tv Government Access Programming SFGTV October 9, 2018 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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shoreline for years. for me, i think it is really important to consider these young people as they grow and this space should really be dedicated for them. i would like to see the project to move forward. thank you. >> supervisor cohen: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> madame clark and madam president, i would like to request clarification from the city attorney's office. >> supervisor cohen: we are starting your time now. >> i'm just confused. i don't know -- >> supervisor cohen: i'm happy to come and talk to afterwards -- >> i would like to state for the record i'm on the fence about this development. i do not have a chance to speak against or during public comment i feel wary of big developers and the city making backroom deals about what should be done with our land. and also on the same token, i understand and experience every day the need for housing and
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affordable housing in the city. but what has happened today, in this meeting, has been a travesty to our democratic process. as one of the fellow board members said, a piece of vital information was simply plopped onto the floor today without prior notice about a study that the bay area air quality management district did. that is just not conducive to the democratic process. that is all i have to say. thank you. >> supervisor cohen: i'm happy to meet with you in the hallway. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name is rory and i have been a resident of bayview hunter's .457 years. i use the park a lot. like every week we have a get together and we do things with the kids down there.
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i would hate to see it go. i would like to see it improve and beautify. and make it work. because we have been through a lot. i live right at 127 west point for many years. so i just want to see it work. thank you. >> supervisor cohen: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> good evening, supervisors. my name is michael hammond. i'm a long-term resident of india basin and a close neighbor the development plan for india basin that is outlined in the cir has been evolving through years -- that is outlined in the e.i.r. has been evolving three years of meetings and collaboration.
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our committee has never joined the neighborhood association nor participated in any neighborhood activities. this appeal is based on the loss of a view for one business. and all the other objections are either frivolous or untrue. if successful, this appeal would deny the city of san francisco homes for 3600 residents. new park and millions of dollars in infrastructure improvements for a very neglected neighborhood. to deny all of this, simply to preserve the view of one business, would be grossly irresponsible, unfair, and a violation of san francisco housing policy. our neighborhood enthusiastically approves -- supports this plan that avoids most negative impacts and adjust and mitigates for those that are unavoidable.
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this project will be an outstanding addition to our city the planning commission approved this plan unanimously. in doing so, they characterized it as excellent and outstanding. i ask that you deny this appeal and allow the innovation project to move forward and become one of the star neighborhoods of this city. thank you, very much. >> supervisor cohen: thank you for your comments. next speaker. >> good afternoon supervisors. i am with the carpenters local 22 in san francisco. the reason i am here is to ask you to please deny the appeal. the reason is, as you hear, so many speakers have spoken that the issues that they have in hunter's point. but every developer is different we have a developer right here that is willing to invest in the
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neighborhood. look at how beautiful the mission bay is right now. it has changed a lot. if we recall ten years ago, it wasn't like that. why don't we clean the neighborhood and make it beautiful as mission bay. let's move forward. thank you. >> supervisor cohen: thank you are there any other members of the public who would like to speak at this time? seeing then, public comment is closed. i want to invite each appellant up to present a rebuttal argument. just as a reminder, each appellant will have two minutes to give their rebuttal. are you giving a rebuttal on behalf of green action? all right. welcome. >> i spend moment -- one moment and then turn it over. >> supervisor cohen: before we get to green action, i wanted to stick consistent with the order. i would like to ask mr brodsky to come up. you will have two minutes in rebuttal. >> thank you.
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so i need to be brief because two minutes is not enough. first of all, the e.i.r. report mentions the bath. it is to explain why they don't need to consider its. is a private business. that is why we don't need to think about your shape, your space, your privacy. this is how they included there peerk that is number 1. number 2, mr michael hammond lied. he received $3.5 million to move his house and an offer to have another house in a different place. it is published in san francisco journal. i don't have the reference at this moment. it is available to everybody. we participate in activities. he never invited us. we did it ourselves.
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my important concern. about five years ago, i was participating in the placing of a sculpture of a dolphin. it was paid by a russian engineer from silicon valley. he was a german immigrant. it was russian consular, i don't know why. i was really amazed because nobody knows, today, he was the mayor. people knew that he built the bathhouse. it would be a shame if you destroyed something which follows him. he was a good mayor here. he was giving to the people. he was not taking from the city like now. >> supervisor cohen: thank you >> thank you. >> supervisor cohen: thank you i would like to invite up --
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>> thank you. i will make a couple of quick points. now we know that it isn't just one mitigation that is suggested it is at least five. it is renewable biodiesel, it is tier four pile drivers,, it is regulation six, it is investigating the possibility of hybrid and electric vehicles and it is reducing toxic air contaminants in current buildings. i'm sorry. we have a right. thirty days to comment on anything significant in the agreement. i suggest you consult with your attorney because you are going to be in violation of the agreement if you do not handle this properly. secondly, offsets. do not talk to us about offsets
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for mitigation. offsets do not help bayview's hunters point and they do not help our community. they will help anyone from napa to southern san jose. we are concerned with pollution here in our community. the attorney for the proponent of the project told you that this happens in all kinds of projects. all kinds of projects are not in care communities. where asthma is already killing people. you also know that what she didn't say was that although it is a conservative evaluation, she never said that a proper valuation would bring the project within the air toxics requirements. thank you. >> again here i am. supervisors, one more time.
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i would appreciate it, please if all of you would look at me. because i need you to see me. since i have had to drop somebody off at the hospital. i probably should have been there myself. but this is how important this is to me. i. i want you all to look at me. i want you to understand that this is not the first time or the second time that we have been overridden by overriding consideration. i want you to understand that we are talking about real lives here. >> supervisor cohen: ms. miss harris, i'm sorry to do this. but the buzzer went off in the two-minute allotment rebuttal has expired. unfortunately, the other side could bring a lawsuit if we were to allow you to can you to go on against the time. >> i will leave from here. knowing that if you do not do the right thing, you are responsible for what happens to
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my life, to the life of my children, to the life of the children on my block and the lives of many children who live in public housing. >> supervisor cohen: thank you thank you. >> supervisor cohen: excuse me supervisor kim, i did not see your name. >> supervisor kim: its ok. as a member of the board, we do get to ask questions and i didn't did want to ask miss harrison if there was additional comments that she was not able to make in regards to her position on the appeal that she would like to speak to. >> first and foremost, thank you i appreciate your work. i want to say that there are many folks who are not here, who can't sit through four and five
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hours worth of hearings capped just to be heard. because they have time restrictions and medications. like i said before,, there are children's lives involved here. my children's lives are involved here. i take that very personally. which is why i ask all of you to look at me. if you think that i get some kind of perverse pleasure is out of coming here and talking to you and asking you to do the right thing, then you are wrong. you didn't listen to it when we talked about the shipyard. you let them plough on through. years worth of contamination in our lungs. they can't even tell me right now exactly which one destroyed my lungs three years ago. ok? just three years ago. they didn't tell you that over 8 million on the block have died
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from cancer. eight and nine including my husband. after jeffrey, that makes ten, actually. they didn't tell you about the family that lives across the street. they don't talk to you about after 3:00 when the wind picks up and the dust in the particulate matter that blows away past ennis avenue. i don't blame them for wanting and nice and beautiful community i want one too. i am just not willing to kill anybody for it. i hope and i pray that you are not either. every life that is lost from this point on is your responsibility. god help me, every day, i will come back to remind you of what your decisions are. you need to understand, you have one question. will you put our lives at risk for housing? will you do that?
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you don't have to answer me now but to your vote will answer me. i'm through. >> supervisor cohen: thank you thank you, very much. >> supervisor cohen: we will close the hearing. thank you, everyone who has been attentive and thoughtful and for coming out -- coming out to discuss this matter of india basin. the hearing has now been closed and i want -- i want to make a motion or see if there someone who would be willing to make -- a second this motion to move the hearing and that it be continued open to the board of supervisors meeting of october 16th, 2018 for further narrow discussions
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regarding the new air quality mitigation measure up, the air quality impact and further mitigation. supervisor peskin? >> supervisor peskin: i prepared to second that motion but i just want to -- before a second that motion, get something on the records. that is council from one of the appellant's. they indicated there might be a legal reason that it should be 30 days. i'm totally comfortable with the motion that president cohen made but i want to make sure that our attorney is willing to advise us that there are no due process issues with a two week, as opposed to one month continuance >> yes, two weeks is fine. no legal problem with continuing it for two weeks. just a clarification on the process. the president announced that the hearing is closed.
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a moment ago, but the motion that the president just made will reopen the hearing for the limited purpose of public comment on the 16th. >> second. >> supervisor cohen: ok. all right. before we take our vote, i want to acknowledge supervisor safai. >> supervisor safai: i just wanted to get on the record as well. i had a question for staff as to the actual existence of equipment that would be accepting of alternative fuel. is there construction equipment that is discussed that actually does exist and would be readily available for a project of this type? that is something that you don't have to answer right now, it is something we can answer -- unless you already have the answer. >> was at the equipment or the fuel? >> supervisor safai: we the fuel exists. alternative diesel fuel exists. the question is, is their equipment, and otherwise that is part of what is being looked at
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in the supplemental mitigation measure, or equipment that will accept this alternative diesel fuel that exists to help mitigate the circumstances? >> my understanding is yes. >> supervisor safai: it would be good to have that answer in the next few weeks. thank you. >> supervisor cohen: all right just to recount. i made a motion soup -- seconded by supervisor peskin that the hearing be continued open to the board of supervisors meeting of october 16th, 2018. this is for a further narrow discussions regarding the new air quality mitigation measure, air quality impacts and further mitigations for us to consider. can we -- can we take that same house -- i'm sorry. before we do that, take that motion, i would like to make a motion to excuse supervisor catherine stefani. it has been seconded by supervisor safai. can we take that motion to excuse our colleague without objection? all right. without objection, that motion passes. madam clerk, can we do a roll
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call vote on the motion that i made to continue the hearing to october 16th, 2018? [roll call] >> supervisor cohen: thank you , very much. thank you colleagues. ladies and gentlemen, thank you. we will see you on october 16th . madam clerk, what is next on the agenda? >> clerk: committee reports, madam president. >> supervisor cohen: all right >> clerk: there is -- there are items 27, 28, 29 we should tackle first. >> supervisor cohen: let's
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call them. >> clerk: it is an ordinance to amend the police code to authorize a chief of police or the jet -- or the designee to provide signed designation of preapplication meetings for neighborhood restricted liquor licenses. >> supervisor cohen: can we take this same house, same call? all right. without objection, this ordinance is passed. next items to be 12 item 28 is an ordinance to amend the house -- health go to have a surplus medications suppository to be overseen by the department of public health. >> supervisor cohen: same house same call? >> supervisor safai: no. i just want to say briefly, i want to thank my colleagues at the public services and neighborhood safety committee. this is a program that was brought to me by a dear friend. someone that started one of the neighborhood free health clinics clinic by the bay. ms. miss janet riley. the program exists with a group called serum that works with the nursing homes, health centres,
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other institutions where people, unfortunately will pass away but there will be a significant amount of medication that would otherwise go into the trash and would pollute our environment and our water stream and our oceans. in this instance, we work with them at a third-party third party vendor and we take that medication. we have worked with the department of public health. i would like to thank our city wide pharmacists for all the hard work, along with the city attorney's office and my staff. we have been working on this for almost a year. it is a little bit difficult with all the coordination, but essentially, once we receive the repackaged medication and we are not talking about nonopioid medication, this is basic medication. the medication that can say people's lives. things like medication for people with asthma, can be expensive and if you don't have medication, it actually raises the cost of the healthcare delivery system because often these patients end up in the
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emergency room which costs all of us and the entire system a lot more money, but also puts the health and safety and welfare of the individuals at risk. so he would take this medication and then it gets redistributed to a network of all of the neighborhood free health clinics i have two in my district. but there is a consortium of neighborhood health clinics all over san francisco that will greatly benefit from this program. so i appreciate the opportunity to speak on this and i know we have had a long day but i wanted to say a few words and supports because we're very proud of this opportunity to serve the citizens of san francisco. thank you, madam president. >> supervisor cohen: thank you supervisor safai. good to hear from you. important ordinance. you know what, list let's take this same house, same call. know ,, not yet. raphael?
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>> supervisor mandelman: i would like to be added as a cosponsor. >> supervisor cohen: ok, thank you. i want to be added too ok. are we ready to dispense of this item? same house, same call? without objection, this ordinance is passed. >> clerk: item 29 is a resolution to determine the premise to premise transfer of a on sale general public liquor license to a business located at 17 '06 post street will serve the public convenience. >> supervisor cohen: ok. same house, same call? ok. without objection, this resolution is adopted. >> clerk: committee report. items 38 and 39 were considered by the budget and finance committee at a regular meeting on thursday, september 27th and were forwarded as committee reports. item 38 was recommended as amended with the same title. a resolution to offer authorize the mayor's office of housing and community development under the california department of housing and community development, no place like home
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program to provide funding for counties to develop multifamily housing specifically for persons with serious mental illness who are homeless or chronically homeless. >> supervisor cohen: seeing no names, colleagues, can we take the same house, same call? without objection, this resolution is adopted. next. >> clerk: item 39 is resolution to declare the intent of the city to reimburse certain expenditures from proceeds of virtual -- feature bonded indebtedness to authorize the mayor process office of housing to submit an application and related documents to the california debt limit allocation to permit the issuance of residential mortgage revenue bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $95 million >> supervisor cohen: same house, same call? the resolution is adopted. could you please call items 40 through 42 together? >> clerk: these were -- they were committed -- considered by the land use committee and were forwarded as committee reports
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but without recommendations. item 40 is the ordinance to amend the general plan to revise the bayview hunter's point area plan in the urban design commerce and industry. recreation and open space element. and to reflect the india basin mixed-use project and adopt the appropriate findings. item 41 immense a planning code to establish the special use district and to make the appropriate findings at item 42 is an ordinance to approve a development agreement book between the city and india basin investment l.l.c. for the project on a 28-acre site located at ennis avenue between griffith -- griffith street in earl street with public benefits >> supervisor cohen: supervisor peskin? >> supervisor peskin: based on our previous action to continue the environmental hearing, i would make a motion to continue these three items to our meeting of october 16th. >> supervisor cohen: all right we can take that without objection? >> second. >> supervisor cohen: i second. we can take that without objection. it will be continue to our next meeting of october 16th.
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next. >> clerk: next on the agenda is roll call for introductions beginning with supervisor tang. [roll call] >> supervisor fewer: thank you last week we voted, no, i'm sorry. i'm so confused. today, along with my supervisor supervisors supervisor is kim, ronan, and ye are requesting the duplicated file has amendment -- minimum compensation ordinance to be heard at the board of supervisors at the next meeting. this legislation covers the critical and complementary increase to $70 an hour for minimum wage, home health care workers and nonprofit workers and once again, these workers care for our elderly and disabled, bathing, feeding and clothing them. they are staff and supportive housing and nonprofit organizations and ensure a clean and livable building for residents.
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the 20,000 plus home health care workers are 88% women 77% people of color with an average age of 58. making $15 an hour, they themselves are one step away from homelessness. we cannot afford to lose these workers. they are struggling to make ends meet and truthfully, these are positions that increasingly are not able to recruit or retain due to the pay and high cost of living in san francisco. i look forward to your support. thank you. >> supervisor cohen: thank you supervisor kim? >> supervisor kim: submit. [roll call] >> supervisor mandelman: colleagues, it has been one year since the city assumed maintenance responsibilities for nearly 100,000 trees in the street tree program. today i am calling for a hearing to better understand the program 's initial impacts, challenges and successes. of the hundreds of calls and e-mails our office has received since july, street trees are the number 2 issue after
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homelessness. one out of every ten because we receive are related to street trees under maintenance or removal. one year into the program, many of our constituents remain confused about how it works, who is responsible for trimming trees, how to make a request for service and how to opt out. we are calling for this hearing to make -- help inform residents about the program. we also see it as an opportunity to engage with city departments, friends of the urban forest and concerned community members about the future of our tree canopy including how to expand the canopy over time. ensuring the san francisco neighborhoods enjoy a healthy growing and well-maintained tree canopy is something previous district eight supervisors have championed and i look forward to carrying on that tradition. the rest i submit. >> clerk: thank you. [roll call] >> supervisor peskin: thank you. i will submit my legislation but i would like to adjourn the meeting in the memory of bob roper.
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commonly referred to at the south rowing club as now but bob roper. a former deputy sheriff. a great character, who in the 1960s, i think it was 1968, set the record for swimming across the golden gate in a 19 minutes and some odd seconds. i can't remember the exact number of seconds but that record has never been broken. bob roper passed away a couple of days ago. i want to adjourn the board meeting in his memory. i will also adjourn the board meeting in the memory of cyrus shaik who worked at momma's in north beach by washington square he was just one of the sweetest souls and i am sorry for daughter and partner. >> clerk: thank you. [roll call] >> supervisor ronen: colleagues, i would also like to adjourn the meeting in memory of
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virginia ramos. better known as the tamale lady. she was known far and wide to many of us, i have a feeling, other supervisors will want to join on, but was especially known in the mission district. virginia had so much love for all the characters to make up san francisco and she was definitely one of those characters. i determined and hard-working women with strong opinions, she lived a colourful and rough life virginia was a true san francisco character. she earned legendary status for her decades of selling delicious tamales a popular watering holes in the mission and beyond. i remember her vividly. she was a big part of my twenties in san francisco. she rolled her cart through the streets serving tamales to the sober and tipsy alike, will liberally dispensing advice, hugs and loved everyone she encountered. she was born in mexico on june 26, 1953 to a single mother
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she learned the art of tamale macon making from her mother and grandmother. they would make huge batches of tamales and sell them at church. she emigrated to san francisco in the eighties where she settled with her seven children in the mission. for decades, she cooked hundreds of tamales in her kitchen and brought them in her cooler to hundreds of hungry patrons and bars throughout san francisco. the business thrive to make -- for many years and she was able to raise her seven children with the proceeds from the tamale goodness and even sent most of them to college. then in 2013, she was barred from selling her tamales at bars a story that gained national attention because it became a symbol of changing san francisco with the support of many, including my predecessor, virginia landed on her feet. she launched a gofundme campaign that raised over $20,000 to help her find her own restaurant space. she took over a place at 16th and up and began the process of
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building and opening a brick-and-mortar restaurant. unfortunately, her plans were interrupted by the lengthy process and expense of opening a brick-and-mortar restaurant in san francisco. at the time of her death, very, very sadly, she was only a few months away from finally realizing her dream. all of san francisco mourns her passing this week. thank you from all of us, virginia, for bringing so much love, joy and really good advice to so many of us throughout our lives. may you rest in peace. >> supervisor cohen: thank you [roll call] madam president? that includes the introduction of new business. >> supervisor cohen: thank you very much. madam clerk, i think that brings us to item 44. public comments. the public may address the entire board of supervisors for up to two minutes on items within the subject matter of the
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board. >> supervisor cohen: thank you >> supervisors, i mentioned earlier i was here at the six hour meeting. i have a leg brace and a back brace and i stayed throughout today. i want to tell you that the years and years of my environmental work are not going to be in vain. i have thousands of articles that i have written. i go before the bay area -- air quality management district and you have some representatives. they don't pay attention when you go to the board. the bay area air quality management district has employees who want to work very hard and they are told destroy the documents and we have not heard anything from our supervisors and we have not heard anything from our board. so on another level, an
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important level, you all know that at hunter's point, equipment was put so that they could register the very, very high levels of asbestos structures. what did they do? which some of you supervisors have taken money from, they removed the batteries. i know. in any project, and more of dubious projects, that supervisors, including mayors take a lot of money. illegal money. they think they can use a mechanism of this money or whatever, but that is blood on your hands. so i don't mind suffering, but i don't like to take painkillers. i will suffer. but i will speak up. i make statements, but there are supervisors that have their hearts in the right place and
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those who get my blogs, they know they have to do what is right. thank you, very much. >> supervisor cohen: thank you , for your comments. mr wright? >> on the 19th of this month, you heard from 90% black skinned coloured people, both male and females pertaining to discrimination based on race. by all of the departments here in the city, i submit to you that you are running a correct and organize enterprise in the city and county of san francisco you originate by ethnic cleansing in the fillmore area by justin herman. any further compound the problem years before them in the forties , with chemical warfare, by using hazardous chemical materials, and the hunter's point area which kills thousands , probably millions of black people. it just flows. as a result of your employment
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discrimination against blacks, and every department within the city, and numerous testimony took place, i find it odd that the two black females in the authoritative position failed to appear. and they have the audacity to tell us about employment and about how you don't appreciate us talking about employment and people who are making $184,000 for sweeping up shipped off the street. and you say it was $80,000 and i was being disrespectful. it is not $80,000 a year they are making. they are making a hundred and 84,000. i appreciate you talking to me like that. it just flows. s.f. glove --, gov, please. the bay area has an increase in modern rent. given the neighborhood sponsors
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with more than 30% of the decrease in the number of low income african-americans, latinos and asians living there. researchers found that the statement -- >> supervisor cohen: thank you mr daltrey? >> do we have two minutes or three minutes? >> supervisor cohen: you have two minutes. >> thank you. it says in the agenda we have three. ok. my name is anubis. good evening to madam president and the fellow board of supervisors. i am a san francisco native and i was homeless for six years on the streets of san francisco in the city that i grew up in. i have come here today for the general public comment to talk about homelessness and the
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attitude that the city seems to have taken towards the homeless population. more than ever, we see that the city is trying to house homeless people but on the same token, it punishes and it criminalizes the homeless population for simply sleeping on the street. i am a person of reason. i understand that people and your constituents have fear of people who commit crimes or perceived to have committed crimes. i understand action seem to be taken when true crimes are committed such as robbery or violent crimes, et cetera. the people should not be criminalized for the simple act of sleeping. and it has become very common in the city for d.p.w. to cave into businesses and even to put barricades on public property,
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but not only dampers, it dampers the ability to survive on the street but the ability for the general public to use public spaces. one example of this would be the u.n. plaza. in summary, i just want -- what i'm asking for is i want this board to send a message to the entire city government and the current mayor, that you will not stand for decriminalized -- of the criminalization of homelessness. >> supervisor cohen: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> tom gilbert d. i mentioned earlier about gavin newsom running for governor. he is the man that pressed court
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against the washington vote. he was saying we need a new formula. so the people of san francisco said to-1 margin, we don't want eight washington. i am wondering, where is he coming from and what his new formula is going to be? again, financial profits. from what i understand, the world --dash the word is fire, now. financial, insurance, real estate runs the world. we have a situation here that we are going to leave behind 25% or 30% affordable housing starting at hundred $20,000. and yet we have social needs in our community. the weave is wearing apart. where are we going to get senior housing?
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where are we going to get foster kid housing? disabled housing? section eight housing? people that are on the margin that can't afford their own homes anymore. people in the margin who can't afford their rents anymore. we need dignity homes. they don't have to be large, but they can be -- they should be placed in every format. especially what we are talking about today in this 15 -- 15,000 or 1500 homes, again. we think 25% is great but how can a teacher make a hundred $20,000 and afford a home here? we need to reweave our society. we need to bring the government back home. times are changing. if we can do this and set this model up here, it can be multiplied into every other community. we need a new direction. thank you. >> supervisor cohen: thank you for your comments. next speaker.
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>> yesterday michael savage made a very interesting statement about christine forward and how she works at some -- christine forward -- and how she recruits ford people for the c.i.a. everything that the american public believes is a lie. what is his name? he was there talking about that. do you remember that guy's name? what ever. this is big. i don't know why rush limbaugh did not say anything about it or sean hannity. i cannot listen to 12 hours a day talk radio. this is big. it makes perfect sense. christine forward -- ford is
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lying about sean kavanaugh. you can't have one big mouth lady bringing down one guy. where are the four people who were in the room. they all said it didn't happen. jesus is unique. he can do that. he said if i bear witness of myself, my witness is true. he said in the law of moses that it is commanded that two or three witnesses, everything will be established. not just one lone witness legacy to. jesus said, i am want to bear witness of myself and my father bears witness of me. do you realize what he is saying there? jesus stands alone. there is no one remotely close to the man, the god to man. he said his father bore witness of him. he said i have greater witness than john the baptist. john is much more than a prophet because isaiah spoke of him. malachi spoke of him, but all of
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the prophets profits bear -- bore witness of him. >> supervisor cohen: thank you next speaker, please. >> thank you. good evening ladies and gentlemen of the board. i am going to try for the third time to talk about 911. you will recall back in 2001, involuntary outpatient psychiatric treatment was a huge issue in california. it was hotly debated in the state legislature and in the past. and then 911 happened. what is the connection? the patriarch -- act was passed. it modify the foreign intelligence surveillance act of 1978 in order to get rid of the requirement that electronic surveillance be conducted for foreign intelligence purposes. also, there is still a requirement that the target of intelligence be an agent of a foreign power. however, that is a low bar to meet. all a person has to do is meet
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the requirement for civil conspiracy, which can mean encouragement. someone who encourages terrorism i could make that. i could meet that by. i am not saying that i ever encourage terrorism but it is such a low bar to meet. there is a lot of grey area. one somebody -- once somebody is under electronic surveillance, what can be done? they can be entrapped into the commission of crime. once they are entrapped, then they can be subject to incompetency to stand trial. they can be designated as incompetent to stand trial. this is a backdoor commitment to root for involuntary outpatient treatment. these people can then be committed and here is the proof. san francisco t.v., please focus on the laptop. an error message. no. ok. fifteen seconds.
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i don't think i will pull this off. there has been 1900% increase in mental health filings. i will never get this. i think i will just run out of time. >> supervisor cohen: perhaps in two weeks. [laughter] >> supervisor cohen: next speaker, please. seeing none, public comment is closed. thank you. i believe the next item for us to deal with our adoption without committee reference? >> clerk: 12 yes items 45 and items 46. a unanimous vote is required for resolutions on first reading today. alternatively, and a supervisor may require a resolution to go to committee. >> supervisor cohen: any members that would like to sever an item? seeing none, can we take this same house, same colloquy without objection, these items are adopted unanimously. -- same house, same colloquy what is next?
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>> clerk: in memoriam. >> supervisor cohen: ok. in memoriam. we had a couple of them. as we get the in memoriam together, i want to announce one thing. october 16th is the next scheduled mayoral appearance. districts one, two, three, and four will be able to submit a topic to ask the mayor a question on. the deadline to submit your topic is noon on october 10th. this is for districts 1-4 to ask and submit a question to the clerk's office for mayoral appearance at the board of supervisors scheduled for october 16th. >> clerk: by noon? >> supervisor cohen: yes, by noon. are we ready? >> clerk: today's meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following beloved individuals. for the late virginia ramos.
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for the late bob roper and cyrus shake. >> supervisor cohen: all right i believe that brings us to the end of our agenda. i want to thank our friends at san francisco television. thank you for assisting us with the broadcast today. is there any other business? >> clerk: that concludes our business for today. >> supervisor cohen: thank you , ladies and gentlemen. we are adjourned. [♪] >> hello.
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i'm shawnna wahlgren with the league of women voters. along with the league and sfgov tv. i am he here to discuss proposition b, a measure that will be before the voters on tuesday, november 6. the city has laws that provide some privacy protections in the collection, storage sharing or use of personal information by the city and its contractors. the city does not have a comprehensive policy regarding the protection of personal information. proposition b is a charter amendment that would provide guidelines to city agencies and officials when they consider proposed laws, regulations, policies, and practices protecting privacy. these guidelines focus on the ensuring that the use of this is transparent, consensual, unbiased, limited, secure and accomplished to accomplish a
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limited purpose. proposition b would require the city administrator by may 20, 2019 to address a resolution to the board of supervisors addressing the use, storage and collection of personal information. it must contain information for the city, third parties who hold contracts or leases for the city, and third parties with permits, grants or licenses issued by the city. a yes vote means if you vote yes, you want to amend the city charter to include privacy guidelines and require the city administrator to propose a privacy ordinance consistent with these guidelines to the board of supervisors. a no vote means if you vote no, you do not want to make these changes. >> i'm here with wendy aragon from privacy first, a proponent of the measure. we're also joined by dr. allison washburn from san franciscans for sunshine and an opponent of the measure. thank you both for being here. >> we're going to start with some opening statements, and
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we'll begin with allison. >> hi. san franciscans for sunshine strongly believe that one, there are no compelling reasons to approve prop b. and two, a very compelling one to reject it. first, prop b is unnecessary, and it's unnecessary for several reasons. the first, the board of supervisors could, right now, pass binding personal data privacy laws without such a charter amendment. two, the privacy guidelines outlined in prop b are nonbinding. these are really nothing more than a declaration of policy disguised as a charter amendment. three. on june 28 of this year, governor brown signed into law ab 375, the california consumer privacy act of 2018. this law expressly preempts and supersedes any and all laws
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adopted locally regarding the sail of consumers' information by a business. second, and the most compelling reason to oppose prop b, it could greatly weaken our voter past transparency law. san francisco has the strongest local government transparency law, which voters passed in 1999. prop b woulden i didn't believe board of supervisors to amend the ordinance without direct input by the voters, and i'll have more about that to say in a minute. >> thank you, allison. wendy? >> hi. so in 2016, we recently learn index 2016, that cambridge analytica manipulated personal information legally obtained through facebook to undermine democracy and help elect president trump. earlier this year, when you unlocked a scooter, you gave
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them permission to run their credit report and share that information with creditors and law enforcement agencies. we look at privacy and the history of violations of privacy, women, people of color, the lgbt community, social activists and the city, which is thanks to our city, immigrants have always been prey to data breaches and privacy violations. so we're going to call ourselves a sanctuary city, we want to make sure we protect all our citizens, including digital privacy. >> the first question is wendy. >> there has been no political will before now to make this happen. what proposition b does is it creates ai charter amendment
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that's very open, nonbinding. all it does is set a mandate that by may 31 of 2019 that the board of supervisors will -- will come up with legislation that addresses privacy on companies in the city that use data and collect data from our citizens and our visitors >> allison, same question to you. what responsibility do you think the city has in regards to privacy? >> i believe the city has enormous responsibility, and as i mentioned, the board of supervisors could immediately pass laws if there were -- there were enough supervisors to get this measure on the ballot, these same supervisors could pass strong ordinances. and then, there's this little wrinkle about the state law which could preempt anything that we pass. so that's to be determined if they will, in fact, do that. but i think it's premature right now to put into the charter
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amendment something as i said before is really -- i listed principles, it's nonbinding. i think the board of supervisors, given the urgency, which we all see, to guard privacy, could pass some laws doing that now, possibly having to tweak them down the road when the state fully itch willments law ab 275. >> thank you. the next question also goes to you. opponents of the measure are concerned about not intended consequences. can you talk a bit about those and whether or not the city has a plan to deal with them? >> the unintended consequences i mentioned in my opening statement is a single sentence buried deep within the proposed charter amendment, and the proponents don't talk about this, but it's there. our group identified, and we thought this is a poison pill. this would enable, say, in the future, we have a board of
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supervisors that is completely opposed to open government. current members support it. not all of them equally, but more or less. but in the future, this could change, and the hard won, voter approved, strong sunshine ordinance could be weakened considerably. so there's no guarantee that this would not happen, and therefore, we strongly oppose this for that one sentence. >> same thing to you, wendy, as a proponent of the measure. >> the author is one of the strongest proponents of the sunshine ordinance and transparency. i personally serve on two committees and city departments. i personally care with the sunshine ordinance. sunshine ordinance met with the author before he wrote this to help him avoid that.
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privacy first comes second only to the sunshine ordinance. the sunshine ordinance takes precedence over it, and right now, we have advocates, myself included that thinks the sunshine ordinance is broken and needs to be stronger. right know we have an empty seat that represents media, and it's defunct. without that, we can't fully look at transparency without that seat being filled. this would help to do that. >> closing statements, allison first. >> i wanted to address the last point. as i said, the poison pill in here, the reason san franciscans for sunshine is opposing prop b is because yes, it could be that -- or it -- we have strong supporters of sunshine now. but that may not be the case in the future. more -- and furthermore, san franciscans for sunshine, a group made up of former members
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of the sunshine ordinance task force, former chairs, myself included, we have spend years working with people in city government to amend, in a kprepssive way, this sunshine ordinance. our intention is to -- comprehensive way, this sunshine ordinance. our intention is to take this back to the voters. the voters pass this in the first place. the california elections code actually has language saying that government bodies cannot easily amend or change what voters have approved, so that's the way to do this. not by taking the risk that down the line, some supervisor or group of supervisors could substantially weaken the sunshine ordinance, so this is otherwise fine piece of
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legislation has this wrinkle in it that, in our opinion mandates that we strongly oppose it. so i urge voters to do the same. >> wendy? >> so we need to start having these conversations and putting policies in place that begin to address the implications of data breaches and privacy breaches. on its most basic level, proposition b and the cities states that sees have an important role to play. in san francisco, the epi center of tech innovation, we can allow that to take, but we also have a duty to our citizens and visitors to remain at the regard began of policy privacy, as well. it is an amendment to our charter to create a policy containing 11 principles that are based on forward thinking regulations from the european union, and it's also a mandate that the city developed legislation by mid2019 and
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revisit that regulation every three years so we can stay ahead of an evolve issue. prop b contains a statement that it may not be implemented in any way that undermines public records laws. privacy is important and it's your right. by voting yes on b, you're asking to put that privacy first and asking public officials to put that first. >> thank you for your comments and your time. we hope this discussion has been inform ative. for more information on this and other measures in the election, please visit the elections website at remember, early voting is available starting at october 8 on city hall from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. if you don't vote early, be sure to vote on tuesday, november 6. .
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transbay joint board meeting is called to order. it is a special meeting that i have called to hear about a plan to reopen fremont street and the sales force transit center. as we all know, a fissure was found last week in the beam. out of abundance for caution that, led to the temporary closure of the transit center. i know everyone joins me in expressing our disappointment at the closure, and we fully support the agency taking action out of abundance of caution and that the public safety always comes first.
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