tv Government Access Programming SFGTV December 15, 2018 12:00pm-1:01pm PST
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live events. i look forward to discussing this proposal with each of you in more detail and getting your feedback and ideas and working together to ensure san francisco is a city where small businesses continue to evolve and thrive. and my last one, and it is actually an ordinance. and today i'm cosponsoring with supervisor fewer and mayor breed to ensure the creation of the prop "c" oversight committee. i have also heard from our community and advocates to keep our promise and give this initiative what it needs, proper community-led oversight in a timely manner. i supported prop c from the start. the success of our city, our home, at the ballot sends a clear message. the majority of san francisco believe we can do better.
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this is a role for the city government and that more funding is needed. i'm committed to finding pathways to the permanent and wholistic solutions to set forth prop c while we await validation from the court. we can't wait. the suffering is too great, and the stakes are too high. and i'd like to thank my staff, juan carlos casino and a special thanks to my staff shakira shimly that worked so hard on this and the homeless coalition. the rest i submit. >> clerk: thank you, supervisor brown. supervisor cohen? >> president cohen: thank you. colleagues, as you know, in november, a few weeks ago, i called a following-up hearing and received updates from department regarding the african-american workforce hiring, retention, promotional opportunities and what i consider to be most important data tracking of complaints for
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the city and county of san francisco. this hearing was originally called at g.a.o. by my colleague supervisor kim back in september. as noted in the meeting, san francisco should be at the forefront of celebrating diversity in the workplace. we are, quite frankly, we are trying to -- we are to continue to call ourselves a forward-thinking city. we need to hold ourselves to the highest possible standards. and with support of the human rights commission, today i'm introducing a resolution affirming that the board of supervisors' commitment to advancing racial equity and affirming the city and county of san francisco's responsibility to addressing existing inequities in city programs, policies, and services. i'd like to thank my colleague supervisor brown and her staff,
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shakira, for their partnership with my staff on this resolution. thank you -- thanks also goes to director cheryl davis for her fearless leadership through the human rights commission, as well as i wanted to take a moment to thank the commissioners that also served on the human rights commission. if there are any members of this body that would be interested in being a cosponsor on this resolution, you're absolutely welcome to add your name. i see supervisor ronen indicating yes. and again, this is in support of advancement of racial equity in the city and county programs, policies, and services. and before i submit, i also want to take a moment to recognize our very own colleague, supervisor tang. yesterday was her birthday. >> clerk: happy birthday. >> president cohen: happy belated birthday.
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clerk, the rest i submit. >> clerk: thank you, madam president. happy birthday, supervisor tang. supervisor fewer? >> supervisor fewer: thank you. colleagues, today i'm introducing an ordinance that would address checkout-free retail stores that utilize video cameras to monitor a customer's movements and interest in products. we're in a new time and space where checkout-free technology, where using mounted cameras and sensors is emerging as part of the real world retail scene. while this may be presented as a new and convenient mode of shopping, i have real concerns around the tracking of customer data using this technology, whether this is your in-store browsing behavior, what you choose to take off or subsequently put back on the shelf and your browsing preferences or comparing products as you move around the physical footprint of a store. this is an entirely new state of surveillance in a brick and mortar establishment. this ordinance should do several things. one, notify the city
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administer's office about existence, ownership, and data collection policies and, two, post signage outside and inside the store advising shoppers whether their physical movements will be monitored by video cameras, describing whether the store may retail or sell the data gathered by such monitoring, and describing the purposes for which the data may be used. customers should be well notified and fully aware of the data that is being tracked while shopping for lunch or goods in these stores. i am also proud to introduce with cosponsor supervisor kim the community opportunity to purchase act that my office has been working closely with community housing groups and affordable housing advocates to craft. copa is an integrated policy inspired by washington, d.c.,'s district opportunity to purchase act and designed to stabilize diverse communities in san francisco by preventing displacement and preserving
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affordable housing. the legislation accomplishes this goal by granting qualified affordable housing nonprofits a first right to purchase multifamily residential buildings and vacant lots for the purpose of creating and preserving permanently affordable housing. by giving affordable housing nonprofits the first right to purchase and stabilize rent-control buildings as permanent affordable housing, we have the opportunity to challenge the notion that home ownership is the only secure form of housing. we cannot rely on private developments to fulfill our affordable housing needs, but we can now put a significant portion of the city's $181 million tax windfall towards acquiring properties through copa to protect and produce affordable housing while preventing our most vulnerable renters from being displaced. according to the latest report from the planning department, less than 18% of net new units built in san francisco in the past ten years have been affordable. for every two new affordable
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units in the city, it loses one rent-controlled unit to evictions or move, evictions, demolitions, and condominium conversions. copa will provide nonprofits with a critical tool to stop the bleeding by purchasing multifamily buildings from landlords looking to exit the rental business and preserving them as permanently affordable housing. copa is a win-win for landlords and tenants, as it protects a landlords' ability to sell their building at market rate, while preventing the displacement of tenants in a stabilizing community. it also is a win for san francisco, as it will help the city better meet its housing balance needs by preventing the loss of rent-controlled housing, increasing its stock of permanently affordable housing. i would like to thank all the representatives from the housing rights community, the organizations, the san francisco community land trust, bishop, ccdc, for working closely with
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my office and crafting this critical legislation to produce and protect affordable housing in our city, and many thanks to my staff, ian, for all the work he's done so far on this legislation. and finally, i'm excited to be introducing legislation that will increase the accuracy and effectiveness of the city's vacant storefront registry. when i held a hearing on vacant storefronts earlier this year, i was told by d.b.i. that there were zero vacant storefronts registered in my district. you don't have to spend more than five minutes walking down clement, gary balboa corridors to see four or five vacant storefronts on a block, and it's even worse in other parts of the city. shortly after the hearing, my staff worked to identify vacant storefronts in district 1. after seeing the failure of the city's current system and identifying and registering
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vacancies, i began working on legislation to enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of the vacant storefront registry. this ordinance will accomplish this goal by doing the following, ensuring all vacant storefronts are promptly identified and registered, regardless of whether the property is being advertised, for sale, or lease. increasing d.b.i.'s resources to monitor and enforce registration requirements for acquiring the annual registration fee at the time of registration. clarifying the enforcement process and penalties for failure to register and requiring annual inspections of vacant storefronts to ensure they remain safe and do not pose a hazard. as we all know, when you have commercial property owners holding multiple storefronts vacant for long periods of time, that hurts all the other small businesses in the area who rely on a vibrant commercial corridor to attract customers. vital to addressing our vacancy problem head-on and complement
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ongoing efforts to streamline permitting and increase retail flexibility, so our small businesses can thrive. i would like to thank my cosponsors, supervisors mandelman, peskin, yee, and stefani, and i hope i can count all of you for -- on your support. thank you and the rest i submit. >> clerk: thank you, supervisor fewer. supervisor kim? >> supervisor kim: i shouldn't have anything to submit, but i am submitting a resolution of intent to form the central soma c.b.d., and i look forward to my colleagues passing that in my time after my time serving and also a c.a.c. for the new east, west, and central soma c.a.c., which will be divided from the current eastern neighborhood c.a.c. and look forward to input from supervisor mandelman, ronen, and supervisor-elect walton, as well, as we move to form a different way of overseeing the new development in our district. and i'll make my comments later,
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but i do just want to thank members of district 6 who came out here today for my last board of supervisors meeting. >> clerk: thank you, supervisor kim. supervisor mandelman? okay, madam president, seeing no other names on the roster, that concludes the introduction of new business. >> president cohen: thank you. madam clerk, i believe that brings us -- oh, one thing. i'd like to be a cosponsor on supervisor ronen's police officer's gathering questions and youth. >> clerk: thank you, madam president. >> president cohen: madam clerk, i believe item 63 is general public comment. >> clerk: that is correct, madam president. >> president cohen: all right, if there are any members of the public that would like to address the board during general public comment, please step forward, line up right over here. public comment is now open. >> supervisors, i was at the san francisco public utilities commission, and there was one
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agenda item on the salmon, and i believe when it came to the river, one documentation or resolution came before you. you supervisors first agreed with it and then the mayor and the rest of you supervisors, and i hope i'm not mistaken, reneged on your first vote. and if that is true, then shame on you. so we discussed today, before the san francisco public utilities commission, that the waters have to be healthy for the salmon to flow. water is life and salmon is life. i see you all having your things on very mundane stuff, but if
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you do not respect the first people who were here for over 15,000 years, and talk about this, that, and the other, it's all null and void. let me encourage you all that building skyscrapers and using water to flush down our toilets in 2018 is really stupid. i repeat, it's stupid. so i know they are going to discuss this before the state tomorrow and hopefully the regulations, the state regulations which are more empirical data have been passed. i know all the people involved have not been taken into account, but i hope that y'all change your mind on this issue. thank you very much.
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>> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please. >> i object to the housing opportunities that you provide, because you're just giving it to people who are in high-income bracket. this latest proposal for 8,000 apartment unit complexes to be built in the city is only supposed to be for couples only. you're discriminating against single individuals who are males and females by not including them in the inclusionary rule. and by the same response, i've demonstrated well over several times that you're giving preferential treatment to high-tech companies and you're having all this confusion complaining about taxes and tax and storefronts of small businesses. special viewer, please.
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something is wrong with your viewer. your viewer is not coming in clear. >> clerk: clerk will be right there to assist you. >> got to back up on my time, too. still got my time running. the viewer is not working, so i need to start my time over. >> clerk: mr. wright, what we'll do is have our i.t. division come down to assist us. if you step aside, and we'll begin in a moment. meanwhile, another member of the public can come and address the board. >> next speaker.
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>> hello, yeah, it's me, dane johnson. peace sign of trash, piece of trash, because i pick up trash all the time. people in san francisco, i know they are all stoned, but come on, they are adults. they have to be smarter than they are about this homeless hate thing. let's take this map, for example. there's a big discussion, discussions, everyone's involved, including the mayor, nobody says, wait a minute, there's 100 poops and we're blaming 10,000 homeless people. you don't know if it's a drunk that lives inside or not. i want dna testing on these poops. i want people to say it's homeless poops, you can tell by smelling? how come you're going to take my own rights away from me and give up because someone else is
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pooping. san francisco, you guys went through this about pedophilia, you won that argument. that argument is won for us. just because some people are pooping, we're not all pooping. if 10,000 people pooped, you'd have to put poop chains on your car to get to work. you're in a hate direction where you don't care about the mathematical numbers, you don't care about what's correct and who's really wrong, and you're blaming everybody, because you're blind and you're hateful right now. and you need to get off it. you need to pay me for my work i do at twin peaks. you don't clean the parking lot at all except on saturdays you have the jail crew come up there. clean it every day, the parking lot, so it doesn't blow on my hill and i have to clean it for free, while you sit here getting fat, $200 dinners or whatever.
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i want some change. i want some change. the mayor, when he went to visit me in the castro, he died two weeks later. you know that. >> clerk: thank you for your comments, sir. thank you for your service. next speaker, please. >> excuse me, sir. his phone is still here. >> clerk: we'll send the clerk to pick that up and give it to him. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is sue. i work in the tenderloin. today we come with our chinese community from tenderloin to thank you, supervisor jane kim. the past year you do a lot for us, you know? you save the housing for the seniors and low-income family, and we have a free city college, and now my daughter is going to the city college. so really appreciate, yeah.
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i don't know how to, you know, do -- say something, but right here we have some flowers to bring you today for our supervisor jane kim. [ applause ] >> clerk: thank you, and next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. as you guys know, i am a public employee. i am ellen, and i'm a team member. i want to acknowledge malia cohen, who has been serving our neighbors for the last eight years. i remember she lost her house
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when she got on board, and we have many agreements and disagreements, but i want to acknowledge you that you have helped many of us who are in a situation that needed help. and you also have stood up for us. last time we came to you about public workers being discriminated, and i also want to acknowledge supervisor jane kim. even though she has the chinese property owners and many people hated her so much, but you know, when you're in policy, you are having enemies and you are having supporters. i love jane kim personally, and you know that. policy means policy, okay, there's no enemies. many of you, i hope that you have no enemies. i don't have enemies. even though people look at me like an enemy. and also i want to acknowledge my chinese colleague, katy tang.
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i know she's young, getting in the office, people taking her in and i understand she fought hard for certain issues and i want to acknowledge we were fighting for no recreational cannabis in her district. i think she get tired and she has to step down. well, regardless, good luck to you guys. and i also want to acknowledge mayor breed and brown, who is going to do something about the m.t. stores. as you know, i'm a public employee, i'm also volunteer in many agencies. a lot of people complain about the empty stores. we need help and we can turn those into senior recreational centers, after-school programs, or preschool places. [ bell rings ] >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> i want to talk about possibility of the rent increase to become the tenant harassment.
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i think that -- >> clerk: ma'am, ma'am, i'm pausing your time. you're not able to speak on that item today. that item had its public comment in committee, and so please curb your comments to other issues. >> oh, okay, i see. so i -- i want to talk about some of the general issues regarding the project, which is in san francisco, more than 60% of tenants already live in the rent-control units. most people don't have rent-control units. they are workers, so many of the workers currently don't have rent-control unit, but they are looking to become house owners. so i would like for you to consider that, so you say you're helping the rent-control people.
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but that doesn't help rent-control, they may soon become a housing owner. that's it. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. >> afternoon, supervisors. my name is steven lee, entertainment commissioner. i just want to say it's been a pleasure to work with president cohen, supervisor kim, and katy tang. and, of course, the rest of you i'm still going to be working with you and i really enjoy being a board supervisor selection. i remember when i was just having my business south of market as a nightclub owner, and jane kim, i was at david choo's birthday party and jane says, you know, steve, i'm running for supervisor. i was going, are you sure, is that really what you want to do? i was saying, okay, let's go south of market and see the rest of the business owners. and really, you know, she has
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really proven a great deal of trust in everybody and south of market and we've learned a lot and i've learned a lot, and i just want to say thank you and good luck to your next position, and thank you for all your support. thank you, board of supervisors. >> clerk: thank you, commissioner lee. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. david elliot louis. i first met jane early 2009 when she was one of about ten candidates running for district 6. i guess replacing chris daly. there wasn't a lot of name recognition for her back then, but i was impressed right away before the 2010 d-6 race, and when i look back over her two terms, i'm just really grateful as a tenderloin resident for all she's done for our neighborhood, from vision zero, free city college, increasing the
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inclusionary housing requirement, help supporting raising the minimum wage, ban the box, providing tenant protections, eviction defense, bike lane on turk street, which has helped many. bedbug legislation or bedbug laundry fund. macaulay park infrastructure funding, state s.f. ordinance, and much more. so the tenderloin d-6 and the city itself is just better, because we had jane kim. and i'm so grateful she was with us for the two terms, and i will miss her. i will miss her. thank you, thank you much for your time and consideration. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> supervisors, my name is curtis bradford and i'm the co-chair of the tenderloin's people's congress and i came today because i really just wanted to thank jane kim. i'm really here for jane today. you know, jane, you've been such a great partner to the community and the neighborhood. it's really empowering when we
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actually feel like we have a partner at city hall that really gets us and understands us and is willing to get right down there and work with us on issues that really matter to the neighborhood, to the community, and affect people's daily lives. and you've been that partner, and i really appreciate that. some really amazing things have happened. you've been such a great, forwards-thinking visionary leader, and things like free city college, which hopefully will spread nationwide, we want to see the great ideas built on and expanded on, and so you've also just -- you know, you've just been there every time we've come with a problem. you've been right there and willing to listen and try and help and help us find solutions, and i'm really grateful for all of that. you've been so accessible, and i want to say thank you. and also thank you because we're going to have a christmas tree in the tenderloin for the first time. thank you. thank you. [ applause ] >> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please.
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>> i'd like to thank you for your unconditional support to safe passage and the tenderloin families. i'm also grateful for your devotion these years to district 6. thank you for your effort and labor to provide our necessities as a community that includes our children, youth, and seniors to ensure that they have a better future and a quality of life. i feel fortunate to have met you and wish you much success in your new life. thank you. >> clerk: next speaker, please. >> and i would like to say something on behalf of lavos latino. i'm the current program manager. my predecessor was on jane kim's
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team, and i appreciate that you gave someone coming from our family the opportunity to be the voice for tenderloin residents, especially in particular many of the latino mothers that came to be what they are because of your effort to make lavos a better organization for everyone in district 6. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. >> hi, i want to try a little bit in english. so i wanted to say to jane, thank you, and i wanted to tell from all moms, latino and the tenderloin. 13, 14 years ago, she was the perfect partner. so i wanted to say thanks for being in the tenderloin, thanks a lot for the latinos and for
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all community, all community, you were always there. i wanted to say thanks a lot. >> clerk: thank you very much for your comments. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i'm here for jane. i want to say, i'll make it short and sweet. thank you, jane. thank you so much for everything you've done. i am honored that i campaigned for you for the past five or six years, and i'm going to miss you very much. we're going to miss you very much. and thank you for just making me feel like i could just walk into your office any time i needed to. and you just always have been there for us, and i admire you and i've learned a lot from you, and thank you. and i'm going to cry, so i have to go. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. let's see if it's been fixed, mr. wright. >> i'm going to start off saying i wish i could talk about you like that.
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i'm upset with you on the grounds mission rock construction says 15% of the 1,500 units that's built at mission rock is supposed to be for low-income and very low-income bracket people. you deliberately carved that section of the instructions of the information out of that material and make 2% of the 40% affordable housing for people that's in the income bracket of 50% of a.p.i., which is like about $44,400 a year. so the low and very low-income bracket people are not even included in the inclusionary rule in the housing opportunity. you got everybody fooled, but you can't fool me. and about these tax breaks that you're giving to these high-tech companies, here's an example how the people who need a break are not giving a break and you're giving breaks to those people that don't even need a break. here's an example of twitter getting $55 million of free money from the city and county
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of san francisco. >> clerk: comments expired, mr. wright. >> -- $16 million, $55.5 million, far past the $22 million that was projected in the arrangement that was set up called "break for a high-tech company." and by the same response, additional information pertaining to tax records, $8 $873,823,572 of tax-free money given to twitter and other high-tech companies, when there's people homeless on the street, economically disadvantaged and living in and out of shelters is not getting no kind of break at all. your building where you claim 30% of the income is supposed to be for senior citizens, but when you read the fine print, you charge 55% of the median, which is like about -- what, $47,500.
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that means all them senior citizens, filipinos, who can't afford -- [ bell rings ] >> clerk: thank you, mr. wright. next speaker, please. so you will each get two minutes. >> yeah, we'll share our two minutes in the interest of time and hearing from the folks behind us, but my name is fernando, i'm here representing the tenderloin community benefit district with my colleague kate robinson and we're here to express appreciation for supervisor jane kim. it's been a real honor to watch you serve the district and the neighborhood. we say in the tenderloin we tend to know our neighbors, and i think supervisor kim, all the people you heard speak before us on her behalf to show appreciation, all the people behind us, and many people in the neighborhood she knows by name, what's going on in their lives, and she's fought for them tooth and nail, so we really, really appreciate it. we look forward to seeing what you do next, and thank you.
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>> i want to echo what fernando just said, and just really thank you, jane, for being just all about love of community. you can tell any time you were in the tenderloin, everybody was there with you in every way. i remember from day one during the beginning of safe passage, when you and your staff would come out and join us standing on corners, not everybody would do that. most people wouldn't, and you've always been there for us and helped grow this program out of love for the community, and i also want to acknowledge that you've had the most incredible staff, absolutely a part of the community, a part of the tenderloin, and really a reflection of your values, as well. and just thank you for your -- all of your work. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please.
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>> mayor, board of supervisors, my name is steven tennis. and i ditto everything that kate said, without a doubt. while i was in line waiting to speak, someone came up to me and she broke down, and i'm about ready to break down. and jane came and she got emotional, almost broke down, and i'm almost going to break down now. you have a lot of people that love you, jane, and you know that. you've done so much for san francisco. i'll never forget the first time i met you. i was at the corner of mcallister and larkin, and you were with one other person. there was no cameras, there was no reporters, just you and another person and you walked up to me and just started talking to me, asked me how i was, who i was, and what you could do for me. and at that moment, you had me.
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you had me totally. and san francisco is going to be a lesser place now that you're leaving. hopefully, you'll be back. hopefully, you won't go, but you will be back. and again, like what kate said, you had the most tremendous staff imaginable. and i want to thank you for that. and i want to thank you for the eight years. i'm going to miss you, but i'm sure i'll be seeing you. thank you, jane, for being jane. [ applause ] >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> i am don faulk with tenderloin development corporation and i'm here to express my gratitude and respect for your courageous and inspiring leadership. you've made a huge difference, not only to the organization that i work for, the people who live in our affordable housing, the entire community, but you have shown me personally how to lead with values. so thank you for everything. >> clerk: thank you for your comments.
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next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. first i'd like to thank president cohen. i'm going to be discussing the resolution that's coming up, no. 64, and especially all the cosponsors, supervisor mandelman, peskin, safai, kim, and stefani. we really appreciate the support. just a little bit about san francisco pretrial. i'm a new ceo, took over after 42 years for the founder, amazing agency that's become a staple in san francisco's criminal justice system, taken over an interesting time, but nonetheless it's a good time. since you've made the significant investment in san francisco pretrial last year, just in five short months we've doubled our staff. we're moving to seven days a week of case management services, we've increased our training capacity, and hopefully signed a lease on a new space. and that's all because of you and the investment you made in our agency, and we really support that. going forward, we still need your support, as we look at the best option for san francisco.
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senate bill sb-10 impacts how we operate pretrial services in our city, and we're encouraging you to support the resolution to bring together a group of stakeholders and just figure out what's best for our city. we work under the guise of innocent until proven guilty. we've come to people when they've been arrested, booked into county jail, and you could argue one of the most vulnerable points of their lives. that vulnerability really drives the relationship with our staff as we determine what's best for them and how we can support them to get back to court and not commit any additional crimes. a community-based model and it's a unique model in the national level, but we have outcomes that rival any other pretrial program in the country, where 90% of our clients come back to court and 87% do not commit another crime. so appreciate your support and look forward to working with you in the future and also just want to quickly thank sue, sophia,
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and aaron for helping us out. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is nancy ruben. i am the person who was the interim ceo, and i spent a lot of time with many of you who were on the board during the budget season last spring. and i was asked this afternoon by the pretrial staff and by others to come up and speak to you also about the same thing mr. morrow was speaking about. i just want to thank you very much for entertaining and looking very seriously at the impact of sb-10 on san francisco and particularly on san francisco pretrial diversion and its status. i want to remind you, for those of you that weren't here, san francisco is unique in its pretrial services. of the 58 counties in california, many have not even entertained doing pretrial services yet, and san francisco has been doing them for 42 years through this independent agency. so what we're asking from you today is to pass the resolution urging the mayor to then set forth a round table to talk
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about the best way to structure pretrial services, building on the unique experience that we have in the state and, in fact, in the country. so in the spirit of all the tha thanks, we want to thank you for taking a hard look at this and making sure we maintain the integrity of pretrial services and criminal justice reform in san francisco. thank you very much. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hi, my name is wendy. i'm not certified interpreter. can i translate for her? >> clerk: if she would like you to, we would love to have you do so. >> she wrote in chinese. [ speaking in chinese ] >> translator: i work very hard.
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i make a little bit of living of myself to support myself. we do not rely on welfare. we depend on ourselves to make our own living. please, you are the elected official. we want you to be fair to a person like myself, mom and pop property owner. [ speaking in chinese ] >> translator: harassment is a -- >> clerk: ma'am, ma'am, i'm pausing your time. i'm pausing your time, if you
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could translate this for me. you are discussing item 16, which has already had public comment on our agenda. it is not an eligible item for her to speak about today. >> it's item number 36. >> clerk: item 36, that's correct, item 36. that's the tenant harassment protections. >> right. at the end she said, she asked our elected official to be fair to every single one, including landlords. that's the end of her speech. >> clerk: okay, okay, thank you kindly. >> thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. >> happy holidays. >> clerk: thank you kindly. >> may i?
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>> clerk: as long as you're not talking about item 36, tenant harassment protections. >> good evening, supervisors. i translate anyway. she was saying i'm here to represent my friends and my families to speak on behalf of the landlords, small property owners. small property owners are living in very harsh environment.
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[ speaking foreign language ] >> as far as i know, small property owners are making a majority of the payment like property tax, mortgages, and also the expenses. those have been increased every single year. the legislation has been in one-way direction that are not fair to the landlords. we want to get the win-win situation. i'm here for property owners that are handicap and disabled people, who are not able to work.
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rely on children to pay for me. please, supervisors, be fair to all of us besides helping tenants. >> clerk: ma'am, ma'am -- i'm going to pause your time. just out of respect to you and to the speakers, please do not discuss that item on the agenda. please stay away from issues around tenant harassments or item 36. >> i think she has been talking about the fairness of the legislation that she needs the supervisors' attention. >> clerk: ma'am, ma'am, just please implement the board rule and state law, thank you. >> all right.
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>> she said that when there is a rent rules and regulations, please look into both ends. we need human rights, as well. we need to be protected, as well. >> clerk: ma'am, please, you are crossing the line. [ speaking foreign language ] also our right -- by having protections we have a very harmonious society. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please.
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need a lot of money for other people. through a little bit of rental income, that is our living support. i ask the supervisors when you get the legislation, please be fair to everyone. >> clerk: ma'am, ma'am, thank you for your time. thank you for your comments. >> merry christmas to you all. >> clerk: thank you. thank you for sharing. next speaker, please. >> may i? may i please? i am speaking for myself.
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>> clerk: two minutes, but please stay away from item 36. >> dear supervisors, happy holidays to you all. for the entire year that i've been attending the public hearings, i know that you work very hard to some of the group, special interest group, however, we need to not be here on the public hearings except that we know that we are lacking our voices. that's why we left our work, we left our family. we came here to voice ourselves. in 2019, that is my wish list that i hope that our supervisors are staying in neutral positions to understand the hardship of every groups of people. and i'm living in sunset area. i do want the sunset district, especially people who do not want to have medical marijuanas
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or recreational marijuana in the family-oriented especially -- >> clerk: ma'am, that item is also on our agenda. that item is also on our agenda. >> this is public comment, isn't it? >> clerk: it is, but not on items that are already on our agenda. these items that you're talking about already had their public comment during committee. that was the appropriate time. >> okay. well, i was focused on 36. i didn't know that marijuana was already discussed. i'm sorry. >> clerk: thank you. >> so i'm here to hope that all the supervisors should understand that you are all elected. every single agenda that you discuss and you voted for, we hold you accountable. and i'm not a politician. i'm here to voice for our community. i'm from san francisco coalition for good neighborhoods, and i will be continuing to voice for my neighbors, who are working hard, who have very normal life.
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9:00 to 5:00, children, also have the basic needs, which is your attention to understand their hardship. thank you. happy holidays. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi, we're here to discuss item 36. no, actually, we're here to thank supervisor jane kim for all of her wonderful work. jennifer fremont from the coalition on homelessness and our other folks, and i think, you know, i think a lot of people think about jane kim's legacy and free city college and childcare for all, but there's a lot of work that you did that didn't get as much recognition. and a lot of that work that is really important that had a really tangible impact on the lives of the most destitute san
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franciscans. much of that work centered around the shelter system, and early on jane had spent the night in a shelter and really, i think, took a lot of notes about what was happening there. she was really critical in us getting a changed shelter access system and getting a medical shelter for folks who were actually xed out of the system because of their needs and were on the streets and opening that up. and i think there's a lot. i don't want to go on too long, but i think one of the things that struck us as we were talking about what everyone wanted me to say, was that jane really listens to folks and really, when we would take her out or have a community meetings and bring in folks that were impacted, she would really listen to what they had to say. and that was just really
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beautiful and really appreciated, and, unfortunately, a lot of times really rare. and she never went to, you know, the easy way out of leaning towards criminalization. she was always very solution-oriented, and we just wanted to just come and give deep appreciation for eight years. it's been a really wild ride. and it's a big sacrifice, and we know it's a big sacrifice for you, and we really appreciate it. thank you so much. >> clerk: thank you. [ applause ] >> and your kick ass staff. >> yes. >> good afternoon, board of supervisors. my name is lorenzo. i am a community organizer in the tenderloin and south of market area. so i'm here to express my deep
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gratitude for our supervisor jane kim for her support of the filipino community and the tenderloin community. i met jane in 2010. i was starting to organize the filipino community in the tenderloin. she was our first speaker, our guest. since then we've grown to more than 100 members in the tenderloin, and supervisor kim was there with us from the start, until now. so thank you for that, supervisor kim. also would like to thank, you know, jane was instrumental in converting corner stores in the tenderloin so residents would have access to affordable and healthy food in the neighborhood, so thanks for that, supervisor kim. and also she helped a lot ensuring that our open spaces would be rehabilitated, and now
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it's a vibrant community space for seniors, for youth, for family. so we have this space now that we use and, you know, enjoy every day. so thanks, too, for being a champion for the filipino community and passing this soma heritage district now. we have our own community south of market, and lastly, i'd like to thank from the bottom of my heart my family. supervisor kim's staff, for, like, helping us navigate the application for the b.m.r. unit. now we live in 1400 mission after two years and then try now -- [ bell rings ] >> clerk: thank you. thank you for your comments. >> casey addsberry representing
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the sky watchers and u.c. hastings. you've worked with all of us and countless others standing -- imagine standing right here in this room, who have learned to call you jane and to think about when we need a resource, we knew where to go. and that having an open door at city hall has given us all a lot of hope to keep fighting for the heart of the city that is our district, your district, our district, and it's -- you always have a home here. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> this is what i want to say. the last eight years have been the greatest -- >> clerk: ma'am, i will pause your time. you need to place the sign down, and you cannot speak on that item. >> you guys are
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institutionalizing terrorism against the home owners. >> clerk: ma'am, this is state law. it is state law and a board rule that when an item has already had public comment during a committee, it cannot have it again at the board meeting. >> please, protect small property owner. thank you. >> clerk: next speaker, please. >> hi. i know there's a lot of issues in san francisco, and i would like you to understand that. we need to be fair, and my situation, i came here without english, i learn my english here, i work to save every single penny. share my house with tenants and also one other issue, she got her money -- >> clerk: are you speaking about item 36, ma'am? >> no, i'm just -- got her money
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and then bought her house. i feel like, you know, i feel like i'm mistreated, so i don't know if you understand our feeling of our issue. you know, there are a lot of people. we need your help. but also i hope you consider home owners. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> sheamus, district 5 resident. usually when i'm behind a microphone i'm on a patio and have had a few drinks, but tonight i'm here to thank jane kim for everything she's done for san francisco. i didn't know who she was two and a half years ago, but what i did know was who her opponent was, and that was more than enough for me. and i really quickly realized how amazing her work has done to help and elevate the
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