tv Government Access Programming SFGTV March 17, 2019 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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management and home delivered meals. so these programs are not effective at meeting the need at this point. could we develop a division of assertive housing case management with supporting services for these high-need people? could someone explain how that could be done and how the barriers to getting case management could belowered? >> chair mandelman: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. jordan davis speaking for myself. happy pie day, everyone. we should grow the pie for more housing and voluntary services. however, we should also throw the pie at coercesive treatment and skefconservatorships.
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now i tell my story a lot. i'm formerly homeless. i was one of the people that the neighbors often talk about, but i was able to get better and i was able to get housing and get a lot of things done. but there's a lot of people that just, like, the system is failing them, and i recognize that. for example, a lot of the housing systems or s.r.o.s, they're bad for our mental health, and i say this as someone who represents tenants on a city board about this. these are not built for mental health. and also, like, the sword of damocles hanging over us on master leasing, because it may not be permanent. we don't have any rights. a big component of mental health for the homeless is meeting people where they're at. it's least restrictive treatment available. it's resembles what a
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middle-class person would live in. that's why we've got to do more subsidized housing, to make sure people who need it get that housing. i've gotten, like, stablized, but who knows how long that's going to last with the living situation that i and many other people had. thank you. >> chair mandelman: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. my name is maria guillen, and i'm a member of the voluntary services first coalition, representing senior action network -- i'm regressing, sorry. senior and disability action as one of their board members. so what today's hearing says to me is that this type of hearing, the asking of
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thoughtful and probing questions, and the opportunity for public comment and for them to -- for us to share our concerns should have preceded the drafting of legislation like sb-1045. 1045 is not the answer to our crisis in san francisco, and that crisis is a lack of services for those in need. it's been shared. there are substance abuse needs. there are housing needs. there are substance abuse needs. this afternoon -- this morning, i -- the moment -- the powerful moment today was when our supervisors had the opportunity to ask what would it take to do better? what kind of resources are required to have a different system? how do we fix the system?
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and to me, when this happened, it's okay, we're taking responsibility. we're taking some accountability for the problems and not blaming those that are affected. please, let's not propose something overreacting, over arching, and denying, like forest conservatorship. i implore on all of humanity, fix the system, feed the system, before we are the failures of a failed system. >> chair mandelman: thank you. next system. >> hello. good morning, and thank you for your time. i've worked with some of the people in the room. i am a city of san francisco registered nurse. my name is jennifer steen, and i think it's really disrespectful that jeff kozinski left.
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i think it's really disrespectful. i think we knew what we were doing in writing the code, and i think it was incredibly important in writing that. the homeless budget is 2 0 -- 200 million. as everyone here said, i agree quite strongly that levels of care are lacking in all levels, and that people need to be able to be supported so that they can exit. i think supervisor ronen, you've asked many good questions about exiting,
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exiting, exiting. right now, i work in exiting, transitions. exiting is a problem. we don't have enough beds. there was a study with multiple recommendations about where beds are needed and can be provided with a cost breakdown. this work group put together this draft. someone sent it to me anonymously. i don't know who did it, but i think this is the kind of information that needs to be disseminated between staff as well as the people to serve. >> supervisor ronen: chair mandelman, could i have a question? >> chair mandelman: sure. >> supervisor ronen: so working in railroad amends, where do you think we should be focused -- so working in --
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where do you think we should be focused? >> dual diagnosis, the 90 days, a.d.u.s. board and care and adult living centers. the log jams that exist both at laguna honda and san francisco general are the result of not having places for people to go. they can continue having need, but we opened up the healing center to create capacity. we've opened up hummingbird to create capacity, but all those folks are still stuck in those new beds. so we've opened new beds, but they're ready to graduate and have no place to go. so the ask is all the levels. we need support service, hotels. i think jeff kozinski made a
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great numerical statement that hundreds of beds are opening every year, but they were planned before this year. i think it was also stated that the departments aren't communicating to figure out who was in need. so we can look at length of homelessness, but if we're not fully coordinating the overlapping needs of mental health care, medical health care, dimension diagnosis, which is almost impossible to place, and if you're incontent, you can't even go into a residential program if you might need it if you can't climb stairs. in san francisco, most people live on hills, and so they can't get access to programs. i think we need different differentiations, obvious to people who are doing the work
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and utilizing the services. if you have an issue -- if you just walk with a cane, you can't go into a program. p.e.s. used to be able to refer directly to progress a.d.u. beds and cannot do that any longer. so we're seeing that a lot of clients -- if you go into inpisht, you can be referred, but only for the first seven days of your stay. so people actually are not able to even make that simple exit. a.d.u.s are called acute diverse units, and they were designed and created as an outlet for p.e.s. now they're not being used that way, and that's problematic. >> supervisor ronen: good point. good point. >> chair mandelman: i think supervisor stefani -- >> supervisor stefani: no, i would like to give you my card because i would like to follow up with you and see that
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report. >> chair mandelman: we probably would call like to see that report. okay. next speaker. >> good afternoon. my name is gloria hernandez. i'm so glad to be here. originally from illinois, came here, started working with homeless, some of them are still homeless. i believe that people are doing the best they can. i believe that with my mind, heart, and spirit, but i have serious concerns that everybody needs to work together. usually, what i've seen from living here for 24 hours that the homeless, the first people they encounter is the outreach people and the police department. i would like to know exactly
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what training they have to exist because this is did definitely a mental health issue. if you don't know how to assist a person, that person will remember that and not go further into what they need help with. so please, if you could investigate and find out -- because -- in other words, i was just told by the director of the homeless that there's 40 policemen that are trained in this area -- oh, that sounds great to me. but those 40 policemen are not all over. in other words, at any given day, there will be different police that apparently are not trained. why is it that not all of them are trained to assist the homeless because this is definitely a big issue, and how that is taken care of is how they're going to feel about the next steps. thank you. >> chair mandelman: thank you.
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next speaker. >> hi. my name is robert marquez. i want to thank the supervisors for going in and asking this. part of the problem that you're having -- i appreciate your approach, is that these rights establish living in self-determinance. it created the 5150 as a public safety hold, krisk hold with a professional recommendation from psychiatrists. so what you're looking at, when somebody gets released, they get eight different states of competence, opposed to 5951. when you start adding it up, it's the standard. it's competency.
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so when you start putting this together and saying this happened this many times, what's the basis? what's the basis for holding them. and then why? why -- the questions you had with why the merry-go-round? to address your concerns, effective january 21, senate bill 1152 will require hospitals to modify their current discharge policies by including a homeless discharge policy planning and procedure. -- [inaudible] >> -- prior to discharging homeless patients, hospitals are required to document and perform a check list of events such as offering patients a medical screening for infectious diseases and
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transportation up to 30 miles. basically, effective july 1, 2019, hospitals must have a written -- >> chair mandelman: thank you. next speaker. >> hello. i'm sandra larson. i'm a former mental patient, and i've had e.c.t., and it was in the residential system here in the city and county, and i think they're great. they create community. and the statement i want to make is based on the consumer movement. people need to be able to own their success. it should not be what someone else has given them as it is in the current mental health system. the effort needs to be client driven and that's in the mental health services act.
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it takes investment, time, and effort. people need to be invested owning their success. some could be peer workers and helping promote their community, healthy community as we've been promoting with mental health services recently. i believe in the long run that is what will help all of us, otherwise, we're going to continue rescuing people who can't survive because they're without family and support. for a little while, they'll be assisted and then have no support to continue. the other part here is that we do not have enough adequate beds or services currently to house and treat people for extended period of times for 30 days, three months, six months to a year but then release them to a community that has no place for them because they are
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former addicts and qucan i se schizophreniaics. you have to have people working for the community. >> chair mandelman: thank you. >> hi name is sam lu, and i work in the coordinated health system. one thing that is really clear from this presentation is there's so many gaps in the system and it's inadequately serving the homeless population. homeless people really haven't had the chance to receive services voluntarily. the city needs more intensive case management that meets people once a day wherever they are living and builds relationships on trust in order to get people into housing and
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services. we need to invest in community mental health. it's also clear there needs to be a needs assessment. what are the gaps in the system and how can we fill those gaps? coalition on homelessness proposes that the departments work to identify where those needs are, especially before we try to implement something like sb 1045 which will take away the civil liberties of homeless people. there are a multitude ofries as to why people may not -- off reasons as to why -- of reasons as to why people may not want to receive services. healthright 360, it's a 90-day program.
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one of the reasons that we've heard that people don't want to go into treatment, it's such a taxing process to become sober, only to know that you are going to be exiting back out onto the street, right? and until we have that housing, people aren't going to be -- >> chair mandelman: thank you. next speaker. >> hi. thank you. my name is spencer hudson, and i wasn't going to say anything at this hearing because i am so far from being an expert in mental health issues and hen mal health treatment that i am just out of my depth, and all of the other speakers have spoken so eloquently and knowledgeable about the situation. however, i can tell you this, i can tell you that sb 1045 that was passed last year is a bad piece of legislation. and how do i know this?
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i know this because three counties: san francisco, san diego, and l.a., were given the opportunity to implement sb 1045, and san diego and l.a. have said oh, no thank you, not interested. only san francisco is implementing it. how do i know it's a bad piece of legislation? it's because many speakers from the departments here and every single speaker here who knows more about this than i do have said we need more, more, more. more funding, more beds, more resources. sb 1045 doesn't provide one single dime of additional funding for services. how do i know it's a bad piece of legislation? because everyone i've spoken to who knows more about this than i do said we need to concentrate beefing up
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mandatory services before we beef up incarceration. the authors got it so wrong that the number of estimated people that's going to be served has dropped to 300 to five, and they have to go back and fix it this year with 1040. sb 1045 is a bad piece of legislation and we should not be implementing it. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am jessica layman, the executive director of senior and disability action. i want to thank you for having this hearing and taking the time to look at these issues. we all agree their issues around mental health and housing and services in our city right now. i know you've heard from other people that sb 1045 is the
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wrong approach. people overwhelmingly oppose the approach taken on sb 1045. at the same time, when we talked about our priorities for the year, mental health services, the need for expanding mental health services for seniors and people with disabilities was at the top of the list. so people know that we need services, and people are saying i'm having trouble accessing services. we have start there to make sure any time somebody needs services that they can get it, that there's follow up, intensive case services to make sure that people aren't falling through the cracks that we know they are. today, we're talking about income, and it's almost impossible to find housing in our city for that amount of
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money. we have a lot of knowledge in the city, right, between city staff, between the supervisors, and perhaps most importantly, people who have lived here, people who have been traumatized by 5150, people who have needed mental health services, people who have had substance use. we've got to bring those folks to the table, and i feel confident with all of us, if we back up and really look at what do we need to do, we can come up with some good solutions that work for everyone. thank you. >> hi. good afternoon. jennifer friedebach, coalition on homelessness. thank you for having this hearing. it is an incredibly important issue. we have so many people out on the streets suffering from mental illness that we all see all the time. i think what we all do as a city and policy makers is
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oftentimes we look at the person and not ask what happened to them. maybe think what's wrong with them, but most often blame them for being out there, and very rarely do we say our system is failing, and the reason that they're out there is our system failed them. we have -- i know we have proposals in front of us, and people are talking about 1045, the coalition on homelessness is opposing that. we do not think that's going to solve the issue that we're looking at. we think it's coming from a political perspective. we do not think it's centered around people with experiences, with psychiatric crises, and that's what we have to do. we have to bring them back in, figure out exactly what's going
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to work for them, instead of putting them in a system that's incredibly expensive and in the end doesn't add any capacity to our system, doesn't get us any further than where we are now. conservatorships, there's an organization across the state that have weighed in and said listen, the reason we're not bringing people in in a conservatorship process doesn't change anything. i urge you to continue this conversation to really bring -- >> chair mandelman: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. i am peter, and i am here speaking truth and power, free of all fear. so i got to wonder, what's the
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thinking here today? the homeless man on the street that talks to god, that talks to the creator, he's the one that's a 5150? or is it those in the system that are trying to work something out that never seems to happen, the same system that did the very same thing from the native americans from that time to this moment? a system that's run by bankers, a system that has the bar association of lawyers -- liars -- lawyers, that have taken overall three branchs of government a long time ago. a very, very corrupt system that places even law enforcement in a tough position because they have spirit and souls, as well, but they're controlled by this corrupt system, and it's time for them to arise and take it over.
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it's time for us all to arise and take this over. why aren't the churches being charged with false advertisement? love one another, do unto one another. there's plenty of ways to take care of the homeless issue. i've talked to plenty of students. i said walk out of school and see how fast they find an answer because it's a financial leverage if the students were to do that. as you are surely as the -- as su surely as the fires were commanded, a breath away will be the earthquakes, will be the explosions in the economic and corporate sectors, and the fire from beyond and down under as -- >> chair mandelman: thank you. [inaudible] >> clerk: next speaker,
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please. >> chair mandelman: are there any other members of the public who wish to speak on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor -- vice chair stefani? >> supervisor stefani: thank you, chair mandelman. first, i want to thank everybody from public comment who came out to speak. i know this is a very emotional topic for everybody. we all come at it with our own experiences, whether it's personal or family or the work that we do. and i want to thank you all for sharing your thoughts with us here today and especially, you know, to the woman who said about those going into treatment programs, you're right. becoming sober is mentally, physically exhausting experience. for people who go into 90-day treatment programs, they should have housing. they should not go into the
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streets. that's one of the reasons i cosponsored legislation to prioritize those who are coming out of treatments. because why invest somebody for 90 days when they're getting sober, and putting them back out on the street? i think it's something we need to understand about addiction and the disease of addiction. if you don't understand what it's like to have that living inside your head, about wanting to take the next drink, and you can't. jennifer friedenbach was right. you don't hate the person, you hate the disease. the reason why i called this hearing is because i hear over and over again, and i see over and over again people suffering in our hospitals, going in and out on 5150 holds.
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whether you like it or not, they're going in on 5150 holds because what they're doing on the street is causing them to be taken to the hospital, and they need that care and my point in calling is not about sb 1045, it's not about locking people up. that's not what this hearing is about. it's about how do we get our departments, our city departments, to coordinate better. how do we think about coordinated exit? how do we help the person that's leaving p.e.s.? how many more type of beds do we need? how many beds? that's what this hearing is about, because if we don't look at that -- at those investments, we're just going to keep doing this over and over again, which is the definition of insanity if we don't make any changes. so that's why i called this
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hearing. we need to understand what the departments are doing better. we are doing good work. i want to thank you four coming. there is a lot of work going on at s.f. general, a lot of good work going on. i know all of my colleagues here want to do better. we are in charge of the budget. we want to know how to spend your dollars to get at this problem to help the people who are suffering on our streets. that's what i want to do and that's why i called this hearing. i want to thank those who presented, i want to thank my colleagues for their thoughtful questions because we're going to keep at this. this is not the end of this discussion for me. i'm going to keep at it, i'm going to keep asking questions, demanding answers, and i'm going to keep hearing from you.
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come to my office. follow up with your comments. let me know what you think, what you think we can do better. i want to know. so again, i want to thank chair mandelman for having this hearing, for scheduling, and thank you to the department heads and everyone who spoke. we have a lot of work to do, and thank you for the good work that you do. >> chair mandelman: thank you. do you want to have this continued or filed? okay. so i'll continue this to the call of the chair. we can take that without objection. mr. clerk, please call the next item. >> clerk: agenda item number four is a hearing to identify the scope of illegal dumping in district ten. current resources public work has devoted to curb illegal dumping and long-term plans to reduce ildeal dumping. >> chair mandelman: supervisor walton, this is your hearing,
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and the floor is yours. >> supervisor walton: thank you, chair mandelman, and i want to thank everyone for coming out this morning -- or i should say this afternoon. as i go throughout the -- my community. as we drive, walk, jog and spend time in the streets here in san francisco, we see trash and debris being left on our streets and sidewalks on the daily. and illegal dumping is really proportionate in this area in san francisco. we are he here to hear from public works, recology about the problem and here some of the things that they're doing about the issues. i want to thank d.p.w. and recology for coming out and presenting as we discuss solutions. the teams at d.p.w. and
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recology have been responsive when we ask them questions about people who dump trash. this is not just about how our streets look, but it's also about the resources that we take away from addressing other issues in the cities because we have to address illegal dumping which is costing up to $10 million a year as a city. in addition to recology and d.p.w., we have sergeant james pacini from the san francisco police department's bayview station and representatives from recology on-site for wes, and there may be other staff members here. but with that said, i want to first turn this over to hear from mr. larry stringer who's a deputy over at the department of public works. thank you so much for being here, and mr. stringer, it's on
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you. >> thank you, supervisor walton and supervisors. illegal dumping is a huge problem in san francisco. kind of all over, but it is extremely probably at its worst in the bayview. there are a number of reasons why we have illegal dumping. one of them starts with inadequate garbage service. we find out from people that they either have insufficient garbage service and what happens is it ended up on the sidewalk, on a corner or in an abandoned area in the city. one of the second areas that we struggle with drastically is with construction debris. as the picture depicts, this was not somebody just cleaning
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out their household bar gagarb this is somebody that has done some sentence stiextensive rec and instead of take transgender to recology, they dumped on the street. this looks like a tenant, and in any case, they put it on the sidewalk and unfortunately for us, we do respond within 24 to 48 hours and we clean it up. however, there's a better way of disposing it. and then, the other challenge that we face when we have illegal dumping is we try and find out who's the pull prit, and if we can -- culprit, and
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if we can find them, then, we go after them kind of aggressively. we're looking for i.d.s, anyone who might be bumpidumping the material, and then, we go after them. however, there are cases that we found where someone else cleaned out a house, and the first person took it upon themselves to dump it somewhere else. a couple of slides, just give you an idea here within the period of the rest of the city, we had a total of, wow, 75,000 total requests for that, of
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which 10,000 were in the bayview. of which in a month, we had 6800 service requests for illegal dumping. annually, as you can see, it's 82,605 between recology and us that we respond to on a yearly basis for abandoned waste and illegal dumping, and this kind of just highlights illegal dumping in the bayview. and we get all types, from commercial, residential, household, and -- large and
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small. in our current summary for dumping for the period of time, since december, we've picked up 858,050 pounds of dumped material, and that was with the help of recology packers. the graph kind of indicates we've been cutting down on it. however, we're not able -- it's not sustainable because we're actually using heavy equipment, and that's been on a weekly basis. we are conducting two illegal dumping proactive runs in the bayview with recology two times a week. we added one in the last couple of months. we were doing it once a week, and we were not keeping up. so recology kindly added to work with us and add a second packer, so they're now running
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two days a week. we also during the last months did some outreach and enforcement in the bayview area where we were having targeted problems. so i think jennings and i think wi i -- ingle were two of the worst areas. we found that 252 of the properties audited, 90 of them were found to be with insufficient service or no service at all. over the past 15 years, we've tried a number of different things. none of them have been, like, what would you call it? the magic bullet to help stop the problem? so one of the things we're looking at, we did some targeted outreach about
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potential residents that would be willing to do cameras within the area and we did find -- we canvassed and found 15 businesses and residents that were actually willing to deploy cameras. another strategy that we're looking at, and it's going to take some minor tweaks of legislation. so you saw a lot of construction debris, large and small, were looking at trying to have a mechanism in place before permits are signed off by d.b.i. that they produce a receipt for the debris and where it was dumped so that we can verify that it actually made it to where it was supposed to go, and that would be a requirement of the permit. we found that philadelphia and
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l.a. had legislation that allowed ticketing if there was illegal dumping. and then, the last one is a dumping strategy, a dumping task force which will involve several city agencies. one of the challenges that we have currently with illegal dumping is there aren't sufficient laws to effectively go after in great deal when you catch an illegal dumper, okay? and the last thing i'll talk about briefly is we recognize illegal dumping being a problem not just in d-10 but throughout the city. we're getting ready to embark on a public awareness campaign
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to get ready for that. we're looki we're -- i think it's time for us to go on a public awareness and marketing campaign to change the behavior. it's something that everybody will remember but also everybody will embrace and help. so in a nutshell, that is it. i'm very happy that supervisor walton is taking this up. we need some help in the enforcement area, and i think we're looking at better solutions on how we can tackle the problem. >> supervisor walton: thank you, mr. stringer.
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before you come up, do you -- do either of my colleagues have any questions for d.p.w. at this time? just a few questions, mr. stringer. you said 79 people were contacted on jennings and ingalls. what do you mean by contacted? >> no, we have an outreach and enforcement team. they knocked on the door or they engaged the business about garbage service, about proper containerization, about the potential for adding more service, but also, some of those were about adding cameras. so we just counted all the contacts that we actually made. >> supervisor walton: i know we talked about cameras, and you said 15 businesses so far agreed to ad cameras.
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did they give any timeline on that? >> no, and there's the win issue that we have to talk about. funding, where that's coming from. we do have quotes from two different systems, the most expensive one being 1,000 and the other one being 500, and we're still looking at if there may be an incentive or program that we can help them with. >> supervisor walton: you talked about a program in l.a. that is a reconfiscatetion of cars. >> they were businesses that actually got caught and sounded like it was vehicle forfeiture, not necessarily returning. >> supervisor walton: i'll definitely follow up with you about that after the visit. thank you. >> thank you. >> supervisor walton: mr.
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giusti is here to present on behalf of recology. >> thank you, supervisor walton, supervisors. illegal dumping is a big issue for recology. our regional manager is here, so if we have some questions, we can direct them to him, as well. i just wanted to remind you what recology does on a daily basis and the resources we put to illegal dumping. we work at the direction of public works on this and through the city's 311 reporting system. in addition to the 311, we also have reports that are made by our field supervisors, the calls that come into our customer service center and calls that come into the radio room from the chavez street yard. so the numbers are bigger than
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eve what director stringer reported. it's probably closer 11,000 calls. monday through friday, we have ten crews out there, working together with a packer truck, which is one of the big traditional trash trucks. and then, we have a panel truck that we can collect things on, washers, dryers, refrigerators that are highly recyclable. so the crews work together, they help each other load the materials in the trucks and they're split into two shift. one shift of two crews started at 3:00 a.m. and works until
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around 11:00 a.m. or noon, and then, the second is from 4:00 p.m. until midnight. we have eight drivers on saturday and six drivers on sunday because we don't do the on call bulky items on the weekend. that's purely for the waste. we have an on board routing system so the drivers will get their requests on the systems in their trucks.
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so that is really in a nutshell what we do on a daily basis seven days a week, to try and keep up with the abandoned waste and then the illegal dumping in san francisco, and then, we can answer any questions you might have, as well. >> supervisor walton: thank you, mr. giusti. any questions for my colleagues in recology? just a couple of questions. i know there's been a couple of remarks about abandoned trash, what do you do? >> we'll also work alongside public works and we'll do what we call corridor walks, where i'll actually print out ledgers of customers and see what kind of service, who doesn't have service, who may not have
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adequate service, and walk the streets with public works. when we find something like that, we let them know that this person might not have adequate service, or they don't have service. public works also has the ability to require commercial businesses to either put locks on their containers or to subscribe to inside service if it seems to be they're a nuisance with people spreading the trash out, also. >> supervisor walton: so i know there was a point in time where you had investigators out that would try to catch people that were illegally dumping. >> right. so we actually hired a private investigation firm to help us with security issues around our site, and we had a contract with them. and so as part of that
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contract, we had their services, so we said hey, we've got a little side job for you to do as part of this, and we knew some spots in district ten that just get hammered all the time. we said hey, would you do a stakeout for us? what's doing the dumping, and what does it look like? they did that for us. they did the van with the blacked out windows and staked out a couple of locations in the bayview. then, to exasperate the project, individuals and homeless individuals know it's going to happen. they congregate in the area, and when it's dumps, they're swarming over it, trying to find something that would help their situation.
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it's not something we planned to do, it's side thing to a contract that they were already working for with us, and we took that material that they did for the investigation, and we gave it to public works. >> supervisor walton: how can we work on something to possibly get something that happens more consistently in terms of working to get investigators out to catch people that are illegally dumping on our streets. >> i think we would be glad to sit down with you and people from the police department. we've met with catherine brown from the bayview. maybe together we could find out some sort of task force or strategy to figure out who is the illegal dumping and doing that cause a deterrent to it in the first place. >> supervisor walton: thank you, mr. giusti. i did have a question for, i
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believe, nancy -- and affirmative me if i pronounce your last name wrong. [inaudible] >> supervisor walton: thank you. >> i have about 2200 or so requests. i'll have the exact number in a second. from january 1st to march 10, we had 2318 reports to 311. >> supervisor walton: and that was just in district ten? >> district ten. >> supervisor walton: do you know how that compares to the rest of the city?
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>> i don't have that information, no. >> supervisor walton: okay. i'll follow up with you. >> yes. i'll get that to you. >> supervisor walton: any of my colleagues want to follow up? okay. want to make sure we have a conversation around one of the major concerns is quality of life particularly in our district. as someone who lives close to industrial areas, as we talk about ingalls, as we talk about jennings, and everything along the way as you go down jennings and ingalls, trash is just more imperative every single day. our office is going to send out letters to the residents in the district primarily in high
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dumping concentrations in district ten and viz valley. the reality of it is, too, that we're going to work on some very aggressive legislation that will combat people dumping on our streets. i was having some conversations with the city attorney about how high we can go up in terms of fines. we can go very high. also about taking their vehicles away and licenses for contractors that are caught dumping. and also penalties and building permits, etc., as we catch some of these perpetrators,
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particularly people who operate businesses in our city. we know there's some bad actors, so we're going to be hard to address this. i do want to thank recology, d.p.w. and sfpd for the work that you do. when we reach out to have places clean, you're responsive, but the reality is we just need it to stop. we live in the area where the dumping's located, too, and i do know that's a problem, as well. i do have one more question for d.p.w. before we continue this hearing to the call of the chair. i know we have overnight crews that go out in certain areas of the city. where are we in terms of having one dedicated to bayview and to district ten? >> we are -- we have crews that are dedicated to go all over the city. there's a truck assigned to the
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bayview in the city. that's it. as far as what we have during the day, it's nowhere near the same. that's kind of where -- where it's at. >> can we get some of that in bayview? >> what i'll say is i'll be happy to sit down and talk to you about it. there's a resource thing and the responsibilities we have citywide, we can sit down and talk about how we can look at that. >> supervisor walton: do you know what the cost would be? >> no. we'll have to sit down and talk about that. >> supervisor walton: okay. >> chair mandelman: thank you, supervisor walton. i believe i heard a motion to have this item continues to the wall of the chair -- continued to the call of the chair. >> clerk: we can take that
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after we hear public comment. >> chair mandelman: oh, you are right. is there any public comment on this item? very good. public comment is now closed. thank you for that. we will take the motion to continue this to the call of the chair without objection, and mr. clerk, are there anymore items before us today? >> clerk: there's no further business. >> chair mandelman: then we are adjourned.
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>> 5, 4, 3, 2 , 1. cut. >> we are here to celebrate the opening of this community garden. a place that used to look a lot darker and today is sun is shining and it's beautiful and it's been completely redone and been a gathering place for this community. >> i have been waiting for this garden for 3 decades. that is not a joke. i live in an apartment building three floors up and i have potted plants and have dreamt the whole time i have lived there to have some ability to build
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this dirt. >> let me tell you handout you -- how to build a community garden. you start with a really good idea and add community support from echo media and levis and take management and water and sun and this is what we have. this is great. it's about environment and stewardship. it's also for the -- we implemented several practices in our successes of the site. that is made up of the pockets like wool but they are made of recycled plastic bottles. i don't know how they do it. >> there is acres and acres
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of parkland throughout golden gate park, but not necessarily through golden community garden. we have it right in the meeting will come to order. welcome to the thursday, march 14th meeting of government audit and oversight committee. i am supervisor gordon mar, chairman. i am joined by supervisor peskin. supervisor brown is unable to join us today due t to illness. i would like to thank samuel williams and james smith for staffing this meeting. do we have
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