tv Government Access Programming SFGTV December 26, 2018 1:00am-2:01am PST
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available on our website. does, as i mentioned, we are trying to be very careful in how we are communicating the grant program throughout the city. one, our intention here by not posting it on the website is that we don't want to see the grant -- we don't want the grant program to be communicated as an out for property owners. we want to make sure that the small businesses, that the grant applicants that are able -- that this program is for smaller businesses and we have been able to vet them and know that they are unable to afford compliance on their own. at this point, we are not posting it on the website. >> last resort. >> last resort. >> we will provide it to them whenever it is necessary.
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>> correct. >> as she noted, with our partners who are identifying those businesses, both our department or a.b.e. department partners have identified if you businesses and they have invested in a couple of neighborhoods pick what we do have on our website is we do highlight that we have the resources to support businesses who are required to go through this process. and to contact our office. so we are advertising that we do have support for them, and then we do want them to reach out to us. and as she said, if there is a language need to, we do have martha and carol are we have the access line to help with communication. thanks. >> any other questions? >> i have one thing. this is an incredible justice is
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incredibly thorough. this is a big project to manage. thank you for being responsible and for answering questions. i can send them your way and you are so responsive. so thank you. >> thank you. >> okay. do we have any members of the public would like to make comment on item number 5? seeing none, public comment is closed. thank you. it was a great presentation. any other commissioner comments? >> it is great. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> next item police. >> item six a semiannual report for the legacy business program for april through september, 2018. discussion item. the presenters are from the office of small business. >> this guy again. [laughter] >> he is a happy man.
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>> thank you. >> good evening, president adams and commissioners. i am with the legacy business program manager. s.f. gov t.v., i have a powerpoint presentation. today i'm presenting the semiannual report for the legacy business program for april through september, 2018, including major accomplishments, business assistance services, the legacy business historic preservation fund, marketing, and promotions, and major upcoming activities. there are copies of the report in your binders and there are copies on the table for members of the audience. please note we are shifting from quarterly reports, to a semiannual report back and since the annual report includes data through march 31st, the
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semiannual report will be for the period of april to september and note that we just did a quarterly report that was april through june. there is a little bit of overlap with this report. major accomplishments from april through september included adding 19 businesses to the legacy business registry, finalized rules and regulations for the legacy business reg is just registry, translated the legacy business program resources handbook into chinese, spanish and tag log cabin and posted it on the website to be a created becoming employee owned in partnership with the democracy of work institute, a small business toolkit to introduce legacy businesses to the succession strategy of transitioning to employee ownership. conducted outreach to city departments, commissions, committees and task forces to encourage them to patronize legacy businesses to the greatest extent possible.
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issued the business assistance grant for fiscal year 18-19, in english, chinese and other languages. received 103 business assistance grant applications for fiscal year 18, 19, created an annual reapplication process for the rent stabilization grant, processed 14 rent stabilization grant applications, issued a legacy business program annual report for fiscal year 17-18, finalize the legacy business program logo with the contractor , issued nine press releases about new legacy businesses, as well as small business week, and tweeted 13 tweets on twitter and posted nine entries on facebook about legacy businesses and legacy business programs. it is a tongue twister. not too bad for a person typing as i speak. in april through september, the semiannual column in this chart in the middle, we received 26
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non-profit organizations. the establishments of profit businesses. for the services, the program has provided technical assistance. and 255.2 hours of consulting. since march, there are 95 unique clients. the committees and taskforces, as i mentioned to encourage them. to do business with the city, legacy businesses must be suppliers with the city in the county of san francisco. they have access to one-on-one consulting. assistance with the registry
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applications. technical assistance. and workshops offered around the san francisco small business development sector at no cost. the topics are marketing, manage, books, training, access to capital and technology. providing assistance to legacy businesses impacted by the construction project. from april to september, the semi-annual period. recorded in the previous quarterly report. and additional from july to september are shown here. and square footage of the replications were about 2600
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square feet. there reporting period, we have the legacy business plan. now, the press articles, the legacy businesses and the legacy business program for the quarter between july and september, including specs. the legacy businesses. and victoria bakery which is a legacy business, the legacy business program was also mentioned in the article. legacy businesses are featured in articles. and new additions to the registry were featured in a news
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article. two additional articles were featured this semi-annual period. the legacy program between july and september, to august and september. october and beyond, include working with a creative group from the legacy business program including marketing and improvements. we are in the business of for applications. and creating an application for fiscal year 2020. creating a tool kit how to do business with the city and county of san francisco. creating a tool kit for legacy businesses on purchasing commercial property.
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investigating, providing legacy businesses to purchase the business from which they operate, and the assistance grant and developing protocols to address the growing demand for the grants. thank you. that includes my presentation. i am happy to answer questions you have. >> you had a very productive year and you have done a great job of managing the program. i have to say your tweet frequency is sub-standard. >> going forward i will tweet more. >> you have done a great job. it is really great. i am looking forward. >> commissioner? >> i would like to say you have done an awesome job with this.
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each of the programs. you really put it in the forefront of the community. when i am out in the community, you help me. but, you have done -- you have really taken this program with the office of small business. i am so proud of you. you have done a great job. so thank you. >> thank you. >> a great job. >> are there members of the public who would like to talk about item number 6? seeing none. all right.
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item 7. >> okay. anybody, any questions on item number 7? >> no. >> would members of the public like to make comment on the draft minutes of november 26th? seeing none. closed. we move to approve as submitted. >> second. >> all in favour? >> approved. so motion passes. 5-0. okay. >> item 8, directors report. updated report on the small business sector. the department programs. policy. announcements from the mayor and announcements with regards to small business. discussion items.
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>> commissioner, before i get into my report, this is the time to do the official welcome for dominica donovan. so, it is -- we want to welcome her. and she comes to us via boston but worked in d.c. she spent time with the peace corp. worked with the department of education. really, i appreciate her government experience background that she is going to be able to apply to this position. do you want to say a couple of words? >> sorry. i didn't hear you.
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i will keep it brief. i am honoured to be here and be part of the office of small business. and to really help small business associates. thank you. >> thank you. welcome. >> so moving on to the report, we highlighted some of the information regarding the accessible business entrance program. i do want to say i am appreciative of the department and the inspection and overseeing the program. they have been a tremendous partner. and really collaborative and working through some of the issues to help us figure out how best to solve some of the small business issues. i do extend my appreciation there. with the small business program, we will meet with the mayor's budget office to review the preservation grants.
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taking a look at the budget that we presented to you at the last meeting, and the retail vacancys, the mayor made an announcement, i would like to turn it over now to the president of the commission to elaborate on the mayor's announcements around the vacancy retail as the president was very involved in working on. >> it was introduced through the mayor and the supervisor brown. and a lot of it has to do with streamlining the inventory issues of getting into small, especially small business retail space. and a lot of the now -- the commissioners talked about having to move a store and talked about the licenses involved. a lot of this will be taken care
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of and streamlined. and allow pop-up stores to come into neighbourhoods without going through the rigamarole. a lot of businesses it takes from 6 months to 3 years to open. and that is unacceptable. and the mayor has realized that. you know, they want to support a broader range of space issues, create solutions to activate store fronts, including the combined uses within one location. allowing temporary pop-ups and promoting. and streamlining the progress review process, to opening a expanding and operating small businesses and making it as simple and efficient as possible.
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and supporting temporary activation development sites. i invited them to come speak in fron front of the commission. i think it is a win-win situation for the landlord and for the city. >> and the legislation is yet to be introduced, once it is, then, it will definitely be before you to review. >> so thank you president adams for that. and the legislation and policy, i will highlight some of the items that you have heard. items that are before the board tomorrow is the last, well, technically was going to be the last board meeting of the calendar year. but they are arguing a special board meeting to hear one particular item that doesn't have to do with small business.
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so the board meeting is the 10th, it should say the 12th. it will be the second reading of the refuge ordinants. i highlighted some of the key changes, the three key changes that really pertain to the issues that are a concern of our small businesses. as i noted last time, they changed the definition of a large refuge generators to 40 cubic yards. that did take out a good number of small businesses but not all. also, under the definition of audit, they added the language which may be conducted to analysis of representative samples. that is important, especially for businesses that are going to be audited, the refuge is corrected, curb sites.
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and then, the first hearing, they are extending out -- spending time for affordable housing and the non-profits, there will be an additional 360 days to engage with the facilitateors. this allows them time to short of remediate the situation before they need to engage with the zero waste facilitateors. we did that for the small businesses. but they will have time to rectify the situation before hiring a zero waste facilitate or. there will be a report on finding the recommendations. after three and a half years. and then, for the programs for
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candidates. so the director spoke of, those were included. so the agreement was decoupled from the apprenticeship requirement. on your recommendation. i am highlighting the section that was -- the requirement -- the recommendation which you adopted, the full commission adopted that under the subsection operates in partnership with one or more community based organizations. we are -- ask it to be amended to say san francisco. the community based organizations. i will see if it is specific to the commissioner's recommendation which you have adopted. and we will see if that gets in the final legislation.
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the director is working on that. we are yet to see. and then, the regulations that you did here with nicole, the director nicole elliott. those have been amended at different times. i have not been able to really go through and things have been added and changed. so it has its second reading tomorrow. so after it is finally passed, i will do a briefing on what was in the final legislation because the legislation that you heard and provided comment on was the first draft. so there -- and quite a few amendments and changes. and i just wanted to highlight for you that supervisor cohen is creating an african-american arts and cultural district in
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the bayview point. just to let you know that it is -- the city departments are to submit written reports and recommendations describing the culture objectives of the district and proposing strategies to acknowledge and to preserve the cultural legacy of that district. so it is working to establish the formation of it. it is not the final legislation that says this is what the historical district is. the project agreement, the informational presentation was given at the last meeting. last thursday's government audits committee.
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amendments were presented. and i was not able to be at that meeting. and watch the meeting. so i just pulled out a couple of things from the legislation that i think -- that i think will be of interest to you. so that contractors will position engagement of each contractor on the subcontractor's agreeing to comply with the terms of the project labour agreement and unless the subcontractor is a local business enterprise that has not received over 5 million uncovered projects -- over the entire duration of the poa.
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so i have not been able to check in. you know that is -- it looks like that was one of the amendments toward trying to make things a little more beneficial. lbes are allowed two core employees per cover project. the first time, no employees were allowed. lbes were trying to push for more. they have two. and then the final, the final thing that i think is going to be very important is that within one year after the city administration executes the poa, the controler shall conduct annual reviews to evaluate whether there is completion of the project. the cost to covered the project and the impact on the lbes and local work workforce. there is that ability to track
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the implications of the ordinants. the temporary -- the regional vacancies, it highlights what is in the ordinance. this is a very simple find. and again, it is district 1, 4, 5, 10 and 11 who are -- have -- who are amending the zoning codes to allow for the temporary pop-ups, the flexible retail, and also activity on ground floor. and then to highlight -- to highlight some interesting items through -- that have come into the office as well. we are receiving calls from small businesses wanting verification of the legitimacy
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of waivers, the landlords are requesting them to sign, due to the june proxy, the additional tax on commercial rents, mostly child care and education. which has been interesting. there is not an official form that i am aware of yet that the city has created. one business i contacted is in a large sort of manufacturing space. and his business -- his business is in the space, but his business does not fit sort of the traditional manufacturing definition of the property owner. he was confused as to whether he could sign this. the one thing that we need to clarify for our office and i have asked support for this is
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that if a business is signing this waiver saying i certify that i am a business that -- that basically accepts my property owner from paying the additional tax because they get an exclusion under the proxy, if for any reason that is not quite accurate, who is liable? we need to dive into that a little bit more how we advise businesses. and on the radar, there will be a presentation early -- or sometime within the first half of next year. the retirement program, it is for businesses that have five or more employees that they are required to offer this retirement for the program. if they do not have their own
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workplace retirement program. and so it is a business's responsibility making sure that the employees know about the program and have the opportunity to be able to sign up for the program. there is no employer contribution, but there is an obligation on the employer to make sure that the employee is aware of it. so i will be reaching out to them. i want to know what the outreach strategy is, according to the california employers association, any business with under 50 employees do not have in house hr, so between the 5 and 50, what will be the outreach to ensure that businesses are aware of this. and of course, we will continue to do outreach and make sure people are aware of that.
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and then lastly, advice for 2019. i have highlighted some of the meeting dates here in the report. may 29th is -- we have rescheduled to may 29th, in may, because of the memorial day holiday. is it a monday or a tuesday? >> 27th is memorial day. >> so this is a tuesday. and then -- so the may 29th, and november 12th are -- the may 29th is a wednesday, not a tuesday. and then the november 12th is a tuesday, and these are the only alternative dates that i could find for this meeting room for
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any meeting room, hearing room to be able to have a second meeting in the month. we of course, can cancel it if we don't need it. but i wanted to make sure that we will a second meeting scheduled. so concludes my report. one last thing president adams, if we could close the meeting in -- wednesday is the anniversary of his passing. >> okay. any questions for the director? any members of the public who would like to comment on the director's report? seeing none, public questioning is closed. any questions for the director? next item, please. >> item 9. the commissioners reports.
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(reading item 9) >> i have one thing, i want to say thank you to the supervisor vanderman, the office of economic development. i want to say thank you. the announcement on the storefront vacancy strategy. >> commissioners? >> i attended the city hall, small business pop-up last week. and it was well attended and i want to give a shout out to the
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city for continuing to support the annual benefit. it is a great opportunity to showcase what the small business businesses. >> any other commissioners? seeing none. members of the public who would like to comment on the commissioner report? seeing none. next item. >> item 10 (reading item 10... >> anything else, commissioners? members of the public who would like to comment? seeing none. public comment is closed. next item, please.
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>> each small business commission meeting, small business is the only place to start a new business in san francisco. the san francisco small business commission is the official area to voice your concerns. next item. >> i would like to adjourn tonight's meeting and honour our member who passed away a year
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>> are you guys ready? five, four, three, two, one. [cheers and applause] >> e.a. all right. e.a. >> thank you so much for joining us today. today with mayor breed, we are honored to celebrate our community's -- community's brazilians as we continue to advocate for equality and human rights. -- community's equality as is to continue to advocate for equality and human rights.
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thank you. [applause] from the cafeteria riot to the nation's first trans- city department to, we have, so far. thanks to many of you and the community leaders and allies who have paved the way before us. today, you are part of making history. as the trump administration continues to attack our communities in san francisco, we stand up against these attacks and celebrate each other. here in san francisco, we don't erase people. we understand that our differences are what makes us special. i'm so proud to work for a city that stands firm that we will not allow discrimination of any kind unchecked. san francisco continues to protect all of our communities
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and be a sanctuary city regardless of the federal administration. regardless of how they want to redefine gender, ban us from military service or strip away our rights -- rights for medically necessary care. at the office of transgender initiatives, we are working every day to advance policies, program and equity for trends and nonconforming gender communities. earlier this month, we partnered with mayor breed to release a directive requiring all city departments to broaden gender identity options across all city forms. [applause] >> furthermore, we are providing trans- inclusion training across all city employees because everyone should feel safe when reaching our city services. also, last week, our advisory committee had the opportunity to meet with mayor breed and discuss several community priorities that we identified
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through a series of community stakeholder meetings. i'm looking forward to working with the mayor and the board of supervisors and other city departments to move these important priorities for words. i am excited to share that we are launching two exciting pilots this year to better serve our diverse communities including our trans- and lgbt emigrant fellowship program, as well as a civic bridge program to increase navigation services so trans folks can access the wide range of services we have in the city. as i started in this role in december, i have had many opportunities to engage but our community has been under attack more now than ever before. we work to create name policies across the city and we track anti- lgbt legislation and we will make sure that any state that tries to discriminate against us gets added to the travel ban, and contracting ban because we will not do business
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with states that think discrimination is okay. [applause] >> furthermore, we are advancing our workforce program to provide direct trends services to the tenderloin and the soma areas. we are also creating antiviolence programs to make sure that housing programs and providers are inclusive of trans people. we all deserve a home in san francisco. [applause] >> in conclusion, as the chump administration tries to strip away our rights, it's important we all remember that we will continue to be protected in san francisco through our leadership , through our office, and the work that each of you are doing every day. together we can remember our trans resilience and that we are never alone. i hope you will join us for this
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important work because we cannot do it alone. volunteer with local programs, get involved, volunteer and give because we all need a fierce cheerleader. so together, let's make sure that no one gets left behind. everyone deserves a safe place to sleep, wellness and a community that celebrates them. now it is my great honor to welcome our wonderful mayor, lyndon breed. [applause] -- london breed. [applause] >> thank you. aren't we lucky to have such incredible leadership for our office of transgender initiatives here. we really appreciate you. thank you. thank you all for joining us here today. we are here to celebrate our transgender and gender nonconforming communities in san francisco and across the country i would also like to thank the
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supervisors who have joined us here today, including supervisor raffaella mandelman, supervisor vallie brown and president president of the board of supervisors, melia cohen. thank you for being here. [applause] today, we are recognizing this important week by lighting up city hall in the trans- flag colours. blue, white and pink and if you are lucky to get one of these pens, may be asked anthony, i think he has a few extra. as well as raising the transgendered flag, which we just did, outside of the front of city hall. these are symbols that recognize our commitment to protecting the rights of all san franciscans. in these challenging times, i am so proud to be a mayor of a city that celebrates our diversity and our rich history with our trans- community.
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from our roots as a first city in the country to honor transgendered date, a remembrance to today, where we have the first office of transgender initiative. and a great leader in claire. as i look around, i think about the challenges facing us as a nation and as a safety. i am reminded, constantly, of the resilience of the trans community. we have a federal administration that attacks our most vulnerable communities, time and time again here in san francisco, we won't stand for it. we will fight against it each and every time by standing together. that's why, earlier this month, i sent an executive directive to all city departments requiring the expansion of gender identity options across all city forms and mandating trans- inclusion training for all city employees working with the public. [applause]
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>> this is just one way we can make sure that our trends community is respected and supported, and in san francisco, no one is erased. i am proud of how far we have come as a city and being inclusive and welcoming, but i know, i know there is still a lot of work to do. just as you have remained resilient in the face of adversity, i will remain committed to addressing the needs and priorities of the trans and lgbtq communities in san francisco. last week, i had an opportunity to meet with the transgender advisory committee to discuss many of the priorities that we all share. we talked about things like the crisis that has unfortunately impacted disproportionately our lgbtq community. thanks to their work and our
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office of transgender initiatives, we are focused on expanding employment, healthcare , and educational opportunities for our lgbtq community. we are committed to preventing any discrimination or violence or any assaults against all of our residents, as well as bringing justice for those who have experienced these tragedies we will not rest until there is equity and ensure a basic human rights for all of our communities. but i know i can't do this work alone and i want to thank all of you for joining us here today. not only for what we have all ready achieved but for what we will continue to achieve by working together. and that is why i wanted to do something really special to commemorate this time and -- here it is. [laughter]
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>> i am not only committed to making sure that we celebrate our transgender community, but we honor it by doing something that has not been done anywhere else in our country. today, i am happy to recognize the entire month of november as transgender month in the city and county of san francisco. [applause] >> i would also like to recognize and appreciate the work of our transgender advisory committee because they are spending countless hours working to push forward the right policies, the right investments, the right things here in the city that we need to do in order to address many of the challenges we face. here, i would like to present
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commissioner melanie with this award, as well as honey mahogany , two of the leaders of the transgender advisory committee here and we will do everything we can to continue to work together in order to move the great initiatives forward based on the work that we know you are both committed to doing. thank you both for being here today. [applause] now i give you an opportunity to speak. >> good afternoon, everybody. some of us are bay area locals. some of us have been born and raised in san francisco. some of us relocate here for a better tomorrow. san francisco is the first city in the nation to have a trans alleged government office. this city is committed to the
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advancement of the transgender community. i am a proud member of the transgender advisory committee and i am honored to work alongside some of the fiercest community leaders in san francisco. if you are part of the t.a.c. team, please stand up. we would like to acknowledge you [cheers and applause] >> thank you for being leaders in our community. at the t.a.c., we help prioritize community needs and give recommendations that advise the office of transgender initiatives and the mayor's office. i am also a human rights commission or. i was appointed by our late mayor ed lee, may he rest in peace. i would not be here today without the guidance of some amazing people like teresa sparks, cecelia chung, nikki, jason chan, and francis sang. thank you all. i mentioned this because i want to stress the importance of leadership.
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this recent midterm election, we had a rainbow wave, everybody. record breaking numbers of lgbtq , women, people of color elected into office. that is amazing. [applause] >> i would love to see even more leadership programs like s.f. team, transgender empowerment advocacy membership program at the san francisco community health centre and more of encouraging civic engagement, leadership and pathways to appoint more trans and gender nonconforming folks to city boards and commissions. it is crucial to normalize trends people as leader -- transgender people as leaders. they need to see more representation that they identify with. youth need to see and believe that they can be leaders too. i love san francisco and i truly believe it is, and will continue to be the best city for my
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competing -- for my community to live and survive in. happy transgender awareness week , now month. thank you. [laughter] [applause] >> thank you, melanie. good day, everyone. happy day today. as someone who was born and raised in this city, which is steeped in so much history, i am proud that san francisco continues to be a leader in the fight for justice and equality, especially as it pertains to the transgender community. while our community has been under attack, not just by the current federal administration, but by many who preceded them, we continue to exist despite their best efforts to stymie us, shut us out or eliminate us. we have history in this city. we can directly trace the lgbt civil rights movement back to the corner of turk and taylor where in 1966, the riots was the
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first documented collective uprising of lgbt individuals in the country. [applause] >> the riots recently inspired the founding of the transgendered cultural district. the first officially recognized transgendered district in this country. [applause] >> it's important that we remember this history. and that we consider how it impacts us today. the tenderloin is still has the highest concentration of trends -- transgender folks in san francisco. this is changing with the tide of new development. the transgendered cultural district was created not just as a way of preserving the importance of the legacy of the tenderloin, but also as a mechanism to push back against the displacement of the transgendered community. it was created to be an advocate to serve as a resource and a safe space.
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it is has been -- it has been my honor to present the district thus far along with cofounders. it has also been a great pleasure to work with claire farley and others in the salespersons from the office of sales -- of transgender initiative. oti has been a tremendous resource and support for the community being a strong advocate for inclusion and frequently prioritizing the voices of underrepresented members of the community including people of color, formerly incarcerated individuals, and the undocumented. through working with o.t.i. and serving on the trans- advisory council, we have been able to make key recommendations on how to best support the needs of the community in san francisco. these recommendations are improving access to safe housing
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for transgendered and lgbtq communities by providing targeted housing programs and services that prioritize vulnerable populations such as transgendered, homeless individuals, recovering from gender affirming procedures, and lgbtq older adults. improving mental health of communities by developing and implementing specific mental health services programs and peer support initiative and expanding funding such as dedicating resources to support trans- arts and community events increasing economic development program designed for various trans- communities living in poverty are at risk of living in poverty. increasing access to education and employment opportunities by instituting gender systems, increasing access to legal immigration services and legal services for people with criminal records, increasing civic engagement of communities by developing and implementing leadership development programming, increasing care, planning and care coordination
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by developing and implementing navigation strategies, and reducing rates of incarceration, were recidivism, and economic disparities by increasing funding for prevention for programs focused on trans communities. we hope to be able to continue to work with the mayor process -- the mayor's office and the city and county of san francisco to make sure these recommendations are implemented so that the contributions of the transgendered community to our city's history, strength, and culture, are not just honored, but carried forward into the future. thank you. [applause] >> we could not do this work alone without our fabulous members of the board. one particular board member new to district eight is the only out gay supervisor on the board and we could not do the work
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without him. please welcome supervisor mandelman. [applause] >> thank you, claire. i believe we've been joined by my colleague, asha safai. thank you. at a time when the lgbtq community and trans people in particular are under siege from a hostile and toxic presidential administration, it is clear -- it is crucial for san francisco to stand with and support the community. i want to thank mayor breed for her strong and immediate repudiation of the president's attempt to erase transgendered people by undermining them. as a supervisor for district eight and the only supervisor, i feel a special responsibility to
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represent our entire queer community and to be very gay doing it. and until we have a transit supervisor, and i suspect there may be one or more of those out in the audience or behind me, it is my honor to advocate for the trans community and to be here today. in san francisco, i think we all know the transgender community continues to face disproportionate and unacceptably high rates of violence, homelessness and unemployment. despite the advances we've made as a city, it is clear we need to invest in additional support services and resources to address these disparities. since taking office in july, i worked closely with claire and the staff at the office of transgender initiatives to start inclusive proper -- policies and programs for the folks in san francisco. the mayor did her proclamation. we have our strategic -- strategy of honor from the board of supervisors. i'm honored to share this
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commendation from the board with a transgendered advisory committee. this is the first of its kind. it works to address important issues impacting trends and gender nonconforming communities committee members wrote represent diverse sectors and leverage their experience to help inform local policies, priorities and grams. where is our t.a.c. leadership? come on up. here we have this. then we will do the photograph and folks will get it. it is good. [applause] >> all right. thank you. in these challenging times, it is important we remember our history and the elders who came before us. at the same time, we must also support our trends and lgbtq youth who are the leadership of tomorrow. today i'm honored to introduce two important community leaders. donna persona is a legendary community advocate and cocreator
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of the compton cafeteria hit play and performer at aunt charlie got shot lounge in san francisco. or story has been featured around the world including in the out magazine article, tenderloin is the night and in the short film beautiful by night. jojo tie is the youth commissioner representing district eight and a health worker. jojo is a clear, trans and filipino born and raised in san francisco and based in the castro. from their own life experiences of navigating personal and institutional challenges, they are committing to supporting lg deep -- lgbtq youth through luth -- youth empowerment and leadership. please welcome donna and jojo. [applause] >> good afternoon. i'm donna persona and i would like to talk a little bit about the honor i've had in cowriting
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the play. when i was on the fence, coming from san jose, i wanted to find people that i felt were more like me. so i don't know how i came to this decision that san francisco would be the place to come, but i got on a greyhound bus and i came to san francisco. i couldn't get into bars, i didn't know where they were anyway. i landed on a place, compton's cafeteria. an all-night diner. i would say that is where i first -- i saw these beautiful women and i later learned that they were born as male.
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