tv Government Access Programming SFGTV November 29, 2018 9:00am-10:01am PST
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of his or her local agency employment. any part of the efforts will be subject to approval by any other officer, employee, board or commission of his or her employed body. it goes on and there is a different part. and employees outside employment activity or enterprise may be prohibited if it involves the performance of an act other than his or her capacity as a local agency officer or employee, which may later be subject to directly or indirectly to the control inspection review, audit and enforcement of any other officer or employee or agency by which he or she is employed. it seems what is implied is because of the nature of the work, there may be conflict there.
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>> i have not reviewed that part of the code. i am not an attorney. i would need to review that more closely and come to my own decision. i was not aware that could be a possible impediment. >> deputy city attorney? i don't know if you were following, i am questioning whether the nature of his business, with there be a conflict of interest in serving on the rent board,. >> deputy city attorney john given her. i have not spoken directly with the appointee. i don't know anymore about his business other than what i have read in the pocket and the discussion today.
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i can't stay, with any certainty , i am not sure what code section you are reading, supervisor yee, it sounded related to the statement of incompatible activities that the ethics commission has adopted. every city department, board and commission has a statement of incompatible activities which is basically a conflict of interest law that applies only to that department or commissioner board the rent board has a statement of incompatible activities and among other things, is generally described outside activities that are incompatible with service on the rent board. i have not analysed this particular situation. i don't know enough about the facts. i'm happy to do that before --
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following this meeting. >> what i am citing as a california government code, 1126 >> right. section 1126 is not a self-executing conflict law. but several years after 1126 was adopted at the state level, the voters adopted a local law that required the ethics commission to create the statements of incompatible activity. there are about 35 of them right now in the city. they are all available on the ethics commission trash out website. there is a statement for the city attorney's office in a statement of activity for the board of supervisors in a statement for the rent board. generally, the statement of income possible incompatible activities as they could not engage with an activity that impair your ability to do your
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official job. by way of example, the city attorney attorney's statement of activity is prohibited -- prohibiting me as one of the attorneys to advise the department of elections from contributing to any local candidate or office in san francisco. the rent board's statement of incompatible activity has a general statement about materially impairing an outside activity that impairs your duties. it also has a couple of specific restrictions. no officer or employee, which would include a member of the rent board may receive a fee or any other enumeration for information or advice about pending rent board cases. and no officer or employee may receive a fee or other renumeration for scheduling a
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hearing or decision in a rent board case or appeal. i do not know enough about this particular business, but happy to discuss after this hearing and ultimately the decision about whether an activity violates a statement of incompatible activities is in the discretion of the ethics commission. >> i appreciate your explanation >> i'm a little concerned. it seems that in terms of the knowledge base, as a person that would go to the rent board, you have the knowledge. i'm not questioning that. what i am questioning is is a -- duchess or a grey area where there is a conflict or not? i would like to get more clarification at some point. >> once again. i am not an attorney.
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i can't really interpret the code, but from his comments, i don't see what i'm doing is using my expertise to bring a case and file a petition at the rent board on behalf of a client is being much different than what an attorney would do in representing a client in helping them through a mediation or to even file a petition, which some attorneys do as part of their work for their clients, and two of our four land florid commissioners are attorneys and i know that several tenant commissioners are also attorneys and it seems that from my experience and experienced -- attending the recent meetings and one this year, the static practice is they recuse themselves from cases in which they are involved. and the nonvoting will step in to participate in those cases and i would think that would be very much the same situation for me, where if a crate -- case that i have brought for a client
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before the rent board, if it were on appeal and being hurt by the commission, i would then recuse myself from that decision and let the other commissioners debate it. >> we will come back to questions after we open it up for public comment. thank you. if you just wait you will come back you can come back up. >> good evening. i am the executive director of rebuilding together san francisco. we do home repairs for income qualified families, seniors and people with disabilities so they can continue to live safely in their own homes. jj has been on our board for
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just about six years now. he has volunteered with us for a number of years prior to that and i am here to support his nomination to the rent stabilization board. i think in my time working with jj, he has presented himself as someone who really cares about keeping san franciscans in their homes and really looking at ways that we can sustain and provide stable housing for both renters and homeowners in san francisco through the home repair program. he has been a really great champion for our work over the last six years and i think that he is really committed to san francisco and keeping people in their homes in san francisco. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good evening. i am a san francisco landlord. i set as a rent board commissioner for 17 years. i've had a good bit of experience and how the process works.
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i am here to support the nomination and the appointment of jj as the rent board commissioner. you will be a fantastic commissioner. he is experienced, he is committed, he is involved in a number of community activities and supervisor yee's questions, if you checked with the rent board staff, you will find that over the years, a well-established practice for the dealing with conflicts of interest for all the commissioners of the board. you may be interested to know that all four of the tenant commissioners at the san francisco rent board are attorneys. many of them practice in front of the rent board or practice representing tenants san francisco and there is an established practice that if there is a case at the rent board that comes up in appeal, that they or their firm was involved in, they recuse themselves. as i am sure you will agree,
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what is gravy for the goose is gravy for the gander. if this policy applies to tenant commissioners, it should also equally apply to landlord commissioners and it does. i don't see that as an impediment to mr panzer being nominated to this position. he is willing, ready and able to serve and i would urge you to pass out his nomination. thank you. >> good evening, supervisors. i am with this san francisco apartment association. i'm here to speak in support of panzer as a landlord commissioner on the rent board. i have known jj for probably 15 years and i think he will do an outstanding job representing small and large landlords in the city of san francisco. i also agree with mr murphy's statement about the rent board and how it functions. being front of that body for over 25 years, i find that commissioners from time to time, have to recuse themselves as
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items that they are related to before the body and they operate in an ethical and fair manner from any judge everything that i can see. thank you for your time and please pass his commission appointment to the full board. >> good late afternoon, supervisors. my name is rosa maria. i am the program manager for the tenderloin health and clinics enforcement program. i have been there for about the last five years. i am also a tenderloin resident for heart the last five years and this is my last week in the tenderloin. over the last five years, our program has assisted in council tenants and understanding various kinds of rent increases due to rent passes that landlords file.
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we also have seen the negative and burdensome impacts of these increases on tenants and therefore i am here today as tenants and enclosing my starch including myself. we have a few concerns on the appointment. this is not due to him being a landlord are running a property management company. is rather to the proponent of his business that prepares and assist landlords with filing a variety of rent increase pass-through his. he has a direct financial stake in decisions that he was tasked to adjudicate over. we believe this is a huge concern to consider when evaluating his appointment, and i know we have talked about him recusing himself. these are concerns that i would like to bring forward to today. this is all due respect to mr panzer.
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thank you. >> thank you. last speaker. >> good evening. i am from the affordable housing alliance. representing tenants for all of these years, we believe that one of the most important jobs for us is to protect the integrity of the rent board, along with that,, we found ourselves working with landlord loops on aspects of that from time to time. we thought the rent board should not be elected. we thought it a compass endorsed the composition shouldn't change i don't have a problem with mr panzer. i'm not personally familiar with him, but i do think that someone needs to look out for him and make sure that the incompatible activities law is not something that he is being set up to be in violation of. the wording in the state law, at
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first blush would seem to appear , on the local policies are just implementing that. this is not a conflict of interest analysis. it is a different kind of analysis. but the heart of the matter is, if you are engaged in a business providing a service with a direct result of that service are reviewed by the commission which you are on, that is viewed as an incompatible activity and i am treading gingerly here because historically, the landlord his advocacy groups have selected their candidates and they have selected there is. i think that is helping the integrity of the board. i would just caution everyone that they should do the analysis , and it sounds like mr panzer was not alerted to this by the mayor's office, i think he may well have to give up that business to be on this. i would recommend that it be looked at sooner rather than later. you probably should have been looked at earlier. it is awkward to bring it up in
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this setting. but i think the nature of his business and the exact wording of the state law and the rent board, and is not just the supervision -- >> hello. good evening. i am a staff member of the san francisco apartment association. i want to speak in favour of the appointment of jj. i also manage the same program that rosa maria mentioned. the code enforcement outreach program. i have done so for about eight years. we try to make sure maintenance requests are made in rental buildings. i have to say i have never had a case in a real management company building. i think that speaks to the way in which they manage their
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properties. the other thing i wanted to mention -- >> will try to make sure maintenance requests are made, in rental buildings. i have to say i have never had a case and a real management company building. i think that speaks to the way in which they manage their properties. the other thing i wanted to mention, the rent board commission does not deny or approve pass-through his. that is not what the rent board does. please consider that further.
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>> good evening. i'm here with the coalition for better housing. we certainly support the nomination and the approval of mr panzer to the rent board. one thing that is confusing me is as was discussed before, mr panzer's job is to help property owners obey the law. his job is to help them to do what's right and he does this very well. it is not for them to get away with something. this to make sure that they do cross their teas and stop their eyes. he is very good at that. you can tell by how the people have spoken about his nature, that he is somebody who cares about san franciscans and that he cares about the city and cares about this process. so we cannot enter into this with an idea that somehow jj won't be cognizant of being
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recused in those instances where he would be. and i would point out again that the rent board commissioners, many of whom, on both sides of the aisle are attorneys, do the exact same thing. that they help their tenants or their clients to meet the latter of the law or to make sure they get what they need at the rent board. i really don't understand this conflict as it's been discussed. because it seems to me that if that was the case, there would be no rent board. by reason, the rent board has two tenants, two landlord his representatives, and the neutral , which is the person who listens to both sides after the argument and often decides that. i think we need to be careful about not making jj a lightning
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lot of it is i'm an attorney. this raises some questions for me. i read from the california one. this is from the statement of incompatible activities from the residential rent board itself. i don't know if you are familiar with that one. there's a paragraph there that triggers my concern. no employee may engage in outside activity regardless of whether the activity is compensated, that is subject to the control inspection and review audit or enforcement of the department. in addition to any activity permitted pursuant to the sub section c, nothing in this subsection prohibits the following activities. appearing before ones' own department or commission or on behalf of ones self. filing or otherwise pursuing claims against the city on his
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own behalf. running for city elective office or making a public records disclosure pursuing of the sunshine ordinance. unless noted in this section or b, an advance written determination sunday sub sections c concludes that such activities are not incompatible and the following activities are expressly prohibited by this section and i could keep on reading. this goes on like that. i think you seem to understand the laws. i don't wanted to hold up this process but statement, at the i want to have a discussion or have the city attorney look at this issue before this item comes to the full board. i would like to make a motion to send this out of committee with no recommendation to the full
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board. >> before that, supervisor stephanie had a comment. you want to move on that motion? she had a comment. is that ok? >> rescind the motion. >> amend it to either -- the motion would need to be amended to either a paragraph or reject. >> it's approve or reject? >> yes. >> before we move on that can supervisor stefani. i mean i'm happy to look into this further but number one, i failed to see the conflict. i find his comments pervasive in terms of not deciding on these issues. if you were to have a case in which you were involved, and you might be able to then enrich yourself, based on a decision you might make, then my understanding would be you would
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absolutely probably recuse yourself and i just don't seem -- i don't know where the conflict is. it just seems to me if there were a client of his that were to come before the rent board, it would be obvious. because he engages in this type of activity doesn't necessarily mean, as a landlord, he would actually be someone that could not sit on the rent board. i'm happy to look into it further. for me, at the outset, i don't see the problem. >> thank you for those comments. i guess what i'm asking is just to send it out of committee with no recommendation. people can get -- i'd like to get more information. it doesn't mean i won't support it at the end of the day. >> i think that's fair and these are valid questions. i appreciate you bringing them up. i think we certainly always want to avoid any conflict of interest. what i heard from deputy city
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attorney is they're going to investigate and if it were to come out, this would be a direct conflict, then essentially we would have to -- if it's at the board, we would then -- what would happen at the board? we would reject or withdraw the nomination? >> ultimately -- the board's only option, the only action the board can formally take to reject would be a motion to reject the nomination requiring eight votes. anything else and mr. panzer's appointment stands. after meeting with mr. panze r and from the mayor's office, i can report back to the board on december 4th or 11th, whatever day this item comes back to the board. >> it needs two readings? >> just one.
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the law that we're discussing and that supervisor yee is mentioning, the statement of incompatible activities, doesn't prohibit mr. panzer from serving on the rent board. the question is, whether, if he serves on the rent board and also engages in a business, that may be incompatible with his rent board duties, could he potentially face fines from the ethic's commission? and so that is -- considering whether he may have that type of conflict, we will discuss it with mr. panzer and the board can make a choice. >> i guess what i'm saying -- you are going to let us know one way or the other. no? >> i will let you know what our analysis is. >> that's what i mean, your analysis, you will give an a
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recommendation, right? so in that recommendation it says we believe he will be ok, then we would proceed. if you say we believe there's a strong potential for fines coming from the ethic's commission based on inco inpat , he could withdraw his application. >> all of those are options. >> ok. who would have thought the last item of the day would be so complicated. so you are fine with sending it forward and we wait on the recommendations from the city attorney? that's ok? ok. so i think the options that we have in front of us is either approve or reject. we make a motion to -- >> i did. >> make a motion to approve and send it to the full board. >> i believe the motion would be to amend the motion to delete the word reject from the motion
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and refer it to the board of supervisors with recommendation or without? >> without. >> refer that motion to the board without recommendations. >> with a motion is to forward it to the full board without recommendation. >> as we often do. can we do that? >> yes. we'll amend it to remove the word rejecting and we'll ford i- forward it to the full board without recommendations pending the city's attorney advice. >> without objection. thank you mr. panzer. anymore items before us today? >> one moment. that completes the agenda for
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kim. i chair this committee. i am joined by supervisor yee and supervisor brown. i want to thank the staff at san francisco government television. thank you for ensuring our meetings are available online. mr clark, do you have any announcements cost. >> make sure to silence your cell phones and other electronic devices. your speaker cards a copy of documents to be included as part of the file should be admitted to the clerk. items acted upon will appear on the december 4th board of supervisors agenda. >> speaker-01: or. >> thank you pick supervisor peskin who normally serves as a vice chair has been transferred or swapped out with supervisor norman yee who will be sitting in for this item. can you please call item number 1 clap. >> item number 1 is an ordinance admitting the tax regulation code to provide a credit to the early care and wrench task does tax for childcare facilities and to exclude from the early care
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and commercial rent tax base amounts subject to the hotel tax or parking tax. >> thank you. i want to acknowledge mr campbell and mr minard from the analyst reports who are in attendance today. there will be a brief presentation and they can also answer questions. i also want to acknowledge graeme dobson from the office of early care and education as well as amanda from the tax collector 's office was on hand to answer any questions. this is an ordinance following proposition c., which passed in the june 5th, 2018 election which was an increase to the commercial gross receipts, dedicated towards early child care and education. this legislation creates an option for property owners and developers to provide on-site mac childcare facilities for tax credit towards the amount of the early childcare and commercial
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rents tax owed. a new tax of 1% for warehouses, and 3.5% for all other commercial spaces. building and incentive framework to actualize the expansion of childhood education and care facilities is as essential as revenue to providing quality care at the levels that our youngest san franciscans needs. the childcare tax credit will offer developers and property owners a tax equal to present or 20% of the amount of rent paid on childcare facilities. facilities with 1-49 children will be offered a credit of 7,200. facilities with 50-99 children will be offered a credit of $16,000, in a facility of 100 or more will be eligible for a $38,000 credit. i won't go into the importance of early childhood education why we believe this is so fundamental to our youngest residents and our families here, but we need more physical space. real estate as well as more
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revenue to ensure we are providing childcare and affordable childcare for all of our working families. so i just want to recognize our working group that has been working with us since july to put this together, including someone who recently departed after many years of service to our city. graham thompson who i just acknowledged, the entire controller's office including ben rosenfield, as well as amanda freed from the tax collector's office as well. i want to recognize our city attorney. i also want to recognize my cosponsor of today's ordinance, supervisor norman yee. i want to offer comments to my cosponsor, and then i will -- to any members of the committee. >> thank you. thank you for really pulling this together as the public will
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know, what we call the prop c. was passed by the voters, and at some point, we will have access to, we meaning the city, will have access to providing more services to our families when it comes to early education. we will be able to serve another 5,000, if not more children and somewhere along the line, when that starts happening, we all know that one of the things that we will have to wrap up is the number of facilities and slots that we could provide in san francisco. and so this is really important that we provide as much incentive and motivations for developers and in this case, developers to add to our product care and hopefully this is the incentive that they need so that
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we can keep pace with the need of the city. i'm really anxious to get this past and notify the developers -- by the way, i think it is your turn -- thank you, again. >> thank you. at this time, i will turn things over to our budget legislative analyst's office for their summary. >> good afternoon. i'm from the budget analyst office. the proposed ordinance provides a credit against education commercial rent tax. we too understand the amount that this credit -- we went to the california department of social services license database there are 312 licensed childcare centres in san francisco. based on the size of the centres , we estimated that the maximum tax credit would be
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close to $4 million, based on estimated tax revenues one of $146 million. our assumption is the actual tax credit would be less because many of the facilities in which these centres are located would not be subject to the tax to begin with. as we are saying, the limit would be close to $4 million that would presumably be quite a bit less than that. would consider it approval to be a policy matter. >> thank you so much. any questions or comments from committee members? okay. before we open up for public comment, i will be making one amendment to the ordinance before today and that is on pag. through discussions to discussions with the city attorney, while proposition c. was fairly clear on who this would be *-asterisk she would be subject to the tax, there is a little ambiguity on whether hotels and parking spaces that were released would be considered commercial -- would
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be considered as subject to the task does tax as imposed under article seven or nine. we want to clarify that the commercial gross receipts tax and proposition c. would not be imposed on leases that are parking spots are on hotels. so that is a line that is presented here in the highlighted portion, and shall not include rent that would be subject to the tax imposed under article seven or nine, but for the exemptions under that tax of 506 or section six of article nine. this is ensuring that it is utterly clear that proposition c. increase does not get imposed on those two subjects. so i will make that amendment after public comment period before that, we will open up for general public comment period seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, if i can ask that we
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make a motion to adopt these amendments, and can we do that without objection? >> sure. >> we can do that without objection. seeing no comments or questions, can we take a motion? >> i will make a motion to move this item out if committee with positive recommendation to the full board. >> all right. we can do that again without objection. are there any other items before this committee? >> there is no further business. >> meeting is adjourned. [♪]
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sustainability mission, even though the bikes are very minimal energy use. it still matters where the energy comes from and also part of the mission in sustainability is how we run everything, run our business. so having the lights come on with clean energy is important to us as well. we heard about cleanpowersf and learned they had commercial rates and signed up for that. it was super easy to sign up. our bookkeeper signed up online, it was like 15 minutes. nothing has changed, except now we have cleaner energy. it's an easy way to align your environmental proclivities and goals around climate change and it's so easy that it's hard to not want to do it, and it doesn't really add anything to doesn't really add anything to the bill.
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- working for the city and county of san francisco will immerse you in a vibrant and dynamic city that's on the forefront of economic growth, the arts, and social change. our city has always been on the edge of progress and innovation. after all, we're at the meeting of land and sea. - our city is famous for its iconic scenery, historic designs, and world- class style. it's the birthplace of blue jeans, and where "the rock" holds court over the largest natural harbor on the west coast. - the city's information technology professionals work on revolutionary projects, like providing free wifi to residents and visitors, developing new programs to keep sfo humming, and ensuring patient safety at san francisco general. our it professionals make government accessible through award-winning mobile apps, and support vital infrastructure projects like the hetch hetchy regional water system. - our employees enjoy competitive salaries, as well as generous benefits programs.
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but most importantly, working for the city and county of san francisco gives employees an opportunity to contribute their ideas, energy, and commitment to shape the city's future. - thank you for considering a career with the city and county of san francisco. [applause] >> thank you so much for being here in support of our small business community, in particular of the mayor breed judge up by local campaign of shop and dine in the 49. a thank you to the italian homemade company for hosting us here today. your staff has been so accommodating and so amazing. [applause] >> we are excited to have mayor breed here herself, along with supervisor catherine stefani, -- [cheering]
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>> good afternoon, good afternoon. end as well as chief scott he will give us some tips on staying safe for enjoying the holidays. and a quick little bit about shop and dine in the 49. small businesses are critical to the vitality of our city. making sure they are supported in employing hundreds of thousands of san francisco people is an extraordinary opportunity for us during this time to share our love with them and pay our respects to the hard work that they have put in. more importantly, are independent places are essential to the fabric of san francisco culture. with that, i want to say thank you for being here and invite our mayor to celebrate and open us up. >> thank you. [applause] thank you. first of all, thank you to the italian homemade company for allowing us to host this event here today. i know that this is supervisor stefani's favorite space to come and eat and i am used to seeing
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the past that in the window, but you must have cleaned it up for us. thank you so much for having us here today. i am also excited that we are here with jim lazarus with the san francisco chamber of commerce and henry with the council of district merchants -- merchants. two incredible supporters of small business in the city. thank you for being here with us today. as well as northern police station captain who is keeping the neighborhood safe as well. thank you all so much. this is exciting. joaquin, you didn't do it justice. we are supposed to get people excited. shop and dine in the 49. shop and dine. and, you know, san francisco has some of the most incredible small businesses. people come here from everywhere to eat some amazing food.
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to find unique items and a lot of the boutique stores that exist in neighborhoods throughout san francisco. including the fillmore and west portal, and the richmond, and right here on union street. it is like one of my favorite places to hang out. there is chestnut street with a lot of shops and places. small businesses usually owned by one individual who is probably working the business themselves. and today, we are here to talk specifically about the holiday season and how important it is to make sure that we are supporting the businesses writing san francisco. right in our neighborhood character and part of that, is on saturday, when a lot of us are hanging out with our family and friends and we decides that we want to go shopping, while you don't have to go to the crazy mall and deal with all the parking drama. you can probably walk outside your door to one of the small
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businesses right in your neighborhood. i want san franciscans and people who come here from all over to make a commitment to support our small businesses throughout san francisco. so small business saturday is an opportunity for us to really support our small businesses and invest in our communities so we can make sure that san francisco is thriving all over the city. as we enjoy a 2.3% unemployment right mac, let's remember a few statistics that i have here because i can't remember them all. but more than 95,000 businesses in total existing san francisco. 53,000 of those businesses are small business that employ 325,000 people. 7900 restaurants, cafés and food stories and beverage establishments actually employ over 100,000 people. we are not only talking about
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the business itself and the owners. we are talking about the people who are actually employed in our small business community as well today we have an amazing opportunity to not only support small business saturday, but we have some folks here from bayview hunter's point community and this saturday, this saturday we are going to be hosting the bayview makers mark up -- bayview baker's mash up market. that is a tongue twister. but it is where makers and folks from all over the bayview community who actually make and manufacture their own products in the bayview hunter's point community, will come together for a pop up on saturday to sell their items. what a great opportunity to support the makers and folks at the bayview hunter's point community. we want to thank you for coming to the other side of town to support this particular event.
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san francisco is an amazing place. we know that if we continue to support our small businesses, we will be an even more amazing city. we also know that there are some times that there will be challenges. that is why we have our police chief here to deal with some of the challenges that exist as people are enjoying the holidays we want the entire experience to be incredible. we want you to come and park and take munimobile, we want you to walk, but we also want you to be safe and make sure we are protecting your property. without further ado, i want to introduce our police chief, bill scott, to talk about the plans for the police department during the holiday season. [applause] >> thank you. first of all, i will start with where the mayor left off. shop and dine in the 49. it is christmas on the holiday season. it is my favorite time of year.
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people get out. it is all about togetherness. it is all about community and we want everyone to be safe in doing so. i have a few simple tips, basic tips but if you listen and pay attention to what i will say, it will keep you safe during the holiday season. first of all, we have these placards. you see these around the city on bus benches and you see them on the back of our munimobile buses park smart. what this means is that for everybody to take a little bit of time to think about your own personal safety. parks marked. do not leave valuables in your car visible for anyone to see and take from you. if you have to leave them in your car, lock them up in your trunk but preferably if you can take them with you, take them with you. one of the things the city has done really well with the business community and the community members on the police department and the mayor's office as we have come together and we had a very serious spike of car break-ins. we came together and we reduce
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that. part of the reason we reduced it is because we got the message out that we don't want to become easy prey for people to take advantage of us. parks might. a couple of other tips. we all have cell phones. i have taught all of them and we all are in our cell phones. pay attention to your surroundings. calls are important and techs are important to, especially when i get one from the mayor, but we want you to pay attention to your surroundings. know what is in front of you and behind you as you go out and shop and enjoy the city. because a little bit of influence can go a long way in your personal safety. the next thing, if you see something reported. if you see something, say something. we see suspicious activity and we see things that just don't look right. we will come and check it out for you. we want people to be safe.
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please, if you see something that looks out of place, call us we don't mind coming at all. the next thing, is make sure that when you go out and you shop, that you have really thought about and planned your trip. i know when i go out, particularly for holiday shopping. you have bags and bags of bags and you have a lot of merchandise. people sometimes, if they want to take advantage of you they will watch you put things in your car. pay attention to your surroundings and if you plan your trip, you don't want to put things in your car then go back in shopping when someone might be watching you. if you do that, you might want to move your car to another location or weight and plan and make sure you have a plan in terms of how you will do your shopping. so you think about it so you will be victimized. and last thing that i have for you all today is make sure if you are shopping with small kids
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, particularly with small kids, have a reunification plan. we have quite a few situations where kids get lost and they don't know what to do when they get lost. have a reunification plan. at least make sure that they know who to call and they know to look for someone in authority and in a uniform. and what to do if they do get separated from you. have a reunification plan if you are shopping with your family. i will end this as i started. whatever you do, do it in san francisco and shop and dine in the 49. thank you. [applause] >> thank you. we want you to have fun but we also want you to be safe. i also would like to acknowledge the president of the small business commission who is here. thank you so much for joining us today. [applause] with that, i'm excited to welcome to the podium your supervisor for district two, catherine stefani.
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[applause] >> thank you. i want to welcome everyone to district two and union street. one of my favorite streets in district two and of course, here in one of my favorite restaurants. the other day someone was asking me, how do you do it all, you have two kids and cooking. >> i don't cook. i used to but i'm really good at ordering take-out from the italian homemade. we do it two or three times a week. i recommend this restaurant and i want to say a huge thank you for that hosting us today and for being a staple of our union street community. san francisco is lucky and the number of diverse units --dash neighborhoods within the 49 square miles and i have the privilege and honor of being the district two supervisor and working with our amazing corridor is like union street. the strength of our commercial district is built on our local businesses. in san francisco, i think the
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mayor already said this so i don't need to repeat it, we have over 95,000 businesses and of that, 53 are small businesses. supporting them is important. in its fifth year, shop and dine in the 49 promotes amazing small businesses and challenges us all to spend locally. the statistic i thought was very interesting. if we increase local spending by one% it could generate $100 million of economic activity in our city. it is so important. when you are shopping, it is so important to know you need to park smart. i am so proud to have been able to launch this campaign in district two with commander lazar and the caption. we did so much work on the park smart campaign. as a result, car break-ins are down by 21% in northern station which is most of district two. i just really want to thank everyone for their attention in the police department. it has been working and we have a lot of work to do. again, i want to thank the mayor
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, director torres, chief scott, and others. i really want to thank our small business owners, most importantly. thank you very much to mateja and alice for hosting us this afternoon. thank you to the union street merchants association. i've been working with you for 12 years and you keep this street driving and we are so grateful to you. remember, strop local, park smart and have a very happy thanksgiving. [applause] >> thank you so much. we have a lot of cards. our success in these programs are focused on our small business community and making sure that you are thriving. you take such good care of us and make our neighborhood special. really do take it and. i wanted to invite you up to say a few words on behalf of the importance of shopping small and
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small business saturday. >> thank you, mayor and thank you captain. thank you. thank you for picking our restaurant for this initiative. i think it's really important for san francisco and for local businesses to keep the bids doors business industry. it will avoid the city to lose this character a neighborhood character, that is more important. thank you everybody. [applause] >> i also want to thank nate from public glass in the bayview for coordinating the makers smash up market on saturday. that is where it will be located , right? thank you so much again for being here today. thank you to everyone. we have some amazing places to
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