tv Government Access Programming SFGTV November 4, 2018 7:00pm-8:01pm PST
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never thought we are on this track. so right now, we are on -- on this strike. so right now, we are on this strike one month because marriott never respect their worker, the person who making benefits. so i just want to say to marriott, sign the contract. thank you. >> supervisor yee: thank you. next speaker. >> hi. my name is fortunato martinez. thank you for having this hearing. i'm a little saddened, but i'm also angry that no one from the marriott corporation has came down to hear our voice, but yet, they want to make the money off our blood, our sweat, our tears, altogether the hours that -- all the hours that we put in from our families. some people come from modesto, stockton. the commute is three hours to
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and from. but they don't want to hear that. they don't want to look us in the face and say you know what? i'm sorry you have to do that. i'm sorry that you have to be away from your family. but thank you for your sacrifices so i can sit in my office and get a bonus at the end of the year. i want to thank you guys for having the hearing, and i want to thank you for hearing us, but for marriott -- for no one from marriott to be here and to hear us is a slap in my face. and the city, and the county -- you know what? we'll take your money. we'll take whatever we can from you, but whatever you're going to give back, you know what? whatever you guys need from us, from all of us, we're going to stand behind you, because you're going to fight for us, and we're going to fight for you. we live in the same city -- me and my girlfriend, i'm never going to buy a house, probably,
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and i'm 50 years old. thank you very much. i've been thrown out of worse places than this, so i'm going to leave now. >> supervisor yee: thank you. next speaker. >> two days in a row. good afternoon. my name is olga miranda. i'm the president of seiu local 87. my other hat is there is the treasurer of the san francisco labor counsel, and i've been on the picket line, i've gotten arrested with a few of you supervisors, and i just want to start out, it's very hypocritical for a company like marriott to have hashtag, the golden rule, how you treat everybody the way you want to be treated, this is not a way san francisco should allow marriott to treat any of the workers. for me, we are -- our union, and
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i'm here today to be able to speak on behalf of our janitors, carpenters, within our universe of organized labors. these are the same families, and that's how personal it is for every single one of us. i applaud you for sitting here and listening to all of the families affected, but it's not just a little bubble they're in. it's everybody's household here in san francisco and across the bay. i hope that all of you supervisors are taking this personally. these are not the values that we're always on camera and fighting for, that this is how people should be treated. i ask every one of you to send a letter to courtyard -- to marriott overall and say settle the strike and stop punishing san francisco hotel workers for always taking the stand and leading the fight.
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thank you. >> supervisor yee: thank you. thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, board of supervisors. my name is jay perschnepny. i am a bartender at marriott union square. i just need to let you know, being out on the picket lines, something that i've experienced. i've had people come up to me on sutter street tell me that they've been receiving e-mails, come work for marriott. a woman goes oh, no, no, no, let me show you an e-mail. she showed me an e-mail. they're offering $30 for a server. in my hotel, they get paid minimum wage. in fact some of them aren't making $15 an hour. what an insult that is. take that, marriott.
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>> supervisor yee: are there any other additional speakers? are there any other speakers who would like to address the board on the special hearing committee of the whole? all right. seeing no other speakers, public comment on this item is now closed. [ gavel ]. >> supervisor yee: thank you, colleagues, and are there any closing remarks or recommendations from the members of the committee as a whole to consider? supervisor ronen? >> supervisor ronen: thank you. wow. that was -- that was quite a hearing, and i just -- i wrote some notes while you were speaking, and i just wanted to repeat back some of what i -- what i heard today. young people are discouraged about working 'cause it doesn't get them anymore. i can't get sick because i'm a mother of three children and
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they won't be able to eat if i get sick. after 20 years, i got breast cancer, so i could no longer work two jobs, and now, i don't know how i'm going to pay my medical bills. i have one job to pay rent and one job to survive. i have no time for my husband. after five years of marriage, i had to get a roommate because i couldn't afford rent. i wake up my child at midnight when i get home from my second or third job because it's the only time i get a chance to play with her. for marriott not to be here is a slap in my face. this is not okay. this is not okay, and i don't know what we have come to as a
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society that allows this to be the reality for millions and millions of working people in this country and in this city. we have lost our way. and what i'm asking marriott to do is to sign the contract. you -- instead of being an embarrassment, instead of insulting us as members of the board of supervisors and your thousands of employees worldwide, you can be a leader, and you can show other companies what it means to actually respect the people that make you a profitable company. and you can give hope to people that working is actually worth it again. you know, for those of us who are lucky enough to only have one job, of which i am one of those people -- i get paid enough as a board of supervisors
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to not have to work a second job, i know how precious that time is when i get home at the end of the day, and i get to cook dinner for my child -- she's five years old, and i get to talk to her about her day, and i get to bathe here, and i get to cuddle in bed with her and read her a bedtime story. it's only a couple of hours of day when you're a working person to spend with your kids to begin with. that's what we're forcing thousands and thousands of parents to give up. it's not okay. it's not okay, and it is an absolutely crisis, and we must -- absolute crisis, and we must all join the marriott workers and fight, and fight for them, fight for ourselves, fight for each other to make sure that this is no longer the reality in our country ever again.
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and i just want to close by saying that one of the workers said this is the most american he's ever felt. i agree. this is the most american i've ever felt, lirchistening to you watching your strength and your dignity and your resolve and your indignation is the best of this country. and sometimes, i feel a little weird when i pledge the allegiance to the flag because i know how much injustice is happening in this country. but i just want you to know that your testimony today and your fight has made me feel comfortable doing that because you are americans, and you are what we are about, and you are the people that hold the values that we hold so dear as a nation. so i want you to know that i am 100% with you. i will be on that picket line with you until you win. i will be writing letters, i
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will be calling, i will be raising awareness, and i am so humbled by all of you, and thank you so much for this beautiful hearing today. >> supervisor yee: thank you. [applause] >> supervisor yee: so are there any other supervisors that would like to make last comments? if not, i'd like to say that i want to thank everyone who came out today and made public comment on this item. and certainly, i want to thank the hundreds of others that came out and wasn't able to or wanting to make the comments in public but i'm sure their comments are similar to what we've heard today. thank you, supervisor ronen, for basically summarizing the comments that we all heard. i think it's important for us to hear that over and over again
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because what we heard today are comments made by the backbone of what makes the city run and tick. without workers to do this type of work, we wouldn't be a city, and certainly, we wouldn't be the city that we know it as. and certainly, we wouldn't see a whole lot of tourists coming in here without these workers. so for me, for the sake of the workers, for the sake of the name of the marriott corporation, and for the sake of all those people that want to come and appreciate, we -- the marriott corporation needs to step up. they need to be the leaders -- they are the biggest hotel corporation in san francisco. then they need to either step up as a leader, or i just realized, we haven't looked at the hotel tax for a long time. i'm willing to look at it and
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maybe help those hotels pay for some of the things that the workers are not getting. you know, people are -- people are struggling in san francisco, and we all know that. and we want the marriott to show that they care, care about the people in san francisco, and help these people that are helping them make their fortune, to make their fortune so they can live in san francisco. we're all busy, and in particular now until tuesday. after tuesday, we hope that this thing is settled. if not, i will, and many of you, my colleagues, will join the workers out there in the picket line. thank you very much. [applause] >> supervisor yee: so what i'd like to do now is thank the colleagues, the committee -- i
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didn't see it. supervisor fewer, i didn't see your name. >> supervisor fewer: thank you. i just wanted to also say to the workers, thank you for coming out today. i think it was very hard testimony to hear because i think each one of us knows that behind every voice, every story, there are 100 people who have a very similar story and are struggling to stay here, and many of them are workers like you who every day are serving the people of san francisco. and the idea that your jobs are so hard that you are cleaning the luxury hotels for the guests of san francisco and to make our city such a tourist attraction, and that you should have to go on strike for some basic needs such as health care. i think this speaks larger to
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what is happening in san francisco, but even larger to what is happening in our country. and i also hope that they will sign the agreement and give you a contract. i know after being a member of local 2, i know how important a good contract is to you, and not only you, the workers, but also the united states. labor is under attack nationwide, and under this administration, we are seeing a much larger separation of wealth in this country, and i just think that the working poor, or the moderate wage workers, you guys are up against a big battle, but we're behind you, and we hear you. and i think today your voices were loud and clear, and one job should be enough.
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[applause] >> supervisor yee: supervisor stefani? >> supervisor stefani: yes, thank you, supervisor yee. and i want to thank my colleague, supervisor ronen, for calling this hearing. i just want to speak briefly. i want to thank you for coming out. definitely heard you, and i absolutely agree, one job should be enough. to the parents out there, i, too, am a mom with two kids. i heard what supervisor ronen mentioned, and it breaks my heart. i just want to say i heard you today, so thank you for coming out. [applause] >> supervisor yee: okay. colleagues, then, without objection, we will now dissolve the committee of the whole and reconvene as the board of supervisors. without objection. [ gavel ]. >> supervisor yee: okay. madam clerk, item number two. >>clerk: mr. chair, we are going to hear and file that public hearing? >> supervisor yee: yes. >>clerk: okay. >> supervisor yee: hopefully,
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yes. >>clerk: at this time, the public may address the board of supervisors for up to two minutes on subject matter jurisdiction. direct your remarks as a whole to the board as a whole, not to individual members of the board. if you need interpreter assistance, please utilize twice the amount of time. to display your item on the display, and remove it when you want the image to revert back to the meeting. you may comment on anything you want, but not on the item that we just heard. >> tom gilberti. just a couple of weeks ago, we had another union here. they were losing the gardening jobs. was that sutter health? the following week, a different union came in because they were losing the gardeners, and the next week, they were losing the drivers. it's a rush down to nothing for the people here. a week ago, we had -- who came
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in a week ago? the in-home supportive service people. they went up to $17 an hour, but there's no place for them to live. there's no place for the workers here to live. we have to make it so that instead of driving two hours a day, they can live and work in the city. we need to change the fabric right here, right now. thank you. [applause] >> supervisor yee: next speaker. >> thank you, acting president yee. good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen of the board. my name is winship hillier. on tuesday, i showed you a graph
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of the mental health filings in san francisco superior court jumping up by a factor of 19 in one year right after 9-11. these people, these mysterious people, the -- accounting for these 2,000 filings are -- were, i believe adjudicated incompetent to stand trial. penal code 67, i think, and following. this is a back door commitment route, as i've said before. this is a way of ordering people into involuntary psychiatric treatment when they do not meet the criteria for lanterman-petra-short. this is a back door commitment route. it's been historically abused, and credibly. people have been shoved into
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treatment, involuntary treatment on the basis of jaywalking. for years, i have been in involuntary treatment for over a decade on an unknown charge. now this is being used, and if sfgovt.-v, could you focus on the laptop -- and in case anybody forgets, this is a huge sea change. these are invisible people, much like the laborers here, these are people who have never had a trial, these are people who have never had a hearing. these are people who have been subject to ex-parte, in camera proceedings. they cannot even get the records, they cannot get the government to admit that they are demarkated at terrorists, as international terrorists, as agents of a foreign power, and this is a terrible thing. this exposes them to the authorization to use military force back on september 18. back to you, acting president
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yee. >> supervisor yee: any other speakers for general public comments? seeing none, public comment is now closed. and madam clerk, i believe that brings us to the end of our agenda. are there any further businesses before us? >>clerk: no, mr. chair, there is no further business. >> supervisor yee: okay. then special meeting is adjourned. .
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>> neighborhood in san francisco are also diverse and fascist as the people that inhabitable them we're in north beach about supervisor peskin will give us a tour and introduce is to what think of i i his favorite district 5 e 3 is in the northwest surrounded by the san francisco bay the district is the boosting chinatown oar embarcadero financial district fisherman's wharf exhibit no. north beach telegraph hill and part of union square. >> all of san francisco
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districts are remarkable i'm honored and delighted to represent really whereas with an the most intact district got chinatown, north beach fisherman's wharf russian hill and knob hill and the northwest waterfront some of the most wealthier and inning e impoverished people in san francisco obgyn siding it is ethically exists a bunch of tight-knit neighborhoods people know he each other by name a wonderful placed physically and socially to be all of the neighborhoods north beach and chinatown the i try to be out in the community as much as and i think, being a the cafe eating at the neighborhood lunch place people come up and talk to you, you never have time alone but really it is fun hi, i'm one the owners and is
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ceo of cafe trespassing in north beach many people refer to cafe trees as a the living room of north beach most of the clients are local and living up the hill come and meet with each other just the way the united states been since 1956 opposed by the grandfather a big people person people had people coming since the day we opened. >> it is of is first place on the west that that exposito 6 years ago but anyone was doing that starbuck's exists and it created a really welcoming pot. it is truly a legacy business but more importantly it really at the take care of their community my father from it was formally italy a fisherman and that town
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very rich in culture and music was a big part of it guitars and sank and combart in the evening that tradition they brought this to the cafe so many characters around here everything has incredible stories by famous folks last week the cafe that paul carr tennessee take care from the jefferson starship hung out the cafe are the famous poet lawrence william getty and jack herb man go hung out. >> they work worked at a play with the god fathers and photos he had his typewriter i wish i were here back there it there's a lot of moving parts the meeting spot rich in culture and artists and musicians epic people would talk with you
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and you'd get >> >> my name is sofy constantineo and a documentary film maker and cinema togfer, producer and director. it is inevable you want your movie to get out and realize yoi need to be a commune tee organizer to get people together to see the story you will tell [inaudible] pretty rich and interesting. in what we do as film makers is try to tell the best story possible so i think that is
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where i [inaudible] learn everything. lighting and cinematography. i got jobs of stage manger at some place and projectionist. i kind of mixed and matched as i went and kept refining i feel like it isn't just about making things that are beautiful and appealing and rich and [inaudible] the way that the films [inaudible] it has to tell a story. >> my name is sumell [inaudible] free lance multimedia produce. my project is [inaudible] mostly oof street photographry with a few portraits. i'm going arounds san francisco and capturing the [inaudible] as we started to do this project i was reading about the decline of african american population in san francisco and i wondered where the remaining population was and what they were doing
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and how life was for them. >> i wasn't very inspired by school, i wasn't very inspired by continuing to read and write and go to class. i watched a lot of movies and saw a lot of [inaudible] i said that is what i want to do. i had this very feminist [inaudible] and i felt like there was not enough of a womans vision on the stuff that we see, the movies that we make and the beginning of the [inaudible] the way we look at women and the roles women take in the stories being tolds. they felt [inaudible] they did want feel complex. i was like, i have a different frame i like to see the world shaped by.
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>> my grandsmother was a teacher and taught special education for 40 years in los angeles and when i was growing up she inspired me to record everything. we recorded our conversations, we recorded the [inaudible] we recorded everything to cassette players. learning multimedia skills, from the other crossover employment opportunities for young people. someone who grew up in la rks san francisco feels like a small town. i lived in western addition and i was looking for someone to cut my hair, i found [inaudible] he seemed like a very interesting guy and grew up in the neighborhood and had a lot to say about something that was foreign to me. that local perspective and so important to me because i think as someone who isn't from here, knowing that history
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allows me to be more engaging in the community i live in and want the same for others. i want people to move into a new neighborhood to know who was there before and businesses and what cultural and [inaudible] shape what we see today. >> my guiding principles have been, if you stick to something long enough and know what it is and go for it you will get there. [inaudible] where i want to go, what i want to do and it is totally possible so, the impossible is you know, is not something to listen to.
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>> we will call role for the commission on the environment. [roll call] >> there is decorum. >> thank you, very much. i am president on the commission of status of women. i wanted to thank everyone for being here today. i particularly wanted to thank the staff of the two departments the department of the environment and the status of women for this amazing meeting tonight. i know is a lot of work. it is something that the president and i talked about several months ago before the climate action summit. our mayor showed such extraordinary leadership. this has been a vision coming together for a couple of months. i wanted to thank you.
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as well as director rafael. i wanted to highlight a couple of things about the department on the status of women and the commission on the status of women for those of you who may not be familiar with our work. we invite you -- we have our regular schedule commission meeting on the fourth wednesday of every month. 4-6:00 pm in city hall. all are welcome. we would appreciate your input. join us there. we were created for 40 years ago and that was to help lift to the economic security and the status of living for all women in san francisco. we serve 49% of the a hundred 50,000 residents of san francisco. we are the only commission in the country. this is something that was voted in by the voters of san francisco. we are the only commission in the country that has a department. we are the strongest commission in the country and that is something that we continue to appreciate in the leadership of our mayor and elective family. in 1990 a, another point of pride, i think for the residents
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of this city, he became the first city and the country to enact a local ordinance on the extension to end the elimination -- the extension to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women. this was an international treaty america is one of the only handful of countries that has not passed this treaty through our federal government. in san francisco, the residents took leadership and we passed it ourselves. it is really a point of pride for the city. in 2014, the mayor and the first lady launched a organization. we are taking that leadership to cities across the country. we have over 75 cities that have followed our lead. we appreciate the ongoing work of the department to continue that leadership. i know -- i will now pass it to the president.
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>> welcome to our commission meeting, our joint commission meeting. it is a real honor to serve with my good -- good friend. i have had the opportunity to work with 70 people on the commission on a lot of things. it is very nice to see this and to welcome you and talk about ways that we will collaborate today and moving forward. and thank you for everything for putting this together. i know that this takes a lot of work and anthony, thank you so much. [indiscernible] >> i want to talk a little bit about this pic sometimes people don't always know what this department does. also, they wonder what exactly the department of the environment does. i will use some numbers.
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zero, a.d., 100 and ward ward to department staff work with zero waste to the landfill or the black been and 80% are sustained by walking, biking or transportation. we work to power the city by 100 % renewable energy. those are the roots. is our work to heal the planet through vital diversity, urban forestry and remove in carving from the air. there are many things that the department does. i will give you one example. i will give you an idea of the wide range of the things that we do. it is not just about composting or biking. the department of the environment has worked with a nonprofit organization for converting public housing developments. our team is working to make sure
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that both energy, thank you, both energy -- of this is better [laughter] >> let me restart that. we do a lot of things to showcase the wide range of things that we do. the department of the environment has worked with a nonprofit organization who are converging and retrofitting public housing developments. our energy team is working to make sure they are energy efficient, while at the toxics team works to help with integrated task management in a way that is less toxic. today you will hear about two other initiatives of our department, including the collaboration with the department on the status of women. anthony, please read the next item. >> the next -- we will take a public comment on this item. >> public comment is welcome. >> all right.
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next itemization three. presentation of commission on the status of women accommodation and the commission on the environment serve as a supervisor katy tang. this item is for discussion and action. >> thank you. both the commission on the environment and the commission on the status of women would like to recognize individuals and organizations whose work supports the mission of our organization. today we are proud and honoured to recognize supervisor katy tang in the mission science workshop. both will be receiving the resolution from the commission on the status of women and the environmental service award from the commission on the environment. >> commissioners, directors and members of the public, how this will work is that we will present the resolution and the commendation. then we will ask all commissioners to step aside and go out in the front for a photo
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after each resolution. then we will ask those who are honoured to make comments and then we will ask for comments from the commissioners and the directors and then we will take public comment. >> it is my honor to present our service award to supervisor katy tang. [applause] >> during her tenure on the board of supervisors, supervisor katy tang has been an incredible champion for the environment and for the city's climate action goals. as a city leader, she has recognize the urgency and the importance of local action in addressing global climate change and as a legislator, she has lead by example and demonstrating what cities and counties can do to change behaviour and protect our environment. as supervisor, she has stone --
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she has shown an unparalleled commitment there are legislative and neighbourhood work. she has helped push the city farther towards the goals of achieving zero waste through legislation to reduce single use disposable items like straws and cups. zero waste is more than just good public policy for supervisor katy tang. it is a personal commitment. she has really spotted in our district or at city hall without a reusable bag or a reusable mug in hand. she is truly a model and a champion for our program. supervisor tang has also been an instrumental partner in helping us tackle clean transportation for our city. whether it has been by championing vision zero and promoting walking and biking throughout her district, or through her work with accelerate greater adoption of zero emission vehicles for the city's
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own fleet of vehicles. she recognizes that electrified transportation is a key part of how we shift away from fossil fuels. as supervisor, she has spearheaded groundbreaking legislation to require all new developments in san francisco to be electric vehicle ready. and have the capacity for electrical vehicle charging. >> supervisor tang, you have been an incredible advocate for women as well. thank you for your leadership on the board. i wanted to mention a couple of things you have done at the neighborhood label -- level that have been incredible. you have helped green at the sunset district. the front yard and master program has transferred dozens of front yards. by breaking a concrete replacing it with drought tolerant plants that help retain water and sequester carbon. for your leadership, the city has launched a cigarette butt litter pilot program. this is one of my favourites. we need is in district a as well it has seen significant results or was it -- reducing letter among commercial corridors
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throughout the sunset. we have so much to be thankful for, soup -- supervisor tang when it comes to your leadership you have been an incredible partner and advocate. on behalf of the commission and the status of women and the department of the environment, and the commission on the environment, we thank you for your environmental leadership and your stewardship. for your commitment to climate action and for dedicated service to the city and county of san francisco. we honor you. thank you. [applause] >> i will ask for a quick point of guidance. anthony are we doing the vote first and then the photo? or should we do the photo? schema -- >> we will take the vote at the end after we take public comment >> should be take the photo now? >> yes. >> we will come down and take a photo and hear from you and hear from the other commissioners and then the public. we will come down to take our photo. [laughter]
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>> they will not bring it back down. [laughter] >> all right. >> ok. thank you to everyone who helped make that photo -- the photos happen. supervisor tang, we would love to hear from you. >> it is so nice to be part of this historic joint commission meeting. i am glad to see two of my favourite commission his meeting together. really, this is my opportunity to thank everyone else who has been a huge partner with our office on all of these initiatives. whether it is about the environment or supporting women in the workplace and all the work we have done together. a lot of grassroots advocacy work has been done predating my time on the board of supervisors i simply see myself as the vehicle with the legislative tools to make some of these changes actually a reality.
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i definitely want to start by thanking both department heads. debbie, emily, thank you, so much. i see you sitting there. you helped us draft legislation as well. i want to thank ashley from my office. i could not do this work without her. she happens to be a signed -- part of your departments. i apologize if i leave anyone out. jack, peter, sunshine, alexa, am i missing someone? did i say charles? charles. tyrone. he was working at the liaison. so many people helped to make this work possible. i really hope that there will be continued leadership on the board of supervisors even after i'm gone to work on environmental issues, issues impacting women. i thank you for this honor and recognition. i look forward to staying in touch even when my term is up in january. thank you, again.
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[applause] >> ok. we are now very excited for our next award. to the mission science workshop commissioners, lisa and the vice president for the commission on the environment, breanna. commissioner? >> oh, yeah. [laughter] >> can we allow the other commissioners and other opportunities -- an opportunity to speak about supers dot -- supervisor tang? >> sure. absolutely. thank you for your comments. colleagues, any comments you would like to give? go ahead. >> if i can do this, except, supervisor, you have to come up. i. i can't see you.
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[laughter] >> i am so thrilled that we have this opportunity to recognize you as not just as a leader, not only an amazing supervisor, but as a woman leader. there is such a need now for all of us to be surrounded by powerful women. women who are smart and vocal and thoughtful and good listeners. those are qualities in leadership that we all admire. you embody everyone of them. i believe, very strongly, the world is run by those who show up and i'm so grateful that forever short -- part however short it was, you decided to show up as an elected official. i can imagine it is not easy. i can imagine there are days where you wondered why be in public service when you are treated so poorly sometimes? i hope you know that we notice your leadership and we
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appreciated it and i personally am going to miss you deeply. you have been a wonderful colleague and a wonderful leader and i am really grateful that we had the chance to say thank you. >> thank you director raphael. >> supervisor tang, on behalf of the commission and the department, we want to thank you and your tremendous staff for changing the landscape for women in the workplace. your work on the accommodation precipitated by ashley's becoming a mother has really improved so many lives for women who are just trying to juggle having a family and working, the lactation accommodation work in san francisco has been adopted in some form at the state. it has been a tremendous contribution to not only san francisco, but to this stage. i wonder if my colleagues on the
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commission would like to say anything? >> thank you. i am so honored that we are on arising -- honouring supervisor tang today. she has been a leader in a very collaborative manner that we don't see. it is less and less often. i appreciate that you and your office solicit feedback, which a lot of our elected officials sadly do not do. they want to make life easier and not have any dialogue. but i see the legislation that comes out after public feedback and feedback from other people who are in city hall. it really does make a difference that you have a solid legislation. i wish the best to you. i know you are not going to ignore what happens in the city being a native san franciscan and i am proud to also share level high school with you. and also bring to light, especially scientific issues within our city. i speak more to that when we are on our mission science --dash
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when we honor mission science. >> i just wanted to say, i echo everything that has been said. you have made a real difference and we thank you for that. i will hate to see you go too. you have been a friend and incredible on the board. i wish you all the luck in your next chapter. you will be greatly missed. >> thank you all, so much. >> hello. in addition to being on this commission, i work at the national sierra club and from that perspective i know how deeply valuable to leadership at the city level is on the is really pernicious issues that we have like plastic pollution. a lot of us have heard that stat that there will be more plastic in the ocean then finished by the year 2050 if we don't make radical changes. changes the changes that you had helped inspire whole new generations to think differently about single-use plastics. it is really inspirational to our kids and communities. i want to thank you for that.
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>> commissioner shorter? >> you know that i can't go without saying something. you know what i really love about you? you have said -- set such a high standard in terms of public service. and i think that we now have a new -- it is not an acronym, but it is ww kd. what would katy do? [laughter] and as we look at, not only -- no issue is singular. i have really appreciated your genius to recognize that. clearly from the status of women , clearly from our colleagues here that are representing the environmental justice issues. there is a whole myriad of other issues. you have always been one to see the cross-section between issues you take it seriously and really
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involve community and really involve different opinions and different ideas and really come up with what has been the best of both ideas. i want to thank you. i also want to thank you for your love of animals. my dogs love you. they miss seeing you around. but most importantly, your love for san francisco and all of us that work to exist together. thank you. [laughter] >> thank you, so much for your thoughtful comments and hopefully i will see some of you at the salary negotiation workshop this week on thursday. thank you. [laughter] [applause] >> just a reminder, we will take public comment after both resolutions. we will move to the next one. >> now we can move on to commissioner lisa. >> thank you.
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i have the good fortune to talk about mission science workshop along with another commissioner who will also speak. the science workshop, for those who don't know was founded in 1991 out of a garage in the mission district. it goes to show you that not only tech companies have been started out of their garages. he didn't set out to create a hands-on lab for science -- for kids. he happened to have a lot of instruments, rocks, fossils and bones, animal bones. kids starting hanging out in the garage and wanting to get to work or play with his collection of materials. he saw young people with deeply -- were deeply interested in learning and he committed to ensure that they would have the opportunity to create and explore scientific endeavours in a more permanent way. fast forward 27 years.
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mission science workshop no longer operates out of his garage. it is going to include two bilingual community science centres. one at mission high and one in the excelsior. kids come to tinker and explore and build an experiment and feed animals and look for fossils and generally develop the problem-solving and fun having skills. these are the kinds of experiences that all kids, but particularly girls, must have to nurture their curiosity and to build confidence. mission science workshop serves more than 40 public schools and dozens of community-based organizations and my two boys went there numerous times. they went to flint which is multi latino but very diverse spanish bilingual public school in the mission. that was our go to spot. we have been there tons of times of my kids have grown and expanded their interest in science because of it.
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so now my counterpart will be speaking. thank you, so much. >> i am honored to speak about something near and dear to my heart which is education and science. many children from san francisco 's neighbourhoods come to the workshops during the week on a classroom field trip and they serve as many as 11,000 a year. one of the most rewarding things is not only that these children come on these field trips, is that they will come back and bring their families on the weekends. there is never enough to do and to see and to learn and to experience. it is really a testament to the work that is going on at the mission science workshop that they are really engaging students and children in different ways and that they want to more. there is always more to learn
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and sparking that curiosity that will continue for a lifetime. so i am really happy today that we are honoring an organization that nurtures confidence, curiosity, courage and collaboration. we know that these are vital skills when it comes to addressing some of the biggest challenges and we salute to the mission workshop for making sure that all children in san francisco get a chance to develop a deep love for science and learning. >> other commissioners? >> let's not electrocute ourselves. >> there is some science there. i wanted to commend this particular program. when i was growing up in san francisco, i had the benefit of a program called lexa tory laboratory. for those of you who are towards the end of the baby boomer
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generation, there are not enough places for students to really get exposed to science. every child has an aptitude for meth and science. it is the early exposure. it is the constant curiosity and it is programs like mission science that help nurture our young people. satterlee, statistics that have come out with san francisco -- sadly, statistics that have come out in san francisco means that lots of students aren't ready. it makes people more ready for high school. other statistics show that if dennis don't take enough meth and science in high school, they effectively cut off over 60% of possible majors in college. this is particularly relevant for young women and that commensurately has issues when it comes to lifetime earnings. i hope that we can all join and continue to support a program and it even goes into other neighbourhoods. i am so proud to know that this
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program exists in san francisco and for his longevity. >> i too am a lucky parent of a parent who gets to go to mission science workshop. we just signed on this year to be part of the program and every one of our graves gets to go two or three times a year. our faculty club, as we sit and decide, we spent a lot of time trying to raise money to help augment the programs that our schools can offer. it was a no-brainer for us. it was the first thing we said we wanted to add this year and in a year where we had to keep everything as is or cut programs mission science was when we really highlighted and decided to prioritize and i appreciate and respect all the work you do. the kids are buzzing about it. >> i want to share a fun fact about ziggy that some people may
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not know. if you have been to the mission science centre, you will see there is the skeleton of a 25- foot long humpback whale. and that skeleton did not magically appear in the building all put together. it was, first and foremost, a carcass of a decaying whale that washed up on pigeon point. and said he was out there with her elbows -- elbow deep, not knee-deep, may be that too in blubber as she extracted that skeleton to bring it back and share with the students. so this is a labor of love. it was a labor of love from the founder. it is a labor of love from the people who work there and of course, the kids are what make it worth it and for all of us who are scientists and educators at heart, we know the importance of the dedication of staff. thank you for being up to your
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elbows every day unsure. >> either other comments from our colleagues? >> thank you so much. this recognition means a lot to us. and that day after the beach, no one would sit next to me on bart on the way home. but thank you so much for all of your comments. i want to do one less thing which means it means a lot to us to try and make as much impact as we can with the families of our students. so that what we are doing in the title i sfusd classrooms get supported in the community and at home. we do school date programming and we have weekend and after school programs for whole families to come back and
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