tv Government Access Programming SFGTV December 31, 2018 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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like i'm mistreated, so i don't know if you understand our feeling of our issue. you know, there are a lot of people. we need your help. but also i hope you consider home owners. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> sheamus, district 5 resident. usually when i'm behind a microphone i'm on a patio and have had a few drinks, but tonight i'm here to thank jane kim for everything she's done for san francisco. i didn't know who she was two and a half years ago, but what i did know was who her opponent was, and that was more than enough for me. and i really quickly realized how amazing her work has done to help and elevate the lives of all san franciscans. i could list everything that she's done, but there's only two minutes of time. and then i have to say, and a
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lot of people don't know this, maybe other people on the campaign do, i don't think jane does, but very early on in the mayoral campaign i was a little bit torn, because i did like mark, too, but i remember phone banking for him one night and the last person who i talked to was a very enthusiastic jane supporter, and she said, oh, jane is so inspiring, has done so much for san francisco. and i just remember not even thinking and shouting back, i agree! and then i realized right then and there where my heart and passion belonged, for which candidate, and thank you so much for everything that you have done. and it's -- and the other thing that i really like about jane is the people that she surrounds herself with. her staff, all of her legislative aides, the volunteers, there's probably about a million -- [ applause ] -- every other person here cheers for jane, and i also really have to say, i don't
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really know malia cohen or katy tang particularly well, or really at all, but i think they've also done a great job. katy tang is very popular and very well-liked in her district. i grew up in district 5, so district 4 is my neighboring district, and malia cohen, i think, has shown a lot of humility, humor at times and done a really good job as board president. yeah, anyways, thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. president dejesus? oh, please, continue. sorry. that would be you. please, go right ahead. >> good afternoon. my name is esella ford and i'm here today to speak to you about the next agenda item. i want to let you know that i'm here to represent the san francisco pretrial release
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project, board of directors, and we wanted to take the time to thank you, thank you for your support, thank you for speaking with david over the last couple months, maybe before him with nancy ruben, to share with you information about the issues that are impacting our agency and the clients that we serve. i wanted to just tell you a little bit about myself. i joined the board a year ago, and it's the first board that i've been on, and it has been an amazing time to join the board. you know, i knew of the work that pretrial was doing, because i worked in the san francisco jails for 15 years for the department of public health, and i saw how much they were able to help people that were falling through the cracks. and i think they still continue to do this amazing work, and that is why i agreed to support the work of the board. i think we're at a critical time, and we wanted to bring to
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your attention that we were going to really need everyone to rally behind us, so that we're all at the table, having conversations about next steps, and the work that pretrial does, continues to be done as an independent organization. there's a lot of conversations about what the future of the agency, but we wanted to just make sure that we thank you for your support and you can count on us for information and continuing dialogue. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker. >> good afternoon. thank you, president cohen, and i'm here for item 64, to support the independence of pretrial. and i really appreciate the cosponsors and your leadership, president cohen, to bring this before the board in december, when you have other things to celebrate, like three
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supervisors who are leaving us. so president cohen, i want to also join the "ditto, ditto" that we're hearing from the audience, especially focused on jane kim, that deserves every ditto from every person here today, including bringing criminal justice to the fore of our agenda. so, thank you. and you, president cohen, the breakthrough that you brought to us around criminal justice reform, focused on police reform, will never be forgotten. thank you very much. and cannabis and a few other things. supervisor tang, thank you for today, and thank you for bending towards justice around maternal and child health, antitrafficking, some other stuff around homelessness i wish you could have done more in your district, but i understand the district, so we look forward to
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some of those bending towards justice for the whole community and your district included. thank you, and best to all of you. keep pretrial independent, nonprofit, it's innocent until proven guilty. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is kate monaco kline. i'm a member of the board of the san francisco pretrial diversion project. additionally, i was a staff person at pretrial 40 years ago. so i've been very proud to be associated with pretrial for these many years. i want to thank all of you for supporting the pretrial budget process for the past year, and i'm here now to ask you to support this resolution, which would allow us to preserve pretrial diversion while a round
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table group comes together to deliberate and really come up with what are the next steps we need to take to move forward with diversion services. i want to say something about the pretrial staff. well, first of all, for the past 42 years, pretrial has operated as an independent entity, and that's been really critical. they've worked with the d.a., the public defender, the courts, and just a myriad of community agencies over the years. but the real strength of pretrial has been the staff, who come from all over the city and from every neighborhood. they come from the same communities that their clients come from, and the result has been that they know their clients, they know their families, and they know the neighborhoods. this in turn has built tremendous trust between clients and staff, and the result has been that clients get to court
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on time and they get the resources and the services that they need. please vote to support the pretrial diversion project as an independent and neutral agency, while a round table is convened to create a suitable pretrial model for san francisco. thank you very much. >> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, my name's kevin stall. i want to first start off and wish everyone a happy holidays this year, and also to thank malia cohen and katy tang for your many years of service to the board of supervisors. and i wish katy a happy belated birthday. and i'm here to speak about jane kim and the first experience i really had with her was when she first ran for supervisor. she actually came to the neighborhood and was listening and hearing what we had to say and what we needed to get done in the neighborhood to improve it and make it safer for everybody, and through jane's extraordinary leadership, we have vastly improved the quality
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of life in the tenderloin neighborhood. not perfect right now, but it is so much better through jane's office. and i am so happy and honored to be a long-time resident of the neighborhood. in fact, almost five years ago, this coming january, i was appointed to the pedestrian safety advisory committee representing district 6 just after the city adopted vision zero, and through her hard work and working with the department of public works and all the other m.t.a. and everything else, we helped to improve the pedestrian safety levels in our neighborhood so much. and jane, thank you so much for listening to the people, inspiring us to be better community leaders and be better people. and no matter what you do in the future, you got a real fan in me, and i will support you and everything you do. lastly, i want to really talk
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about item number 36 here now. okay, sorry, happy holidays, everybody, and thank you so much. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> provide some footnotes to item 36 that haven't been covered. my name's joe wilson from hospitality house, here with my colleagues, kenya hatcher and wendy click. i want to acknowledge three departing supervisors, supervisor tang, cohen, and kim. and express our gratitude for your years of service to the people of the city and county of san francisco. i want to speak more directly to our nearly decades-long relationship with supervisor kim. speaking on behalf of my predecessor, jackie jenks, the profound gratitude we feel for you and all that you have done, your friendship and your support for the people of district 6. a couple of struggles.
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the standing tall with the community and our fight with tasers, the historic effort you led to establish the compton's special district, the lasting impact of the free city college victory, and acknowledging both you and supervisor cohen for your leadership on "ban the box," which has a profound -- made a profound difference in the lives of folks to re-enter the community. i also want to say that you have reaffirmed for us what public service can mean. and the fact that, you know, champions are made, not born, and you have been a champion for district 6. and lastly i want to acknowledge your tremendous work and consistent work in lifting up the voices of working women of color and surrounding yourself with a group of fierce women
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lawyers, who have inspired all of us to continue in this struggle, and so that is a debt that will be repaid over time, lasting well into the future, and we are in full gratitude and lasti lasting appreciation for that. so thank you. >> clerk: thank you, joe. next speaker, please. >> my name is marcus williams. i wanted to send ms. kim off and i wanted to also just make sure everybody knows that she has done drag, and i remember it, and i have proof of it. right there, right there, right there. i have proof that we're friends. >> supervisor kim: so has supervisor mandelman. >> where's my pictures? i'd also like to announce my early campaign for 2026 mayor. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> brandon, i told you i'd be back soon. hello. first of all, i really want to
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acknowledge the three women who are turning out and the amazing work they did. i want to start off with supervisor tang. never got a chance to meet or talk with you, but i really appreciate your work, especially around animal rights. my mom ran a dog fostering nonprofit, and your work here in city hall, making sure that these animals find a home, your ban on the self fur is just amazing work, and i really appreciate it. i think you all could learn and bring more kittens and puppies to city hall, it would make it a better place, so thank you, supervisor. president cohen, thank you for exemplifying what it means to be on botnam and boss, thank you for stepping up as president of the board of supervisors, and i think you did a very great job in your couple of months leading the board. i'm excited to see where you go, and i'm certain i will see you soon. and i really appreciate your work protecting marginalized communities against predatory corporations and fighting against racist police practices. your work has been noted and appreciated. supervisor kim, always had been a fan of yours, even before i
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got a chance to help sell you your last mac book when i worked at the apple store. one of the biggest surprises was getting a chance to know you, getting a chance to really say that you're my friend. i really loved knocking on hundreds of thousands of doors for you, and you know that i will be there again for whatever you do. you know, i can genuinely say i love you a whole lot. you're an amazing friend, and i could go on and on and on, but i really hope that the board continues the legacy that these wonderful women have started, and i hope you all have a wonderful holiday season. and i will be seeing you soon again. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker. >> good afternoon. my name is alicia. i am the chief programs officer -- >> clerk: can you please pull the microphone close? thank you. >> is that better? chief programs officer at san francisco pretrial diversion project. as a pretrial services
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professional, i'm here to urge the board of supervisors to adopt the resolution urging the mayor's office to maintain the structural independence of the pretrial services program in san francisco. while i am grateful for the progressive movement towards a more equitable pretrial system that the california legislature designed, i believe a truly equitable pretrial system is one where the process is not led or applied by a law enforcement body, but an agency with deep understanding of the legal and ethical principles that underlie pretrial services. this is not to say law enforcement agencies do not or cannot apply by legal doctrine or make equitable decisions, but there are fundamental differences between pretrial services and law enforcement services such as probation. probation is focused on rehabilitation and the long-term impact in lieu of incarceration, this is a sentence. the presumption of pretrial release is a constitutional right. it is protected regulatory process that's limited to the pretrial period.
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it is a process that's a logical extension of the presumption of innocence. these differences lead to clearly distinguishable practices and accessible working knowledge pretrial applications. the commingling of these principles can lead to inequitable outcomes. san francisco has been consistently on the forefront of transparent, equitable, and collaborative social change, so i urge you to maintain this process and provide a platform to model these shared values for our communities in san francisco. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, board. my name is gerald white, and i am from pretrial diversion, san francisco pretrial diversion project. i am part of the daily machinery at san francisco pretrial diversion. in my capacity as a court liaison, i am charged with making sure that all the information and all the hard work that the case managers and all of the rest of the pretrial
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services staff do, that that information is presented to all the judicial parties involved. the judges, the public defenders, the district attorneys. the effectiveness of pretrial diversion lies in the way this information is disseminated, and it is disseminated in a neutral manner, meaning that we present the truth as it stands for those particular individuals that we work with. in my capacity, as well, it's my duty and my job to foster and nurture relationships among those judicial parties. and in order for me to do that, the effectiveness of that lies in the fact that i am a neutral body and that i don't have a slanted agenda of any type. with this, it is very important that pretrial services remains independent. i have in my entirely over 20 years of tenure working with pretrial services. when i started 20 years ago,
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pretrial services was for most counties and jurisdictions just a notion, and at that time we were already operating at full capacity. so it is with this that it is very important that pretrial services remains an independent, neutral party. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> yes, my name's bob bratton. i'm the judicial liaison officer for pretrial services. i'm also a retired superior court commissioner from contra costa county, and prior to being appointed to the bench by the judicial officers -- >> president cohen: please speak into the mike. we can't really hear you. thank you. >> my apologies. prior to my appointment by the judges, i also served in contra costa county as a public defender. i have to tell you that i would have been absolutely delighted when i was working as a bench officer and/or representing the accused to have an independent
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we appreciate your support. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker. >> good afternoon, board of supervisors. >> clerk: sfgtv, please. >> i'm captain brian pennington. >> clerk: speak directly into the microphone, please. >> i'm captain brian pennington, out of santa barbara, investigator for the disabled. i have been an investigator for the disabled for seven years. i took a three-year sabbatical to sail to the south pacific. my sailboat is pictured there.
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came to san francisco to replenish the vessel with food and whatever for the trip. i encountered an incident with the san francisco police department marine unit. i don't know if you noticed, but there is some damage on the port and starbird side of that vessel, along with some graffiti that the swimmers put on my vessel at the swimming club. basically, my vessel was inoperable at that point. i found safe harbor for the vessel in aquatic park, but it was the safest place to put her, until i figured out what i was going to do with the damage. not long after that, park
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services told me i needed to vacate, that they owned the water, that they were regulating the waters. under title 33, the only people that can regulate anchorages are the coast guard and transportation of authority. so i disregarded what they were saying. i was trying to get the repairs done to my vessel. the vessel was impounded. to this day, i don't know where it is. i'm asking for the help from the board of supervisors. >> clerk: thank you, captain, for your comments. that concludes your time. >> i think i should say good evening at this point. i'm betsy walken.
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i will wear two hats in the few minutes i have. first, i'm a member of the bar association of san francisco criminal justice task force and i've served for almost two years on the bail committee. we welcome, as do i'm sure most of if not all of you, on the board of supervisors the legislation of sb10 and i'm asking and wanting to let you know that the bar association's task force wholeheartedly supports this resolution, believing that collaborative process should be used to determine the best, most effective way to deliver pretrial services in san francisco. taking that hat off, putting an hat i wear all the time. i've been a criminal defense lawyer in san francisco for almost as long as pretrial services has been in existence, 40 years. i have day-to-day,
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hour-after-hour experience with people in the jails, waiting to be released, facing criminal charges. and i strongly believe -- and i think i speak for all of my colleagues -- that pretrial assessment, release, supervision, is best handled by an independent organization or agency that is not related to law enforcement and does not provide post-conviction services. i want to say to you that what this resolution does is create a time and a space for people to collaboratively work together as we have for years in criminal justice and decide what is best for pretrial services. there is no time pressure here the legislation creates a five-year window transitioning from pretrial services to the mandates of s.b.10 and allows
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discretion to contract with an independent agency. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> i'm just coming here to say -- [laughter] i just want to say three lovely ladies, president malia cohen, i'm going to miss you. i come here special for that. and jane kim, i'm going to miss you guys. and katy tang. they're like my family. enjoy your christmas. okay. bye. >> president cohen: another rare moment where claudine is at a
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loss for words. thank you. >> clerk: thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> good evening, board of supervisors, i'm tammy brian, constituent in district 5. as a person that works a full-time job, it's hard to participate in city government and i don't know all the rules, but there are things around h.s.a. i will email you about. the main reason i came tonight, i was very happy with the last election. welcome back to supervisor stefani and mandelman, but wanted to say good-bye to the three that are leaving. to katy tang, even though we haven't always agreed politically, i never forgot the time i emailed you and sent it to the wrong address and said, you don't care what i think.
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you said, i do care and take everyone's opinions into account. and i want to thank you for your animal welfare advocacy. i was through the roof with all of that. thank you. i wish you well. to president cohen, thank you for your service. i look forward it having you statewide in the board of equalization. out of your good work, what stands out for my heart was the police accountability piece. thank you for that. you've left san francisco much better than when you got here and we still have so much more work to do. supervisor jane kim, i'm here to tell you how much i love you and how much i'm grateful to you. i've been with you since 2004 and you have never disapointed. you've always done great and wonderful work and i want to thank you so much for your service. you were never my supervisor, but i appreciate your votes and your advocacy and san francisco will be a better place because of you.
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i wish you the best in the future. i miss you. i love you. and thank you. best of everything. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hi. i'm tim figeris. i worked in south of market and was fortunate enough to work across the street from where jane lived. for years, i was never big into politics and all of that. quick story i need to share. when i first saw jane, i remember she was standing under a clock at the rec center. and i didn't know who she was. somebody said, she's on board of ed and running for supervisors, but no one was really going up to her or anything. and then later on, everybody was beelining to her with an agenda or something, but she always took the time to listen. the other time, next time i met jane, there was a fire. i was out to dinner with my family. there's a fire. you need to come down.
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the supervisor will be down there. so i ran down there. you don't want to get in trouble, so i ran down there. there's jane. she's always dressed to the hilt with her stiletto heels and everything. and instead of barking orders of what to do, she's laying down tarp and cots for the people who were displaced because of the fire. and that's when i kind of took a turn. oh, all politicians aren't the same. that meant a lot it me. people don't understand, but sometimes people -- and you guys are not all like that, but that meant a lot to me. she won me over. you can see by all the people that who are here to say nice things about her, it's true. she's a hard worker. very intelligent. you don't always agree with her, but she said what she needs to say and what she believes in and that's all you can ask for.
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i'm happy to say she is a good friend as well as my bus. so thank you, thank you, thank you. the city will miss you. i hope you still hang out and help out at soma. thank you very much. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. >> good evening. i'm honey mahogany, transgender cultural district. i, too, wanted to thank our outgoing supervisors. supervisor tang, thank you for your leadership on prop e. and to board president malia cohen. thank you for your outstanding leadership on the budget this year. i know it was a really hard process and you handled it like a champion. i also really wanted to thank you for your equity initiatives that you have tackled. the one closest to my heart was african-american health disparity initiative. i think it's incredible that you took that on.
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so thank you. and, of course, to supervisor kim, would has helped me personally so much through the establishment of the transgender cultural district, establishment of the sf lgbtq district in soma and all your help in making sure that is was not misplaced and we continue to be the oldest lgbtq establishment. thank you for your work. san francisco is a better city because of you >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> tom gilberti. 50 years ago, 1968, mohammed ali was the indisputed heavyweight boxing champion around the world.
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his drama included the thriller in manila. taking on sonny liston, becoming mohammed ali, becoming a muslim. getting away with not trying to kill vietnamese in vietnam when he had no ability to go around the corner and get a hamburger in this country. and the court banged -- backed him up. ali, boom-ba-ya, parkinson's. lighting the olympic torch we were privilege to witness this man's life. 1968. 1968, the year that martin luther king and robert f. kennedy were shot, murdered. do you think that both of these men would have had an affect on their country for the past 50
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years? mohammed ali had an effect. martin luther king and robert f. kennedy would have had an effect also. robert f. kennedy would not have lost to richard milhous nixon in 1968. hubert humphrey barely lost. we have a way to go in this country to catch up. and now if you -- any of you talk to the mayor, she's grabbing the reigns of being a mayor in the city and she wants to tighten up organizations. the people that recommends that she vote against issue c in this election. maybe they need to move out of city hall, too. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> thank you, madam clerk. good evening, ladies and gentlemen, of the board.
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earlier this year i said that citywide case management community focus is our real police force. it is a real judiciary and real legislature. these were not vain, empty, ir responsible statements. they were not hyperbole. they were, in fact, impericial backup. sfgov tv, if you can focus on the laptop, please. it's not showing up. okay. technical problems. i happen to have a paper copy. this is a graph -- there it goes. okay, great. this shows mental health filings at san francisco superior court over the last two decades along with criminal filings. as you can see, there's been a marked drop in felony filings. that's the orange bar. about 50%.
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misdemeanor filings have fallen even further. felonies are trending downward and mental health findings have surged upward. 2,500 people per year. these are san francisco people. they're forced into treatment. we have tens of thousands of people in san francisco today perhaps in involuntary treatment. this is a substantial portion of the population, which should be receiving your sustained attention. there is something else i was going to add. i can't remember. i'm out of time. back to you, madam clerk. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. any other members of the public that would like to address the board? now is your opportunity. madam president. >> president cohen: thank you, ladies and gentlemen.
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public comment is closed. i think that brings us to item 64. >> clerk: 64-70. >> president cohen: that's right. okay. would you please sever -- excuse me. are there any members that would like to sever any items, 64-70? seeing none, okay. >> i would like to sever 68-70. >> president cohen: i would like to sever 64. >> supervisor yee: 66. >> supervisor safai: i was going to say, my name is officially a co-sponsor on 64. thank you. >> president cohen: thank you. >> clerk: so that leaves 65 and 67.
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>> president cohen: let's do a roll call vote. [roll call vote] >> clerk: there are 11 ayes. >> president cohen: thank you very much. those items are passed. madam clerk, please call item 64. >> clerk: resolution to urge the mayor's office to convene a roundtable to recommend a pretrial services model consistent with the implementation of statewide bail reform. >> president cohen: colleagues, you heard public comment.
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you know that item 36, people wanted it talk about. the second item was item 64. and i want to thank you for considering this item. as you know, pretrial services is essential for limiting incarceration to change the criminal justice system with an eye towards equity. for decades, san francisco pretrial division program has helped over 27,000 clients find alternate programs of rehabilitation, of education, community service, for the first time, nonviolent offenders, to keep them out of prison. state bill 10, which was passed, to move away from unfair bail money system, mandates that each county offer pretrial diversion services like those that we have here in san francisco. to have pretrial services fall directly under law enforcement,
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particularly adult probation, it seems funny. it makes me uncomfortable. it seems like there's a potential conflict of interest. as we bring these services to the official city functions, i think it's essential that pretrial services be under a civil authority. senate bill 1054, which was signed by the governor in september, granted the city and county of san francisco an extension to maintain the current, separate, nonprofit funding operations until january of 2023. i heavy some brief nonsubstantive amendments that i have circulated. you should have them in front of you. first, i'd like to add "whereas clause to read as follows, september 30, s.b. 1054 was enacted that granted the city
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and county the ability to contract with the nonprofit entity performing pretrial services to provide continuity and sufficient time to transition the entity's employees to public employment." and i would like to amend the first resolved clause on page 2 line 6 to reflect senate bill 1045, "resolved that the board of supervisors reiterates the city and county of san francisco's authority under 1054 to allow san francisco pretrial services agency to continue operating in its current form as an independent, nonprofit organization." i want to thank supervisor mandelman, supervisor peskin, supervisor safai, supervisor ronen, supervisor stefani, yee, fewer, brown, all for their
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co-sponsorship. supervisor kim, i don't want to leave you out. are you in? supervisor tang, come on. all right. wonderful. i think that's everybody. all right. with that said, i hope that you will join not only me in urging the mayor's office, but also that you will join the many people that came for public comment. i hope that we can count on your support. thank you. thank you, madam clerk. let's put this to a vote. motion has been made to accept the amendments, motion made by peskin, seconded by safai. and we can take those amendments without objection. thank you. madam clerk, i think we can take as amended the resolution without objection? same house, same call. thank you, everyone. i appreciate it. madam clerk, please call the next item. >> clerk: supervisor yee severed
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item 66, resolution to commemorate 75th anniversary of the repeal of the chinese exclusion act of 1943. >> president cohen: the floor's yours. >> supervisor yee: thank you, president cohen. in 1882, the federal government passed a chinese exclusion act that was the first law of our country to exclude immigrants based on race and ethnicity. after six decades -- it took six decades to repeal this act in 1943. so today i'm going to rise, because i am proud that all of you were outside joining me for a press event to not only -- to me, it was about recognizing the repeal itself after 75 years,
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but i felt another energy, which was that, we stood together to basically -- basically say to the federal government, you're not going to do this again, to any group in the united states. and we will be standing together to fight this. so i'm really proud and thank you for each of you supervisors joining me as a co-sponsor. >> president cohen: thank you very much, supervisor yee. supervisor kim. >> supervisor kim: i want to thank you supervisor yee for introducing this. this is an important part of the american story in history. as we're seeing today with some of the xenophobic policies and leadership and speech in this country, it's just a reminder of what has happened in this country more than 100 years ago.
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the very first racial band was the chinese exclusion act of 1880. and the first racial registry was established soon after that, akin to the muslim registry and travel bans that we hear our president talk about today. and a lot of folks don't know this, but it was here in san francisco that the chinese six companies organized in the late 1800s to lead a civil disobedience protest asking chinese and chinese-americans not to register in this national registry. and it happened here in the city. and it's important for us to remember the city and for young asian-americans to know that we've long fought for the civil rights and expansion of liberties in this country and also so it doesn't happen again. similar it with the we're seeing today, asian-americans launched thousand of lawsuits after the 1880 chinese exclusion acts and we'll continue to see our citizens fight on behalf of protecting our constitution
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today, as they did well over 100 years ago. thank you, supervisor yee. >> president cohen: thank you. are you ready to take a vote? all right. colleagues, can we take this same house, same call? looks like we can. without objection. this resolution passes. congratulations, supervisor yee. job well done. madam clerk, leads us to 68, 69 and 70. >> clerk: severed by supervisor peskin, 68, commending katy tang, item 69, resolution to commend and honor supervisor jane kim for her distinguished member as a member of the san francisco board of supervisors and for item 70, a resolution to commend and honor supervisor malia cohen for her distinguished service as member and president of the san
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francisco board of supervisors. >> president cohen: now it's time to celebrate. who wants to go first? supervisor peskin, of course. >> supervisor peskin: thank you. i want to start out by saying it's been a remarkable time to serve on the board again and that the departure of three senior ranking women, women of color, each of them passionate and smart about their own areas of public policy is, i think, a significant loss for the san francisco board of supervisors. i've known all three before they were members of the board and so i will start with item 68 and then i will come back on the roster for 69 and 70. but i just asked katy when i first met her, which was in 2006, when she was in mayor's
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budget office, and then later on, i got to know her as my colleague's board aide. that was before board aides took over the board of supervisors. [laughter] and then have been delighted in working with you for the last three years as a colleague. don't worry. i'm not going to start crying. but i was really heartbroken -- there was a rumor, a reporter called me and said, is it true that katy is not filing for re-election? i said, no, it not possible. and i went there and i said, it was like 10 minutes to 5:00 and katy said, i couldn't figure out a way to tell you that. it wasn't because it was a political secret. i was heartbroken. i think that's a sign of my
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profounded my asian and respect for you. i've always been a stickler for reading as much as i can. you and jane have given me a run for my money on that, particularly as it comes to the planning code. i mean, i will never forget, i had some reservations about home-sf and katy came in with a meticulously tabbed, read every word and had a response to every single thing and we were able to work it out, but you have been extraordinary in your knowledge of all that stuff. and we share a love for the environment and i don't have that connection with anyone else. whether it's saving salmon in san joaquin or banning plastic straws or the work we did on proposition a, which is in play as it relates to the future of energy independence, those are
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things that we teamed up on and even though we were weirdly -- i know you are frugal and i will be lonely because i know when set-asides come along, instead of 9-2 vote, i will lose on 10-1 vote. [laughter] and we've been great partners at the t.a. and i want to say, the professional courtesy that you give all your colleagues and not just you but your staff, reflects the same sentiment, whether it's deanna or ashley or our beloved medica, who we kind of shared, ray, your staff is also really been very, very easy to work with. even when you don't have the kittens, i like to go there.
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you know the sunset. i like to shop at 22nd and irving produce, in katy's neighborhood. and i have to say, despite the fact that katy is nice and lovely, don't mess with her. whether you are the reporter from fox news, who she without hesitation told where to stick it, and i will not repeat the term, but i once got in trouble for saying it to a colleague about payback and she knows those rules of the road, too. so, katy, i just looked all of you up on the internet. 545 meetings on the board of supervisors exclusive of the t.a. you took almost 10,000 votes in those six years. that's extraordinary. you deserve a break from the public eye, but i hope you don't stay away too long. it's been a pleasure working with you.
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i got this article that i wrote for you, that i signed and got you some flowers. [applaus [applause] >> supervisor ronen: we'll go in rounds and focus on one of our beloved colleagues. supervisor tang, i will miss you. i have also, a profound respect for you and i think that's something that we all share.
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some of the things that i respect most about you is how easy you are to work with, you are a straight shooter, you are always accessible. you are so prepared. i always appreciate that you reached out to me when you had complicated legislation to sit down with me and walk me through it every single time. i don't know any other supervisor that does that. you take that proactive approach and you bring the documents that are so well organized and have, you know, bolded sections and make these really complicated land use matters understandable. and i just -- i felt like only someone that did that before would take the time to do that for her legislation. it's something that you taught me about how we can bring the legislative aide schools,
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looking at vallie and catherine, and translate them to becoming a supervisor. and you really pave the way for all of us who have made that transition. so i want to appreciate that. i also want to -- i saw you take some courageous stances and do it with so much dignity when it came to navigating the difficult waters around cannabis and your district. i watched you balance that in a way that i thought was really profound and dignified, and it gave me a deeper respect for you. and it was really -- i was happy to support you during that time because you deserved it. and, finally, your love for animals and, oh, my gosh, you don't even know the discussions you set off with the puppies this weekend with my family.
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i have conversed with animal control and care. i was offered to take home a puppy and had long discussions with my family, but we felt like we couldn't commit to the puppy right now, but we will be adopting a dog in the near future and you pushed me to the limits with that one. so i just want to thank you so much for your work and i'm so excited to see what you do next because you will excel tremendously at it because that's the type of person you are. i hope to stay in touch with you and interact with you and work with you again in my life because it's been an immense pleasure. thank you for everything you've done. >> supervisor yee: thank you. it's -- you know, i'm glad i'm not last on this one. but, katy, it's been a real pleasure to have you as our next
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door neighbor in terms of being supervisors and dealing with some common issues, but i really respect much of what you've done for the city. your stance on environmental issues is something that i'm hoping i can just follow and be able to do and get close to what you've done. hopefully, we could get the rest of my colleagues to continue to support those issues. i think that the thing that's been appreciated, especially in my office, is the legislation around having places for mothers to breast-feed or pump. and it's something that has been needed. and it's not only appreciated at
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city hall, but all the departments are trying to duplicate that effort. and i'm hoping that the school district could also do that, because i -- when you did the legislation, my daughter had her kid and she was telling me, there was nowhere to go and the principal wasn't allowing her to pump and i just thought it was strange. this is really not a family friendly environment in the united states and we need to change that. i think what you did was the beginning of that change. so i really appreciate that. and, by the way, you're always going to be known to me anyway that you will be the playland supervisor. that setup that she created out on 42nd avenue. it was amazing and it was amazing to see the mothers
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bringing the soldiers and using the area. it was a community space. and it's something that i hope to duplicate, not in a grandiose thing that you did. we don't have the space, but take the elements and create more children play spaces throughout san francisco. i really appreciate it. i really look forward to see what happens to you next. but i think i'm also really looking forward to having you as a constituent. [laughter] >> supervisor mandelman: i feel profoundly cheated that i only got to serve with these women for six months. i knew all of you before i started in july, but i've become even more of a fan as i've seen
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how you operate and, supervisor tang, what i appreciate among the things i appreciate about you, your ability to balance being true to your district and pursuing things that are important in the world and some of those examples have been cited, but that you've taken courageous stances that you've taken and you've represented with integrity in a way they're happy with. i also really respect and appreciate your ability to be a kind, collegial colleague, without being a pushover. you are strong. you pursue the things that you believe and always do it in an agreeable and kind way. i've enjoyed this brief time serving with you. i'm excited to see the amazing things you will continue to do
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in the world after you leave this board. >> president cohen: supervisor brown? >> supervisor brown: -- stepped in as supervisor as an aide. and we watched you. we watched to see how you were going to do, what you were going to do. you did an amazing job and did it with grace and you did it with humor. she has a pretty good sense of humor. and i just feel like i'm sad you are not doing another determine. i think everyone felt really sad that you weren't doing another term. but i really appreciate your environmental legislation. when you did home-sf, i was like, wow, that was brave of you. because when they first brought
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out home-sf, it was really a mess in the community. people didn't understand it they were not happy about it. when you picked it up and brought it out, you did a good job. and you have the best blueprint that anyone -- if anyone has looked at her blueprint, it's amazing, and it's katy because she rolled up her sleeves and did the blueprint. and i want to thank you for the kitties and puppies through the years and we should probably have one in our lap during our board supervisor meeting, petting it, stress relief. thank you. and i know your next venture will be amazing. >> president cohen: supervisor fewer. >> supervisor fewer: i've had the good fortune of sitting next to katy all this time i've been on the board. i want to say,
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