tv Government Access Programming SFGTV April 27, 2019 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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>> good afternoon, everyone. my name is mustafa, and i moved here ten years ago and i started driving four years ago because it was the only way i could make enough money while going to city college. every year, it gets more expensive to live in the city. we've seen our rates go up over time, so in order to make the same amount of money, i need to work 70 to 80 hours a week, and that's not good for everyone and dangerous for everyone else on the road. i have to live with six other people in a studio apartment in the city, and lots of people have to live in their cars so they can save money and support their families while the c.e.o. of uber just purchased a $17
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million mansion in san francisco just a couple of months ago. we shareholder the cost of gas, upkeep, and depreciation of our cars. uber employees are set to become millionaires and gain more work than they already have. next month, uber and other companies will make millions, but we still deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. thank you. >> supervisor mar: thank you. next speaker, please.
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>> -- i come to ride share driving after two years of recovery from a severe neck trauma. when i started, i could support my family and ride share looked promising. now it looks like these companies want to destroy protections put in place. these companies are trying to make a game out of people's livelihoods. uber and lyft workers are becoming millionaires while i'm struggling to make ends meet.
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>> i'm jennie worley from a.f.t. 2121 at city college of san francisco. increasingly over the past ten years i've noticed my students moving farther and farther to the far east bay, commuting from places like antioch. the free city program has helped a lot, has let a lot of san francisco students go back to school at city college, but i'm still seeing students really struggling every week to pay their rent. last week, i had a student in my women's literature class who is a newly single mother who was struggling to get out of a dangerous housing situation. she couldn't move in with her mom because her mom had already had to move out of san francisco. she couldn't move in with her dad because he was living in a tiny apartment, driving for uber. so she was missing classes
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every week. i had the student report to me hopeful going to another open house for an apartment, and had another applicant show up and give a year's rent in advance and get the apartment out from under them. our facility are commuting from far away, and despite a new contract that we got, thanks, supervisor mandelman, we're having trouble recruiting faculty? they'll research the housing costs in san francisco and decline the job. so we're hemorrhaging positions in departments like nursing and unfortunately, computer science. the college has been forced between offering a living wage and covering classes that the community wants and needs, and we're currently in the process of cutting classes across the curriculum. this can't go on.
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we need to turn up a new generation -- >> supervisor mar: thank you. next speaker, please. >> i'm pretty good at numbers, and i did a thesis on the information through information that was placed newspapers during the time -- placed in nups during the time that ed -- newspapers during the time that ed lee was alive. i told them $217 billion of uncollected payroll taxes. i went to peskin's office and made a presentation in front of him. i told him you can't keep doing this because you're going to create a negative cash flow. the last seven months of ed lee's life, he told each and every department you have to cutback 10%, stop employing people in your department and cutback on your expenses because you had an $85 million
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cash flow. and when you took over after his death, you still had an $88.5 million cash flow. when the president did his tax cuts and unnecessary tax regulations, all the big companies, multibillion dollar companies such as apple came back to the united states and started booming. apple brought back 500 billion to the united states. that's how you got your 11.5 in your budget. the tax figures that you presented today were disproved by ed lee. companies including twitter broke all the records yesterday, so your figures are not up to date because the record was just broke
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yesterday. and about the tech boom, the tech boom starts with the races, justin herman plaza, when you started with the fillmore and displaced my people -- >> supervisor mar: thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi. my name's kathy burik. i'm a member of seiu 2121. i'm intersectionally here. this wasn't what i planned to say, but after i heard the student with uber speak, they have to be taxed. when he heard the -- when i heard the person talk about how the deals were made in 2012, why weren't community people or community organizations not at the table? why was it just deals with the
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corporations and whose jobs were being lost? i'm sorry, it's like -- i won't go there because that wasn't what i planned to say. what i wanted to -- when i read this article about tech real estate agents from a firm called compass said, are we going to see a one bedroom condo worth less than $1 million in the next five years? probably not. and i'm not surprised because i saw condos built right across the street from where i live starting at $1.1 million. meanwhile, one of the supervisors had to move out of the neighborhood. she was sharing three bedrooms with five people, and she had to move because the rent jumped from 3,000 to 5,000.
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this is a really low estimate of homeless students on ocean campus, 120 to 150 each semester. and those are only the students on ocean willing to go to apply to qualify. even at u.s.f., we have -- >> supervisor mar: thank you. next speaker, please. >> my name is danielle arribe. i'm an east bay native, and i've lived in district one for 20 years. and i've been personally affected just in the stress and worry that i might lose my rent controlled apartment. i've seen friends had to leave, and what i want to talk about is development without displacement because we need to take care of our local residents. all those people that are coming from all over the country and all over the world
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to make $100,000 and more, what about also training locals, 10, 15, whatever percent, having -- putting pressure on these companies to train locals in the tech industry, however they can work in these industries, have a living wage with benefits and everything, whether it's uber or lyft or whatever companies there are? we need to take care of our local people so they don't have to move out, and also, that would impact housing. if you keep more people here, then, it'll help with housing costs and racial inequality, and it's just about time that the government takes action on this. thank you. >> supervisor mar: thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi. good afternoon. my name's kathrin kung. i'm here with just cause and also as a provide citizen.
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i just recently made the move from tech to nonprofits, so that informs a lot of my perspective on this. we are talking about money that's insane, beyond what we can really comprehend. also, i think what we're not mentioning is there's a great amount of support for some kind of tax law on these companies for people who are -- i think that the working class people and the people who are being displaced and disenfranchised need to be at the forefront. however, there are people working at these companies who aren't going to get these cuts. they're living in these communities. they're also being squeezed out, but they're also seeing people that they care about and -- you know, being displaced, as well. there's a lot amount of support from folks that are not in the room today. there's this middle class of people that are also in great favor of san francisco standing
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up and doing the right thing. they don't believe that the companies will do the right thing, so i guess it's someone else's job, and we're all looking to the city to do it. >> supervisor mar: thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello. i'm leslie with housing rights committee, also here as an individual who's been evicted twice in two years by costa hawkins and russell flynn was the last major evictor who's flipping the apartments in order to get in higher paying tech employees. this is actually happening everywhere. cities across the world look to us to see what we're doing tangibly because we handle it first? germany is handling it because they're saying hey, google, you can't have your office here. we need to get bold here, this is serious. i'm going to back up jobs with
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justice and s.f. rising and their call to tax them. but we have to do more. we have to stop speculation right now. to do this, we need you to fight for rent control, for vacancy control. we need you to do something about the housing issue, starting with stopping the sweeps. the city is the evictor every day over and over and over for these people, many who used to be tenants, 21%, actually, when you were born and raised here. so we ask that you take a bold step and do something because these i.p.o. winnings are wage theft. they're making money overall of our data. folks growing up right now don't even know what this is. we need to do something bold and take a giant leap forward. >> supervisor mar: thank you. next speaker. >> hi. my name is megan.
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as we all know, we have a housing crisis here in san francisco. last week, the atlantic reported that -- more than 50% of properties purchased in san franciscos are purchased by -- san francisco are purchased by tech employees. two of the companies going public, lyft and uber, have never turned a profit. uber is valued at $120 billion. [inaudible] >> even outside of the social yo economic impact of these i.p.o.s, stress is being placed on the city because of them. when pinterest went public,
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they landed at the bar at 10:00 a.m. it was complete chaos, i was told. the lack of completely responsibility impacts all of us who are not earning tech incomes. there should be a degree of response based on multibillion dollar corporations that go public and launch in the city. let's work towards addressing the rampant inequality that exist exists in san francisco. thank you. >> supervisor mar: thank you. next speaker. >> i'm here to share my story of the effects that the income inequality has had on myself and my peers. last year, i was homeless and it was because rent was too high. and as a student that's going to school full-time as well, i couldn't afford to live
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anywhere here in the san francisco in the bay area. i couldn't move in with my parents because they're not here in the bay area. the experiences that i've had have been awful because if we're living in one of the richest cities, it's astonishing to me that there's not enough services for people that are placing displacement, facing all of these challenges by the injustices -- housing injustices we face here. i was looking at hearts at ccsf, and there i saw firsthand how my peers were suffering because they didn't have a place to live, couldn't afford a place to live. a lot of them were living in shelters. now i'm at causa justa, and
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landlords are converting their apartments for techies that will pay more rent. all the money that's being flushed in is only going to increase our rent, is only going to make the lives of people living here harder, and people are going to get d displaced. it's obvious that more demand for housing and a population that's willing to pay more is going to increase the rents, so i'm asking you to please -- >> supervisor mar: thank you. thank you so much. next speaker, please. >> hello. my name is tom hartford, and i'm here to speak for some of my members who are unable to live in the city that we
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actually work and take pride in working. many of us have lived in the city from an early time and got apartments that are affordable, and they cannot move and will not move because it benefits them. the rest of us that are coming in as younger members have to travel from great distances, sometimes as far as vallejo to be able to live. those times and distances and the costs in our wages and our labor really affects how we can perform and be a part of this society and community in san francisco. we would much rather not living here and be a part of the city and a part of this.
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on an annual basis, even though i belong to a union, if i take every show, i make $48,000. i ask that you consider making these changes to help all people, even the harder -- upper middle classes that are still within the poverty levels of san francisco. thank you. >> supervisor mar: thank you. next speaker, please. >> thank you, supervisor mar, for opening up this incredibly important conversation. as a young public policy student some decades ago, i remember very, very clearly when a professor made it clear that tax policy is not just fiscal policy, it's not just a fiscal issue, it's a moral and ethical issue. and today in san francisco, we
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have a moral and ethical crisis on our hands, a good one. i'm not going to repeat all of the tales that my colleagues have said today that are heartbreaking, really truly heartbreaking and unconscionable. we need to do something quickly. the wealthy hold their money in property and in stocks. and we have something right now with looming i.p.o.s is a massive opportunity to actually address huge wealth opportunities in the city. we need to look to it towards an eye with not just fiscal efficiency, but an eye towards the people who need it most. you are who we look to in this city to make moral action on this issue, and just to repeat what one sister said earlier, please do the right thing.
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thank you. >> supervisor mar: thank you. next speaker, please. >> my name is c.w. johnson. i'm coming here as a private citizen. this has created a lot of disconnect. i am so scared to go in the hospital. i have to go in the hospital to get an operation pretty soon. i work 40 hours a week. i've lived in the city for 37 years. the last seven years, i lived in an s.r.o. -- i mean, studio,
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affordable studio. and i'm afraid to go into the hospital because i'm going to lose everything i have, and i'm going to be in had a wheel with chair, sleeping on the sidewalk, the one that you're sitting around, talking about what are you going to do with these people? i see so much disconnect in the community. people, places -- i got lost in the city that i call home for 37 years because i didn't recognize the neighborhood. that's ridiculous. we have to do better by our citizens, by our people. if these i.p.o.s are going to invest in us, we need to know about all of them, not just the actual bank accounts. thank you. >> supervisor mar: thank you. is there any other members of the public that wish to speak on this issue? seeing none, public comment is closed. i want to really thank all the diverse community members and workers and advocates for
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sharing your experiences on the i.p.o. and tech earthquake that the city is facing for everyone that's not super wealthily. thank you for the informative presentations from the budget and legislative analysts. colleagues, i know we're going to be having much more discussions about these issues ahead. i actually have some closing remarks and an announcement to make in response to the information presented at the hearing, but i just wanted to see if you had any comments or remarks to make. >> supervisor fewer: i just wanted to say thank you for bringing this forward. i think today we all learned a lot, actually, and i think that this board has been looking for
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ways to level the playing field a little, and it is our job as legislators to actually protect the most vulnerable here because this is the job of city government, quite frankly, too, and our job and responsibility. so i just want to say thanks to everyone who came out, and thank you for the wonderful b.l.a. report. and also, also to our econo economyists, and i think we will be in touch for deeper conversation about this. thank you. >> supervisor mar: thank you. any other comments? well, in closing, first of all, i did want to be clear. the conversations that we're having is not just about i.p.o.s and the tech sector, this is about who you are. we have the highest income gap and the highest housing costs in the nation. they didn't happen by accident.
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over the last decade, we have seen an incredible amount of wealth flood this city, wealth concentrated in the hands of too few, as our wages shrink and wealth grows. we rolled out the red carpet for these companies to tap up and grow here, and -- step up and grow here, and when they threatened to leave, we cut their taxes, gave them offices and luxury condos, and here we are. these companies have been incredibly successful, and i commend them, and i'm glad businesses find san francisco attractive, but success isn't theirs alone. it comes from the service workers, of the public sector.
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while we need a diverse economy for success, that diversity in every record is threatened by this success and the run away inequality by these companies. we know that i.p.o.s did not cause income inequality but they have and will exacerbate it. so today i'm announcing a proposal to tax the i.p.o.s to fund programs to address income inequality. i've worked with a variety of community nonprofits to craft this, organizations representing workers, immigrant families, young people and communities who have already borne the brunt of extreme income inequality in san
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francisco. with the more than $100 million raised by this corporate tax, we will establish the shared prosperity fund with the purpose to protect and stablize working families. this includes funding for affordable housing, programs for vulnerable youth and families, support for low and middle-income workers and stall business stablization. it's time we turn the page on trickle down concepts of the past. it's time to work towards a future where all people benefit from the prosperity that san francisco helped incubate, where the success experienced by many doesn't benefit the few. where corporations are responsible neighbors and where technology and innovation acts in a service to society instead of the other way around. it's time we asked wealthy corporations to start paying
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their fair share. i look forward to working with my colleagues on the board in the coming weeks to put this on the ballot. i'll have more details to share soon and much more discussion to be had. we know what led us here, we know the crisis we face. the only question is what we're going to do about it. the i.p.o. tax won't solve all our problems, but i hope it will turn the tide towards a more just and equal future. thank you to chair fewer and the committee members for your time and consideration in this fairly long but very important hearing. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. mr. clerk, do we have any other business before us today? >> clerk: that completes the agenda for this morning. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. this meeting's adjourned.
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by safai. our clerk, do you have announcements? >> be sure to silence all cell phones and electronic devices. any documents should be submitted to the clerk >> supervisor peskin: thank you. could you read the first item. >> item number 1 is ordinance ordering the summary street vacation of the 900 block of francisco street as part of the development of francisco --% approximate -- >> supervisor peskin: i think actually -- >> i apologize. ordinance amending the plumbing code to add a requirement for the placement and minimum size of building traps and affirming the appropriate findings. >> supervisor peskin: thank you.
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who do we have here for this earth-shattering piece of legislation? >> steve, from dbi, chief plumbing inspector. this was a clerical error that was missed. it's always been in the code. it's something we're re-entering back into the code for the amendments. i have this section here. put up here, if you want. section 1008.0, building traps, it gives you everything required for a 4-inch vent and the requirement of a trap. the legislation that we're going for right now is above the 1001.155 that, the location of the traps. >> supervisor peskin: any public comment on item number 1? seeing none, public comment is
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closed. motion to send this item to the full board with recommendation? moved by supervisor safai. we'll take that without objection. next item, please. >> item 2 is ordering the street vacation of 900 block of francisco street as part of francisco park. >> supervisor peskin: before we hear from mr. banks, i wanted to put this into context and then i'll say more words about this tomorrow, but this is the long vacant piece of p.u.c. property that was the francisco reservoir that has not been used as a reservoir longer than any of us have been alive in this room. and it was subject of a jurisdictional transfer treatment between the public utilities commission and the parks and rec department. i wanted to acknowledge and
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remember jan blum, one of the leading forces in that movement, who volunteered in my office from 2001 to 2009 and passed away last week. i just wanted to thank jan blum and her colleagues in their tireless effort to turn this into san francisco's newest francisco park in the middle of those properties which by the way have yet to be transferred by the p.u.c. to the rec and part. it's a paper street. it's never been built. but it only exists on paper this is summary vacation of that. and with that, on behalf of public works specifically the county surveyor, mr. stores who is over there, mr. banks, the floor is yours. >> thank you. good afternoon, chairman peskin
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as well as distinguished members of the board. this legislation is to conditionally vacate francisco street. currently this portion of the street is underdeveloped dedicated public right of way tt that is bound by accesser block 0046 to the north, and accessory block 0047 to the south. the vacation is part of the process of creating, as you mentioned, a new francisco park which is located at the site of the reservoir. by vacationing the street, the rec and park department will be able to create a single parcel for the park by merging ab0046 and assessor block 0047 and the vacated area that will allow rec and park to maintain the park.
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the vacation is conditioned on the successful transfer of the abudding parcels, 0046 and 0047 from the san francisco public utilities commission to the recreation and parks department. now, in the event that the abutting parcels are not transferred to rec and park, the vacation and the transfer of the street shall not occur. the jurisdictional transfer is expected to occur by 2026. >> supervisor peskin: thank you, mr. banks. any questions or comments from committee members? any comments from staff or supervisor stefani, within whose district this falls? any public comment on item number 2? mr. banks, i think we're opening it up for public comment. you're go to go for now. mr. wright? >> i agree with the improvements
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for the park. this is not the first time i've done this. i've done this before to remove a person's name by the name of feeling from two locations within the city. his name was on the street within san francisco and his name was in a park that is located in san francisco. as a result, a hearing took place that started off just like this and ended up going to the board of appeals and the appeals court ruled in favor of the petition. which was led by the president of the board of supervisors now. as a result, mr. feeling's name was taken off a park, because of his history of racism against asian people and making statements he wanted california to be all white. i spoke up to that. my problem is, why do we have feeling statue on the inside of the front two doors of the
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building here at city hall? i made that point before and i'm stressing it again. there is no way his statue should be on the inside of the two front doors of city hall when we removed his name from the city street and the city park because of his history of racism. >> supervisor peskin: thank you, sir. are there any other members of the public who would like to testify on item number 2? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, is there a motion for item number 2? moved, i will assume that is a motion to send this to the full board with recommendation made by supervisor hay. can you read items 3 through 5 together. >> item number 3 is ordinance approving the agreement between the city and county of san
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francisco and syts investments. item 4 is establishing the cayuga special use district. one more. item number 5 is an ordinance amending the zoning map to change the zoning district and making it appropriate -- making appropriate findings. >> supervisor peskin: thank you. so these three instruments have been brought to us by supervisor safai. i've been briefed by the office of economic and workforce development. this is an exciting project. with that, supervisor safai? >> supervisor safai: thank you, mr. chair. i'm going to say some opening remarks. i want to point out first we're going to make a slight
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legislative adjustment recommended by the planning commission. it was noticed later in the process, items 3-5, the first two ordinances talk about establishing the cayuga special use district and we amended the zoning map and the planning code, but there was erroneous reference to two lots, 039 and 011c. and there is only one, 011c. we've stricken it and it's recommended by the planning commission. wanted to point out that technical thing. that was a slight adjustment. >> supervisor peskin: i assume because we're deleting a numbered on not adding new numbers, no new notice is required? city attorney is nodding his head in the affirmative. >> and speaking in the affirmative, yes, this does not require a continuance.
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>> supervisor safai: so it's now just one lot. i want to say this is a pretty momentous event. this project has proposed and will build 50% of its units below market rate. that is also one of the most aggressive bmr projects in the city's history. we are beating the ami levels in the project of the proposed home sf program. 10% will be at 65, 10% at 80, which is better than the home sf program. this family has done work in this neighborhood, but never a project of this scale. owned this parcel all the way back to 2009 and always talked about doing special for the residents of this neighborhood and the city as way to give back. as an immigrant family that started with pretty much zero in the 80s and started out
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small-scale development is now doing projects all over san francisco. but this is a legacy project for the family and i wanted to take the time to recognize the family for what they're doing here. it's a major gift to the city of san francisco. and the citizens and the residents of district 11. we will fight for neighborhood preference, 40% of the -- set aside for neighborhood preference. there is no public money in this project. and it will be the first family affordable housing ever in the history of district 11. we do have some wonderful projects in the pipeline, that are 100% affordable with government funded, but this will be the first. in all the affordable housing in district 11 over the decade, it totals 48 units, we will get 58 units in this project.
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we just wanted to say we're super excited about this. we spent a lot of time and effort into negotiating this, planning department, dan, aaron and their team, and the lead planner, veronica, and sue for managing the project and back-and-forth. and listening to the family and ending with the development agreement i think the city can be very proud of. we're very excited today about this project. i know it's moving forward in a way will help to shape and set the ground for other projects in the city. so, thank you, mr. chair, i'll make additional comments, but i'm sorry, veronica flores. >> good afternoon, supervisors.
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planning department staff. so again these three ordinances relate to the residential housing project at 915 cayuga avenue. 70% of units will be family-sized units. the first ordinance relates to a map amendment to rezone all of the project site. currently, the project site is dually zoned rh-1 and this ordinance would create uniform zoning for the project site. the second ordinance relates to planning code and map amendment to establish the cayuga special use district. the last ordinance relates to a focused development agreement the city will enter into with the project sponsor due to its
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very high affordability level. the planning commission heard the items last week on april 11 and adopted a resolution to approve said ordinances with the modification to clarify the lot references as supervisor safai had mentioned. >> good afternoon, chair peskin, supervisors haney and safai. i took my husband's last name, moving over to the port. i'm a project manager at the office of economic and workforce development. our director ken rich is here with me as well. thank you for your time and consideration of the 915 cayuga project and the focused development agreement. 915 cayuga is before you today for two reasons. first and foremost, the project is delivering 50% affordability through a privately financed development. the delivery of the deeper
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affordability is captured through this agreement. historically, development agreements have been for large multi-phased developments such as pier 70. 915 cayuga is a single phased single building development. as the planning department shared, 11 of the units will be ami, 35 of the units will be at 100ami. this is in more detail of exhibit c of the development agreement. additional benefit from the focused development agreement is affordable housing performance schedule, exhibit d, to the development agreement. this predetermines review and response periods between the city and the sponsor and requires the project sponsor to increase -- i'd like this note
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that 915 cayuga alone will increase the number of bmr in the community from 34 units to 92 units. nearly tripling the number of units in the neighborhood. and to echo what supervisor safai shared, this will be privately funded and will allow for neighborhood preference. with respect to the three tenants that are located on the premises currently, we're working with them to review commercial opportunities on the mission street corridor, with the goal of acquiring space prior to the issuance. the team will now present on the details and design of the project. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is sue, i'm one of the owners
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owners 915 cayuga. we're proud to offer 50% of the residential units at this project for san francisco's affordable housing market, thereby giving back to the city where my parents started their construction business 40 years ago. my father has been doing business here. our family business takes pride in our development projects which is why cayuga avenue will be kept in the family. we do not intend on selling it. my parents purchased the lot in 2000 9d. it was a few years ago they decided to offer 50% of the residential units, which is 58 units, for affordable housing in the below market rate inclusionary program. this project is not staffing an offsite affordable housing requirement for another development. this is purely voluntary. this gift to the city of 50% of
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affordable housing units, the first of its kind in san francisco history, is twice as much as required by home sf. along the same lines, my mother is a passionate local advocate for homeless youth. during the past 20 years, she has been involved with many organizations that focus on giving a helping hand to vulnerable youth, including latino youths in need and mothers against poverty. erin weir marking five of the market rate units to foster a youth program. in summary, 915 will be a productive addition to the community. i will turn it over to my uncle and rep of the design team. >> thank you. and bless your heart.
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>> supervisors, i'm also extremely proud to be part of the project and this family. and i'm going to make it quick for you. the biggest challenge in design, if i can -- if i may have the overhead, please, is the fact that on the north side, you know, we have a commercial district. we have put a shadow of a big building next to it. 65 ocean that is coming up. on the south side we're backed into rh-1 single-family zoning. so the challenge was to see how we can make this large building fit within this block and transition into the rh-1 zoning. this is what you see. we have the south side of the building, we have set back t
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the -- so thinks the south side. we have set back 25 feet from the rear yards of the rh-1 zoned district homes. we have made sure that the way the units are designed, that they have their living room for most part open to the center court, so we can reduce the amount of issues with privacy and noise and all that. we feel this is a good project and we have worked with the neighborhood and especially the planning team, we have worked relentlessly for the last 2-3 years to get this through. i'm available for any questions you might have. >> thank you. i just wanted to underscore the point -- i appreciate you mentioning it -- that five of the additional units market rate units will be dedicated to transitional aged youth. that is voluntary on behalf of
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the family and the work they've done with the john burton foundation. i know there is a few of the individuals that might speak here today. but that's a phenomenal gesture. on top of what is not even reflected in the development agreement here today. so other than that, if there are members of the public that wish to comment on the item, please come forward. you have two minutes to speak. >> you're on the right track, but i believe i can give information that will make the building more attractive and more housing opportunities. first of all, when you say below market rate and affordable housing, you're saying that it's below market rate at 55% of the median. 55% of the income scale is $45,600. that means everybody's income that is below $45,600 is not included in the inclusionary ordinance that each and
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everybody voted for to put the inclusionary ordinance on the ballot and vote for in each and every one of your districts. what you're doing by not including these income brackets, which is the majority of the people in transit, are being discriminated against. if you claim you're equal opportunity housing organization, but then you turn around and discriminate and violate constitutional law whose citizens' income is below the income of $45,600. now, there is a 144 units being built for $56 million. and by the same response, it's for all incomes. okay, i move to have you use this example right here and with $11 billion that you get in return in taxes -- [bell ringing] -- and also the $500 million that you're getting from
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newsom, you could build nine of these apartment complexeses. by the same response, you can build it on top of each other and make 27 story unit complex. that will not only put a dent in the homeless population, but veterans, amputees, people in wheelchairs and any other -- [bell ringing]. >> thank you, next speaker. >> good afternoon. my name is wesley. i'm with john burton advocates for youth, founded by former state senator john burton. we work to improve the lives of youth, those in foster care, the juvenile probation system. i'm here to speak in support of the project. this will provide critical support for former foster youth in san francisco. as you know, children and youth
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are in the foster system. in addition to the trauma, they experience additional challenges such as multiple placements and school changes. together, these experiences place barriers for foster youth to earn long-term financial security. this will provide five units for youth to live and provide a safe foundation for them to pursue their future. organization works closely with sf city college and san francisco state university. we expect youth will be benefit. a nonprofit housing provider will provide supportive services to ensure that youth receive assistance and support. this model has been implemented across california successfully. thank you for your consideration of the request. i urge your support for this
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proposal. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i'm here in the advocacy for the foster youth for this housing project specifically speaking on behalf of the foster children -- or the youth that will be transitioning out of foster home into adulthood. there was a survey done on may 26, 2017 that said over 20,000 children who age out of the foster care system will become homeless. i was one of those children in 2009, specifically for los angeles. and speaking on behalf of someone who comes from los angeles, i witnessed that a lot of youth in foster care are people of color, african-american, latino, and immigrant youth who face foster care. with this housing project and this opportunity to provide housing to youth who are transitioning out, it will
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prevent them from following what i had to do. i became homeless at the age of 18, right after my time in foster care. i had to get back on my feet. i had to find a job. i became homeless with my immigrant mother for three months and then i made the decision to go back to school. now i'm at san francisco state university. i am one of those youth who need housing and who needs this kind of opportunity. and i'm totally for this housing project and -- yeah, that will be my time. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i live in the cayuga neighborhood behind the proposed development. i want to thank supervisor safai for championing this project. i think it's going to be a great addition to the neighborhood. my issue for this particular board, i already spoke in front of the planning council, is transportation. right now, there are 66 proposed
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parking spaces and green trip suggested that the real number to satisfy their criteria is more like 114. i think that it is part of this, there ought to be some consideration full consideration of the impact on the neighborhood of the parking that is there now. i spoke to merchants on mission and they say that people have no place to park, so there is a lot of boarded up places that could benefit from parking. competition for the neighborhood is outside of the city of san francisco, where there is downtown parking spaces. so just request that you seriously consider putting in additional parking structures there. as far as the neighborhood is concerned, many of the families have live at home adult children that take additional parking spaces and also, there is a lot of ride-share drivers, über and
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lyft in the neighborhood that help to supplement their income. so it is a matter of making that space more affordable. thank you. >> before the next speaker, i want to say for the record, we spent a considerable amount of time working with the planning department and the project sponsor. there is the ability in the project and the development agreement to expand on demand as more residents move in to the development, to go to one to one parking. that is already written into the agreement, which means you could get up to 118 spots in the development. i want to say that for the record. i understand the desire to push away from parking in our neighborhood there because it's more of a family -- larger extended family neighborhood. you have homes with multiple cars. because this unit in this proposal is more family style.
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the data suggests that there will be less cars in this, depending upon the age and composition of it, but we still wrote into the agreement, that they have the ability to expand and the developer has agreed in the development agreement on demand to expand and invest additional money for parking lifts, which they're investing and they can expand to greater degree. i wanted to say that for the record and i appreciate you coming out and highlighting that point. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. i'm emancipated foster youth. i'm 23 years old. i entered the system at the age of 16. i'm going to refrain going into my past because i'm still trying to gain psychological independence from everything that has happened. i've done a lot of wracking of my brain
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