tv Government Access Programming SFGTV January 29, 2019 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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>> president yee: so at this time, i would like to ask if supervisor fewer would have any comments. >> supervisor fewer: thank you, president yee. i think we'll hear public comment first, and then, i'll make a motion. >> president yee: okay. are there any public comments on this item? seeing none, public comment is now closed. [gavel]. >> president yee: then i would say that the public hearing is now -- well, it's open, but i
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want to also say that it's my understanding that the appellant has withdrawn the appeal. supervisor fewer? >> supervisor fewer: president yee, that is correct. i make a motion to approve item 49 and table items 50 and 51. >> president yee: okay. thank you. okay. so we have a motion, and now, i need a motion -- by supervisor safai. madam clerk, roll call, please. >> clerk: on the motion to approve a approve item 49 and table items 50 and 51 -- [roll call]
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>> clerk: there are 11 ayes. >> president yee: so motion passes unanimously. [gavel]. >> president yee: madam clerk, i believe that's the end of our 3:00 special order items, and what i'd like to do is return back to our regular agenda items. i believe we're on item 30. >> clerk: item 31. >> president yee: 3 # is. madam clerk, please call item 31. >> clerk: it [agenda item read]. >> president yee: supervisor
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haney? >> supervisor haney: yes. so i have an amendment that's being passed out, which essentially asks us to do the opposite. i want to amend the resolution to state that the board of supervisors determine the type 20 license will serve the public convenience and the necessity of the city and county. i want to thank the p.n.s. committee for hearing this item. and as you all know, there was a challenge where the applicant, patrick mccarty of tank18 was unable to attend. i believe he's actually here today. he had an emergency, a person emergency that prevented him from attending. and at hearing, there was some -- a member from the public that alleged that tank18's bring your own bottle event was violating the type 75
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license. i believe i can clarify that, and just in general, tank18 has been a good neighbor, an upstanding business, has a lot of support in the community, and particularly at a time when our small businesses here are struggling and we have a number of vacant storefronts in the area. i'd like to propose that we amend this resolution and state that the license transfer will serve the public convenience and i'm happy to answer any questions. again, mr. mccarty who was not able to be at the p.n.s. hear because of a -- hearing because of a public emergency is here, and i'm sure would be available if anyone has any questions. >> president yee: okay. so there's a supervisor made by supervisor haney -- a motion made by supervisor haney to amend. is there a second? supervisor ronen. can we take these amendments without any objections?
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okay. amendment passes. [gavel]. >> president yee: sorry. can we -- without objection, can we take this -- can we take this amended resolution, as amended? okay. no objection or same house, same call? motion passes. [gavel]. >> president yee: okay. madam clerk, can you call item 32. >> clerk: 32 is a motion -- [inaudible] >> clerk: -- will serve the public convenience or necessity of the city and requesting that the california department of alcoholic beverage control impose conditions on the issuance of the license. >> president yee: okay. colleagues, can we take this item, same house, same call? without objection, this
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resolution is adopted. [gavel]. >> president yee: madam clerk, please call the next item. >> clerk: item 33, mr. president? item 33 is an ordinance to amend the administrative code to extend the termination date of managed care contracts approved under section 21-a.3 from december 31, 2020 to december 31, 2025. >> president yee: okay. colleagues, can we take this, same house, same call? without objection, the ordinance is passed on first reading unanimously. [gavel]. >> president yee: madam clerk, please call the next item. >> clerk: item 34 is an ordinariance to amend the administrative code to extend the sunset date of the graphy advisory board to march 1, 2022 and to require the board to submit annual rather than biannual reports to the may i can't remember and the board of supervisors. >> president yee: all right. colleagues, can we take this same house, same call? without objection, this ordinance is passed on first reading unanimously. [gavel]. >> president yee: madam clerk,
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please call the next item. >> clerk: item 35 is an order to authorize the district attorney and sheriff to send a request for entry of patrol to the united states department of homeland security to facilitate parole entrance into the united states and authorizing the district attorney and sheriff to notify d.h.s. immediately if the defendant posts baylor is acquitted or if no probable cause determination is found. >> president yee: okay. colleagues, the district attorney's confirmed that this ordinance is no longer needed and asks for us to table this item. so i have some speakers or some questions. supervisor ronen. >> supervisor ronen: yes, thank you, colleagues. this has been quite a frustrating experience dealing with this ordinance and the antics of the trump
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administration. the d.a. approached me over the break to inform me for the first time in their experience that the trump administration was demanding that they would extradite a man who was accused of raping an unconscious woman in his vehicle if the d.a. signed a letter informing d.h.s. of the disposition of the case -- in the case that the individual was granted bail, there wasn't -- the judge didn't file probable cause to continue with proceedings or if the individual was acquitted. this is the first time a request like this was ever made to the d.a.s office aside from the fact that they've had to seek extradition of individuals accused of crimes many times in the past. once again, as we found time and time again with the trump administration, he was more concerned about exploiting a
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crime than about working with the local district attorney's office to bring charges against an individual and ensure that individual was entitled to his due process rights and that the victim had the opportunity to face her accuser. it was more important to the trump administration to exploit a crime and scapegoat the immigrant community than it was to work with our officials to pursue justice and keep our community. the trump administration has been playing games with this particular case ever since. first, they said that they required this letter in order to extradite the individual. then, facing a deadline from the canadian government where the individual was being held, they decided to transfer the individual to san francisco. then, they said they would not transfer the individual to custody in san francisco, then
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they did transfer the individual to the sheriff's office in custody, and now, they're saying they don't even need the letter in the first place. enough games, enough games. today, i'm going to make a motion to file this item, especially since the individual has already been transferred to the sheriff's custody, has already been arraigned, has already been assigned a public defender, and the case is under way. but i wanted to take the opportunity to be very clear, that i am going to join in the future with my colleague, shamann walton who has said from the beginning that the trump administration is playing games, and he refuses to participate in those games. i will refuse to ever participate or even consider a resolution like this again. we were -- i was trying to work with our d.a. to make sure we did not violate sanctuary ordinance but were able to bring this individual back so
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that he could seek -- he could be -- have a trial, and my colleague, shamann walton was right all along. this is just games, and i will have nothing of it. i also will just take the opportunity to say that similar to the games that he's playing with this case, that the trump administration, despite the fact that supposedly six months ago he signed an executive order ending the separation of children from their families at the border, that there is a child coming back to san francisco this evening -- she's arriving on a flight at 10:00 p.m. at san francisco airport. she's 17 months old and has been separated from her mother and her father for months. he's still playing games with immigrant children separating them from their families. they had to wrestle -- d.h.s.
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agents had to wrestle this screaming child from her father's arms to take her away, and now, the mother has weekly face time interaction with her where the child won't even look at her mother. this is what this administration is doing. we will not play games with you, mr. trump, anymore. do not bring these ordinances to us again, d.a., because if he is going to play games with immigrant lives then it's on you. if you refuse to work with our local government in order to bring charges against an individual where there is probable cause to bring this individual to a trial and to justice, it's on you. we're no longer going to play your games. and with that, colleagues, i would like to make a motion to file this item. >> president yee: before we move on that, supervisor walton. >> thank you, president yee, and thank you, supervisor
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ronen. i just wanted to go on the record and say this because i think one of the cornerstones of what makes our city great and safe is our sanctuary policy. and we know a heinous crime was submitted, but in terms of who was trying to block the justice of this individual is the department of homeland security, and they would not allow us to extradite this individual. and they should be ashamed of themselves with playing chicken with people who are the victims of crimes, as well as the d.a. should be ashamed for bringing something to us which in my opinion is not in the jurisdiction of this body. they had the opportunity to sign the paperwork to bring the suspect in san francisco, and that's what should have happened. but asking the board of supervisors to play a shield on something like this i think is inappropriate and incomprehensible. the federal government has been
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attempting to sensationalize and politicize sanctuary policies in order to rush this ratest -- racest immigrant position in san francisco. and asking us to violate our sanctuary policies is something that can never happen again. and this is the fault of the federal government with games that they want to play with lives and families. and like supervisor ronen, i hope we never see a request like this come up again because a precedent like this asking us to violate our sanctuary policy could be irreversible in the future, and it's something we need to remember going forward on the board of supervisors. >> president yee: supervisor fewer? >> supervisor fewer: yes, i
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want to associate myself with supervisor walton's comments. i think we were being baited from the very beginning. i was a little shocked it came out of committee. i just want to warn us that this is a slippery slope. in the words of bill hing, who actually wrote our sang twaer city ordinance, this is a very slippery slope. i want to say the reason that people are undocumented -- the reason that undocumented people here in san francisco can live viable, healthy lives, the fact that they can take their children to school and go to work and be part of their community is we have put a blanket of protection around them. and if we put one tear into that blanket, there is another tear and another tear and another. and when every undocumented person in the united states has a target on their back, we should not be taking away that blanket, we should be doubling that blanket.
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it's not enough to say on the steps of city hall, standing arm in arm, we will stand by you. it's not enough. it's when the rubber hits the road, we tell our undocumented community that we are there with you no matter what. i just want to say the rest of the united states who have sang twaer t -- sanctuary cities, they, too, have signed onto being a sanctuary city. and don't think the trump administration is raining hard on them. they are, too. in san francisco, we stand for something. in san francisco, people look to us. when we chip away at our sanctuary city law, the rest of the nation looks at us, too. they stand strong because we stand strong. we have a bigger responsibility bigger than our jurisdiction of san francisco. we have a responsibility to the united states, to the rest of the world.
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i think this moment was actually very telling for me. i think that it is a time when we really need to double down. the trump administration has hired the most -- i think they are very, very intelligent, these people who he has hires -- hired, and they're very intelligent on immigration law. we must also be kept abreast of what was going on, but also we need to be aware that we could be baited at any time. i also want to say that i am proud here in san francisco that we have not buckled down. i am proud that we have said with our undocumented community, we will stand strong, we will continue to stand strong. we will stand by you, we will stand by our word that we have given time and time again that we will stand by you. and the rest of the nation is counting on us. and when i spoke to bill hing, he said, you know, sandra, this is a really slippery slope, and i would caution you not to go
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down it. i knew from the very beginning that this could be very, very dangerous. so i just wanted -- i just had to comment that this is the time that we're living in. why in the world would we ever cooperate with an authority that has taken children away from their families, and detaining people at the border and of calling these people names, and it's just been so ridiculous, this whole thing? why do we ever, ever, ever consent to anything that they ask of us? i think the only way we fight this is we stand united, we set a precedent for the rest of the united states. we stand strong. in san francisco, our word means something. thank you. >> president yee: thank you for your comments. [applause] >> president yee: and i just will -- will say two sentences. during our committee, when we heard this, i believe i tripped on the slope, and i'm glad my
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colleagues picked me up. so -- and i slipped. so there's a motion by supervisor ronen to table this item. need a second. seconded by supervisor walton. can we take this motion to table, same house, same call? [gavel]. >> president yee: so without objection, this item's tabled unanimously. madam clerk, please call the next item. >> clerk: item 36 is a -- >> president yee: i'm sorry. before you do that, the next -- i want to tell the public that the next few items, we're going to be excusing individuals on this board because we can't vote for ourselves. okay. supervisor -- i mean, madam clerk. >> clerk: yes, item 36 is a motion to appoint supervisor kathrin stefani to the mental
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health board, term ending january 31, 2021. >> supervisor peskin: move to excuse supervisor stefani. >> president yee: okay. the motion is made. is there a second? second by -- the motion was made by -- who made the motion? supervisor peskin, seconded by supervisor safai. if there's knno objection, the we will excuse supervisor stefani. madam clerk, please call the roll on this item. >> clerk: on item 36 -- [ro [roll call] >> clerk: there are ten ayes. >> president yee: okay.
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so this motion is passed by a vote of 10-0. [gavel]. >> president yee: madam clerk, could you please call the next item. >> clerk: item 37 is a motion to reappoint supervisor vallie brown to the golden gate district board of directors term ending january 31, 2021. >> president yee: okay. colleagues, can i have a motion to excuse supervisor brown. >> supervisor peskin: so moved. >> supervisor safai: so moved. >> president yee: okay. supervisor safai. is there a second? seconded by supervisor peskin. as soon as she's out of the room. so the motion to excuse supervisor brown made by supervisor safai and seconded by peskin, without objection. supervisor brown is now excused. [gavel]. >> president yee: madam clerk, please call roll on this item. >> clerk: on item 37 --
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[roll call] >> clerk: there are ten ayes. >> president yee: okay. this motion is approved with a 10-0 vote. [gavel]. >> president yee: madam clerk, please call the next item. >> clerk: item 38 is a motion to reappoint supervisor and president norman yee to the golden gate bridge highway and transportation board of directors term ending january 31, 2021. >> president yee: okay. i guess there -- colleagues, i need to be excused. can somebody make a motion -- >> supervisor peskin: i will make a motion to excuse president yee. >> president yee: okay. >> supervisor peskin: on that motion made and seconded --
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okay. [gavel]. >> supervisor peskin: so we did that item without objection. on the item, roll call, please, madam clerk. >> clerk: on that item -- [roll call] >> clerk: there are ten ayes. >> supervisor peskin: next item, please. >> clerk: item 39 is a motion to reappoint supervisor hillary rope to the san francisco lafco agency formation commission -- ropen to the san francisco lafco agency formation commission for a term ending february 23, 2023. >> president yee: can i have a motion to excuse supervisor ronen? moved by supervisor walton and seconded by supervisor brown.
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so with -- without any objections, then, supervisor ronen is excused. [gavel]. >> president yee: madam clerk, can you please call roll call. >> clerk: on item 39 -- [roll call] >> clerk: there are ten ayes. >> president yee: okay. this motion is approved unanimously. [gavel]. >> president yee: madam clerk, next item -- can you please call items 40 and 41 together. >> clerk: items 40 and 41 are two motions. item 40, reappoint supervisor sandra lee fewer to the san francisco local agency formation commission to a term ending february 4, 2023.
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and item 43, repine supervisor fewer to the brisk transportation board of directors term ending january 31, 2021. >> president yee: okay. can i have a motion to excuse supervisor fewer? supervisor brown, and seconded by supervisor peskin. if there's no objection, then, supervisor brown is excused. [gavel]. >> president yee: madam clerk, please call roll call for items 40 and 41. >> clerk: items 40 and 41 -- [roll call] >> clerk: there are ten ayes.
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>> president yee: okay. this motion's approved -- these motions are approved unanimously. [gavel]. >> president yee: madam clerk, please call the next item. >> clerk: item 42 is a motion to appoint supervisor gordon mar to the san francisco city college finance oversight committee for an indefinite term. >> president yee: okay. can i have a motion to excuse supervisor mar? and can i have a second? okay. so i have a motion made by supervisor ronen and seconded by supervisor mandelman. and without -- to excuse supervisor mar without objection, then, supervisor mar is excused. [gavel]. >> president yee: madam clerk, please call roll. >> clerk: mr. president, could you please repeat the motion and second. >> president yee: supervisor ronen made the motion, and seconded by supervisor
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mandelman. >> clerk: thank you. >> president yee: madam clerk, please call the roll. >> clerk: on item 42 -- [roll call] >> clerk: there are ten ayes. >> president yee: okay. the motion is passed unanimously. [gavel] count [gavel]. >> president yee: madam clerk, please call next item. >> clerk: item 43 is a motion to appoint three individuals to the graffiti advisory board. >> president yee: okay. madam clerk, please call -- >> clerk: on item 43 -- [roll call]
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>> clerk: there are 11 ayes. >> president yee: okay. then the motion is approved unanimously. madam clerk, please call the next item. [gavel]. >> clerk: item 44 is a motion to appoint sara souza to the eastern neighborhood citizens advisory committee to a term ending october 19, 2019. >> president yee: supervisor ronen? >> supervisor ronen: thank you so much. i just couldn't let the opportunity pass me by without saying a few words in fair of sara souza.
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sara souza is one of the most passionate hard working and exciting leaders in san francisco today, and we are so lucky that she has stepped up to sit on the citizen's advisory committee. just last week, she made history when she was appointed to the committee of the san francisco democratic party. she is also the sitting president of the san francisco latino democrat club, and works as a community organizer at the california reinvestment coalition. sarah came to the united states in 2001 from brazil when she was 15 years old. the daughter of a single mother, after graduating mission high school, she attended san francisco state university and earned a master's degree in public affairs at the university of san francisco. she is just a dynamic incredible leader that is just going to is not to serve --
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. . . >> i believe we are going to committee reports. looks like we are on item 60. >> yes, item 60 and 61 were considered by the budget and finance committee at a regular meeting on thursday. item 60 is a resolution to aprove an agreement between pacific gas and electric company and the city and county for services from clean power sf in the amount of $20 million from january 1, 2019, through december 31, 2028. >> we take this as same item, same call? supervisor peskin. >> thank you. just through the president to the chair of the budget committee, or to somebody from public utilities commission, and i think there is a good story here, but we should get it on
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the record, which is why is this retroactive? >> is there an answer? >> i see puc staff. >> hello, supervisors. michael himes, director of the clean power sf program for the san francisco public utilities commission. the agreement with pg&e before you is a service agreement for clean power sf that is required under state regulations to allow the city to operate the program. under the agreement, pg&e continues to provide distribution services, billing, collection of payment from our customers. the agreement -- the clean power sf was operating under an existing agreement which expired on december 31 of 2018.
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puc staff had negotiated a new agreement leveraging the existing terms and conditions after some discussion be the city attorney's office, decided to bring it to the board. we had not initially anticipated bringing it to the board given the fact that this agreement can only be entered into with pg&e and the combined term of the agreement would exceed 10 years. it was concluded this required board approval. that agreement was -- or that determination was made in the fall. the san francisco public utilities commission approved execution of the agreement at the meeting and given the recess of the board in the winter, we weren't able to bring the item to the board in advance of the expiration of the previous agreement.
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hence, the san francisco public utilities commission general manager executed the agreement prior to expiration of the previous and we are now operating under this agreement. we bring it to you now for retroactive approval. >> supervisor peskin. don't do it again please. >> understood. >> okay. >> can we take this item same house, same call? seeing no objections, and then the resolution is adopted unanimously. [gavel] >> madam clerk, please call item 61. >> a resolution to support the city's participation in the united states census, to authorize the city administrator to enter into the state of california outreach agreement, and to designate the office of civic engagement and immigrant affairs to conduct the activities required by the agreement. >> supervisor peskin? >> a that is from the previous
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item. >> can we same this item as same house, same call without objection? this is adopted unanimously. >> madam clerk, it is time for roll call. >> roll call for introductions. >> i have four items to announce i will be introducing, three of which are related. as we all know, the five, nearly five-week government shutdown was a total disaster and deeply impacted many people across the country. estimated 800,000 workers nationwide were impacted be i the shutdown. thousands of which of whom live in san francisco. many of these workers live paycheck to paycheck, and they were held hostage by the tactics of the white house. although the shutdown has ended temporarily, there is a possibility that it may continue, and that more worker cans go without pay. i heard personally from workers
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in our city who were concerned about how they were going to pay their rent, pay for child care, pay for utilities. this was shameful situation and it had deep impacts on our city. there was also a lot of concern about services being interrupted, how we were going to address the fact that the federal government and critical services locally were being interrupted. we saw at cities across the country responded swiftly and some cities even in california forgave utility bills, offered free public transportation, rental subsidies. san jose even did a moratorium on evictions. and other specialized services. we authored and are presenting a resolution and i want to thank south koreas ronen, walton, mar and yee for co-sponsor rg and laying out some of the things we can do. this resolution is still needed because the shutdown may either start up again, sadly n a couple of weeks or we have to make sure
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with such an immoral and racist insistence on a border wall that we are prepared in the future if this happens again to stand up and be there to provide assistance for our workers. we are going to call for that resolution to be heard along with a hearing where we're going to ask for our departments to come forward including the treasurer, the mayor's office, oewd, the airport, puc, to help us explore some ways we can provide immediate assistance to impacted workers anden ensure that services are protected. so we'll hear that resolution along with this request for a hearing, and we want to make sure we're prepared in many ways moving forward if this happens again to immediately respond. i also am going to be introducing one way that we are responding a critical way, together with the mayor, to take the mayor and the treasurer to
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take concrete steps to providing federal relief for federal workers if the government is shutdown again. the ordinance authorized the treasurer to secure a short-term line of credit not to exceed $20 million to administer individual loans for impacted worker who is live in san francisco or work at s.f.o. the interest-free loans will be made up to $6,000 and can go a long way to provide immediate assistance to any federal worker who needs it. i want to thank mayor breed and our treasurer sisneroos for their important leadership on this situation that can if necessary provide immediate support to thousands of struggling individuals and families in our city. we are taking this step forward together. i am also going to be introducing a hearing related to our city's cold and wet weather policy as it relates to homelessness. i was surprised to find out that during the recent storm earl yer
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this month that we did not have a more urgent and robust plan to address individuals who are living on the streets in the extreme weather. there was a media report in the "examiner" that only 25 additional mats were set up during what was a brutal storm, and we left thousands of people on our streets without the protection and shelter they need. our response to homelessness whether there is extreme weather or not impacts all of us, neighbors, most importantly the people living on the streets, businesses, and as i know as a city we are committed to ending homelessness, but we have to be prepared as we will see more rainstorms, heat waves, fires, wind, and cold, and will relate to what happened hahs year with some of the worst air quality that we have seen. how are we preparing so that we respond actively and urgently to provide shelter when there is
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extremely poor air quality, wind, heat, and certainly rain. i will be calling iffer a hearing regarding the city's response to homelessness during extreme weather. i am calling on the departments of homelessness, public health, public work, and the police departments to see how we can improve the policies. invite my colleagues to join me. >> thank you, supervisor haney. >> supervisor mandleman. >> thank you. i have two items today. first, i am introducing an ordinance along with the lead co-sponsor, supervisor brown, and supervisors haneey, walton, stephanie, and fewer that will establish procedures for the office of cannabis to regulate legal cannabis sales and consumption at temporary events by creating a cannabis event permit. on january 1, ab2020 went into effect giving cities in california to approve temporary cannabis events and has long embraced community festivals and
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gathering as well as the cannabis industry, and with this ordinance, we will be leading the way on local implementation of 2020. the ordinance creates a process for the office of cannabis to permit regulated events that support local small businesses and the local economy and also prioritizing public and consumer safety and preventing youth access. it does not approve any specific event, but rather, creates a framework by which events may seek -- [chanting in background] >> i will now recess the board. until they are moved. [gavel]
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