tv Government Access Programming SFGTV November 27, 2018 3:00am-4:01am PST
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also were article 11 designation of the mission conservation district and to change an article 11 designation of 17 properties within the planned areas. you adopted a resolution to change article designation of 175 golden gate avenue as the academy to a category 3 con tributary building to initiate article 10 landmark designation of the paper doll bar at 524 union street the former church to the board of supervisors and adopted a resolution to initiate landmark designation of 22 beaver street benedict healing house. that summarizes items that have come before you within the last quarter. in addition to the landmark designation work program, staff
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is support to the historic preservation fund committee in the mayor's office of economic and workforce development. staff is working with the fund committee on the following consultant produced reports. landmark designation for sacred heart on october 5th, 2016 and continued indefinitely in march of this year and will come before the commission at a later date. the new dealer a has context statements and three associated landmark designations, which have been forwarded to the board of supervisors. the part context statement project sponsors conducted a community meeting for that in august and the document will come before you at a future date. the african american historic context statement which is near completion and will be brought to the h.p.c. for potential final adoption in the spring of 2019. the latino historic context
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statement and initial draft of which has been submitted to the planning department and is in the process of being revised and the ocean avenue historic resource survey the department has received a copy of the finl documentation, which was submitted to the fund committee and staff is preparing our final comments. lastly, our performance measures. the first performance measure is to prepare landmark designation reports. they have been 150 staff hours. the last completed landmark designation for the medical center, took 119 hours to complete and newer a hall at 203 hours and the only property that for all community sponsored applications within 30 days. two community sponsors landmark
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designation applications were brought to the h.p.c. during the last quarter and those include the former welsh church in the paper dolls are comments are provided to applicants at both properties within 30 days of receipt. we just discussed the work programs active cases and the survey seen other projects. staff will come back in general to present the next quarterly property. this concludes my presentation. i'll now turn it over to shelly who will summarize the progress made on our cultural heritage work during the past quarter. >> hello commissioners. can you hear me ok? >> starting from the beginning
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of the program up through the previous quarter. so, so far 234 businesses have been nominated for listing. of those, 186 businesses have submitted an application to the office of small business. so not every business that has been nominated has had the opportunity to file an application yet. 152 nominees or applications have been heard by the historic preservation and 152 application have been approved by the small business commission. that one remaining business currently does not have a space and as soon as they do locate the space they'll be able to move forward with their approv approval. we have numbers tracking the business assistance grants for each of the past three years. you will notice that the number
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of applications has gone up. we just opened the fiscal year 2018-2019 application period in october. we received 104 applications and they are still under review. it takes us to the second grant program, which is the rent stabilization grant. in the first year 26 of 27 applications were approved and in the second year seven of eight were approved. there's one pending for the second year that may still be approved. that moves us onto the cultural district designations and strategies section of the report. the bayview avenu bay view afrin cultural have been submitted to
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their district supervisor and will be produced to the full board on november 14th. we have been working with larry and the office of economic and workforce development who is leading the community in the formation of the cultural district there. we also have the cultural lgbtq cultural district. the community is currently working on drafting an ordinance and we do not have a date yet as to when their draft will be ready. and then that moves us onto the existing cultural districts. already designated districts. i don't have any updates at this point. i do have one update for compton's transgender cultural district. the mayor's office and housing community development issued a request for proposals in august for grants to go to compton's
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transgender cultural district planning. the primary objectives of this grant are to engage the community in the implementation of a strategic planning process to establish the first transgender cultural heritage district in san francisco and to coordinate initiatives that support the key objectives of the district and that's a grant for $100,000. and then, moving on to japan town. i have one update. the community is engage in a community design process led by the recreation of the parks department for peace plaza. planning staff attended a community design workshop just recently and they're planning on one more community presentation that will present and revise design based on the input of this last community meeting. next, the lgbtq plus cultural heritage strategy.
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we presented here in september. we are now taking the draft recommendations to potential community partners and city family partners to refine these strategy recommendation and we expect to be coming back to the customers ancommissioner and thf supervisors in late winter of 2019. -- sorry late winter but in the year 2019. the next cultural district wanted to property that mohcd issued an r.f.p. for $50,000 grant intended to support highering a contract to design place making banners and signage for the district. that moves us to historic preservation. the legebokoff"th lgbtq is fundn
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committee. we can report that approximately 1200 hours have now been dedicated to that project. moving on, we have the performance measures. i wanted to report that we are getting a bit more efficient in processing legacy business registry applications. our average was down to around 3.3 hours per case in the last quarter. we did spend close to 200 hours working on the lgbtq plus strategy. i just noticed that i failed to update the intangible cultural resources. i know we've had a deplay but historic preservation officer might fill us in on that. >> commissioners, the rfp has
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been written and tied up with civil service commission and we hope it will be soon so we can published and when we do we'll let you know. >> that's the end of report. >> one thing that i appreciate what you a very good report and i appreciate your comments that you are doing things to make the areas that you deal with and there's also many inefficiency for easing the burden on for people who were have a legacy partnerships.
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the filling out or coming to city hall can be a burden on because many times the business has to be close. now i wonder if you can and to make it as easy as possible for to get the city, the information that it needs and perhaps isn't necessary. it takes to prepare an application and one of their goals to try to improve the process, that's one of the standing goals in their annual report and their quarterly report so rick has spending time
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and help them to prepare and to prepare and he can touch base with him and. >> i have a few things. great work. s it was exciting to see the progress of being made. we talked several times about rick coming and presenting, i believe he does can we have him come and give the presentation? >> i did check into rick prioring this report. he is behind schedule so he did not have his data prepared in time for this hearing. i can ask when he is caught up if he can present to us after the presentation. >> i have a few other comments.
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maybe we can have another c.h.a. hearing to evaluate the start to finish process in relation to commissioner john's comments. we also have enough lessons to have a better conversation and therefore maybe even possibly gets some improvements to the legislation to help. on the landmarks program is now an appropriate add it to the police station to the program? is that? >> i thought it would be great. >> and then can you give us how much time and effort the
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community landmarks -- at one point, the community-based landmarks took about as much time as the -- and i'm wondering how that's working because we really want to encourage the community to pull the heavy weight and take the load. >> it really depends because when we say community it means different things. in some cases it's a priority owner who is hiring a consultant to prepare a landmark designation report. in other cases we've had like the paper doll, for example, it's a ro recent one that came forward where the property owner really did all the research together. i mean they did receive some help. the context statement for the lgbt history had been prepared so there were resources for them to use. they did a lot of the heavy heavylifting i would say. they had volunteer help from shane watson.
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with author coleman, designation report for example. i think staff felt like we needed more information. we wanted to provide that because it's such an important building and it meets three of our different priorities. so really, it depends on what the community needs. in each of the different properties >> in general, it safe to say we can have more community-sponsored efforts or will it stress the workload? >> yes to both. [laughter] >> i like that. >> good attitude. >> over all, i mean doing a community-based or a community application versus doing one on
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our own from scratch it's still always hopeful. a lot of the time is getting the community or stakeholder engage and on board and so that in of itself saves time for us. >> and the last question i have and i don't know if it's for both of you as well but, where are we at with the city wide survey and the full-time staff that's been allocated for that? do we have that position filled? is it a shared position? what's the next step? >> we have that position filled. polar lavallee is in that position. this summer we had the pilot program underway in the neighborhood and working with a getty conservation institute to fine tune arches and figure out really what our timing would be in the field.
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we currently have one intern still working on the survey and helping us implement some of the recommendations made this summer. how we're hiring a second full-time intern just hopefully before or right after thanksgiving. we anticipated probably in february or march coming to the full commission with the full package and showing you the phasing schedule and including the locations where they will the community outreach documentation and tools, et cetera. a big piece of it was the intangible heritage methodology that you asked about before. we had hoped to have started that this summer but naturally there were delays in the contracting process. we'll certainly have an update for you in the beginning of the year. our goal is for, especially
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because you will be looking at budget in early february for 2019 or 2020. we want to be able to give you sort of a precursor to what you anticipate. >> on the presentation you will make, do you know what the gaps are? >> yes, that's what we're examining right now. primarily right now we're looking at not only areas where we have conducted surveys but also those areas where the surveys are quite old and whether or not we can rely on that data or we need to go back in the field. we've also explored and most likely going to phase based on a disasterred preparedness approach looking at shakes zones, areas for potential sea level rise as our primary areas
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we will respond better to those gaps if we focus on disaster preparedness. >> like modern sand born maps. >> yes. >> just need a catchy name. a rhyming name. >> exactly. >> and a million dollars along with it. >> we need that too. [laughter] >> commissioner. >> seawall, yeah. he just said yes. >> they did pass. >> 85% or 84%? your pet wall. >> that's right. >> on the occasion of this regular reporting, i want to congratulate you, tim and the staff. i mean, the landmarking has been what you've done in this last few years. it's absolutely phenomenal.
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it's just absolutely phenomenal and this is fantastic. how do we get people to know what we've been doing. the plaques? exactly. i didn't see anything in here. i was reading down the landmark designation process and we get down to 17 close case. don't we want 18 plaque installed. [laughter] >> and i know there's only so much money for so many plaques and i just would be interested to know how we're doing. >> sure. if you look at page 4 of the report, we are close to having 27 plaques installed. the line item for the plaques continues to be something we will prioritize. we did make the decision this year to move to a an axel bronze
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plaque. the quality just wasn't consistent so while we are paying more the plaques, they look outstanding. so, we felt if yo felt like if a list they installed it. >> thank you. thank you. >> great. >> here is to the staff for their report. [applause] thank you. >> good job. >> can we do public comment on this item? i can't remember. if not, we'll do public comment. you have been waiting for public comment. [laughter] we'll open it up to public comment. >> usually i don't come up this much but i have something that is extraordinary. i'm on the steering committee for the apia hip forum. apia hip is asian and pacific islander americans in historic
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preservation. we're having our forum here in san francisco november 11th through the 13th. i've been on the planning committee for this. we've been planning right up to today. we're a small group. one of the things that is always great when you are on a planning committee is to be able to recognize along the lines of what commissioner john has been saying to be able to recognize those resources that are outstanding. and so, as we were planning this forum, one of the things that i knew had to be included was something a panel about what san francisco is doing in terms of the historic preservation. i've been involved with japan town and we tussled with planning. how do we get to where we're feeling comfortable and
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empowered? where we're really making progress. we've reported on this over the years. this is our fifth forum. and this time we have invited and we are very pleased to have shelly and desire smith along with brian chu from the culture district on a panel to discuss the approach san francisco has as a model to delegates from all over the nation. the pacific island areas. because we feel that this is a very, very important and well-run and a program that is making a difference in our community. we're proud of the relationship that we've developed in japan town with planning and the h.p.c. so i hope that if any of you are
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proud of her and are pleased to have this opportunity to thank her. >> thank you. [applause] >> one more item or question to pose for you as we -- this is the last quarterly report of the year and thinking about next year's we know since 2011, i believe, is when commissioners martina and really talking about cultural heritage and intangible heritage and with having a formal program that's been adopted and the legacy business registry and the priorities based on the under represented grants that we completed several years ago, we're just wondering if that resolution that the hps
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passed in 2011 and maybe provide stronger on the commission and the department would want to take the lead in prioritizing items that are already on the work program or like you said encouraged the public to submit more domination force landmark designations. if it's something amenable to have we'll have the meeting towards the beginning of the year and do some work on the resolution and when we bring the first quarterly report of 2019 we'll bring that resolution along as well. >> with that our hearing is adjourned. .
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>> my name is jan an wong a regional paralyzing in the bureau i did not see might have as at management in the beginning which my career i have a master in civil engineering i thought i'll follow a technical career path i scombrie being able to create a comprehensive plan implement and shape it into realty love the champs of working through cost quality schedule political and environmental structuring and finding the satisfaction of seeing the project come into fruition i've also take advantage of the sfpuc training
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program yunt my certification i see the flow from the pipeline into the tunnel one by one and i also had several opportunities to attend and make presentations at conferences also as a tape recording san francisco resident authenticity rewarding to know the work i do contribute to the quality of life my life and those around me
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you i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. . >> thank you. >> this is a reminder to silence all electronic devices. the fire commission regular meeting wednesday october 24, 2018. the time is 5:00. item one roll call. (roll call). >> item two general public comment. members of the public may
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address the commission for up to three minute os any matter within the commission's jurisdiction does not appear on the agenda. speakers shall address to the commission as a whole not to individual commissioners. commissioners are not to enter into debate with the speaker. lack every response by the commissioners or department personnel does not necessarily constitute agreement with or support statements made in public comment. >> any public comment? seeing none public comment is closed. madam secretary. >> item three approval of minutes. discussion and possible action to approve the meeting minutes of october 10, 2018. you. >> is there any public comment on the minutes? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners, what is your pleasure? >> moved. do i have a second. >> i second.
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i did ask the commission secretary to include just one little comment that really doesn't change anything very much. >> okay. with that amendment, i suppose, added, all in favor say aye. it is approved. >> item four report from chief of department joanne hayes-white on currentshires, activities and events within the department since the fire commission meeting on october 10, 2018. communications and outreach to government agencies and report from administration deputy chief nicholson. homeland security and training within the department. >> good evening. i just heard from your
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colleague. he is in route about a block away. he will be joining us shortly. the last meeting was on october 10th. we have finalized the budget including the final mark os that. with regard to the upcoming budget we will begetsing budget innstruction this is about a month'sheim. i have spoken to the committee to discuss preparation for next fiscal year's budget. division training has been busy. in the process of offering the officer academy. all officers promoted within the last three years are expected to attend. the deputies and i spoke with every class last week. on friday we were joined by the vice president to offer words of
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wisdom, expectations, congratulations as well for all of them stepping up. it is the biggest step from paramedic to the first level of supervision. they have many tools because they were promoted and did well to examine. this is to support them with additional aspects of their role and time for question and answers. we are taping it so those that may have missed a session may get up to speed as well as for officers that have been in their role for a longer period of time. if they want to refresh or retool, they will be able to view that on video. thank you, deputy chief nicholson. all of the staff at the division of training. in addition, a lot of people including the ac as well as members in the field have come in to teach and train on their particular specialty.
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it is a lot of work into it paying off well. the same curriculum is given monday through friday for four straight weeks last week was module one. this week is module two. we put a general order. you are welcome to come anytime to observe. work it out with assistant deputy chief. sessions are held at 19th and fulsome. earlier this week the deputies and i welcomed the entry level one class. we have 24 full new full-time emts in training for six weeks. graduation date is november 30th, so they are off to a good start as well. we are still targeting a class of 54 members for h2 academy in january of 2019. that process will get underway within the next few weeks.
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again, that is utilizing the h2 list adopted on september 19th. for people that took the test through july 28th. there are 2075 eligible people on the list. it is not particularly on the agenda. it is a topic o on everyone's md and i am committed to continue to further define the selection and identification of the training facility. we have even as recently as this morning we had a good conversation with the city administrator in working towards the process related to potential property swap between ourselves and pacific gas & electric. it would be a site that is out and i can pass around the graphic near the indian base in shoreline park. what we are contemplates is
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looking at a property swap of parcel of 19th and fulsome the current dot facility with some of the pg&e property which will be a site used for affordable housing. right now the city is looking at doing what is called a test fit to look to see if that property meets our needs. we believe certain par selfs as well -- parcels as well. the city administrator is very optimistic and we are, too, that we are still on track for including this as part of the 2020 bond. the other thing i can pass around to you and we can provide e-mail copy. it is lengthy. our predesigned planning study published last month for our
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training facility. good evening commissioner. okay. then activities since the last meeting on october 11th. assistant deputy chief and i attended the h sock policy group to work with other city agencies on streetiest. those are held every two weeks. on the 12th a number of us attended a meeting with doctor yee and deputy chief and myself attended the meeting with the interim department of public health greg wagner as well as a few doctors overseeing that department. doctor john brown talked about some shared goals as we move forward, particularly, as it related to pre-hospital care in
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the city. we want to provide the interim director greg wagner with a grasp how we are doing in terms every response time, how we work close with the private ambulance companies and encourage dph as a whole. the ems is under dph to again sort every commit to shared goals and partnerships as it is related to how we provide pre-hospital medical care. that was very productive. as i said last week 15 through 19 every day we were out giving introductory remarks to the officers' academy. on the 15th a few you have us were at a long overdue but requested by the party that received care. we had a patient reunion. that was a young man and i would
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like to credit john baxter for putting this together there. was a young man born in 1990 delivered and made the paper. he was born right at the toll plaza in oakland. his mother told him the story he was delivered we one of our members that was working for the ambulance company in 1990. they had never met. we brought them together, and i will pass around a little story about that. it was a great eunion fiction. -- reunification. marshall is a young man in schoolworking as an emt. it was great reuniting he and the person that delivered him into this world. that was very gratifying. october 16th we had the monthly labor management meeting. very productive.
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18th of october i participated with the police chief and deputy director and superintendent of schools and mayor london breed in shakeout california. we had an exercise at all workplaces as a reminder of how important it is to be prepared for seismic activity. we did a drop cover and hold drill with the students. later the deputy director and i have done it for five or six years a presentation on the san francisco fire department and overview. mark did a budget exercise with a group of students in leadership san francisco. they are adult learners through the chamber of commerce. we participated in that. then that night there was a very good turnout. deputy chief gonzalez and i
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attended american legion awards night. they were honored. firefighter dwayne for community service and matt lane and steve kingler for efforts and rescues in a house fire in excel see your district. october 20th i was flanged by perfectly uniformed assistant chief cochran at the drill at the college prep. we appreciate father reese who is the president there. a lot going on at the school. they welcomed us and made for a more real drill because they had other activities going on at the school. my hat is off to the captain for the work work she does in coordinating the work as well as the san francisco fire department members. we had 250 to 300 participants.
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i am amazed by those that give up saturday morning to spend three or four hours to hone their skills. realistic drills were conducted. the two deputy chiefs and i toured the site and gave opening comments and just wanted to again let the community know it is a free program. the neighborhood emergency response team program. i know commissioner covington has completed the program. 18 hours of important information, very empowering. lesson in first aid, how to use extinguisher and there are neighborhood nerd training sessions throughout the year. we also do a session in spanish and one in cantonese. thank you again. we typically do the nerd drills twice each year.
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one in april for 1906 and then october 17th was the 29th anniversary of the earthquake. going out to the schools, these children are never experienced an earthquake of that magnitude. most of the teachers hadn't hadt either. it is important to convey the importance of a plan and beings prepared we tell the children to go home and teach parents and grandparents what we taught them that day. very warding. as i said earlier we welcomed 24 new members to the fire department as emts. a number of them are pair are meddeck -- paramedic licensed. we already kind of know the quality of their work and their dedication. then last but not least that will conclude my remarks.
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i spoke with all of you. i did make the announcement i intend to retire in the spring. i am very much looking forward to it. i am excited bit. i am proud of the accomplishments i have seen over my 29 year career in the department, and very grateful as well. i think it is very helpful four the department to not have to rush into things for a smooth transition for my successor. monday was a great day to make that announcement. a relief to get the word out. i know there is a lot of speculation. then to finish up with you commissioner, it was the perfect day. third alarm i got to go to that. there was property damage. the crews did an incredible job. you saw it t to have a 25 story building with 196 units having a
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complex high-rise fire which are very rare. our training plays off. everyone knew their role. you have to know what to do and you can't be fumbling around. what i witnessed that night was like a orchestra. everyone had a role and did it well. my hat is off to the commander and the aid. andre brown and frank with bryan, lobby control was ken yee. we had over 100 firefighters. those key players set the tone. we had the opportunity afterward to take a look at the 12th floor of the fire and it went up through the 16th floor. we went to the 16th floor and worked the way down. tremendous job done by the firefighters. the building was well-built, concrete. it was contained to one corner
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of the building. my hat is off to all of those folks. i say it was a great day not only was it a third alarm fire only one injury was associated with that was miraculous really. next morning a little tougher a single alarm fire. crews did a great job there. same team. allen brown. they did a good job. i responded because there was a fatality. it was a tough case. young woman who died from burn injuries at the scene. obviously, something that we always want a happier story. you know, my thoughts and hearts go out to the members that responded to that. it was very consult including the two paramedics. very difficult. working with the stress unit. we contacted them immediately and gave them a day off.
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not even in my career it stuck with me. it was a very difficult call. going from a great day monday then yesterday the reality how difficult the job can be from time to time. with that, you are going to have me and for many more meetings, a few more meetings. there will be plenty of time to go back. i feel very grateful and very fulfilled. thank you, commissioners, that finalized my report. >> thank you, madam chief. any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. petitioner veronese. >> chief, thank you for your
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report. you left off the most important part of your report was the last but not least you are obviously not going to leave this department any time soon until we will have the commission will have plenty of opportunity between now and then to honor you, and i want to start by saying that i did appear at the three-alarm fire on monday night. you are absolutely right, the department executed on that fire flawlessly, and it was nice to be able to go up into the building with you and check the damage. the reason for that is because it gave me a sense of the type of just utter hell that those firefighters must have faced
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when uncertainty they must have faced when they had to climb 16 stories because the elevator key wasn't working, and i understand part of the attack strategy is to utilize the stairs. for those firefighters to climb those stairs with gear and hoses is pretty stunning. hats off to every single engine company and truck that showed up there. if you recall the truck numbers, i think 28 was there, which other engines were there? 2, 13. commissioners, it was absolutely amazing, but i want to round it back to the reason that our department is so successful with fires like that is because of the experience that and the knowledge and the leadership you have brought to this department
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with the years of your service here. it is an honor to work with you. there will be plenty of time to honor you between now and the date you actually leave, it has been an honor to work with you and i look forward to working with you for the next six months. you have left this department in a much better place than it was when you first came to the department. you were one of the first women firefighters, as i understand, in this department. that may not have been easy to come into this fire department with all men, irish, italians, it could not have been easy to work up to chief. i look forward to working with you while you are here. i am very proud of the san francisco to be part of the commission and work with you. thank you for that. like i said, there will be plenty opportunity between now and the months to come.
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the one thing i wanted to mention. i will save that for a different item. i did walk in a little bit late. i will get the brief on the training facility. it looks like we are making progress there. that is great. it also appears as though we are also going to be doing a ribbon-cutting for 16 on november 16th. >> don't hold your breath. we might have to postpone it. it will happen probably not on the 16th. we will let you know. >> that is good news. i walk by it's on a regular basis. we are getting close and that is great to see as well. hats off to all of those stations that responded to that fire. that was an incredible experience and they did a great job. i know the residents that were there. very few residents were displaced that needed places to
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go. the american red cross were on the spot there for the residents as well. i know the city has another department. i can't remember the name. the fire department, police department, there may have been traffic controllers that were part of that effort. it was amazing to see the city services come together with the fire department at the front of the line. proud moment, chief, nice work. >> commissioner hardeman. >> thank you, mr. president. good report on all of the training. nice to hear about the possibility of going down to the port. that is great. that is terrific. i don't usually turn the tv on around 5:00. i am on a state board and i was at a meeting for friday and i was studying for this one. i told my wife i was going to turn on the tv a little after
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5:00. i picked up all of the stations covering the fire. it was really going. it was blazing away, and it was wonderful to see firefighters all climbing to the top. it brings up the point about elevators if that should or shouldn't be used. that is a discussion to be had at some date. perhaps i have heard from staff talk about whether or not they have an opinion whether elevators should be used in a fire. in that kind of building it might have been nice to use the elevator. that is another subject. congratulations, chief and everybody on that fire. you did a good interview and i saw the commissioner behind you with the hat.
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i saw the baseball hat. just kidding. it was good to see you there. the transition that you have chose to take along with your discussion with the mayor is brilliant. i commend you on how that should be handled. it makes it easy so everybody, not just your staff. the commissioners and mayor to have all of this time to contemplate who the next chief will be. i am not going to go into comments about you and what you have done. that is for a later date, but the bay bridge. i went through the article fast. the place of birth was it oakland or san francisco?
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it didn't say in there. she was on the way to st. luke's hospital. i hope they put san francisco. she probably wanted her baby born here. that was good. if i guess that's about all i will go into on your report. thank you. >> thank you commissioner hardeman. commissioner covington. >> thank you for your report and congratulation os your retirement. all i can say is common in, the water is fine. you know, the lord bless the person who thought up retirement. you work long enough and you finally get there. you get a few years of being on your own time. congratulations on that. i agree that it is going to make for, you know, a smoother
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transition, particularly as regards the new training facility. we really need to lock that down. i also wantedtor as everyone else has done really commend everyone who fought the fire on washington street as well as, you know, those people who helped with coordination and everything else. it is really, really important. we are talking about training. in your report you mentioned training new officers. the training of a good firefighting force is so important, and we have very good trainers, we have people who joined the department who have
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worked previously elsewhere but they still go through the way san francisco requires that you fight fires, and i am not surprised at all, and i appreciate your description of the coordination as a symphony because that is what is required, and that is what the members of the department deliver time and time again. i also saw the interview with you while you were on the fire ground giving the details of what had happened, and you are saying that now thaw the fire was under control you could answer a question regarding your retirement. you know, the firefighting comes first and the chief was very,
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very clear on that. she did not want the light to be shown on her until everything else was under control. chief, i didn't get a chance to look at everything in this tone of a document so i would perhaps we can chat about it later, not at this meeting. >> i have an electronic copy to everyone. >> would you prefer a hard copy or e copy? >> i would prefer a hard margin. >> the secretary can reproduce it for you. >> i see that there are 9.7-ac 9.7-acres here. talking about the possible new training facility. am i correct it is the green
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section or orange? >> orange. >> okay. thank you. >> happy to walk through that with you if you would like at another time. i will get you a hard copy. >> thank you. the 9.7-acres would be very, very good because we have been bantering around 8-acres. i want to make sure that we are going to have enough space for everything. go ahead, chief. >> the 9.7 was written by someone for the three areas, one, two, three, which we have looked at and have determined that may not suit our needs best
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