tv Government Access Programming SFGTV September 27, 2018 4:00am-5:01am PDT
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>> the schematic design of transbay park will be entirely different than what you see here, but it will be very much based on what the community desires. the park area is slightly over one acre in size, and it will feature a community informed design. it will serve district residents, commuters, office workers, and visitors. the project goals include incorporating a children's playground to serve the new families in the district and include active recreation and passive open spaces. finally, the public works design team will approach the park's composition with sustainability in mind, staff will be back before the
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commission to request the design's approval. it is important to highlight that public works's design and architecture team is the lead architect on the park. public works has deep experience designing parks throughout san francisco. some of the more recent examples include cayuga park in the outer mission neighborhood. this park was actually codesigned by my colleague, kathleen o'day, and lizzy hirsch. this park was completed in 2013. here we see the remodelled joe dimaggio park, and this was
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completed in 2015. and finally, the renovated lafayette park in pacific heights, which public works designed and completed in 2013. public works other scopes of work under the m.o.u. include public outreach regarding the park's design, cost estimation, project management services, managing the work of other city agencies, including sfmta and ensuring that all park related contracted comply with ocii's s.b.e. policies. finally, public works will manage construction of transbay park. once design of the park is complete, and a contractor is selected, staff will be
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services. a hypothetical example of such a cost overrun mighting the need for additional -- might be the need for additional peer review. the allowance for as needed services covered tasks such as public outreach coordination, third party analysis, analysises and cost estimating, constructing and review, permitting and legal services. again, these services represent approximately $1.2 million, and the cost for many of these services cannot be fully determined until we at least have developed a concept design of transbay park. the schedule for transbay park is as follows: this fall and winter the team will begin public outreach regarding the park and developing a concept design. a year from now, the team aims to be back in front of the commission to request approval of the project's schematic
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design. completion of construction documents, and bid of the project are anticipated for mid2020. following bid of the projects -- following bid of the project, public works will recommend a general contractor whose contract the commission will need to approve, and we're targeting that for the following fall -- for the fall of 2020. we anticipate construction beginning by the end of 2020 and being completed by 2022. that brings me to the end of my presentation today. thank you very much, commissioners, and i'm happy to take any questions you have following public comment. >> madam secretary, do we have any speaker cards for this item. >> clerk: yes, mr. vice chair. we have oscar james. >> mr. james is saying he's fine. >> clerk: oh, okay. >> anybody else? anybody wishing to speak on this item? seeing none, i will close public comment and turn to my fellow commissioners with questions or comments.
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[ gavel ]. >> commissioner rosales? >> hello. thank you for the report. my only question, i think -- and you did answer it is because this is our project, our funding, and even though d.p.w. is doing the work, our s.b.e. is the one and our local hiring program is the one that will be observed. >> yes. and just to be very clear, the m.o.u. we're requesting today, you look at that as a sole source contract between the agency and d.p.w. however, we will be entering into subcontracts through this contract, and those will all have to comply and comply with s.b. 's policy, similar to what we have to do with all ocii
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projects. >> so it's -- d.p.w. as though they were the prime contractor then, rather than they were going to hire a prime? >> yes, but they still have to open it up to s.b.e. specific firms for the subs. >> okay. i understand that now. okay. so with that, i thought i had a follow up, but maybe not. i'll think if i do. >> okay, commissioner rosales. thank you. any other commissioners, questions or comments? okay. just following up on commissioner rosales's comments on local hire. that's a big thing on this commission. we love the fact that san franciscans can actually build their own city, so everything you can do, we would ask that you do to make sure that happens for -- for the folks here. but i think it's great. i like to see agencies working together. hopefully, we don't have to use that contingency and stay within the budget, because this is the people's money.
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with that said, may i have a motion. commissioner rosales and then commissioner singh seconds. okay. is that okay? madam clerk, please call the roll. >> clerk: commissioners, when i call your name, announce your vote. [roll call] >> clerk: mr. vice chair, the vote is four ayes and one absent. >> the vote carries. please call the next item. >> clerk: agenda item 5-e, authorizing the executive director to authorize the seventh amendment to grant agreement number 07-05947 and to grant agreement number 07-49-06113, from the u.s. department of commerce's economic development administration for improvements to building 101, in the hunters
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point shipyard redevelopment area, hunters point shipyard area. madam director? >> thank you. this item has been -- well, the grant has been awarded to the agency since 2003, with funded different projects within the hunters point shipyard project area. that will be remaining grant dollars in the fourth and fifth disbursements that were made to deliver on building 101, one of the artist's buildings, and we're also engaging public works to do that work. that is in in addition to the new artist buildings that we're obligated to deliver, as well as the artist lofts, so this is one of the community pieces of the development. i do want to acknowledge that
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building 101 is within parcel a-1 that is the subject of the rescan of the california of public health. as part of the next presentation, we'll give an update as to where we are on the rescan, and commissioner kinney is available to respond to any questions you may have. >> thank you, executive director. vice chair bustos, and commissioners, as the executive director said, this action would extend the time for two grants from the u.s. department of commerce economic development administration. it sounds very dry, but it's exciting because the improvements we're going to be making to building 101 at hunters point shipyard is going to be great benefit to the occupants of t occupant -- owners of the building, the tenants, and the
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city. my presentation is going to give some background, and then, the current time and extension. first i'll cover the grant of overview, both the two grants acted on today and the three grants that have been completed previously, work that's been done under all of these grants, the improvements that we're planning to building 101, and then, these current time extensions. as the executive director said, a brief summary of the impact of remediation and testing issues on this work, and next steps for these projects. just to orient us, this shows the location of building 101 on the right side of this figure in shipyard parcel a-1, that's where the planned improvements are located. this also shows building 113 because that's where some of the previous grant dollars have gone. to give you an idea of all five
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of the e.d.a. grants, there were five total grants totaling $15.5 million awarded to the redevelopment agency between 2003 and 2007. each one of these requires a 10% local match from ocii. the first three grants have been received and closed, and there's funding remaining in grant five, and that's the funding that would be enabled by your action today. this is the work completed today under these grants. the first grant was used for demolition of buildings and preparation for grading as parcel a-1 in the shipyard. grant number two was used for repairs to the same building. grants four and five will be used for building 101 which includes artist's studios. this grant includes repairs, new windows and doors, and
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removal of as bebestos. grant number four was used for design studies of building 813 and design studies of building 101, and those studies are for the work remaining to be completed now under grants four and five. and grant number five was used for a program of public art located in shipyard phase one totaling nine public art pieces and also for design studies of building 101. this background on building 10101 it was constructed in 1947, 121,000 square feet, two stories, and it holds approximately 150 artist's studios. just briefly, the improvements for planning building 101 include conversion of a lecture haul to an art gallery space and enlargement of that space.
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improvements to emergency egress by installing multiple fireproof exit stairs and improvements to accessibility including conversion of rest rooms to wheelchair accessibility rest rooms. these are all being designed, bid, and constructed in partnership with the department of public works, and i just want to mention that we've coordinated the scope and planned the work with the shipyard trust for the arts, and i want to acknowledge marty mckee, the board president of s.t.a.r., who is present in the audience. so the need for the time extensions to grant number four and five arose because ocii has been collaborating with the department of public works, the fire department, and the building of department inspection to identify a feasible scope of improvements which we can accomplish within our budget and will be accepted by city departments and we won't be required to add
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additional items to comply with codes. as a result, we went beyond our original schedule, and we now need to seek a grant extension, and your action today would authorize the executive director to enter into amendments granting that extension by up to 42 months. the next steps we plan to take, this fall, we expect to receive approval of the grant extensions from the e.d.a. and execute those extensions. also this fall we expect to approve the memorandum of understanding with public works for the design, bidding and construction of those improvements. we are now drafting that m.o.u. in collaboration with public works. we expect to finish the design of these improvements in the spring of 2019, to have a contract awarded by the fall of 2019, and to have the improvements constructed by the fall of 2020. and before i conclude my presentation, as you're aware, there's an ongoing radio
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logical health and safety scan of parcel a-1 being conducted by the california department of public health, and we've reviewed that scan and the results produced to date, and today, our understanding is none of those results impact this project and that it is safe to proceed with the improvements to building 101 specifically because the department of public health has scanned all of the open and accessibility areas around building 101 and have found nothing hazardeous to health or the environment in those locations. as to that current status, the department of public health has completed over 90% of the scan of parcel a-1, and it's scheduled to be fully completed in the coming weeks. that concludes my presentation, and after public comment, i'm happy to take your questions. >> thank you. madam secretary, are there any speaker cards for this item. >> clerk: yes. we have marty mckee.
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>> good afternoon, commissioners and executive director. you won't be surprised to hear i'm speaking -- here to speak in favor of this extension. as you know, more than 300 artists at the shipyard makeup the largest artists community of the country. of those, about 160 are in building 101, and this will fund important features to the building. it'll bring the doors and stairs up to current fire code. this will make the building much safer should there be a fire which is always a possibility in an entirely wooden building, so it's an important feature. the improve of the auditorium will extend the uses of the building both for the shipyard artists and the local bayview-hunters point community. the improvements to the
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auditorium will mandate upgrades at the handicap ramp to the entrance of the building and will also cause upgrades to the closest public rest room in the auditorium. we believing that the improvements from this -- we believe that these improvements will create more opportunities and jobs. further, that the redesigned auditorium, along with future community benefits, will help the shipyard artist complex become a vibrant arts and cultural center, and on behalf of s.t.a.r. and the shipyard artists, we really want to thank ocii for sticking with us. it's been a long time, but they've been trying to move it forward. let me take one second to invite you all to open studios next month, october 20 and 21. we'd love to have you out there. anybody who wants a personal tour, the executive director knows how to get ahold of me
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and we're happy to provide that to you. thanks. >> great. thank you. >> clerk: oscar james. >> oscar james again. i'm in favor of this particular project. it's well worth the dollars that's being spent there, but i have one thing i want to -- to mention, and also peoples like myself, in the extension and the bayview-hunters point, each summer, there was a man named karl cimler in that building. in that building, we use today get sworn in to do summer work. as most of you may have known,
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bayview-hunters point have a saying, if we don't work, nobody work, and that came up in the 60's. when we were going to school, mr. kimler seen the need that we had then because we were going to go to school with new clothes, whether they gave us a job or they didn't give us a job, he made sure we worked in the summer, both peoples from western addition, the mission, and hunters point, making that $1.25, but that bought us school clothes. what i'm asking for this commission, and the artists to be in support of, my recommendation. building 101 be named after mr. carl kimbrell, because he was the one that made sure the people in the communities got work. i'm here today as a retired worker on the skills that i learned from mr. carl kimbrell, so i'm asking the artists, and i will be going to the c.a.c. and asking them for the same thing, to have that building
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named after mr. carl kimbrell. thank you very much. >> thank you, mr. james. anybody else wishing to speak on this item that has not submitted a card? seeing none, i will close public comment and turn to my fellow commissioners for anix questions or comments. okay. -- any questions or comments. okay. seeing none -- okay. >> i'd like to know what's going on there in the bayview-hunters point shipyard. the newspapers were full of news this weekend, and i don't know what about this, you know? >> so -- >> the problems there. >> several meetings ago, i had announced to the commission that at the request of the mayor, leader pelosi, president cohen, they had asked that parcel a that was previously
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transferred in 2004 be retested or rescanned. even though it wasn't part of the tetratech site, it was part of the navy site. on july 6, 2018, they started the scan, and they -- to date, they've scanned over 90% of the public area and common areas on a-1. as you know, there's a-1, the hill top, and a-2, that's the hillside. usually, the california department of public health that is responsible for the scanning, produces a weekly report on progress. so this last -- the week seven, they discovered an item. the item that was discovered was a deck marker, which was 1.5 inches in diameter. it was 10.5 inches underground, and it was in a fenced-off
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inaccessible area with grass, so it was protected from folks. as soon as it was discovered, they called in the scientists, they retrieved it, they scanned it before it got retrieved, and then it got cleared out and was removed off-site. they declared it even before then that it was safe and after, it was safe. so subsequent to that, each of the agencies released report. i've sent that to the commission the day those reports were released, including a statement from my office, from local san francisco department of health, california department of public health, as well as the navy that is -- has the responsibility of the cleanup or remediation at the phase -- at the shipyard. and so for -- they have scheduled an h.o.a. meeting for tomorrow, where they'll -- they now have more information, and they put in questions and
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answers so they can give information out more. clearly, they also have -- we also have a hunters point shipyard and are meeting the reuse subcommittee on monday. so we'll continue to provide information. as far as we could tell, all our experts, including our local san francisco department of public health, d.p.h., they've all attested that it is safe. i think the headline was inflammatory because it said highly radio active, but as far as we know, they did find something, and it is a deck marker that is typical of what you would find at the edges of ships, so it could glow in the dark so that sailors would know as they go close to the edge. so it's an item that was left behind. so we'll continue to work with cal d.p.h. and the regulatory agencies and the navy. they're going to complete the retest of the remainder of parcel a-1, and then we'll hear
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more in time for the interaction and the h.o.a. is going to refine that. we're intending on come bag to the commission for once phase one is completed and they have a summary report so we can have cal d.p.h. come present to the commission and have the navy info, so we're planning on scheduling that as soon as they're in a good enough place for an update. >> thank you. >> thank you, director. commissioners, i need a motion for item number 5-e. is there a motion? commissioner rosales. is there a second? >> i second. >> dr. scott -- commissioner scott, thank you. madam clerk, please call the roll. >> clerk: commissioners, when i announce your name, please state your vote.
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[roll call] >> clerk: mr. vice chair, the vote is four ayes, one absent. >> thank you. madam secretary, please call the next item. >> the next item is item 6, public comment on nonagenda items? we do not have any speaker cards. >> is there anyone that wishes to speak on public comment on nonagenda items? seeing none, i will call public comment. madam secretary? >> the next order of business is report of the chair. >> will go no business. call the next item. >> the next item is 8. item 8-a, request for proposals to develop and operate approximately 60 units of affordable family housing on block 56 in the hunters point shipyard reveemt project area.
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8-b, informational on 1450 franklin franklin street. marketing outcomes report, seven for sale inclusionary below market rate units, hunters point shipyard project area. madam director? >> okay. commissioners, the first item, which is -- we're requesting was proposing an issue for a developer to develop block 56. if you have no objection, we'll release that this week, and then, we'll do this conference, get the responses back, put
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together a panel, and come back to you with a recommendation for approval. so this is just the first phase. it's still again in parcel a, but it's a lengthy process, so we want to start the process. and then, the next two items, marketing outcomes, and we have sam simms here to speak to those. [inaudible] >> but this was ownership -- a home ownership program, and that was impressive, that we had two c.o.p. holders, and it's out of the nine inclusionary units within the building. also, 51, 52 innes.
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it's for sale, and we don't want to see fore sale units very often. if you have any other questions, we're available to respond. we now have an extensive marketing outreach program, and you can see that in the staff materials that's provided. so if you have any additional questions, we can answer them, as well. >> great, thank you. commissioner rosales? >> yes, thank you, vice chair bustos. i do have a couple questions for pam. this was excited, i have to say. you know, when i'm reading this, i'm very touched by the fact that our efforts are incrementally making a different in people's life. i want to commend everybody, not only the staff but the city in achieving these results.
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the part that interested me, as i mentioned earlier, was in the western addition. as we know, that's a very desirable, if you will, location and district for c.o.p. holders for obvious reasons, to have folks come and buy back homes -- buy back their homes, right? i would love to be able to see more -- more stories like this. and so then, when i moved over -- i was very happy when i read that and then, i went over to the other report, to the shipyard, and i go wait a minute, no c.o.p. holders apply? >> yeah. >> why is that? >> i -- that is a really good question. we target to the c.o.p. holders, c.o.p. holders that have been over income at the rental opportunities, we write
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little notes specifically on their postcards saying this would be a really good opportunity for you. for whatever reason, and we don't know yet, it's just not a place where the c.o.p. holders have applied. that said, rent burdened households, households that are getting assistance for their housing and displaced tenants, they love the shipyard. so it's just an interesting phenomenon right now. that said, we just launched eight, nine units in the shipyard yesterday, so we will again be reaching out to the c.o.p. holders with special notes on the postcards that the h.p.c. is doing a spectacular job is reaching out to households, offering workshops. they're going to start a --
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along with bayview-hunters point, multipurpose senior services, the two organizations that have had the most success with c.o.p. holders. they're going to start a very exciting program that i'll be detailing in the c.o.p. annual report, but i think the commission will be very pleased with it. >> that's great. and i guess one other question, just out of curiosity, do we know if these successful c.o.p. holders in the person addition answered our survey? >> i don't know. i don't know. i do know that they're both households that procrastinated. they never saw themselves buying. >> i saw that. >> it's almost as if they went into the process kicking and screaming, but at the end of the day, they were super excited that they were able to purchase. and i don't know if any of you were able to go to any of the
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open houses at 1450 franklin, but these units are spectacular. i mean -- and the amenities are lovely. it's a very nice development, and these households are happy to live there. the woman, the senior who has her granddaughter living with her, her granddaughter said it was like a -- living in a movie set, so it was really sweet. >> and mr. green's saying he grew up in the western addition, that was very touching. so i want to do a shout out to meta because according to this report, they work hard, and they worked hard in helping misbrown and her granddaughter -- ms. brown and her daughter, so i hope we have other folks like meta in getting folks to the table.
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the other thing i would say, is i know that land is scarce everywhere, but to the extent that the city -- i read in -- i can't remember if it was the chronicle or the examiner, that there's some excess bond moneys or some money that supervisor peskin or the mayor are targeting for additional affordable housing opportunities, that they're repurposing, and some of that money would be available -- would be potentially available or at least you're targeting it as an additional tool for the city to purchase and preserve, if you will, affordable housing, but to make acquisitions and then create new affordable housing in neighborhoods in san francisco. i would hope that the western addition would be one of those since so many folks want to go
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back home there. >> thank you, commissioner rosales. commissioner scott, you were going to say something? >> yeah. i'm just saying, it's great, and the outcome stories of helping them succeed in becoming homeowners, working with them with that support against all the bumps in the way. but i'm wonder when you send out the cards, i have six siblings, and we're all c.o.p. holders. the only thing i got was a form to fill out to check and see if we were listed, and we were, and i have a couple brothers that have their -- they stay in touch. but i'm not getting any mailings, and they're not getting anything sent finding out that we were holders. so when do you send them out and who exactly do they go to? >> thank you, commissioner. we send them out to -- we send
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them out for every new development. we send them out right -- like, no later than six months after the start of construction for early outreach. and then, as we get closer to the construction completion, then, we send out another postcard about six to nine months before construction completion. and then, our third postcard goes out after we start marketing, so there's a lot of correspondence that goes on with the c.o.p. holders. but i'm not sure why you and some of your siblings are not receiving the information. so maybe we can talk about that and maybe sure that you're on the list. because sometimes something will change, and we get -- we do, we get a lot of returned mail, so if anything shifted, then maybe it's -- it's an unfortunate over sight. >> i don't say that just myself
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and my siblings because we know so many that are holders, and they haven't said anything about getting cards as things, you know, have possibilities or opportunities. >> we had a lot in the mid2000's. there was a survey done, and there were a lot of c.o.p. holders that said they responded, do not contact, and so, therefore, they're still in the database, but because they said do not contact, we have respected that, and -- however, if beiin fact they do now want be active, just call the c.o.p. number, and the c.o.p. program coordinator, she'll put you back on the list.
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>> so we can work with the commission. >> absolutely. >> and make sure we have the right documents. >> madam secretary, please call the next item. >> mr. president, we should have public comment on these items since they were noticed. >> is there anybody wishing to speak on this item? >> clerk: oscar james. >> i just wanted -- oscar james again. i just want to put a little clarification on a certificate -- i'm a certificate of preference holder, also, and a lot of peoples that i have known who grew up in both western addition and hunters point, a lot of them moved out of san francisco. a lot of them moved in different places in san francisco where they didn't -- they -- they may have gotten a card sent, if they're getting ready to rent units out or have
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united for sail from the ocii or redevelopment agency, but the agency, their addresses, they don't have. there were some people that lived in sacramento and also that lived in hercules, but they didn't get their mail. when i told them, a lot of them got into the dr. davis housing units. so usually what i end up doing is word of mouth in telling people that they are entitled to a certificate whether they lived in western addition, hunters development, or any areas that the redevelopment agency went in and did redevelopment. i also told one of the commissioners, in yerba buena, there was a lot of people that had relocated out of there, and a lot of people got
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certificates, and a lot of people there aren't getting information about the certificates also. basically, what we have to do is tell people word of mouth to call the ocii to get on the list. the other people that we may know who have certificates, to call and get on the list, or tell other people that you may know who may have certificates, but to update their certificates. because what i'm still asking for the agency to do is bring the clause in for the grand kids to get a certificate of preference also. i know the agency worked on that one time before, and commissioner singh was the last one who was on that with commission leroy king, who has since passed, but they were trying to get that one time before, and morales was here, also, when we wethey were tryi get that. so maybe they should still, you guys look into getting
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certificate of preference grand kids to get the certificates also. because me, i have a certificate, but i'm a homeowner now, okay? but my kids have certificates also, and they get their mail. i get five different cards at my house for certificate of preference holders. and i tell my kids when they come to the house that they have -- you know, the mail that came there. but we have to do word of mouth to those who we know who's moved somewhere else. miss julia colmas's kids, two of them in sacramento. they don't get those things also. their daughter is a property manager in western addition on the -- is it golden gate? on turk street just before you get to sky, and she's a manager, and she don't get the certificate of preference. i spoke to her also. so those are the kind of things that -- why peoples don't get the certificate because they
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moved or something like that, so we have to tell them word of mouth. >> thank you, mr. james. maybe there's a way we can coordinate with miss simms and the team to get in touch with those comments. is there anybody else? i'm closing public comment. anybody else want to make public comment before we close it? okay. commissioner singh? >> we received an e-mail from president mondejar that next week she wanted to start at 2:00 instead of one, because mercy housing or something, she wanted to attend it. i have no objection to that. >> thank you. okay. so we're closing public comment on this, and commissioner comments. madam secretary, please call the next item. >> clerk: the next item is business is item nine, commissioner's questions and matters. mr. vice chair? >> anybody wishing to comment?
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>> it's great to see everyone kind of get together and prove, that you know, building our culture is something that can be reckoned with. >> i am desi, chair of economic development for soma filipinos. so that -- [ inaudible ] know that soma filipino exists, and it's also our economic platform, so we can start to
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build filipino businesses so we can start to build the cultural district. >> i studied the bok chase choy her achbl heritage, and i discovered this awesome bok choy. working at i-market is amazing. you've got all these amazing people coming out here to share one culture. >> when i heard that there was a market with, like, a lot of filipino food, it was like oh, wow, that's the closest thing i've got to home, so, like, i'm going to try everything. >> fried rice, and wings, and three different cliefz sliders.
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i haven't tried the adobe yet, but just smelling it yet brings back home and a ton of memories. >> the binca is made out of different ingredients, including cheese. but here, we put a twist on it. why not have nutella, rocky road, we have blue berry. we're not just limiting it to just the classic with salted egg and cheese. >> we try to cook food that you don't normally find from filipino food vendors, like the lichon, for example.
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it's something that it took years to come up with, to perfect, to get the skin just right, the flavor, and it's one of our most popular dishes, and people love it. this, it's kind of me trying to chase a dream that i had for a long time. when i got tired of the corporate world, i decided that i wanted to give it a try and see if people would actually like our food. i think it's a wonderful opportunity for the filipino culture to shine. everybody keeps saying filipino food is the next big thing. i think it's already big, and to have all of us here together, it's just -- it just blows my mind sometimes that there's so many of us bringing -- bringing filipino food to the city finally. >> i'm alex, the owner of the
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lumpia company. the food that i create is basically the filipino-american experience. i wasn't a chef to start with, but i literally love lumpia, but my food is my favorite foods i like to eat, put into my favorite filipino foods, put together. it's not based off of recipes i learned from my mom. maybe i learned the rolling technique from my mom, but the different things that i put in are just the different things that i like, and i like to think that i have good taste. well, the very first lumpia that i came out with that really build the lumpia -- it wasn't the poerk and shrimp shanghai, but my favorite thing after partying is that bakon
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cheese burger lumpia. there was a time in our generation where we didn't have our own place, our own feed to eat. before, i used to promote filipino gatherings to share the love. now, i'm taking the most exciting filipino appetizer and sharing it with other filipinos. >> it can happen in the san francisco mint, it can happen in a park, it can happen in a street park, it can happen in a tech campus. it's basically where we bring the hardware, the culture, the operating system. >> so right now, i'm eating
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something that brings me back to every filipino party from my childhood. it's really cool to be part of the community and reconnect with the neighborhood. >> one of our largest challenges in creating this cultural district when we compare ourselves to chinatown, japantown or little saigon, there's little communities there that act as place makers. when you enter into little philippines, you're like where are the businesses, and that's one of the challenges we're trying to solve.
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>> undercover love wouldn't be possible without the help of the mayor and all of our community partnerships out there. it costs approximately $60,000 for every event. undiscovered is a great tool for the cultural district to bring awareness by bringing the best parts of our culture which is food, music, the arts and being ativism all under one roof, and by seeing it all in this way, what it allows san
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franciscans to see is the dynamics of the filipino-american culture. i think in san francisco, we've kind of lost track of one of our values that makes san francisco unique with just empathy, love, of being acceptable of different people, the out liers, the crazy ones. we've become so focused onic maing money that we forgot about those that make our city and community unique. when people come to discover, i want them to rediscover the magic of what diversity and empathy can create. when you're positive and committed to using that energy,
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>> my apartment burned down 1.5 years ago in noba. my name is leslie mccray, and i am in outside beauty sales. i have lived in this neighborhood since august of this year. after my fire in my apartment and losing everything, the red cross gave us a list of agencies in the city to reach out to and find out about
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various programs that could help us get back on our feet, and i signed up for the below market rate program, got my certificate, and started applying and won the housing lottery. this particular building was brand-new, and really, this is the one that i wanted out of everything i applied for. and i came to the open house here, and there were literally hundreds of people looking at the building. and i -- in my mind, i was, like, how am i ever going to possibly win this? and i did. and when you get that notice that you want, it's surreal, and you don't really believe it, and then it sinks in, yeah, i can have it, and i'm finally good to go; i can stay. my favorite thing about my home, although i miss the charm about the old victorian is everything is brand-new. it's beautiful. my kitchen is amazing.
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i've really started to enjoy cooking. i really love that we have a gym on-site. i work out four days a week, and it's beautiful working outlooking out over the courtyard that i get to look at. it was hard work to get to the other side, but it's well worth it. i'm super grateful to the mayor's office of housing for having this for us. -- one nat, indivisible with peace and justice for all. >> president cleaveland: thank you. >> this is a reminder to silence all electronic devices. the fire commission regular
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