tv Government Access Programming SFGTV November 21, 2018 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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for small businesses that may have small footprints. for example, we don't mandate that you have a lactation room, but rather lactation space. in city hall we have a lactation pod here open to the public. ♪ ♪ >> so the more we can change, especially in government offices, the more we can support women. >> i think for the work place to really offer support and encouragement for pumping and breast feeding mothers is necessary. >> what is most important about the legislation is that number one, we require that an employer have a lactation policy in place and then have a conversation with a new hire as well as an employee who requests parental leave. otherwise a lot of times moms don't feel comfortable asking
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their boss for lactation accommodations. really it's hard to go back to the office after you have become a mom, you're leaving your heart outside of your body. when you can provide your child food from your body and know you're connecting with them in that way, i know it means a lot to a mommy motionlely and physically to be able to do that. and businesses and employers can just provide a space. if they don't have a room, they can provide a small space that is private and free from intrusion to help moms pump and that will attract moms to working in san francisco. >> if you want more information visit ♪ ♪
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>> this is the hearing of the san francisco entertainment commission. i'm the commission vice president. if you are a member of the public and would like to speak, there are speaker forms you can fill out that are located at the front of the tables, and once you complete that on hand it to our staff are come up to the microphone, i can call you for public comment. we do ask that you turn off your cell phones or put them on silent and that includes our commissioners and staff. a big shout out to san francisco government t.v. and media services for sharing this meeting with the public. we can start with the roll call. [roll call] >> the other commissioners have
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excused absences. >> thank you. first order of business is public comment. is there any public comment for items not listed on the agenda? if you don't -- yeah,. okay. is it for any of the items that are on the agenda? okay. it will come up a bit later. thank you. all right. public comment is closed. the next item on the agenda is item two, approval of our minutes for november 6th, 2018 commissioners? do we have a motion on the approval of minutes for november 6th, 2018? >> i do have -- let's see.
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page 2, my comment about the chief and up. i think it should be soma -- what is it? it was a night club. the owners' coalition. it is not just soma. it's kind of weird. just say soma safety commission. i don't know, nightclub owners, stakeholders. >> all right. i moved to approve with that one change and i don't know if there's any others, but i don't have any. >> okay. >> commissioner thomas? >> let's open it to public comment. is there any public comment on the minutes?
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saying none, public comment is closed. commissioner thomas? >> aye. [roll call] >> okay. the minutes have been approved. the next item on the agenda is a report from our executive director. >> all right. good evening, commissioners. this is very interesting sitting up here, since i was down below. i just wanted to update you on a quite -- quite a few things this evening. first of all up the world city of culture forum was hosted in san francisco last week by the san francisco arts commission. and both dale and bryce and i were lucky enough to be included in some of the events, including their gallop which was on thursday night.
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it was a black-tie gala. it was very interesting. we met people from all over the world to serve in arts capacities. it was an amazing learning experience. in future, we would hope to embed in world cities with the culture forum or create something similar to that around entertainment and music, as we thoroughly believe that this is just as qualifying of an art as anything else. world cities cultural forum was started in the city of london and it's a convenor of city policymakers that share research and best practices and explore the vital role of culture in their future prosperity. so dylan went out afterward and was able to meet and mingle with a lot more of the attendees of the gala and made a lot of
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really vital connections. we are really excited about that another item i wanted to update you all on, i don't remember the last time we have updated you on this, but this is sound diplomacy. this is a group that is coming to san francisco the week of our holiday party, december 10th, through the 14th. the office of economic and workforce development and my counterpoint over there put together a request for proposal for a music industry study for san francisco and found diplomacy was the group that was chosen. so this is some of the beginning of their research. they will be conducting group interviews and surveys across our entire music industry. i was included -- i have included a snapshot of sound
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diplomacy's work here in san francisco within my director report. you can take a look at its. this will be a really interesting prosit -- cross segment arrangement. we are really hoping that we get some action items out of their visit. this will be an ongoing study and we will keep you apprised of that. i believe some of the commissioners are invited to attend. i think commissioner lee will be invited to one of the discussions. we have a whole discussion around nightlife menu owners and operators as well as event producers. we will be convening those folks that we already work very closely with. that will be a really great project. moving right along, i wanted to introduce everyone to our new deputy director, caitlin. she just started yesterday and although it's only been two days , i already feel so much
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better. she comes from us -- comes to us from alameda county. i will let her say a couple of words, and welcome, kaitlin. >> good evening, commissioners. hello. i'm excited to be here, as maggie mentioned, i did come from alameda county. i was previously working with the superior court of california and i am extremely excited to be joining the entertainment commission team and working in this capacity. i am here to help you and support you and i look forward to working together. >> awesome. thank you, kaitlin. another item in my report, and i think this might be null at this point, is a reminder to pleas work with our commission secretary, crystal, and letting her know whatever meetings you cannot attend and at least
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through january, at this point because we want to ensure we have a quorum moving forward. she has responses from just about everyone at this place. thank you so much. finally, i wanted to update you about the notice to appear that we issued to halcion and to this information the agenda is already incorrect. it was originally correct when i published the agenda, but the commission hearing for this will now be on december 18th. we are currently working on a very large public records request on behalf of the permit holder. that has essentially pushed back their hearing date. i will keep you all apprised of the work on that item. do you have any questions for me >> i noticed in the pocket a
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news announcement about mezzanine. >> so sorry. thank you. i forgot to bring that up because it was not on the agenda i don't know -- i believe a lot of you have read about this today. its something that i have known was perhaps going to happen for quite some time and i'm very sad to hear that it is happening. mezzanine is being displaced by their land owner. and that will be happening within a year. it is a really sad story because they will be -- basically the owners worked with a realtor who said that they could get $50,000 a month in rent if they turn this into office space. that is what they are pushing to do back and this is not a good story. it was a female owned a female run venue, from front doors providing live music in a safe
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and fun environment for patrons to attend. i push this out to the mayor's his office today. there are a lot of city supervisors who are also really concerned to reach out to the owner. it is getting a lot of media coverage. i think that it is a story we should share but i think we should look toward solutions and how we can help prevent against this happening again in the future. do you have any questions or thoughts on that? >> i definitely agree that we should look toward solutions to try to prevent this. this is one new victim of many other nightclubs like elbow room and others who have closed down over the years. has more properties look like lucrative for developers, we will continue to see this. i am really sad. i'm sorry to the whole team at mezzanine. i think that why kate we are
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here to protect nightlife as a commission, and i think that all of us are probably going to be willing to sit down and try and think about what preservation strategies can we have on a city level two support businesses like this. i have had a lot of great memories there, and there's been an incredible music acts that have come through their. we had our entertainment commission holiday, was at the holiday party? >> jocelyn's going away party. >> there's a lot of history there that is tied to the commission and not. i wish that greed wasn't a factor in how people run their businesses. i'm sorry to them and i look forward to -- i don't know how many more months. eleven more months of really great to nightlife their. we will see what happens in that time.
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>> keep us in the loop in terms of what, if anything the entertainment commission can do. i know that both members of the board of the supervisors and incoming members of the board are very interested in figuring this out. hopefully they can put pressure on the landlord and save the space. >> okay. all right. is there any public comment on our director's at report? seeing no public comment, public comment is closed. >> welcome to kaitlin, too. sorry. [laughter] >> welcome. we are all at our ceiling. this is what we are learning about mezzanine. next item on the agenda is a report from our senior inspector >> thank you, vice president. this is inspector burke, and i have some complaints for you.
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[laughter] >> good evening, commissioners. first and foremost, i wanted to mention a complaint towards the top of the list. it is from november 7th. it is for the knockout. it -- the both of these clubs came through on one complaint, along with a third bar without a place of entertainment permit. without a permit from us. just a description of their experience with these two places i will have one of our inspectors monitor this core door. it is a place that they go pretty frequently. it -- they make sure doors are closed and make sure, as these clubs empty out, the exit is organized and security is strong definitely something we will keep an eye out for. further down the list, zeitgeist had to watch like complaints come live bands on sunday
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evening. i talked to both of the complainants and they said that this is something that happens infrequently but this particular time, it was a little overboard with volume. we visited zeitgeist and we will be in touch with them to see what we can do about bringing them into compliance. same goes with church on 1401 howard, a little bit further down the list. that is a place of both inspectors and i visited. when we saw an event they are driving by about a month ago, we talked to the owner of the church and he's aware of the permitting process. we will follow up again to make sure that he knows that any time he has entertainment that he has to get a permit from us. alloy event space is the last on the complaint list. this is one of many difference
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co- working and private event café space is that we seen pop up recently. all of them more or less our advertising that they can be rented out for private events. something we will keep an eye on to make sure that when they do have events they get one time event permits with us or we can try to permit them for llp his or places of entertainment. under the inspections on the first page, at 2516 mission, we are also seeing a rise in places with speakers on patios. which is good for the fixed f. pass. fix placed, amplified sound permit. howells is another one you can see on the back page with outdoor speakers, and we will be
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forwarding e-mails to kaitlin to bring these places into compliance. ongoing complaints, halcion received four complaints since our last hearing. if you will notice, for most of the complaints on the front page and on the back here, i have put the day of the week so we have a little bit more reference as to what is going on. three out of the four for halcion were on weekday nights. sunday, two sundays, three on sundays, and then one on a saturday, and stanford june, we have multiple complainants complaining over multiple dates. it is something that director ryland and i have talked to the operators about. the operators are in touch with
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most of the complainants as well and we have been assured that any events outside of the times and days that they are permitted for will be -- they will be applying for one time event permits moving forward. i think there was confusing about -- confusion about what they were allowed to do. this is happening very recently. we have had no issues with complaints for quite some time and we hope to have this wrapped up shortly. there has been an influx of complaints about them. that wraps it up. i'm happy to answer any questions you might have. >> i've only got one. so the church, when he got there , what kind of event was it was at a party? was it an adult -- a wedding?
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>> this complaints came through on thursday evening. we didn't have coverage in the field to inspect. the visit i had mentioned happened may be a month ago. i was out training with antonio and michael and we were driving around selma and saw the doors open, and windows open, and crowds going in and out and we heard music. we spoke with security and we spoke with the operator to let him know about the permitting process and gave him cards and at the time, i think it was an open house. i think it was haycock here is the space. it is done. come check it out. >> a little background on st. joseph's, i know about this because brian sheehy, who we have seen before this commission several times, he owns and
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operates several pubs in the city and his consulting with them on this. they are going directly through the board of supervisors for a see you just for this property to allow for arts and entertainment to use. this will be a very community-based space and we will see them before the commission once they are allowed to do so. in the interim, they know to come to us for one-time and so just a little background. >> the reason why i bring it up is because i remember back in the day, the ymca and things like that, they would host these parties. they would call them birthday parties and what not to. and sometimes violence happens. churches tend to follow if they have space and they do rent out their facilities. but i guess if brian is working with them, at least they have someone professional who will
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keep an eye on things and represent something more positive. i was just curious. >> it was a church, but it is not a church anymore. the building is right at the corner of kent and howard with the gold domes. >> so it is not active? >> it is not a safe establishment of any kind at this point. it is just a building. >> i see it all the time. okay. >> i don't know if there's any religious institution affiliated with it. >> that makes it more of an -- okay. i guess they're trying to to get their permits. >> yet yep. >> thanks. >> i just found a couple typos. in their first complaint, you say i'll techno. >> i've sort of got into the habit of cutting and pasting from the source of the complaint
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just as it was submitted to 311. >> and halcion was on the second page. just their address. i believe it is 11th. it looks right on the other one. >> it sure is. thank you for that. >> aside from my editing, i have a question about people using the hall. i feel like we've seen this pop up at least two or three other times in other meetings. i'm wondering, do you know -- it looks like its an anonymous complaint, but it's hard to say for sure if it's the same person >> based on the wording and the complaints that are coming to 311, i believe it is. they seem to be super sporadic. i don't think it's a trait or a door or a crowd, i think occasionally, great american music hall will have a band that
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is a little louder than most of their programming. and that is something that we went by and discussed with them this past weekend. i think the best course of action is to make sure that they understand what their limits are they keep good logs of how loud each band is each night. and maybe redo a sound test. it has probably been quite some time since they had a sound test and may be there sound system has changed. that is the next step if we can't, if these complaints continue and we can't work with a complainant to be in touch with them, then we will go out and redo their sound test. >> were they aware of complaints were they surprised? i am wondering if anyone has gone to them directly. >> they were surprised. in my time here, i think the anytime people have complained it has been about great america. >> it sounds like they are
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cooperative and a hope they can figure out how to resolve that. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> i had a question about ravens can you just let us know, was there an incident or was, was it follow-up from a complaint. >> there was a complaint about closing time at raven. we got a complaint that the crowd was not under control and spilling out onto the streets. no incident and no violence or anything like that, but that the dispersal was a little messy. that was not the experience of our inspector when he went out. so another thing that we will keep an eye on, on the major thoroughfare in soma and we will make sure to keep an eye around closing time to make sure everything is safe. >> thank you. >> thank you.
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>> okay. is there any public comment on the report of our senior inspector? seeing none, public comment is closed. the next item on the agenda is the report from our senior analyst. >> this mike is dead. >> thank you. i am the senior analyst for the community and cultural events. good evening character sitting over here this time. it is fun. i just wanted to report back on some education and networking initiatives i have been working on that had not happened quite yet at the last hearing. we had our last s.f. outdoor events network mixer at del rio which was on november 7th. i had a wonderful experience organizing it with the owner of
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el rio as well as with jeremy from tour tech. this was a panel discussion about how producers can leverage technology to increase their revenue streams and increase customer loyalty. how can we talk about innovation and tools for events of all sizes and all budgets? we had about 25 people attend. we had 49 rsvp. fifty% attrition. it is pretty decent. and then i was excited about the range of attendees. we had stern growth, we had noise pop, jury day, autumn festival, daybreak or, parks alliance, as well as commissioner perez and others and a few tech companies. thank you krystal for helping with the events. i thought the engagement was a
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very high. people really wanted to learn more about how they can increase their wi-fi bandwidth at events. and captured data. because every single phone has a unique paying to it and you can capture that ping and measure the number of people attending as well as where they are at the event. the location. without knowing who the person is. you can still keep that data anonymized. the other piece of it was increasing food and beverage sales. it was another hot topic of discussion. so i will do a survey at the next mixer as well as my general assessments. i want to make sure i am still doing -- i am still doing the kinds of topics that are really interesting and important to our stakeholders. i haven't done a survey on that in over a year. it is high time to do that. we have confirmed the next event
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will be on january 28th at manny's and it will be a cannabis themed topic. the executive director has already reached out to the office of cannabis and the bay are interested in collaborating with the programming. we don't know what it looks like yet but we thought it was really great. the other educational initiative i was doing as we did our first webinar. the first ever as a commission. it was last wednesday on the outdoor events guide. so the title of it was how to navigate the rules and regulations for outdoor special events in san francisco. the point was to position the producers so they were more informed with their business decisions and they can produce safer and more successful events i did general overview of the guide and estimator and how they can find the information they need to.
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we had 29 rsvp is and 15 participants in the webinar. i was able to see who participated online. we had people from pride, burning man, and noise pop, non plus ultra, the parks alliance, comfort and joy, fiesta on the hill, fisherman's wharf and others that were out-of-state. and then i also have a video of the webinar that i will post too that will be there for people who couldn't attend or who want to review what was discussed. i felt like we had seven or eight questions. i think there is potential to really grow this idea of distance learning and online engagement. so i think there is room to grow with that. i also think i will know more once we get into winter and spring of 2019. that is when people gear up for the event season. i will be able to gauge if i should be doing another one of
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these closer to that time. i don't know if i should do one in real life, in person, versus online. it is a work in progress. and i think so far and so good. >> the webinar thing is big because you know how hard it is. we get these club people to come out for functions. they just don't come. i think if you have it at their desk and they are taking the webinar from their desk you will get a lot more turn out to. i think that is something you should really continue working on. >> i'm trying to figure out the tools that exist that we have access to and if we want to do more of these. i am excited about the potential to do more of these. i think maggie is too. we haven't explored any further.
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>> did you get any comments after. >> i did. i got really nice comments and feedback from pride and burning man. they both were very enthusiastic about it. i got some general feedback like thank you for the information, i needed this. not exciting, but very practical >> no one said this wasn't useful. >> may be when the season starts , you could do it once a month and have a webinar. it would be interesting. >> i'm open to discussion. i think there's a lot of potential to scale it up and do more of these across the different initiatives that we have. >> okay. good job. >> thank you. >> you said it is recorded, so if i wanted to -- when will it be posted? >> i'm trying to figure out how to edit some of the -- there are
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technical problems with the first minute of the webinar. i'm trying to make it a nice package. in the next week or two i will have that. >> it does not actually have to be a live question and answer type of session? i could just view it and get all the information too cost. >> yes. >> nice. i do think all the work you have been doing over the past year has been wonderful and to think about when i started on the commission and how we would talk about a webinar, it was not in the cards. so it's been great that you have 29 people showing up to a community educational event. and people showing up to a webinar. it is fantastic. the more resources we can keep giving to the field -- i feel like you might need a title change, because you are doing a lot more than just rounding up cultural events stuff. there is a whole large educational component to its.
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>> people actually want to ask questions. like i want to know more about pop up indoor events. is there a tool for that? we do not have one and that is a potential area that i can speak to, because i've had to learn about it in the office. >> dylan has essentially become a concierge for anybody wanting to put on a one-time event. it doesn't always have to be outdoor. definitely something i would like to look at. >> yeah. it is fantastic. thank you for all that work. keep it up. >> i do have a question. during the last outdoor event, did you stream it on facebook? >> we tried. we had technical problems. i am trying to figure out if the video capture worked, and if it did, a site -- we worked with a program partner. if it didn't work i would like get that up as well. but i think that that could be
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-- i think the facebook live tool is pretty profound in how accessible it is and how the reach is huge. so i can tell you more about it off-line if you would like to get into it. >> it would be -- it popped up in my timeline. i was watching everybody get ready for it. >> we had technical problems. >> i did not think i saw the actual talked. >> i think it's totally within the realm of possibility and i would like to do it. >> in terms of bringing together the outdoor producers for some of these start up and tech partners, was there any kind of cost savings that was made available to the attendees? >> i do not hear the last part of the question. >> is there a cost savings is one -- someone wanted to use the app for their events? were they given some kind of code, i'm just curious. >> like a promotion for the attendees? >> some kind of notice. >> that would have been a really
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good idea. we didn't do any product sampling at the mixer. that wasn't even in my brain. i was more interested in trying to make sure that there was knowledge transfer. people really learned what they needed to learn. i left that idea. there were a lot of connections made with -- across industry, and then with some tech executives too. as far as product sampling, that was not done. i would love to talk to maggie about that for future. >> yeah. even just a promo code. buber does it. [laughter] thank you. are there any additional comments? >> a quick question. the thing on january 28 on cannabis, is there a time -- i know it is that many's. >> usually these are at 5:30 pm or 6:00 so we work with the
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venue to figure that out. we want this to be an after work i. not too close to dinner when it starts. >> okay. we will stay tuned then. >> okay. >> is there any public comment on the report of the senior analyst, seeing none, public comment is closed. the next item on our agenda is number 6. police department questions and comments. i don't see any representatives from sfpd. they are not here to speak, and there will be no public comment on this sight and. okay. next item is item number 7. hearing and possible action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission. the executive director, please introduce the permit applications of the evening. >> thank you, vice president.
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all right. to kick off this evening's permits agenda, i want to let you all know that this will be my last time presenting on permit applications bar any time a deputy director is on vacation i'm very excited about that. so i wanted to give that plug. tonight, on the agenda, the first item is a limited performance permit application. this is for woods station. and this is a venue that potentially, a few of them in the city, there is one in my neighbourhood as well. it is serving beer and wine like beverages. it is a very small venue. the owner and manager, who is here tonight, pablo, is wanting to have small groups of acoustic musicians performing at the venue to add entertainment to their existing operations. to tell you a little bit more
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about their application is pablo i just wanted to let you all know, i did not receive any letters of protest on this item and the police department approved it with no conditions. >> thank you. good evening, commissioners. can you hear me okay? >> my name is pablo. i am the bar manager. unfortunately jim what's could not attend. he has already gone for the holidays. while he did fill out the application, i was the one who did the legwork. i did the outreach. i will be the one representing. like she said, we are one of five locations located in the bay area and this one is located in russian hill on pulp and green. is by far the smallest of all the locations standing at 350 square feet. why i mentioned the size, in a -- i am applying for a permit -- performance permit and the signs will have a lot to do with what music we play and how we plan to play it. if you were to ask anybody to describe the bar, one word that
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comes up is cute and cozy. it never really gets rowdy. it is a cabinet lodge theme in a very tight space. is very much a relaxed atmosphere. we just like to add music. we really think that having live performances will add to the many rich and enjoyable experiences of russian hill. at the beginning of the month, i spent -- sent out about 75 letters notifying that we applied. any windows or storefronts within earshot or eyesight of the bar. i personally reached out to many residents as well as businesses, at for the most part, we received very positive responses we have copies of letters of support from some patrons as well as a business, blue barn, which is one of the neighboring businesses. we have met with some people with some concern. i will tell you what i told them
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we are a tiny bar and my motto has been, it always has been, less is more. if we do get the permit, we would like to do 1-2 our sets. mostly soloists and maybe duos. folk or jazz types of musicians. minimal amplification, if at all i personally would like to have artist to perform acoustically. we don't want any collector of equipment or wires that they have to step over it nor do we want any music to be so loud so customers can't keep a conversation. however, we do know that some artists would prefer to perform and if that is the case, we plan to give notice to our direct neighbours in advance and we hope to keep it at a reasonable volume. with that said, we plan to have someone from the commission of entertainment to conduct a sound test. i am also currently doing research on those magnetic window frames that you can attach acrylic glass so that we don't -- we did receive one complaint across the street, at
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the apartments above cold hardware. i don't want to bother them. i've given the neighbour is my personal phone number, my work e-mail, i made it very clear i want to keep an open dialogue with them. we don't want to disturb. we want to accommodate. i would also like to add i did meet with officer walsh. a very nice man. he did not add any conditions to the permit. all in all, we think that live music would be cool. we definitely want to keep the theme of a relaxing and cozy and we pretty much are picturing a woman or a man playing on a guitar on a stool. we think it would actually help out the community. we hope that it would increase business, not just for us but for neighboring shops. and lastly, i made it very clear to everybody how appreciative, how grateful we are to be part of the russian hill community. we don't want to ruffle any feathers. russian hill is a hidden gem.
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we think a little live music would add to the neighbourhood. thank you. >> thank you. commissioners? >> it is only 350 square feet. it is small. where do you plan to put your stage? >> there is a neighboring business. they are a wind story. they mention to us they don't want anything on their side because they do not want the bottles to rattle. our other side is project juice and they close at 7:00. we figure we would start, if we got the permit, we would start a seven or 8:00. but we would probably keep it close to the window, but away from the wall and may be -- if there was amplification, we would be facing project juice so as not to bother anyone. >> so basically, it is acoustic, and a microphone for the vocals. >> yeah. i'm really picturing something like bob dylan, acoustic.
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we have a t.v. screen that we usually put a fireplace on. we want to keep that canon lodge -- cabinet logic theme. we are open minded too. i was thinking jazz music as well. >> you know, you have to shut the doors when you are playing. do you have enough air? 350 square feet is not very big. >> we would shut the windows and shut the door. you may cut stuffy. we learn as we go. step one is to get the permit and then we will see how we go from there. >> all right. >> is this an in-house p.a. system? >> we figure, -- hopefully it would be mostly acoustic, but if they did need amplification, the artist would have to provide. >> how do you plan to test their equipment and make sure that they are within the limits that we set? >> that would be an obstacle
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because every artist would have their own amplification. if we do get a sound test, we would have some idea. i was actually talking with mike , and the -- and the neighbors, the resident and the neighboring business, i would want them to come by and actually hear it out. i would want them to tell me if this is the right volume. that way our bartenders would know from experience that that would be the right volume. >> we will also set a sound limit for you via this permit. i'm curious, aside from listening with your ear, do you have any other things you will use? >> i guess communication. just making sure that the neighbors know. every do use amplification, neighbors would find out. they would have my number if every -- if anything would go wrong. we live in a digital age. we can text them. if we have to pull the plug, then we would. we don't want to bother anybody. we really want to accommodate,
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and if we have to shut it down, we would. >> i highly recommend getting a sound metre. you can rely on that to count and test what will -- what your actual decibel level is. aside from that back i think we want to make sure that as you sound like you don't want these complaints, we want to make sure there are ways people can address it. if you are within your limits, it makes people -- and it makes people upset, that is something we can contest and push back onto. this sounds great. it's really small, and i think we want to support small businesses doing more like music i hope this goes well for you. >> thank you. >> may be as one suggestion that these small little speakers, if you had your own, they don't cost much, and they set the level to that, then the musician
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wouldn't have to provide their own. then you have a little bit more control. >> i think it's a good idea. >> look into that. it is a possibility. >> i think if we see any history of knowing the industry and bands and performers that come in and really have their own preference for how loud they like things, then generally it is louder than neighbors like things. the more you can work around to that with the technology that is available, that will be in your interest. >> noted. >> okay. any more questions? okay. you can go ahead and have a seat [laughter] >> okay. commissioners, let's begin conversation. i'm sorry. is there any public comment for this item? seeing no public comment, public comment is closed.
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>> i moved to approve, and there is no police conditions. just an approval with our standard good neighbour policy. >> second. >> commissioner thomas? [roll call] >> okay. your permit application is conditionally granted. please follow up with our executive director for next steps. thank you. congratulations. okay, our second permit application for this evening is for a place of entertainment. this is for executive order bar and lounge, located at 868 mission street. this is a venue that will be going in very close to the mall.
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and the owner and operator has been in the industry for quite some time. he was also the owner and operator for sip bar and lounge. sorry cat just a little bit of what he was looking out to do for entertainment. some small acoustic and live performers. standup comedians, d.j.s, doing top 40 or house, rock and roll, and so i did not receive any letters of protest on this item either. i did receive some letters of support. i know the owner and operator gave me a download of all of the outreach she did in the area. although it's very densely commercially populated, as opposed to residentially. a little bit less concern about people sleeping nearby. in the back of your packet, you will see substation permit also,
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provided -- they provided aid to recommended conditions for you to take a look at. when discussing your approval, they are very typical from southern station. nothing really out of the ordinary. here i am here to tell you about their application and their plan operations in entertainment. here is the owner,. -- here is the owner. >> good evening. good evening, vice president, commissioners. executive director. welcome to the team. and fellow audience member. [laughter] and one of my d.j.s. my name is john. sanchez and i am applying for a place of entertainment permit. thirteen years ago when i did this for sip, this was not part of the process.
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we were all strength -- trying to figure out how to regulate things as far as entertainment. some people were aware they had to have an entertainment license there are various different kinds. cabaret, dance hall, it is very nice to have it streamlined now. and organized in a more efficient manner. i ran sip for about 13 years and was told by my landlord they had to do a soft story retrofit on my building in chinatown. that process would have entailed moving everything that i had accumulated, it if you can imagine, 13 years of things you accumulate personally, imagine a business accumulating 13 years of staff. but having to move that out so they could retrofit the whole ground floor and then come back and potentially have to face a rent increase or different terms
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in my lease, i stopped the opportunity to find a place where i might be a little bit more successful and have more foot traffic and it would be closer to home. i live in the district south of market on the full sum between fourth and fifth, about three or four blocks, long blocks, away from the new venue which is on the street level, ground floor of the westfield san francisco shopping centre. directly above me, and behind me ended to the side of me are bloomingdale's. i'm surrounded by bloomingdale's one of my neighbors is the pickwick hotel parking garage. across the street is the sip in mission parking garage and good vibrations. the spritz, a pizza shop,
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further down on the corner, at the end of jesse west allie is the cavalier restaurant. and then there ball are disbarred within a bar that they open up every now and then with a pink door for v.i.p. and rock stars. so i've got the hotel above charmaine's, bloomingdale's and to the mall above me, no one directly across the street from me, a buffer of the pickwick hotel's garage, and the pickwick hotel right above it. i have reached out to all of those entities except for the parking lots. as far as my coming out there, as well as other hotels who are nearby. the intercontinental, and the marriott, and so forth.
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i have gone through all of the various inspections and permits, and as the director has explained, i am looking to have the ability, once again, to have standup comedy on weeknights, acoustic performers, something different and just seven nights a week of d.j. music. because that would drive me nuts and not everyone wants to hear top 40 d.j.s every night of the week necessarily. i want to be able to provide different kinds of programming. be it a speaker or a lecturer, and i think the commission oversees all of that. whether someone is speaking publicly, or singing publicly, or playing an instrument publicly. that is all under the hospices of this commission. i got really close to the microphone there. i also -- i have a very
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patiently going through the process of transferring a liquor license of type 48, which is a pure alcohol liquor license, beer and wine, into the district , which has involved the a.b.c. and vetting of the police police department, and planning, and a period of comment and protests from the community. pcn resolution that was passed by the public safety and neighborhood services committee. and then the full board of supervisors to get the type 48 into this space. although i do have a huge kitchen, on a plan to serve food as well, but it will always be a 21 and up venue because of the 48 license. the sfpd alcohol liaison unit required that i agreed to conditions of operations which are part of the liquor license. they involve all of the
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recommendations that the sfpd have recommended to this commission, and a few additional items, basically policing the area, maintaining generally a good neighbor attitude towards the neighbors and passersby and visitors in the area. i could talk forever, but i'm sure everyone is tired. i'm happy to answer any questions, and explain further. and last but not least, in the process of the p.c.n., i have discovered that the neighborhood i live in is part of the officially recognized soma soma filipina cultural district. i have worked with the team there to potentially have many events with them, cosponsored,
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kind of standard for my neighbors' bars and restaurants, and all of us are able to stay open until 2:00 a.m. on thursday and saturday nights. so concerns from the hotels as far as sound coming from me as opposed to coming from their own. >> great. thank you. >> first of all, you know, sit bar, for being in chinatown, when it first opened, the hip bar on broadway before china live, and we're doing -- a bunch of us are trying to revitalize chinatown, and i miss the sit bar being there. i know as an operator, you're really a responsible guy, which is great, but i have some questions about the space
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because i used to go to volta. it was really good food, but after spending all that money, it closed within eight months. it has a lot of windows. you're doing acoustics, and you're doing sound and i guess will do a sound check and everything. but those windows have any sound reinforcements or any -- are you compensating for any -- any kind of heavy db? >> well, i guess it's not going to be a club-club, it's going to be more of a lounge. but have you already invested in some soundproofing there? >> i have not done anything to the windows, but i believe we're double paned. i cannot hear any sound outside when i'm inside, and we did do a sound test this past friday with
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my sound engineer wihich has augmented the volta speakers only with one subwoofer. i believe i sent the sound test results to maggie -- to executive director weiland. as far as decibel levels, ambient sounds of traffic and noise, when he pinged the super loud bass hum and the different levels and compared with the decibel level inside and outside, our front doors automatically close, so a doorman will be outside, checking i.d.s, allowing people to come in, and
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