tv Government Access Programming SFGTV November 20, 2018 4:00am-5:01am PST
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chief rivera can you tell me -- maybe chief sato will know. how many acres do we have on t-i and in the mission combined? >> good evening chief tony rivera. i believe the combined acreage is six acres total. we are in the process of working with a consultant to address what our actual needs will be so we are right at the 11th hour of the report and we should have it updated. we just actually chief sato's team submitted a round of comments last week that will be incorporated into the final document. >> very good, chief sato did you want to add something? >> the property on 19th and fulsome is about 1.3-acres.
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treasure island is 4.5. it comes out to about six acres total. >> we will have a little more. i understand that even with the space that we have now that we are bursting at the seams is that correct? >> absolutely. >> i will hold you to this. do you have any idea how much acreage we might need for a smalltaneous training facility for other departments in the area? >> for other departments we scent looked at that. >> okay. >> i would add this, commissioner, that we currently use our current training facility on weekends and after hours for other agencies and departments. that would be a possibility in the future. >> what about during the week?
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would we have more usage, more demand during the week? >> i am not sure what the demand would be from other agencies towards using the facility. i am not really sure. >> we haven't looked into that because we haven't had the space ttoto accommodate them. their access is during the evenings. during the week we are bursting at the seams. >> that may be a shoe horn way to accommodate them and look forward. we don't want to miss this opportunity of having the space we need to have a smalltaneous training going on. there are some departments i am thinking would like to have training done during the week so i don't know if there is any way
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to do some fact finding, you know, maybe call just a couple of friends in other departments and ask whether or not they anticipate that they would need the facility during the week or if that would better suit them. >> most of those requests are for specialized training which would include certain props. it would depend upon what is built into the training center. we included in our plans all of the required props for firefighter 1 and 2 and for specialized training we are rescue systems one site and rescue system twos. we would like to speak french. >> speak into the microphone. >> it is what we have available in the new facility as to how much draw we could get from the outside. we have tried to incorporate as much as we can in the new
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facility to look forward as to what our firefighters will need in terms of training. hopefully we can accommodate what they would request. we haven't polled them or asked with what kind of training they would like to do if the site were available. >> okay. how are these classes paid for? are they paid for by the other departments or is it the governmental entity? >> it depends on the type of classes and training they request. some require state certification there would be a state fee plus instructors. others would be basic firefighting. if they brought their own instructors could be a minimal cost to them. >> like a classroom rental which we have done before.
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>> i want to make sure we are forward thinking on this new facility, that we are not going to out grow the new facility, you know, in single digit years. three years down the line we discover we should have had this angthat and the other thing and that bell and that whistle and we didn't even have the conversation about it. it is important for us to do that. now is the time. it will be so exciting to have a new training facility. thank you both very much. >> thank you commissioner covington. commissioner hardeman had one final. >> i hit to get into a contrary opinion. this has come up many, many times about other didn'ts using our facilities. i didn't see a big deal of it. i do know with the chief now and
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she is doing the next big class in january, the 54. the scheduling always seems to be in flux. my preference would be to not have anything to interfere with the ability of the department to do scheduling as needed. i worry if we get into a situation where we are allowing other facilities -- other departments to use our facilities, i don't think that would be in our best interest. i thought i would bring that up. it has come up so many times. to me that is minor on the whether or not we fill the facility. i hate to say that like it looks like i am disagreeing with you, but that is how i feel on you that subject. i want that new training
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facility to be ours and not have concern about any other departments ability to use it so we don't have restrictions if we get into a problem down the road where we guarantee the departments' right to use the facility. that is an opinion. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you, commissioner hardeman. thank you for the report, chief. it is a pleasure working with you. >> excuse me. i am sorry i wanted to respond. he was responding to something i said. rebuttal. thank you. >> go ahead. >> i now we want people to have the impression our own department would be second. i am saying definitely the san francisco fire department would come first in its own training
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facility, but if we do not have the ability to assist in train you go other departments, some other department will. they may wind up helping train our folks because we may be out of space, and i don't want that. that is all i am saying. thank you. >> thank you commissioner covington. >> thank you for your report, chief, and thank you for your service. one you have the longest serving fire chief in the country and essential the longest serving female chief. we will work with you closely. our commission one of our most important responsibilities is recommending the next chief to the mayor. we will come up with a process that is on the agenda for the next meeting at which time we
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will prove a process to recruit and review and recommend to the mayor three candidates to be the next fire chief. it is important when we talk about the fire the department responded to. it shows the professionalism we have in our department and thaw professionalism has started with the top with leadership of the department. we want to maintain that, and we will. thank you for your leadership. we will be having many opportunities to applaud you and your service in the coming nos. one quick question on the facility. iit is a very big item on the 2020 bond. what do you think that cost is going to be minus the land cost assuming pg&e is willing to make
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the land swap, and i assume they are. >> we have been in discussions naomi and i approached pg and e about a year ago. costs i don't know if there are costs. do you want to provide that? >> this is the item we put in. >> not the land cost. >> assistant deputy chief rivera again. $110 million based on the consultant's work including all of the props that chiefsano discussed. >> that cannot include the land cost? >> does not include the land cost. just the cost to build the state of the art facility.
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>> chief nicholson. come right on up. welcome. >> good evening. deputy chief and this is my report from the administrative side. i will begin with the physicians' office. the flu shot is available. i want you to know i didn't cry too hard. it is available at our physicians' office. they conducted 58 fiscals in the ranks and 39 return to work evaluations. investigative services conducted 20 drug and alcohol tests negative. he is gearing up to get ready for the chief's recommendations for the next academy to conduct
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background investigations. the sight. office has completed -- assignment office has completed what should be the vacancy build. we will hopefully get that out this week. we will get that out tomorrow to the field. vacation bids will be in november upon conclusion of the vacancy awards. the chief recently appointed five permanent lieutenants. we had five permanent captains last month. retirements for october 1st. so far we have had one. it was james lowe who served for 40 years in the fire service elsewhere then here. wonderful man, pleasure to work with. all right. move to support services. we are currently work anything
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regards to station 35, the new floating fire station. we are working with the port, planning, public corks regarding the -- public works regarding approval of documents. we are working diligently on it. facility requests. 139 in september and we closed out 101. that is not quite the way we want the numbers to go. we want them the other way. we want to closeout more than we receive. we will continue to work with public works on streamlining that. if it doesn't work it is more evidence for us in terms of moving forward to get our own internal people to reparish our facilities which is part of the strategic plan as well. we are trying to work with them. if it doesn't work, then we have our case. the bureau equipment is busy.
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handed 60 plus field repairs plus services and materials. they get 150 phone calls at the boe every day. they are quite busy. in terms of facilities, i will just weigh in on the training facility as well. as the chief mentioned, we did speak with city administrator naomi kelly today, and in terms of the size that is in -- the size of the facility, combined facility 19th and fulsome and treasure island. that does not include driver training which we do on the streets in treasure island which we will lose. that could be another need that we would have. also, with the training facility
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in terms of in my opinion it would be an honor if our facility were a regional training facility and that other departments did come and use it and did look to us. we would absolutely prioritize our needs first. it would be an honor to be seen as a regional training facility for others to look to, state-of-the-art. the employment facility has been turned over to the contractor on october 22. we turned it over to them. i know that we will be doing a groundbreaking november 28th for that facility. the budget for the facility is $30.4 million. it is scheduled to open in late
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2020. 2020 station. we work with public works. the fuel system is moving forward. i will show you a photo. this is in front of station 16. this is the new fuel system they put in. we are waiting for concrete to be poured on that. there are other issues that need to be completed and it will likely be pushed after november 16th. it will not be completed by november 16th.
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you station 5, final completion we talked about last month. we are looking at late february is what we hope for. things are in flux. the contractor was having trouble getting su subcontracto. it is moving along. ambulances. this was hot a few months ago getting new ambulances. chief rivera and his team have been working diligently on the ambulance specifications and they have been updated and vented by central shops and ems. we are going to a smaller footprint but not to the sprinters. the chief is going to have another meeting with the current vendor tomorrow regarding specifications. he is working on that and we are moving forward.
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our mobile command vehicle is due for upgrades. we are working on that. the current technology is outdated. that could be basically a mobile command site for us. we are working with the doe and with information technology, our it people and homeland security to update that vehicle. our moose boat that i showed a photo of a month or so ago is currently at hyde street pier. we will conduct dive training on thursday and friday on it with rescue. we have a task book for operators of the moose boat so they will get the proper training. be signed off and qualified to operate that. we have it all in writing. moving to training division.
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probationary firefighters got 87 of them got to the division of training in september for 560 hours of pump training and aerial operations training. the dot crews working hard with them. we need them to be proficient at the basic skill to learn. in between academies they are extremely busy. they have inventory i inspectioning, polishing and cleaning and lesson plans including the video library. the video drill manual we are putting together. it is not just paper any more. the youngsters like the video. we are sad adjusting our training to how people learn, which is important.
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they also do creative things. they use old hose to make victim dummies. they are shaped like people and they have serious weight to them. we repurpose things. i know chief rivera likes that. you are not the money guy but a penny pincher. our inservice training. 304 members through 904 hours of suppression training. we talked about that last time. we also the building construction training with them. as you can see from commissioner vercommissionervernise went to . you may have seen the fire at the oakland construction site this week how it bumped different leo i burned differently than the fire in the
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high rise. we go over it teaching them how building construction affects fire dynamics. other training we do that we don't talk about a lot. i want you to understand how much is going on down there. we do bart drills where they lift, crib and rescue. we do bart orientation. the third rail trips and bart rail operations. in bart tracks are above ground. we work on how we respond to those. also, we did some pg&e substation training and other orientation to what tools we bring and don't bring to electrical areas. don't bring long hooks. your hair will not look as good as chief rivera's.
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i am just saying. the officer's academy. module two this week consists of company and probationary drills and engine and truck operations. the lieutenants are learning about drilling and going out to give drills to fellow lieutenants. ems academy and in service. 1094 members. some went through twice, two types of training. 4700 hour u hours of training. stop the bleed and community c cpr. bump up academy completed. we have an acacademy that will last for six weeks.
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fiery serves 138 hours of drills in september. i want to thank the deputy commander who keeps us informed. they went to the third alarm fire the other night and were very helpful because when you do overhaul in a regular two-story house you have to walk down the set of stairs with equipment and debris and burned wood. they had to come down multiple levels. the fiery serves helped as well. we don't like to take things burned down in an elevator. it could go wrong. while we may bring down equipment after a fire, we see don't typically bring debris down in an elevate tour. they were super-helpful with that. they all got a workout. in september they did
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presentations and meetings. the captain is trying to spread the message. she met with you the unionfied school district board in san francisco. she had a medical meeting to explore -- preliminary meeting with them. i know we are also looking to partner with other community organizations with students for that. she is also working with the department of public health regarding use of medical reserve core which will be critical during the disasster i the volunteers. hospitals could be overwhelmed, not functional or we can't get people to the hospital. on october 20th the nerd drill i am bringing the show and tell. here we go.
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look at those people. our mayor was there as well. all right. on to homeland security. that was our homeland security chief and assistant deputy chief of training joe sought to. homeland security fleet week every one did a great job organizing especially chief zanoh and cochran. they stepped up and did a great job. one drill was inter agency with the coast guard, fema, navy and onnd on. lcu drill on treasure island. landing craft utility. more photo ops here. that is chief cochran's boat.
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the landing craft behind him so we had that come to treasure island northeast -- treasure island. there was a ramp in good enough condition to use. they came in, lowered the ramp and we drove a vehicle off. part of fleet week was about being able to get fuel during a disaster. how are we going to fuel up the rigs, all of the equipment that we need. this was a trial run. that ask not a fuel rig, it was part of the practice. also, for homeland security chief cochran today went to
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dublin to meet with the police and working k-9 foundation with some of our guys from our k-9 unit, and they offered an emergency medicine course then gave us some kits for the dogs that include trauma bandages, activate you had charcoal in case they happen to eat anythi anything. narcan for opioids. dogs can come across that and we want to be able to react and take care of them. they gave the dogs sleeping bags. all sorts of veterrinnary and other things. swords work on the fire department operations center which chief cochran and chief rivera have been involved in
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should be starting hopefully by december. they are working on basic mockups now. the center is on the second floor of headquarters. they are putting up video disclays and upgrading our infrastructure. grants. we submitted several more grants. we will be submitting some afg assistance and firefighter grants. after approval we will recommend our needs and will submit that upon her approval. you get your flu shot. close when you dose. don't over lows your power strips or extension cords, my commissioners. that is all i have got for tonight. >> thank you, deputy chief
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nicholson. any public comment on this report? seeing none public comment is closed. >> commissioner verenese. >> where is the moose boat. >> st. francis yacht club. >> that sacurrently where -- is currently where station 16 operates? >> yes. >> finally, if i could state the obvious since we are hiring a senior administrative analyst grand writer, i am sure it will be on that person's radar to look for grants associate you had with training facilities. i am sure there are some homeland security grants to help us perhaps fund that facility. i want to put that out there. that is it. thanks for your report. >> thank you. >> thank you. commissioner hardeman. >> thank you for the very
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thorough report, chief nicholson. you mentioned station 5. you are probably as familiar with this. chief rivera might be more familiar. he was in the video on station 5. do you think that video is accurate, chief rivera, and it is worth showing to this body? >> tony rivera. i would ask what portion are you questions is accurate? i know we had different members from different departments, city agencies. >> one you were interviewrd, particularly the part you were involved with. i found it fascinating. >> it was actually all true, yes. >> my point was i think it would
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be great to you show it at a commission meeting if it was 10 minutes. not anybody is going to want to go online to find it. if it was shown in this room, it would be good for the younger folks that aspire to be firefighters, i don't know. i wanted your opinion. the chief thought it might be worthwhile showing it here at the next meeting or the meeting after. >> commissioner hardeman is talking about a small video clip of six minutes including public works and fire department to discuss station five in the western addition to the new station, and we all kind of gave a lot of information what the state was, what it means to the department.
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it is interesting it is on sfgovtv and youtube. i think it was great. >> i was going to brick it up commissioner's request for the next meeting. i didn't want to do it without your nod. >> if the chief thinks good idea, fine. that is it for that. thank you, chief rivera. >> his hair must have looked good in that video. that is all i have to say. >> he looks like he is in high school with elvis presley days there. >> when you got it, you got it, right? >> anyway, also, chief nicholson, you showed the landing craft. i toured the world war ii museum in new or leans. that was amazing.
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i won't belabor the other things. they had the landing craft that according to president eisenhower commented that hig gibbs landing craftcho looked similar to that one that he doesn't know if we would have won the war. richard higgins invented that landing craft and they were used on d-day. thank you. >> thank you accident commissioner. one quick question. did you city vehicles have been redeployed someplace do you know where they have been moved. >> what vehicle. >> antique vehicles on treasure island have to be moved, i understand. have we redeployed them in different places?
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>> none of them have been moved at this time. >> offline topic of discussion no doubt. thanks so much for your report. maybe you can put the video in your next report. >> you got it. >> thanks very much. >> thank you. >> madam secretary would you call the next item. >> item 5. resolution 2018-02 discussion and possible action regarding 2018-02 recommending the san francisco fire department expand the duties and remain the stress unit to peer support services? >> any public comment on this resolution? please come forward. good evening. >> good evening, mr. president,
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chief hayes white. >> i and currently as signed to the airport department. prior to this i worked in the stress unit as one of the two full-time pier stress councilors for five.five years. i want to thank everyone here today for the unwavering support of unit and the members of our department. i stand before you here today because i truly believe that commissioner veronese's you have recommendation could help the members. i believe having two full-time stress unit peer counselors is inadequate for the membership of
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approximately 1700. again, i think bolstering the unit could be of great assistance to the members of the department. i want to thank you all four your support. good evening. thank you. >> thank you. any other public comment? okay. commissioner would you like to begin the discussion on this? perhaps read the resolution. >> sure. thank you. first of all, i want to start off by thanking dan for coming. he and john christy had donnism amazing work. i am confident that this resolution will save lives. i am confident of that. i know the work john and dan had done over the years had also
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saved you lives. this takes the amazing work they have done and support of chief hayes white over the years to allow the unit that is currently existing to come into existence and to operate under somewhat of an unofficial framework that goes to show how dedicated this chief was for actually creating, in my opinion, creating the beginning of this unit. whawhat i envision doing when i first shared this original version to the commission was and it is the same to take the work that the chief and the existing unit and all of the people who have been trained in peer support in the department and i see there is another
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training unit coming online in the next two weeks to take that to the next level. what this resolution does is says to the members of the department that we are going to look at post-traumatic stress in a different way. we are going to remove the stigma of post-traumatic stress and the symptom that come with toast traumatic stress including addictions, suicides, as you know nationally last year we lost almost twice as many firefighter to suicide than we lost in the line of duty. this is a very serious issue. it is not always reported, but what this measure will do is take this unit into 21st
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century, it will encourage the type of training and support and remove the stigma that comes with it and encourage our member to reach out to get help when they need help. it is better to do that from what i have learned over to year and-a-half of studying this to do that at an earlier stage and while john and dab and the others have done an amazing job over the years, i think with my discussions with john, they were dealing withins dents at the later stages when they could have been dealing with the right resources assisting members at earlier stages that is the aim to take what is currently there and bring it into this century and to show the rest of the nation to do a study and show
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the rest of the nation thaw san francisco cares for its people and we intend on building a model that the rest of the makes can look at as a best pracdis. i hope to have your support. in the last meeting i took a lot of the meat out of the resolution because it was causing confusion among the commissioners. the purpose is to ask the chief to come back to the commission after a certain amount of time after she has studie study studs issue and what she believes to be the state of art unit and come back to us after that report with a plan of action
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that would incorporate by way of example the type of resources and a plan of action for implementation of a state-of-the-art unit that could be created and should be created by this department. with that, commissioners, i am a strong believer this will save lives. this is a resolution. while it is the second resolution of the year, according to the number. it is resolution two. it is probably the most important resolution we will pass in a very long time because it will continue on. it will start the process for work that will continue for years and years and year requests. it will save lives and marriages and save people from addictions and the ruin that comes with ptsd. i just wanted to touch on it.
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it is timely in a sense that our department responded to a fire on tuesday morning where a young lady lost her life. as i understand it was a very gruesome scene. it is one that is out of many members of the department have been exposed to over the years. from what i know of ptsd, this is not an ailment that always affects you at that moment but can you affect you for years to come. i think the work we will begin here tonight if approved is really probably the most important thing we have done since i have been on the commission. i truly hope i have everybody's support. i would like to read the
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resolution into the record. if there are any questions from the commissioners, i am happy to answer them following the resolution. is it appropriate to ride the entire resolution? >> yes. >> okay. peer support services unit resolution 2018-02. whereas members of the san francisco fire department frequently respond to traumatic incidents in dangerous circumstances fires, shootings, violence, riots, automobile incidents, airplane crashes and earthquakes. they are exposed to harmful substances such as blood, urine and vomit. they witness death and grief
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they are in harm's way while performing the duties of their job. whereas the traumatic and unpredictable nature of emergency services results in high stress working environments to take an overwhelming toll on personnel. chronic exposure increases the risk post-traumatic stress and other stress. whereas while most emergency service personnel survive the traumas. many experience occupational stressors. psychological stress can have a detrimental impact long after the shift is over. whereas such trauma related injuries can be overwhelming. manifest in post-traumatic stress and substance abuse and suicide the fire services is four times more likely to experience a suicide than traditional death in the line of
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duty in any year. whereas similar to military personnel first responders face uniquely dangerous risks to keep the public safe. they rely on each other for survival while placing lives on the line every day to protect the communities they serve, whereas the culture and emergency services is inhibited personnel from asking for assistance in battling psychological stress for fear it will cause rid cool shame or adverse job action. whereas the san francisco fire department has a responsibility to ensure that members are equipped can tools for assisting members in mitigating occupational stress as performing job duties. the intent of the fire commission in enacting the resolution is to identify best
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practices for state of art peer support program for members of the san francisco fire department. resolved by majority vote the san francisco fire commission finds as follows. within 120 day us of the adoption of this resolution the chief shall nelson mandela i have a memos services. the them should demonstrate the chief has considered the following or in the alternative explanation. the required personnel, budget, training, certification elements of the program protocols for response debriefing process attendance location of briefings, follow up identification of external and
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internal men tell health and on scenery sources and pier support and events to the extent possible internal and external mental health elements of the campaign for post-traumatic stress injuries and coni leader. resolve further within 180 days of adoption the chief of department shall deliver for the consideration a them setting forth a plan of action for state of the action unit acidsed here in add -- unit on this date. commissioners i welcome competentes. i do want to point out that as you have the document in front of you, the items i wanted to
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stress one word in here i think is critical. that is that under the as stressing on the second page after the first resolve, it says ththe memorandum shall demonstrate. the purpose is to point out some of the areas that the chief should cur. this is not to say the chief has to consider just these, not to restrain the chief from looking outside of these but because they are issues that have been considered in other peer support unit resolutions adopted by the smaller departments, there are few department in the nation this far ahead. the ones that very, very looked at these elements. my point including that was to just ask the chief to make sure she had considered those but
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that should by no means be a limitation what should be considered. with that, commissioners, i would ask that there be one word it looks like after reading this probably 100 times. one word should be added that is on the second whereas on the second page it says whereas the intent of the san francisco fire commission in enacting this resolution. the word should be is following the resolution. is to identify. commissioners with that i will open up for comment or questions or otherwise. >> thank you, commissioner. i would like to recognize commissioner covington first. >> thank you, mr. president. i would really like to thank commissioner vercommissioner foo
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ittiveness. that is such important work. this resolution shows so much thought and so much heart that i really do appreciate the work that you have done here. i would like to move for the adoption of this resolution. >> second. >> thank you commissioner. a motion on the floor and second. do we have a discussion? i see chief hayes-white would like to say something before we vote. chief. >> thank you. yes, i also am very supportive of the effort in the resolution and intent of the resolution. i want to thank all of the
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commissioners. you have been engaged in a lot of issues. this is probably your number one priority it is appreciated not just by me but by all of membership. you recognize the challenges of our job. you saw the high notes on monday. a tough one yesterday morning. you heard from former member of the stress unit actively involved captain dan griffin. i would like to stand faster of -- father of twins dan mahoney. if you would stands for a minute. i would like to give them both a round of applause for the great work that they do. [applause.] so i support the intent of this resolution and in looking at sort of the totality of my time
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as chief, this is a really, really important unit that can't be under emphasized enough the importance of having this level of support and among once peers is very essential. thank you. >> thank you, chief. commissioner hardeman do you have additional words to add? >> no, i think the commissioner did a good job every vicing the resolution. i support it entirely. >> i was down in new orleans at the world war ii museum. i was at the medical conference in new orleans. peer is the new buzzword. everyone is talking about pier. i guess you have seen tha pop-u.
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that is the new buzzword. i did go to the stress peer meeting on friday, the 12th of october. at the next meeting i will share a bunch of information that i won't bore the audience with, some of the statistics are not pleasant about mental health and stress disorders and suicides. iit is very alarming. suicide is the number one thing increasing percentage wise. very sad. thank you commissioner. >> thank you commissioner hardeman. i would like to chinned you commissioner vironese. i know it is near and dear to your heart. you had a lengthy one when you came to the commission with it. this is more flexible and i
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fully support it and i think we will go ahead now and vote on the measure. we have a first and second. all in favor say aye. >> it passes unanimously. >> thank you. >> item 6. resolution 2018-04. discussion and possible action regarding proposed resolution 2018-04 recommending the board of supervisor us authorize the san francisco department accent and extend assistance to the firefighters grand program 2,000,073 -- 2 mill 33,591 for the purchase of defibrillators
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wand monitors for the department. >> for the next couple items for formal grant approval. this first grant is from fema for 2017 assistance to firefighters grant. we applied in january and were awards it for the purchase of 50 cardiac monitors andy fiblators and the total award is $2.7 million of federal funding. total projected over $3 million there is a portion of city matching funds in the budget. the performance period for the grant extends through september of 2019. i am happy to answer any questions. >> madam secretary would you read to resolution into the record and open it up for discussion.
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>> yoi don't seem to have mine here. do you have it? the board of supervisors authorize the san francisco fire department to accept and expand a grant in the amount of $2,733,591 from the federal emergency management agency to purchase defibrillators and rescue tools. the fire department respond to 150,000 incidents each year fires, vehicle accidents, rescues and medical and other emergencies. whereas the department currently uses defibrillator monitors in responding to medical call us and whereas the department's
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current inventory of defibrillators need replacement and upgrade and given the use and age. whereas the use of hydraulic tools on the vehicle to assist in extrication and rescue. the sfd was awarded the federal grant in the sat of 2 mill $733,591 to replacement tools and the grant requires the city to provide matching funds for 10% or 2 $73,000 and whereas the fema grant requires the sffd to complete the project by september 2019 and they wish to accept and expand to support the bureau equipment and front line
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now therefore be it resolved the fire commission recommends that the board of supervisors authorize the fire department to accept and extend the grant from fema in the amount of 2733.591 for the purchase of defibrillators and rescue tools. >> do we have public comment on this item? seeing none public comment is closed. commissioner. >> the resolution number was 2018-4. we passed 2018-2. should this be three? >> no, because three was the wetland cliff rescue we took off. >> okay. >> that was three. >> i would move for adoption and following the questions of any other commissioner. >> zoo i have a second?
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>> second commissioner hardeman. all in favor say aye. it is unanimous. thank you. >> item 7. resolution 2018-5. discussion and possible action regarding proposed resolution 2018-5 recommending the board of supervisor authorize the san francisco fire department to accept and expend fiscal year 2018 port security grant program funding in the amount of $399,562 from the fema for the purchase of a new rescue boat. >> would you like to discuss thaw. >> mark corso. >> is acceptance of port security grant program award from fema for a new rescue bit.
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the department has one boat over 10 years old there are maintenance and repair issues on it. this would supplement the marine resources. it is 27-foot vessel that this is $532,000. 75% federal contribution and 25% city match in the budget. we applied in june. there is a three year performance period through the end of august 2021. i am happy to answer any questions. >> before we go. do we have public comment? public comment is closed. commissioner covington. >> thank you, mr. president. mr. core so will this replace one of the other rescue boats or are we going to keep everything? >> it is anticipated that this will allow us to take the current rescue boat out of
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