tv Government Access Programming SFGTV December 24, 2018 12:00am-1:01am PST
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compromise here, and the compromise is that for all those individuals who participate in leisure activities, for a sacrifice to be made so that there could be other benefits such as the rights for people to have a home to live in, so it becomes a win when all across the board. we need to make things better all the way around, not just in terms of leisure activities, but in terms of housing, jobs, transportation, there are so many responsibilities that we have.
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we would be remiss in fulfilling this responsibility of having additional housing. >> i respect the comments, but is that our decision to make on prioritizing housing over a shadow in the park? our question before us is a recommendation of whether the shadow has a significant and adverse impact, it is only a recommendation that goes to the planning commission who will accept our recommendation or reject it and will weigh in and make the decision of whether the shadow, regardless of it as a significant adverse impact outweighs the need for housing. >> the questions that i raised had to do with -- for me to discern how much impact there would be, the question that i raised in terms of overall use
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from that perspective, i do not see there would be an adverse impact, and that is the interpretation that i am making to this. >> this is within acceptable limits with the numbers. am i correct to assume that? it is within acceptable limits? >> it is within the limits from the 1989 memo. >> so we wouldn't even have to be making a decision here that we will depart from that we would be in compliance? >> it satisfies the quantitative respect. >> thank you. >> seeing no other comments, let me say something before we seek a second of the motion. this really gets down to trying to prioritize between housing and recreation and park
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facilities. as the commissioner accurately pointed out, and i think was echoed by commissioner anderson, it is the work of this commission to look at the recreation facilities. at the very act of increasing a multi- -- the multifamily units in the neighborhood, none of which will have a backyard of their own, is to place further demands on the parks. in a place of the city with a price of the land makes it impossible to consider larger or better parks talk so what do we look at? we look at the quality of the parks we have and protecting them. so with that, i have to make this other observation. to begin to deviate from that priority is simply to encourage other developers in other places to think that they can come here and haul the -- have all the best intentions and best design and best product, but if it
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infringes on the quality of the park, we have to weigh that in our consideration. it is a serious one. i am a long-standing proponent of high-density development in cities. i think it is part of the solution for a whole host of reasons that he won't bother you with now. having said that, i will second the motion and call for a vote and a roll call vote. >> okay. [roll call] >> i just want to make sure i am voting correctly here. >> yes means no. [laughter] >> i respectfully oppose the motion. >> okay [roll call] >> likewise. >> commissioner harrison? >> opposing. >> so all three of you are opposing his motion?
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>> that means that we are saying -- >> that is what you heard. >> it does not? >> he is saying it does. >> write. >> remember, yes means no. >> i told you that. >> can i ask a question before i vote? >> absolutely. >> i wasn't here in 2015 when this got turned down by the board, but was the only reason because of the shadow? >> actually it never went to the board or the planning commission in 2015 when it became before the recreation and parks commission, the recommendation was unanimous that it did pose a significant and adverse impact. since then, different things
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developed, and the project sponsor went back to develop a new project. as you heard in a reference, i think by the project sponsor, there was another agreement reached with the city. a lot of things happened in between when in 2015 to today where the project that was proposed in 2015 stalled out and was withdrawn, and this new project was resubmitted. i looked to my mentor to make sure i got the procedure correctly. >> okay. i've heard testimony on both sides this morning, and both have swayed me. i think the fact that from what
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i've read in our documents that the planning department has found no additional shadow and that it would not have an adverse effect, and that we are still below the allotted shadow threshold, if you said it right earlier. i think that would lead me to vote against your motion. >> no vote? >> no vote. >> commissioner low? >> yes. >> commissioner buell while. >> yes. >> the motion fails 4-2. >> does not require that we have a motion in the other direction? >> that is completely up to you. >> heavily sufficiently given them instructions to go to the planning commission? >> i thank you have to make a motion so that a general manager has clear instructions. >> i would like to move that we
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find that this project has no significant adverse impact on the park. >> i will second that. >> it has been moved and seconded. please call the role. [roll call] >> that motion passes 4-2. >> thank you all. we will take just a minute to let everybody exit that came for this item and then we will ask the general manager for his most valuable general manager's report. and thank him for postponing this in order to have this business of the commission. [laughter]
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>> some holiday announcements. we are very proud to help start a new holiday tradition at the park on tuesday night as we joined the mayor, the tenderloin people's congress, community members, supervisor kim, supervisor elect matt heaney, and many other partners and community members for the inaugural tree lighting event. since the renovation in 2014, the city has been committed to activating the park and finding partners to share the vision.
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the event on tuesday was a testament to all of the love and attention we have received recently. i'm proud of our work together. we made it a clean and safe place for kids and residents to enjoy. it made the park look great. it was a really happy place and you should all be really proud of the renovation work, and the subsequent programming commitments that we have made in partnership with the neighborhood. more, tis the season for ice-skating. the graceful -- for the graceful and not so graceful to celebrate the holidays. the civic centre, union square, they are all open daily until january. featuring some really breathtaking views of city hall, particularly at night. the plaza looks beautiful. and downtown along the waterfront, you can log on to our website for more information
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winter registration is happening now. you can spend your winter with us. winter classes is going on online and at 14 registration sites across the city. as we do every season, we have something for everyone. it is the best place to start to browse our catalogue. will be hosting three city job fairs on saturdays in january. january 5th at the recreation centre in january 26 of the county fair building. information on job opportunities will be listed. we will also have job-training resources and application assistance. more information is available on our website. if winter has you down and we are just starting, let's talk about summer for a second. it is the middle of december and
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we are talking about ice-skating of course, let's think about summer. the 2019 lottery is open now through january 13th. due to the effects of the ferguson fire and subsequent fires of the camp last summer, families whose reservations were counselled were given the early opportunity to book spots next summer. because of that, there are fewer spots available this year, but still plenty. the lottery will be as lottery like as ever -- it will be as lottery -like as ever. you can find more information on our website. and very briefly, it is also the official kickoff of budget season. while we will be back with a generalized items in january and february to give you updates on the development of our budget process, and ultimately ask for you to support our budget recommendation at the full commission meeting in february. i have asked our director of
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finance and administration to come up and present a very brief overview on the mayor's budget instructions and where we are headed when we come back from break in the budget conversations. >> all right. commissioners, i am the general manager. i'm the director of admin and finance for the recreation and parks department. the office released them budget instructions and outlook for the upcoming fiscal year. briefly, not much has changed. there is still a structural deficit. the mayor's office is still projecting budget deficits in the next five years. cost pressures continue along the salary and fringe benefit and pension increases. labour negotiations, 28 new mo use will be sent set by june 30 th of the coming year. they are not in that group. there are currently affairs of a recession, as well as state and federal budget legislative changes that could affect
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revenues coming to the city. the mayor has set her priorities , building more affordable and low income housing, reducing homelessness, providing behavioural health services and cleaning up our streets and making them safer, creating equitable opportunities for everyone in making -- and making government more accountable. specific instructions to our department and other departments in the city are focusing on accountability and equitable outcomes and reprioritizing funding and budgets for highest and best use. new positions may be considered if they align with the mayor's priorities. she has also asked for departments to propose savings or revenues of 2% in the first year, four% in the second year, and 1% contingency proposal in the first year and a 2% contingency in the second year. those two last measures do not apply to us due to prop b.
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key dates will be coming back to you in january for a budget preview at your commission and we will also be presenting the operation committees in fairbury 21st. will be presenting to you the final budget proposal for your review, and a hopeful approval to be submitted to the mayor's office. thank you. >> there is a request to speak. >> yes. the question i have is that projected, at this point i guess it is not projected, i assume it is real that 470 million or 471 million windfall, how is the
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department perceiving that law is the department going to be engaged in and making recommendations? >> the monies that we received through property taxes are allocated first before it is calculated. we do not benefit. the mayor did announced today that the discretionary part of the revenues are going to be invested in housing homelessness , mental health services and part of that funding -- there is a very small percentage of that funding which is being directed towards public works for the expansion of its pitstop program.
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we work in close partnership with public works on pitstop on -- it is possible depending upon the locations of the program that that might indirectly affect the benefit by having more staff bathrooms and communities. >> we don't have the type of set-aside funding that benefits directly. i do believe m.t.a. and the school district and the department of youth and the family benefits did receive some benefits. but again because of the the open space fund is calculated, we do not. >> okay. thank you for that information. >> commissioner low? >> it is not necessarily related to the budget but i would request that the department give this commission an idea of a
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park bond which i am assuming is not occurring in 2019, it would be included in the park bond. >> sure thing. >> the city's capital planning committee will do its work in january to amend the ten year capital plan, and we will know more at the conclusion of that process, and then we are happy to come back. i gives it with relative certainty, we will not be in 2019. >> you may be part of your general manager report in february or whenever you have the information. there is a lot of folks who are counting on the park bond for capital improvement projects in the park. >> they are all counting on it including the parks department. [laughter] >> thank you very much.
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>> the general manager. [laughter] >> three, two, one. [cheering] >> that was a good party. >> great video. well done. >> thank you period ending on a happy note, happy holidays to this commission and to our community of park loving folks, and to the recreation and parks staff. you did a wonderful job. >> commissioner anderson, did you want to see something? >> i want to wish everyone a happy holiday and to thank the general manager phil for your enthusiastic and comprehensive
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vision, and how gracious you always are to your stuff. to market for keeping us on the straight and narrow, to my fellow commissioners for being great colleagues and such great stewards of our parks, to the entire recreation of the parks department, they are so joyful and so professional and they do such magic is our parks and open space is a want to thank you for all of that. more importantly, to the citizens of san francisco. without you, we will not all be here. happy holidays everyone. >> thank you. >> commissioner harrison? >> i want to commence the general manager and a great staff that we have for that great christmas tree lighting event. i remember when it was just the tree lighting, and now it has grown into a city fair festival. >> it is just great. thank you. i attended the employee's christmas party the other day. what a great improvement in the
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museum up there. that is just terrific. and the party was wonderful. everyone was having a great time accommodation to you. i want to wish each and every one of you a happy and a healthy new year. >> thank you commissioner. >> it goes without saying that without phil, where would we be? what i would like to do is to thank my fellow commissioners for being such outstanding volunteers. this is a volunteer position that we take very seriously, and that we are very passionate about. and i would like to commend our command president for his extraordinary leadership, he has
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really and truly being a guiding light for us and for many years. i sincerely hope he will continue to be our guiding light >> thank you very much. that is very nice of you. i second what everyone said. i think under the general manager's leadership, and under the staff management and employees and margaret, the entire crew makes us look good we appreciate it very much. thank you. >> is there anyone who would like to make public comment on the general manager's report? seeing none, this item is closed we are now on general public comment continued from four. is there anyone who would like to make general public comment?
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>> two things. one, would you please schedule the information hearing so you know what is being evaluated by the environmental review for the rebuilding of the playground, which includes childcare facilities, and childcare has an open space plan, and secondarily , i want to enter into the record a draft staff motion for the planning commission to approve on the park shadow? it is a staff recommendation. it is not a planning commission action. and despite the corrections that were made verbally, that is not on the staff recommendation. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> please continue and have a hearing publicly. don't weight until the e.i.r. is done to give input and to have
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an idea of what is going on. thank you. >> thank you. >> okay. is there anyone else who would like to make general public comment? seeing none, this item is closed we are now on item nine, closed session. is there anyone who would like to make public comment on closed session? okay. seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners, we need a motion and a second on whether to go into closed session. >> move to go into closed session. >> moved and seconded. >> all those in favor? >> aye. >> okay. i need to ask everyone[laughter]
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>> we have reconvened into open session. commissioners, there are two items you will need to make a motion and second and vote on. one is that possible report of actions taken in closed session, and the second one is a vote on to elect whether to discuss or disclose any discussions in closed session. >> okay. we entertain a motion on whether or not to report it out. >> correct. >> move not to report. >> second. >> so moved to. >> and then a vote on whether to disclose any or all discussions. >> move not to disclose. >> second. >> seconded. >> all those in favor quest. >> item ten. commissioner matters.
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>> just to thank the city attorney to for coming and explaining all of that to us. >> is there any public comment on this item? this item is closed. item 11 is new business. >> no. >> any public comment? at this item is closed. communications? any public comment? this item is closed. item 13 as adjournment. >> so moved. >> second. >> all those in favor? aye. >> so moved. thank you. >> thank you, commissioners, and a very merry christmas. >> merry christmas. happy new year. >> good job.
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good afternoon. it is now 10:00 1:00 p.m. this is the regular meeting of the community investment and infrastructure for tuesday, december 18, 2018. welcome, members of the public. please call the first item. >> the first order is item one, roll call. please respond when i call your name. (roll call). >> commissioner singh is absent. all others are present. item two announcements. the next regularly scheduled meeting will be held january 15,
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2019 at 1:00 p at city hall room 416. announcement of prohibition of sound producing electronic devices. the use of cell phones and similar electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. the chair may order removal from the meeting room of any person responsible four the ringing of or use of a cell phone, pager or other similar device. a member of the public has three minutes to make public comments on each item unless a shorter period is adopted on any item. it is recommended members who wish to address the commission fill out a speaker card and submit the completed card to the secretary. next is item 3. report on actions taken at a previous closed session meeting, if any. there are no reportable issues.
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next is item 4. no matters of unfinished business. next is item 5. matters of new business consisting of consent and regular agenda. first 5a. approval of minutes from november 6, 2018. madam chair. >> madam secretary do you have any speaker cards for this item? >> no speaker cards. >> since there is no request i will close public comment. now, i turn to my commission members for comments and questions. do i have a motion to apbrief the minutes? moved by commissioner bustos seconded by commissioner scott. roll call. >> please announce your vote. (roll call).
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>> it is four ayes and one absent. >> the item carries. >> next is item 5b election of chair and vice chair for discussion and action. >> fellow commissioners, we have before us election of chair and vice chair. first we will elect the chair. do we have any nominations for chair? yes, commissioner bustos. >> i would like to nominate our current chair, commissioner mondejar. >> i would like to nominate our chair as well. >> i would like to nominate our chair as well. >> thank you. any other nominations for chair? nominations for the chair is
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closed. any members of the public who would like to comment on nominations for the chair. public comment is closed. any oppositions or abtentions? please call the roll call for chair. >> commission members please announce your vote for the chair when i call your name. you commissioner scott, vice chair, madam chair. the vote is 4 an ayes and one absent. >> the elected chair of the commission is marily mondejar. >> thank you for your confidence in me. >> next the vice chair. any nominations for choice
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chair? >> i would like to nominate vice chair bustos for the vice chair position. >> i second that. >> i would like to nominate as well. >> i second that. >> any more nominees for vice chair? >> nominations for the office of vice chair is closed. any members of the public who would like to comment on the nomination for vice chair? hearing none, public comment is closed. any oppositions or abtentions? hearing none, madam secretary, please call the roll for vice chair. (roll call). >> madam chair is 4ayes.
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>> the vice chair is bustos. congratulations. [applause.] >> with you like to say something, commissioner. >> no thank you. >> please call is the next item. >> next is 5c authorizing a personal services contract with hollynns consulting inc. a california corporation for one year with an option for two additional one year extensions for an amount not to exceed $1,700,000 for phase one and phase two of the hunters point shipyard and redevelopment areas. 44-2018. madam director. >> this item before is ruiteam. it is to engage engineering firm
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to provide assistance in subdivision and technical engineering services for the shipyard. phillip will present this item. apologies for butchering your last name. >> thank you. good afternoon. i am phil. i am a specialist. this item is a request for authorization to enter into a personal services contract for engineering support services withollins consulting inc. for e design of the infrastructure to
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support new development, primarily in the candlestick project area. some of these services they are offering are reviewing subdivision apps at the new lots for the new buildings, reviewing improvement plans to bring utilities to the new locks created with the maps, reviewing form water designs in excess of water from storms and delivering it to the bay, coordinating various regulatory approvals without side agencies and other city departments. the project area is shipyard one and two and can dill stick point, but the primary focus will be candlestick point where they are preparing multiple
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phases of projects final maps. this will require extensive review of utility designs and public improvement plans. in terms of consultants for this work since 2015, it is currently done by hawk engineers, the contract with hawks engineers expires at the end of this month. relative to this selection process, ocii followed the following steps. on august 8, 2018, ocii issued a request for proposals for engineering and technical services. on october 22, we held a
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pre-proposal meeting with five interested firms. we went through the r.f.p. criteria to discuss the issues and answerkies. on september 11, we responded to all written questions from the various interested parties, and on september 22, all r.f.p. responses were due. our outreach efforts inintoeded 90 e-mail solutiontationses to the city for engineers. we contacted the african-american chamber of commerce who disseminated the r.f.p. to its members.
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we coordinated the shipyard assistance center, both disseminated the information to clients or members. finally, we posted the r.f.p. to both the city contract and administration web page and oci web page. we eventually received one r.f.p. from holland consulting inc. it included sub consultants hawk engineering who is the older for the contract and sustainable wattster shed design and sustainable watershed designs are certified lpes.
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after we received the response, we conteened a review panel for all subject matter experts. we had a member from ocii, public works and two developers. it was selected because they met all of the r.f.p. criteria. the panel received positive reports of previous working relationships. fees were determined to be fair and reasonable. the panel found they were qualified to perform the required services. they have extensive experience with large infrastructure projects including transit center, central subway, extension and other projects.
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it is a one-year agreement with options for two additional one year expenses with a contracted of $1.7 million. before i conclude or my voice concludes, i would like to introduce members of the holland team present today. first we have the principal in charge of holland consulting, second we have mr. derrick cooper, the lead project engineer and project manager. that concludes my remarks. i will be happy to answer your questions. >> before we ask any questions,
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madam secretary, do you have any speaker cards for this item? >> yes, madam chair. washington. ace washington. >> okay. please have a seat there. i don't speak on nothing i have too much knowledge about, but i am speaking about here because i have an opportunity to speak. i have to speak on the item. let me just go over this quickly here. okay. i wouldn't make difference in i had whistles or a donkey, you wouldn't do what i want you to do. i support you. what else can i pay at this
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point. you are prepared. i can't speak on the item. this is what i come up here to speak upon. i get three minutes instead of two minutes. wonderful. that is special because i got up here. you all must be in a good mood today. i took my high blood pressure medicine. don't go by my appearance. i am not here to impress. i am here to make statement on record. have it your way. i support the project. you will hear me speaking on other items. i am ace, and as always i am on the case. >> no more speaker cards, madam chair. >> no further request on this item, i will close public comment. any questions on this item?
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>> commissioner bustos. >> a comment. this is a contract that is about three years, right, we are looking at, if needed, right? the contract we would be approves is one year plus two years of one year extensions so basically three years. >> the contract you would be approves is one year. with option of the executive director kor. >> correct. >> i know our contractors are well aware we are dealing with the peoples' money. when we approve contracts it comes back later for amendments so i just want to put on record i would not support an amendment. i think they are qualified to do the work, we are dealing with a
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lot of money. i am good supporting this, but behind full and careful about how we are spending the people's money. i think it is important for us to be reminded of that once in a while. i want to make that comment. >> thank you, commissioner bustos. >> yes, i have a process question on slide 5. it is mentioned that five firms were invested, that attended the proposal. >> that's correct. >> were those all potentially prime consultants? >> yes, they were. >> do we have any understanding why we drew just one proposal? >> my understanding is that it is a busy time. there is a development boom and
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most people are really busy. >> that is what a lot of the professionals say. i do not the incumbent consultant hawk is on this as well. >> there is continuity in the work that is being performed? >> that's right. >> any comment or questions? >> no comment. >> we retained hollis consulting before? this is not the first time? >> yes. >> yes, this is the first time? >> yes, this is the first time. >> thank you. hearing no further questions do i have a motion? >> i make a motion. >> motion to approve this contract. >> second motion from commissioner rosalis, seconded by commissioner scott.
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>> please call the roll. (roll call). >> madam chair, the vote is four ayes, one absent. >> thank you. motion carries. thank you for the presentation. please call the next item. >> agenda item 5d. finding pursuant to section 9.07 of the disposition of urban housing llc the developer has made good faith efforts unsuccessful in leasing approximately 12,400 square foot gross rear store at transbay block b and north block of
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folsom street. 45-2018. madam director. >> thank you, madam secretary. this item is before you since the purchase of the land in 2015. the developer has used good faith efforts to obtain a grocery tenant provided ocii with updates. they have been unable to lease the space and in february 2018, they provided in writing a request to seek approval to release them of this obligation. we understand there is concerns and the need in the community to have a grocery on that site, but today's staff is recommending we relieve them are the obligation understanding the sensitivity of
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the matter. i will turn it over to shane heart to present on the matter. we have an extensive team to support him as well. thank you. >> good afternoon, madam chair, commissioners, i am shane heart the project manager for transbay. we are here to discuss transbay block 8. the agenda i will give a presentation, then the developer of blockade related california and jonathan, the project manager will give a presentation, then we have sarah graham who is with strategic economicises a consultant we hired will give a presentation. >> the commission actions today are to find the developer made good faith efforts to lease the grocery space and to approve termination of the developer's obligation to provide a grocery
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store in transbay block 8. before we start, i want to step back a little bit. i want everyone to know that block 8 is one you have the cal tran's parcels that was a former embarcadero freeway parcel. the proceeds from the sale of that piece of land went to the funding of the transit center, and, you know, the goal of all negotiations and sales is to maximize the land price and get as much affordable housing as possible. for this project land price we were able to negotiate with $71 million and 70% of affordable housing. summary of the key findings.
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the developer and broker reached out to numerous grocers, too much grocery competition. ocii hired a consultant to review the grocery market. the developer met the dda conditions. block 8 is follow some street between -- folsom street between fremont and first street. it consists of 548 residential units. 50/50 affordable 17,000 square feet every tail.
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the grocery portion is totally of 13,010 square feet, 2700 square feet is to the ground floor. 10,400 square feet is located in the basement. the dda was approved in 2015 and dda requires developer make good faith efforts and hire a listing broker to market the space, provide proper staffing and provide quarterly progress updates to ocii includes market surveys, outreach efforts and obstacles to leasing the space. the dda reading the developer is unable to lease within a year of opening the developer may request commission approval to terminate the obligation.
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that shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or dela delayed. regarding the developer's efforts, they hired collier as the listing rocker and contacted 13 grocers. the majority were local. all of the grocers declined due to competition from woodlands market. they opened in 2017 located three blocks away. there was too little space that was not contiguous or they were not interested in the area. this is a list of the grocers contacted by the developer and broker. the developer provided staffing and quarterly progress updates to ocii. also provided three updates to the commission. this slide is a timeline of the
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developer efforts and the key events affecting the grocery marketing campaign. i am not going to get to the detail. the developer will speak about their past actions. ocii hired strategic economics topiary view the grocer objections to the space. they agreed with woodlands that opening that market it could not support a second grocer within block 8. they state further grocery key mapped is uncertain due to increasing delivery options. they agree the space size is anism pediment. they did not agree that traffic and lack of parking are an issue due to transit option in the area. this is a map of the grocery
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store in the area. you can see the location of woodlands and proximity of the larger grocers. a key provision is 9.07. if the developer is unable to enter into a lease with an acceptable grocery tenant on commercially reasonable terms acceptable to the developer the developer make seek approval to terminate and it shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. this was brought to the transbase cac last thursday. they voted against recommending the commission terminate the grocery obligation. that was a 5-3 vote.
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there are cac members here to speak during the public comment period. although staff understanding the cac's concerns, staff finds developer complied with the terms. made good faith efforts, the o ocii hired retail consultant agrees local demand cannot support two grocers. space constraints are challenges. in our opinion the dda language is very clear the approval shall not be withheld. therefore staff finds the developer has fully comply with the terms and recommends the commission approve termination of the grocery obligation. i will ask jonathan shum from related to speak.
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>> good afternoon, madam chair, commissioners. i wanted to give a brief overview what i will present on today. first, i will provide an introduction of the project team. we will have an overview of the retail market outlook as well as trends. i will go over the design of the grocery space to inform every one of the efforts made. we will transition to outreach efforts conducted, then afterwards we can conduct q&a. here today is myself, jonathan shum, vice president, there is senior vice president who is going to give an overview of the
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retail market as well as trends that they are seeing out there. most of you are familiar with related california. one of the latest supportable housing developments in california. 14,000 units over the last 30 years. we have 1500 affordable housing units under development. that is 588 in mission bay. west side court and the fillmore, the sunny dale public housing and goodwill site working for office space for the city of san francisco on the corner of mission and vanness. the neighborhood develop
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