak in favour of this project.
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the salient point you need to keep in mind is that this development is the result of a four-year collaboration with the community. many, many meetings, and during the course of that evolution of this project, it ended up. >> supervisor tang: my apologies. sorry. sorry about that. we will stop your time. hold on. one second. i think we need to rewind about ten seconds or so. ok. great. go ahead. >> ok. we ended up preserving the valuable essence of the wild india basin that we all love, and in return, we are getting 3500 units of housing. the essence of this project is to concentrate the developments in a fewer number of larger buildings, nestled up against
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the whole side. not only does not create a 5- acre park -- the hillside. not only does not create a 5- acre park for the city and this region cracked what we have more space between the buildings preserving a few car doors and creating an open and spacious sense that is unlike any other place. our neighborhood welcomes this development. we lust after the retail that would come along with it and we certainly welcome the 3500 new residents into our community. thank you. >> supervisor tang: thank you, very much. i apologize. but because you already spoke, you cannot have more time to speak on this particular item. we have notes on the minutes that you have spoken on this item already. we are on item nine through 11 which we call together. i apologize, but we will not be able to allow you to speak again
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we do call certain items as a package because it is about the same project. they are just different elements of the same project. unfortunately, you cannot speak again. i apologize. sir, you have to sit down. know this is the rule for every single person who comes up to speak. no kak we don't. i will have to ask you to sit down or the deputy sheriff can ask you to sit down, please. this is the role for everyone. please, all right. anyone else who hasn't spoken yet on items nine through 11 please come on up. if not, i close public comment. public comment is close. i know what there are a number of questions earlier around the affordable housing on the project and so forth. i just wonder if we can get some clarification from oewd about that. mr rich had something to offer
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there peerk -- there. we will need that microphone on fort mr rich. >> i wanted to have a second try and explain the way the affordable housing program works this is just for clarification, obviously. it is in your purview to accept or reject this particular set of policies. but let's start by looking at the units. the project is at 25%. the 394 units. of those 394 units, at least 319 of those need to be on site. the developer of the 319 units may build up to 180 of those units on up to three standalone site his -- sites.
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this is very important. no city money will pay for those units. the developer will fund the gap, other than freely available tax credits. we have 394, as a whole 25%. 319 is the amount, the minimum on site that is anywhere between zero and 180 that can be on separate parcels. what that leads to a 75 units that can be taken care of by feeing out. i don't know if i made you more concerned -- confused. if i did, let me try again. i want to make sure we have the right basis before we debate the merits of it. >> supervisor tang: thank you. >> three separate parcels? >> correct. in other words, they can supply 319 units fully through inclusionary and scattering them or they can set aside three parcels within a site and make those 100% affordable. either way, in the site, there will be 319 units.
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i hope i didn't make it worse. >> supervisor safai: and add the average a.m.i. range that was referenced. >> subject to the average a.m.i. range that was referenced. if they do go that way, which we expect them to, but there is no obligation. but they will take advantage of the three sites and bring in that tax credit and do it as low income because it makes more financial sense. what i wanted to reiterate is if we were to get more onerous here , either with lower a.m.i. or less on site or higher fee outs or whatever, the overall percentage would need to come down. we are really on the edge of what can be afforded by this project. i wish we could have asked them for more than this. we asked for it as much as we thought we could get and still have a good chance of getting the project built. i am worried this project will get built even at this requirement. >> supervisor tang: i apologized if i missed this
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earlier, for the zero through 180 potential units that could be built in partnership with the 100% affordable housing developer partner, if you don't build any of those then you would just pay the city defeat? >> if you don't build those, you have to bill -- build 319 units on the site. you can do up to 180 on those parcels, but if that does not happen or they can't find a partner, whatever, they have to do all 319 on the site through inclusionary. the only units that can be feed out are the 75 to go from 319-2394 -- 3192 -- 3192394. we are not aware of any waivers. the advice that we have for the city attorney is that the horizontal project like this must be prevailing wage and it is required in the d.a. the areas that they are building
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on that are in city ownership, a couple of the existing three rights-of-way, as well as a portion of the park that would be deeded to the city, will be prevailing wage plus local hire. the parts of the horizontal that are not going into public ownership will be just prevailing wage. the vertical is not, and never has been in a.d.a. on private land required for prevailing wage. >> supervisor tang: thank you. i know earlier, there was some expression of concern that all the affordable housing requirements were not memorialized in the document. and just pointing out, it is exhibit h which is starting on page 164 of the pdf of the d.a. that is in the registrar. >> it is a big document. >> supervisor tang: ok. supervisor kim? >> supervisor kim: by the way, thank you for clarifying all the prevailing wage agreement. on the housing, i was not confused at all about what is in this deal.
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what i merely brought up is when with the developers be allowed to fee out? it is a higher percentage. i understand that the parameters of the project is different. all the development projects are apples to oranges. i am just pushing back, as i always do, on the affordability. it is hard to hear it when projects pencil out. it is really hard for me to evaluate what is true and not to and also what is frustrating for me, we are now in the boom. , and during the recession, developers reduce their affordability because financing has dried up. and in the boom we are asked to reduce affordability. it seems like either in the boom or recession, that affordable housing, by the way, it is not affordable housing. it is working-class and middle-class families that lose out. >> nobody is more frustrated than me. we started in at 33% on this project and when we ran the numbers, we said, we cannot ask
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for that. the project will not pencil. and construction costs, i never remember these numbers, what they go up something like eight or ten a year. they are much higher than when you saw the last d.a. when you saw the mission rock, they were probably up ten or 20% it is incredibly frustrating that we can't get that into control. but that is what is driving the problem his. >> supervisor kim: i did find the exhibit. i just want to thank charles sullivan. i did not get to the exhibit portion but i just read the initial portion. i see where everything is put together. you did mention that the developer may do 100% affordable on the three sites and because of the tax credit and make sense for them to build at the lower a.m.i. but do they have to build an average of 120%? if you have one parcel at 55% of
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average median income, those are tax credit eligible and you would need joe showed me the rest of the units would be way above what we have ever considered affordable housing for rental. >> that is correct with one important proviso. i will ask that staff to correct me. the mathematics you are doing is correct but you are prevented by the ultimate level -- limits. they can't do anything that rents for more than 80% of the prevailing market rent in the neighborhood. i don't know if it is defined as district ten. whatever the prevailing market rent in district ten is, there can be no units on this parcel that are renting for more than 80% of that number. that is all the units in district ten his. >> supervisor kim: what is that number currently? >> i don't know if we know it his. >> supervisor kim: that is a very scary number for us to go by. we are not actually looking at what people make in the neighborhood. there is confusion in the back
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and forth with president cohen. it seems like we were talking about the average a.m.i. in the district and now you're telling me is the average market rate of rent which is based on what landlords are charging. >> no no no. it is the average rent. that includes all the rent-controlled rents. am i getting this right? his. >> supervisor kim: that is still a very scary number. that is not based on need to be based on what units are going for on the market which are high and unaffordable for residents. mi misunderstanding? >> i apologize. there is an important distinction. let me read the document his. >> supervisor kim: and can i hear someone say -- >> it is for market rate units. you are right. it has to be 80%. no more than 80% of the average market rate his. >> supervisor kim: with two bedrooms going for it 4,500, that is a very scary number. >> that would be far above the limit a.m.i. his. >> supervisor kim: i thought i heard it said earlier that all
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the units would still have to fall 20% below the market rate of the area. >> whichever is lower. 140% of a.m.i. or 80% of the average market rate unit. >> 140 is still -- >> 140 is the absolute limits. i think it was 154 ownership. >> supervisor tang: ok. his. >> supervisor kim: it appears we will have some time for you to walk me through throughout the week. i look forward to continuing that discussion. >> supervisor tang: did you want to add something? >> i just wanted -- in the development agreement and in the affordable housing -- page 2 of exhibit h, under the definition, it does say an affordable housing costs will not exceed an amount that is 20% above the market rates within district ten the methodology for determining
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affordable housing costs should be set forth in the manual. so i think that -- which is updated from time to time. that is where the definition is. i just wanted to clarify that. >> supervisor tang: thank you. >> i apologize. we need to clarify. this is an important point. we think that the 80% is the average of all units in district ten which would include rent-controlled units and market rate units. we will clarify that. >> supervisor tang: it does not include public housing? >> it does not include public housing but it would include regular units that are not under some kind of deed restriction. that would be everything from new market rate units to the average rent-controlled unit, which is all over the place. >> supervisor tang: do we know what that currently is in district ten? >> the requirement of the d.a. is that a study be done at the time. it will not let us figure out how we can get that number his. >> supervisor kim: it would just be helpful as a point of
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context or to contextualize what that number means and what it is today. ok? >> supervisor tang: all right. thank you for that. supervisor safai. >> supervisor safai: thank you thank you for all the great questions and conversation. i want to make a motion to approve the amendment. to supervisor cohen read into the record the amendment -- that we could make that on parking ratios as it pertains to grocery stores? >> supervisor tang: ok. there has been a proposal to make that amendment. we can do that without objection >> supervisor safai: great. also, for the record, supervisor cohen, before she left, thinks there is some dialogue that needs to happen. she would like this item continued for one week. she wants all parties to continue the conversation and give it a little more time for there to be a letter of intent and finalize and give it a bit more time to have some clarity around the a.m.i. ratios, along with the specificity on where the land would be designated.
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i understand there's very little room for negotiation. i don't think this is really about negotiation, as it is more about clarity for all parties and all people intended. gives a little more time for the overall negotiations. this is, generally, a phenomenal plan. one more thing i have asked the developer to do, is to have more of a written agreement with those that are the most impacted , the immediate neighbors living in public housing so that there is a formalized written language talking about availability and opportunity for jobs, as well as housing. we discussed that in the meeting i think that those are immediately across the street and living in public housing should have that opportunity. there was good intentions made from when we met and talked with the developer but having it in and writing, is always that much more reassuring to the community
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given those things, i make a motion to continue this item for one week. >> supervisor tang: ok. there has been a motion to continue for one week fortnight -- items nine through 11. we will do that without objection. are there any other items before us today. >> clerk: to continue as amended. >> supervisor tang: yes, i apologize. >> clerk: there is no further business. >> supervisor tang: thank you. this meeting is adjourned.
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i can make on a personal level to the environment. >> it was really easy to sign up for the program. i just went online to, i signed up and then started getting pieces in the mail letting me know i was going switch over and poof it happened. now when i want to pay my bill, i go to pg&e and i don't see any difference in paying now. if you're a family on the budget, if you sign up for the regular green program, it's not going to change your bill at all. you can sign up online or call. you'll have the peace of mind knowing you're doing your part in your household to help the environment. >> right before the game starts, if i'm still on the field, i look around, and i
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just take a deep breath because it is so exciting and magical, not knowing what the season holds holds is very, very exciting. it was fast-paced, stressful, but the good kind of stressful, high energy. there was a crowd to entertain, it was overwhelming in a good way, and i really, really enjoyed it. i continued working for the grizzlies for the 2012-2013 season, and out of happenstance, the same job opened up for the san francisco giants. i applied, not knowing if i would get it, but i would kick myself if i didn't apply. i was so nervous, i never lived anywhere outside of fridays
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know, andfridays -- fresno, and i got an interview. and then, i got a second interview, and i got more nervous because know the thought of leaving fresno and my family and friends was scary, but this opportunity was on the other side. but i had to try, and lo and behold, i got the job, and my first day was january 14, 2014. every game day was a puzzle, and i have to figure out how to put the pieces together. i have two features that are 30 seconds long or a minute and a 30 feature. it's fun to put that altogetl r together and then lay that out in a way that is entertaining for the fans. a lucky seat there and there, and then, some lucky games that include players. and then i'll talk to lucille, can you take the shirt gun to
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the bleachers. i just organize it from top to bottom, and it's just fun for me. something, we don't know how it's going to go, and it can be a huge hit, but you've got to try it. or if it fails, you just won't do it again. or you tweak it. when that all pans out, you go oh, we did that. we did that as a team. i have a great team. we all gel well together. it keeps the show going. the fans are here to see the teams, but also to be entertained, and that's our job. i have wonderful female role models that i look up to here at the giants, and they've been great mentors for me, so i aspire to be like them one day. renelle is the best. she's all about women in the
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workforce, she's always in our corner. [applause] >> i enjoy how progressive the giants are. we have had the longer running until they secure day. we've been doing lgbt night longer than most teams. i enjoy that i work for an organization who supports that and is all inclusive. that means a lot to me, and i wouldn't have it any other way. i wasn't sure i was going to get this job, but i went for it, and i got it, and my first season, we won a world series even if we hadn't have won or gone all the way, i still would have learned. i've grown more in the past four years professionally than i think i've grown in my entire adult life, so it's been eye
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opening and a wonderful learning . >> my name is dave, and i play defense. >> my name is mustafa, and i am a midfielder, but right now, i am trying to play as a goalkeeper, because they need a goalkeeper. >> soccer u.s.a. is a nonprofessional organization. we use sports, soccer in particular to engage communities that can benefit from quality programs in order to lift people up, helping to
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regain a sense of control in one's life. >> the san francisco recreation and park department and street soccer u.s.a. have been partners now for nearly a decade. street soccer shares our mission in using sport as a vehicle for youth development and for reaching people of all ages. rec and park has a team. >> i'm been playing soccer all my life. soccer is my life. >> i played in the streets when i was a kid. and i loved soccer back home. i joined street soccer here. it was the best club to join. it helps me out. >> the tenderloin soccer club started in the summer of 2016. we put one of our mini soccer pitches in one of our facilities there. the kids who kpriez the club team came out to utilize that space, and it was beautiful because they used it as an opportunity to express
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themselves in a place where they were free to do so, and it was a safe space, in a neighborhood that really isn't the most hospitalable to youth -- hospitable to youth playing in the streets. >> one day, i saw the coach and my friends because they went there to join the team before me. so i went up to the coach and asked, and they said oh, i've got a soccer team, and i joined, and they said yeah, it was he for everybody, and i joined, and it was the best experience ever. >> a lot of our programs, the kids are in the process of achieving citizenship. it's a pretty lengthy process. >> here, i am the only one with my dad.
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we were in the housing program, and we are trying to find housing. my sister, she's in my country, so i realize that i have a lot of opportunities here for getting good education to help her, you know? yeah. that's the -- one of the most important things that challenge me. >> my dad was over here, making some money because there was not a lot of jobs back home. i came here, finish elementary in san francisco. after that, i used to go back to my country, go to yemen, my country, and then back here. last time i went back was a couple years ago. >> i came here six months, i know nobody. now i have the team has a family, the coaches. amazing. >> i'm hoping for lifelong friendships, and i'm super inspired by what they've been able to achieve and want to continue to grow alongside
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them. >> i love my family, i love my team. they're just like a family. it's really nice. >> street soccer just received a five year grant from the department of children, youth and family, and this is an important inreflection point for street soccer u.s.a. because their work in our most important communities is now known beyond just san francisco recreation and park department, and together, we're going to continue to work with our city's most vulnerable kids and teach them to love the beautiful game. >> i want to tell everybody back home, i hope you all make it over here and join teams like this like street soccer u.s.a., and live your life. get a better life. >> right away, just be patient, and then, everything will be
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okay. >> the office of controllers whistle blower program is how city employees and recipient sound the alarm an fraud address wait in city government charitable complaints results in investigation that improves the efficiency of city government that. >> you can below the what if anything, by assess though the club program website arrest call 4147 or 311 and stating you wishing to file and complaint point controller's office the charitable program also accepts complaints by e-mail or 0 folk you can file a complaint or
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provide contact information seen by whistle blower investigates some examples of issues to be recorded to the whistle blower program face of misuse of city government money equipment supplies or materials exposure activities by city clez deficiencies the quality and delivery of city government services waste and inefficient government practices when you submit a complaint to the charitable online complaint form you'll receive a unique tracking number that inturgz to detector or determine in investigators need additional information by law the city employee that provide information to the whistle blower program are protected and an employer may not retaliate against an employee
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that is a whistle blower any employee that retaliates against another that employee is subjected up to including submittal employees that retaliate will personal be liable please visit the sf and information on reporting retaliation that when fraud is loudly to continue it jeopardizes the level of service that city government can provide in you hear or see any dishelicopter behavior boy an employee please report it to say whistle blower program more information and the whistle blower protections please seek www.
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>> hello. i'm miguel hernandez and welcome to public works tv. let's see what we did last week. more than 200 people gathered in bay neighborhoods to show some love for the annual clean team and the annual coastal cleanup day. we were on-site to witness the testing of the gondola at the salesforce center. did you know that there are more than 125,000 street trees growing throughout san francisco? since july of last year, public works has the responsibility of maintaining these trees thanks to the voter approved street tree assessed sustainable funding initiative.
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it makes sure they have the attention they need. it's a big task, and it'll be a few years before we get to every tree in need, but we'll get there. come along as we travel with the urban forestry team. >> we are talking to drew landers. so drew, what are we expecting today? >> today, we're here pruning some trees and doing a stop sign. >> in case there's a failure, we don't want a limb breaking and falling into the roadway and into the bike traffic. >> pruning trees properly is very important for a lot of reasons. most importantly, if a tree is not pruned when it's young, you create really bad structure. so the goal is while it's going, you prune out a lot of the competition within the tree, and then, as it grows, it grows properly with good structure, good branching patterns. so you can pretend like this is
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a larger tree, and this is a smaller branch. so when miguel makes the cut, he needs to make an undercut, like this, and then, he needs to make an overcut, like this, and that basically lets the branch break away without causing a rip into the main part of the tree. cut at the branch part ridge, and that way, that's a proper pruning cut. that will heal correctly and won't ruin the tree. and we are going to put miguel up in a bucket truck, and we're going to send him up to see how it is with the crew and what they see from their speaker
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peculiar tispeaker -- perspective. >> one thing i learned was it's not an easy job, but it's a necessary job, and these trees, they're going to last longer because of people like drew and jonathan. it's really an important role, and i'm really happy i got the opportunity to try it out, and next time i see them, i'm going to appreciate the work they all. >> here at public works, we appreciate trees, we all know they beautify our city.
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keeping our urban forest healthy and making sure each tree thrives. we thank you for your patience as department of urban forestry continues to work. if you see a tree in need of attention, please contact 311. until next time, i'm miguel hernandez and thank you for watching public works tv. >> i'm christine hunt. i'm an assistant resident engineer with project management prospectus, and i help ma >> good morning. thank you, everyone, for coming to our first mayor's disaster council meeting of the year, the fiscal year, the first under the leadership of our new mayor, london breed. and the first for me as director of emergency -- department of emergency manageme
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