tv Government Access Programming SFGTV April 20, 2019 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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called 311. we weren't open that night. besaids that, there wasn't a direct complaint. >> i can speak to the complaint the. there were no complaints that were received in the last nine months. however, with the caveat that there was one for rs94109 and the inspector responded in realtime, rs94109 was closed. it turned out to be kung fu the
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neighboring bar. >> i want to note that they've had an l.l.p. since 2016 but they also have consistently applied for onetime event to extend to like 2:00 a.m. they've done dozens of those. they are allowed to do 12 a year. we haven't been receiving complaints. eights somethin -- italy sometho note. >> commissioner tan: we live in a culture of fear sometimes. let's not try things because we're afraid of things happening. part of what i do up here is look at the evidence and the data is. if you're telling me and if i'm hearing from staff that we haven't had tons of complaints and you've been doing this as an actor, that's the data i'm
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using. i want to say, this type of business is important for our city and important for the tenderloin. i think we're here to try to figure out what's the right balance. i do commend you for taking that risk. it sounds like you might have bigger dreams having occupancy 49 people. you might need a new space at some point. i do think it's a huge risk that people take to start businesses in parts of town that people don't want to go to, especially at night. thank you for answering my questions.
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>> commissioner perez: thank you for coming in. i see that you had some considerable amount of neighborhood outreach based on the packet i seen here including outreach the supervisor. i'm looking at the signatures from your neighbors. my question for you is, what is your current policy and procedure to handle complaints from neighbors moving forward? >> to be honest, the connection between us and t.h.c. hasn't been the best as far as communication has gone. we've been in connection with dan, which is the manager we knew. i think over the last few months, other people are involved. one i haven't done the best job in figuring out who to stay
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connected with. moving forward, i want to make a big commitment on being very active with telling t.h.c. what events we'll have and making sure neighborhood contact person has my contact. whoever needs it can have my contact. >> commissioner perez: can you explain your procedure if there's a complaint in realtime? what's the process resolving that complaint? >> i would give them our three numbers. if they call me the day during the event, i would have me or whitney or staff turn down the music.
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if it's a day after, i love to meet with them for coffee and discuss ways to move forward on those issues. i think the best thing we can do is respond right away. i will be willing to meet with them in person. >> commissioner perez: you have your decibel limit set by the inspector, you should be fine. would you commit having a manager on site when doing special events so somebody can sponsored? >> -- respond? >> they'll have the numbers to the three people who will be at the event. >> commissioner perez: thank you very much. >> commissioner thomas: question for staff. one time event permits. that have been issued in the
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last year or so. how many of them were sunday through thursday as opposed to friday or saturday? >> i don't have that data with me. >> i think all of them were friday or saturday night. there may have been one rare sunday that was related to like a special something happening in town. most of them that would go past midnight would be only on friday and saturday. >> commissioner thomas: i understand that the compromise that's been negotiated with t.h.c. would allow friday and saturday but not other days of the week. is that something acceptable with you? >> most of the events that want to go to midnight during the
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week is a private rental. it's somebody who rent the space who don't want to close the door at 11:00 and pay $450 to stay open extra hours. during the week it would be until midnight almost all the time. we have events. sometimes there's a special festival coming in town in early may. they've asked us to do an event on thursday. that would be after midnight. that would be the only time we've ever done anything on the week after midnight. >> we have the ability to apply and go on a sunday through thursday past 12:00. we're going to be working on the festival. they do events for a week long. it's mainly electronic and experiment with stuff and performance stuff. they want to do it thursday
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night. we define to lose that -- we dot want to lose that opportunity. we want to be able to use our space. >> it terms of the request that events sunday through thursday and at 11:00, is that a general practice okay with you? are >> lot of private rentals want to go to 12:00. we lose lot of opportunities. there's people who say okay, we just go to 11:00. there's revenue we lose bauds o- because of that. most of our shows always has been on friday or saturday. it's not a concern of us wanting
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to share that. >> commissioner thomas: you talked about how in the last year there's been kind of a shift on your block. can you tell us little bit about that? i'm not familiar with what businesses are there now at this point? >> we are in the block between geary and o'farrell. there has been the bar that was couple doors down from us that changed ownership. it went from a sleepy bar to much louder bar especially on thursday and friday and saturday night. we observed the activity. we at the time, that one complaint came that they thought it was us, they came out and it wasn't. we were closed. there's a question i think for us around making sure wanting to be in communication with the neighbors. when they call us, they can get us quickly, we can say we're
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>> commissioner perez: correct me if i'm wrong, my understanding is that, we're talking about the live entertainment portion of your business. after the live entertainment is done, you can still open your business with ipods. you want to make sure that's clear. it doesn't mean that you have to close your doors when live entertainment ends. you can do some other type of music as long as it's not live entertainment. right? >> you'll right about -- you're right about that. i want to drive the point that, there's a reason i started store. it's not like i didn't want a store that's like a record store, bar that stays open until 12:00. i think that's a great business to have. i wanted it start this unique community space as an amazing
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event. for me to open up again after event ends is to have people there. it's not really what i want to do. record store closes at 8:00. we're not doing a show we don't go past that. >> i ask that you guys keep this brief because we like to move into public comment. go ahead. >> you're across the street? >> across the street is the e-century. >> you're between o'farrell. there's a park there. >> there's a park. >> there's another bar on the corner. >> that's a great -- it's picking up that neighborhood.
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i think i can understand why you doing this without any soundproofing. i'm sure that the neighbors are feeling it. once you get your permit with us, we can put that under control. >> commissioner falzon: we can go to public comment. i'm ready. >> vice president caminong: i'm opening up for public comment. if you don't mind lining up on the side. we can go ahead and begin.
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>> noise makes it much harder for us to navigate through our neighborhood. one our major concerns there are eight establishments including the coffee shop that serve alcohol and let out at 2:00 a.m. less than a block away. there have been an increase in crime in our area including a robbery and a murder of two of our tenants in the past six months. when we first heard about the coffee shop wanting to have live entertainment after hours we were totally against it. 27 people saned a petition in opposition. since that time, we have been meeting with them and have spoken to the people on the committee and have come up with a proposal. we agreed to sunday through thursday 11:00 p.m. and friday, saturdays until 2:00 a.m. we do not agree to the
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12:00 extra days extension to 2:00 a.m. throughout the year. we insist they provide their own security. we signed a petition. this is because we want to work with them, -- we want to work with the coffee shop. i wanted to submit that. thank you for taking the time to hear us out. hope when you make your decision, you will take us into consideration. >> vice president caminong: tha. >> good evening. i'm lindsey i'm community organizer. we stand in support of the
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proposal. you want to say what a really informative and inspiring process this has been. it's really great to see all of these tenants from the heartland in here. if you all want to stand up as well as other tenants and other buildings throughout the tenderloin who come together in support of the heartland. we've learned a lot about entertainment commission how you work. i want to thank kaitlyn and maggie for that. we learned about what the permit is and how the process works and fomenter. and enforcement. we're looking forward to working with them in the future. that being said, the heartland feels a compromise is limited to 11:00 p.m. on weekday nights. there are lot of physical and mental capabilities that make
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them extra sensitive to vibration and noise. there are number of tenants in work full time jobs including steve. we're in interested working together to make sure it's a viable thing. this has been a true community-led effort. thank you so much for your time. >> good evening commissioners. for the past 12 years, i lived about 200 feet from this
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location. i spoken with residents above the business and friends with some of them. i spoken with the owner and whitney. i understand the conflicts that are involved here. you have a challenge. you have a difference of need to place of entertainment that wants to be profitable and at the needs of residents. these residents, please note are living in an s.r.o. with case management and form of supportive housing. many of them are formally homeless, number of them from recovery from mental health and rebuilding their lives. noise for them impacts them some ways more harshly than your average san francisco resident. here's a challenge. the question is when you have this resident need for quiet enjoyment of their home versus a
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business that wants to thrive. how do you deal with that? if you're on 11th street place of entertainment and new people are moving in, they know they're moving into an entertainment district. here, you have a place long established, heartland hotel managed by tenderloin housing, an emerging business wants to expand their hours. given that, i think you might put some weight unnetted of the residents for having right quiet enjoyment of their home. support the tenderloin housing proposal. i think it's a good compromise. i think it still allows the business to make a profit. you hope you will consider this proposal and needs of the residents who live right above. thank you for your time. >> it's david elliott lewis.
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thank you. >> vice president caminong: pub. commissioners. >> i want to make a comment. larkin and gary, we understand the neighborhood. i go to a lot of those bars on the corner. lot of them, unfortunately, don't have permits. with the permit, we can control the venue. the thing we're also running into is lot of empty storefronts. to have a record store trying to pay the rent or use the entertainment, the limited line was set up. but at the same time, they have to be responsible. i understand he doesn't have any soundproofing. i think we're going to have to work on that. he still has a few more things
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to have to go to with the building inspection department just >> giv to give you guys more education. it doesn't really start right away. there's a thai restaurant on the corner that has karaoke. there's more activity coming in the neighborhood. hopeful well their security and eye on the street, it will help your seniors and some of the disable people. we try to be a mediator and help both ends. responsible owners do care about their neighbors. i want to give you that peace of mind. >> commissioner thomas: i want to say first of all, thank you to everyone from the heartland
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hotel for showing up and being part of it process. i appreciate that you're here and you're participating. secondly, i hear their concerns about the noise after yo 11:00. especially given the lack of soundproofing in this vee venue. you want to provide the folks who living in the heartland hotel with protection from sound. i know that we've got a grant program coming down the road that will provide exactly these kinds of grants to smaller venues to do the soundproofing that authorize is financially out of reach. i'm interested in potentially moving forward with the
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11:00 p.m. on sunday through thursday and then sort of seeing to move them to the front of the line with the soundproofing grant and come back and have this conversation again once we can ensure that the venue can do a better job of protecting the building residents from unwanted noise and sound and disturbance. i know that's not kind of kicking the can down the road a bit. i really want to make sure that we're protecting the residents of the heartland and we're listening to them.
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>> i talked to both party about the soundproofing, you cannot condition a permit around soundproofing. you can condition around time place and manner. looking at limiting hours, if that's a big concern -- they do have a sound limit attached to the permit already that complies with the city code. >> basically you're saying, a full p.o.e. has to do a sound check. what i'm saying, he even the law says there's some ambient outside? >> we've already set a sound limit because they have that for their l.l.p. they like to do another reading to see if anything changed. we're happy to do that.
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>> they can increase their sound. >> this could be a conditional grant based on soundproofing. >> they have have all their inspections approved. this is just going to be the final -- this is it. >> they have all their sign off. i have all them in hand. >> commissioner falzon: i think the first comment i want to make what we're experiencing tonight is exactly why this commission exist. i really want to applaud the heartland as well as this applicant. i think the best thing going on sheer that you guys did work collaboratively to find a solution. you didn't get 100% there but the fact that everyone was
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willing it talk and work it out to the extent 2 could, is a really good thing. one of my favorite sound bites if you're expecting government to solve your problems, you'll be sadly -- you won't be happy. you guys got out 90% down the road. here's where i stand. i 100% concur with commissioner thomas. here's my thought. i want this venue to be sustainable. the last thing we want is a place that's struggling. then they make bad decisions. it means more problems for neighbors and other businesses. that said, i think what commissioner thomas is proposing is reasonable. i would prefer also to remove the floating days and i would say this, i would like to grow into it. i would be very receptive say
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six months revisiting the floating days. i'm leaning towards commissioner thomas's direction as well as couple of minor thoughts. there's always a manager on site and to commissioner perez's that there's always a cell phone number available to the community. >> can i make one more clarification. we kind of came into what we thought was a gray area in terms of the floating days because of the fact that we have a onetime event permit that people can utilize to extend hours. that's something that they've been using within their l.l.p. if you allow until 11:00 p.m. sundays through thursdays they can still apply for onetime.
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i think you should consider that. you should consider both options. the city attorney said if you don't put that caveat in there, they can still apply for onetime and it's essentially the director giving approval for something that the commission did not want. i don't want to have that clash because we could find ourselves with an appeal. >> i appreciate that clarity. with that information, i would actually recommend that we do prohibit the one days until we reconvene in six toes and see how this is going with the community. >> you should say with no exceptions to extend. >> if you were making a motion, commissioner falzon, i would second it. >> commissioner falzon: that is my motion.
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>> are you all okay with conditions one through three? these are the -- all security will wear clothing identifying them as security. the >> z >> i have question. this issue of one time permits comes up every now and then. people saying it becomes cost prohibited and it makes sense to get a full p.o.e. what is the process to revisit
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our fee structure? is there a process? do we set that fee? this is more of a larger policy question around -- you want to think about what's the incentive to come into a p.o.e. when you want a more graduated system than what we have now. >> it would be a legislative change essentially. it would have to be approved by the board. it's something that i'm willing to look at. although it is our bread and butter in terms of cost recovery. we don't have surplus of funds at all annually. we just cover our basic needs in the office. but it is something i like to visit for not only our office but every other city agency that permits brick and mortar as well as outdoor events. i'm open to it. i think there's possibility for a waiver especially for like a
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nonprofit that wants to obtain an entertainment permit. >> something that's like three times a year and something that's like every single night. 365 days a year. >> we never know what you all are approve. that would be kind of hard. >> commissioner tan: i said earlier, i try to base my decisions on data and i would encourage you -- it might be that you never had a phone number to call or you didn't know where that noise was coming from. please report and contact the folks here in the room that are running the business and report it to 311 or even call the police if you really feel like it's that bothersome. that information is really helpful for us because otherwise, it feels like maybe you're just scared and if they are doing fine. they seem like a very respectful
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business operator. i'm sitting here with this. if there's been no complaints and you're just scared, new things can be scary. that is one thing. i do support kind of the conditions that are being express by this motion. i would encourage you all to tray to speak up more and let us know when something is not working out. that's all i have to say for now. >> do the neighbors know about the good neighbor policy? they've seen it? >> the permit applicant is asking to speak. it's up to you guys whether you want to hear from them again? >> i'm good with that. you can come up. >> i want to thank you guys for
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coming. other thing is, one, i feel like i need to say this. one we are compromising in our own proposal. a normal p.o.e. goes to 2:00 a.m. every day of the week. if our proposal, we are compromising. the other thing is, i feel like now we're being penalized because l.l.p. works go to 12:0g which we have. now getting the p.o.e., now we can't do that? it seems like there's a bit of -- we're trying to go the route of the le l legit route. now we can't extend at all going for p.o.e. affiant it noi -- >> actually that's not true. the p.o.e. only to 11:00.
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not the p.o.e., but l.o.p. if you start getting complaints, you won't be able to. >> they are allowed to extend 12 times per calendar year. they are allowed to do entertainment until 11:00 p.m. daily because they got approved for the extending l.l.p. they are allowed to extend to 2:12 times a calendar year. what you're allowing them tonight is to have 2:00 a.m. 104 times a year. we should definitely look at that. not every single place of entertainment has unlimited rules. it's based on the location and what's going on with it. >> i hear that. the thing that will happen as a result of you not allowing us to extend 12 times a year is that we will lose significant revenue even with the ability we pay
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$400 to extend. we sometimes pay that $450 to make that happen. by us going through the process doing right thing, compromising with the neighbors, open to multiples and showing up, following the rules with very few, if none the record complaints even when we've extended, it's penalizing us by saying we cannot extend 12 times a year even with the 2:00 a.m. expansion on friday and saturday. that's about our private rental income. now i can't extend. now i won't be able to. >> you will have that extension but only for fridays and saturdays. >> that's one the reasons i asked about the use of the
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onetime event times. it sounded like they were primarily on the weekend. >> yes, the 2:00 a.m. friday and saturday fine perfect. we actually, the 2:00 a.m. on sunday through thursday, would be so rare and unusual. there's one with this festival coming up that we know about. other than that, i don't want to be up past that time. i have children. when we have an opportunity to do something that could be amazing for the arts community and amazing zero flexibility because we came for p.o.e., it's penalizing to us. i will be open to limiting that to six times a year or something. but not to say to us, we can right now if we walked away from this process, extend to 2:00 a.m. but now we can't on a sunday through thursday. it's punitive. during the week issue on thursday night, if microsoft
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calls me and they'll give us $5000 to rent the shop, they can only do it if they go to mitt night. i'll be like yes, let me apply for $450 license. >> commissioner falzon: we got it. let me share thoughts. for the police department i did the liquor licenses for almost 20 years. i'm familiar with the approach. it's not a bad approach. we should be looking at the long game. each license has pros and cons. from a long game perspective, i think you guys are on the right track. i don't know if you missed it, my key that i really was locking in on is if we proceed on what's currently on the table, i would encourage you guys to come back in settlemen six months. in six months you'll have your new permit license and we'll have real data.
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i really get the revenue side of it. we have to see balance. you're in incredibly dense part of the city. i should probably stop. tell by your face you're not a happy camper. >> mainly -- it's not that i'm not happy. it's that small businesses really challenging. >> commissioner falzon: i get it. let me ask you real quick. first off, you want to go back to your liquor license. you got pretty restrictive hours. alcohol sales during the week basically end at 10:00 p.m. by definition no alcohol should be out. >> we don't sell alcohol past 10:00. >> can can't be out. people cannot be consuming? >> if you bring in a private catering bartending service, there's many of them in the city. they travel with their own
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liquor license. >> commissioner falzon: conditie address specific. you're caters condition that's violation of state law. >> the caters in our experience that was not the case. we don't actually specific the liquor. it's a rental. we can look into that and wouldn't break if that was against the law. >> commissioner falzon: that is problematic. we might be going down a path you don't want to go down. liquor licenses are address specific. thank you. >> vice president caminong: i like to make a comment.
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>> commissioner thomas: the one thing that i would like to do based on that last conversation is continue with friday and saturday at 2:00 a.m., sunday and thursday until 11:00 with one exception for this already schedule event that would happen during the week. i also would say that we would use that as a test in terms of seeing how the community or residents upstairs is able to manage with that. i do hear that you got a onetime event coming up. otherwise i would like leave it with no exceptions out of respect for the residents of the
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hotel and move forward with that. >> do you want to address the applicant? you guys can take a seat. >> commissioner tan: i would make a very similar exact same proposition as commissioner thomas. i think the long game is what you guys should be looking at and it is two days that you're going to 2:00 a.m. that you never had before. it's prime time fridays and sateds. i understand, the interest. every time there's a permit that comes up here or permit applicant, i want to give them the full thing. unfortunately, there's neighbors to consider and unfortunately we live in a city with we have to figure out how to get along.
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i think commissioner thomas is great. we don't want to put anyone out of business. weapon want -- we want to make sure business will succeed. i think you guys will do great. i feel like some perception issues going on here. that's my two cents. >> one thick i -- thing i like to say, tenderloin is close to my heart. to see residents here advocating for your rights to have quality life and to have your needs
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addressed, i'm like 100% behind you guys. i really appreciate that. there's almost a dozen of you that are here with us right now. one thing like to address with the permit holder is i'm surprised thatoff been here this long and you have not had the opportunity to really engage with your residents. you said on the microphone that it's something that you intend to do better. you acknowledged that it was an issue. you were really committed to doing better. i appreciate that. you have at least 42 residents if the same building. you guys share space. you guys should know each other. you should know each other's names. it shouldn't have to go through the third party for you to be able to settle your issues. the common threat through our conversations happening here is do the work to get to know your neighbors so that you guys will
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be able to work through all of it. it would save everybody a rot of time, lot of anxiety, lot of stress. i do understand the pressure you guys as small business owners. i don't necessarily think it's wise for us to take away the opportunity for you guys to have x amount of events to able to accommodate any of the special rentals that do come your way. if microsoft or outside group want to come if and give you $10,000, you want you to be able to work them on monday night, tuesday night. i hope that you will be able to do more engagement with your heartland residents with t.h.c. i hope it's something that you consider to make contribution to the residents so they can become
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better organizers they can become more engage, there's more full circle this kind of work. my ask is you do consider giving them a number to play with. i'm not saying give them 12. giving them one isn't necessarily enough more for them to be able to grow their business. i agree that we should very -- revisit it in six months. i don't know what the time line is for the grant process to do any of -- to apply for the r.f.p. for the sound work. that time line is on government time. i ask my colleagues to consider that we do give them a few
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options to extend somewhere between 1:00 and 12:00 a good compromise here. i expect the residents it hold them accountable to becoming better neighbors and being better actors in this work. >> commissioner lee: i want to give my big rebuttal for that. i think i'm only one thon board that have place of entertainment permit. i was there when there was limited life. we spent lot of money and lot of effort to get a p.o.e. to hear that you would forego a p.o.e. and play around and
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extend, using the limited life for that, really kind of bothers me a lot. limited live was there hope the small business like the record shop or coffee shop and go to 10:00 or 11:00. because you got that extra time, it was actually -- most of the limited lives don't have that. that's a great thing. for you to come forward and now obviously you have neighbors that are complaining. it takes time, 7:30 for them to come here. there's an issue. and we're not trying to cut it off and say you can't have it. just work with them. i didn't like what i heard. i'm ready to vote. >> i don't think there's a formal motion. >> there's no motion. >> i was hoping commissioner
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thomas listen take -- thomas wd take a hot. >> my motion would be that we approve this place of entertainment permit with the staff recommendations, specifically security and providing positively calendar of events as indicated including to the heartland hotel and that their hours of operation be limited to sunday through thursday to 11:00 p.m. friday and saturday until 2:00 a.m. with no exceptions except for the one time that is already scheduled. is that sufficient? >> you're not doing any friendly amendment? >> i like to make a friendly
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amendment and a motion and allow them up to four extensions. >> you could also just vote on commissioner thomas if she doesn't agree. >> fix bundle, very insignificant, i like to get that there's number available to the community. >> that's within the g.n.p. we're covered. >> how many days we're looking for? up to four? i would second it if that's the motion. >> up to four? >> right up to four.
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>> i would accept three. >> my concern is that i'm hearing loud and clear that folks from the heartland they don't want any exceptions. it's time to balance out providing some flexibility to a small business owner with being able to provide a predictable clear quality of life and sleep for the residents of the heartland. i'm fine with three and then we can come back and revisit this at some point. i want to try and find some flexibility and compromise here. i understand what the residents agreed was a compromise. i'm asking you all to compromise
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little bit further on this. i'm hoping those three nights in particular we can ensure that the communication mechanism is working so that people are able to express their concerns if the sound is too loud and if that is not working, if the communication mitccommunicationl apart. we're asking lott folks in the heartland with this. i would ask you to bare with us. >> public comment is actually closed. >> they are the permit applicants. they are a party to the permit. public comment is closed at it
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point. >> at the same time, there's been no record of infractions from this permit applicant. i feel like we really punishing them by limiting their extensi extension. >> i feel like the form that the complaints are taking is the residents of the heartland coming in front of us this evening saying here's what's going on and here's what we want and need. in san francisco right now we need to be protecting our residents of our s.r.o.s. ty i know there's a balance here. >> i appreciate that commissioner thomas. i'm okay with three.
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>> just couple of things that might be helpful. this was approved by the district station. the tenderloin station on board with this. other thing we may have lost track of and had some balance of this conversation, they have been having late events. they have been going on. i do think that compromise is critical. i think we found it. i think this is probably as far as we're going to get for now. if commissioner thomas motion still in play for three days, i would second that. >> is it with the addition of coming back in settlemen six mo? >> the permit holder can make a request to commission staff at any point to be reheard for reconditioning. that's up to the president to decide whether we want to rehear them at that time or not.
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i'm assuming they'll likely come at the six month point and we'll likely approve that. >> we're ready for a vote. [roll call] >> your permit application is conditionally granted. please follow up with the deputy for next steps. the final item on the agenda is agenda item number 7 commissioner comments and questions. >> this is kind of interesting
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thing. i'm kind of lost track on lot of different things. the limited live was a helpful tool for restaurants and things that couldn't get a normal p.o.e. for whatever zoning. when i hear these things that we want everybody to have a full p.o.e. and have unrestricted use. when the neighbors come out like that -- >> sorry, i'm not quite catching -- >> i'm trying to figure out the limited live situation. like the limited live for what it does. it mens small business -- >> i was really up set by your comment. the limited live performance permit in this situation was helpfully to a small business who could not afford the application fee. they were zoned for the place of
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entertainment permit, they didn't apply for it at that time because of the it's over $2000 and it requires inspections from every city department. >> i know that. >> can i interrupt too? like to advise our current chair, this issue has been resolved. if it's pertaining to this permit, let not talk about it anymore. >> i'm talking about in general limited live and usage. that's what i'm talking about. i'm just making a comment about it. it helps because of the fees and all that. that was the spirit of why it was granted. commissioner perez was here. there's some of us who went to the process to get the full p.o.e. and i remember when i had to go back 10 times to deal with my neighbors and things. what upsets me, to open the
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door, i have this thing unti until 12:00. >> you're talking about the application that we just talked about. if we want to discuss limited live permit, let's talk about that on future agenda. limited rival permit has evolved. we made amendments to it. it might be functionally differently. >> it's not fair for the other people who went through the process. >> okay. >> noted. >> commissioner falzon: i wanted to bring up because it was intriguining --
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>> just one quick thing, i think for those of you who are friends of --ty switched jobs recently to start working for the project. i'i'm the head city planner for bernieman. the event that happens out in the black rock desert. the hats i worn have been as a city employee, working for the m.t.a. and department of children, youth and families. i guess i'll have to recuse myself when bringing that project up. i hope to invite you to the office. it's really beautiful. they have really great interesting art. >> congratulations. >> thanks.
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>> the office is in the mission. i forget the address. but it's in the mission. >> commissioner thomas: san francisco, the board of supervisors, created a task force to use at methamphetamine use in san francisco. i have been appointed to that task force and one of the issues that came up even first meeting was the intersection of methamphetamine and night life. we're going to be meeting four times over the next few months and through the department of public health presenting a report with some policy options on how san francisco can better address methamphetamine use and problems related to methamphetamine use. i'll make sure copy of that report comes back to this
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