tv Government Access Programming SFGTV December 8, 2018 7:00pm-8:01pm PST
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>> clerk: we have quorum. >> chair peskin: thank you. and colleagues, i just left a project labor agreement meeting with commissioner safai, so if we could have a motion to excuse commissioner safai, made by commissioner ronen, seconded by commissioner stefani, and we will do that without objection. [ gavel ]. >> chair peskin: next item, please. >> clerk: item 2, citizen's invoicesory committee report. this is an action item. >> chair peskin: mr. tennen. >> peter tennen, vice chair of the c.a.c. all of the action items were unanimously approved, and i'd just like to pass along a few comments on two of the items. the first is your item six, to direct a motion of support to
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direct staff to advance the work and seek adjustment for pras stu pras -- project study update. motorized vehicles would be charged, but scooters and bicycles would likely not be charged. and how would network transport companies be charged, and staff replied that since t.n.c.'s were not a factor in 2010 when the last study was done, there'll be more study on this topic. and then, someone raised the issue that what would be done in areas of high housing population and seniors, especially along laguna street that would be affected by congestion pricing.
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and staff responded that accommodation would be made for this population living along the affected corridors. and then, your second item was item nine, and one member congratulated the transportation authority for implementing social responsibility within the investment policy and also for their high bond rating. and another member expressed their support for strict investment policies. so that concludes my report. >> chair peskin: thank you, mr. tannen. are there any questions for the c.a.c.? seeing none, is there any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. [ gavel ]. >> chair peskin: mr. clerk, call the next item, please. [agenda item read] >> chair peskin: is there any public comment on the minutes?
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seeing none, public comment is closed. [ gavel ]. >> chair peskin: is there a motion on that item? made by commissioner stefani, seconded by supervisor kim. on that item, roll call, please. [roll call] >> clerk: we have first approval. >> chair peskin: i think it's finally approved. >> clerk: no. >> chair peskin: we do the minutes twice. >> clerk: no, i'm sorry. final approval. >> chair peskin: next item, please. >> clerk: item four, appoint two members to the citizen advisory committee. this is an action item. >> chair peskin: thank you. the other mr. quintanilla.
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>> thank you. to qualify for appointment, applicants must be san francisco residents, and must appear before the board at least once to speak to their interests and qualifications. attachment two in the packet is a list of applicants, and the enclosure has details on each applicants. the applicants are due to t the -- [inaudible] >> chair peskin: okay. are there any applicants for the citizens advisory committee that would like to testify. all right. seeing none, is there any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed [ gavel ]. >> chair peskin: commissioner
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kim? >> supervisor kim: i juthank . i just wanted to share a statement from commissioner hogue. the reason i missed meetings is i had a bad hip, and in october, i had seven hours of hip replacement surgery. if reappointed, i will be at the january c.a.c. meeting because i won't have to deal with my hip. i just wanted to let you know a little bit about becky, before living on treasure island, she has been a very passionate and active member of our citizens advisory the committee. she is someone who is very committed to serving our city and if not for the medical issue, would have attended the meeting. i would ask the board to consider appointing her to the board. she has committed to attending once her medical issue is
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resolved, however if this continues to be an ongoing issue with the next board, she'll work with the supervisor elect to find another member to replace her. >> chair peskin: can i consider that a motion, commissioner kim? >> supervisor kim: yes, chair peskin, i'd like to make a motion. >> chair peskin: motion to rea-appoint commissioner hogue, seconded by commissioner yee. commissioners, can we take that same house, same call? [ gavel ]. >> chair peskin: can we have a motion to continue the district ten seat, made by commissioner mandelman, seconded by commissioner yee, and we'll do that without objection. [ gavel ]. >> chair peskin: next item, please. >> clerk: item five, allocate approximately 25 million in
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proprop k funding for tax requests. this is an action item. >> chair peskin: mr. quintanilla. >> today, we are before you for a request for about $25.8 million. these funds were identifies during the prop k strategic plan update, and along with two additional fund exchanges will direct 21 million to help backfill the regional improvement funding gap that we have now, the rest of this gap is going to be split by sfmta and m.t.c. in this allocation request, we're also reflecting the delays caused by the mining in the chinatown station. >> chair peskin: that's not. clerk: s, i just wa -- that's
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news, just to inform my colleagues. [inaudible] >> -- this facility services approximately 165 trolley coaches. this project will improve workers safety and productivity, security, safety, and fleet reliability. construction is expected to be completed by december 2020. the long-term plan for sfcta for this facility is for a full rebuild by 2021. they will try and relocate these lifts to either this facility or other sfmta facilities. the next request is for $24.1 million for el taraval light and rail enhancement
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projects. this project -- this allocation request is foes from west portal street to sunset boulevard. construction is coordinated with sewer, water, and street resurface to minute mice disruption to the public. construction is anticipated to start in spring 2019 and go through spring 2021. this is one of the fund exchanges that will help backfill the central subway gap. this money will be subject to a separate allocation request in fiscal year 19-20. the next request, also from sfmta for $5.6 million to -- [inaudible] >> -- between church and utah. this is part of the 16th street
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transit enhancement projects which similar to the ones before is a larger set of transition and public improvements. and construction is anticipated to begin spring 2019 and go through the end of 2020. the next request from s.f. public works is to fund the design of the great highway terminus narrowing which would narrow from four lane to see two lanes. this project will allow a separate prop k funded project to begin, and together both projects will provide protected pathway and offer safe working for access to the beach. the sign is expected to be completed by 2019, and construction funding for this project is still to be determined, but public works and m.t.a. is working with the
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ocean beach association to identify funding. the next project is from public works to fund public works portion of the taraval project to pave 26 blocks between west postial station and sunset boulevard. project includes new sidewalk construction and curb ramps. again, this contract is coordinated with the el taraval transit enhancements project. the next request is to fund the repaving of allemeny boulevard. it would include new sidewalk construction and curb ramps. prop k is leveraging 1.75 million in sb-1 program partnership funds. construction is anticipated to start spring 2019 and be open
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by full 2019. the last request is for sfmta for the market to sansome neighbor bicycle project that will provide safe and attractive bicycle alternative. no loss of parking or travel lanes is anticipated. outreach for this project has been conducted as part of the embarcadero bike week, and it's anticipated to be open for use in summer 2019, and with that, we'll take questions. >> chair peskin: and are there any questions from members? seeing none, is there any public comment on this item? please come forward. >> good morning, chair peskin, commissioners. charles nefarge, senior
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community organizer at the san francisco bicycle coalition. pleased to be here to speak to the bicycle and sansome bicycle projects. in light of the killing of kevin manning, we know more than ever that we need safe bicycle routes through the northeast of sansome and battery. supervisor peskin. thank you for kick starting this process with your ntip money. we appreciate you leading the way. can i have the overhead. >> chair peskin: overhead, please.
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let's try that overhead one more time. do you have that up? [inaudible] >> chair peskin: we have to turn that off and on, is that what staff is saying? >> excellent. i want to say that this is really only a start to making last week, the examiner, they referred this the safe alternative to the deadly embarcadero. that's great, but what we can see from the scope here, those streets only extend to broadway, so i wouldn't call this a safe alternative quite yet. the 200,000 today, it's a great kick start to this project, but we want to make sure that we continue to push and get these bike lanes all the way to market so that they create a
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connection in the bicycle network. so thank you again, commissioner peskin, sfmta staff. we're excited to get this project in the ground but also expand in the success and get it all the way to market, which is a bigger lift, but a crucial one. >> chair peskin: thank you for those comments. if there is any further public comment, please come forward. >> by now, i hope the value of bike lanes so those who bike is clear, so i want to spend my time talking about the value to the community at large. more bike lanes mean a cleaner city. we know the single largest offender to our greenhouse gas emissions in san francisco is vehicle transit. we need to make it more
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attractive to bike, walk, and use mobility options in our neighborhood. we also know we need stronger bicycle corridors. in north beach, the vacancy rate has more than doubled in the last three years alone. transport london found that those who use nonauto modes of transit spent 40% moreover a four-month period. i hope this does not block our commitment to very important other projects, the first being the embarcadero enhancements, and the second being the long-missing plan for construction of a true bicycle
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connection from north beach through to downtown. thank you. >> chair peskin: thank you. is there any additional public comment? mr. tannen? >> yeah, peter tannen. i just wanted to second the comments of the bicycle coalition. when this was presented to the c.a.c., i noticed that the bicycle routes didn't connect to other bicycle -- official bicycle routes south of broadway. i think the bicycle lanes with a great idea, but i also think it would be great to look at extending them further with market street. thank you. >> chair peskin: we agree. seeing no additional public comment, is there a motion on item number five? made by commissioner brown, seconded by commissioner mandelman. we have the same house, same call. [ gavel ]. >> chair peskin: that item is adopted on first reading. mr. quintanilla, next item,
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please. [agenda item read] >> chair peskin: mr. dentalpost? >> thank you. good morning, commissioners. so as you'll recall, back in october, we presented information on the 2010 mobility access and pricing study, which looked at how we could implement a conjepgestio management program to better manage congestion in the city, and we came up in that study to look at a northeast core don to manage congestion in the most congested areas of the city as well as a multimodal project. your directive to us was to get a new study and directive. so we've been working on
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putting together a proposed scope. today we have an outlined version of that to share with you, and we're asking basically if we're on the right track with that and to get your confirmation, hopefully, that we are, and if we are then we'll come back early next year with a prop k request to get started as soon as we can. so the proposed console before you involves developing a more confined set of scenarios than we developed last time to try to stream line this effort, and we'll be basing or including in those scenarios a fresh look at what should be included in and how we should target pricing in terms of exactly where we should be pricing as we move forward with this, as well as what appropriate fees and times and things would be to manage
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congestion as best we can, things to make the program more fair and also to encourage people to use sustainable modes of transportation. and lastly, we would include in those scenarios a package of proposed multimodal improvements that would include things like transit improvements. we heard the importance of including major bike improvements and pedestrians improvements as well as things like repaving and streetscape improvements, and so those would help manage congestion and make the system work better. we'd be developing those scenarios based on a few things. first of all a substantial
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community based effort. we will then take the scenarios, we will evaluate them and how they stack up against the goals of the program, and then, we would develop a new set of recommendations and form this analysis and also ways that we could speed up delivery of those improvements. as i mentioned, there would be a substantial community out yaech and engagement effort as part of this, and that would include two major rounds of outreach. the first we're anticipating spring to summer of next year, how congestion affects them, as well as program elements that we should include. a second round of outreach would be in early 2020, where we'd be sharing the results of our performance evaluation and asking for input on what the implications are for what scenarios people support and
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what our proposed recommendations will be. it will include key stakeholders, transit operating agencies, regional partners, and caltrans and so forth, and a committee that would include a wide range of stakeholders like those that are concerned about the wide range of the transportation system, neighborhood associations, network and environmental advocates, and to really get all those folks at the table so that they can provide in-depth input as we go through the entire study. we'll also continue our work partnering with pier cities where they also have implements or are considering congestion pricing so we can keep learning from what they're doing. so we're looking at starting
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this as soon as we can early next year and wrapping up by mid2020, and we estimate the costs to be 1.6 million, and we'd fund that through a combination of sources. and what we're looking at is prop k, where there's already 500,000 programmed in td 41. if you endorse this scope moving forward, then we'll be returning early next year with a request to appropriate those funds. we also know there's programs fees that are programmed for pricing and intensive work, so we're seeking those funds, and then, we're also looking at other grant sources, such as regional funds that we can use to get this started and moving along. so with that, happy to take questions and look forward to
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your direction. >> chair peskin: thank you for coming back at the t.a.'s direction. are there any questions or comments? commissioner brown. >> can you tell me, how will the members of the policy committee be chosen? >> that's a great question. i think we would want to make sure we have a wide range of seats representing different interest groups, and it's likely to be a large group, and i think we'd also want input from commissioners' offices as we do that so that we're representing all the different viewpoints all the way along the process.
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>> chair peskin: any further questions, commissioner brown? are there any further members of the public who would like to comment on this earth shattering ordinance? mr. r adulovic? >> tom radulovic. we're here to support the ordinance. you should definitely charimplt congestion charging. the goal is really to move more people. this is a diagram that shows you that private automobiles, half of the city's and state's
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co 2 emissions a co2 emissions. if you can get people to shift the modes of transportation they use, you can shift more people. all the data that we have shows that parking is an incredible effective tool of mode shifting. another way of doing this is making walking, cycling and transit more tractive. we'd love to see you create more bold moves. a lot of people in apartments won't say this to you but will
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say this to us. they don't know how supportive you are to take roads and use them to support modes. >> chair peskin: mr. chawa. >> thank you, commissioners. the best part of following tom is he says everything that i was going to say, and then, i have to makeup new stuff. thank you so much. i'm on the board of san francisco league of conservation voters, as well as san francisco bicycle coalition, but i'm speaking for the league of conservation voters. i'm thrill as a commission that you are taking up this important move, and i just want to highlight that this provides a real opportunity to bring together many of our goals that we've fought for and we've all believed in for so long, whether it's a transportation
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first policy, whether it's improving muni, whether it's improving our vision zero outcomes and street safety as well as and obviously our carbon emissions goals. this is one of those things that you as sitting commissioners and supervisors get a chance to nail, right? we can pull all of these things together by making this kind of dramatic step forward, and this is a real opportunity to lead. it's an opportunity to lead within san francisco because there will be resistance, but the data and the evidence is clear that this is the right thing to do, and our needs are clear that it's the right thing, but it's also an opportunity to lead nationally. we've done this in europe, we've talked about it in other cities, but here is a chance for san francisco to take one of those real steps that show that we as californiians and we as people on this planet really care about what this world looks like. as you all know, we are the
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last generation that has a chance to get this right, so i really hope you keep that in mind as you make this decision. thank you. >> chair peskin: thank you, and i noticed our b.a.r.t. board member elect ms. lee. congratulations. you now occupy the b.a.r.t. board seat once occupied by mr. radulovic. >> i'm the executive director of walk san francisco. i'm here to express walk san francisco's strong support of this body's propose jolly for congestion pricing study here in san francisco. as a vision zero city with the goal of eliminating all severe
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and fatal crashes by 2024, we need to be exploring all possibilities and resources to get to this goal, and congestion pricing is one of those tools in our tool box to reduce the number of car trips and eliminate traffic collisions. sadly, we have had more deaths this year on our streets than last year, so our great efforts to redesign our streets simply is not enough, and we need to be more bold and innovative in our approach to reach vision zero. as tom did mention, studies have shown that everyone benefits from congestion pricing. cities that are trying it are now seeing that this benefits transit riders the most. what i like to remind people is transit riders and muni pedestrians are people. we need to be providing them with the resources and ability to move more people around our see more effectively and efficiently. walk san francisco asks that
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you support sfcta's pricing study, give them the funds to do so, and explore this untapped potential. thank you. >> chair peskin: thank you, jodi. ms. lee, thank you. >> thank you. i'm speaking as executive director of the san francisco executive director. listen, i know that congestion pricing can be difficult to think about additional fees on our streets, but the truth is for every single muni rider, we already have a fee. it's called our transit faires and how much we use or streets and what are the costs. we need to be make sure that we are fighting every revenue possible so we can be investing in oall of our streets, so we can keep the city moving as it
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grows. the study that was done a long time ago was done, i mean, before tilly was executive director, liz bryson was still at the t.a. it needs an update especially because this city has changed so many in different ways. i hope this moves forward and san francisco can be advancing the best policies for transportation and be once again leading the way. thank you. >> chair peskin: thank you. are there any other members of the public on this item? seeing none, i would actually love to make the motion, but i won't do it. but as the district three supervisor, that is the area that would i think most be affected and to the good. is there a motion to advance the proposed scope of work for the congestion pricing study in made by commissioner kim, seconded by commissioner brown. we have a different house. roll call, please.
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[roll call] >> clerk: we have approval. >> chair peskin: thank you, mr. quintanilla. next item, please. [agenda item read] >> chair peskin: ms. laford. >> ana laford, director of policy and authority at the transportation authority. the metropolitan transportation authority in 2015 established the state assistance county block programs. f.t.a. funds are generated from the diesel sales tax. previously, the funds were
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distributed over the last ten years via regional paratransit program, a regional lifeline program that funded projects that improve mobility for low-income communities and the transportation authority as congestion management agency did five cycles of calls for projects over the last ten years for that program, and then, also, there was a north county small transit operator share that we did not receive any funds from. m.t.c. has revisited this allocation methodology and has now put together a new block grant that allows counties to determine how to use the funds, and we are required to submit an annual distribution policy to the m.t.c., and that is the item that is before the board today for consideration and for action. so over these two fiscal years, we are expected to receive $7.6 million, and that's the amount that san francisco would have received under the former regional programs.
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40% of the funds to the sfmta's paratransit progr paratransit program, and this would have made the program whole. we're also recommending 60% of the funds go to a new s.f. lifeline transportation program. the first cycle would cover these two fiscal years, and the program would be administered by the transportation authority. so the eligibility for s.t.a. funds, you have to meet the state's eligibility guidelines. the intent of our program is to support projects that improve mobility for low-income residents. this is keep in the spirit of the former regional program and continuing it with the san francisco flavor, if you will. we're requiring a 10% local match to the project, so once
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these projects are screened for eligibility, what we would do is evaluate the projects based on the prioritization that are in your materials and packet as an attachment to the memo, attachment one. we are proposing to give highest priority to transit service projects that benefit communities of concern. f.t.a. funds are very few sources that we as the t.a. can prioritize for operations, so -- and we also expect to see -- it provides an opportunity for broad distribution geographically of benefits to communities of concern, and this is where high populations of low-income communities live. the priority would be given to projects that have emerged. you'll hear about the district ten ntip program that has recommendations as an example that are very focused on
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engagement particularly the low-income populations. we will prioritize projects that are ready to go, as well as geographic diversity. so once the board adopts the framework for this program, and again, we're recommending a percentage split as opposed to an impact dollar amount because the exact dollar amount we'll receive each year is based on the final rozon sailiation. we would -- final reconciliation. with that, i can take any questions. >> chair peskin: are there any questions from miss la fort. is there any public comment? seeing no public comment, thank you for that presentation. is there a motion to approve the grant framework? made by commissioner yee, seconded by commissioner kim, and we have the same house, same call [ gavel ]. >> chair peskin: the item is approved on first reading.
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next item, please. [agenda item read] >> chair peskin: miss hyatt. >> rachel hyatt, district planner. this is the district ten ntip planner. we looked for projects that will improve health, care quality, reduce vehicle miles traveled in district ten, especially through partnership of developers in all of the major development areas that are happening in district ten as well as emerging mobility services. we built off all of the long amount of planning that has been done in district ten and our deep understanding of the needs that have been vocalized throughout the years, and we used a cocreation strategy in developing the recommendations. we worked with an outreach team that used techniques, working with all of the stakeholders, so community members, both new
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and long-time residents, but also institutions, employers, and representatives of the development community to cocreate the solutions that we're recommending today. the first area of recommendation is new mobility. and microtransit or shuttle is recommendition as that we heard. we -- is recommendations that we heard where they are consistent with m.t.a.'s private transit vehicle permit requirements. i also want to mention the private microtransit services that m.t.a. does offer through their paratransit program that are available to seniors and people with disabilities. we have recommendations to support expanding the availability of sharing
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services. so for instance, moped sharing services, car share services throughout district ten, working with the planning department, and with developers or private property owners to do that and make those more available, and also to support these firms doing outreach or services doing outreach to the community in relevant ways, community relevant marketing. we heard a lot of demand of support for school trip making and support for alternative ways to get kids to school and to recommend continuing pilot and experiment with school trip, ride matching or school trip microtransit. we heard a lot of interest, so mobility services are tools that can support people being able to shed a car, being able to not have to own a car to
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access mobility services but instead be able to reach a whole array of different types of mobility services through technology. and we heard interest in these types of services, especially programs where you get rewarded for your sustainable travel, and these kind of rewards, transportation rewards programs are things that employers or institutions like a hospital, school or a transportation management association can -- can implement. we also heard a lot of demand and recommend we're publicizing of services that make these technology-based tools available to people who don't speak english, available to people who don't have smart phones. i mentioned some of the rewards that can be implemented through
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developers. and our last category was about partnerships, partnerships between the community, between community based organizations and between mobility service providers to expand the reach of these transportation programs. we heard a lot of interest in the transportation management association or transportation coordinator concept. this is a role that many new developments are either required to or are choosing to offer as a trip management or travel demand reduction measure, and we do recommend some strategies in this study to work with the planning department to make these types of services, coordinator services available to existing land uses as well as the new land uses coming in and to coordinate them and expand their efficiency and their reach through coordination mechanisms. please let me know if you have
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any questions, and thank you -- and thank you to the district ten office. >> chair peskin: thank you, ms. hyatt. commissioner cohen? >> president cohen: thank you. don't have any questions. just want to say thank you to the staff and thank you to my staff. >> chair peskin: thank you. is there any public comment? seeing no public comment, public comment is closed. is there a motion? >> president cohen: yes. >> chair peskin: we have a motion, seconded by commissioner ronen. we have that same house, same call. motion is approved. [ gavel ]. >> chair peskin: miss fong? >> what i have before you is a routine amendment of our debt and investmentment policies. we review this to make sure
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that we're maintaining our policies. so what i have before you is a memorandum plus a matrix that details each change that we were making, and a red line policy for ease of use. this is an item that has been reviewed with our financial advisors, k.n.n. and with our bond counsel, nixon peabody. in summary for our debt policy, we have pretty much three types of changes. we are making changes to be consistent with government securities and government code laws. we are making some clarifications now that we've issued our very first sales tax revenue bond. we had some sections where we are going to be writing policies and implementing controls over how we were managing the debt. things like that, we've taken care of it and incorporated
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those policies. we are at the one-year mark as of november november of the sales tax revenue bond. i'm happy to report we're at 40% of the proceeds spent at this point in time. in terms of the investment policy, i'd like to mention that a few months ago, commissioner cohen had asked us to look into adding a social responsibility policy. after working with her office and looking at some of the counties that have investment policies, it was very clear that this was something that was quite new and not incorporated in everybody's policy but because this is an important item to consider in our investments, it made sense to incorporate it into the t.a.'s policy. and the social responsibility policy is to support community well-being, support equality of rights, and practicing sound labor practices and fair practices. this is another criteria we
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would add into any consideration of the depositories or financial agencies we would work with in the future. so thank you, supervisor for asking me to look at this. >> chair peskin: let me add my thanks to our former retirement board member and president of the board of supervisors, president cohen. >> with the investment policies, just to make it consistent, we took a definition out, added a definition. every year, we are looking at it with a new lens. with that, i'm happy to answer any questions on any changes that we have. >> chair peskin: are there any questions or comments from members? seeing none, is there any public comment on this item? seeing no public comment, public comment is closed. [ gavel ]. >> chair peskin: is there a motion to approve the reviced changes made to the policies?
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candlelig . >> i am mohamed nuru, director of public works, city and county of san francisco. i want to thank everyone for coming out today. today is a very special day. we are going to celebrate the ground breaking of our ambulance deployment facility. how about a big hand for just a new facility. [applause] >> i want to start by saying thank you to the voters because in 2016, the bond was passed, the public health and safety bond in the range of $350 million, and as part of that bond, $50 million was dedicated to build this new facility. and this new facility will replace the old facility, and many of you know what the old
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facility look like. but the new facility will be four stories, will house the city's fleet, will be able to provide training, will be able to provide a place where the paramedics and firefighters can really use to respond to the people of san francisco. you know, the people of san francisco have been passing these bonds because they have faith in us being able to deliver these projects, and we will deliver these projects on time and on budget as we have done in many of our projects. but today's very, very special because this facility is very, very important in the infrastructure to support our city. and with that said, there are quite a number of people. we will thank them as we go through the various speakers, but i will begin by thanking our mayor, london breed, for all the leadership that she has brought to the city and especially just making sure that every day people can enjoy beautiful san francisco. welcome, mayor london breed.
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>> the hon. london breed: thank you. good morning, everybody. i am so excited to be here today because this project is a long time coming, and i want to thank especially many of our paramedics who have waited so patiently for a facility that adequately meets the needs and the challenges that they deal with every single day, and i know that many of them are here today and they are excited and looking forward to this project, which we know will be completed in hopefully 24 months, on time, and on budget because we understand how important it is. the ability to respond quickly in an emergency situation in san francisco is one of our primary functions. and i'm proud to say that 90% of the calls that we get are being responded to in ten minutes or less, which is the national standard. the fire department has put a lot of work into getting us
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here as just a few years ago, many of us know, we were struggling with meeting that standard. back in 2014, we learned that due to a steep increase in the number of 911 calls, we were not meeting our ambulance goals in a timely manner. as supervisor at the time, i worked with our late mayor, ed lee, and we secured more than $47 million to invest in the fire department, which i was really proud of and thankful to mayor ed lee for his commitment. that money was invested in not only hiring more e.m.t.s and paramedics, but hiring more firefighters and t911 dispatchers. i also made sure that went towards investing in new ambulances and fire trucks, investing in new infrastructures and facilities. and in the past four years, we
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have definitely seen an improvement in our response time. the new facility will have the room to restock more than one ambulance at a time. i know the folks that do this job are really excited about that. it will also include a kitchen, training room, dining rooms, and lockers so our first responders are rested and ready for any emergency. and of course, most importantly, it will be seismically sound. all of these qualities will improve our emergency response time and help us with our first responders, help them do their very best job for the residents of our city. and i want to really thank so many people who brought us here today. tom o'connor and local 798, as
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well as the patient of our paramedics who serve our city all over san francisco with patients and treatment of the people they serve. i want to thank our fire chief for all the work that she's done in helping to lead this department and really focus on the necessary improvements and things that we need to do in order to make public safety or top priority. and i am just really excited because this was a promise made years ago, and now, this is a promise as a city that we're keeping, and it will definitely allow us to respond to emergencies in a more timely manner so that we can keep all residents of our city safe. thank you all so much for being here today. [applause] >> chair nuru: thank you, mayor. and now we'll hear from our district supervisor. this part of san francisco, we have standing right behind fire station number 9, but many of the city projects that have
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been coming to this neighborhood really improving the quality of life. just down on gerald, we have the new crime lab, we have the new shops there. p.u.c.'s building a facility down on evans. and the change is really good. so malia, welcome. >> president cohen: thank you. good morning. first of all, i want to take a moment on a somber note to say thank you to the first responders who are putting their lives on the lineup and down california. i know our own san francisco fire department often goes on the road to offer stance to neighboring counties, and i just want to say thank you. i also want to recognize the e.m.t. drivers that are driving the ambulances and responding to emergencies and unfortunately sometimes non-emergencies, but that's another conversation. i just want to say thank you. i feel like you can never say thank you enough, and i know
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that this department is very near and dear to the mayor's heart, mayor breed, as a former fire commissioner, is that right? so i also want to recognize all the people that volunteer their time to serve san francisco, the fire commissioners that are here, thank you very much. and of course, the department of public works, where would we be without the department of public works? my heart is just overflowing, as i stand before you, winding out my ten years on the san francisco board of supervisors, i am excited, and i'd like to formerly introduce you to supervisor-elect shamann walton, who's here. you should rest assured that he's thoughtful in his approach to policy as well as many social justice issues. i want to, again, recognize that in july of 2014, we learned that only 76% of
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ambulances were on-scene within ten minutes of life threatening emergency medical calls. and since learning this, i can tell you that i've personally had to call on an ambulance for one of my family members that became ill. and i mentioned this to the chief at the time, but i will mention it publicly, the service was impeccable. kindness, generosity, and thoughtfulness, professionalism all the way through. i'm grateful. yeah, shout out to the fire department. and as the mayor mentioned, there is a ten-minute national standard. as san franciscans, we can say that we can be doing better, don't you agree? san francisco's seven square miles. we can get this in a little bit faster fashion, and i think that community and city leaders came together to establish a working group to assist us with troubleshooting and most importantly to discover ways that we could improve. and since the establishment of
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this group, the ambulance response time has improved more than 25%, and i am so happy to hear this -- excuse me, more than 26%. and what we have done is we've been able to maintain a high average of about 90% since 2017, and you know, i think we're going to only increase our response time from this as we move forward. and the new ambulance deployment facility comes as a fulfilled promise that i believe we as electeds have made to the overall san francisco community when ed lee was still with us. and he committed to funding more e.m.t.s, more paramedics, firefighters and of course the important 911 dispatchers, in addition to the equipment, in addition to the vehicles. these people are needed to carrie ocare carry out the heroic effort.
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we're putting out $47 million -- as the chair of the budget committee, that's a lot. mohamed is also reminding me, it's plus interest. it is close to 50 million, but we won't quibble about that. i'm proud we are hosting this in this part of san francisco, a community that's shareholdering a lot of the responsibilities. it's important that we build in the fabric of our city the infrastructure that we need so that we can continue to be successful. and i will leave on this note, and i just want to again say thank you to all of the men and the women that dedicated their life to assisting us and being a first responder. i'm forever grateful. thank you. [applause] >> chair nuru: and now we'll hear from the president of the fire commission, mr. ken cleaveland. >> president cleaveland: thank
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you, mohamed, and thank you to our next member of the board of equalization, so congratulations, malia, on that. good morning. everyone, it's a pleasure to be representing the fire commissions. i have a couple of commissioners i'd like to recognize. michael hardeman and commissioner francee covington. it's been a long time coming to get this from planning to where we are today. i know some of my fellow commissioners have been on the commission up to 24 years, and it's been a discussion all that time. how can we improve our e.m.s. because that's obviously one of the biggest facility -- one of the biggest services that we provide to the city's residents and visitors, so it's a really proud moment for us today on the commission, for the fire department, and certainly for the department of public works
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