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tv   Government Access Programming  SFGTV  December 26, 2018 9:00pm-10:01pm PST

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>> thank you. before we start the meeting, i would like to ask for a moment of silence today being the one year anniversary of the passing of mayor lee. if we could just take one minute i would appreciate that. thank you pick . okay. thank you. and if you could check for a coram, please. >> for the record, this is a
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december 12, 2018 treasure island development authority board meeting. item number 1 is called to order [roll call]. >> we do have a coram. >> thank you. >> item number 2 is general public comment. >> is there any person here who would like to speak on any issue that isn't already on our agenda today? anybody from the public would like to come forward to, now is the time. >> i would like to make a comment. >> yes. >> thank you commissioner donald and thank you again for acknowledging today. it was the first year
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anniversary of mayor ed lee. it should be noted for the public that earlier today,, mayor landon breed invited mayor lee's family, his, his mother, and children were here, including city families to commemorate the memorial first year anniversary. i was in attendance and another commissioner was there. it was a moving location. we are saying that the last day of the mayor ed lee on the earth , actually dealing with treasure island. we owe him a lot. we owe him a lot. he spent a lot of time to try and help us to develop this jewel by the base. the significant economic development project for san francisco. and as long as we are here, we are going to make sure that we
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keep that memory and legacy alive because he instructed us specifically for the inclusion to make sure that the end result of this project is something that we can all be proud of, and i think that everyone on this commission, and especially the executive director have been taking their time in moving along. we are all on the same page. i just wanted to make this public statement. thank you. >> thank you. seeing no member of the public, if we could continue to item three, please. >> item number 3 is a report by treasure island his touch at thank you. i wanted to start today by
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describing last saturday, the treasure -- the one treasure island had a workday at the shipshape both to work on the community garden that they are developing adjacent to the shipshape building, and also to work on the mural at the ymca. they had a workgroup. we had images of the community garden they are developing next to the shipshape. just an outdoor seating area place where they can have outdoor activities when the weather is nice and people can enjoy that community centre. as well as the work began on painting the mural and the wall of the gymnasium. this is being done in part -- in partnership with the presidio. it is almost halfway complete now, and we will be scheduling additional workdays as the
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weather allows to finish that f. later this year. also, at the end of november, thanksgiving weekend was the last treasure island island fleamarket of the year. complete with a man-made snow. the fleamarket will be dark for december and january and will return at the end of february. last weekend, december 9th, a group of about 70 members of the bay area travel writers visited the area for the annual holiday party. the treasure island museum took a group of about 25 of them to the building lobby for an orientation on the island's history, current facilities and redevelopment plans. providing handouts with highlights of existing island attractions including the
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fleamarket, sports and recreation opportunities, and other information. jack nicholson worked with the travel writers association to plan this event. the tech and mobile will be holding an on island stargazing event with the san francisco amateur astronomers association. it will be tomorrow evening between 6:30 pm and 8:30 pm. it is a reschedule of the originally planned event for last thursday. also, circus bella his continuing performances on the lawn next to -- through january 6th. and on january 7th, may have seen a news release yesterday that espn will be doing a live broadcast from the islands during the halftime of the ncaa championship game being played at the stadium. the event is by invitation only. they will be curating that event
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high also wanted to provide you updates on construction activities. the treasure island community developments did a fly over of the treasure islands -- of treasure island on the 2nd of december. we have new aerial views of the active construction activities. can you bring those up? so this is the island, and you can see a large portion of the island has been prepped for construction activities. the two areas -- that are the location of the most work currently are in the centre of the islands on the south side. you can see the excavation area for the new water tanks, and on
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the north side to, the excavation area for the realigned road. you can also see the detour route that has been opened since last august, bringing the traffic up over the top of the hill and down to hillcrest. this is where the new water tanks will be constructed. you can see in the background background new soil retaining wall that is being constructed as the site is excavated. and then this is on the north side of the island. the realignment, the grading for the realignment of mccullough road. and then down on treasure island , in the aerial here, i want to bring your attention to the area of surcharge just north of the chapel. it represents about 20% of the area north of california that will be undergoing surcharges
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and it has a surcharge in place currently. also, at the northwestern corner of the sub phase one area, you can see the storm water detention basins, because of the storm water pump stations that were in this area and previously served the campus, have been removed as part of the demolition. for this rainy season, we are handling the management of the stormwater through infiltration basins. here you see the surcharge behind the chapel at the south end of that area. and the causeway, you can see here, a long clipper clove -- cove, started earlier this week to lake crushed asphalt for a temporary roadway alignment. they are also preparing to shift
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to the traffic from the west side of the causeway, to the east side of the causeway. beginning the middle of january, traffic will come down the east side of the causeway and go a long clipper clove and will be closing the avenue at clipper co. and converting traffic along clipper clove over to hanger 1212 where it will come back to california avenue. in terms of the other geotechnical work, besides a surcharge activity, we have three slides that show the progress first of the woodframe installation. the area highlighted in green shows that the contractors are virtually complete with the installation of the drains prior -- north of california avenue. the drains are the first step of the geotechnical process and that allows the release of water as the site undergoes compaction
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and surcharging. and in terms of the vibratory compaction, they've completed about half of the area north of california. about a third of sub phase one overall. and then the final step following the surcharge is what they call camping of the very surface soils, which is kind of a bit of a dynamic compaction of the surface and they've completed that on about a quarter of the area overall. so just giving you some visual updates on the activities in the field, also, in addition to the roadway changes on clipper clove , dimensions that they are also modifying ninth street to allow the transport of surcharge
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materials from the stockpile on avenue h. to the sub phase one area without intermingling with roadway traffic. that work will also be completed mid january. and then the other buildings, on the site are vacating and secure and awaiting demolition beginning in late january. also in january, targeting january 11th, the next sub phase application will be submitted by tic to the city agencies for review and will be giving an update on that on the regular agenda. there is no ipc infrastructure and transportation committee next week. we will return for the january board meeting on january 9th. that ends my report. >> thank you. any public comment on the director's report?
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>> sorry. hi. in your reports, i saw the information from the john stewart company about the revenue shortfall compared to the anticipated budget. and i think it noted the reason was because of additional outreach activity we did as it relates to the housing transition. was that parts of the additional language that we did, or additional phone calls we did? >> no. they haven't been doing that type of outreach. i think they've been doing some work to rehab building 12 '02 which is one of the buildings that we vacated earlier.
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i would have to look at the language they used, but they've been doing some physical modifications to one of the buildings that is currently vacant and there have been some charges related to that that have come off of the revenues. but i would need to look back. they do distribute some flyers for us, but that is typically an incidental cost. they don't bring on additional staff to do those distributions. his stuff that is done with existing staff. >> that is what i was wondering about i could not imagine that amount of outreach would generate that amount of revenue exceedances so i was just curious about what the discrepancy was and if this is expected to continue. >> again, we have a couple buildings that we are doing some rehab on. with without work should wrap up early next year in late spring
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we will see revenue recovery. >> with these shortfalls impact our reserves or anything like that? >> historically, our revenues, we have tended to fall a little short on the residential revenue projections and do a little better than projected on commercial revenue projections -- projections. right now, i think this year will probably be close to on target with commercial and a little low on residential. so there may be additional draw on to prior year reserves. >> thank you. >> share. >> thank you. >> thank you, again for this report. i want to piggyback here. i know probably we are scattered on the outreach to the d.b.a.
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residents on treasure island. it is where we now, and are asking now with conjunction for the overall plan for the outreach. now we are closing out the year, how many do we still have? i know we have gone beyond the call of duty to reach out to the resident but i think that we need to -- this is the last meeting for the year. we need to at least situate and have that conversation so next year we know the average. >> from the interviews that we have conducted last spring and summer, all of the household, all of the previous households have been sent a letter summarizing our understanding of all of the individuals in the household and their eligibility for transition benefits, as well as a summary of the transition benefits available to the household as a whole.
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and that includes, even for the two doesn't households that did not do interviews, we have sent them a summary based on our understanding from conversations with the john stewart company, in the hopes that it will elicit feedback in case there are any discrepancies between his records and what the household believes is there situation. and then, right now, they have been part of the premarketing efforts in planning for the future market rate and below below-market rate units for sale the premarketing effort, even the households that had previously taken in lieu and left the island, are eligible for those premarketing notifications. so one of the things that they are currently engaged in is
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reaching out to -- based on the last provided information, to those households that have left the island, to make sure that we have the premarketing list as accurate as possible when it comes time to engage in a premarket activity. and then for the spring ahead, one of the objectives is to engage those households that may be eligible to purchase affordable units in the first affordable inclusionary units in the first t.i. c.d. project on the island to begin the income certification process and establish eligibility. and i apologize. there was one other ongoing activity i was going to mention. >> okay. the reason i'm asking this, and thank you. every time we have a meeting, i think that we need to talk about that.
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this is a high priority for this commission catholicity has gone beyond the call to make that we take care of them, even though we are not legally required to, because no one is being evicted from treasure island. so we have gone out to have extensive outreach now and knowing how things work in the city, two or three or five will show up later, and they will say that they do not know anything that is happening. so to protect the city, and to make sure that we are encouraging those residents to participate, because this will not be an open ended exercise, and by next year, we need to have -- make some decisions as we move along. so i want to keep that item here that we talk about it because i know how hard the staff, how
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much time you spend on this particular item and we are going to hear about it because that is the way it is. thank you, and we will keep you posted. >> thank you. one other item. you asked how many prehouseholds we currently have, it is 203 households. >> okay. thank you. ♪ thank you. any other comments? okay. item four, please. >> item number for office communications from and received by tee ida. >> i received -- and thank you. i think for the, is that correct , and for the board, 2019 will be a decisive year that we really need to engage the safety and all the powers that be, to engage in helping us to shorten all the gaps we have in the
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financing of housing. i think that now is the time to really do that. the city has a lot of projects in the pipeline and every time we speak, we talk to them. i know we are competitive with others, but i think for us in order to realize the building on the timeline that we have, i really commend sherry williams, and to let you know that this commission, i know that we received a memo from you. i wanted to make that publicly known that we are going to be gung ho on that, if i can use that language. it is high priority. we need to make something happen we have a new supervisor who is coming and we are going to engage him to make sure that it is one of his priorities, at all the other stakeholders. thank you for that memo and for your leadership. >> thank you.
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>> i had a question about the communication about the construction noise. i guess there's a residence that has been claiming or she is reporting that there has been after hours construction and i just wanted to ask for the clarification on the construction hours may be. >> during the woodframe installation, they were working two shifts within zone one to work a day shift and second shift. so the correspondence and plied the work was starting before 7:00 am and it hasn't been starting before but has been going until 11:00 pm. and the primary adjacent property is the job corps property and we have been coordinating with them on noise moment --dash monitoring of the property line. >> is there a permitted process for that type of work, or it
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just after hours i assume d.b.i. or some permitting agency would review it for noise ordinance compliance. >> through the bureau of streets and mapping. >> okay. so is fully within what was permissible, it sounds like. >> yeah. we had run it through d.p.w. >> and then do we post anywhere publicly for the residents about warnings about unusual construction hours, may be perhaps on our website, or in building one, to be post a notice like -- to let residents know, may be during these days we may have some very late construction? >> if we have activities that are within the residential neighborhood, we routinely do that, and things that are affecting access, but i think within the zone, i think we have discussed that the on island community meetings, but i don't think we sent out a specific notice on it. but that is something that we
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can incorporate into the construction information that we keep updated on our website as well. >> that sounds like a good idea. thank you. >> i would just like to follow up on that. i think it would be very important, and just to ask a little further, even though the noise is above a certain level, but they are not next to you or the work -- where the work is being done, it doesn't count, or it is not -- i guess not a problem for us? but certainly for the residents. >> the noise is measured at the city's regulation. it is noise relative to ambient at the property line. so when you look at the large area of the sub phase one word that would train installation was ongoing, when that work is
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deep within the area, the property line is quite far from it. at the property line is where we are taking the noise measurements. i don't believe there's been a general problem with noise related to the wood drain installation spec compared to the vibratory compaction, is a relatively lowered noise operation. vibratory compaction generates more of ground movement as well as noise. >> i see. is this project over now? >> the woodframe installation north of california has completed. right now the woodframe installation is temporarily demobilized, and they want to start the work around building one, and one that works starts
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back up, we will -- they will assess whether to do it on a single shift or double shift. >> would it be unreasonable to ask that somebody from the staff replied to her letter? >> we are preparing a response. >> thank you. >> thank you. next item. ongoing business by the board of directors. >> yes. i would like to -- before i even speak, i would like to identify mr will. if you could stand up so people can see you. it is nice to see you, sir,. he is the executive director of our community developing partner and it was such an honor that he was part of the tour with us.
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with the arts commission, and c.m.g., and others. i want to stay here for the commissioners, that i really regret that some of you were only allowed -- only two commissioners were allowed to go i want to say again to the city. it would have been appropriate to have the mayor mayor, some board of supervisors, and follow us on that treat. kudos to commissioners and everybody. one commissioners not only a harvard graduate, but she's one of them for most development entities in this country. she worked very hard for months putting together what was a wonderful itinerary that everybody will be envious of. we saw the key stakeholders developing -- responsible for developing new york, but also signature projects in the
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country, in the world. professors from cornell university, we had the opportunity to see them. landscape architects, we visited the governor's islands. we saw first-class models on landscape architecture. and the brooklyn park is 163 acres. we are going to be developing 322 or more parks on treasure island. so the park -- what i would like to have on the, is that correct, , we will delve into more. i would like to have these on the island and i would like to suggest, now that we have done this, i would like to suggest everyone that you cannot develop first-class projects like treasure island, and given the background of the commissioners here from development, we all
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have planning and real estate, it is time to send them out so they can see signature projects. we will push for that period this is just the beginning so that treasure island, when we are done, is a signature project for the world. that is basically what this project is. we are not thinking outside the box. i just want to give that preamble, and to commend the commissioner for delivering and putting together a world-class itinerary that really blew everybody's mind. i've never seen anything like that. kudos to her. we will be doing more. to you also, to staff, working with that, we had many others from the arts commission. again, it was first-class. i will be pushing for more of those for the rest of the commissioners.
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>> will be providing an update on the visit as well as planning for park operations at the january meeting. >> thank you. >> i am happy to hear that you had a fruitful trip to new york, and i was very sorry that we could not go as well. we were all looking forward to learning new things. may i suggest, for the future visits, that maybe not even going all the way to new york. there are some bay area projects east bay, alameda, the sacramento area, may be we could do some more noticing, and have day trips, and have them be in a publicly noticed meeting where we can go and learn and try to avoid that. i know we had a situation in new york and we couldn't all be there.
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so if we look at other bay area military projects where we could learn from them, and just have it be doable and have it be more accessible financially and timewise for the members of this board on the public. >> that is great. let me comment there. that is a wonderful discussion. the thing is, with the projects in new york, they are signature projects too. the commissioners should also have an opportunity to see those because they are in the forefront of the cutting edge of park design in the world, and some of the landscape -- and some of the best landscape architects. we can get opportunities to look at it and also be able to look at where it is going. that is a good suggestion. >> thank you. that's great if we have future
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opportunities to venture out and learn from other case studies, but we actually have an opportunity coming to san francisco in 2019. bob, i mentioned this to you before. the american planning association has national conferences every year, and in 2019, it will be in san francisco. i would love to encourage us an timma to put together a proposal they are calling for proposals right now. you just open today, until january 4th. i think it would be a great opportunity for us to open a panel around transportation issues, or alternate transferred -- modes of transportation discussions. perhaps inviting our colleagues from new york, or other places where we know we can learn lessons from, and tried to bring the conversation to san francisco. thanks. >> thank you. i just have one quick comment, and i guess it is a big enough issue that it should be brought
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to the attention of the board board and the staff. it looks as if some shipper dumped a lot of junk, i guess it is wood or cardboard or some sort of stuff, but it is kind of massive, and it's been dumped near the boat dock that is on the northeast side of the island , and i think that it really calls for an investigation and someone is looking into it and there's also dead wild life. it just seems to be a dump. not an accident. >> for audience members who may be at home and may be business members are residents on the island, if you see dumping,
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whether it is anywhere on the island, or problems like that, call into 311, we will make sure they get addressed by us or public works, or appropriate agencies. >> okay. thank you. any response to the ongoing business? >> in this particular case, i am not aware of that, but we will make sure to have staff out there and get it cleaned up. >> okay. thank you. so let's -- that's item six -- item six, please. >> agent number 6 is consent agenda. approving the minutes of november 14th, 2018 meeting. >> second. >> okay. all in favor? aye. >> it is past. >> item number 7 is a proposed transit pass pull policy and affordability program.
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>> good afternoon. i am rachel hiatt from timma. we have an update for you from the results on the committee meeting of the board at the end of november, and then the board meeting yesterday that took place. i have to share with you the information that we shared with them, and then some of their direction coming out of that meeting. the short story as they continued the item. will be doing more analysis, more outreach on the topics that i will describe today pick some of the things that in presenting to the board, end and hearing feedback from the cab and others , that we find useful to remind viewers is that in the case of treasure island, there are differences between treasure
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island and other san francisco redevelopment areas are the need for the regional transit. part of the core transportation plan includes this regional transit ferry, a.c. transit, not just the munimobile services, which is what development on the mainland gets. it is not benefiting from this regional transit as well. also, on the demand management side or the traffic management side, the congestion tollhouse those two functions. we do have -- both of those key performance measures on the demand management side and on the revenue side. we shared the projections of trip making on and off the island with the board to kind of
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help illustrate the magnitude of change that we are expecting, and this is a projection of travel demand under the recommendations that we put forward. and so that 50% transit mode share, we are just barely meeting it under those proposals it is going to be something that the boards will need to continue to watch and will continue to report to you on our success in meeting those performance measures as the system faces in and as growth happens. another thing that we found useful to remind folks is the rationale from the california state legislature when they adopted -- or authorize the program in 2008 and the unique situation of treasure island being off the san francisco oakland bay bridge. that makes it, and the need for traffic management and transportation serving the island is different from the
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mainland because the only way to get to the islands, unlike other neighborhoods in san francisco is that there is only this one vehicular access point on and off the bridge. we do describe our timing, and it is phase -- it is aligned to launch the program in late 2021 when we project that the first new homes will be available for occupancy. we do often get, and did receive questions about how certain we are about that timeframe and the certainty that we will need to launch the program and that is when the new housing will be in. but that is a schedule we are working towards. and we also do remind folks in response to questions of the developer's contribution, infrastructure developer is putting in as the subsidy that they will need to provide in the early years of the program, and that the program does depend on
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in those early years. so he recommended total hours of operation, toll rates, and affordability programs and transit pass, and the board did continue the item. we did find that it was useful to remind, and the commissioner can point this out, as having not only remembering the munimobile service is separate from this program. the service will be funded and the expansion of munimobile service will be funded the weight is funded elsewhere in san francisco through increases in the general fund and the nta budget, and also we did hear a lot of feedback that even so, we really need to work with m.t.a. to make sure that the increase in service happens and that the improvements in service that are called for our really realized. we need to to keep doing outreach. that was one of the feedbacks from the committee, and also from the cab as well.
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going forward, and as well as looking at other alternatives, we will be coming back more regularly with reports to you and the other bodies on that. these are the themes of what we heard so far during outreach that we will need to continue to address. business affordability, especially more work around business affordability, and provisions for business support, as well as other alternatives for residents with affordability being the main concern. then continued fundraising. it is feedback that you have continuously given us. we are working now on grant applications. we submitted a request to the bay area toll authority for ferry funding, just this past month, and we also are currently working with the mercy housing and tid a staff on a cabin and
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trade application for both housing and transportation. we presented to the committee two options for supporting -- for addressing the concerns we heard and supporting affordability. when the committee met on the 27 th, they recommended we do both, and by both, i mean a statement approach. stipend per household that could be used to offset transportation expenses, as well as reducing the midday toll rate 20 -- two -- two -- as per the committee's recommendation, each household would receive a his cash stipend they could use to offset transportation expenses. as i mentioned, at the board meeting yesterday, the board did continue the item and to not -- did not take action on that. some other things that we had also included in that recommendation that were changed
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from the previous proposal include reducing the threshold of transit trips needed to earn additional toll credits. we had also change the weekend hours to better capture visitor trips, et cetera. these items are also continued to a future hearing. this was the toll rate schedule that we presented. it included the discount for drivers coming from the east bay , going to treasure island who were crossing the bay bridge this graphic illustrates what we had intended or envisioned with the stipend, and for businesses, we hadn't proposed a dollar amount, technology we would have needed to do -- still need to do more work with businesses, but hadn't done enough work at that time to have a level. the intent was it would be a flexible resource that businesses could use to offset employee costs or customer costs , or delivery costs.
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and this is what the stipend would afford. so it would equate to, for a household, multiple on and off trips. two on off trips per weekday, for folks and in below-market rate units, you could also afford transit passes with that because they would be offered at a 50% discount for folks in below-market rate units. there is a resource proposal requirement associated with that of about $4 million per year for the first five years. that is, and by the scenario, i mean the one the committee recommended including the zero midday toll, and the stipend approach. we will continue to do financial analyses on additional areas per the feedback we heard over the last few meetings.
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the transit pass was something we also have been presented, or presented our recommendations for discounts for the past for residents of below-market rate housing housing, and also for employees of bulk discount on the pass for employees. this would be unlimited access to the munimobile system, to the a.c. transit system, and to the ferry on and off pick we were quite -- the request that the committee made for us to look at , as far as a transit pass goes, includes looking at an accumulator design for the past. what that means is that you would avoid the need for people to need to pay upfront to the entire cost of the past upfront. but rather would pay-as-you-go, only up to the discounted cost of the past. it is more affordable that way. the committee also asked us to look into discounts for low-income youth on the ferry, or free access for low-income youth on the ferry.
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so i will hands the presentation over to mr cordova. >> great. thank you. i am the deputy director for capital projects for the san francisco transportation authority. it is good to be here again to update you on where we stand related to the timma program. i wanted to start -- i i should view this chart, but to emphasize again, we had been successful in getting over $200 million of federal estate money to improve the ramp's infrastructure and the bridges on the west that are seismic deficient. we continued it and we will move forward with a lot more funding requests and i will talk about that a little later. this light depicts all the other improvements that the development team is working on, and in combination, it totals approximately half a billion dollars pick we got a lot of questions about the cost and the revenue, and the snapshot from our committee, and our board. the slide depicts what the costs are after the 21 or 22 year
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timeframe where we have approximately 500 units. it shows the ferry a.c. transit and shuttle cost, as well as the revenues that are also generated as a result of those. it shows the affordability program now that rachel outlined , which includes a $300 a month stipend, as well as a zero toll, and then some operation and maintenance for the tolling infrastructure itself. and the point of the slide is to show that it is to be able to work towards an affordability program, and to have all the transit that we have assumed here right now, in terms of the first initial year, there is definitely a problem that we have to solve from a cash flow, but if you get to a point where -- and really the point of the second slide is to show that it's really about a critical mass of units and development, and critical mass of folks on
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the islands. [please stand by] >> next steps, it's important to recognize these are models. we are going ahead and updating those from a financial
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perspective with everything pointing toward actually constructing the tolling system. getting to a point of transit vehicle purchase. as you know, the developer is obligated to go ahead and provide funds for certain purchases, so we want -- we're going to continue and work toward that here in the near term. the on-island shuttle is something, too, i can give you a separate update here next quarter, related to the on-island shuttle plan and the pilot program. ferry service, we've had discussions in terms of how we can implement ferries sooner than later. and talking to the development team also, because we have to make sure that we don't overburden on the cost side, so that we can keep it something like we talked about. something where we have at least the vision right now is smaller boats in the 75-77 passenger range. moving back and forth across the
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street to san francisco and the ferry building. this gives you an overall schedule as it relates to implementation intentions. we'll continue to move forward with everything we need to implement the various aspects of transit. now we talked to you here the last couple of months. if anything, what we've learned here, we need to be even more -- what is the right term? just more aggressive in terms of outreach and making sure that we hear everything and have more meetings with the public, have more meetings with you moving forward. it's that time now given the fact that the development is really kicking off now as we can see out there when we're out there, because it is definitely an island under construction. we went to our board yesterday. you can check the tapes, it was a long discussion. a lot of folks weighed in in terms of their opinion. we understand it. we're sensitive to that.
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and we're committed to making this work, so that it works, so we can deliver the transit service to the extent possible with the funds we have. and understanding that there are concerns with the burden in terms of additional transportation cost. the item was continued as rachel indicated. we look forward to working with matt haney. and with this board here and the current board, the transportation authority board. a couple of things that were brought to our attention as part of the committee meeting, and discussed yesterday. these were items that our committee said, hey, we want you to follow up on. all of them are listed here. and we ill will do that. we will explore these additional affordable program issues and i want to note that resolution urging the city to contribute funding here, is something we're
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working with in that regard. so that concludes our presentation. we're available for any questions. >> president tsen: first, i'd like to hear from the public, if there is any questions on this item. >> good afternoon. i'm sherry with one treasure island. i just wanted to say that one treasure island, we're committed to being a partner and making this less painful for folks. but one of the things that we've worked on and have discussed with rachel over the last few years is our providing a supplemental van service that could potentially help folks go to grocery stores or appointments in the city and so forth. and we're committed to looking at that. it is a little easier to get funding for a vehicle.
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it's the ongoing operation funding that is a little harder. we put in, i think two different applications at this point. in the last 2-3 years. but we're committed to it. and i just wanted to put that out there as one other element of this overall effort. so thank you. >> president tsen: thank you. anyone else? okay. commissioners -- director lai? >> director lai: a couple of questions. on your treasure island on-off trip averages slide. i think it's slide 4. is this -- are theprojections bd on the number 1 and two combined incentives? >> you're talking about this
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slide right here? >> director lai: right. talking about how we get to the 50% mode shift. >> yes, they are. using elasticity. we have tools we use to forecast the demand. the primary and most sophisticated tool is a travel demand forecasting model that takes more resources to do. for it to do more quick estimates and sensitivity tests, we use elasticity in our financial model and that's what this is from. it's from sort of the more sketch level tool. >> director lai: are these from existing cta, i guess, numbers, or have they been adjusted for 2020, 2021, travel patterns? because i guess, in the last five years, even we're seeing so much travel pattern changes in terms of transportation planning. >> yeah, no, it's a great
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question and actually, the tool that really can do that for us is the travel demand forecasting model. and actually there have been a lot of changes in our travel demand forecasting team is collecting new data now on the ride hails and how those have effected. and they're working on incorporating that into the travel demand forecast model, but it's not fully there yet. we're collecting data on that to put that in. so that's a reason we need to keep continually updating that model as the major changes happen. this includes some projections of that, but i think it's been such a fast amount of change, we're working now to even improve our ability to forecast that. >> director lai: i think that would be really important, because if i remember correctly, they released your study on ride-hail and it doesn't look
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positive. >> correct. >> director lai: and just wondering whether or not the forecast includes this possible bike lane, super exciting idea, that i think is late on the agenda, but it seems like it could happen. >> yeah, so these forecasts don't include that, because it's not a committed certain project yet. but we can test alternatives in which it would be present and see the effect. >> director lai: i think that would be great, particularly because we're in a position to try to chase funding for it. if it proves having the westbound bike lane, it would help with alleviating the pressure on the mode shift and we would have a better chance. >> yeah sure. >> if you don't mind, i'd like to add -- you're talking about the west bend bike path. they've done preliminary engineering on. we've had meetings with the toll authority about how to sooner
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than later actually go ahead and construct that link here on ybi. so those types of discussions. we're very excited about the opportunity to bring -- to have bikes from the bay come to the island and down to the ferry terminal. those are the kinds of discussions we've had with the toll authority, with bob in particular. i think there is synergy to be had there. >> director lai: absolutely agree with that. again, having that travel pattern data would perhaps help us justify for the funding for it. >> right. >> director lai: and then next set of questions about slide 21, where you were showing us the cost revenue of our whole system here. again, is this already accounting for option -- combined option 1 and 2 subsidies? >> yes, it is. >> director lai: and then wondering about the blue bar in the revenue side for the toll.
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is that in year 2027, is the toll there showing like the roadway capacity? like we're at capacity 100%? so in terms of generating this amount of revenue, what is the level of service? i guess that's not a term anymore, but in terms of, is there still capacity left for cars to be moving? or are we in like gridlock conditions at this point? >> good question. i have to follow up on that in terms of level of service and what kind of congestion there might be on the island at that time. that is your question, correct? >> director lai: yes, i guess i'm wondering in terms of health of the roadways. that is from a resident's perspective. >> no, it's a very good question and in fact i think we need to discuss not only if we didn't have a toll what it would look like without a toll versus with a toll. because that's really -- the mode shift is what we're talking
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about here. to approach that and meet that 50% which we believe is -- which frankly is mandated, but we know that if we don't reach that, it turns out to be 70% vehicular traffic, it will be extremely difficult to get on and off the island. that's why we developed the program. >> director lai: and part of me, i'm sure your data smarter than that, but i'm wondering whether or not we're overestimating the amount of toll we potentially in abstract ways could collect, because if the cars aren't moving, you're not collecting the toll. some realism in that number. and then in the financial plan i heard you mention that you need commitments from wita. i thought we were in the discussion that we were going to see if there were alternatives? is that still happening in?
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>> that definitely still is. we're talking to everybody. not just public, but private. we've had discussions with private operators. i wanted to mention the discussions with we'da, because we put in a ipr are arm 3 to get funding if we could, so we're trying all avenues. frankly, we've been reaching out to golden gate bridge district. so nothing is off the table. >> director lai: i heard loud and clear there needs to be more outreach. i didn't really see an outreach schedule moving forward. do you have anticipated plans for that? what the time line might be? >> i want to come back and advise you. i want to sit down with the public outreach team to look at
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when we can have meetings, but i would anticipate a meeting in the next 2-3 months so we can continue the discussion. >> director lai: i think as we saw at the last on-island meeting, there is a high amount of interest from the businesses, the residents that are currently on the island, but i would just like to encourage us to also reach out to all potential future cohorts who might be impacted by these decisions, because this is a bay area issue. the toll is not just a san francisco issue. if there are known groups we should reach out to, please do so. >> okay. >> director richardson: thank you very much. i attended the timma meeting and i actually spoke. it doesn't do justice