tv Government Access Programming SFGTV March 13, 2019 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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we have some really bright young people in this city. we hope that we will continue and do them quarterly, but i just want to give my hats off to the youth commission. we've been talking about making this happen since i got here, but they did all the work. it was a really nice event. so next, we have commander pete walsh. >> president hirsch: before, i wanted to say to j.j., thank you for doing this. before, i couldn't get my button -- but yeah, commissioner turman, talking about angel investors, i know he really loved this program and it really meant a lot to him. he increased the number of kids going. i know he's looking at this, going thank you. what we heard the last time, what they said after being there is very important. i'm glad you mentioned chief sur. i understand he went last year and didn't follow the rules --
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but yeah, he had a good trip, and it was an eye opener for him. >> okay. good evening, commander. good evening, president hirsch, commissioners. commander peter walsh from the chief of staff's office. i am here to discuss i guess general order 3.16 which was recently revised in december 2018, which governs how we release police reports. this is be a high level kind of vi view. our general customers or people who use this are generally the public and the media. i'm not going to get into insurance companies and other law enforcement, which is a little different, but just the two major consumers of police reports and also d.p.a., there's a whole other process for that. so generally, the department accepts the request via the web, e-mail, mail, or the u.s.
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post office. and also, if you walk up to the counter at 1245 third street, which is the cisu or crime information services unit. a report can be released by the following people, the assigned investigator the officer in charge of their unit, the regular management section or cisu if the case is not assigned to a particular unit. so that's generally where someone does an on-line report with no suspect, where it might be general inventory from their auto booster. media or the public information office in conversation with the assigned officer. if the case is assigned, they would still reach out to the assigned officer unit or
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investigator sometimes the p.e.o. there are things that can be released in the general order. it's may and shall in the discretion. it's enumerated. they either touch upon the san francisco administrative code as it relates to sunshine or we can invoke the government code for some reasons not to release the report. and then, there's four that we shall not release that are also governed by the vehicle code, penal code or welfare and institutions code. so again, these may be denied for the following reasons. any report there's a danger or safety to the people involved. danger to law enforcement, would would endanger the successful completion of a report,
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identity of a confidential informant. the name of any victim of sexual assault who specifically requests that confidentiality. medical or other information constituting an unwarranted invasion of privacy and lastly any person detained pursuant to welfare and institutions code 5150. so the next list, which is in 3.16 who -- they shall be denied for the following reasons: juvenile suspect arrested or detained or any information that might lead to their identity, we need a court order to release those cases. vehicle collisions with injury or death. there are vehicle code exceptions to that, and that's kind of where we get into insurance attorneys for people involved in the collision, etc. any report regarding child abuse or any report of assaultive or abusive behavior made confidential by the crime
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code, and lastly, any victim of sexual assault. so specifically from cisu which holds the majority of these reports, they receive annually roughly 20,000 requests per year. and again, the person can go to the website, e-mail, etc. the way cisu -- the way it's assigned, they will generally not release it directly. so for instance if you are the victim of a robbery, and just for the insurance purposes, you need the items that you listed on that report, they would go to the robbery inspector or the officer in charge of robbery, they would make the appropriate redactions or if there was issues to -- where they didn't want the pending victim to
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know, we wouldn't necessarily turn it over to do that. but all reports generally go to an investigative section unless they're basically a property report. could be fax, u.s. mail, e-mail, etc. in the event an investigative unit elects not to release a report, they do get a cover letter. it's provided to the requester and it lists why we rejected that request. so if it falls under one of the 6200 categories, etc. once the entire request has been produced and returned to the requester or denied, the entire packet is downloaded into laser fiche, and that's how cisu tracks and has a
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permanent record of what happened in that transaction. the sworn public officers check with the investigators the status of the investigation, whether it's open or closed and discuss whether information if released could compromise an ongoing investigation. otherwise, we will release the information in accordance with 6254 f of the government code -- and i'll do a quick bullet point, the time, substance and location of all complaints for the assistant received by the agency and the time and nature of the response, information regarding the alleged crimes or committed crimes or any other incident investigated is reported. the time and date, location of the reports, time and date of the report. name and age of the victim
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unt unless they fall into one of those circumstances. general date and time of the incident, general property or weapons. after 90 days all reports, we generally deny those. if the request -- if a copy of the request for the record by the press, the p.i.o. also consult with the d.a.'s office to determine if it is an open case in the sense of prosecution because obviously, we close a case and deliver it over to the d.a., and could this affect the integrity of that case and the effect of them completing that. media does not provide information on cases involving juveniles other than general information, again, what's under 6250.
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in cases involving sex crimes, 5150 or sex cases, there is be no names released. they'll redact sensitive data from the report will be releasing it to the press. and that is -- that is the general way we release police reports. >> president hirsch: i want to ask you to go over one item i didn't quite follow. what happens after 90 days? >> 90 days, so if you had somebody who was arrested or if they were a suspect and had a subsequent arrest, that information that might be identifying becomes quarry information, so it becomes a little more strict on the release. so i could tell you within the first 90 days your booking
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photo, who arrested you and things like that. after 90 days, there's a timeline that shuts that down hirs. >> president hirsch: and is that statutory or what shuts that done? >> i believe that's statutory. i'll defer to the city attorney. >> it actually comes from case law. >> president hirsch: commissioner did commissioner dejesus? >> commissioner dejesus: they're not allowed to go into a crime scene and take pictures, isn't that part of the same general order that you're talking about? >> no. 3.16 just directly deals with how we release the reports, and the two reports that i talked about were the general public and media, not actually media being at a crime scene. >> so 8.09, media relations talks about crime scenes and the media and juvenile not
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allowed onto the premises of an open crime scene, is that right and -- is that right? >> yes. >> generally speaking? let me ask you about these reports. when a police officer takes a report, do they do it on their handhelds or they do it at the station house? >> they do it at the station. >> and does the department own the computers at the station house? >> yes. >> commissioner dejesus: and does the department control the information that was -- own and control the information that was provided in the computer. >> i would assume so. >> commissioner dejesus: that's the property of the police department. once they're made, they're in your custody, and control, the department's. >> that's correct, but to an extent. the information, where it's mine to give or take, there are laws and regulations that don't allow us to necessarily keep
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those. i don't know if ownership is the right word. there are processes that we're -- >> commissioner dejesus: right, and that's what i wanted to get to. they're the property of the department unless certain rules are followed. government code, certain requests. everybody has to make it the -- the requests, but they have to do it through the department or other means? i forgot that -- didn't we just get a letter today? they -- they make public records requests, right? go through a process to get a police report? >> anybody can make a public reports request. >> commissioner dejesus: you don't just give anybody access. >> yes, unless you're d.p.a. >> okay. i'm not talking about d.p.a., i'm talking about the police
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department. at the police department, you have the copy machines, e-mails, all of that is all property of the department, is that right? >> yes. >> commissioner dejesus: so i guess what i'm trying to get at is these are very important reports, they're confidential especially when there's an ongoing investigation. what do you have in place to prevent somebody within the department of making a copy or a transfer or e-mailing a report off the premises without going through the channels that you just described for us? >> the general order, which says that these are the ways that you release the record. but the whole thing that you describes as far as making copies, that is generally the flow of how reports are made. so for instance, officer writes a report, it is signed off by a sergeant and a lieutenant. from there, those reports generally get printed out to go to the investigative detail so they have that hard copy, for instance, at a c.i.d. unit.
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>> commissioner dejesus: so you have the report, and you printed out -- it's all within the department, it's for official business within the department. it is for official departments within the department that those reports can be distribute does, is that right? >> correct. >> commissioner dejesus: all right. so what do you have in place to prevent an employee from e-mailing, copying, or transferring police reports outside the department without going through the protocol. >> other than 3.16, we don't have anything. it's based in those reports and the station itself, we're asking the officers to follow the general orders like any other orders. >> commissioner dejesus: so let me ask you this. photographs. are they taken with a camera, incorporated into the commuter, included in the report? >> so i'll just give you a couple of examples so that it's clear.
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officers could use their cell phone -- department cell phone. officers could ask to have a snapshot -- sometimes the suspect you're chasing get away. you can take a still from a camera get that. there's a myriad of ways, but there's all relates to the reports that the police department uses. >> commissioner dejesus: and they're all stored through the property unless someone goes through and requests a release of the pictures. >> right. it's all about the release. >> commissioner dejesus: how do we request in a the pictures be released without going through this same general process? >> yes. you would have to be following the same general order. physically, what woue would be asking is to lockdown all cell
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phones, physical machines, and copy machines. that would cause a station to grind to a halt because they have activity going all the time. >> commissioner dejesus: do we have any type of protocol where in order to access copy, transfer -- not within the department but off the department other people who are not on the list or who have requested it, do we have a way to track that? do we have an i.d. when they're making a copy? is it pripted to put those little things and put a thumb drive and copy it down? are machines capable of listing when they're being down loaded and identifying who's downloading it? >> i don't want to seem evasive. i understand what this line of
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questioning's for, but we're starting to get into investigative leads that we might get into in any investigative case. so to start announcing what i can and can't do -- >> commissioner dejesus: i don't want to get into that. i just want to know do with he have any safeguards in the department to prevent people from turning it over to wrong people in the department or chain of command. >> commissioner dejesus: now if these reports are released improperly, are there other -- i assume 2.0 would come into play, if somebody violated these rules -- the general rules of conduct, if those are have a lated, then you're saying that officers -- whoever uses it, i don't know -- they could be punished.
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>> if there was a burglary, and the report divulges confidential information. >> commissioner dejesus: and automatic officers know the general -- all officers know the general order. i think you're talking about section 48, compromise in an investigation, section 49, divulging confidential information, all officers are supposed to know that, correct? >> yes. >> commissioner dejesus: i guess one of the -- i can't find it right now. i guess -- i was looking at, and i guess this is the by the
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bye. i was looking at the jussie smollett case, and he went to the public, and the police said they're opening an investigation into the leaks of their report because they sometimes have the issues in a we're having here. i guess i just want to know if we can let the public know that we're taking care of business. i just know with this case, if they're up front and center, that leaks will not be allowed in our department. >> yes, sir. and we actually put out a statement when this first came to our attention. this is a very serious matter, and it's going to be investigated as such, and it'll go from there. it is a very serious matter, and we do want the public to know that unauthorized leaks of information is totally unacceptable. it's -- it hurts the department, it hurts our credibility, it hurts our trust with the public and it's unacceptable. it is, and the investigation is ongoing. >> commissioner dejesus: thank you.
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>> president hirsch: my understanding is d.p.a. is also conducting an investigation? >> that is correct. we opened an investigation almost immediately from when the information first started appearing as it started appearing in the press, we started getting complaints that we initiated an investigation. >> president hirsch: thank you. commissioner hamasaki. >> commissioner hamasaki: so we're not dealing with any new d.g.o. or defendants, this is just to give us information on what's in the d.g.o.? >> that's how to authorize release of a police report is what was asked for? >> commissioner hamasaki: no, i think the last part clarified this. thank you. >> president hirsch: thank you very much. >> thank you. thank you commissioners. >> president hirsch: anything else from the chief? anything else on your -- no,
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the great work that's been done by the women of the san francisco police department, and we have a lot of people that are contributing to those efforts. the p.o.a. had the women's committee that i meet with regularly. lieutenant sergeant kilshaw was a big part in making this video happen, and really what it amounts to is our recruitment. last two classes have been 20% or higher women, which is great. we're below 15% women right now as far as our sworn percentage, but we do think that we can make a difference here, and we want to really highlight the great work that's been done, so i want to thank publicly everybody that helped, you know, to put this video together. director stevenson is here, and sergeant kilshaw, although she's not here tonight, is a big part of this effort. so just want to point this out and will continue to do it. >> thank you. >> president hirsch: okay. thank you. we're ready for the next item.
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>> clerk: line item 1-b, d.p.a. director's report. report on recent d.p.a. activities and announcements. d.p.a. report will be limited to a brief discussion of d.p.a. discussions and announcements. >> president hirsch: good evening, director henderson. >> good evening. in terms of the numbers, we are at 127 new cases that have been opened this year. that's up from the 101 cases that we were at this time last year. in terms of cases closed, that number's up to 119, versus the 96 we were up to last year. in terms of total cases, we're at 293, versus 245 which is where we were at last year. the sustain cases were also up. we closed out a number of new cases this week.
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we're now at 16 that we've closed out this year, versus five last year. of the cases that are -- that have taken longer in their investigation for closure, we are down now to 24 cases, 19 of those cases have been tolled, so five of them are now not tolled beyond the 270-day mark. we're at 27 this time last year. we also have mediated four cases, which is the same amount we'd mediated last year at this time. in terms of community engagement, there's been a couple of activities within the department, two that i'll just mention. the hearing -- the hearings last week, the d.p.a. was called to testify, talking about the work that the organization does with
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independent investigations was explained as part of an evaluation with the sheriff's office about independent investigations. so i think it's great that the department is being used as a model to define and art late what best practices look like for parallel tracks for independent investigation. so that was last week. we'll see where those discussions go. the other thing was just today, i -- [inaudible] >> -- designed for our youth to be applying for the paid positions that are available during the summer. a lot of the city departments were there in force, including the d.p.a. and the police department and the number of appointed and elected city officials. i moderated the panel, but i'm
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looking forward to the panel of students that we're getting over the summer that are interested in working with public service. and here, i think that's it for our report. i'd just like to mention in the audience today, i have a number of folks from the office in case issues come up. our new senior clerk, whitney holmes is here, and candace carpenter. also joining me is one of the interns, elijah. thank you for joining me tonight, elijah. >> thank you.
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commissioners? >> i want to thank you for what you do and congratulate you and i think it's a great you to take over what the sheriff's department needs. i know it involves more than just a request, but i know it involves a lot of planning. >> president hirsch: okay. thank you. next item on the agenda? >> clerk: line item 1-c. commissioner reports. commission reports will be limited to a brief description of activities and announcements. commission discussion will be limited to determine to calendar any of the issues raised for a future commission meeting. commission president's report. commissioner's reports, status update regarding sb 1421. >> president hirsch: my report
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is this. i had previously mentioned that i'll be asking commissioners to give a brief summary of the work they're doing for the commission at one of these meetings, and i've decided to ask us to do that at our third meeting -- [inaudible] >> commissioner mazzucco: -- that's all as a result as we're trying to figure out how many officers we need. i did that myself and commissioner elias were on a call with the ab 1421 working group regarding our progress
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and moving to a commission resolution regarding uniformity of complainted in the police department. [inaudible] >> commissioner mazzucco: what the officers talked to the high school students is great, and we have one young officer in our department who talked about he has his master's and his under graduate degree. he only graduated from high school in 2011, but his father was killed in a drive-by shooting when he was 11 years old, and he talks to students about why he became a police officer and the challenges of
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being an african american police officer in the city. he talked about how they treat everybody with respect, and that's what they did. if they're having a bad day, they're seeing you at their worst moment. so it was a good position to be in on behalf of the commission. >> president hirsch: commissioner elias. >> commissioner elias: i wanted to follow up on the 1421 status. i wanted to commend the city attorney mirroring the policy that we will be rolling out after the statute that was instituted. it's my understanding that the p.o.a. has filed a lawsuit regarding the retroactivity of
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the resolution and that's to be held on may 3. it's my understanding that no records have been released by the police department to any p.r.a. requests that have been made after the law was passed as of january 1, 2019. >> president hirsch: okay. thank you. commissioner dejesus? >> commissioner dejesus: okay. so i've been kind of busy. i met with the youth commission ba because we had a draft resolution to have a youth commission sit with us. smart they are. they directed me to the youth committee, and so they had some great changes, requests to make changes so it's clear. so what i'll do when it's time for the agenda, i'm going to ask that we put this on the agenda and i'll give a copy of the draft to everybody, the city attorney, and we'll go over it, but the idea is to have them sit and -- and have them sit with us and comment
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and make recommendations to all polishes that affect youth and also participate in our ongoing conversations, so that was great. i also attended the youth event yesterday with the chief. i couldn't stay for the whole thing, but i agree, they had it -- they had it organized. they kept the adults in check so that they could have the floor. i do want to commend the chief, there was a lot of youth there from the school resources, and they broke out in small groups, and we had to listen, but they also were able to given put. i found that -- give input. and i heard a lot of fears. kids when they were growing up, officers coming into their homes and knocking them down. they're still fearful, but
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they're working on it because they want a relationship with the police officers. that was really interesting. i'm glad i went. i went to the language access -- what's it called? language -- the language access working group. it met on tuesday for domestic violence and sexual assault providers, and i have to say i was dismayed to know that one of the community groups, a woman, a victim of domestic violence is having difficulty getting a police report and was told it was under investigation so there's no report going to be given. now, the officers are going to look into it because the d.v.b. unit was there. it's just not the law. second thing was there was still discussion regarding access to the bakery, and some -- and there was new things that came out that i don't think i really other hand when we had the -- understood
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when we had the presentation last week. but when we came -- what's it called? department of -- >> emergency management. >> commissioner dejesus: emergency management, and it was coded as a priority a. they told us it was a c. >> commissioner dejesus: it was do downgraded to a b, and i guess there was a discussion at the group was who makes that determination? a strong-arm robbery, a hot proul, he they have brought that down to a b., but that's the same as vandenbealism. that's something the group was talking about, and your people are going to be looking into that, and i appreciate that. the other thing they were concerned about it is the department of emergency management has access to all
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officers who have language skills -- immediate -- they don't who is on the field at what time, and the question was why couldn't they send a cantonese speaker who was on the field? maybe it's because he checked in later, we don't know, but it shows four hours after we get there, 30 minutes later, the c cantoness speaker arrived. those are issues -- those are pretty important issues that they brought up. so i guess we're still looking into that, and there are people who are there that are going to look into that. the other thing is -- and we may need your intervention. your -- lozar was there, and he's going to look into this.
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but apparently, we have to -- it may take one department head to another department head to talk about certifying the languages, the hindi and the arabic, to get those added as soon as possible. there's some kind of road block, so you may need intervention. you talked about rolling out the language app on the interpreter's phone, and phone conference with the sign language interpreter. those are the main things that we talked about. the last thing they mentioned there that i should mention here, i guess n.p.r. is doing some kind of study, san francisco, our technology is from 1980. we live in silicon valley, but we have technology from 1980.
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it would be nice if people could put on a laptop, and the people in triage could see. in rolling out the language line -- line app, they have that, but i don't see that happening. okay. and i also attended the e.i.s. subcommittee this morning. yeah, i am busy. the university of chicago flaked on us. they gave us this preliminary report that is full of errors. there are some flags matching up to the use of force report that we got last week. there's also an anomaly in central station moved up from the fourth position to the second position with the highest flags, but last week,
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it was also the second with the highest use of force. so i'm wondering, is that an anomaly or what is causing central to move up in that way? and there was some discussion about it. and e.i.s. is coming next week. i don't want to steal their thunder, but that's coming up. i want to know what the status of the body worn camera working group is because i guess i'm assigned to that, and i want to know when we're going to do that. last thing, i started working with rachel regarding -- >> clerk: the evaluation. >> commissioner dejesus: the evaluation of the chief of police standards, we'll have to talk about what we're looking for in public. we'll study something up and
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we'll agendaize is when we're ready. >> president hirsch: okay. thank you. commissioner brookter? >> commissioner brookter: thank you so much, petra. i wanted to be able to attend that that night, but i wasn't able to attend. so thank you. last week, i got the opportunity to attend the 49th annual youth community presentation. it was very well attended. great event hosted by a community group on us of chinatown. and then also got the opportunity on monday. there was a community meeting that was held at mission high school in regards to the memorandum of understanding or m.o.u. between sfusd and us here at sfpd. and it was very well attended again. we had folks from city departments. i think director davis was there. it was really great to see
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community members coming together to have a discussion about what they wanted to see from our s.r.o.s in our public schools. i, too, want to ask when we get to agendaizing that we get a status update on the agenda and where it is. i know chief, just to make sure we push that through. i know the five-year m.o.u. that we had was from 2013, so i want to ensure we get that in place. >> president hirsch: okay. thank you. commissioner hamasaki? >> commissioner hamasaki: thank you. president hirsch. so the one thing i wanted to report on was that following the youth commission's presentation here, i reached out to lisa thurow about some of the work that was mentioned by the youth commission by
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policing. i have been reading materials and consulting with others, including the d.p.a. and i've thought -- i actually was kind of stole, apparently, commissioner dejesus' idea but what i would like to do is form a youth and policing working group, and this would involve, you know, consulting with the department and getting members of the working group and president hirsch and some of the best testimony berz of the community. so i -- the members of the community. this is something i'd like to get started -- get rolling this week. >> president hirsch: okay. yeah? >> commissioner dejesus: and also, they talked to me about
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that, too, and i know commissioner hamasaki was going to bring that up. they want to see the department take the latiead in getting th setup. >> president hirsch: i just want to ask you, you just passed out -- >> commissioner dejesus: yeah. i'm going to put on this the agenda some other time. i just wanted to give you a copy to see what was coming. >> president hirsch: okay. thank you. one thing is clear, this commission is active and working and it sounds like we're doing what we should be doing. next line item. [agenda item read] himp. >> president hirsch: commissioner dejesus?
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>> commissioner dejesus: yeah. i would like to put this onto a time where we can find a youth commission member to this body. the second thing is, the body camera working group, do we need to put it on the agenda -- >> president hirsch: i think we can do it away from this group. do we know who the individual at the department -- who is the executive sponsor? >> i'll have the assistant follow up. >> yeah. i'm part of that working group, and i think the p.o.a. was in negotiations. it would be good to get an update on the status and kind of figure out what we're doing. so maybe we can do that offline. >> president hirsch: i just need one clarification. is the u.c. asking that they have a member who sits as part
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of the police commission? >> commissioner dejesus: i guess you weren't -- >> president hirsch: i was here, but i wasn't on. >> i'd been talking to julius. we do a lot of thirngs with th youth. especially in light of what happened at balboa high school, i asked the city attorney to help me with the resolution that me, i, that we request a designated youth representative who may be a member of the youth commission or nominated by the commissioner to participate in youth commission meetings and to participate, comment and make recommendations to the commission on all policies that affect the youth and that they do have a designated standing item on the agenda so they can comment on juvenile resolutions and policies. now they wouldn't sit in on
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closed session or participate or anything like that, but they would be a member and participate with us. >> just as a core -- corollary, if we can set that up for all commissioners. >> president hirsch: okay. commissioner elias? >> commissioner elias: i'd like to know what steps the san francisco police department is taking in the 96-a report. i think this has to do with what commissioner dejesus commented on the specific districts. this report showed the use of force based on districts, and
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there was an increase in central by 55% since last year, and northern has a 43% in use of force since last year. park has a 175% increase, but i think the number was so low to begin with, it jumped from 6 to 33. i know you weren't here, but a.c. signs did indicate to us in addition to the academic institution coming in and signalsing this data, the police department -- analyzing this data, the police department is analyzing this data, and i'd like an update on what solutions they're coming up with and how to address it. while we can wait for the academic analysis to come in, it's on us to also do our due diligence in terms of analyzing the solutions and the data and numbers that are in front of us. the whole purpose of the 96-a report is to entrust community
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trust and this is applied evenly to all communities throughout the city. so that's what i'd like to agendaize for the next commission meeting. >> president hirsch: great. commissioner brookter? >> commissioner brookter: yes. i'd like to see maybe in the april 17 meeting that we get a presentation on the memorandum of understanding between the sfpd and the san francisco unified school district. >> president hirsch: okay. thank you all. ready for the next item. >> clerk: okay. i'd like to announce the next police commission meeting will be wednesday, march 20, here at city hall, room 400, at 5:30 p.m. the public is now invited to comment on-line items 1-a through 1-d. >> president hirsch: okay. we're asking for public comment on items 1-a through d. >> good evening, commissioners.
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brad williams, excelsior. i very much appreciate commissioner dejesus bringing up miss appropriation of -- misappropriation of department assets. i think it's something we came up in war reports. controlled assets was controlled via chain of command and orders. maybe in our environment now that's not really the way to go if you consider, say, a large investment bank or a -- any for-profit entity. they have certain controls that are lacking, when it comes to these -- these assets, particularly such as a report or item that might be described
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as intellectual property. i think there's been a lack of looking into this. particularly, honest how the auditors can base a strict liability based on the lack of internal controls and the per have the fact that there aren't adequate internal controls, i believe lends to that possibility and this is just one narrow area. if you think of instead of this body as, say, the s.e.c. were the regulator, it would be very different. thank you. >> president hirsch: thank you. any other public comment on items 1-a through d?
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good evening. >> good evening, commissioners and chief scott. my name is tammy bryant. i'm a district five resident, and i just wanted to say i was at the roundtable, and it was really amazing, to see the collaboration and the youth just blew me away. what i really liked, it was so solution based. i like having a commissioner be a part of the youth commission. just like the san francisco unified school district board of education, they have student delegates. the woman's month video was beautiful, but it also made me think about that deputy last week on the news in alameda who was able to talk down the suspect with a knife, who was egging the officer on and who was looking like he could be a
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huge threat, but i really nend what i saw her do which was basically talk her down. i have to say as women, we are going to sometimes use our smarts. i really liked that, and i hope that can be something more like a model. i did have an unfortunate incident about that a couple of weeks where the officers are knowledge idea about that. i just always want to remind you how up set i am over the racist text messages back from years ago. i don't know if they've ever been addressed, but i just cannot emphasize how unacceptable it was that officers would use that kind of language, that i don't use, don't think about. i don't think it should be used on the city equipment, but i
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think it should involve termination because i don't think anybody is going to feel safe like i did with them on the department. i geuess we're talking about te late public defender jeff adachi would be released, and i'm glad it's being taken seriously by the commission. >> president hirsch: thank you. any other comment on items 1-a through d. >> yes. i just wanted to comment on the video you just showed, and heather fong. i remember i was here when she was -- yeah, she -- and she was really sensitive to my issues, also. and so i think that was that
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video, even looking at all the women that are courageous, a lot of them are mothers, and i'm pretty sure a lot of them are mothers on that video and have children and can sympathize with how i feel. i don't know if any of them have lost loved ones in the line of duty or just medical issues. grief is grief, you know? so -- but that was a good video, and i also miss -- just get her name -- yeah, rachel, i forgot. i left that day, and i really miss not seeing her there, but i guess i will give this to you -- get used to you now. but yeah, the video was really great, so yeah, we do want to think about that even though that video and everything that the -- a lot of those officers and mothers are still
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looking -- are seeing trauma every day through their work. and that they're also going through it, too, because you think about suicide. people that commit the most suicide are officers that have to see this every day, what they see, and ambulance drivers, and mothers like myself, who has to deal with their children being murdered. so i just want to say that it was a really good video. thank you. >> president hirsch: thank you. any other public comment on items 1-a through d? good evening. >> good evening -- good evening, everybody. my name is whitney holmes. i'm the new senior clark that joined d.p.a. i just wanted to express my joy for hearing how much participation that we're having
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in the youth in san francisco. i was previously a resident myself and i have two small children, so this is a direct issue for me. i love the fact that we're hitting concrete issues such as the relationship that the public as far as our youth goes has with law enforcement, because i do see this is going to be a contingent issue for us moving forward, seeing a lot of us will be moving onto retirement or just kind of been in the game a long time, and we need to bring fresh people in. so this is a great way to reach out, and i just want to encourage everybody that's on the commission to please keep doing so. myself included, i'll do whatever it takes to ensure i'm an active participant in the movement we have going forward, and i just want to say thank you for having me here this evening. >> president hirsch: thank you. >> commissioner elias: thank you. >> president hirsch: okay. any other comment? no further comment, so public comment on eyesed 1 through
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a -- items 1 through -- 5 through d are closed. next item. [agenda item read]. >> president hirsch: we previously approved in january rules for administrative appeal, and that came out of a meet and confer process and a mediated arbitration with professor gould. and we setup a structure for appealing disciplinary matters which was and is intended to be just a short-term fix that was necessitated by the morgado decision. we've been working on -- commissioner elias and i have been working on this for quite sometime, since you started on the commission and myself even before that, introducing a
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charter amendment that history would stay in the commission. it's been the opinion in this city for -- discipline would stay in the commission. we currently have a system that i don't think everybody is satisfied with, where a decision by seven members of this decision can be appealed to one administrative law judge which really in my opinion is an inverted appeal process. so we attempted to structure an appeal process that would stay -- keep the appeals within the commission. we worked with the chief and the chief staff. with the d.p.a. and d.p.a. staff, and with commissioners. and question looked at a variety of possible solutions, and this is what we have come up with. it is an appeal process that
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tracks somewhat what we're doing now in that a single commissioner would conduct a hearing, and then, three commissioners, allowing that one commissioner would make a decision based upon that decision, and that hearing could then be appealed to three different commissioners who would sit as an appellate body on that disciplinary matter. there would be one commissioner left out of each case. that commissioner would be an alternate, if we needed a substitute or another one of the bodies. we've had cases where a commissioner needs to recuse him or herself, and so we've had a seventh commissioner. this is going to take some time. this probably can't get on a ballot until -- november is probably the earliest, but it needs to go through city hall, it needs a sponsor out of the
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