tv Government Access Programming SFGTV February 24, 2019 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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>> president serina: any comments or questions from the public? motion to approve? thank you. any further discussion? all in favor. any opposed? motion carries. item m. requesting authorization to modify the existing grant agreement with next village san francisco for the provision of the village model during the period of january 1, 2019 through june 30, 2019 additional amount of $50,000 plus 10%
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contingency for the amount not $291,636. thank you again linda. >> commissioners i take your approval for the budget modification with next village san francisco. next was founded in 2019 and served northeast sector of the city. next stands for in th northeast exchange team. they have local restaurants. there are film showing. there are writing classes.
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big part of village infrastructure is volunteer coordination of services. part of the fee for membership, you have the opportunity to call the village office, ask for a ride to the doctor and that volunteer services coordinated for you. the more members you have the more request come in and the more volunteers are needed. this is a big part of the village infrastructure maintaining this program. daas funded village program have a membership fee that encourages the active involvement of its members. this members become really involved in their part of owning the village and what goes on. $25,000 is o.t.o. funding to support next village and its low income members.
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we know there is a great demand for this this particular target population that doesn't qualify for the normal form the of the interest significance traditional form of the systems because of income issues. it seems to me it's logical to give it a little more time so you can assess how successful it is and what may be done differently to reach them but we know the population is there.
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any comments or questions from the public. hearing none may i have the motion to approve. >> so moved. >> seconded thank you. all in favor. aye. any opposed? thank you. i tell s requesting authorization to modify the existing grant agreement with university of california san francisco for the pro significancare --provision of tm evaluation of the only support program for an additional amount of $200,000. and plus a 10% contingency for a total amount not to exceed $440,000. in 2017 we contracted with ucsf to provide support at home and to provide continuous quality improvimprovement and data anals
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do not benefit from the program services. they are not required to participate with the evaluation. as such adding incentives and staff time for follow up for the surveys will create a comparison group so the outcomes could be prepared. that will led more confidence in the findings to the program impact. there is an additional year two
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report. that report will be due in july. the final report the next year in june. it will include a cost benefit analysis, policy implications and future recommendations for whom some financial as assistance for home care cost would make a significant impact. this concludes my report. >> any comments or questions from the commission? any questions from the public? hearing none may i have a motion to approve. >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. any further discussion? all in favor? any opposed. thank you. >> item 7. general public comment. hearing none, item 8, announcements. hearing none with great regret may i have a motion to adjourn.
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29, 2017, my grandma's birthday. the thing that's cured my home is the mayor's office. when my number was called, i was excited because my number was number three. to rent a home in san francisco means that i'm able to be with my family to support me, me to support them. then, the opportunity for my daughter to get a good paying job. my favorite thing of my new home in hunters view is the view of the bay bridge, oakland, and a piece of the golden gate. it's peaceful and quiet, and they have a lot of activities for families. they have art class, where you can paint, they have trips, where they take the children. we went to a black art museum, we went to a jazz festival, we went ice skating. there's a lot -- they have a lot of activities up here, and
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that's one thing that i really love about it, i love my bedroom. it's peaceful, it's quiet, where i can think, play, and just have my quiet time. i love my bedroom. this is my home because this is where i live. me and my children, we love in here, we -- just being with my grand kids and loving somewhere and having somewhere is home. we love being together, and your heart -- wherever your heart is, that makes it home for you. >> san francisco is surrounded on three sides by water. the fireboat station is integral to maritime rescue and preparedness not only for san francisco but for all of the
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bay area. >> fire station 35 was built in 1915, so it's over 100 years old. and behind it, we're going to build fireboat station 35. >> so the city's capital planning committee, i think about three years ago, issued a guidance that all city facilities must resist sea level rise. >> fireboat station number 35, construction costs are approximately $30 million, and the construction is over complicated because the float, it's being fabricated in china and will be brought to treasure
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island where the building -- the actual fire station will be constructed on top of it, and then brought to pier 22 1/2 for installation. >> we are looking at late 2020 for completion of the fireboat float. the historic fire house will remain on the embarcadero. we will still respond out of the firehouse with our fire engine and respond to medical calls and other incidents raratin the district. >> the if a sill has to incorpora incorporate five to 6 feet of sea level rise. it's built on a float that can move up and down as the water level rises, and so it's on four fixed guide piles, so as the seas go up, it wican move and down with the bay. it does have a full range of
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travel from low tide to high tide of about 16 feet. so that allows for current tidal movements as well as several extra feet for sea level rise in the coming decades. >> the fireboat station float will also incorporate a ramp for ambulance deployment and access. >> the access ramp is rigidly connected to the land side or more of a pivot or hinge connection, and then, it's sliding over the top of the float. so then that way, the ramp can, you know, flex up and down like a hinge but also allow for a slight -- a few inches of lateral motion of the float. both the access ramps, of which there's two, and the utilities, need flexible connections when connecting from the float and back to the building. so interesting power, water, sewage, it all has flexible connections to the float. >> fireboat station 35 will
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provide room for three boats and one fire boot. >> we would like to establish a dedicated marine unit that would be able to respond to multiple incidents. looking into the future, we have not only at&t park, we have a lot of kayakers, but we also have a lot of developments on the southeast side, including the warriors stadium, and we want to have the ability to respond to any marine or maritime incidents along all of these new developments. >> there's very few design references for people actually sleeping on the water. what we really looked to were cruise ships, which are, you know, larger structures, several times the size of station 35 but have a lot of people -- a lot of sleeping, but they're really the only good reference point. and so we looked to the cruise
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ship industry that has kind of an index for, you know, how ma many -- how much acceleration they can accommodate. >> it's very unique. i don't know about any other fire station built on the water in the united states. >> the fireboat's a regional asset that can not only be used for water rescue and stin wishment of fires, but we also do environmental cleanup. we have a special rigging that we carrie that will contain oil spills -- carry that will contain oil spills until viermsal can come out. this is not a job, it is -- environmental can come out. this is not a job, it's a lifestyle, a community, and we're willing to help people any way we
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>> okay. i want all of san francisco to hear us, so louder. >> all right. we want to first off welcome our mayor, the mayor of san francisco, mayor london breed. [applause] >> we've got to check this out. >> the hon. london breed: the pressure. [speaking foreign language] [applause] >> the hon. london breed: i am so excited to be the mayor of such an incredible city, where we celebrate our diversity, where we celebrate our culture, where we focus in on really important opportunities to really engage with our families
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and our communities. lunar new year is that celebration, which really highlights the importance of family, of coming together, of community, and of celebrating each and every person that is important to our communities and our neighborhoods. and i'm being upstaged by a pig. but happy year of the boar, everybody. here in our city, we will break bread together, we will watch and celebrate the festivities together. there's an incredible market in chinatown where there are flowers can you purchase, goodies that you can purchase
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chas, and i. i along with many people that you see will be participating. the beautiful floats, the outfits, the excitement, the kids, the costumes. firecrackers, all of this is an exciting time to celebrate lunar new year in san francisco. i hope you will join us, i hope you will celebrate the year of the boar as one of luck and prosperity and hope for the future. thank you today for being here, everybody. [speaking foreign language] >> wow. a lot of the events in chinatown wouldn't happen without the chinese chamber of commerce. the president, eddie yao. >> i have to say something in
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$13.6 trillion u.s. representing 6.6% year over year. and china's trade with foreign countries amounted to $12 $12.6 trillion u.s. and china's trade with the u.s. raising $6.25 million u.s., and created by 8.5% with china's exports to u.s. all those figures represent -- i think demonstrate that china's economy has maintained
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stable and good momentum for developing. and well, the tariffs increased on china's exports to the united states were counter productive, and that -- that's led to the down sizing of the united states market share in china. that's also told us that there's an urgent need to bring u.s.-china trade relations back to normal sooner rather than later. looking into the new year, i think china and the united states would work together, work together to develop the relationship based on coordination, cooperation, and stablity as outlined by the two
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presidents cheering on the sideline of the g20. and i think our countries are working very hard now to implement a consensus. and i would like to work with all of you to materialize the consensus reached by two presidents. both of our countries can benefit more from our cooperation. thank you. happy new year again. [applause] >> wow, council general from china. we're all supposed to be happy. good news, so happy new year, mr. president trump. hope that you will continue to preserve a positive relationship between our countries. yeah. okay. so we've got all of the big shots here, a lot of big shots
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fr . from the board of supervisors, i was advised that supervisor norman yee would come up and speak, and all the other supervisors would back him up. come on. >> president yee: [speaking chinese language] >> president yee: happy new year of the pig. >> there you go. aren't they cute? >> president yee: i just want to say this is going to be a great year of celebration starting today, new yes, sar's. many things are coming to make chinatown a place where more people are coming. last year, they opened up the new chinese community centers. this year, we -- for the first time, i've actually seen the
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children from ctccc that started the first bilingual chinese preschool in chinatown. so this is going to be a great year for us, and i'm glad that my colleagues are all here to help kick off the new year's, the year of the pig. thank you very much. [applause] >> supervis >> supervisor fewer: [speaking chinese language] >> supervisor fewer: hello, everyone. i'm sandra fewer, the supervisor of district one. i just want to say how happy i am today to join you in the celebration for the lunar new year celebration this year. wishing everyone a lot of prosperity, good luck, good health through 2019.
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[applause] >> all the way from sacramento -- no, he's really from san francisco. assembly man david chiu. >> i want to welcome everyone to the heart of san francisco in chinatown on this warm and balmy day. i often in our state capitol brag about the fact that san francisco has the oldest, the moe most historic, and the most significant chinatown in the entire country. we have the best line dancers, the best dragons, and the cutest kids, and the cutest pigs. a this is an amazing chinese community with our wonderful
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mayor london breed, our president of the board of supervisors, normanier, and board of supervisors, and nonprofits organizations like ccdc, and on behalf of our state delegation, we want to welcome everyone and wish everyone a happy lunar new year. happy year of the pig. thank you very much. >> we've got the chief here, we have the district attorney. i think he's going to try to speak a little chinese. give it up for diego gascon. let's see if he speaks any chinese. [speaking chinese language] >> this is a special day for me. i come from a family that's very large and very close.
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i know this time of year in the chinese community is a time of hope, it's a time of community, it's a time of family, and it's a time of looking forward, so i'm very proud to be here with you today, celebrating. i want to thank the entire chamber, entire city family for being here today, and again, happy new year, and happy year of the pig. [applause] >> my favorite blessing is the one that says may your dreams come true, so we're going to yell out, right? okay. help me lead it. her chinese is better than me. go ahead. >> okay. norman wants us to say -- [speaking chinese language] >> one more time, one more time. >> one more time. [speaking chinese language]
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>> hello, everyone. my name is carmen chu, and i serve as san francisco's assessor, and i want to wish everyone a happy lunar new year and year to come. [speaking chinese language] [applause] >> okay. i want to acknowledge a lot of people, and thank you for not speaking today, okay? it's coal. commissioner allen low, standup. city administrator naomi kelly. we have all the supervisors, we've already mentioned them. there's some big shots that keep this park clean, and our alleyways. one of my favorites, mohamed, is over there to may right. yeah, you know it. chief william scott, we'll give you a chinese break today.
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council member stevens couldn't make it today. do you want to say something for him? >> i just want today say dr. stevens couldn't make it, but we have over 100 communities being represented, coming down to the parade and looking at the fine art. >> and there are a lot of other big shots here, but we don't have time. but i hear the mayor has a proclamation or certificates or something? can we do them all at once? okay. you got them? [inaudible] >> the hon. london breed: thank you, reverend fong. and before i issue the certificate, i just want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the new member of the board of education, jennie lam, and just add that the san
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francisco chinese chamber of commerce for so many years continues to not only promote and support businesses in our chinese community, they have led the efforts to make lunar new year here in san francisco one of the best lunar new years anywhere and especially because of their commitment to basically hosting and pulling together one of the -- putting together one of the best parades anywhere. so on behalf of the city and county of san francisco, i'd like to present the president of the san francisco chinese chamber of commerce, eddy ao honoring him with his commitment and his work in making this parade even better, and the best is yet to come. thank you. [applause] >> before the dragon comes out,
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for the record, this is the fen 19th, 2019 treasure island development authority infrastructure and transportation committee meeting. item number 1, call to order and roll call. director richardson. >> here. >> director sein? >> here. >> director? we have a quorum. item number 2, general public comment. allow members of the public to address matters within the subject matter jurisdiction of the committee. and does not appear on today's agenda. in addition to general public comment, public comment will be held during each item on the agenda. members of the public may the committee for up to three minutes. please state your name and the organization if you're he want -- representing. >> i wanted to do
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