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tv   Government Access Programming  SFGTV  October 12, 2018 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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that d.p.w. and the city are investing $14 million in the upgrade of fishermen's wharf. it will be beneficial for everyone. as a commission, we need to clearly understand what our investment is in this endeavor and so -- are we getting rid of parking on both sides of the street or just one? >> both. >> right now, there is parking on both sides of the street on two blocks of the three blocks. so one side, two blocks. phase one eliminated parking on two sides for two blocks, plus a third block on one side. but that's already done. >> president brandon: so there will be no parking on the street? >> correct. which could contribute to a fuller triangle lot at other port facilities. >> president brandon: with the parking lot and the proposed
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plaza, if we were to turn that into a permanent plaza or even a part-time plaza, have we looked at what the lost revenue would be on that? >> we have not looked at lost revenue from that corner area yet. and we could make that assessment and look at that versus if it gets used 20 days a year or 200 days a year in return to that. i think that decision would not have to occur at exactly the same time as your larger decisions here, but it's one -- it's port property. it's scheduled -- or it is port of this project, funded as part of this $13.8 million. the use of it, i think the commission has -- >> president brandon: i understand, but our tenants have been telling us for years that parking is vital to their business. so as losing parking, it may have a significant impact on our
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restaurants and our tenants. so i just want to be sure we're looking at everything before we make that decision of what we're going to do. it's hard to understand how you have a parking lot plaza. and how often it will be one or the other. and so just being able to make an informed decision on that piece of it. >> but it is being used as a parking lot today. >> president brandon: yes. >> 20 spaces? it's about 20 spaces we're talking about. out of 165-space lot or -- >> president brandon: that's always crowded, always closed. and so we will be losing spaces if we decide to do it, but need to know what the impact is if we make that decision. i, too, would like to see the less impact to the tenants for
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this project as possible. what are the next steps? >> today is an informational presentation. the next steps are -- we return to the commission with a resolution as described to approve the phase two design and to authorize the executive director to enter into the m.o.u.s with three or four different city agencies for the operation and maintenance on the streets. >> president brandon: by then, will you know what we're doing with the parking lot plaza? >> we're very interested in remaining public works schedule. if you do the math, they want to bid it and go through pre-contract requirements and then start it so they only end up impacting one summer season. we anticipate coming back at the october meeting with the
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resolution. the improvements to that area of the plaza, if approved, would not be affected by the decision as to how it is used. it would probably be difficult to come back with an answer to get the community input back as to the importance of that. we could come back with estimates from the revenue, but also need to question how valuable it is to the community if we change this as a purely public space. >> president brandon: and i want to know the total impact, it could be -- >> it could be 20 spaces. we could come back with a look at that. >> and i would suggest that we need to talk to the merchants.
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and i want to be sure that we have discussion that includes public outreach. >> commissioner makras: how often is the flow in the parking. 180 versus 200. how many times a day are they packed? are they using every spot and multiply it out so we can understand. if they use it every day maximizing, it tilts people for revenue, but if it's only capacity two days a week for one hour, then the impact could be gauged appropriately. >> and we do have a lot of information on the lot and we could generate that. we would like to bring the community's input on this issue
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before the commission as well. and that may take a little longer than just generating the options for the numbers. >> in october, if this is okay with you, dan, we would like you to move forward on your consideration of the project, so s.f. public works can move along on the schedule. if they have a flexible design in the small area of the parking lot that can be plaza or parking, we would like to take time to study that more, work with merchants and make a proposal for how to use that space. we'll have an opportunity to make some decisions down the road. but we want ample time to not have that answer for you in october. i don't think it will be enough time to do the analysis required and it will be a changing environment as we will be eliminating the street parking. so the lot may be used differently. we will study it and work with
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our tenants on it. >> it might be helpful at the october meeting to tell us why the work was done. even though i know it's flexible and don't need to make a decision to move the project forward, i would like to have a deeper understanding because i'm sure it was not d.p.w. staff and our staff that wanted this plaza/parking. so i would be interested to understand the background and how it came about. >> commissioner makras: do they do any valet parking in any way? is it pay on your own? go up to the box? every time i've been there, that's what it's been. or do they split it and sometimes they will valet? >> they do some tandem parking.
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we can address both points in greater detail when we come back in october. >> president brandon: thank you. >> clerk: 14a, request authorizization to award construction contract 2797r, pier 29 utility upgrade and beltline building sewer, rerouting rebid project to cf contracting inc. for amount of $944,250 and authorize a contract contingency fund of 10% for a total of $1,038,675. >> good afternoon. i'm the senior engineer for the port to seek your approval for the award of the contract to
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2797r upgrade to cf contracting incorporat incorporated. i will do part of the presentation. pier 29 and the beltline building, the proposal of the project is to improve flexibility for pier 29 and the belt line buildings. the project at pier 29 is to expand sewer and water beyond the bulkhead area. this will make the space more valuable and easily marketable.
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the connectivity can be added without interrupting the tenants. the belt line building includes recruiting of the sewer line to the city sewer on the embarcadero roadway. the existing sewer line is connected to the pump station inside of pier 29 bulkhead. it will eliminate the need for the pump station inside pier 29.
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as you may recall, on march 27, 2018, we presented this project before you and received your approval for add advertising this project for competitive bid. on june 19, 2018, the port received two bids. both bids exceed the budget by 40%. the bid was rejected and decided to modify the project packaging so a project could be bid and constructed. for the outreach effort, i request tiffany tatum to provide a quick summary.
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>> good afternoon, president brandon and commissioners. i'm tiffany tatum, outreach coordinator for the engineering division and i will be highlighting our outreach efforts for this project. in early july, the port entered into contract for the purpose of outreach on several projects including 2797r. over 100 emails and follow-up phone calls were made to district 10 businesses to inform of the upcoming opportunity and invite them to our town hall meeting. on august 8, engineering staff hosted a meeting to give contractors a chance to meet with the project managers and have discussions about the work. we strongly encouraged all attendees to bid. on the original due date, this
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contract received two bids. five bids were received, redoubling our efforts. i will turn it back over and will be available at the end of the presentation. thank you. >> thank you, tiffany. good job. on december 4, 2018, the port received five bids as shown. because of the budget, they showed the ranking of the bidders.
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the bids were within 6% of each other. the bid from cf contracting was the lowest responsive and responsible bid. it shows the sub contractors for cf contracting incorporating, with the 24% l.b.e. goal. the to ttal contract duration would be 11 months. the final completion will be in october, 2019. the contract with cf contracting
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incorporated in the amount of $944,250. and authorizing a contract contingency fund of 10% for a total authorization of $1,038,675. this concludes my presentation. thank you, commissioners >> president brandon: thank you. >> vice-president adams: so moved. >> second. >> president brandon: any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> commissioner makras: i support. >> commissioner woo ho: i see there's a brief paragraph in the staff report on cf contracting,
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who you recommend as a panel evaluation. and the sfdpw and so just how much of this work that we're asking them to do is the area that they've worked on before. >> this company used subcontractors more than themselves. as you can see, it's a system, 30.6% for the base bid there.
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they used -- you can see that they used -- >> the commissioner's question is what relative experience does this firm have in the job that was performed for winning the contract. >> i would like to ask my project manager to come up here. >> okay. >> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is david wu. i was the person for staff report for advertisement by the commissioner. so i'm a mechanical engineer at the port and project engineer and manager of the project.
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when we received the documents from the contractors, we evaluated the requirements and experience, etc. ch for this particular contractor, they submit more than maybe 15 references and they've done some projects with the city, including airport of san francisco and -- >> in the area of this, i mean,
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was it the same type of work? that's what i was trying to understand. >> most of the projects they've done basically are on zero engineering like roads -- i mean, roadways and pavement and facilities. >> okay. so they're general contractors? >> yeah. and also some small amount of -- in the street. so the main thing is they basically supplied the plan to the subcontractor. >> do we evaluate the sub contractors? >> this contractor was working with the port for one of my
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really big projects. do you remember, the one on taylor street for all those restaurants, down the pier, piping replacement for the whole pier, pier 49, along taylor street. that was my big project about in 2011-2012. >> and just to clarify, we evaluate the prime contractor. but they, of course, assemble the team that has the relative expertise. so there is a lot of sub contracting work here with experience with sewer repair and we collected them on the low bid and years of experience including a lot of city projects. >> i guess what my question was -- because this is very specific work -- i'm trying to understand since it's a general contractor
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subbing out, which has -- and we're also very focused on our l.b.e., etc., but do we evaluate the subs, too, to know that they have the expertise we need? >> yes. >> that's what i wanted to be sure. >> to answer your question, this subcontractor's california-specific, yeah. they are one of the sub contractors working on the taylor street. >> okay. so you know them. okay. >> commissioner makras: does the subcontractor meet the qualifications as the contractor? >> yes. and it is -- >> commissioner makras: same qualifications? >> yes.
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does that answer your question? >> president brandon: yes. thank you. >> commissioner gilman: all i want to say is to congratulate staff. i've only been on the commission for 5 months, but for every bid, the outreach, he just want to say nice job. >> vice-president adams: i'm good. thank you. >> president brandon: thank you for this presentation. i just wanted to clarify. in the staff report versus the summary, you have m.b.e. on the team. is there an m.b.e. on this team? and then it says for alternative bids, will they be doing that or -- >> on the table, we show the
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l.b.e., which is 24%. this is for the base bid. we don't use them in the evaluation. we only evaluate 21.4%. >> but are they working on the project? will the m.b.e. firm work on the project? >> yes. will work on both projects, because we plan to award a-1 and a-3. >> so this is an issue of the base bid and bid alternate. >> yes. >> for the c.m.d. review, they just looked at the base bid to see if the contractor was complaint with the rules of the ordinance. because we're pulling the trigger on the alternate, we have additional l.b.e. participati participation?
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>> correct. >> what will their participation be? >> i don't have that. i don't have the number here. at the time, we knew it would meet the code there, so the number, we did not put in the table, so i have to look at the report one more time. >> they're not in the staff report. that's the thing. >> we'll look at the a big documents. >> to make the bid work, we took out alternative two. is that something that we need to do in the future or will we just not do that anymore? >> we'll do that in the future. at this time the port maintenance, to do that with our own labor, the budget that we've
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try to find from somewhere, but cheaper than using our own labor to do it. but it will be done. >> can we use our own labor to do the whole project? [laughter] >> good afternoon. i just wanted to point out the a-3 and a-1, both had up to $119,000 -- >> i show $113,000. >> $113,000. >> i want to thank you for the outreach and the bids you got in. thank you for the hard work. all in favor? resolution 1855 has been approved. >> clerk: item 15, new business. >> president brandon: is there any new business? >> i would like to ask -- i have a request and it's a future
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commission meeting. today we approved mission bay landing and we know the budget for that, i think $30 million, $40 million, whatever it is. big number. i think in line with the fact that we are looking to could more water transportation and we have a lot of projects that are hitting the waterfront going forward, i think it would be good for us to understand besides doing a full-fledged ferry landing like mission bay, what are the alternatives that we can for water taxis, what are the alternatives for a floating dock, so we know, how do you set up a network, transportation network, for water transportation throughout the port and what are the alter attives natives? full-fledged ferry landings take
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time, money and effort. and we need to look at more or less better cost alternatives. so when we're approached, we know it may be a responsibility instead, other than doing it one by one, one by one. and it will take forever to build a network. this commission is in favor of having a network of transportation, but you have to facilitate that in the inf infrastructure somehow. we need to go into the infrastructure. the second one, i was struck by jefferson street today. and we approved many months ago selling fish off the boats. and it was a pilot. so i'm wondering if we can get an update, how has that pilot fared in terms of selling fish off the boats. because that seemed to -- we had a lot of discussion on that
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item. in part, how to do it and if it was requesting to work. it would be interesting to know what the progress was made and what are the results. thanks. >> commissioner makras: and to follow up, if there is problems with the quality, health department complaints or anything that fell out of that. >> president brandon: any other new business? >> i had one. will we have an informational meeting on this ferry building and what is happening with it and the future and -- >> yes. >> and pier 70 would be a good one, too. >> president brandon: any other new business? >> vice-president adams: i make a motion that we adjourn in the
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memory of sister veronica sanchez and may she rest in peace. >> second. >> president brandon: all in favor. meeting adjourned. 5:40. . >> shop and dine the 49 promotes loophole businesses and changes residents to do thirds shopping
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and diane within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services we help san francisco remain unique and successful where will you shop and dine shop and dine the 49. >> my name is neil the general manager for the book shop here on west portal avenue if san francisco this is a neighborhood bookstore and it is a wonderful neighborhood but it is an interesting community because the residents the neighborhood muni loves the neighborhood it is community and we as a book sincerely we see the same people here the shop all the time and you know to a certain degree this is part of their this is created the neighborhood a place where people come and subcontract it is in recent years we see a drop
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off of a lot of bookstores both national chains and neighborhoods by the neighborhood stores where coming you don't want to - one of the great things of san francisco it is neighborhood neighborhood have dentist corrosive are coffeehouses but 2, 3, 4 coffeehouses in month neighborhoods that are on their own- that's hello, everyone. welcome to kelly cullen community. i'm an assistant manager here. we have a general manager and another assistant manager. kelly cullen community is located at golden gate and we
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are formally the ymca. we provide 172 efficiency studio units for chronically homeless people. we're glad to do so. we also have a health clinic downstairs, social workers on site, and also nurses. we thank you all for coming out. now we'd like to just welcome senator wiener. >> thank you, i want to thank the community for hosting us here today. this is an amazing facility and amazing. this is a fantastic example of what san francisco is about. it's about helping our most vulnerable residents. helping people succeed and be housed and healthy. that is what the city of saint francis is about. i'm so proud to be a san francisco an and to represent
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this great city and the state senate. so, i first want to thank governor jerry brown, for signing senate bill 1045 into law. this bill is a significant step forward in taking a new approach to the epidemic of mental illness and severe drug addiction we see playing out on our streets every day. not just in san francisco but cities throughout this state. this is not progressive to sit by while people unravel and die on our streets. to be clear, we are not talking about most homeless people. large majority of homeless people are not what this bill is about. this is about a small percentage of chronic homeless people, who are incapable of making decisions for themselves due to severe mental health and drug addiction issues. who are incapable of accepting
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services. we need to help these people and we need to stop just letting people unravel and die on our streets. the city of san francisco and other cities have told us, is that the current conservativeship laws in california, are not meeting the meets, particularly of people with severe drug addiction. people who are cycling in and out of the psyche of emergency room and they're backout on the streets unraveling more and more. we need to help get these people into housing, into services, get people stable and healthy and do everything we can to get their lives on track and that is what senate bill 1045 is about. this is not about mass institutionalization. this is about really focusing on relatively limited number of
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people who are dying on our streets and helping to get them stable and into housing. i want to thank my colleague, assemblyman chiu for supporting this bill. i want to thank the city of san francisco, particularly mayor breed and supervisor mandelman. they have just been champions for this bill. they actually came up to sacramento to testify in committee in favor of the bill. they're that committed to it. and i know that they will work hard to implement it. this is not the end of the road. this is going to be a long-term state-local partnership where we will work together to make sure that san francisco has the tools and resources that it needs to help our most vulnerable residents survive and thrive. so with that, it's my honor to bring up our great maryland mayn
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breed. >> the hon. london breed: thank you so much for your leadership. trying to address what we know ar major challenges, throughout our city, with people who struggle with mental illness. it's something that is going to require leadership from both local and state officials and senator scott wiener and david chiu have been moving forward incredible policies that will help us implement the things that will be important to addressing these issues. i want to thank governor jerry brown for signing sb1045. i probably harassed him every single day until it was done. we didn't get the safe injection site bill signed but we are not going to give up hope. there's still work to be done in that effort. but this is a great first step. what wore doing here in san francisco is, we are working to begin the process of passing legislation, through the board of supervisors, so that we can
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implement this law right here in san francisco. i've already given directions to the department of aging and adult services. our human service agency and the department of public-health to begin working with the public defender, the district attorney office as well as the superior court so that we develop the right legislations here in san francisco to move it forward so we can implement this policy. i want to thank supervisor rafael mandelman for being a supporter and champion in this effort. we know there are challenges. many of you know, today we announced we will be opening another 1,000 new shelter beds here in san francisco by the end of 2020. that is important. we have to build housing and no we're not building housing fast enough. we also need places for people to go because clearly, sleeping
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on the streets is not a humane situation right now here in our city. part of moving forward with providing more shelter beds also means making sure that we have more mental health stabilization beds for people as we move them through this system for the purposes of trying to get them conserved so they can live healthy and productive lives. this is not just trying to -- we're not just trying to force someone into a situation. this is about helping people get healthy and stabilized. we all know what is happening here on our streets is unacceptable. currently, we're using our hospitals and our jails to cycle people with mental illness in and out of the hospitals, in and out of the jail systems and they are not getting healthy. they are not getting better. we need new solutions.
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we need bold leadership to move forward with the kinds of solutions that are going to be effective and deliver what we need. our next steps are to pass legislation. our next steps are to fund an open new mental health stabilization bed. our next step are to continue to work collaboratively in order to deliver what we know will make the difference on our streets. shelter beds, mental health stabilization beds, building housing, provided supportive services for people we know that are struggling here in our city and dealing with the inequality gap that we know continues to persist, not only in san francisco but throughout the country. we are making -- this is a great, great step and i remember back in late january, early february, where we were at community housing partnership building the richardson apartments, which i absolutely
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love, 120 units of supportive housing for people who were normally homeless and struggle with mental illness. the perfect example of a place that we have in san francisco to help address many of these challenges and we have to open more places like that. more supportive services that are going to help us get people who are chronically mentally ill and suffering from homelessness off the streets into a safe environment and healthy. so that all of us in san francisco are thriving and no one is left behind. i want to thank each and everyone of you for being here today. i'd like to introduce someone who is also been a champion in the assembly with so many incredible pushes for legislation, including making sure we build more housing and the state helps us in that effort. ladies and gentlemen, assembly member david chiu. >> thank you, very much.
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good morning. let me first start by thanking mayor breed for your bold and innovative leadership as we move forward in dealing with the intensity of the crisis that we've all experienced in recent years. today is a good day for san francisco. today is a good day for the city of saint francis. i want to thank so many folks responsible for moving sb1045 but of course the team behind me. starting with my colleague, who is both a physical and a figurative giant when it comes to moving forward important and bold things, like this bill. a couple months ago, the team behind me came to the assembly judiciary committee i serve on. we explained that san francisco needs this. first, because people are dying on our streets. it is not humane to allow folks to die in the streets when we can do something in the city of saint francis. we know there are things we can do. there are services we can
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provide. there are roofs we can build. that's why this is so incredibly important. and one thing i also said to my colleagues, as they were looking at all of us as sa san franciscs is we represent the diversity. not just how we look but we represent diversity of views who all believe the same thing. that we have to saves the lives of folks dying on our streets. we also know that with sb1045, we're going to make a good step forward. it is not the last step. we need so many new things. this is why mayor breed's announcement around a thousand shelter beds so incredibly exciting. i want to thank governor brown and our colleagues, not just for signing this bill, but for signing my bill that will create streamlining to build supportive housing in the state of california. gill gillman from community housing partnership, we've worked together in moving forward project for formerly homeless individuals that took years when they should have been
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entitled within months. our bill will make sure we get more done. if voters have their way in november, we'll have, with propositions 1 and 2, another $6 billion of funding coming from the state to build affordable housing and supportive housing for chronically homeless folks. we can do it. this is the city of saint francis and i'm proud to be part of this. with that, it is my honor to introduce the newest memberrest board of supervisors but someone who for his entire life has been fighting to make sure we're addressing the challenges. rah y'alrafael mandelman, come . >> thank you. good morning, everybody. i want to start by thanking senator wiener, again, for your incredible work on this important piece of legislation at a time when the federal have left cities like san francisco to fend for ourselves in the face of a terrible homeless crisis. we're so lucky to have senators like senator wiener and
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assemblyman chiu. i also really want to thank mayor breed, for your commitment to implement sb105 so we have every tool possible in our toolbox. every san francisco an has had the experience of walking out our doors and seeing people who are clearly sick and unable to take care of themselves. as compassionate as san franciscans may be, it's not the job of neighbors to take care of people struggling from mental illness and substance abuse. it's the job of the government to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves. sb1045 is not a panacea, it won't solve all problems. it shows the commitment of the city, of our legislative delegation in sacramento and us here in san francisco to make sure that sick and vulnerable people get the care that they need. we are just starting the local conversations. those who are skeptical about
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this legislation will be heard. there is going to be a robust process that engages providers and advocates but i think we can all agree that the status quo is not acceptable and that we need to get sick people off of our streets. we're going to have a conversation about assisted out patient treatment but at the end the day we ned inform move people off the streets and indoors. i also want to extend my great thanks to mayor breed, for recognizing that we need to invest more in shelter beds, more off ramping for people who are homeless. no one should be living on our streets and no one should have to live on our streets and i know and i'm so grateful that mayor breed shares that tremendous commitment. i'm looking forward to doing this work with the folks behind me and the folks out here. i think we're going to make some real progress and we are going to show that san francisco is the city that knows how. with that, i would like to invite our next speaker, the c.e.o. of community housing
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partnership. [applause] >> thank you, supervisor. before i start i also want to thank senator wiener and mayor breed, who earlier in the year announced we were advancing this measure. community housing partnerships mission is to help homeless people become self-sufficient. what we know is that as individuals spend more and more time on our streets, without stable housing their conditions worsen. their health conditions are more chronic. their mental illness and substance abuse is more chronic because it's harder and harder for them to seek services and treatment. this is one tool, this is one option, for a small group of people that can help really stabilize and change their lives. we also need treatment on demand. safe-injection sites, more shelter beds, and navigation cr and supporting housing all things that mayor breed, senator wiener and assembly member chiu
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are championing for. we know with the right levels of support, homeless individuals can stabilize, rebuild their lives, peace by peace and many of them become thriving members of their community. they become activists, some of them are here today. they go back to work. they start rebuilding their lives. community housing partnership this year had 75 individuals exit supportive housing into the private market and become fully self-sufficient, opening the slots for people living on our streets and in shelters. community housing partnership believes that every tool should be available to help individuals that can't help themselves. it's our pleasure to be supportive of sb1045. thank you. >> senator wiener. >> i want to thank you for being here today. that concludes the press conference and folks will be available for questions one-on-one. thank you, very much.
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>> good morning, everyone and thank you for coming my name is rosy form treasurer of the united states and the form of empowerment 2020. >> yeah. >> empowerment 2020 is an initiative to durnl encourage a million women we 2020 to go in leaders positions it is request quality day and the one hundred year of the 19 amendment that give woman the right to vote joining me on stage a margo the ceo of ma tell. >> (clapping.)
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>> 74 percent have been girls in middle school express interest in office only girls are expressing an interest in computer science 50 percent less graduating are for girls than thirty years ago i've spent 8 years of the treasurer of the united states to have a portrait on the photo in our public engagement process there were one hundred of women overlooked in the history of our country many tops will be discussed and empowerment 2020 conference everything there empowering young women and girls to be the future leader to encourage women to get into stem education and getting into nasa and google and making sure that they are part of tech economy. >> the second part of
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empowerment 2020 is women money and power to put women in so and so positions for the corporate fleet and elected office the third part of empowerment 2020 are the conferences their action oriented women have flatlined at 20 percent on that percentage one and 20 percent women a in congress that is stagnated if we get up to thirty percent fabulous 80 percent would be amazing that conversation is equality will be something we're used to as pair the culture i'd like to that that will be done in 2020 but ifyou. >> as a voter you have a choice on how you can vote you might cast your vote by mail or vote
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earlier in city hall if you choose to vote earlier you'll go to our powell plays might be a church or in regards garage they'll make the voting as uncomplicated as possible yes what does 3 take to be a poll working and what exactly does a poll work working do letting meet some. >> aim jack. >> i'm co-author la. >> i'm tiffany and charles and my name is elizabeth i'm jeff i'm bruce hi, i'm karin a full-time student addressed city college i've been a pole working for 10 years. >> for 13 years your 10 or the 9 or 10 years. >> those poll workers and
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thousands are an essential part of election day 31 they provide the safeguarding of democratic processed there's a feeling in the poll place you're a feeling of something that has a special place in the world the democratic process in the united states is model to the rest of the world. >> it's a relay sequence e sense you're part of that history and being able to keep that going and it is really does feel good. >> i feel overhead this is a great civil dude and get a different idea. >> in my residential area i dale feel i'm transbay joint powers authority to the community as a wloel in the communi community. >> so san francisco poll workers have a service based mission the
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first to protect the voter rights we make sure they understand the rights on the ballot and the right to an essential polling place and many languages around english. >> it's like someone that didn't know how to read i'm more happy to help you like i'll help you. >> the second part to serve the voters like workers and language they respect the voter and finally the last myths is offsets the which i see to come to the polling place. >> this takes a lot of pole working for each election they higher 26 hundred pole workers to staff over 5 hundred polling places this chose 6 senate victories and thousand clerks
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and high school students. >> look at the address of our polling place on line or visit it a day beforehand. >> every pole worker has been trained the election department holds for one hundred hundred clads a month before the election they vary into one and a half to 3 hours and classes focus on the right to voters including language and other access right for voter and step up polling place and equipment and procedures for voting and vote and mail. >> the election office is constantly streamlining the process so there the good of the training in order to tap into the continuing better process in their creating. >> pole workers learner about clothing procures like
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completing the posted ballets and transferring the memory packs and others materials for the traffic officers or deputy sheriff. >> i like how the training every year improves. >> so as the inspector the first is all introduce user to the collect and assign them their job cards. >> a polling place nodes someone to supervisor and that pole working is called an inspector and responsible for that four or five clerks they get hands on experience. >> you're also going to be doing other things at 12 o'clock and 3 o'clock to the inspector needs to hang into this. >> the inspector makes sure that the polling is smooth and greets people in a way with respect to make sure they're going to the procedures so not
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only in the step of that but in the actual process during the day and the process of breaking the equipment down and tab latino making sure all the numbers gets to the sheriff's deputy and to the city and county. >> they're a key holder on election day they wear a i can rove that hat audience this is the voting machine. >> after the training inspections pickup bottles and other supplies their polling places need on election day. >> this is for the briefing. >> inspectors are responsible for the chain of custody of ballot they sign for the battles and have you ever had your deposition taken transfer it to a deputy sheriff's at the end of the day. >> that's one of the things i thought attracted to this to learner about the voting process and knowing that at the end of
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all this we take great pains to make sure that the routes are secure and save and delivered back to the ballet department. >> their seals rewe having to put occupy the equipment and make sure that carry the key it secures the ballot machine so we have to be keen you know i'd say and areas open on dale what was going on election die when the voter voted if they messed up we've got to void that we have to keep track and get for every step as well as the procedural exponent to transfer the battles at the end of the nicest to the sheriff's detective and the memory card and data make sure those don't get tampa everyday with. >> each inspectors manual excludes the cards that lifts
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different pole workers dudes. >> there's one person that sets up the booth and others that set up equipment and again, we follow it step by step. >> we willfully with such culture diversities san francisco has many languages spoken everyday to meet of diverse challenge the department of election assigned chinese pole workers spanish speakers to 2 hundred and 17 predicts and filipino to one hundred and thirty predictability and vietnamese and japanese to 7 priblts and there's a lot of chinese speaking people so there's been at least 2 people on staff that speak chinese and really comes in handy. >> they choose that pen.
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>> i'd like to say that 70 percent of powell workers come back election after election that's inspiring they're returning. >> many people are glad to see us we know we're in the predict we are there in the election before. >> i know people expect to see me now it is a regular occurrence so oh, you're working this one yeah. >> there's a sense of trust they believe in us and they'll be protected. >> working as a precinct worker learners about the process. >> once you see the process you gain a new respect so i'll encourage 80 anyone to get the experience. >> the department of elections needs new workers they're looking for new powell its go to
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sf >> let's talk a little bit about the format and get this party started. all right. after you make your opening statements, i have two little bags. my little bags. the questions have been divided into, how will you get it done? and working with the community? you all have had these questions in advance, most of them. so they shouldn't be a surprise to you. but each candidate will be asked one question and a different question at a time, okay? and we'll go through the questions. if we run out of