tv Government Access Programming SFGTV October 4, 2018 7:00am-8:01am PDT
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i'm the deputy chief of administration, janine nicholson on my report from the ministry tip side. i would like to first thank commissioner covington for spearheading that meeting yesterday. i thought it was super helpful for me to have that interaction with you all. i am sort of -- on sort of a less formal manner. thank you for that. so up just briefly with my administrative divisions, we conducted 50 promotional and permanent physicals in multiple ranks. at 83 drug and alcohol tests, all negative. the assignment office, the annual seniority list has been issued and vacancy bids will be happening soon, including at the airport. for appointments and promotions, we promoted five captains
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permanently. eleven h. for inspectors, and 13 acting inspectors. so once those captives clear, then we will be able to bump up some lieutenants which is always nice. the want 22nd class completed their probation this month -- the 122nd class completed their probation. they passed all their test, physical, manipulative, and written. i believe there are 43 of them in that class. the retirements for september, we only had three. one lieutenant lieutenant and two firefighters. the chief spoke about future hiring and about the bump up class, the e.m.s. bump up class. they are currently doing their right outs. these are the people that are going from e.m.t. to paramedic or from firefighter, firefighter paramedic. their ride outs are on the ambulance and they are doing for
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several weeks as sort of an intern. they have a preceptor and someone evaluating them and making sure all the proper patient care is done. they should be all completed. there are 23 of them that have made it through thus far. they should be completed next friday, october 5th and start work on october 6th as paramedics. that is good news. support services. we spoke a little bit about this yesterday at the retreat. we spoke about facility requests and how d.p.w. is handling them. and so there were 188 facility requests in the month of august. during that timeframe, we closed out 135. so as you can see, we are still getting more in the then are being completed. so we are continuing to work with d.p.w. but that also is more water for
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us to recommend -- more fodder for us to recommend our own internal candidates. we keep an eye on that number every month. from the bureau of equipment, we did receive five land rigs from the state. we have eight we can deploy which really reduces the impact and wear and tear on the front line breaks and the ability to help other departments, other areas in california, as well as ourselves when the disaster hits we will have those available for deployment within the city as well, which is great. as we have spoken about before, we have ordered six fire engines they have pump, tank, and toes. they have been ordered and fabrication has started. that is due at the end of this year. the chief is in the process of
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ordering for more suvs from the chief and rescue captains. five engines and two trucks. and he has also completed new specs for jet skis and we are just waiting approval from central shop on those specs. chief rivera, also what we're talking about yesterday, they are working on a new m.o.u. to cover some of the issues that we spoke about yesterday when i mentioned if we bring our rig down there and they fixed it and then it breaks again, the next day we get charged twice. he is including language like that in the m.o.u. that is a work in progress. but we definitely have our eye on that kind of stuff. for our facilities, the deployment facility, f. jay amoroso won the bid and they have a notice to proceed for october 22nd. it is scheduled for opening 2020
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and the budget for that facility is 30.4 million. october 22nd is that notice to proceed. the chief spoke about the aws s. and we had a meeting with the p.u.c. it included conversations about interim measures because the auxiliary water supply system serves part of the city right now and needs to be expanded. however, that will take a lot of funding and many years. so we talked about what are some possibilities for us in the interim. and we already have some of those things in place. we have hose tenders. but we would like to get some more hose tenders in place. and just so you no, the current hose tenders do not pump. they strictly supply and carry hose on them. our new hose tenders, what we would like to get is a hose
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tender. i will put a picture up here for you. you might have to help me. that is one from new york. they call them their satellite rigs. it has a pump. what we would like to have as a pump. about 5,000 feet of hose. as well as, we would like it to be four-wheel-drive. so it can actually get through the roads after an earthquake and we could deploy these throughout the city. just as an interim measure while we are waiting for all of aws as to be completed. it is just some information for you. nothing has happened with this yet. but just so you have an understanding of what it is. one person would be able to deploy this. you don't need a crew of four
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people which is also pretty impressive. >> we had our ppe contract awarded for cleaning and maintenance and for new p.p.e. and chief rivera and his guys worked really hard on that. mes is the people who have the new contract. it is morning pride which is our new p.p.e. and then moving on to the training division, the 122nd class completed their one year and the 124th class completed their six-month testing. for in-service training, both can't combine, suppression and e.m.s., we did more than 5,000
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hours of training in august. on the suppression side, we did flat roof ventilation operation and rescue technician. it was a class that was donated. wildfire module and building construction, and on the e.m.s. side, we did rescue training, narcan administration, which is what they use for people who have overdosed on opioids. that is not just an a.l.s. scale , a paramedic skill, but all firefighters can now administer that. they also did advanced cardiac life support and e.m.s. fire ground safety. when they interact with us with fires and the like. lots of training going on. and then for a special project, the officers' academy is coming
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up. we are hoping for october 15th for the starting date. we will send you all formal invitations if you would like to attend any of the days. i know you can't all come at once. you will have to work that out amongst yourselves. but we would love to see you there if you ever want to come. we will get you the schedule and what is being taught. and to thank chief sato for his work on that. the fire reserves, 257 hours of drills and volunteer work. and commander philip buckley does a lot with them. he is to be appreciated. they continue to work hard. they had 21 events, classes and outreach presentations in august they also had, august 29th,
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commissioner -- commissioners might be interested. they had a class on psychological first aid. and they are also working in coordination with chief cochrane on battalion control. i don't know if you all understand what battalion control is, do you? ok. battalion control is what we would use in the event of a large-scale disaster if either the radio communications go down or if the 911 system is so overwhelmed that they just can't manage to dispatch calls and take calls. so what battalion control does for us is, each battalion chief is in charge of their own battalion and all the rigs and dispatches within that battalion so it is something we have to practice. because it is not something we do regularly. so we practised it so we will be ready for a large-scale disaster
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but they have been really helpful with that and chief cochrane is now working with them on that. so there will be an october drill with them and we will also work with battalion control stuff. homeland security. as chief hayes-white said, i was at a dinner to honor chief cochrane. i got to see him in civilian clothing. that might be the first time since you have been in that position that i have seen you in civilian clothing, but he was honoured for his response to 911 in new york city. there were 11 of you that went. but there were only four of them that we're honoured that night. three active firefighters.
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that was a good evening. as you may know, fleet week starts this friday. they have been hard at work on the event action plan for that. and coordinating with the military, the dem, it is a huge effort. so but the eap helps ensure our accountability and the smooth operations. so there is a senior leader his seminar within fleet week and we will bring a photo for you next time, but our fuel unit that we use is going to be on the cover of that. what i mean by the fuel unit cat is we have a rake that brings fuel to the vehicles that are -- we have a rig that brings fuel to vehicles that cannot be moved so part of what chief cochrane and the d.e.m. works on his
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disaster planning. some of that involves, how will we refuel? anyway, that will be on therapeutic the boe shined it up -- that will be on there peerk the boe shined it up. i digress. we had a weeklong incident management team class that falls into our disaster operations held at treasure island. a lot of members of the department attended on their own time. i know the chief went out there and spoke to them. these will be the people who will be responsible for assisting in running the department during a complicated at extended incident to. it may be used out in the field but they will be needing support by planning by logistics, by all sorts of other things. that is why the incident management team would do. during fleet week, there are several classes that we will be teaching.
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chief cochrane, along with another captain will be teaching a rescue system with the marines on tuesday. i know that veterans, our veterans association will be serving lunch for about 70 military personnel that day. and then on october 1st, i think that is monday, they will be instructing a confined space on a u.s. navy ship at pier 3032 , which is pretty cool. we are really involved in all of fleet week. we have a big part on it on land and in water. and one last thing i wanted to mention, i think the italian heritage parade, chief gonzalez just pointed out to me, it is a seventh, not the eight -- not the eighth. it is the sunday.
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thank you. that concludes my report for this evening. >> president cleaveland: thank you, chief nicholson. is there any public comment on this report? seeing none, public comment is closed. his. >> commissioner veronese: can you send us more information, on the awards that chief cochrane received? >> absolutely his. >> commissioner veronese: i believe it was a battalion chief and who else was that? >> john sikora and jeff morano were the ones that were there. jeff is retired but there were other members that are still active, correct? and they also honored dan armenta who died of cancer a few years ago. but i can give you more information on that his. >> commissioner veronese: i'm sure the full commission would like to learn more about that and these gentlemen and why they were honored to. thank you. >> absolutely. >> president cleaveland: thank you.
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>> commissioner hardeman: i will try to be brief. it was a good report on all the equipment. it looks like it is going in the right direction. good news. i don't know if this is you or chief gonzalez, but as i was goofing around, they had a special about houses and fires on government tb. this is something i had not heard before until -- on government television. this is something i had not heard before until that night. everyone has been recommending to me about closing bedroom doors when you go to bed at night. >> close when you does. >> commissioner hardeman: the only problem is i have never heard anyone say that this is something you should do.
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you need a carbon monoxide monitor also in that room besides a smoke alarm. i had never heard that mentioned until the other night. i thought that was something -- if i did not hear it, and i am a commissioner, i thought it probably does not get out there that much. >> yeah, i don't know if you recall, we are talking about this, the last commission meeting when we were talking about this to be severed that is what i am saying. you hear it but it never says don't just have a smoke alarm in that room, have a carbon monoxide detector as well. because that is nothing i have heard before. >> yeah, and those are useful when you have heaters and those kinds of things. if they are not burning everything completely, that is when you can get carbon monoxide carbon monoxide alarms are helpful. >> commissioner hardeman: the other think was, congratulations , all 43 from 122 class that started and finished.
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that is just wonderful. and all of those who finished under six months, there is no loss is. that is terrific. thank you. >> president cleaveland: thank you commissioner. a couple of questions. the aws s., the new host tenders that you showed us a picture from new york, do you have any idea of how many we might need and how much they cost? >> how many we would need is still under discussion and under -- we are still evaluating that. but they could cost -- i think they would cost approximately $1 million each. >> president cleaveland: it is certainly a lot cheaper than billions to build the cisterns or what not. >> it will take a long time. whereas we could have these in
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place and a much shorter period of time to protect the city. >> president cleaveland: on the list of repairs you said that each of the fire houses, i suppose in chief rivera, at the request for repairs and whatnot, are those lists you can share with the commission so we can get a slaver of the -- get a slaver -- get a slaver -- get a of the issues that are happening >> president cleaveland: madam secretary, kenney called the next item. >> clerk: item seven is the report on activities since flavour last meeting. >> president cleaveland: what is your pleasure? i do not see any names up. commissioner covington. >> commissioner covington: thank you, mr president, i wanted to thank you for all of
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your assistance and organizing of the retreat and helping me organize the retreat. and thank our commission secretary for her assistance as well. i have heard from a few people regarding the retreat and they have been extremely complementary. i thought it was important. i thought it gave us an opportunity to talk about things that we don't ordinarily get a chance to talk about at length. we heard some new voices which i thought was a very important. it was a good give and take and i want to thank everyone who attended there were, of course, command staffers there peerk but
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then there were also some other members who contributed to what i think was a very rich exchange and thank you all very much and we will be following up. >> president cleaveland: we look forward to the report that will come out of that. >> commissioner hardeman: i will try to be brief again. i took the streetcar down because i did not want to get stuck without a parking place. i arrived quite early and lit up a cigar. and right here, i watched a massive equipment. i had never seen anything like it. huge pieces of equipment bounding and digging with a crane. they were going like crazy. there are brand-new buses going by in the street is all torn up. people are heading over to the
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salesforce event tonight, the fundraiser. and reading that the supervisors just past the south of market, that new huge, 5,000 homes and big development, which is very progressive of them, unanimously i am thinking, we have 170,000 people here. this is the hot hotspot in the world today. 170,000 people trying -- contributing to technology. we are in the building and it is all happening here. he said the greatest place, not only in the world, but may be in the universe, and how lucky we are.
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especially those spoiled brats, like me and the chief and joe, who were born here. what a place to be? and the salesforce made such contributions to the city. there is a complaint about who he does business with but i don't get into that. i will not comment on that. it is amazing how we sit here going out tonight. we are in a technology advance spot. amazing. what a wonderful city and how great it is to be living here. what a place to be right now. >> president cleaveland: thank you. i feel better already. left monk -- [laughter] >> president cleaveland: is there any public comment on this item? seeing non, public comment is
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closed. madam secretary, would you cause -- call the next item. >> clerk: item eight is future agenda meetings. >> commissioner hardeman: we like to stick together as spoiled brats. [laughter] >> president cleaveland: s. or any public comment on this item? seeing non, public comment is closed. commissioners? what is your pleasure? >> commissioner covington: i am sorry. my name must have been left up. >> president cleaveland: all right. >> clerk: would you like to currently read what is on the docket? we have peer support resolution, an m.o.u. with the geo tc, the drone policy update, the early case resolution on discipline cases, wild land committee presentation, an update on station five -- 516 and the training facility, update on
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location of new blue spokes, and homeless tracing. cancer prevention foundation update, public service announcements through s.f. government television, asian firefighters association, and other employee group presentations. the chief's appraisal and strategic plan update. >> president cleaveland: thank you. >> commissioner veronese: i don't know if it is appropriate for a future meeting, but may be it is. we should keep our eye on ab 3115. i'm not sure if you are watching this, it is on the governor's desk right now. i believe it affects your department. i wanted to know and get an update by them and maybe have it
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-- maybe it won't be signed but it will be moot and maybe we'll get an update on how it affects the department. and then the commission retreat that we had earlier this week, i thought it was a great conversation. we had identified certain things in the time that we spent. i imagine some future action items will come out of that. i look forward to that report as well. >> president cleaveland: thank you. i do believe we also need to put the expedited amendments to the disciplinary appeal process on the agenda and the review regarding additional employment. we need to put that on. and the chief's appraisal for us that is it. any further items from the commissioners? thank you, very much.
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>> commons 3rd thursdays is a monthly event series really activate service center and un plaza food and music and other social activities oil stephanie the vice president of operations for this. >> in 2016 an initiative called the service center launched an effort by a bunch of the city agencies along with institutional stakeholder and
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community partners to have a program that is how to get people out here on a monthly and weekly and daily basis. >> my name is a - i'm with the program manager and also commons 3rd thursdays will have live music important in the. >> the city approached us to provide food and beverages at the event kind of the core anchor to encourage attendees to food gives people a reason to stay i really like this like it is really nice like everybody is having a good time. >> our goal to enjoy the space and eat and drink and listen to music we wanted to inspire people with the un plaza as a place to hold they're community events. >> it is a great way to get people to know about global
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music and cuisine a great way to bring people together. >> a natural beautiful backdrop the asian art museum and . >> it is welcoming. >> two more events left in the series so, please come and enjoy and check it out we're having a great time. >> we love our city being a san francisco based on company it was important to engage request san franciscans and tourists alike. >> we want to inspire people and everyone interested in providing and coming out for a large or small-scale event reach out to the commons 3rd thursdays and we'll direct you're seeing to the right people to get to [♪]
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>> i just don't know that you can find a neighborhood in the city where you can hear music stands and take a ride on the low rider down the street. it is an experience that you can't have anywhere else in san francisco. [♪] [♪] >> district nine is a in the southeast portion of the city. we have four neighborhoods that i represent. st. mary's park has a completely unique architecture. very distinct feel, and it is a very close to holly park which is another beautiful park in san francisco. the bernal heights district is unique in that we have the hell which has one of the best views in all of san francisco.
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there is a swinging hanging from a tree at the top. it is as if you are swinging over the entire city. there are two unique aspects. it is considered the fourth chinatown in san francisco. sixty% of the residents are of chinese ancestry. the second unique, and fun aspect about this area is it is the garden district. there is a lot of urban agriculture and it was where the city grew the majority of the flowers. not only for san francisco but for the region. and of course, it is the location in mclaren park which is the city's second biggest park after golden gate. many people don't know the neighborhood in the first place if they haven't been there. we call it the best neighborhood nobody has ever heard our. every neighborhood in district nine has a very special aspect. where we are right now is the mission district. the mission district is a very special part of our city. you smell the tacos at the
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[speaking spanish] and they have the best latin pastries. they have these shortbread cookies with caramel in the middle. and then you walk further down and you have sunrise café. it is a place that you come for the incredible food, but also to learn about what is happening in the neighborhood and how you can help and support your community. >> twenty-fourth street is the birthplace of the movement. we have over 620 murals. it is the largest outdoor public gallery in the country and possibly the world. >> you can find so much political engagement park next to so much incredible art. it's another reason why we think this is a cultural district that we must preserve. [♪] >> it was formed in 2014. we had been an organization that had been around for over 20 years. we worked a lot in the
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neighborhood around life issues. most recently, in 2012, there were issues around gentrification in the neighborhood. so the idea of forming the cultural district was to help preserve the history and the culture that is in this neighborhood for the future of families and generations. >> in the past decade, 8,000 latino residents in the mission district have been displaced from their community. we all know that the rising cost of living in san francisco has led to many people being displaced. lower and middle income all over the city. because it there is richness in this neighborhood that i also mentioned the fact it is flat and so accessible by trip public transportation, has, has made it very popular. >> it's a struggle for us right now, you know, when you get a lot of development coming to an area, a lot of new people coming to the area with different sets of values and different culture. there is a lot of struggle
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between the existing community and the newness coming in. there are some things that we do to try to slow it down so it doesn't completely erase the communities. we try to have developments that is more in tune with the community and more equitable development in the area. >> you need to meet with and gain the support and find out the needs of the neighborhoods. the people on the businesses that came before you. you need to dialogue and show respect. and then figure out how to bring in the new, without displacing the old. [♪] >> i hope we can reset a lot of the mission that we have lost in the last 20 years. so we will be bringing in a lot of folks into the neighborhoods pick when we do that, there is a demand or, you know, certain types of services that pertain more to the local community and working-class. >> back in the day, we looked at
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mission street, and now it does not look and feel anything like mission street. this is the last stand of the latino concentrated arts, culture and cuisine and people. we created a cultural district to do our best to conserve that feeling. that is what makes our city so cosmopolitan and diverse and makes us the envy of the world. we have these unique neighborhoods with so much cultural presence and learnings, that we want to preserve. [♪]
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ladies and gentlemen, the chair has called the meeting to order. can you please turn off your electronic devices, as they tend to interfere with the equipment in the room, and can you please rise for the pledge of allegiance? >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> secretary: vice president mazzucco, i'd like to call roll. >> vice president mazzucco: please do. [ roll call ] commissioner hamasaki is en route. commissioner mazzucco, you have a quorum with us tonight, chief of police william scott and for
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the department of police accountability, their policy director, samarra marian. >> vice president mazzucco: thank you very much, and ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the october 3rd san francisco police commission meeting, and although we have commissioner hamasaki on his way, but tonight is the first night since may of 2018 that we have a full complement of commissioners, so i would like to thank the board of supervisors and the mayor for their appointment and confirmation of our new commissioners, but before we start, we have our newest commissioner with us tonight, commissioner taylor, who's sitting to the right of me, and commissioner taylor brings a lot of experience to this police commission. commissioner taylor is a former assistant district attorney here in san francisco, where she served for two years after leaving private practice in both new york and san francisco. she's a graduate of yale law school, and undergraduate of boston university. from there she went to the d.a.'s office, served in the
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domestic violence unit and in the special victim's unit, and also matriculated to the united states attorney's office, where she ended her career after six and a half years, i think, as the deputy chief of the organized crime unit. she's an experienced prosecutor. she knows how the system works, and from all accounts, we're really fortunate to have her here. she's currently a partner at a firm, international law firm specializing in white collar work and internal investigations. actually, very similar to what i do, so welcome. do you have some things you like to add or share with the public? >> no, just i'm honored to be here and excited to get to work. >> vice president mazzucco: great. also before we go forward, i'm going to do two change in the agenda, given there's the interest in line item number 4, which is department general order number 5.22, interacting with transgender and gender-variant, we're going to
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move that to the first item on our agenda tonight after the presentation of certificates of appreciation and also due to -- we have a very, very lengthy agenda tonight, including a very lengthy closed session agenda, so due to the length of the agenda and complexity of the agenda, we're going to have only two minutes of public comment, so without further adieu, i'm going to start -- please call line item 1 and then we'll move into the department of general order. >> secretary: item 1, presentation of certificate of appreciation, presentation to galls, a uniform retail establishment for their participation and partnership with the sfpd and sfpoa on the pink patch project. >> commissioners, i'd like to have sergeant ray padmore and tony montoya from the p.o.a. to come up to the podium and present their certificate. >> good evening, sergeant
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padmore and good evening tony montoya. welcome, good to see the president of p.o.a. at the police commission. >> good evening, commissioners, if you permit me to read the narrative of this incredible award for galls for their certificate of appreciation, san francisco police department recognizes galls san francisco in deepest gratitude for your support of the san francisco police department's pink patch project, to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research. your generosity is greatly appreciated by the city of san francisco and the san francisco police department. awarded on the third day of october, 2018, signed william scott, chief of police. [ applause ] for members of the public, galls is the uniform store that provides our officers with all their uniforms and equipment, and they've been doing so for decades, so thank you.
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thank you very much. [ applause ] also to fill in some of the blanks for members of the public, you'll see that most of our officers are wearing the patches that galls had, this is our san francisco police department patch, although you'll notice it's pink in honor of cancer awareness month, and we as a police commission actually had to amend the department general order in order to allow the officers to wear something that's not part of the uniform that's required by the department and other department general orders, and a lot of police departments are doing this. it's no easy task, but so many
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members in our police community and our commission community have been affected by cancer and breast cancer and it means a lot to a lot of the folks to show our support for those individuals, so our police department's doing it, the nfl has done it in the month of october, i do find it more significant that our officers are doing it, so i want to thank galls and i want to thank our officers for doing this. it shows, again, part of our commitment to the community. please call the next line item. >> secretary: we're taking item 4 out of order, discussion and possible action to adopt new department general order 5.22, interacting with transgender, gender-variant, and nonbinary individuals discussions and possible action. >> vice president mazzucco: thank you very much. >> good evening, vice president mazzucco, members of the commission, director marian and chief scott, here from the policing bureau, in my bureau we have the written director's unit who manages the department general order process and
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policies related to our governing policies, and tonight i'm here to introduce sergeant gary buckner, who is a project manager and subject matter expert, also broderick ellison, to discuss the department general 5.22. >> thank you very much, deputy chief connolly. good evening, commissioners, i, along with officer elton, are pleased to be here this evening to introduce to this commission the newest department of general order 5.22, which is titled "interacting with transgender, gender-variant, and nonbinary individuals." this has been a very long process to get to this point, and we're very happy to be here and pleased to be here to present this. the process was collaborative, it involved a lot of different stakeholders, internal and external to the department, sworn and nonsworn, and we believe what's before you now is
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a solid policy as it relates to how we treat our transgender community with respect and professionalism. i've -- just a very brief four points of the policy highlights that this general order covers, first, the policy as is always been, is now in writing and on a general order to treat all persons, custody or not, to respectfully and professionally, and that's really what it's always been, but now it's in writing as it relates to the transgender community. secondly forbids discrimination or harassment of any kind based on actual or perceived gender, gender identity, or gender expression. third, it provides our membership with clarity and definition on the issue of -- on this topic, and finally, it
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provides our members with procedural clarifications regarding identification, name usage, investigative stops, searchs, transportation, privacy, and juvenile interactions. so, we're asking the commission this evening to adopt the policy. it's gone through concurrence. it's been looked at and approved by various entities, including the human rights commission, the department of police accountability, thank you, samra, marian, for your involvement and support of the policy. the san francisco police officers association, thank you to tony montoya and his team for their support of the policy. all the deputy chiefs, the assistant chiefs, and chief scott, all have concurred on the policy and what's before you now is the final product. and finally, i want to say thank you to the gentleman next to me, officer elton, who without his
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support, without his personal commitment, his personal and professional commitment, many, many hours, probably a dozen, hundreds of hours of research and work on this product. if he hadn't been involved, we wouldn't be here today, so the department owes him a great deal of gratitude for his great work on this project. and with that i'll just turn it over to officer elton for a few words. >> thank you, officer elton. thank you for all your work. i've heard about it. >> thank you, commissioners. just wanted to say a few things. starting off with over the following years i have worked in various capacities, especially in the hate crimes unit, which afforded me the opportunity to conduct outreach and listen to concerns of various individuals
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in the transgender community and stakeholders. it became apparent that a substantial shift had occurred in relation to policing during this time. along with shifting societal views and antidiscrimination laws that had been changing and were changing since the initial policy implementation in early 2000s, leading to a revisit of this groundbreaking policy. i was given the opportunity to have conversations with local members of the transgender, gender-variant, and nonbinary individuals communities, such as lyric, which is a youth group, lgbt centers, topics range from fighting transgender violence and sexual assault to outreach and youth perspective. extensive research with the national center for transgender equality, the united states department of justice community relations services, and round table discussions transpiring with a wide variety of participants. along with our local lgbt forum and collaborations with the lgbt concerns here with the witness programs and education. with review and the
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collaboration with the human rights commission and later developed with the department of transgender initiatives to consolidate, update, and expand on these policies. the original sfpd policies were the first of its kind and set a respectful precedent that many departments have since expanded on and codified into their own general orders. the intention of the department and community all want to ensure our members have the safest and most current guidance on how to provide safety with respect. the department has recent comprehensive reviews conducted by the doj and the blue ribbon panel, which specified and specifically noted clarification relating to police interactions and searching into specifically which we addressed. and finally, the language of the proposed bill builds on the same language and intentions of the previous department bulletins in addition to new laws and regulations and best practices. the written policy in front of
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you and in concurrence with captain flaherty, we have developed a roll call training to be distributed to district stations concerning this proposed general order. an internal guide is also in the developed final stages relating to the unique challenges that transgender, gender-variant, and nonconforming officer as face, and the guide will be available to all the members to clarify and re-enforce expectations within our department. if i may, i would like to submit a letter to be read by -- from former president of the police commission, teresa sparks. >> vice president mazzucco: sergeant kilshaw? there will be a copy for each commissioner, and i'm going to read portions, if not all a of the letter. one of the things everybody spoke about, you know, this is a model for other police departments, and it's not about being progressive, it's about
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being respectful to our entire community, and this all started with former president of the police commission, teresa sparks, who was a very prominent member of the transgender community, and commissioner sparks, president sparks, as i'll refer to her, is an incredible woman, and she wanted to talk a little bit about she participated in this and has done so throughout the years, and part of what's been passed out to the commission right now and copies will be made available to the public, deal with some of her concerns about certain assembly bills that are not as advanced as what we have done with our department general order. so in respect to commissioner sparks, who's clearly a pioneer in the field of transgender law and the san francisco police department, what other major police departments are led by a transgender other than the san francisco police department and teresa sparks? so i'm going to read this letter
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into the record, if i may. thank you. "honorable members of the san francisco police commission, over the last few days i have been reviewing the draft of dgo 5.22, interacting with transgender, gender-variant, and nonbinary individuals. my opinion is that the draft dgo is well written and completely in sync with today's trans culture, although keep in mind that culture is continuing to be reimagined. there's only paragraph 5.224.0-h that gives me pause, not because its necessary use in the dgo, but the confusion it's likely to generate due to bulletin from 5-31-18. more to the point, sounds like teresa, very concerned with the requirement officers use perception as legitimate means of data collection as mandated in the assembly bill 953 and subsequent board of supervisor legislation adopted in
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