tv Government Access Programming SFGTV December 25, 2018 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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from a major event. for us, it's earthquake. for new orleans it was a hurricane. but really, you know, this gets to the heart of recovery, you know, the project goal that we're talking about here is how we can quickly recover from a major earthquake by assessing and improving the restoration and performance of lifelines. so, one of the steps that we've been working on since then is getting together with the lifeline providers. this is a list of the different agencies that are involved. seven of them are city departments. most all of them are here today. and we really appreciate the help that they provided. i think this is -- it's a hard thing for agencies to come and tell you what they're expected performance is going to be after an earthquake. it's a hard thing to say what they think the goals should be after a major event. so we really appreciate the people are stepping forward and
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we really think this is going to be important to understanding how we work together. i should mention that in 2014, we did complete a lifeline dependency study that looked at how dependent the different providers are on each other. as we know, if you don't have electricity, it's hard to run your mta system and so forth. if you don't have water, it's hard for people to stay stay in their homes or at work. so those things are important. and the committee that we put together has been facing those things. actually, the study led to the defining of the sea wall, that the port of san francisco is managing and we're really proud that voters also recognize the importance of that with the passage of the bond in november. so the performance goals here, i
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sort of mentioned already, but i'll quickly go through. it's really you know, how do we ensure that the public understands what our utility and how quickly it will take pg and e or our water to get back up and running. if we understand the current performance and how they work together, we can plan for improved performance in the future. we expect we're going to be meeting with focus groups and members of the public. many of the members here, to talk about their expectations as well. the outcomes that we're looking to provide, you know, a set of structured interviews that i'll explain later. multi-sector workshops. again, you can have a fantastic system, you know, we could have it all set and ready to go, but if the power isn't there, they're not going to go. and they have only so much control over the power. those are the types of discussions that we expect to
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have at these multi-sector workshops. and the idea is that, while it can be hard to compare different types of utilities, we can come up with a common framework that allows that to happen. and then work together. so, some of the additional outcomes are looking at hard and soft strategies, thinking about infrastructure, as well as processes and systems. policies that the city has and so forth, or that the different utility providers have. and a pretty -- what we're striving for is detailed implementation plan that we can take and it can be incorporated into the capital plan, into the emergency response plan and other tools. so here is set. we had the level set. so we're using the two rather extreme examples, or scenarios. and we're asking the utilities
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to provide us information on how they would be able to respond to a 7.9 earthquake, similar to what we faced in 06. and 7.0. we're somewhat unique we're in the middle of two rather large earthquake faults. so there is a fair amount of information on both of these scenarios, which we believe gave us a head start in moving this forward. the approach, some of you may remember, spur in 2009, did their report on resilient city that set out performance targets. the national institute of science and technology. this followed that up and have put out their own performance expectations for utilities, housing and other types of infrastructure. and then the university of british columbia, in vancouver, has put together sort of a framework that we're using,
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which again, enables us to compare different utilities through structured interview process. so we've done all 15 of the interviews happened over the past six months. what is coming from that are restoration time lines and they're going to look like this, where the blue line is the current performance, the yellow line is the goal, and how do we -- we recognize it's going to be simplification of the complex systems, but we'll have narrative. by doing that, we'll be able to develop a plan. it's an example where you take the interview information and take sector information, you know, on how much we know about for instance, fire following an earthquake and we layer those two together to produce the report and the recommendations. so the time line is here.
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the green bar there at the top is the cross sector workshop. we welcome questions that people may have. this is going to be primarily a place for people to be able to have conversations about their different systems and how they work together. following that, we'll produce an action plan and the intent is that a year from today or so, we'll have implementation plan we can bring back to the committee with some specific recommendations on not just how our lifelines are performing, but how to improve their performance. with that, i will take questions.
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>> the don't of technology and -- department of technology went after grant funding for sat lie wi-fi trailers to support communications and especially applications that rely on communications like what's ap app tt. and we received funding for that. that is multicounty. so we're going to figure out the government structure, but the short of it, you'll hear more about the wi-fi trailers and the new asset we have to share among counties. >> great. thank you. >> i just want to announce the executive direct ivgive that -- directive that the mayor announced, we didn't have copies
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earlier. we'll have them outside when you leave. >> we have general comments. i have a card for one person who hasn't spoke yet. >> may i ask a question, or is it just a comment? >> it's public comment. go ahead. >> yes, hi. let me introduce myself. my name is colleen. and i used to work at the san francisco public defenders office. and i had served on the evacuation committee there. my concern is if there is a catastrophic meltdown in the atmosphere above the planet, and we need to evacuate using like a space rocket or some type of you know, device like that, what department or who is the person that would handle this? would it be the city or the california state?
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and the reason i'm asking is because i have a lot of concerns regarding citizens aside from government workers being evacuated. who would i really talk to? would it be the department of emergency services within the city? or would it be within the state, maybe the military or the governors' office? i'm a little curious who would handle something like that. >> well, the department of emergency management, we own the -- we have an evacuation plan. our evacuation is scenario-based, but i'm sure one of our staff could speak to you after the meeting and get a little more detail about what you're looking for. >> any other public comment? so, thanks, everyone for hanging in a few extra minutes. appreciate you being here.
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>> i actually knew when i was young, when i was in high school. it was the iconic dancer. [♪] >> the hula that he did was what i'm totally accustom to. the extensions that he did where he left hula flavor of the rest of his dance and performance was almost like stepping into a new sphere. it's not just the physical, the movements and the tempo and the lyrics, it's that he keeps it, i think, philosophically connected. [♪] >> he was young. he was ready to be molded.
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he came with a combination of fear and respect and awe many of it's a perfect place for a new student to be because it offers you that opportunity to mold them. >> with patrick, when he came to class, he was like a sponge. like a sponge. and he kept true to it. you know what i'm saying. when it was starting to study, he was so intense. he had to be told to relax. >> patrick is a sweetest, kindest, most loving man i met. >> he is charismatic. he is motivating. he is inspiring. he is brilliant when it comes to choreography. you've got the whole package. >> i think patrick is a good example within the whole world of being able to have a firm grasp on past traditions while
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shooting forward. ♪ the first time ♪ ever i kissed your mouth >> with hula songs, they're in hawaiian. not everybody knows hawaiian. when you watch a hula, you don't understand the story being told. he can use ledge songs and put a hula do it and everybody understands what it's about. [♪] when they came out in that black and that one simple hairpiece, less is more. you get to enjoy the dance. you get to enjoy the faith. those are the things i look for. [♪]
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>> i think he is one of the best risk takers. and he makes me braver, to try things. i love thinking of an audience going, what the hell. what? [♪] >> i think it's all about variety. he looks for something else that could relate to other cultures, other people other than just hawaiians, it allows him to explore other cultures. they are so loyal to him. whatever he brings, they know that they will be surprised,
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entertained. a part of something that is inclusive rather than exclusive. [♪] >> he loves san francisco. san francisco embraced him when he needed it most. and he is on a constant give back. he has built such a nice inga tral working relationship with the community. >> his passion for it is, i think what touched me most. there's a drive there. there's this energy that comes from him that motivates you to do better. it motivates you to do more. it gave me that encouragement to start my own group. to do what he is doing. i want to replicate that. i have some young hula students that are excited to be a part of
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that lynn' age where it falls back and goes all the way back. it motivates them to want to keep doing it. >> i'm very proud to be the fly on your wall. to know that you have made me proud and that you will carry the legacy with you. he is so deserving of this legacy and it will carry on. with everything that he has given. >> you do leave a legacy in passing. >> you go. you go catch your legacy. and you continue to teach hula. you come back and you learn more stuff and you keep teaching me about that kind of stuff. and then, with all of that, laugh. [♪]
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the freedom band, the official band of the city and county of san francisco. [applause] >> how exciting is that while i have to tell you, it means a lot to. this band has an amazing history in our city. for two years ago, and you just celebrated your 40 year anniversary, and i was happy to be there in the green room celebrating with you, just how you came together during a challenging time in our safety. marching in the pride parade in 1978 with the former mayor, harvey milk, who we just celebrated not to be too long ago. the things that you all do to bring things -- bring people together with the sound of music , and your willingness to accept anyone who is willing to play, but, yes, they must practice so they can play the beautiful music that you continue to play for us, and i'm so excited to be here.
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in fact, one of my first visits to city hall was when i went to benjamin franklin at middle school. i was in the eighth grade advanced band, and i played french horn. i see a french horn right there. and we were dianne feinstein's band. the benjamin franklin middle school band. we played right here in this rotunda at city hall. we played at davie symphony hall , we played when the san francisco 49ers won the super bowl. we played for their event at the fairmont hotel. let me tell you, i was a piece of work until that first day when i joined band and mr martin made me write lines. my behavior changed after that because i wanted to be a part of something amazing. something that made incredible music and the lesbian gay freedom band make incredible music for all of us to enjoy so we are so happy and proud, and
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i'm so excited to be here to sign the legislation against an eight hour official unofficial official pick and with that, i would like to introduce the person who authored the legislation, and the legislation that we are going to sign today, that is supervisor rafael mandelman. [applause] >> thank you, mayor breed. thank you for your work and thank you for getting us the rotunda today. is that this at this fabulous? normally they put us up -- is into this fabulous squad normally they put us up in the mayor's balcony. i'm super excited that this is my first signing ceremony. i want to acknowledge what an amazing institution our lesbian gay freedom band has been all of these 40 years. we have been celebrating a lot
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of anniversaries this year and marking that -- bad occasions as well. by the arts in particular have played such an important role for the lgbtq community and the broader san francisco community and getting us through the tragedies of the last 40 years and getting us to the triumph and to better -- to a better place. i am excited we can honor the work that was done by former supervisor and assembly man in having the band twice proclaim to the official band of san francisco. but this is the first time it is really official and for real, and so that is very exciting for us. i want to also acknowledge tom soprano who has done such amazing work in my office on this. thank you, tom. aaron is over there as well. and also, i want to acknowledge doug whitman. the chair of the board. president of the board, who has
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been tireless around this, and in all of your work for the community and for the band. thank you doug. [cheers and applause] >> i'm excited also to hear a little bit of music. so i will get out of the way. >> thank you. i know we are not used to politicians speaking that shortly but thank you for your work, supervisor rafael mandelman. and now our great state senator, scott weiner, who has been an amazing support of this band, and has honored this band over the years, and basically, it he is the person who had been calling it the official badge of san francisco for so long, senator scott weiner. [applause] >> thank you, mayor breed. i always assumed that you guys were the official band, and i'm really thrilled that supervisor mandelman and the mayor are making it truly official and on
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paper and permanent. congratulations. i also want to congratulate supervisor mandelman on having -- not just his first public signing, but his first legislation signed into law. congratulations. [applause] >> i too have a traumatic band story. i was in fourth grade when we started to get instruments and start being in band. i wanted to be a clarinet player but they ran out of clarinets. i had to be a trumpet player and that ended when i got braces. i tried really hard to. but seriously, i wanted to say thank you to the band. as someone who has been in this community for 21 years now, the number of events and celebrations and remembrances that i have been at war where this band has been here adding beautiful music -- that i have been at war where this band has
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been adding beautiful music. it takes any celebration to the next level. it is ingrained into our d.n.a. that we love music, we love art, thank you for everything that you do, and you will be official congrats. [applause] spewing thank you senator weiner and the man that holds it all together and makes all the magic happen and continues to lead this incredible organization, ladies and gentlemen, the president of the san francisco lesbian gay freedom band, doug littman. [cheers and applause] >> good morning. this is absolutely the most exciting day in the band's history. what is happening here today is the culmination of 18 months of hard work that involved three
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mayors and more than a few supervisors, but it is actually the culmination of 40 years of history that began in june 1978 by our founder, john sims, but the one person i believe most responsible for writing this ordinance and seeing it through all the steps needed to be -- to bring us here today with the board of supervisors, is supervisor mandelman thinks that his efforts, you will forever be linked to the history of this and just as we have an official bird, flour, module, song, and colours, we will forever have an official band. i am a company today by some of my fellow musicians who are able to make us on a midday. thank you all for coming here, including an one member at linda warner who is literally at the sand. can you wave? [applause]
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>> all of us wanted to witness history first hand as well as provide a bit of music appropriate for the occasion. shortly we will be playing two short pieces both of which, like this band artificial pieces of music. we will play "i left my heart in san francisco "which is the city 's official ballot and then we will play "san francisco" and it is the city's official song. we were honored that mayor breed to shut up and presented a wonderful certificate of honor from the board and said a few words. among those was when she told us how she had played the french horn as a young woman. this is an instrument or very near and dear to us. our founder played the french horn, as did two of our artistic director -- directors, in
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addition, our current artistic directors both play the french horn. with this in mind, the photos we are about to take we would like to ask mayor breed if she would like to hold the original french horn that belonged to john sims, our founder. it is right there. >> should i hold it now? >> sure. >> this is a living bit of musical history that is still being played today by members of the band, and we would be honored if she would hold it. we will not ask her to play it unless she wants to. and we won't formally ask -- there you go. [laughter] >> i need to practice. >> i understand. that is why we won't ask you to play it unless you want to, and we won't formerly -- formally ask her to join our bands but we do rehearse every tuesday night in the twin peaks neighborhood.
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just saying. since i just heard scott's sad story of his traumatic band experience of not playing the clarinet, i will allow him to hold my clarinet during the photo opportunity, and we can arrange lessons if you'd like. [laughter] >> for supervisor mandelman, i wanted to give him one of these official caps with our name on the front and on the back. it officially says the official band of san francisco, and i want to offer these caps to everyone up here who would like one. this is the only one we have right now because they are on backorder but we thought you should have one. >> thank you. [applause] >> thank you very much for coming. this is a bit of history. i hope you remember it as much as we do. thank you. [applause] >> okay. now we are in for a treat.
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i want to make it clear to the new official band, the official unofficial is official now, the band of san francisco that i will be asking you to work harder than you have ever worked before because here in san francisco there are numerous celebrations and events and we will always need the official band of san francisco to be there how exciting is this? >> before they play at the official band of san francisco, let's make it official by signing the legislation.
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>> you guys ready to light a tree? it's that time. all right. so good evening, everyone. my name's phil ginsburg. i'm the executive director of your san francisco rec and parks department, and i want to welcome you to the 89th, let me repeat that, 89th annual tree lighting right here at mclaren lodge. so let's start with a big round of applause for the young teen people musical company, and its director, on their recent first place win at san francisco's youth arts summit. they are an amazing, amazing
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organization, and i'm particularly grateful for the hanukkah song. so i'm so honored to be joined tonight by our amazing mayor, london breed. [applause] >> and our rec and park commission president, mark buell. [applause] >> and so i want to start by acknowledging all of the special people who are here with us tonight. these are folks that make this event happen that makes your parks the best park system in the united states, so they deserve some acknowledgement. let me start with senator -- state senator scott wiener, who's here. state assembly man phil ting. city college -- they're on their way. if not, they should be behind me. city board of trusties, john
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rizzo, chanel. on their way are trent rohrer, and the department of environment deputy chief jennifer katz, and a very special shoutout to a person who's come to every tree lighting since i've been general manager, but this is her last tree lighting at our fire chief, a big, big, big round of applause for our fire chief, joanne hayes-white. [applause] >> our amazing rec and park commission. i mentioned our president, mark buell. also here are commissioner cat anderson, gloria bonilla, tom
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anderson, eric mcdonald, and commissioner larry mazzola. i want to thank them. they -- the citizen members of the park recreation open space advisory committee. they help you make our park special. our president, stephen franz is here. i want to thank our amazing partners who make this possible. supporting us today is kaiser permanently, illuminate, our conservatory of flowers. all right. let tease talk about the tree we're supposed to light. mayor, we've been liethsing tre -- lighting trees around the city,
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but this is our official industry. this is a cypress that's over 131 years old, and despite losing a limb or two over the years, it stands super tall and super strong, and tonight, it's supporting over 550 lights. let's give it up for uncle john's tree. [applause] >> and then a few special people. i want to welcome the boys and girls for hamilton recreation center, who are here. let's give it up for hamilton rec. [applause] >> and none of this would be possibly without the hardest group of city employees. all my respect to our amazing department heads. madam mayor, your san francisco rec and parks department putting this on and they're
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amazing. i also want to give a big shout out to our tree toppers, all of our struck ral staff and deputy maintenance staff who make this possible. let's give it up for the rec and parks staff. [applause] >> we have the holiday train that is just over to my right that has been painted every year for decades and decades, and the last several decades, by our painting supervisor, joe padilla. the theme of tonight's event is world peace. may tonight's tree lighting shine a bright light in all corners of the world and provide peace to those in need. and speaking of peace, leading the way and bringing peace to our amazing city, please give a warm welcome to our mayor, who's going to light tonight's tree, mayor london breed.
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[applause] >> the hon. london breed: thank you, phil ginsburg, and the folks at the rec and parks department for keeping our parks green and beautiful. thank you all so much for being here tonight. when i was a kid, i would get my toys from station five, the firefighters. thank you, chief hayes-white and the firefighters spags tiev fire department. i used to go down to the emporium cat well. you remember the emporium cat well? tonight, as we light this tree, we are creating memories for the next generation of young people growing up in san francisco. it's something that i'm so excited about, and in fact, at city hall, in our front yard at civic center, we have an ice
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skating rink. we have incredible, beautiful playgrounds and activities and things for kids to do during the holiday season. this sunday, i hope you consider joining me in city hall. we'll have santa and face painters and hot chocolate and cookies, things that help create tomorrow's memories. so i want to thank all of you for being here tonight, and i want to ask for some assistance in lighting this tree. you guys want to help me out? come on over. come on, help me out. all right. you guys excited? you want to count with me? going to hold the switch? all right. here we go.
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ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. [cheers and applause] >> the hon. london breed: magic! thank you, ladies and gentlemen and happy holidays. [cheers and >> i strive not to be a success but more of being a valued person to the community. the day and day operations here at treasure island truth in family is pretty hectic. the island is comprised of approximately 500 acres, approximately 40 miles of sanitary sewer, not including the collection system. also monitor the sanitary sewer and collection system for maintenance purposes, and also respond to a sanitary sewer
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overflows, as well as blockages, odor complaints. we work in an industry that the public looks at us, and they look at us hard in time. so we try to do our best, we try to cut down on incidents, the loss of power, cut down on the complaints, provide a vital service to the community, and we try to uphold that at all times. >> going above and beyond is default mode. he knows his duties, and he doesn't need to be prompts. he fulfills them. he looks for what needs to be done and just does it. he wants this place to be a nice place to live and work. he's not just thinking customer service, this is from a place of empathy. he genuinely wants things to work for everyone and that kind of caring, i admire that. i want to emulate that myself.
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that, to me is a leader. >> i strive not to be a success but more of being a valued person to the community. the key is no man is an island. when anything actually happens, they don't look at one individual, they look at p.u.c. stepping in and getting the job done, and that's what we do. my name is dalton johnson, i'm the acting supervisor here at treasure island treatment plant.
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>> all right, everybody. we're going to call the meeting to order tonight. welcome to the tuesday, december 18, 2018 commission meeting of the san francisco entertainment commission. my name is ben bleiman, and i'm the commission president. if you are a member of the public, you can fill out speaker cards or you can just come up when i ask for comment. we do ask that everybody turns off their cell
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