tv Government Access Programming SFGTV November 22, 2018 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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the city and state. that include -- i don't know if 25,000 was presented to all the treasure island community event. it was supposed to be for transportation and other developments. we fleed to -- we need to stop doing that. what we need to start doing is submitting our intelligence of governorship to the where the establishments require and the governor called for the united states and protocol. >> chair mondejar: thank you. >> no mr. speaker card. >> chair mondejar: thank you sir. please call the next item. >> next order of business is item 10, closed session. there are no closed session."
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>> providing excellent customer service to each other so that we can succeed together. because we're a small division out here, and we're separated from the rest of the p.u.c., a lot of people wear a lot of different hats. everyone is really adept not just at their own job assigned to them, but really understanding how their job relates to the other functions, and then, how they can work together with other functions in the organization to solve those problems and meet our core mission. >> we procure, track, and store materials and supplies for the project here. our real goal is to provide the best materials, services and supplies to the 250 people that work here at hetch hetchy, and turn, that supports everyone here in the city. i have a very small, but very efficient and effective team.
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we really focus hard on doing things right, and then focus on doing the right thing, that benefits everyone. >> the accounting team has several different functions. what happens is because we're so remote out here, we have small groups of people that have to do what the equivalent are of many people in the city. out here, our accounting team handles everything. they love it, they know it inside out, they cherish it, they do their best to make the system work at its most efficient. they work for ways to improve it all the time, and that's really an amazing thing. this is really unique because it's everybody across the board. they're invested it, and they do their best for it. >> they're a pretty dynamic team, actually. the warehouse team guys, and the gals over in accounting work very well together. i'm typically in engineering,
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so i don't work with them all day on an every day basis. so when i do, they've included me in their team and treated me as part of the family. it's pretty amazing. >> this team really understanding the mission of the organization and our responsibilities to deliver water and power, and the team also understands that in order to do that, we have a commitment to each other, so we're all committed to the success of the organization, and that means providing excellent customer service to each other so that we can succeed
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>> thank you." colleagues, can we have a motion to excuse, temporarily commissioner kim? motion made by commissioner gary is there a second -- could make motion made by commissioner he. we will take that without objection. please note that commissioner ronen has joined us. next item, please. item two is a citizens advisory report. >> good morning mr larson. >> i am john larson. chair of the citizens advisory committee and i will be presenting the report of the october 24th citizens advisory committee meeting. beginning with item six on your
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agenda, the a.c. recommended adoption and amendments of the five white pp as presented. there was a specific interest and requests related to the balboa park station improvement to ensure that a comprehensive plan is shaped, both with regards to specific station area improvements, and overall pedestrian and commuter safety in the area. given that the m. line has its terminus there, the proposed geneva bart project is in the planning stages and general development is underway in the area. they also work -- inquired about longer-term funding and planning now that funding streams in the expenditure plan appeared to be on an end horizon in the next five-year period. turning to item eight, the final freeway quarter management project funding, they emphasize the primacy of conducting a
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thorough equity study, given the preferred alternative of studying told, expressed or hot managed lanes. in addition, members were interested in the cost-benefit analyses that would be conducted to see if higher vehicle occupants would be achieved and whether the associated travel time benefits were justified. they also raise the issue of commuter buses using the express lanes when they are often virtually empty for one end of their trips. following the october resolution to authorize the executive
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>> i've also maintained good working relationships with a number of the staff and continued that to this day. i think joe should. >> you have 30 more seconds. >> i wanted to say, i have a couple of areas of particular interest for me. one is the linkage between development, project development , affordable housing and access to housing. i also want to see some more serious oversight over some of the various new transportation technologies like electric bikes , scooters, skateboards and some of the ride hail companies. and finally, i just want to assure the transportation justice will be served so that
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all communities are equitably served in san francisco. >> thank you. are there any other potential applicants? seeing none, is a public comment on this item? seeing no public comment, public comment is closed. as is our custom. we will look to the district two commissioner. commissioner stephanie, you have the floor. >> thank you. i just want to recommend mr levine for the assistant advisory's committee. after i was appointed supervisor , we met shortly thereafter and i was impressed with his passion for transportation and his experience and his ideas. i highly recommend him and i look forward to working with him >> he is indeed eminently qualified. is there a second for that motion? seconded by commissioner
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mandelman. we have a different house. so can we have a role call, please? [roll call] >> congratulations, jury. if there is no objection, colleagues, at the request of commissioner ye, i would like to take item 11 out of order. can you please read item 11? >> up for final approval. approval of revelation -- resolution of support to encourage the board of supervisors and the media to pledge to use crash and collision and not accident and recognition of world day of
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remembrance, 2018. >> thank you for allowing this item to go out of order. this was heard at the vision zero committee and past out of the committee with a positive recommendation. i wonder what the big fuss over a word is. the word can be very damaging. the perception -- when people come from a pollutant -- particular world, it dictates your attitudes. i want to allow for members of the families to present on this item. amanda? >> thank you. good morning transportation authority and thank you for having me here today. my name is amanda lam and i'm a member of san francisco bay area families for safe streets and i'm here today to ask that you
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pass a resolution before you and also to share about world day of remembrance. families for safe streets as a group of individuals who have personally survived a traffic crash or loved ones of those who have been hurt or killed in a traffic crash. our group launched in november 2016, and we are one of eight families for safe streets chapters in north america. we are supported by a walk san francisco, and the san francisco department of public health, and we are bay area wide. this year, as supervisor he mentioned, in honour of world day of remembrance, we are calling on elected officials such as yourselves, the media, and the public at large to pledge to replace the word " accident" with the words " clapped -- crash and collision" when referring to traffic violence. why does this matter to me? why should it matter to you?
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august 22nd, 2015. i have rehearsed this -- replayed the state in my mind 1,000 times, each time changing just one minute detail. i was walking home, just three blocks away when he hit me. i stepped into the crosswalk at webster and mcallister, not knowing that those would be the last steps i would take for a very long time. i saw the car out of the corner of my eye, but more importantly, the driver of that car did not see me. as he accelerated into his left hand turn, and into my body, all i could do was brace myself against the hood of his car. in that moment, i knew that was the end for me. all i could do was pray. my family knew they were my everything.
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perhaps mostly, i have had to rely on witness accounts for what happens next because i was knocked unconscious. what i do remember was the ambulance and not being able to speak and the only thought that kept running through my mind was , three blocks from home. to read in a police report weeks later, and -- that my body somersaulted through the air three times, flew 30 feet before landing on the pavement, is a feeling that i will never be able to describe to you, no matter how hard i try. what happened to me was not an accident. it was completely preventable. we know that left hand turns pose a specific threat to pedestrians. we know that they are predictable and they are therefore preventable.
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the word "accident" is the most commonly used descriptor of the life ending and life altering dangers that take place on city streets every day. i see this as a symptom of a much bigger problem. we, as a safety, do not understand what a serious problem traffic violence is. nor that it -- and that it affects every single one of us. you must care about this. if you are a san franciscan, if you have ever walked or biked down a city street, and especially if you drive in san francisco. we are struggling with a complete lack of awareness and action, and that is what we are trying to change. in shifting our language from " accident" to "crash", we are calling people into this conversation and calling them into action. what is there to be done about
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an accident? all you can do is say, how sad, i'm so sorry that happened to you. but there is no action. all you can really do is engage your sympathy and while sympathy is important, it's not going to stop people from dying in our streets. when you talk about a crash, it invites people to actually think about this issue and to think about how dangerous our streets are and how much work we have to do. that is what we are looking to do here today. as determined as i and the other members of families for safe streets are, we have a huge gap that needs to be bridged if we expect to reach vision zero and we know we can't do that without your support. that is why we are calling on elected officials, media, and the community at large to stop using the word "accident" and to join this movement. sympathy is important especially
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when you've gone through something as traumatic as the members of our group have. but your sympathy does nothing for me. it does nothing for julie and paul mitchell, their sun dylan was killed by a garbage truck. -- there son dylan was killed by a garbage truck. or of rest franklin who was killed on a thursday afternoon on a high injury corridor and it does nothing for the people who will continue to be killed and injured on our streets. if we can stop using the word accident, we can start to take responsibility to change our dangerous streets and to change our culture that simply accepts these things as being unavoidable. i'm here today to ask you pass the resolution in front of you. which would commit the
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transportation authority to stop using the word accident in place of words like crash and collision. most of you have already signed this individually, and i want to take a moment to thank those of you who have done so. it really means a lot to us. and also to encourage those of you who haven't. lastly, i want to take one final opportunity to tell you, and the people of san francisco about world day of remembrance for trafficked victims, which is coming up this up -- the sunday, november 18th. this is a global event that takes place every year to honor the millions of people who have been hurt or killed in traffic crashes, apt for us to stand in support of the family members and loved ones of these people. this sunday will be our fourth annual world day of remembrance, and we want to invite each of you to join us. if you are receiving this message, you are welcome and we
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need you. please come. we plan to meet at 3:00 pm, at 12th and howard, near the site of russell franklin post his death. from there, we will go on a memorial walk visiting crash sights where people have been killed and we hope to honor their memory and to raise awareness of what a serious problem this is. the memorial walk will end at 4:30 pm on the steps of city hall where we will be having a press conference and you will get to hear from other members of the families for safe streets , in addition to supervisor yee. please join us on november 18th , and please pass this resolution before you today. thank you for your time and consideration. >> thank you. commissioner yee? commissioner cohen? >> thank you very much for your very personal testimony. i was truly touched and i believe that you have driven
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home the message. i think superficially, it would appear like a semantic change. like one was quibbling over the words, but i believe you articulated it and your desires in support for this resolution in a very poignant, personal way and i'm very grateful you found the strength to come into the chamber this morning to share with us, not only your story, but the stories of many others that are often considered a number, or a tally and not a name and not a human being. i want to thank you for that. for awakening us and reminding us how important it is to remember and to recognize that we do have some power to make some changes to high-traffic corridors and that we, as a transportation authority should continue to strive to make sure streets are safe for everyone, for pedestrians as well as the drivers and bikers. i want to appreciate you for
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that. supervisor yee can't thank you for bringing this measure before us. i think i have given you a verbal signing on and i would like to indicate my support. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. thank you for the kind words. what are we? commissioner his. commissioner cohen. thank you, amanda, for once again articulating why we want to do this. i know it's very difficult for you and other members of the families for safe streets to talk about your personal tragedies and so forth. and i am hoping we can make this unanimous in regards to everyone signing on. i think most of the commissioners have signed on already. at the committee meeting, i actually did a shout out to a.b.c. news.
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because two days prior to the community meeting, i heard them in the report talking about a collision, rather than using the word accident. it seems to me people are picking up on this and they understanding the need for this also. i hope my colleagues here can join us at the world day of remembrance. it is a touching -- i don't want to say celebration, it is a touching event for all of us that have been there. please join us. >> thank you. commissioner fewer? >> yes, i would also like to say thank you to commissioner yee, and for you for coming and sharing your story. i actually was hit in an intersection when i was nine years old by a speeding vehicle. right at 15th and california in my district, on my way home,
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two blocks away from my house. my husband who was a san francisco police officer for 35 years served nine years as -- in a traffic unit with a solo motorcyclist. he had a collision that we thought he would die from. it was someone making a u-turn right in front of him. going at a fairly high speed and they had a crash. to call it an accident is actually minimizing the harm that really happened and what happens. and then i also want to say that i actually, now that it's brought to my attention about crash and collision versus accident, i think commissioner cohen is right. it is sort of a word, but, yes, actually, it does describe it in a much more violent type of way, and also, all i could say about
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my husband post is crash was it was a horrible accident. it was so horrific of an accident that when you say it was a terrible crash or it collided with another car, it is much more powerful. thank you very much. i want to say thank you to my partner here, what is your name again? mental men. i'm just kidding. commissioner mandelman and i, working together with the police chief, knowledge we do need more enforcement on our streets and beefing up our traffic unit to have more thorough motorcyclist get out there and change driving behavior. thank you for partnering with me for that. i don't know if i signed on, but i would like to verbally sign on right now. with my partner over here,
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commissioner cohen. >> commissioner brown? >> i want to thank amanda. i do appreciate it. i had the unfortunate incident where i was able to use crash for the first time about a month ago. it was after i shot -- signed on to this resolution and a constituent in my district was struck and killed by a car. he actually passed away. i was with him and his family at the hospital just before they took him off life support. i was able to use the word crash it was a hit and run and i even felt like crash or collision wasn't strong enough at that time. i definitely appreciate you coming up and speaking for everyone that can't be here
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because they, unfortunately, did not survive the crash or collision. thank you. >> okay. so is there a motion -- i'm sorry. commissioner stefani. >> thank you. as a vice chair of the vision zero commute -- committee, i was so moved by the stories we heard at our last meeting and i wanted to thank you for coming here today, and sharing your story. i was so happy to sign a pledge immediately when you put it in front of us. i didn't say at the last meeting something that i wanted to say. that is that words matter. this is extremely important. when situations are preventable, accident is not the appropriate word. i was thinking too when you are talking about this, we are also focused on changing the language around unintentional shootings. at the same thing. when people talk about a 4 -year-old getting hold of a gun that is not stored properly and accidentally shooting their sibling. it is not an accident.
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$8.7 million in sales tax funds for 11 requests with conditions and appropriation of $200,000 in tax funds for one request. this is an action item. >> chair peskin: missfort. >> good morning, commissioners from the transportation authority. thank you for your action on the previous items. i'd like to present some requests before you today for prop k funds, the first request is from caltrain for the annual member contribution from san francisco's share to their annual capital budget. and there's a long history of offsetting the local capital match contribution so since the passage of prop k in 2003, each year we have been able to cover the capital match as well. and as you'll hear on the next item, it can fund caltrain at this particular level at
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$7.5 million per year, through fiscal year 2021. just highlighting that the list of projects includes renovation of the restrooms and the waiting area for caltrain station. and next item is from the ssmta for the design phase of new traffic signals at five locations throughout the city. and there are another five locations that will advance as well, concurrent through this project if general obligation bonds and some district -- fees are secured. and the construction would be done by 2021. so this is the design phase. you will see the construction phase request next year. and next request is to leverage the bay area bridge tolls to replace 35 paratransit vans and this improves reliability and reduce maintenance costs on the program for paratransit. and last request is from the transportation authority and
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this is for an appropriation of funds to -- to assess the sustainability program. so when the city -- when there are new developments that are going up in the city, there's a requirement that the developers employ transportation demand management strategies and these include things like on-site amenityities and subsidizing transit passes and all in reducing the miles traveled by the residents moving into new developments. so we'll develop a tool to see how to analyze the data and evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies. eventually the next phase of work in the next year, in the y.y.p. is to create a public web-based version of the tool. so that the public and developers can look and see how effective the strategies are and the menu -- in the toolbox for these strategies.
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and with that i can take any questions and as can the project managers. >> chair peskin: any questions from the members. seeing none, any public comment on this item? seeing none, no public comment. public comment is closed. and is there a motion to approve -- i'm sorry. commissioner cohen. >> commissioner cohen: i just wanted to see if you could just briefly highlight the district 10 projects. >> just one moment. i'm looking in your packet of items on the prop k item there's an attachment that goes over the attachment one to the memorandum for folks watching at home that lists all of the projects and it lists the districts that are included in these funding requests. so all of the caltrain requests, because of the alignment of the
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