tv Government Access Programming SFGTV February 20, 2019 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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[applause] >> wow, council general from china. we're all supposed to be happy. good news, so happy new year, mr. president trump. hope that you will continue to preserve a positive relationship between our countries. yeah. okay. so we've got all of the big shots here, a lot of big shots fr . from the board of supervisors, i was advised that supervisor norman yee would come up and speak, and all the other supervisors would back him up. come on. >> president yee: [speaking chinese language] >> president yee: happy new year of the pig. >> there you go.
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aren't they cute? >> president yee: i just want to say this is going to be a great year of celebration starting today, new yes, sar's. many things are coming to make chinatown a place where more people are coming. last year, they opened up the new chinese community centers. this year, we -- for the first time, i've actually seen the children from ctccc that started the first bilingual chinese preschool in chinatown. so this is going to be a great year for us, and i'm glad that my colleagues are all here to help kick off the new year's, the year of the pig. thank you very much. [applause] >> supervis >> supervisor fewer: [speaking chinese language]
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>> supervisor fewer: hello, everyone. i'm sandra fewer, the supervisor of district one. i just want to say how happy i am today to join you in the celebration for the lunar new year celebration this year. wishing everyone a lot of prosperity, good luck, good health through 2019. [applause] >> all the way from sacramento -- no, he's really from san francisco. assembly man david chiu. >> i want to welcome everyone to the heart of san francisco in chinatown on this warm and balmy day. i often in our state capitol brag about the fact that san francisco has the oldest, the
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moe most historic, and the most significant chinatown in the entire country. we have the best line dancers, the best dragons, and the cutest kids, and the cutest pigs. a this is an amazing chinese community with our wonderful mayor london breed, our president of the board of supervisors, normanier, and board of supervisors, and nonprofits organizations like ccdc, and on behalf of our state delegation, we want to welcome everyone and wish everyone a happy lunar new year. happy year of the pig. thank you very much. >> we've got the chief here, we have the district attorney. i think he's going to try to
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speak a little chinese. give it up for diego gascon. let's see if he speaks any chinese. [speaking chinese language] >> this is a special day for me. i come from a family that's very large and very close. i know this time of year in the chinese community is a time of hope, it's a time of community, it's a time of family, and it's a time of looking forward, so i'm very proud to be here with you today, celebrating. i want to thank the entire chamber, entire city family for being here today, and again, happy new year, and happy year of the pig. [applause] >> my favorite blessing is the one that says may your dreams come true, so we're going to
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yell out, right? okay. help me lead it. her chinese is better than me. go ahead. >> okay. norman wants us to say -- [speaking chinese language] >> one more time, one more time. >> one more time. [speaking chinese language] >> hello, everyone. my name is carmen chu, and i serve as san francisco's assessor, and i want to wish everyone a happy lunar new year and year to come. [speaking chinese language] [applause] >> okay. i want to acknowledge a lot of people, and thank you for not speaking today, okay?
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it's coal. commissioner allen low, standup. city administrator naomi kelly. we have all the supervisors, we've already mentioned them. there's some big shots that keep this park clean, and our alleyways. one of my favorites, mohamed, is over there to may right. yeah, you know it. chief william scott, we'll give you a chinese break today. council member stevens couldn't make it today. do you want to say something for him? >> i just want today say dr. stevens couldn't make it, but we have over 100 communities being represented, coming down to the parade and looking at the fine art. >> and there are a lot of other big shots here, but we don't have time. but i hear the mayor has a proclamation or certificates or
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something? can we do them all at once? okay. you got them? [inaudible] >> the hon. london breed: thank you, reverend fong. and before i issue the certificate, i just want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the new member of the board of education, jennie lam, and just add that the san francisco chinese chamber of commerce for so many years continues to not only promote and support businesses in our chinese community, they have led the efforts to make lunar new year here in san francisco one of the best lunar new years anywhere and especially because of their commitment to basically hosting and pulling together one of the -- putting together one of the best parades anywhere. so on behalf of the city and
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county of san francisco, i'd like to present the president of the san francisco chinese chamber of commerce, eddy ao honoring him with his commitment and his work in making this parade even better, and the best is yet to come. thank you. [applause] >> before the dragon comes out, all you big shots right front and center so we can take a group picture. sorry i didn't get to mention everybody, malcolm, you know, everybody's here, captain yip and everyone, we're going to take a big picture right in front here. the mayor just volunteered to hold the pig. [laughter]
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everyone. discover what is available now and get ready to get out and play. henri matisse. frida kahlo. andy warhol. discover the next great artist. get out and play and get inspired with toddler classes. experience art where making a mess is part of the process. classes and the size the artistic process rather than the product. children have the freedom to explore materials at their own pace and in their own way. talks love art, especially when they died into the creative process -- dive into the
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creative process. at the end of the classes, they have cleaned and washup. great way to get out and play. for more information, visit that out and play and get into the groove. rec and parks offers dance classes for seniors. first-time beginners or lifetime enthusiasts -- all are welcome. enjoy all types of music. latins also, country and western. it is a great way to exercise while having lots of fun. seniors learn basic moves and practice a variety of routines.
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my name is doctor ellen moffett, i am an assistant medical examiner for the city and county of san francisco. i perform autopsy, review medical records and write reports. also integrate other sorts of testing data to determine cause and manner of death. i have been here at this facility since i moved here in november, and previous to that at the old facility. i was worried when we moved here that because this building is so much larger that i wouldn't see people every day. i would miss my personal interactions with the other employees, but that hasn't been the case. this building is very nice.
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we have lovely autopsy tables and i do get to go upstairs and down stairs several times a day to see everyone else i work with. we have a bond like any other group of employees that work for a specific agency in san francisco. we work closely on each case to determine the best cause of death, and we also interact with family members of the diseased. that brings us closer together also. >> i am an investigator two at the office of the chief until examiner in san francisco. as an investigator here i investigate all manners of death that come through our jurisdiction. i go to the field interview police officers, detectives, family members, physicians, anyone who might be involved with the death. additionally i take any property with the deceased individual and take care and custody of that. i maintain the chain and custody
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for court purposes if that becomes an issue later and notify next of kin and make any additional follow up phone callsness with that particular death. i am dealing with people at the worst possible time in their lives delivering the worst news they could get. i work with the family to help them through the grieving process. >> i am ricky moore, a clerk at the san francisco medical examiner's office. i assist the pathology and toxicology and investigative team around work close with the families, loved ones and funeral establishment. >> i started at the old facility. the building was old, vintage. we had issues with plumbing and things like that. i had a tiny desk. i feet very happy to be here in the new digs where i actually
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have room to do my work. >> i am sue pairing, the toxicologist supervisor. we test for alcohol, drugs and poisons and biological substances. i oversee all of the lab operations. the forensic operation here we perform the toxicology testing for the human performance and the case in the city of san francisco. we collect evidence at the scene. a woman was killed after a robbery homicide, and the dna collected from the zip ties she was bound with ended up being a cold hit to the suspect. that was the only investigative link collecting the scene to the suspect. it is nice to get the feedback. we do a lot of work and you don't hear the result. once in a while you heard it had
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an impact on somebody. you can bring justice to what happened. we are able to take what we due to the next level. many of our counterparts in other states, cities or countries don't have the resources and don't have the beautiful building and the equipmentness to really advance what we are doing. >> sometimes we go to court. whoever is on call may be called out of the office to go to various portions of the city to investigate suspicious deaths. we do whatever we can to get our job done. >> when we think that a case has a natural cause of death and it turns out to be another natural cause of death. unexpected findings are fun. >> i have a prior background in law enforcement. i was a police officer for 8 years. i handled homicides and
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suicides. i had been around death investigation type scenes. as a police officer we only handled minimal components then it was turned over to the coroner or the detective division. i am intrigued with those types of calls. i wondered why someone died. i have an extremely supportive family. older children say, mom, how was your day. i can give minor details and i have an amazing spouse always willing to listen to any and all details of my day. without that it would be really hard to deal with the negative components of this job. >> being i am a native of san francisco and grew up in the community. i come across that a lot where i may know a loved one coming from the back way or a loved one
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seeking answers for their deceased. there are a lot of cases where i may feel affected by it. if from is a child involved or things like that. i try to not bring it home and not let it affect me. when i tell people i work at the medical examiners office. whawhat do you do? the autopsy? i deal with the a with the enou- with the administrative and the families. >> most of the time work here is very enjoyable. >> after i started working with dead people, i had just gotten married and one night i woke up in a cold sweat. i thought there was somebody dead? my bed. i rolled over and poked the body. sure enough, it was my husband who grumbled and went back to
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sleep. this job does have lingering effects. in terms of why did you want to go into this? i loved science growing up but i didn't want to be a doctor and didn't want to be a pharmacist. the more i learned about forensics how interested i was of the perfect combination between applied science and criminal justice. if you are interested in finding out the facts and truth seeking to find out what happened, anybody interested in that has a place in this field. >> being a woman we just need to go for it and don't let anyone fail you, you can't be. >> with regard to this position in comparison to crime dramas out there, i would say there might be some minor correlations. let's face it, we aren't hollywood, we are real world.
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yes we collect evidence. we want to preserve that. we are not scanning fingerprints in the field like a hollywood television show. >> families say thank you for what you do, for me that is extremely fulfilling. somebody has to do my job. if i can make a situation that is really negative for someone more positive, then i feel like i am doing the right thing for the city of san francisco.
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>> ladies and gentlemen the chair's called the meeting to order. can you please turn off your electronic devices as they tend to interfear with the equipment in the room and please rise for the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america. and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. good evening. this is the february 20th, 2019 meeting of the san francisco police commission. we have a full agenda both open and closed session today so i'm going limit public comment to two minutes and i would like to start off with an
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acknowledgement of sergeant kilshaw who has served this commission -- i actually don't know how long. it's been as long as i've been here. i think three years. >> i think she'll change her mind. >> tonight is your last night in uniform serving the commission and i wanted to thank you for the tremendous work you've done and the tremendous work you still do. i know we've talked about you staying on in a similar capacity but without uniform and without being a full-time employee of the department and i look forward to that but i want to thank you tremendously for the work you do. >> clerk: thank you. >> i think we have to vote on that. none of us agree.
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>> i have a position and you can come every wednesday and continue. >> how can i pass that up? >> i was going give you three minutes of public comment just to sweeten it. >> don't start. >> clerk: thank you commissioners and to the whole commission and department. it's been an honor to serve the commission and be assigned here and i really enjoyed the work i did and think as a group we've accomplished a lot. >> commissioner: commissioner mazzucco who couldn't be here today sends his congratulations and thanks. >> joo >> clerk: thank you. >> and people have no idea how much work you do in terms of managing us and our department and finding out where all the answers are. we do appreciate it and we know you workday and night. we know you guys come to our houses an d drop things off we
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can't replicate what you do for us and thank you enough. we'll miss you. >> clerk: thank you. >> commissioner: okay. with that we're ready for the first item. >> clerk: first, commissioner we need roll call. commission president hirsch. >> here. >> clerk: commissioner taylor. >> here. >> clerk: commissioner hamasaki. >> here. >> clerk: and we have paul hen der season and this is line item 1, presentation of certificate of appreciation ms. jody mccown. >> commission president, director henderson, esteemed members of the commission and
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community in attendance this evening. it gives me great pleasure to make this presentation this evening to one of our incredible public servants, namely miss jody mccown. come on up. jody mccown is the supervisor for the sfmta special shop for hundreds of parades and events. it was jody and her team who made it possible for these parades to occur unencumbered. her tireless effort and can-do effort and a willingness to be part of something greater than herself was incredibly noteworthy. i will close with this statement. jody practically walks on water but jody made what seemed impossible, possible. permit me to read the citation on the certificate of appreciation from chief scott.
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san francisco police department recognizes jody mccown, supervisor sfmta in recognition of your route outstanding service and for performing your duties in the finest tradition of public service, you are hereby awarded this certificate of appreciation on this 20th day of february signed chief of police william scott and i'll invite chief scott to come down and present this to you.
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>> please call the next line item. >> clerk: we need public comment on item 1. is there any public comment? >> commissioner: seeing none, next. >> clerk: item 2,consent calendar receive and file action. sfpd, dpa document protocol report fourth quarter 2018. >> commissioner: do we have any comments on this? >> clerk: it's in your packet.
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>> commissioner: any comments by commissioners on the fourth quarter report? then it will be accepted as part of the consent calendar. >> clerk: we need a motion and second and public comment. >> commissioner: do you accept? on a consent calendar? >> clerk: yes. >> commissioner: okay. do i have a motion to accept? >> so moved. >> second. >> clerk: any public comment? no public comment. >> commissioner: all in favor of accepting the report. >> aye. >> commissioner: opposed? no opposed. it passes. >> clerk: item three, reports to the commission discussion 3a chiefs report and weekly crime trends and overview of offenses in san francisco and a brief description of the significant incident and discussion will be limited to determine whether to calendar the incident for a future commission meeting.
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major events provide planned and activities occurring since the previous meeting including lunar new year events include brief overview of any unplanned events or activities in san francisco having an impact on public safety. commission discussion on unplanned events an activities will be determined whether to calendar for a future commission meeting. staffing and overtime, status of current staffing levels and overtime expenditure to date for fiscal year 2018-19 and update on the staffing task force and the staffing study by matrix consulting. >> good evening, chief. good evening, president hirsch and taylor and henderson. i'll start with the weekly crime trend. overall we're 21% down including
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violent and proper crime and assault and human trafficking and addressing homicides and gun violence there's been four in 2019. you remember we got off to a rough start this year as of january 12. we had four homicides so we have actually been quiet since then as far as homicides to four below this time last year which accounts for 50% decrease over 2018 and again at this point no homicides since january 12. two of our four cases year to date have been cleared. one by arrest and one by exceptional clearance because of the death of the actual suspect. gun violence overall we're done 54% in 2018 and there have been two fatal shootings and six shootings, nine in total that
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have caused injury. in term of property crime we're down 21% overall. property crime includes burglary and autotheft and larsson. our burglary was down 19% year to date. in term of significant events, we did have two separate multi-victim shootings over the past week. one was on the 1100 block of scott in the northern district. this occurred on february 16 at 11:30 p.m. two people were shot and sustained serious injuries. both were hospitalized and both investigations are still ongoing and we have not identified a victim and at 17th avenue and
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quinterra we had a multi-victim shooting with two victims shot. both walked into ucsf campus hospital with gunshot wounds to the upper body and we have not made an arrest on that as well so we're looking for anything the public knows about these, please call tipline at 415-475-5444. we need the public's help on that. in terms of serious traffic cases we had three with serious injuries. there was a hit-and-run involving an elderly person and the driver actually was stopped by officers from the california highway patrol in oakland and based on the description that went out and a field sobriety test was completed and the driver was determined to be
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under the influence and was arrested for the felony hit-and-run and we had a hit-and-run evading of stolen property in the mission district. a vehicle collided with an occupied vehicle on san carlo street and the driver and energy person fleed on foot and that person is still outstanding. we're still looking for that particular person. on tuesday february 19 at 8:40 in the morning we had a hit-and-run of a motorcyclist in richmond district at 26th and gri grier -- geary and the driver returned to the scene and turned himself into investigators. he was subsequently booked for the hit-and-run. four major events this week highlighted by the upcoming this weekend's lunar new year event,
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there's a community fair from 10:00 to 4:00 p.m. in china town to have street closures from grant to california, sacramento, washington, jackson and pacific between stockton and kiernan and then the lunar new year will draw a significant crowd the parade begins at second and market street and goes through china town and will end at 8:00 p.m. the department has been planning for this as we always do and will be sufficiently staffed and deployed. i many staff and community members will participate as well. we have also a total of 25 planned events this week highlighted by peace park an ongoing partnership with the department of recreation and
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parks where sfpd officers and rec plemployees have programmin at hurts playground we'll have a barbecue with free food, swimming and a health fair. you can call community engageme engagement division if you'd like to attend or participate or need addition information. san francisco police department will also participate in the annual polar plunge this saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at aquatic park. there'll be a 5k and 3k run followed by the polo plunge we all plunge in the icy waters of san francisco bay. me and other command staff will participate in that so it should be fun and all the proceeds go to the special olympics to enrich the lives of adults and
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children with disabilities and it's a fun event. those the highlights, commissioner of the major events. last thing i have is staffing and overtime. i know starting a little over a year ago based on commissioner dejesus' request we periodically do an overtime update to tell the board how we're tracking overtime expenditures. we're actually own track to come in on budget like we did last year. we are currently 2%, 2.4% over the general fund budget but as things plan out, we expect to be within budget by the end of the fiscal year. in terms of staffing, the department is at staffing of
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2307 officers including the airport. the full duty is 1,869 officers which is 5% below the mandated level of 1,971. the 1,869 does in the include the airport, academy recruit champion currently we have -- which currently we have 79 and doesn't include members on light duty or disability or military leave or personnel issues. again, we have 79 recruits at the academy, two classes are currently running. class 263 and 264. 263 will graduate may 24. and 264 graduates in the fall. i don't have the exact date but
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i think it's october. we have 265 which begins on march 25, 2019 which will give us a third academy. we're on track at least with the number of academies we lined up for this year. that concludes this portion of my report. >> commissioner: thank you, any questions or comments from commissioners? seeing none, we have an update on the progress of staffing as well under the chief's report. >> executive director catherine mcgwire will present that portion from strategic management bureau. >> good evening, president hirsch, vice president taylor and cheech, director -- chief
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director and i'm catherine mcgwire and i'll give you an update on where we are with our staffing analysis and allow matrix consulting who is the consultants we've engaged to develop the methodology and perform the analysis for the department and i'll let them walk through what's happening with their work as well. tonight i'll refresh the commission on what the tasking force is and membership and what was provided as guidance in the resolution. i'll walk through a high-level summary of the sector control analysis the controller's office conducted and functional analysis explain what that is and like i mentioned matrix consulting is here to talk about their work as well. as you may recall now president
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yee passed a resolution to encourage us to set up a staffing task force. the charge in that resolution was to implement a multidisciplinary approach for service, crime data and officer work load. concurrent with this legislation, the budget and legislati legislative analyst's office determined and studied other possible methodologies for determining staffing levels and recommended a work load based analysis and the member somebody -- membership resolution included community stake holders and after presenting the membership to this body, we added two members of the
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community to that task force as well. the final composition of the task force to date has been member of the commission staff to staffing experts from the field, a member of dpa, sfpd members and a member from the department of emergency management, personnel from the controller's office and two members from the community. the two individuals from the commission were rannia and leonard matarise are well regarded in the police staffing community. there's a focus on community policing and is a known expert. sam ramarian is from dpa and they joined the task force as sfpd members and we have a
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variety of staff joined the meetings as content is appropriate. then ann raskin is our member from the department of emergency management and heather lowell has been sitting on our task force as well. for the community members, we did some review and wanted to ensure consistency with the remaining of the membership in the task force. so we were seeking from community members and people who had familiarity with information technology or data analysis. they had familiarity with the police department and possibly an existing relationship and knowledge of community policing and operations. it led us to the sponsor working group on policing. we had two members from that group that were pretty active and knowledgeable in asking good question staffing. so we identified carolyn thomas
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and dr. james taylor to sit on the task force to represent the community perspective. in phase one, we began the sector control and we conduct the work out of radio cars. they're the primary responders to calls for service and calls for service being a very robust data set and very informative and tracks every single of every officer's time in responding to calls for service or conducting self sel self-neighb self-initiated time and our district stations constitute half of our personnel and sector control constitutes half of
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that. the methodology of the controller's office developed were really based on the fact that it's a workload based analysis and using calls for service is a non-discretionary activity. in other words, when our community calls 9-1-1 they expect someone to show up. the workload is measurable and because it's non-discretionary it's driven by the community and fairly consistent. it's a great way to determine workload and staffing levels. calls for service is one possible metric and you can use proactive policing time in this context being the time an officer has to patrol. the time an officer has to engage with the community and talk to businesses not actually
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conducting self-initiated activity or service and that community engagement time can turn into a self-initiated response in our cad system but generally there's a bucket of time that is not tracked in cad because the officer's engaging and talking to people. we discussed targets and the controller's office and generally the rule of thumb is about 33% is based on community poli policing tenets and calls for service. what a mean is the amount of time in aggregate our officers spend responding to service should be about 33% of their time. so as we discussed with the staffing task force, multiple
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meetings, targets and call for service versus proactive policing time the task force recommended we use calls for service because it's a clear definition. that is actually as they dug into the data they saw that was true. when the controller's office conducted their study they conduct the time adds -- as unobligated time and we decided to call it proactive time an officer has to engage with the community. so the data are a little bit steal because -- stale because they looked at '16, '17 data and our staffing leaves and deployment has changed but i wanted to give you a sense of the findings they're looking at. what we're looking at now as we move as our staffing and
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