tv Government Access Programming SFGTV October 18, 2018 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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right now but i was familiar with one in the mayor's outreach and looking for candidates. i will say they did interview a number of chinese candidates and they spent a lot of time in a very long complicated process before selecting the new commissioners that are seated tonight. mr. taylor and mr. brooketer but i know it's very much on the mayor's mind. it's on the board of supervisors' mind as well. i have, in my role as a commissioner, tried to be a bridge to the broader asian community. that includes the chinese community. i have been involved in a number of events in the chinese community including chinatown, at some of the events that have been involved i've attended. like the a.p.i. council. which is a organization that is
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made up of different asian-american organizations. i think you have a legitimate concern. i'm trying to fill the role as best i can. i do think everybody is aware of your concerns. >> i'm very new to this community meeting. i wonder how many years you are going to serve on this term? >> so we each are appointed to a four-year term. as commissioners generally are reappointed a few times and then some new blood comes in or mr mr. mazzucco has been here for nine years. i think that's always a concern for all of the city leaders. >> thank you. >> i just went google online and realize the asian police officer, the largest minority
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group to i want to bring this up. thank you. >> thank you. [applause] >> hi. my name is melody ron and i'm a senior here at si. i have a question for the officers. so, the station is located across the street from lincoln high school. i know your probably aware of the presence of gang recruitment that targets students that are our age, such as like other c.t. gangs. knowing this, i was wondering what the general attitudes officers have towards teens are and how strongly this is this perception is affected by profiling. such as what students wear or how they look and who they're
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with. do officers more commonly give the benefit of the doubt towards teens or do they seem we're just like kids up to know good? >> good evening. i'm not aware of any gang activity in any of our schools. it doesn't mean it's not occurring. i am aware that there have been some issues in students that have been arrested for different crimes, but not specifically gang-related crimes. so it's something i'm interested in. we can speak off line. it's something that i'd like to relay to my school resource officers if there is an issue and it's something i can also speak to your principal about if you have specific concerns. >> i also think the chief has done some work with trying to
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engage the youth with officers and has done some training. i don't know if you want to speak to that, chief scott. >> so, engaging with the youth and the training that the commissioners are referring to, we did a module of training called policing the team. it is really good training. i sat through it myself before i came to san francisco police department. basically it gets officers to better understand how the teenage brain thinks. there's a lot that goes into the training in terms of brain development. some of us that have teenage kids we understand it. but even me having have raised three i didn't understand it
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like i did after the training. [laughter] >> that's why they didn't do what i said. it does give us a much greater understanding of how to interact and engage with people that are more likely to be subject to what you just described. i mean, even if the gangs aren't in the schools, we know there's a gang presence in our city. a lot of times, even if they're not in our city, people come over from other cities and engage with kids who live here in the city. it's a really big deal. the other thing with our community engagement division and our district stations is we do a lot of engagement with kids in terms of things that are non confrontation able. when you talk to people you get an understanding of where they're coming from. we officers coaching sports teams. we have officers taking kids on trips to began ghana and africd
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where we just spend time with young kids. i say folks. with young people. we can better engage with them and i myself, i meet quarterly with the youth commission. i have a really bright group of individuals and they bring a lot of perspective. the more engagement we do the better we are with addressing issues that impact our youth and how we police that segment of our population. thank you for that. >> just to adjust your specific concern. i want to make sure you know and everyone in this room knows if your seeing something or there is gang activity in the city. there is. there is gang recruitment. so if something is happening at your school that makes you uncomfortable, everyone here should know that law enforcement will listen to you. no one is looking at you as if you don't have something important to say and no one is assuming things about you. your voice is important and the things you experience are important. and so if something happened with making you uncomfortable and you have a crime to report i want everyone in this room to feel very comfortable doing
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that. it's important. that's how the police is able to solve crimes through people like you. you are an important part of the process. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> hi. my name is know he will an noel. as commissioners with little to know experience being police officers, what validates your position to change police policies? >> good question. >> very good question. >> all right. [laughter] >> who wants to start? >> officer as myself, you know, actually, as i said i was a prosecutor for 20 years both state and federal so i've worked with the san francisco police department closely. i was in the gang violence unit and the u.s. attorney's office. i worked on organized crime drug enforcement. i did all different cases. i worked with the federal
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agencies and police departments throughout the country. i'm also a son of a san francisco police officer. most of the people i went to sacred heart became san francisco police officers or went to jail. you are part of the community. those of us in the criminal-justice system, the public defenders, the prosecutors, we understand how the system works. that's why we're here. we also learn how the police department works. the new commissioners do what i've done, they go to the station and do ride alongs and they talk to the officers and they talk to people and we come from different backgrounds. we're the liaison between the community and police. it gives us a different perspective than the officers have and we have to listen. one thing, there has to be a dialogue and in this day and age there's not a lot of dialogue. a lot of people are screaming at each other. we have dialogue of the community. we have dialogue with the officers. the best example i can give you is why we're good, we have, for
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what we do, the d.p.a. has a mediation program. and in this program, if you made a complaint against captain, you say the captain came up to me using a deep voice, staring at my hands, he was rude. he was treating me like i was a criminal. in this mediation, you will both sit in a room together and he will explain to you that well, the first level use of force is a voice. they're looking at your hands because the hands are what kills them. that's what they're doing. they're training. it doesn't mean anything personal. he hears it made you feel real bad. it made you feel like you are being treated like a suspect or being pointed out. you sit in a room and have that conversation, a dialogue. so that's what we do. we do that on your behalf. commissioners -- >> and the police department are held to a higher standard. they have the ability to use force and in some circumstances they can use their gun and they can take a life.
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it's governed by-laws. there are statued that are govern. use of force, search and sees you're, warrants, those are you will a type of law we learn in criminal defense and they have statues and case law on that. as well as there's employment law, there's laws that govern discipline as well as community. i think a lot of people can really understand the law. we talked about the general orders. really the general orders sets the policy that incorporates a lot of the law that is part of what governs the department. it's all intertwined. >> i want to be perfectly honest with you. i'm not an expert on a lot of areas. as they come up, i have to become an expert. you leash that as a commissioner and you do it in life. when i had children i was not an expert for raising children.
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they had to figure it out as they went along. we have to immerse ourselves as those issues come up and be as part on those issues as we can be become. we meet with community groups. we just don't meet with police officers or the command staff. we meet with community groups. we meet with experts who were outside of san francisco. we talk and visit other police departments. we all have expertise that relates to what we're doing now as commissioners. as a panel of seven, we have a broad range of knowledge but we have to rely on one another. i will never tell you i'm an expert. >> thank you. >> thank you, very much. >> next speaker. >> i was going to speak as the ole one that's not a lawyer. to your question, i work with
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800 young people during the summertime. we just did two projects and two programs. so i think one of the things that he talked about is we get to see what works when we work with our officers. because i get to actually be on the ground and spend time with folks who have trauma or are going through trauma, we focus with people who are incarcerate. i hear those individual problems and say this is going on and it helps inform what we're doing around bias and what we're around recruitment and spending time. the chief speaks about engagement. while not being an expert, engaging with the officers and see what they go through on a day to day basis makes us that much more informed and then allows you to be the voice and community. all my colleagues here are he is esteemed and intelligent. i get to be the voice, we're going to break it down and this
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is what communities understands and looks like. that's the lens that i bring to the table. >> thank you. >> i didn't hear anything about hate crimes. does the department track hate crimes? second, part two, is it part of the academy training or refresher training and if not, i attended the international chief of police last week and went to hate crime training and i would certainly with some clearance would like to honor them for hosting that training for departments or any departments in the bay area.
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>> yes, we do track hate crimes and hate crils ar crimes are a . we take them seriously. there's mandatory reporting. when it meets the criteria and rises to a level of hate crimes, we track hate incidents. we sent several of our personnel to the international association of chiefs conference. i'm quite sure that someone went to the same seminar you went to. it is a big deal. we track it. we have an investigative unit that works and investigates the hate crimes. it is a big deal in terms of what we do. i mean, these crimes particularly when they're based on hate and bigotry, they're
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very disturbing. the commander in the back of the room and deputy chief redmen get notified on them and they make sure all the protocols are being followed and it's taken seriously. >> having been in the d.a.'s office, i think we're one of the first injurfirstfirst jurisdict. because of san francisco, it was one of the first d.a. offices with hate crimes unit along with the san francisco department. it's the fourth and so -- >> so -- thank you, i appreciate
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that. >> is this part of the curriculum of the k academy. >> yes, it is. >> thank you, chief. >> next speaker. anything else. you have great questions. come forward. hi, my name is catherine. i'm a senior. i know the department of justice gave over 200 suggestions to the san francisco police department some are some of those suggestions and what steps are being taken on this suggestion. >> there's a lot. >> everything from when we have an officer-involved shooting, who should be notified. when they should be notified. we have to address our highering to ensure that we have a police department that row reflects the community. to deescalation techniques. recommendations we have tasers that we explore that option. we don't have those. they've been approved.
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recommendations about supervisor certain situations, recommendations. i mean there's numerous recommendations. we have groups. a lot of the reforms have been put in place. the u.s. department of justice decided they were not going to facilitate this. the state department of justice is in the process of that during an m.o.u. with the police commission. we have the ultimate say in all policy and pressure. no one else. and the police department we have a group of officers that have basically are deal with all the reforms. there was a lot of reform. with this chief that we're we want the best practices. we're ahead of the cushion a lot of these issues. there's conversations about our
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>> the last thing we're going to say is the biggest thing they have is the use of force policy. it was 20, 25 years old that's one of the issues, the biggest issues we have in the department. we do change that policy, and it was taken, it was opposed by the police officers union and taken up all the way, i think, to the supreme court, just like last month and they ruled in our favor. we put it in, we implemented
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that right away and they tried to stop it, but it's in place, so that was the biggest one. >> great question, though. students are killing it. great question. >> you may have broached this already, but why did it take so long, or what was the process to authorize the use of tasers? it's been talked about for years. it's revisited every few years, and finally the commission went through about a four-month analysis, where we had experts come, we read probably the equivalent of two manhattan phonebooks worth of material, we interviewed people who are experts on the deal, talked to other departments. the commission finally voted 4-3 last year, i think it was november, to approve the use of tasers.
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the board of supervisors decided not to fund the use of tasers. i have not talked to them specifically. i've heard they wanted to see more of the suggested recommendations from the department of justice implemented before they would fund the use of tasers, but that's the log jam. i mean, this is a democracy and work, and this is what happens. it's messy, you have different groups who have input and have decision-making authority. we've approved it, we're waiting to implement it, we hope it gets funded as soon as possible, and that's where we are right now. >> and if i can say, it's much more complicated. it's not a simple weapon. it is a weapon, first of all, and it's not that simple, and there are a lot of people who have died, there are departments who are pulling out from using tasers. it's an issue in the law, as well. very complicated. so it was a split vote in this commission. >> and i think, you know, we just had in a neighboring
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jurisdiction a young man die from the use of taser, which i believe is under investigation right now, and a lot of the signs from that, that are public at this point is that an individual in a mental health crisis who is not hurting anybody else, was repeatedly tased, and died as a result, and that's a person. and that's not something that we as a commission are willing to have on our conscience, so we want to make sure that our officers are trained in these devices so if they are used, they are used propererly, they are not used in a way where we take a life of a fellow san franciscan, who's through no fault of their own undergoing mental health crisis. so this commission is taking it very seriously, as commissioner hirsh mentioned. there's a lot of history, a lot of studies, a lot of medical and
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policy decisions that had to be considered, but at this point the commission has passed the use of tasers, a policy is in place, and that's one of the importance of the crisis intervention training, because now our officers are trained that when somebody's in distress, when somebody's undergoing a psychiatric episode, that force is not the ideal first option. it should be the last option. and so, you know, we're trying to do this in a way that preserves all life and preserves the safety of our citizens, our officers, and everybody. >> and you can see where it's a very -- we as a commission really worked with each other. even if we have different opinions, we basically work through this. you know, and at the end of the day, some of us made the decision that, you know, tasers are lethal, candidly, in some
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instances. some people say it's less lethal than being shot with a firearm. i'm one of the few commissioners, probably the only commissioner has when i was a d.a. and twice in the u.s. attorney's office responded to officer-involved shootings. and i can tell you right now, not a single one of these men and women in this room go to work thinking they are going to be involved in a fatal shooting. and when you're there, when you see what they go through, they are a mess. that's not what they want to do. their job is to save lives, and when you're there and you see them after this has happened, it's a terrible experience for everybody involved, so we're trying to limit the number of those incidents that the officers have to be involved in, that family members who have children and relatives who are in mental health crisis, we want to make sure we do it right, and the order that we pass is probably one of the most restrictive uses of a taser in anywhere in the country. it's not going to be used because someone is not complying with you in a traffic stop. you have other techniques. it's only used as a last resort
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when the only thing left for you to do is use your firearm. that's the way we have it at this point, correct? >> that's correct, but the manufacturer also says there's a warning not to use it on the mentally ill and that's really one of the facets or area that's been focused on, and so if the manufacturer says it's dangerous to use on the mentally ill, is that what we really want to do? especially when they are not committing the crime, they are there because they haven't taken their medication and they go and if they get tased, they die. that's not what the family wanted at all. so it's complicated. >> very complicated. thanks for your question, though. any further questions? i see one more coming up. >> you talked about trying to reduce traffic violations and traffic collisions, and i know other cities in the bay area have allowed the use of self-driving cars, and, like, if they came to san francisco, how do you anticipate to handle, like, the problems that come with that?
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>> they are coming. they are here. >> excited about that. >> you guys really do have some great questions. so, autonomous vehicles definitely is going to be here one day. there are several companies that actually have been tested throughout the country, but we met with many of the manufacturers of autonomous vehicles, along with representatives from mayor's office, we had representatives from m.t.a., and it was a very robust discussion. this was about six or seven months ago, and there's a lot of unanswered questions. a lot of questions that came up, and from a policing standpoint, you know, there were a lot of questions that, quite frankly, the manufacturers could not answer. like what happens if a hacker takes control of a vehicle and weaponizes it? and, you know, do you have a 12
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year old sitting in some foreign country that's controlling a vehicle? so these are real questions. and they are questions that could not be answered at this point, so i think there's a lot of work to be done, definitely they are coming. we've seen, you know, some positive signs that it might be a good thing for our society, and we've seen some mishaps. in arizona they had a fatality and a traffic fatality involved in an autonomous vehicle, so there's a lot of things that, i think, have to be worked out. i think the state has been involved in terms of legislation to allow the testing, but still, san francisco, i believe, will probably be one of the leaders in terms of getting this technology off the ground, and from policing, there was just a lot of questions that have not been answered yet to our satisfaction. so not that we can hold up the project, but we definitely can give input, put some thought in it, and get the manufacturers to kind of see some of the concerns that we have from a public safety standpoint. so, ongoing, ongoing discussion,
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but i think they will, you know, you will see them here fairly soon. thank you. >> thank you, chief. public comment's now closed. please call the next line item. >> item three, adjournment, action. >> ladies and gentlemen, before we adjourn, i want to thank st. ignatius high school for providing this room. i want to thank you for bringing the class here. it's always good for us and refreshing. and i want to thank the commissioners, four of you, it's your first community meeting. i want to thank the staff at taraval station, commission staff, san francisco government tv, who had to equip all this. you can watch yourselves on tv, i think, starting tonight or later tomorrow. but again, you know, one thing i'm glad you came here, but there has to be a dialogue between the community, and we tell our officers, not the profile, that you don't paint everybody with the same brush. many different folks here, men and women in the san francisco police department, and some of
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you had looks on your face when you saw commander mannix and deputy chief redmond back there. yes, those are moms and dads here at this school. you've probably never seen them in uniform. they have students here at the school, folks are parents at the school, so it's about us making change, so thank you for coming, it's greatly appreciated. thank you. >> motion to adjourn? >> motion. >> all in favor? [ gavel ]
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>> providing excellent customer service to each other so that we can succeed together. because we're a small division out here, and we're separated from the rest of the p.u.c., a lot of people wear a lot of different hats. everyone is really adept not just at their own job assigned to them, but really understanding how their job relates to the other functions, and then, how they can work together with other functions
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in the organization to solve those problems and meet our core mission. >> we procure, track, and store materials and supplies for the project here. our real goal is to provide the best materials, services and supplies to the 250 people that work here at hetch hetchy, and turn, that supports everyone here in the city. i have a very small, but very efficient and effective team. we really focus hard on doing things right, and then focus on doing the right thing, that benefits everyone. >> the accounting team has several different functions. what happens is because we're so remote out here, we have small groups of people that have to do what the equivalent are of many people in the city. out here, our accounting team handles everything. they love it, they know it inside out, they cherish it, they do their best to make the system work at its most efficient.
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they work for ways to improve it all the time, and that's really an amazing thing. this is really unique because it's everybody across the board. they're invested it, and they do their best for it. >> they're a pretty dynamic team, actually. the warehouse team guys, and the gals over in accounting work very well together. i'm typically in engineering, so i don't work with them all day on an every day basis. so when i do, they've included me in their team and treated me as part of the family. it's pretty amazing. >> this team really understanding the mission of the organization and our responsibilities to deliver water and power, and the team also understands that in order to do that, we have a commitment to each other, so we're all committed to the success of the organization, and that means providing excellent customer service to each other so that we can
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succeed >> good morning, everybody. thank you so much for everyone being out here today. of course, the jug shop for welcoming us to this extraordinary celebration that really speaks to a community partnerships and the success of our invested neighborhoods programs and neighborhood economic development here in san francisco. we're very happy to have everyone here with us today. and to kick us off with this commemoration of our polk c.b.d. is our mayor. >> the hon. london breed: thank you. i'm so excited to be here today. this is the 16th community business district in san francisco. this is what happens when communities come together. businesses, neighbors, and all of you are an example of how we make sure that we keep our city clean, we keep it safe, and we do it all together.
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i want to thank you and i want to thank suzanne, for her leadership. [applause] for the past three years, really spearheading this effort and getting it through. this was one of the lowest votes that we were able to get through the board of supervisors when you had the folks who were the property owners here vote to move this thing forward and i am just so glad it passed. it's going to make a difference. those folks who were not necessarily supportive, they're going to be happy with the results too. i can't wait until we clean up san francisco. this is helping in our efforts to do so. and so we also will have embassadors and people who are out on the streets. we want the businesses here to grow and to thrive. places like the jug shop, which are a legacy business in san francisco. we have to do everything we can to protect our business community. we announced we will be opening
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another 1,000 shelter beds by 2020 here in the city and county of san francisco. we know we have a crisis on our hands and we know that we have to make smart investments because we see it on our streets every single day. it's effecting the quality of life. it's effecting the business community. we know that many of the people sadly that are struggling on our streets are experiencing a lot of challenges. and we want to thank you. we want to thank the discovery polk community benefits district for its work and its contributions and being partners in this effort to make sure city safer, to make sure city cleaner, and we know that there's so much work to do. this process has brought so many businesses together and i am just excited to be here today to sign the legislation that made it possible. this is your victory. we're going to get to work to make san francisco an even better place for each and everyone of us. thank you so much for being here today. [applause]
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>> thank you, very much, mayor breed. of course, our next speaker is a long-time champion of community benefits. the author of the legislation and help make them possible. supervisor of our district 3, aaron peskin. >> thank you. so this is the 15th community benefit district in san francisco. as i like to say, all of our districts are created equal. district 3 is more equal. why do i say that? because we have five of the 15 community benefit district. when i first became a supervisor 18 years ago, there was one business improvement district in san francisco. one. the city of berkley had more. san diego had dozens of them and i tred to figure out why was san francisco behind. and the answer actually was
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because the state law didn't think about places like san francisco, where we had mixed-use neighborhoods. the vibrant communities of polk street, north beach, and so we had to create our own law. that became article 15 of our business and tax regulation code. that began, what has spread all over san francisco. now let me say, it is very rare that people come together to celebrate the fact that they all voted to raise their taxes. that is exactly what we are doing today. it stays in the community. it does not mean a diminishment of city services. it's services on top. i am very bullish on polk street. it is remarkably a vibrant community. i want to salute the lower polk neighbors and the lower polk c.b.d. which was at the forefront, that gave suzanne and
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the steering committee the vision that the c.b.d. to be extended in a northerly manner. there's going to be an economy of scale. christian mar tan, who does a remarkable job of running the lower polk c.b.d. is going to be the staff to the middle polk discover polk c.b.d. this makes a ton of sense. larry stringer from our public works department is going to continue -- you are in trouble. it's all good. it's going to continue cleaning your streets and emptying the trash cannes. thicans.this is a real boone foe city and county of san francisco. i'm delighted. on behalf of all of my colleagues, who the voters passed it by yes, 50.01%, we voted unanimously to allow this c.b.d. to move forward. thank you, mayor breed. this is actually the first time,
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since mayor breed has become mayor i've been involved in an official signing ceremony and i cannot be more delighted. i want to shout out jaoquin torez and chris corgis who did a remarkable job. [applause] >> they came in and they brought me a list because they knew the election would be tight. they asked me if i knew those people because we needed just one or two more properties to vote yes and i found one guy who i knew, who actually was on the east coast. he said, yes, that is on my desk. i said, you have until 2:00 on tuesday to get back to the city and county of san francisco, vote that ballot and that is what took us over the top. thank you chris corgis. i want to shout out northern captain joe english ler who has joined us. with that i'll turn it back to jaoquin torez. >> we all know if it wasn't for the hard work of the steering committee, in addition so many
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community members today, this event today and these resources couldn't be made possible. and it does take leadership, tenacity and commitment and i couldn't think of a person that exemplifies the definition of those words more that dr. suzanne markle-fox who i would like to invite up to speak to us. the director of the steering committee who made this possible. [applause] >> thank you. thank you so the lower polk, the discover polk community. you can tell i'm nervous. thank you very much to the lower polk community benefit district. it really was not only our fiscal sponsor but also our mentor for all of the process that we went through since may 2015. thank you to debra neman who was another informal mentor. shared her knowledge and experience and we definitely
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want to follow in her tracks. i'd also like to introduce you to the president of our board, tiffany yang, who is a brilliant young woman who is going to be taking this to the next level. the wonderful thing about this community benefit district is how property owners, neighbors, business owners and the faith community all came together to work on this. it was an amazing experience for me. it really demonstrates the vibrancy of this community. as others have said before me and will say after i'm sure, that our goals are a cleaner, safer and even more vibrant business community in the discover polk area. thank you, everybody. [applause] >> thank you so much, suzanne. really, congratulations and savor this moment. it really is an anchor for so much incredible work to come.
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i want to point out, you can sense there's a community here supporting efforts like these. i did want to shout out again, i know exercise peskin and mayor breed also recognized some of the folks from our fellow community benefit districts across the street who have come here to celebrate. it's a strong community of folks who believe in the leadership and the impacts that this work can create across san francisco. christian martin to support these efforts along polk street. deb neman and her work in san francisco for the c.b.d. and simon bertrand from the tenderloin community benefit are all here to say thank you. congratulations for those who are willing to take on a leadership role to make benefits happen in our communities. but it also takes merchants. as well and their support to make this work happen. so, ray baird supported this benefit district idea early on.
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providing refreshments at community gatherings. ray, we want to say thank you so much. invite you to come on up and say a few words. >> i'm no politician. i'm not great at doing this. i'm just humble merchants with a beautiful store back here. it's great we have the back drop of my store in the back there. whoever masterminded that did a really great job. thank you to everybody who came out today. there's a lot of sharp-dressed people from the city that are here. i feel a little under dressed. i'm excited for the opportunity that the c.b.d. brings us. i kind of wanted to relate it to some stories that were in the news recently. there was a horrible story about some crime that happened in the tenderloin and the footage from the cameras that the c.b.d. installed were very beneficial to the police and so i think that's one of the resource that's is going to be of great benefit to us. we need it. i don't want to be a bummer and
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remind everyone about how hard the streets of san francisco are. we live here and know the reality of that. filmore has beat cops. the news came across, i was watching on the news the next day, we had an incident at the store where we had to call the police out. i talked to the officers and i said, we want beat cops too. they said well you need an advocate to get in there and stand on the throat of the people at city hall and at the captain's office and things like that. so hopefully, what this c.b.d. promises for us is advocacy for this great community that i'm so happy to be a part of. i'll just wrap it up and i want to say thank you for all the work, all these years. you know what it's like to have to canvas and cold call and do this to grind it out. way to go. [applause] >> that concludes the speaking part of our program. now we're going to do the
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>> hi. my name is carmen chiu, san francisco's elected assessor. when i meet with seniors in the community, they're thinking about the future. some want to down size or move to a new neighborhood that's closer to family, but they also worry that making such a change will increase their property taxes. that's why i want to share with you a property tax saving program called proposition 60. so how does this work? prop 60 was passed in 1986 to allow seniors who are 55 years and older to keep their prop 13 value, even when they move into a new home. under prop 13 law, property growth is limited to 2% growth
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a year. but when ownership changes the law requires that we reassess the value to new market value. compared to your existing home, which was benefited from the -- which has benefited from the prop 13 growth limit on taxable value, the new limit on the replacement home would likely be higher. that's where prop 60 comes in. prop 60 recognizes that seniors on fixed income may not be able to afford higher taxes so it allows them to carryover their existing prop 13 value to their new home which means seniors can continue to pay their prop 13 tax values as if they had never moved. remember, the prop 60 is a one time tax benefit, and the property value must be equal to or below around your replacement home. if you plan to purchase your new home before selling your existing home, please make sure
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that your new home is at the same price or cheaper than your existing home. this means that if your existing home is worth $1 million in market value, your new home must be $1 million or below. if you're looking to purchase and sell within a year, were you nur home must not be at a value that is worth more than 105% of your exist egging home. which means if you sell your old home for $1 million, and you buy a home within one year, your new home should not be worth more than $1.15 million. if you sell your existing home at $1 million and buy a replacement between year one and two, it should be no more than $1.1 million.
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know that your ability to participate in this program expires after two years. you will not be able to receive prop 60 tax benefits if you cannot make the purchase within two years. so benefit from this tax savings program, you have to apply. just download the prop 60 form from our website and submit it to our office. for more, visit our website,,
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