tv Government Access Programming SFGTV November 2, 2018 4:00am-5:01am PDT
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>> clerk: item 1, call to order. [roll call] we have a quorum. >> president tsen: general public comment. >> clerk: item 2, general public comment. this is to allow members of the public to address the treasure island authority board to address items that do not appear on today's agenda. in addition, public comment will be held during each member of the agenda. you will hear a single chime when there are 30 seconds remaining.
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prior to making your comments, state your name and organization you are representing, if any, for the record. >> president tsen: are there any members of the public that would like to address the board on items not on the agenda? >> clerk: item 3. report by treasure island director. >> good morning, directors. this past weekend was the fleet week and staff, jack nathanson, did a lot of work to plan for the event in anticipation of crowds of folks coming to the island as they have in past years, including encroachments with caltrans to promote egress
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and west park for traffic control during events. fortunately, the crowds were not as large as they have been in past years, largely because we did do quite an effort to get the word out that a lot of the area that people have used for viewing is impacted by construction. and so we did not have to close access to the island, though contingency plans were in place, including giving passes to island residents and little league families to get on to the island in the event that we did have to close access to other visitors, but that was not -- not necessary as the crowds were managable. we also had more than a dozen boats take short-term anchorage permits in the cove over the weekend to watch the events. it's our largest number so far this year.
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department of emergency management, the city, and u.s. navy also conducted a landing exercise at the northeast boat ramp on the island, as part of an exercise to practice preparedness in the event needed to supply the island or other locations via watercraft, in the event of an emergency. this past month, one treasure island also held the second workshop on the community mural that's being planned for the north end of the gymnasium. i would like to invite susan surantes to say a few words. >> thank you very much. for this opportunity to speak to
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your board. we are very excited about the new mural project. we conducted a community mural workshop at the beginning of, i think, around august sometime. and there was a lot of people who came. a very diverse group, people on the island that had a lot of history. so they really wanted to see the elements of history and i don't know if you see the -- there was supposed to be a picture of -- >> president tsen: we have it in front of us. >> have you seen the design yourselves? anyway, left to right, we're talking about the golden gate world's fair represented by the sun tower and the building
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called one treasure island. in the foreground is our native-american history that occupied the yerba buena and the elder is telling stories about the island and the history of the island to contemporary family, gathered around the campfire, from the smoke, the phoenix is rising, the symbol of the rising of the city from the great earthquake and fire and from there, we have the presence of the navy, which occupied the island after we declared war in 1942, i think. and the anchors in each corner, right and left corners, is something that's visible to the community every day as they go around the island. it's framing the mural. and then the navy men transform into children and all the
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activities that they have around the gym and the island playing and playing basketball and jumping rope and was excited about drawing her rainbows. we made the jump ropes into rainbows. and beyond that, we have a group of children who are running and playing with the -- with the paper airplane, which is reflective of the yankee clipper that's in the far right-hand corner going out of the picture. and, of course, there is new development on the island and they wanted to show the construction workers they wanted it show working people. and so we show the builders building, building love on the island. and it's just this big, large, monumental representation of love that's being built. you see the cranes. you see the construction
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workers. and beyond that is the palms, turning into turbines, which will be the future energy of the island. behind that, the view of the golden gate bridge that you see from that end of the island. those are some of the elements in the design and people are really, really thrilled with it. they embraced it. and now the design has gone forward and we had a community workshop, which was just mentioned, to review and approve the design, win was done recently. and, of course, that's where they really loved it and embraced it, and we got all the support we needed to put together a packet for the san francisco arts commission to review and approve the design, which is going forward. we approved all of the documents and going to the visual arts committee next week, on october
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17. and from there, it will go to the full commission for full approval in november. after that, i think the second we week, third week, planning community painting day where they will come out and help to fill in the design for some paint and have a lot of fun. it should be completed by the end -- by the middle of december, i believe. we help the weather will work with us. we have a lot of rain hopefully in between so we can continue to paint and complete in mid-december. if you have any questions, i would be glad to entertain that. >> president tsen: i don't have a question, but i have a comment of how glad i am that this project is going forward. i think it's so important that
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you can involve children and families in the community and art that you are involved in. it's our hope that treasure island is a place where there is all types of art. and your project was one of the first. so we welcome it. >> thank you for your appreciation and we hope to see more community, art, in the future. thank you very much. >> president tsen: any other comments or questions? hearing none. >> also, on the consent agenda today is a permit to install a temporary art piece on the western waterfront of the island. the artist thomas laughlin is here today and can speak to you.
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if you would like either now or during consent agenda. the -- coming up this month on the island, on saturday the 20th, we'll have residential cleanup day, supported by ricology and goodwill and treasure island housing partners. on october 18, one treasure island will have their fundraising event. and on october 30, will be having the community halloween celebration at the ymca. in december, circus bella will be coming to the island on the lawn. we'll have an update on the
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island meeting. in the work with our relocation advisors, 90% of the households that met with the relocation advisors have received letters summarizing their benefit options. it's a summary of changes that will come with the transition, future units won't have storage or in-unit utility hookups as current units do. and that information was provided along with the information on benefits. simulated feedback. also last month, treasure island mobility management agencies hosted two open houses on proposed congestion management towing program and you will hear
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more from them on the regular agenda. the sessions were well attended and many residents expressed concerns about the tolls. we also have a consultation, as-needed contract to have assessments done in the facilities on the island to plan for the preservation. redesign proposals have been received from the arts commission from the phase one artists and a meeting will be scheduled with the steering committee to review those with
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the committee members. the navy master lease was approved by the board of supervisors last week in committee and will good to the full board next week. the regrading of mccullough road with excess soil being hauled yerba buena to treasure island and work is progressing and should be completed by february next year, following which time it will take about 12 months to construct the water reservoirs. literacy for environmental justice, originally thought that some of the plants had been vandalized. we now believe it may have been
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raccoons getting in and knocking over the pots, but ticd are looking at relocating the nursery to treasure island. caltrans's work to convert the former pier into a water access feature is progressing and we have been in communication with caltrans on requested maintenance agreement with tida and other agencies and will bring that to a future board meeting when it's complete. an treasure island, 342 and 343 is under way by the one treasure island training program graduates. following completion of abatement, the structures will be added to the ticd plant to
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make way for the gas station. about 40% of the drains in the sub phase one area have been installed and about 20% of the compaction has been completed. before the end of this year, ticd anticipates that the shifting traffic from the west side of the causeway to the east side of the causeway and clipper dove, so that the causeway reconstruction can begin early in 2019, as well as modifying 9th street to allow transport materials from the stockpile to the sub phase one area without having the heavy equipment interact with roadway traffic along 9th street.
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also last month, the treasure island final subdivision map and land transfer were recorded. and our meeting will be in the evening, at 6:30, with a poster session before the meeting beginning at 5:30. and there will be a meeting in november as well. that concludes my report. >> president tsen: thank you so much. are there any comments or questions by the directors? i think that it would be -- i would like to hear from thomas laufman, the artist doing the installation. yes, please come up. >> good afternoon. you may remember i presented to you in february with a sketch of the proposed sculpture, which is
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made of steel salvage from the old span of the bay bridge. i have nothing to add to those comments, but i'm certainly available if you have any questions for me. >> president tsen: did you have current drawings that we -- is it in the packet? >> under item 6, just before the resolution at the back of the item, there's an image of the proposed piece as installed. >> president tsen: since it's on the consent calendar, i wanted to remind the board, just to see what that installation was.
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>> it's a steel ring. it will be 36 tons of steel that is made of girders from the top of the former east span of the bay bridge and we're just going to take the square tubes and cut them into wedges and configure them into a ring that will be elevated about 18 inches off the ground. on the west side of the island, on the seawall there, it's a great venue where 9th and avenue and the palms intersect and bike path goes north there. it will be to the west side of that. the history of the bay bridge and both spans are visible as you surely know. >> president tsen: is the image -- >> so you can see, this is the ring that we'll make out of steel. it's on a small, concrete pier and there's a signal light
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salvaged from the top of the bridge. >> i like the sculpture. i think the question i asked before, at night, what kinds of lighting. i know i asked that. will you be able to at least from a distance -- how will it look like? t >> the aim is for it to be understated. it's sort of softly pulsing. there's a lens around the light that focuses the rays to project them outward, rather than if you just had a light bulb there, it would light up the whole area.
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it will be a soft, red glow. >> and foggy days and -- i know that during the day, it's marvelous. it's a piece of conversation. so i -- at night, again, when it's foggy or something like that, what would that look like? >> just a soft light that's visible. we're in the midst of finalizing our lease for the space between me and tida and one of the lease terms is about adjusting the level of light to be sure that if there are any concerns that it's easy enough just to dim it down, just whatever direction it needs to move. >> it's a piece of conversation. and during the daylight, i can see the dramatic effect because
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you can clearly see the pictures. that's great. thank you. >> president tsen: do you require bcdc approval? >> yes. we've begun the permitting process with them. we're waiting for your seal of approval and to finalize a lease before we take our final -- have our final conversation with bcdc. >> director giusti: it's a great concept for art. how will you prepare the metal? is it the same color of the bay bridge? >> exact same color. we'll use the same paint that they use on the bridge. >> president tsen: okay. good. yes, jean-paul? >> director samaha: great piece. and i see the tie-in to the bridge with the metal and the light, but why the circle? what is the significance of the circle? >> you know, i'm trying to i there of -- i'm an artist.
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i can talk forever about my work. if you have an hour, i can answer that. i'm interested in the things that we build, the things that we build to navigate our way across the landscape. and to take this bridge that's connected our community and turn it around on itself and invite people to sit in contemplation of what the bridge -- the history of the bridge, the way it's performed for us, think about the new span, old span. it makes it a self-contained space for contemplation. >> director samaha: thank you. nice work. >> president tsen: thank you very much. is there any questions or comments? hearing none, next item. >> clerk: we need to move it. >> president tsen: linda? >> director richardson: it will be approved during consent? >> president tsen: yes.
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>> clerk: item 4. communications from and received by tida. >> president tsen: any comments? hearing none, next item. >> clerk: ongoing business by board of directions. >> president tsen: hearing none, next item. >> clerk: consent agenda. item a, approving the minutes. b, resolution authorizing treasure island director to execute a use permit for installation with thomas loughlin. >> so moved. >> second. >> president tsen: he's those in favor? so moved. >> clerk: the appointment of officers for tida and to the nomination committee to serve a 12-month term of office january 1, 2019, ending december 31, 2019. >> president tsen: the nom
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nauseouses committee did meet this afternoon before this board meeting and there's a slate of candidates for the offices. kate, would you like to read the names of the candidates? >> clerk: for tida board, recommended was director tsen, president, giusti, vice president, dunlop, secretary, and lai, chief financial officer. >> president tsen: that's the recommendation by nominations to the board. this is an action item. >> and the infrastructure? >> president tsen: that's next. and for the infrastructure community, linda richardson. and members of that committee will be linda richardson, sharon
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lai and myself. on the infrastructure committee. there is is a resolution. >> i move. >> second. >> president tsen: moved and seconded. all those in favor, say aye. opposed? the ayes have it. next item. >> clerk: item 8. timma update on transit service, toll policies and affordability program. >> project manager for the toll program will be making a presentation. she and the team from the transportation authority, eric cordova, eric young, as i said in my comments, they had two workshops that were very well prepared on the island last month.
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>> president tsen: welcome rachel. >> thank you. thank you for having us back. we've made a few presentations and hosted a few events since the last time we were here in september. we were at the community meeting on september 19. and then we had two timma-hosted events, end of september-beginning of october, and then presented to the timma committee the past thursday, the 4th. what we had was an update on some of the things that we have heard at those events. i wasn't going to represent the proposals, but happy to refresh your memory if you need. we were presenting the information about the transit service plan, the toll policy, particularly the new information, which was proposed, hours of operation and rates. and the additional transit and
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mobility services, such as school, grocery and car share and mobility services and affordability program for the transit pass and for the toll. so, yes, we did have these well-attended events. we're getting feedback from a number of ways with discussions of people at those events from a survey that we handed out at the events and from written feedback on the operational board. i don't get half the feedback or written comments from the board. on the benefit side, folks want more transit and looking forward to having more transit. people also want support for challenging trips that they need to make, especially school and
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grocery, something we hear time and time again. on the impact side, we heard about the toll and affordability. and affordability for residences, for low-wage workers. wanting to make sure that tourists and visitors are paying their fair share and questions about the affordability program we proposed was a one roundtrip-per-day provision. so we heard from drivers that are making multiple trips on and off the island. so next steps that we proposed. we do want to host more outreach geared toward businesses. we got a lot of residents at this outreach, but folks representing businesses asked for some more discussion specifically related to their concerns.
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we'll finish synthesizing what we heard with the feedback and have a full report to share with you and then look at options to address the feedback that wear hearing. so really, it's related to reducing the incidents of the toll for workers. we'll look at expanding the number of discounts that were proposed. introducing more provisions for low-wage workers. and considering the toll hours of operation, again, we'll look at cost and revenue side. that's the cost of providing the
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transit and mobility services. we're at a floor as far as transit service levels go. and looking at the business model for ferry, which is something we've done with transit. we can look at that westbound-eastbound toll policy. on the revenue side, we'll keep looking at the -- alternatives there and continue to look at financing we want to bring back to you our findings on this front. we do need to still meet the goals mandated for the program, which are the 50% transit load share on and off as far as
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transportation performance and the cost recovery. so in our seeking of new revenues, needing to find things that can be committed and permanent that we can rely on. so we will be back. and happy to take any questions, or i know some of you were not at the september meeting, so i'm happy to recap the new information if you need. >> president tsen: thank you, rachel. you certainly have been busy the last few months attending a lot of meetings and i appreciate the outreach you and timma have had. there are legitimate concerns with people who are low-income
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and have to make multiple trips. on the other hand, we have the objective of trying to have a very rich transit alternative and one of it is the ferry service and we cannot forget the ferry service because that's growing to be a lifeline to this island as well. i know that it's hard to balance both the revenue and the cost side. we look forward to you coming back to us with your findings. okay. we'll open it up to the board. >> director richardson: thank you, madam president. thank you, rachel, for being here again. i can also tell the board that you do an extensive outreach in the community on saturday. i saw you at the community event. and this is great. and you and i also had a conversation. so some of the questions that we asked you the last time, i think it was commissioner giusti,
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myself, almost everyone here -- a case study for the exceptions. so we have this grand plan, business side, i'm sure we can resolve that. but we have the profile, disabled, seniors, low-income, women with multiple children, and they have to navigate the system. to me, it's the exceptions. and i think we should look at them, because it may be at the end of the 53 -- end of the day that we put them in a certain category, earmarking something for that group. i think that it would save us a lot of time and we'll be able to manage. and so you need to look at that. i'm also interested in the city-based alternative plans. all kinds of transportation is subsidized, amtrak, muni, all of that. that's the way it is. and people that live on treasure island are also san francisco
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residents. so they also have this cushion that they respect. one thing i know about the plan we have, and thanks to you and your director and your staff and everyone, is that we have a combo of transportation that people will have. it will make everybody envious. water transportation, shuttle buses, inside treasure island, our own mode of transportation. and we also have muni. we have all this. the fundamental question, again, is the cost. we need to listen to the residents that will be there. but i would think that once you get to making those exceptions and doing the case studies, you can be able to come back here and we'll be able to result. so today you are making the
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reservation. what is the timeline? we have to make decisions and then, you know, move forward. i'm looking here, end of the year, revised, going back to your board, right? so when do we come back here? when are we in the first line to look at what you are doing, so we can, you know, make the final approval. when are you looking, april, first quarter? >> it looks like maybe bob wanted to say something, but i will also say that the timma committee has its next scheduled meeting on november 1. we want to be able to bring some ideas back to them for that time frame. and as far as this body, whatever bob recommends or your direction, that's the time frame that we're looking to make sure
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that we have new ideas and information. >> we'll definitely be bringing her back -- potentially november and december board meetings, as this is a very active conversation going on with the community. we'll be coming back for frequent updates. >> director richardson: and when you bring it back and based on the schedule and where we need to be. >> it's the beginning of 2019, because of the transit lead items. both for transit and ferry, there are procurement lead times. transit has a vehicle procurement cycle.
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we need to work out the vehicles that we need and we need to make sure that we have the funding and agreements in place and know we will be working with them. if we are going to change the business model, we don't want to procure the vehicles. it's the same for the ferry. so that's the critical path is the transit vehicle and vessel procurement. >> director richardson: thank you. >> president tsen: mr. dunlop? >> director dunlop: thank you so much. you've been here a lot. you've been working really hard. i appreciate that. i apologize for being late. living on treasure island, there is always something unique that's happening. today when i walked out of my door, there was a wounded duck. i cannot leave it. i had to take it to animal care
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and control. they're so good. a word in for them. talking to my neighbors about this, no amount of explanation i can give them that makes them feel happy about it. like, it will be five years down the line. i don't care. i live here. we've been paying rent with the promise of this great, fabulous, new place. and it turns out, they're beginning to think it's a great, fabulous, new place that they won't be able to afford. and i think that's the real issue behind the residents there. that somehow it has to be affordable. and you have to look at our current costs and figure that into your pricing schedule. it really won't be a whole lot of people, i don't believe, that
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are compared to the amount of future residents on the island. so we're not talking about a huge amount, few hundred or so. but they just feel that they're not being listened to in spite of you getting out there. and they don't feel that there's an answer, an affordable answer, for them. i want to thank you, too, for getting out there, though, and being available. thank you. >> president tsen: ms. lai? >> director lai: that's a good point. i'm wondering if there are additional affordability programs that we could provide for the existing 600 households, perhaps not 100% waived, but maybe a little bit more
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coverage. i also wanted to mention linda's point with families with young children, it's a particularly sensitive point for me. i recently took my kids on the ferry ride to sausalito, which is great, but coming back, there were some issues with -- because they have different times that lead to different ports, so getting back to our house was somewhat of a concern mainly because with young children, once you get back to the mainland, you have to figure out how to safely transport them if you are not in a vehicle with your own carseats. so is there some way that we could provide a further reduced toll or waived toll if there's a carpool with younger kids? i feel that, from my recollection, and i could be wrong, but crossing the bay
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bridge if you are carpooling, you don't have it pay the toll, is that correct? >> it's reduced. >> director lai: something like that may be helpful. with families that have really young kids, they can't just hop in an uber once they get to the mainland. they need to rely on that carseat. and then on the issue of expanding revenue streams, i'm wondering if you are studying ways to perhaps build in some retail along the ferry terminal, it may be nice as an amenity and also a revenue stream to have a little bit of retail. thank you. >> president tsen: thank you. mr. samaha? >> director samaha: i would like to go back to the comments made
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about affordability. the more that i think about it, treasure island is another neighborhood in san francisco. if you want to go from the richmond to the sunset, you don't have to pay a toll or if you want to go from downtown to the richmond, there is no toll that needs to be paid. it makes me feel it's not right to be penalized on treasure island for commuting and paying a toll. i understand we have it pay for all of it and perhaps make affordability decisions based on income, which i think you are looking at. i understand what commissioner dunlop did talk about and if i lived on the island, i would probably echo the same
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sentiment, why are we being penalized for living on treasure island if we have to commute for work or whatever into downtown or other neighborhoods. that's just my comment. >> president tsen: thank you. mr. beck, did you want to add anything? >> no. >> president tsen: i recall if the tolls are only for certain hours is, that right? would you summarize that again? >> that's right. and i can bring this up. i brought that in case of questions. so here's what we propose. it's a peak period and then a mid-day, offpeak. so the peak period during the weekday are the same peaks as on the bay bridge. and then the midday would be that time in between during the afternoon between 10:00 and
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3:00. when the weekday peak ends at 7:00, there's no toll after that. and then on the weekend, the start time would be later, mid morning. that's -- because that's when the peak, the congestion starts to happen on the weekend. >> president tsen: thank you. rachel, i'm sure you will take further comments. you've heard a lot from the community and this board and then come back with us with your recommendatio recommendations. >> yes. >> president tsen: this is not an action item. any members of the public? hearing none, next item, please. >> clerk: item 9, treasure island subphase ii planning update.
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>> as i mentioned previously, ticd has been working with their consultant team, brian loretta and cmt to prepare the second treasure island subphase application. so pamela conrad and brian loretta will give you an update on the progress today. >> president tsen: welcome, pamela. >> thank you. pamela conrad, architect
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landscapers. we've been working on it for years. i was here before to introduce phases 2 and 3. i will share updates on the parks and the streets. hoping to address any comments or questions you had from back in may. thank you. okay. great. so i have a lot to cover. i will try to go quickly through it, so we have time to discuss and have questions. overall, i will share some updates to the boundaries, the schedule we're working towards. and i will just walk through some of the island-wide diagrams and circulations so everyone is up to the same level of understanding and then go area
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by area through each park and street scape. here's an updated plan for those that are not familiar with the island. and so the phase, when we were back here in may, the blue outline shows you where we were for this phase, phases 2 and 3. and we made some modifications as we've been working through the process. and we've expanded the boundary to incorporate more area for stormwater treatment. and so we need to make sure we have enough room to accommodate that. and we excluded the pier from this space because there's a lack of information about potential programs for the future and, really, what we need to do is design the adjacent park to accommodate the utilities that we'll be providing. so those are the two changes that will be happening to the boundary at this point in time. in terms of schedule, what we've been up to since may when we last met with you, we met with the city departments,
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accessibility, coordinators a few times. also met with the san francisco bicycle coalition. we are here today and also will meet with i.t.c. next week, it sounds leak. and then we'll be going back to the board in november. in december, we'll be looking for your endorsement. we also have a few other meetings that were planned with the treasure island sailing center to coordinate the eastern shoreline park and also looking to submit the subphase application in january, 2019, and update in spring and summer next year. just as a reminder, the red, dashed outline highlights the area of phase 2 and phase 3. and the follow-up to the last meeting, just wanted to touch on, that we have the working
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street names that we've been working that are avenue c and d and things like that. and so that's what's shown right here. i won't go through them. there are proposed street names for the future that are much more exciting which we worked with treasure island museum to develop that are inspired by the 1939 and '40 world fairs and inspired by the artists on the island. they're small here. sorry about that. but it's the innovative past and interesting history of the island that will be carried forward in the future. so just stepping back a bit and looking at the overall framework of the island. this project has always been a leader in innovation, sustainability, with the utmost importance on pedestrian-friendly, one of the best places to ride your bike
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and it's highlighted in the overall pedestrian network. there are ways for people to move all the way around the island that are pedestrians uninterrupted by vehicles, separated from bikes. and there are again with us sidewalks on all of the streets. the sidewalks vary based on use that we see for the streets and volumes of people. there are also two shared public ways and there are trails that are more wild and rustic in the northern end and on yerba buena. and everyone living out there will be within a 15-minute walk to the intermodal transit hub, including ferries and shuttles. another question that came up last meeting was about, what about places for people to sit and socialize and congregate? we have a street scape that we thought a lot about and using
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materials that are durable and will last in the marine environment and allow for a lot of opportunity for customization. so we're going with a cast iron steel and we've come up with a sort of suite of family of furnishings that were inspired by the world's fair, some of the patterns that we saw on some of the exhibits and there will be a ranger of opportunities for people to sit in larger groups, smaller groups, places to stand and lean and congregate and socialize and we have a bike rack inspired by the bike rack design commission that is the shape of the island. that will be spread throughout the island. and speaking of the bicycle network, it's, again, something that everyone has been very proud of. the opportunities that cyclists have to loop around the island uninterrupted by cars
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completely. and there are bike lanes on the streets and proposed bike share locations and a number of ways that cyclists can get around the island safely. and i will talk about that in more detail as we go further. a few changes that we've taken into consideration especially after our last meeting is making sure that everything is as safe as we possibly can and highlighted in the red dash boxes. on california avenue -- the building one area and east side commons, we are now able -- we're working on easement with job corps to have a two-way cycle area. that means bicyclists can come off the ferry and go up to the east side commons. that was kind of a gap. and we're working to connect
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that now. another item we noticed on 2nd street is that we learned that there are potential conflicts with bikes there. and working to make sure that cyclists are in a dedicated, two-way cycle track and will not have unsafe interaction. we'll show you that in more detail. the transit network is centered on the intermodal transit hub. there are two bus networks that come on and off island. so transit and muni work around the intermodal transit hub and drop off at a couple of look agencies, clipper cove and drop off and pick up at the ferry plaza. there are shuttles that go out to the east side and west side
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neighborhoods. we'll zoom in and look at those 1 more detail. the vehicular network itself, there's a hierarchy. most are residential, smaller in scale. there are five signalized intersections and the speed limit maximum is 25 miles per hour, everywhere, except the shared public way and it's 15 miles an hour. for places that might not be warranted to have stop signs, we have cars to slow down as they go through the locations. that's highlighted on this diagram here. we know that fire access is important when there's an emergency and need to be able
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that sure that they get point a to point b to whoever needs help. the curb-to-curb widths are to make sure that we have ample access for the fire department. the loading zones coming back to our conversation last time about things are changing in terms of mobility, how are people going to get on and off the island. one thing that we looked at are loading zones are more desirable than they have been because of ride-share methods. we've worked with accessibility director for loading zones and you will see that there are about 25 on-street loading zones. we're also providing accessible parking spaces to make sure that
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people with disabilities have first priority in getting it places. we know that some people will rely on their cars getting around the island and on and off. that's another thing we've worked closely with the accessibility director and providing above the minimum requirements for a.d.a. parking spaces. in terms of overall parking, there are about 250 parking spaces for this space. let's see -- and this shows all the parking spaces. again, what replaces our parking spaces today could be converted to loading zones for the future and that could be adapted over time. another thing that's possible to change in the future are parking garages. right now, there are two parking garages planned for the space. and i know that ticd would love to not have to build them if it's not warranted in the future, if there's not a need for that. potentially the parking garage
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spaces could turn into places for public amenities in the future and that will be determined as things progress. moving into the parks and open spaces. clipper cove promenade, pedestrian zone on the waterside. there's a two-way, dedicated cycle track facility and then palms march down, celebrating the historic present and past of palms on the island. there is loading facilities and parking for those that may be accessing the marina. clipper cove avenue is one lane in each direction. we have buses on clipper cove, but there's a center turn lane. as you move further east, we
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won't have that lane. so the street section narrows down. in testimonies of the promenade itself, we have the question of mid-block crossings. we work with m.t.a. on it. they would prefer to concentrate pedestrians crossing it dedicated controlled intersections and crosswalks rather than adding additional mid-block crossings. there are moments there to celebrate, people can come together, take in the views, this is one example where people might be able to get closer to the water, places for people to sit. and enjoy views of the marina and the cove. in other locations that are not on the street access points, it may be smaller overlooks for smaller groups to gather and have a respite. the retail street is located just one block east from
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building one. it's a one hone-block street th not a through street. it's the center of urban, vibrant life. it's people coming together, lined with retail. there is is a place where a mid-block crossing is warranted. we imagine there will be so many people crossing the street midway through and there will be limited traffic volumes here. so it's a good opportunity for that mid-block crossing. there will be limited parking and limited loading zones. instead of parking, we'll have places that you see around the city, where we have taken over the parking zone and adding places for people to sit, congregate, hang out, get a sandwich, or maybe just wait for people shopping. this is very generous pedestrian zones on either side of the
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street itself. it gives you a sense of the character. there will be tree lines. there will be multiple groups and higher quality of paving, lighting, and general, overall activity levels. and moving on to building 2 and 3, buildings 2 and 3 are the historic hangar buildings, east of the retail block we were talking about. there are two primary open spaces. one is a plaza that's on the west side of building 2. and one is the parking lot, which is the surface parking lot between buildings 2 and 3. we've always been inspired by these buildings. they're grand gestures. and so we need some surface parking around the area, but
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