tv Government Access Programming SFGTV December 29, 2018 6:00am-7:01am PST
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at one time. there was a commissioner that was looking at the region and advocating and promoting freight rail. we don't have a port commissioner any more. it is an appointee. this is something we fought more about. we need more promotion on why we need joint rail and passenger service. caltrain is committed but we have to keep up advocacy for freight rail. thank you very much. >> any other public comment. seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner makras. >> commissioner makras: i support the motion on the table. i wanted to see the economics of the low emission locomotive. we purchased that, right, the city purchased it? >> correct it was $1.8 million.
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the air quality management will reimburse us $1.3 million from the grant. >> what is the useful life of the locomotive? >> over 20 years. >> great. thank you. >> commissioner gilman. >> commissioner gilman: thank you for the presentation. ily supporting this -- i will be supporting this motion. >> public comment is closed. sorry. >> it is okay. i will speak for you. >> i asked if anyone wanted to speak. >> the railroad is like tennis. there is a lot of support. >> commissioner adams. >> vice president adams: it will be fine.
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i just wanted to say that our commitment, this commission was the same as david. commitment to the workers and to the community. it was finding the right business terms. we went back and forth. the commitment was there. clearly, david is one of those like the giants and others here for a long time. we know what that commitment is. for me personally, you don't need to speak. just your presence here today tells this commission where you are at. actions speak louder than words. we understand. i am the president of the iow. indued. i am a worker. what you say and what you hear, you support david, your jobs. this commission supports good jobs, the community, we support david and we support you. everything is good.
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(applause) >> thank you so much for this report. david, thank you for being a part of the port and the community. i have had the opportunity to work with you over the years, and you are one of our greatest tenants in that you really care about the port. you really care about the community. you hire from the community, and you are just committed. i really want to thank you for continuing to be a tenant of the port, and we look forward to continuing to work with you. all in favor. >> aye. >> resolution 1865 has been approved. [applause.] >> item 14. new business. >> i have recorded a item to
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have the city family return on the city wide resiliency in six months to a year. we will put that on the calendar. any other new business? >> any other new business? i want to thank you and the staff for a great year. it has been challenging but a great year. thank you so much and happy holidays for everyone. >> motion to adjourn. >> motion to adjourn in the memory of bernie mcdonald and mayor lee. all in favor. meeting adjourned. >> merry christmas.
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boomer today. >> clerk: item three, announcement of prohibition of sound producing devices during the meeting. please be aware that use of cell phones, pagers, or other sound producing electronic device is prohibited. please know when these devices set on vibrate do cause microphone interference, so please turn them off. number three, approval of the december 4, 2018 regular meeting. >> thank you. do i have any public comment on the minutes? no? seeing none, public comment closed. do i have a motion to approve in. >> so moved. >> do i have a second? >> second. >> all in favor? all opposed? okay. minutes are approved.
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okay. communications. i have nothing. anyone? all right. good. >> clerk: i don't any either. item six, introduction of new or unfinished business by board of directors? >> directors, do you have any new or unfinished you'd like to bring up? no? okay. item eight. >> director's report. >> madam president, staff, a short up date. a reminder we will offer free rides home on knew year's eve, so from 8:00 p.m. on new year's eve to 5:00 a.m. on new year's day, everybody can ride muni for free. we do this because we want to make sure that people are not driving while impaired.
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the facts from the california department of safety, one person is killed every 52 minutes by a drunk drive accident in this country. the office of traffic safety is funding the police department to be conducting drive d.u.i. saturation patrols during the holiday season. just another reason for folks to hop on a muni bus rather than get behind the wheel. vision zero and sfmta will not supporting those efforts by amplifying social media posts on facebook and twitter. they can get behind the driver of the wheel of a muni bus or train and ride for free. with regard to geary a few months ago, you all approved the phase one parking and traffic changes for the geary
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b.r.t., which is eastern half of the -- of the geary line going from wistannion to marke so a big chunk of the core of the 38, which is one of our highest ridership lines of the city. i just want to let you know that since you approved that, the near term transit and safety treatments are just about complete, and that includes new transit only lane that's have been installed between stannion and blake and baker and gough, and a number of intersections have been daylighted where we've added painted safety zones. you'll recall that geary is not just a very important transit corridor, it's also on the high injury network, so those improvements are improving our
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vision zero goals. in terms of construction projects, i'll give you an update on something we've talked about before, which is the -- that we are constructing a new platform on third street, in front of the arena that is currently being built there. it will facilitate transit access and egress to the large numbers of folks who are going to be going to arena events, which you'll recall it's not just the 40 or so basketball games a year, but numerous concerts and other events throughout the year, if i recall. it's more than 200 events a year at the new arena. so we are replacing the two small platforms with one large platform, similar to what we
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have in front of the at&t ballpark. it's multiple phases work. it's not just putting in a new platform, it's putting in switches to give the trains some flexibility to the wires and under ground utility work. we had a phase go longer than planned, and the next phase is more significant. to make sure we have the plan completed and we can finish within the work window that we're anticipating, we're pushing back the start of construction. we were originally planning on january 4. we will now be starting sometime in mid-january, and we expect the construction to go through -- through the end of march, which means during that time, we will have bus substitutions on or 23rd riders. as i mentioned, a lot of
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lessons learned the first time around, and we are working with everybody to make sure that we can do this as smoothy as possible with minimal disruption, particularly to t-line riders as much as possible. so we have been working with various stakeholders in the area, and once we've nailed down a date, we'll make sure that everybody gets the information. it'll enable us to serve everybody in the whole corridor because of the new switches that we're putting in, but it will create a disruption. we're making sure we manage that as well as possible. some good news resulting from construction work is that in early 2019, we will be set to open up stockton street in union square, reopen it back up to muni and other vehicles, which we closed what seems like many, many years ago as we
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started construction of the central subway-union square-market street station. while the station work continues, we have now closed up the openings, repaved the street, and in time for winter walk. and once winter walk is done after the holidays, we'll come back and do some striping and other finish work examiand the reopen it to traffic. initially, we will have the eight bayshore and the 91 outline run through, soon after, the 31 and the 45. all of this make this a big jog west around union square, so this will return them a straight shot through stack ton tunnel and then down fourth into market. so this'll be a big time safer for people who ride those lines. we do have an item -- i think it might be on the consent calendar -- to just restore the
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transit only lane. so great news there. and then, finally, one other piece of good news. we learned earlier this week or maybe last week that national geographic has named san francisco as one of the top ten cities in the world for getting around by bicycle when judged by infrastructure such as bike lanes, bike accessibility, and appeal, san francisco was the only u.s. city to make this list of best cycling values. i don't think this is anything that we applied for or something we sought out, but i guess the folks that work at national geographic did some sort of survey across the world. the report noted san francisco for its iconic views, geography, culture, and noted our hills.
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we are joined in the top ten by b berlin, buenos aires, among others. the only other american city was tucson, which received an honorable mention. i'm sure some of our friends in portland and seattle are scratching their heads, but we'll take. i want to commend our department for making biking a safeway to get around, and i want to thank you for all of your bike improvements that you all have legislated, including some in the recent months, some of which we'll see going in the ground in the next couple of months. so good news there, and that concludes my report. >> thank you, mr. reiskin. i do want to ask, with our
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shutdown of the t 3rd, i know this was a much smaller shutdown of what we had originally anticipated the work. >> from my understanding the feedback from the planned portion of the shutdown was very good. everybody knew it was coming. we had lots of ambassadors. we had two planned weekends of work, but the second weekend, we weren't able to restore service until wednesday, so the two unplanned days of service shutdown monday and tuesday, folks weren't too pleased with that. we did do a lot of work with signage and am bass -- ambassa to mitigate the circumstances.
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i think folks are understanding of the need to do these projects for -- whether it's state of good repair or improvements, but we're taking the time to make sure whatever we tell the folks about this next closure is something we can commit to with a greater degree of confidence. >> i thought the last issue was related to rain. >> there were numerous issues. there was numerous issues for the cure time of the concrete, the clever reof the concrete, the time to form the rebar, which is the steel inside the concrete, the availability of person overnight to do the work, and there was rain. so we had a confluence of
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issues, the perfect storm, that caused us to extend the work. we need to plan for rain this time of year when we do the work. >> so we think we have adequate mitigations for the rain, because obviously, this is the rainiest seasons that we'll be entering into. >> yeah. they'll be working january -february -march, so there are a number of things that we're doing, including some schedule contingency, so when the rain comes, they won't force us to extend i don't know the duration for the public. >> and then, the operators are usually doing the trains. are they being redirected to buses? >> right.
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>> but the trains carry more people, so we have to staff morbuses. >> yeah. >> i know that sometimes we don't have enough people to staff the trains. >> the train system is in pretty good shape in terms of staff availability to be able to meet the service without impacting other service. we do anticipate as we did during the weekend shutdowns, not running e line service because it complicates the issues and it also frees up staff to operate the rest of the service, but with a few other changes, we believe we can implement this without an adverse effect to the rest of the system. >> thank you, director borden.
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good point to bring up. one more question on stockton street. i'm sure the merchants in the area are going to be stoked to have the project wrapped up. i see we have mr. ho here from central subway. and know that we've done good work, working with the merchants to make it as painless as possible. as that street opens up, have we added street amenities to it? how is the street different than it used to be for everybody who's been both impacted by the shutdown and also enjoying the winter walk aspect of the street? >> yeah. i don't think that the basic geomeetry of the street has changed very much. all the kind of infrastructure
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is being upgraded both below the ground and at the surface. i believe we'll be putting in new streets and overhead wires. >> well, i'll look forward to getting out and enjoy what i guess it's the last winter walk? >> so it's the last winter walk that'll be associated with the central subway project. i know that the union square bid is interested in continuing the event, which would be a seasonal shutdown. i think there's a lot of work between now and next september to see what the support it for that, but it's been very popular. >> yeah. i know that people enjoy it to go down there and use that space. thank you. all right, directors, any other comments or questions on the
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director's report? >> all right. seeing none, we'll move on. >> clerk: there is one person for public comment. mike spain. chair, how much time? two minutes? >> oh, yes, two minutes. thank you. >> thought i was going to get ten minutes today. so i'm here today again to question why, when this taxi matter comes up next month, it's going to be in the director's report -- >> clerk: this is items in this director's report that he just spoke of. >> the director's report should not be where such an important issue should come up. it should not be made a decision without being able to extract from this item. this is going to be devastating to the taxi street. we've already seen the report that's come before you. we haven't seen it in its
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totality, but it's only going to get worse. the director's hands are a little bit dirty on this one because he was here six years ago when this permit program was passed, and the permit program is the reason we're here today. and i have to say there's a couple directors -- or board members who are here who have already shown a willingness to sabotage the industry to save their own jobs. public policy should not be voted on without giving the director a chance to restructure the whole industry, without you being able to vote on it and the director being able to restructure the new industry. i urge you to pull this out of
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the director's report and bring it up. as it is now, you're not going to have that choice. they used a parliamentary move to take it from you in october, and i think you ought not to get involved in their screw ups. thank you. >> thank you, mr. spain. any other public comments on the director's report? yes. this is for items in the director's report, not items that are coming up later in the agenda. >> my question was to the director saying that -- was related to the director saying that the construction was delayed by approximately seven days. my question is who's going to pay for that, okay?
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because that's an obvious cost overrun. i don't see anybody up on this dais asking who's going to pay for this item? is the contractor responsible for paying that or is it the taxpayer, and i'd like to see that question answered, and i didn't see it come up at the dais. >> thank you very much for your question, mr. lee. any other public comment? no? seeing none, public comment is closed and we'll move on. >> clerk: item eight, citizens advisory council report. >> sorry. good afternoon, directors. so i have prepared my report here, and this is going to be kind of a year in review report because we don't have any
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motions from our last meeting to bring you. so 2018 has been a big year for the sfmta, and it's also been a year of a lot of frustration for transit riders, given major service impacts, persistent delays, and impacted on the streets, just to name a few issues that we're facing. the sfmta citizens advisory council has also seen a few changes this year with departure of some of our long serving members and the arrival of some new ones. i'm encouraged to see our new members are very committed and
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aga engaged in the topics and the question they put forward. [inaudible] >> -- next bus, clipper, stop signage, comprehensive topics like outreach and communication and of course the ever changing ways that people are getting around the city. all of the c.a.c.'s effort this year has been focused on discussing how best to improve the transportation we have, but it strikes me likely that we must improve the transportation system that we need.
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private automobiles pli. i would like 2019 to be the year that we see a lot more public transit, and i would like san francisco to lead the way in that. as a general note, i'll leave with that. thank you all for hearing that. >> thank you very much, and thank you so much for your ongoing service on the c.a.c. all right. >> clerk: item nine is public comment for items that are not on the en, aagenda, and we do some members of the public that have put in speaker cards. >> okay. let's go ahead and have two minutes put in, miss celaya. you have a timer on the podium, when you hear a soft chime, that means you have 30 seconds left, and when you hear a louder chime, your time is up,
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and i will politely but firmly cut you off. >> okay. >> my name is steven tieber and i am the transportation for russian hill neighbors and also a member of s.f. next stop which is an extension to the subway to fisherman's wharf ndk hopefully beyond. i am here to express my sincere thanks to this commission and the staff for moving this project forward and holding a series of two public outreach sessions which were held in districts two and three and -- and in october and december. the results, as far as i can see was a very strong approval in those communities of the
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subway, subject to mitigation of the effects, the short and long-term. we have the nation's fullest transit system, which is nothing to be proud of. it takes about a half an hour to get downtown from russian hill and about 45 minutes from the marina on muni, so this is a project that is very worthwhile supporting. about four years ago, you put out this very thorough concept study which was well researched and well received at the start of the process, and we urge that you continue the process into next year as you begin to workup this project, and we will continue to support it in any way that we can. thank you. >> thank you, mr. taber. thank you for coming down and telling us.
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>> i'm marcello fonseca. i've been in touch with 60 minutes new york city to ask them to investigate our uber and lyft went from rogue to mainstream at the same time as the city back stabbed the taxi industry. gavin newsom masterminded a flawed taxi medallion sales program, and mayor lee went along with it at the same time he praised uber and lyft. you sold hundreds of medallions on the backs of hard working cab drivers. at the same time, no medallions were required from the vast
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oversupply of ubers and lyfts you have allowed on our streets. your actions have been sleazy, unethical, and possibly illegal. now you're cozying up with one group of medallion holders to go after another group of me do -- medallion holders. i really hope 60 minutes comes to town and puts this city hall in the hot seat. the truth about this mess must be exposed. >> thank you, mr. fonseca. next speaker, please. >> clerk: martin, mark, and
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then robert. >> good afternoon. martin kocynski. medallion holder. i sent you a letter titled yesterday, stop the madness. it took me -- my english skill, about five hours to compose three paragraphs. the bottom line is mr. reiskin and whoever else messed up, he comes to me and now he wants me to pay for his mess by removing the value of my medallion and getting rid of my retirement, so this is basically unfair. these are two major changes to go in between some sort of bureaucrat bureaucratic traction. we need to look at this,
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examine the situation, come up with a reasonable solution which is going to remedy the issue. and personally, i think the issue has to be remedied, the other politicians because i hold politicians responsible for current situation. like many times before, i was here advocating, asking the politicians if they do want the medallion service in the city. this is a yes or -or-no answerd if they do want the taxi service, then they have to figure out a way to remedy the mess that mr. reiskin and some other people caused. if they do not want the taxi service, and i understand that many of them are teachers and students, then shut us down.
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we have to make some sort of short -- >> thank you. thank you. thank you, thank you. next speaker, please. >> mark, fobt, arobert, and ph >> i was going to kind of reiterate what i said before, and i said in the past, but many speakers are going to reiterate this issue. what i would like to talk about is i was watching t.v., and there was a conservative commentator commenting about a book that he just broke. he broke with a lot of conservatives that he wrote. he said i supported the gulf war, along with all my friends, but when it all turned to crap, i started to criticize them,
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and they just couldn't stand that. they hammered me for that. but if you can't admit that you made mistakes and make restitution to those people that you've hurt, if you can't admit that this was a failed -- a failed effort, but it can be fixed, and you have to work at fixing it, then you just continue government as -- as it -- well, you make a -- you compound a really bad mistake with a new one, and you hurt a lot of people that you don't necessarily have to hurt. there's a way of settling there, and you have to sit down with credit union and drivers that got hurt, and you have to work out a settlement, and you have to give back some of the $65 million that that program raised. it may not take the whole 65, but have you to give some of that back and stop this shchare
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of destroying hundreds of cabs. they should not be made to pay the price because other people made some errors. you just have to somehow sometimes grapple with the -- with the problem that you created -- the problems and have to solve it. >> thank you. thank you. next speaker, please. >> robert, philip, and then ahmad. >> good afternoon. before i start talking, i would like to apologize. i am not addressing you, i am addressing the m.t.a. the m.t.a. has a conflict of interest. you cannot make rulings on the taxi cab industry at all because you are appointed by the present mayor, and the
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people above you were appointed by the previous mayor, and the people before you were appointed by the previous mayor who is now the governor. and all of you were supported by the money that was paid by the tech industry which is running uber and lyft, and also other shuttles, as well. and so you have no standing, and the only suggestion that i can have, because i believe the taxi industry should be within the m.t.a., is there must be independent directors that are not appointed by the mayor because the m.t.a. has done so many things that are
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unbelievable. they've done so many things that are stupid. okay. they started selling medallions. in 2012, they had a pilot program. great. in 2012, uber started. in 2013 with thousands of ubers on the road, they charge all these poor foolish cab drivers $250,000 each and now, you are unwilling at least partially compensate them. >> thank you. >> thank you. thank you. next speaker, please. >> philip, followed by ahmad, followed by abdallah. >> i'm going to shift gears and talk about broad band alarms. i want to bring to the board's attention. please look at the tematerials
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that i sent off. i think it's the duty of the board to replace the tonal alarms are ineffective, and broad band alarms. tonal alarms, if you are looking down, you can't tell what direction they're coming from. broad band alarms are directional, so they only impact the area that needs to be listened to. that's important, because if an alarm is always going off, it's not an alarm, it's a nuisance. these alarms actually decrease pedestrian safety, whereas the directional ones, when you hear it, you know you are in a danger zone, you pay attention to it.
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whereas people tune out the tonal alarms. it gives a fault he hlse sense safety to people walking through. they're harmful. the tonal alarms go out in all sorts of directions -- i live 450 feet away from an intersection where buses are turning left in the city. the broad band alarms dissipate quickly, so it's only loud in the area and not all over. osha used to tell people with sites that have alarms, to use ear protection. they alarms cost 1 -- these alarms cost $100, and will safe money for the city. this is insane. we can stop this please. please, please, please, please,
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look into tonal alarms. >> thank you, mr. brady. i'll make sure we take the information you sent us and forward it onto the appropriate people at the sfmta. >> thank you. i did it before and no one responded. >> thank you. we'll forward it. thank you >> good morning. i was here at the previous sfmta meetings. we talked about uber and lyft, and they say it's not our business, it's cpmc that are in charge of that, so i don't know if this committee, these people here are appropriate place to decide about that or not. but these taxi medallion thing, and then prop k and precious medallion, these all started when the uber and lyft came to the market, severely damaging and really creating a lot of division between the drivers
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who knew each other a long time. one part had medallion, other part didn't have medallion, and they had to put it for $250,000. so the main thing is create something else that will li eliminate uber and lyft or creating something that will control these guys. they are crowded -- they are crowding the city so significantly, so not only the taxi drivers are suffering by it, anybody. pedestrians, any driver in the see are -- city are being suffered by uber and lyft, and if you don't do anything about it, we will suffer forever. another thing i want to say, when you go to macy's or costco, you buy something, it's
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not good, you get your money back. why shouldn't the same thing work for medallion purchasers? we want our money back if there is no problem solved. you should work on that when the city has millions of millions of dollars, pay those medallion holders and create no difference between the medallion holders, the -- >> thank you. thank you. thank you very much, sir, and you are correct, it is the cpmc that has jurisdiction over the t.m.c. >> good afternoon. my name is abdullah. i'm a driver of 22 years in the city of san francisco. i'm a father of five kids. i bought my medallion from the city, and we have a problem. the problem when the city
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valued the money, not the people. there's a problem. i'm a father of five kids. i got kicked out of my apartment, i have damage on my credit card. i have a really, really bad situation with my family. if the city needs money, hey, i'll go back home and give them money. this is not the way you treat people. i smuggle -- smuggle to united states of america 1995. i've been here 23 years and almost eight days an american. i came here to -- for opportunity. i know when i talk, one day i didn't speak english. i came, i learn english to this country. i never been schooled in american school, but i learn one thing when i was a little boy. why people rush to america? people rush to america because they are fair and honest, and i was talking to my older son. he's ten years old. he said daddy, what are you
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doing with our medallion? what are you doing with our retirement? go and sell candies in the street. it's better than what they're doing to you. i'm going to put $45,000 into it, and now, i cannot even work. 22 years, i need to sit -- stay with my kids, my family, take them to a coffee shop, like you. we have a life to live. live isn't all work. >> thank you. thank you mr. abdullah. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> george, followed by herbert and austin. >> my name is george. i am a medallion buyer, and for the ladies and gentlemen that
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didn't attend the last meeting, we had history, we had huge agreement between chris, the owner and manager of yellow cab, with greg, the manager of flywheel, which happened for the first time ever. of course the agreement is to industry the remaining of this industry and bankrupt the rest of the medallion buyers, which i'm one of them. these guys are the same exact companies that bumped head, refused to enforce dispatch and refused to enforce the laws. maybe if we'd done that, we wouldn't have uber and lyft in the cities, we would have been much better organized and much better dispatched to people in
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the city. the opposition of the idea to slow down the prop k or the free medallions at the airport or make it faster for people who have medallions of course is always supported by taxi companies because they want to dominate this business, and they just want to make their millions of dollars no matter how much the people that struggle or how much the people that bought medallions struggle. color schemes are actually color scams. we are not getting any business in the city through the companies, we are just getting scammed, but we are being charged money for nothing. we are not getting any -- any money from the companies. on daily struggle, we are stuck with medallions forever. >> thank you.
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next speaker. >> herbert, followed by austin, and mark. >> herbert winer. i have a riddle. what's the difference between santa claus and muni? santa claus gives presents. muni gives misery for the holidays. last friday, i had to wait 25 minutes for a bus at california and presidio. the bus went to fourth avenue, and then, there was a switchback. and i don't blame the drivers for this at all. i was really furious, and everyone knew about it. i'm sure people were quietly furious. i have another question. how many people on the m.t.a. board, m.t.a. management, and how many people support vision zero or the bicycle coalition or muni acts?
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muni acts are those who blindly support muni acts. i can't identify the muni acts, only the muni acts know who they are. so the next time they stair at the meyer or when they look at -- at the mirror when they look at themselves in the morning, they have to ask themselves, are they a muni-ac? >> next speaker, please. >> austin, followed by mark. >> hi. i'm austin peterson. i started driving san francisco taxi in '88. i was looking at other opportunities in the '90's, but people persuaded me that i wanted to work towards a prop k medallion. now that i have a prop k
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medallion, my take-home pay is less now every day than it was in the '90's without a medallion, so every day has been a slog for the last three, four, five years, not even accounting for inflation. i look at my numbers every day, and i'm taking home less money now than i was in the '90's. flee wheel needs a heat map. that would tell me which neighborhood has the most requests and the fewest taxis. with the old dispatch, i used to know which neighborhood needs taxi, but with the new dispatch, i have no idea. and another subject, now that we have uber and lyft, a lyft driver gets hit by an uninsured driver while carrying passengers, that driver has to come up with a $1500 deductible
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to get his car fixed, so uber and lyft is not an opportunity for anyone. it's theft of the driver's wages. i'm done. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> mark, followed by carl and mary. >> thank you, chair brinkman, directors. last week, i resigned from the taxi task force. you should have gotten a copy of my e-mail explaining my reasons, so i won't go into them here. i've also explained in the past my opposition for caste reasons for taxis. your stake in the medallion sales program and the financial jeopardy you face mean you're not a disinterested regulator that can be relied upon to make impartial decisions. you can't change that fact, but you can remediate it. drivers are induced to purchase medallions after their path to an earned medallion was cutoff.
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now they're virtually worthless. provide fair compensation for people for the loss of march did he mal i don't knows. there are potential sources of revenue for this purpose. and incidentally, as i read the city charter, there is no requirement that the state windfall you're about to receive be used only for capital purposes. in my view, compensating medallion holders would be allow allowed. it's really a matter of will, and in that case, think people of san francisco would be in favor of making these people with medallions whole. >> thank you.
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next speaker. >> i'm going to quote from judge kahn's ruling in the demurrer, the credit union sufficiently alleges breach of contract and breach of implied coughnent of good faith and unfair deelg, so i think the city's going to be on the hook for 30 to $50 million in damage so far. at the same time, you are selling medallions to people for $250,000 and doing nothing to keep uber and lyft or the street, but you're ripping out 8,000 series medallions and also issuing and selling more medallions yourselves to buy buses with. so i think you can have various
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ways to get the money back. you could also start enforcing against violations of state and city law occurring on the streets. it's kind of a copout to say you don't have jurisdiction when in fact if a lyft or uber driver runs a red light, the sfpd can give them a ticket. we have lyft and you beer drivers who don't have insurance. the congestion in the city is off the charts, and there's no money in the industry if you don't thin out the ranks. in six years that uber and lyft have been here, i don't think one single person's been picked up who are in a motorized wheel they ar chair, but they're allowed to
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violate policy. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> mary, followed by teresa, and ziad. >> good afternoon. i'd like to address something nobody's talked about in your medallion reform package by creating these two separate but inequal classes of taxis. somebody you're hurting, and that's 1800 drivers that don't have medallions. you never have talked about them or considered them. 1800 drivers in order to help 540 drivers. and those 1800 drivers, they don't have medallions. they have families, they've got kids. you never hear from them. they're never here. maybe they're out working or they're uninformed, they're not in the loop. i call them the silent majority, and they are going to be the victims of your mistakes. nobody will talks about them.
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their fate is not even considered in this, which you need to go back and vote on by the way. i also want to address last week's taxi task force meeting. they were ugly, i hear. the director isn't running these meetings fairly. she's favoring the prop k medallion holders and letting them interrupt those who waited their turn. i was attacked and degraded when it came my time to speak, and i would like to know how
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many of these prop a medallion holders are women and how many are going to hire women and as a result will women stay in the industry if they're locked out of s.f.o.? >> okay. thank you. >> okay. next time. >> okay. thank you very much. next speaker. >> teresa and ziad and then jete is the last person. >> during the last taxi task force meeting, mark was insulted by the people who kept on interrupting. the books say in the task force that only the task force member will speak, and the people who are outside will just wait until the left, but they kept interfering and did not let them speak. he got so angry, he just left the meeting and then resigned.
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the director was not following the rules, which she told everybody 20 times and she was not following the rules. she should be out of a job. we don't come there for insult. now coming to this miss amanda, the board member, you don't know about the taxi industry. you said you were going to vote against it, and then, you voted for it in just a few minutes. bring this agenda item, item six back on the table. this is nothing but a proud propos proposal going on. if you put 350 medallion at the airport, they will wait two to three to four hours to get out. they're 540. they cannot gain a penny at the airport, but this is going to destroy 1800 drivers, which
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miss mary mcguire mentioned, it's going to destroy their jobs, destroy the industry. this is such a garbage, such a garbage. ed ree ed reiskin knows nothing to do this. you are just trying to fit in the taxi industry. please bring this back on the agenda. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> use the microphone, please. thank you so much. >> i am siad. i am a medallion purchaser, and i want to talk about the new suggested regulations at s.f.o. for taxis. nobody is speaking on his behalf or her behalf, but i
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