tv Government Access Programming SFGTV April 27, 2019 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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being here. this is just bringing us one step closer to dealing with what we know are a number of inequitable things that exist in san francisco that we need to address. i want to take this opportunity to acknowledge cheryl davis. director of human rights commission, who has already started work and research on how we can make sure that even be in the city and county of san francisco within our various departments that ther there is equitable access to job opportunities in our city. we know there is work to be done. today we celebrate an amazing accomplishment, thanks to so many incredible people who believe in the work we are doing and because of this work we are going to positively impact thousands in san francisco and hopefully change their lives and our city for the better. thank you all so much for being
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here today. [applause.] ♪ ♪ on silent, that includes commissioners and staff. thank you to san francisco government t.v. and media services for sharing this meeting with the public. we can start with our roll call. [roll call]. >> first order of business is public comments. is there any public comment for items not listed on the agenda? seeing none, public comment is closed.
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>> next item on the agenda his agent to, approval of the minutes for april 2nd, 2019. >> i raise a motion to approve. >> thank you. is a second. >> i will second. >> okay. is there any public comments on the minutes? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> vice chair camino... [roll call]. >> excellence, the minutes have been approved. next item on the agenda is the report from the executive director. >> thank you, vice president, and good evening, commissioners. on the agenda this evening for my director's report i wanted to share my report with dylan rice in our office, and we'll be we will be talking about a few really exciting items with you, so we are working to 49 south
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van ness as a part of a multiagency move in the next year. the goal is we will be moving into this next phase come summer 2020. this is the previous goodwill fights that they are building many, many floors including a one-stop permit centre that we will have a presence in. we are very excited about the move, but as part of that, we cannot bring any of our storage, that includes all of our paper files, so that has been a huge impetus for our office to look at ways in which we can digitize our permitting for the public, as well as on the back ends. we want to talk about some of that with you. delong -- dylan has been our liaison for a lot of this transition, so he has great knowledge around that and he has
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been spearheading the work with digital services agencies to digitize our front and permit system and we are working with screen door for that, you will tell you a little bit about that right now. >> thank you, i'm dylan rice, i am a senior analyst for community cultural events, and picking up where she left it, there's two major digital improvements i want to talk about. first is the near term, the improvement when it comes to application permitting and streamlining. we are trying to make all of our application process eventually digital from end to end but we are starting off with one permit to do this. we're starting off with a one-time event permit, and we have been working with the office of digital services on a new application portal, this is
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using a software program called screen door, and this makes the process digital from end to end, not just for the user, but also for our staff, and it will be a huge improvement for what we have now, which is using the smart p.d.f. program or e-mailing the p.d.f. as an attachment to our office. it is also going to allow applicants to view their application data in the cloud and allow staff to view it in the cloud, and it will allow applicants to have better sense of where the application is in the journey of the process, for example, when we do make an action where we send it to the police department for review, they will get an automatic notification by e-mail that it has been sent to the police police department for review, just increasing more engagement
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and awareness with the applicant we have been beta testing this new portal and we have been getting helpful feedback. we will do a few more testings before we go live on april 30th , so we are still making some refinements to it. in your pockets you will see some samples of what it looks like, screenshots of the permit portal, some examples, and then you will see samples of the finished application, and a sample of the final approval letter that the applicant will receive, and that letter is the actual permit, so that is a pretty major development, which i'm excited about, and then in terms of the other digital improvement, we will be an early
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adopter with the new s.f. branding on the website, so we'll be transitioning our current website to the more navigable platform to provide services for the city, so it is more service and customer oriented, and it will be a transitional rollout. we will not do the entire website at the same time, but the good thing is that this new branding and platform will make our commission more discoverable and our services more discoverable. it will help people find the services they need, get the permits they need and to be more compliant with the law for example, our homepage will have the branding on it, we will change the front page and they
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will change the branding of a few of our pages, and then we will eventually transition the entire website over to the new platform. as things develop, i will report back and let you guys know how things are going, but again, for the one-time outdoor event permit application, that will go live april 30th. >> i will just jump back in from there. another huge piece of this puzzle in terms of moving to an entirely new space where we are excited to be co- locating with all the other permitting agencies in that space is the need to digitize all of our paper files. not only does screen door, it is really for the user, more so, it will integrate eventually, we are looking at backend management tools so we were
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improved -- approved within our budget and we had a lot in salary savings that we will utilize for this digitization project and will be contracting b.m.i. to scan all of our permit documents. it may seem like a huge undertaking, but in comparison to other agencies, it is a small amount of files that are then going to be integrated into on-base, which will be that backend management tool that archives all of our files that we can do a lookup by permit number of their data points, and we'll use this in the field as well so inspectors can pull up the permit and be able to see the conditions attached to it and anything else relative to the permit, and it is perfect timing. we have aaron often from on-base we was in from the bath -- nebraska. i want him to come up and talk for a minute or two about on-base's functionality so you can hear a little bit more about
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it. >> thank you, director, i work with the provider of on-base for the city. really, the platform is something that is leveraged in other agencies, and primary in the treasury tax collector's office and the assessor's office , one of the nice things the city has with the contract is to be able to leverage all the investment that they've already made in that software, which is going to ultimately store all the files that get scanned, and has a lot of capabilities beyond that to help facilitate management of those digitized files to allow inspectors to go out in the field, to access everything on the go so everything is digitized, storage, and secured, with that, that is pretty much everything else i have to say.
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>> awesome. we are excited to be working with you. >> thank you. >> do you have any questions about the director's report? >> i will go. hi. a couple quick questions, because actually i just completed a similar product -- project so i've a couple of quick questions. is this something we have to buy >> we are actually working with d.t.x. to amend an existing contract that they hold, so we will have a license fee annually , but again, it is attached to the contract. >> got it, and i know when i was more involved with this site if that -- side of it, the long-term goal was to get city agents using the same product with the dream that one day you could just type in an address and boom, entertainment pops up, d.b.i. plans -- pops up, i was still working towards that? >> that would be great. >> in my lifetime?
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>> that would be amazing, i'm sure aaron would love that, he looks pretty smiley up there, but i don't know exactly what will happen, but i think the fact that all of our agencies will be working in the same space will be great synergy for moving a lot of this digital work forward. >> and the police department will be there as well. >> i have a quick question for aaron, if you don't mind coming up here. i will put myself on the spot because i'm curious what you will tell me. the product i ended up going with his cult of qa. are you familiar with it? >> i'm not. >> did a make an epic myth -- epic mistake? this was a pricey piece of software. >> hours is not. >> i'm glad we're on live television, this is good. [laughter]. >> maybe we'll talk again, we haven't signed totally on the dotted line yet. thank you very much. >> oh, good lord.
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[laughter]. >> thank you to the executive director for working on our forums to make us streamlined efficient. i know these are still a sample and a work in progress, is there an opportunity to put our logo as part of the branding in here? >> yes, absolutely. >> is that true, though? i thought that they had a form that was very basic that they wanted all of their permit applications on? >> you know what, that is a good point, i will double check and i will find out. >> at least have the entertainment commission somewhere, because when i look at this, doesn't seem like it is particularly our form. >> that's a good call. >> i do have a question for dylan. i'm just curious, what is the timeline for the rollout of the new website for the
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entertainment commission? >> i don't have the information, but i know they will have the main website discoverable and live by may, we have twice weekly meetings with digital services, so that is something i could report can report back to you on, we did an initial exercise with staff in terms of taking inventory of all of our services and all of our clients or customers and clustering and figuring out which are the most commonly used services or who has the most common people dealing with us and prioritizing from that, we are really early in that, but i would like to see it as soon as possible. >> and my other question is for
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the online event permit process, is a timeline for the other permits to be rolled out in the system? >> this really has a lot to do with what david -- digital services can bear in terms of work, but they have trained dylan a lot on the software so he is working on copying, essentially the basic one time right now so that we can create a path forward for one-time indoor versus outdoor, and again the whole goal is that eventually i would like this to just be one master permit application that is like a choose your own adventure type situation, would also would be fantastic for events in business permitting across san francisco if all agencies could get on something like that. >> here is to wishing. >> yes. >> hi, i just had a quick
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question, i see a very big boy tear with our previous inspecting being gone, i'm curious what the hiring process is looking like and the timeline >> sure. >> just duke's plane again, the position we are hiring for his 1844 and in exempt classification because his project-based, it is on a 36 month term, that being said, we will see if we can potentially extend that project term, if not , if we have an incumbent who we really like and is qualified, then they could apply for a permanent civil service position , that being said, the processor to be a little bit faster than normal hiring processes, and we have six people who i have sent resumes forward to d.h.r. to review any minimum qualifications, and then we will go from there was scheduling interviews. my goal is be notification sometime next week, and we have
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already started figuring out who would be on that panel on the type of questions we want to ask we are going to gear this role little bit differently then the work that inspector burke was doing, i do want them to work a lot on the digitization project and setting us up for success with the move. i also really want them to focus on residential development review, i want to take that out of my pocket and give it to somebody that potentially has a lot of project management and hopefully sound management experience, and then finally, if this person had sound management experience, i would also want to give them the role of amending our sound code, because we haven't really done an overhaul of that in a long time and i want to look at that, so hopefully soon, by end of may is the goal. >> thank you. >> yep. >> commissioners, are we good?
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okay. thank you, director and dylan, thank you. okay, is there any public comment on the report of the executive director? seeing none, public comment is closed. the next item on the agenda is item number 4, report from deputy director. >> anything, commissioners. so i will be giving the enforcement reports this evening here we go. so i've highlighted in yellow the venues that i'm going to be speaking about four new complaints for new complaints, and then we will go from there. i want to bring to your attention arena s.f. it is formerly known as mission street sports bar, so recently the owner did a major overhaul with his previous management and now has a new management team doing the operations, that being said, they are, the new management has quite a following
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, and so they first weekend out with met with 1200 people that arrive for their first event, so they're doing three events a week, thursday nights isn't 18 and over club event. they basically turn themselves into a nightclub. on thursday nights, they're doing in 18 and over event, fridays and saturdays is a 21 and over event. the first weekends that they were open was met with a lot of new opening hurdles. they are familiar with their venue practices, and so we did have our inspectors out, and we have in working closely with mission p.d. permit officers, and the feedback about the security on the inside is really positive. they seem to have things going really well for their 18 and over events. they have a lot of security, what we have seen is there have been issues on the outside for line control, crowd management,
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and folks in the streets on the sidewalks, rather, and so after we heard about the numerous complaints from the folks saying well, this is a big shock for us , the director and i sat down with the current owner, the new manager and their lawyer, their attorney and we went and -- we went through their security plan we share that with the station permit officer, and we feel really confident in their new security plan. the following weekend, which was this past weekend, you will see there was still complaints, i believe, the things looked a lot better. we had really positive feedback from the officer after their second 18 and over thursday event which was where the big crowds came out, and i think that we may still continue to hear about this a little bit but want to keep you abreast of where we are as far as working with their staff and their management team. it seems like they want to work
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with us. we feel that they will be willing to participate in conversation with this and adhering. they will also be doing some soundproofing, so he will be setting a new limit for them once that is completed, we just need to find out what their timeline is. next up, i just wanted to mention el toro. we've had a couple of complaints about el toro. we responded to a sound complete from 311. they were operating above their sounds limit, but he also found that they had a really loud brass bands that just was loud even with the p.a. turned off. moving down to oracle park lot a , on wednesday, there was an event during the day in a lot a, when stephani came out, we were made aware of this, and we posted it on next door to all of the neighbors. we did provide a hotline that was given to us for anybody with
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concerns day of two call. we still received three complaints about this event. that was not what we wanted to see, so the director and i have been working with their event staff and the giant staff for formatting a response to that, so we are taking that into consideration for those events. i wanted to mention bono bar, we did receive a noise complaint about this bar, and as you will see, there's two here, they are two minutes apart or three minutes apart, but they are identical complaints. i did ask an inspector to stop by over the weekend, and he did, and he found them to be out of compliance with their sounds limit, so he did a sound reading and found that they were over their sounds limit, and when he had his sound meter out, he
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found that they also have a sound meter, of those two were not in sync. he had a conversation with them and we did issue and n.o.v., and the director and i have been conversation with their owner. we have some concerns about the current sounds limit and they have done some pretty extensive soundproofing, so we are going to have a new sound test conducted for them, and also have the inspector sync up the centimetres to see where there is this off and know what the differences so they can stay in compliance with the sound limit. okay, last but not least, i feel like i should take a drink of water for this one. [laughter] on friday night, the giants had a record-breaking 18 inning five and a half hour long game and it ended up -- and ended at 12:50
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a.m. they then proceeded to have the fireworks show that began slightly after 1:00 a.m. this cause a lot of discontent with the neighbors all around california -- there was a lot of complaints. we received 69 complaints through 311. seventeen e-mail sent to voicemails, and it was to put it on the record, we do not purview -- fireworks are not in our jurisdiction, we do not oversee fireworks, but we did receive the complaints. so this was something that we addressed immediately and got in touch with giant staff. we had a response drafted and sent out to any complainant to left an e-mail address so they received the giants drafted response. the giants have also moved
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forward with revising their firework policy based on this unprecedented event, so now any firework show that is during the week will have to be finished by 11:00 p.m., any fireworks show planned for a friday or saturday must end by 11:30 p.m., so there was a lot of vocalization about this being a problem for a 1:00 a.m. fireworks show. >> deputy director, i'm just in a come in and say from the 50 e-mails i sent, i received probably 20 responses that were all positive, literally everyone is very thankful and happy that the giants are instituting a new policy, and again, i think 31 thought this was associated with us because of the noise ordinance, and we do hold a permit with them, but we do not permit the sporting events, nor do we permit fireworks. [please stand by]
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>> with the new meters, do they have a way to calibrate so this doesn't happen again? >> i don't know that the calibration is where their answer is. it might be know need to distinguish the variations is. we know it's five off and they keep it in that five range, that would be a solution. i know that when the owner is back, he's in japan when he's back, there's going to be an in-depth conversation with him about their sound peter and their sound limit. >> thank you.
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>> commissioner lee: let me go through this. the brewing company -- what will be nice is to have action when the inspector goes there. are you saying that the bar was closed? >> when the complaint when it came in, it was an ipod. rolled down door, it was closed. >> commissioner lee: they were still operating? there was people inside? >> yes. >> commissioner lee: there's another exit? >> there's a door that opens. >> commissioner lee: it's another a rollup door and their playing music inside and they can't goat get out if there's a fire. >> there's a door and exit.
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>> commissioner lee: are you going to be doing follow-up. when those go out and you guides solve these issues and go give them a ticket. you would follow up the following week. are you going to be doing same thing? are you going to tell us what's happening and what you did? >> business as usual commissioner lee. maybe even improved >> commissioner lee: i'm reading some of the comments. if you read some of the comments -- i want to know exactly how many times you guys go outthere? i know we give lot of warning and we don't like to give tickets. >> we definitely do progressive discipline or enforcement if you will. really the process is verbal warning, written, notice of
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violation and move to citation. >> commissioner lee: it would be nice to say this is their second warning. we give them an n.o.v. just so in our minds -- >> i think if that is the case, we write it down. >> commissioner lee: they're getting complaints almost every week. they have limit around their equipment? >> they do have a limit around their equipment i believe. we aren't going complaintings every week. >> commissioner lee: i'm just reading the narrative. >> they also have -- i've been in there before, they have a sound monitor like essentially their sound reader is right next to their equipment.
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>> next time around we're going to be calling that hotline ourselves. >> commissioner lee: do you check on these lines that work? >> sure. >> commissioner tan: hi. you wanted to thank you for a very thorough report and lot more information than we got in the past. that's great. i have couple of questions. i noticed in inspections that couple, the first five, were by complaints. i'm wondering when do you put them in the complaints category versus section category? that would help me understand
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that. >> great point and noted. >> commissioner tan: i'm trying to clarify if there's a distinction. with revolution cafe, this is something we see over and over again. inspector burke, says we don't know who the complaintant is. i'm curious if there's a plan around them in general. >> we did see as a part of this most recent complaint, there's a condition on the permit that they have to have somebody on staff at the door at all times to make sure it closes. they are not doing that at this
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point. they are like a mom and pop shop. they have a bartender and they have a server and that's it. essentially, we'd have to say, you have to hire someone else to make that happen. but it is a condition of their permit. they've got to be in compliance with it. we're hoping that we have an announcement for you all soon that would potentially be like a program investment around soundproofing. so they could be a good candidate for that as well. that's kind of the game plan with the cafe. >> commissioner tan: thanks. have you guys been able to pinpoint who's complaining all the time? >> no. in fact, this last complaint was -- it came anonymously. it didn't state the name. i thought it was makeout room.
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>> commissioner tan: there's someone around there that likes to be anonymous and keeps reporting things. i love all those spaces, i want to make sure there's a peaceful compromise between them. if that person is watching, please make yourself known. i don't know we want to put any of these businesses out of business. we want to make sure people are comfortable and happy. >> it did have some good ripple effect this last one because i did the inspector to stop by makeout room. we don't have a sound limit set for them. they're going to get a sound limit set. we looked into revolution cafe's p.o.e. they need a door person. we'll follow up with that.
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cobba22 needs to get a permit. we have motions in action. >> commissioner tan: great. i think keep up the good work. you're being thorough about the follow-up. thank you. >> commissioner falzon: good evening. i wanted to applaud the management the following places as well as the good work of the commission. i want to reverse engineer tonight and acknowledge places that did not get complaints and have been getting complaints. that's jones brick and mortar and hue. i want to thank the individual and getting them to motivated to step up their game little bit. working in a positive direction. i want to acknowledge that. thank you. >> i will keep the inspection part fairly brief. i want to give you guys some updates on second half of this
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report. dorian is on page 4. they are coming into compliance by applying for an p.o.e. they are permitted but must go through section 311 neighborhood notification. we didn't get in far until they had their yellow signs posted. that bou brought out lot of concerned neighbors. one of the things that was mentioned was outdoor speakers on the front that was affixed to the venue and then just proud management. we did have inspector stop by. they had speakers. they were playing music from the front. they are now having those off all time. they were not having entertainment. i wanted to let know we're seeing them as a hearing once
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they finish their neighborhood notification. you'll see that. moving on to the next page. we didn't receive a complaint from norah lounge. come to find out, they were closed after further investigation. it was not in fact them. for the rock, we had them revise their security plan based on incidents that occurred. director weiland and the inspector stopped by to check on compliance. they were in compliance and have been the last four times they've been checked on. i wanted to mention hugh. we recently revised their permit. we had an inspector stop by this past weekend. they are in com in compliant.
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we currently are allowing entertainment in the mezzanine and lobby. that's been granted all clearances. the inspectors are finalizing their rooftops. as far as notice of violations, we issued n.o.v. to the bar. nothing for jones brick and mortar. we added independent to this list. we have found that lot of the complaints coming can't really determine where it's coming from.
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we've established changes that need to be made with both and we are going to be sound testing and issuing new sound limits for both venues. revolution cafe has been added to the list. that is all. >> any additional questions or comments. >> commissioner tan: just quick question for dorian. are they coming in for l.p. or p.o.e. >> p.o.e. entertainment they have is burlesque show that happens after 10:00 p.m. >> commissioner tan: thank you. >> vice president caminong: tha. any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. next item on the agenda is agenda item number 5. police department comments and
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questions. we see no officers present. let's move on to item number 6. next hearing possible action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission. >> i will be introducing this one tonight. first item on the regular agenda is onetime outdoor amplified sound permit for the screening of the 1993 film of the "joy luck club." you like to continue this item to the may 7th commission hearing. >> i move to continue. >> second. [roll call]
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>> it's me again. >> deputy director will be introducing the permit. >> only permit application is permit for rs4109. rs9109 is a coffee shop that host community gatherings. the applicants have an extended l.l.p. permit and applying for p.o.e. in orderly to extend their hours. many of the events they book have entertainment past 11:00 p.m. they don't plan to change their operation. if would allow private events rentals to occupy the space later if desired. in your file, you'll find the neighborhood outreach they conducted. this includes 665 signatures, 63
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signatures from patrons, seven letters of support. they had strong social media support and flier they distributed 125 copies of to neighboring business director weiland and i spoke with the applicants and representative for concerns. we successful in reaching an agreement however in the staff representation applicant like hours of operation sunday to
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thursday until midnight and friday and saturday to 2:00 a.m. with option to extend 2:00 a.m. sunday through thursday 12 times a year. i think it's important to clarify the operations of r.s.9. fore109. they are record shop that host private or ticketed events with live music. if they did not have entertainment, their shop closes by 8:00 p.m. their liquor license only allows beer or cidar. tenderloin station approved this permit with no added condition.
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>> good evening commissioners. i own the tenderloin base record store which i opened in 2013. our name is cryptic. it means record store. most people just call us r.s. for short. we hold performance license which were granted in 2016. since obtaining the license, we have a number of events within our business. many people always ask me why would i open record store at this time. people tend to think it's a difficult business to run and the growth to success seems hardly tangible. that is very true. it is extremely difficult to run
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a record store in today's market. i never wanted to open just a record store. rs94109 is a space for us to thrive in and community to gather. one of the few remaining spaces for truly independent contemporary music. these events not only the lifeblood of keeping our store alive but they have a dna to what makes our business such an asset to the community and the arts. if we're granted our place of entertainment license, we will continue these events but at level that would have the most rewarding impact on the san francisco arts community. we hold two kinds of events. instore, artist performance and the rentals. we hope the support we received through signatures and the letters of support represents just how much the arts community is wanting it.
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this support is something we're beyond grateful for and we hope that you'll give us the chance to accomplish what we have plan for. thank you for your time. >> commissioner falzon: good evening. just in the approximate, i know prepared lot of things, with regard to revenue, how much of your revenue would you guess is based on record sales and events? >> she might know the answer to that little better than i do. this is my partner. >> commissioner falzon: welcome. just an estimate. >> i would say that it's about 50-50 depending on the season, depending on the weather. sometimes events are the same and it allows them to make
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monthly, small business. >> commissioner falzon: i get it. >> most of the money we do events is from rental. when we do our artist shows, we're paying our artist. we fly them out internationally or have an artist play. that's not where the money comes from. the money comes from the rentals. the way we can keep doing artist because we sell alcohol. >> commissioner falzon: what is the concern of the neighbors? >> the concern of the neighbors would be noise, i think that's the ultimate concern. they are concerned with people drinking outside or kind of congregating outside. the top priority will be noise. >> commissioner falzon: okay. just in case any of the complaincomplaintants here.
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you have a condition to requires you to prevent loitering. other thing, empty space really welcomes problematic people loitering. lively place has actually added safety to the neighborhood. what about -- is there a man on site? >> we have another staff member who is a manager. it's either me, white knee or noah. >> commissioner falzon: in the event this is moving forward, would you be opposed to a condition that might ask you to have a phone number available to reach you
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>> we would provide monthly calendar of with again events. >> commissioner falzon: great. i want to state just a few conditions that you have on your liquor license i think might help put the community at ease. one of them you don't have an off sale privilege. meaning you can't sell alcohol to go. your license does allow that. that was actually taken away which is more restrictive. you have a condition about litter, loitering and lighting graduatgraffiti and noise. just having a liquor longs alone offers lot of resource for both the city as an agency for the commission, police department and the alcoholic beverage control and whatever we decide to do tonight. lastly, just a thought, you might want to think about, i'm
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going little bit off point. i feel obligated. the type of license you currently have, you might want to explore having private events with that. you can be in a gray area. >> are you speaking for liquor license? >> commissioner falzon: i'm referring to your type 40 liquor license. it's not designed for that purpose. there's a fix to that. >> we've relied on outside caters with separate liquor licenses for private events. >> commissioner lee: can you explain how is your sound system? what kind of sound system do you have? are you using it from the l.o.p. from the beginning? have you enhanced any? i want to get to the noise situation. >> win we first opened our store
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in 2013, we had a rather large sound system. there was a moment when i worked with steven, he was very loud. at that time, just opened the business. we really had no idea how the policies worked and how things worked in the city. i was 24 years old. we worked with steven and we end up downgrading our sound system. that was about 2015 or 2016 when we got our performance license. since then, we got a limiter, which is a crossover. within it, we can dial in exactly what levels or sounds not pass. that's the only thing we've done to the sound system. we haven't added anything since the downgrade. it consist of mid-range to top speakers. then set of basements.
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>> commissioner lee: you set a limit at all? do we have a sound check on this one? >> yes, they do have a limit. >> commissioner lee: you set your limit to that? >> yes. i offer to neighbors that which i also done with steven, he turned up the sound system to a point he can hear it. it was fairly loud and he was okay with it. i cranked it to a point where it was very loud. and he could hear it. we gauged that. >> commissioner lee: sound inspector will give you a limit. >> i'm happy to do that. it might be something you might like and something you might won't. i want to know the what kind of soundproofing do you have now?
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>> no soun soundproofing. there's events in that space before. there's been no soundproofing. we've looked into soundproofing. it was like $50,000 or $60,000. lay i.d. what about just curtains? >> whiffers told -- which i was, to stop from basing there's travel base you need. there's possibility making it sound better inside.
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>> commissioner lee: the curtain have to have two layers in order to absorb any kind of sound. those are important to get your sound limit up. what about at the door? do you have air lock? >> yes. we're right on the street. as soon as door opens the street is exposed. >> commissioner lee: do you plan to have a doorman or guard? >> we always do. in our l.o.p., we do have a requirement of having security guard for every event that goes past 8:00 p.m. >> commissioner lee: all right. that's all the questions i have. >> one thing we've noticed over the last year is the ambient noise in the neighborhood have gotten extensively loud with other changes. we're also have not done any
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events this year. probably billion six or seven events in the last eight or nine months. i have the dates for those. we're wondering if some of the sound issues are related to us or pass memory of us or future needs. trying to look into that and find solutions. >> commissioner lee: when the sound inspector goes out, he'll measure the outside level and inside. what happens is base and there's people in the building i assume? >> yes. >> commissioner lee: base travels. if you don't have any insulation in the ceiling to catch that -- newer buildings have the problem. there was some clubs that the castro on market that it was just jazz music. the base was going to the fourth floor. they had to shut down their operations after a while. they were getting too many complaints. the thing is wh what we tray too
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is get you going where you don't have the these operational complaints. it's nerve wrecking to turn it up and turn it down. we can get you to a level and soundproof where you don't impact your neighbors. that's why we're here. >> we're also very excited to hear about the possible grant to places that need soundproofing. we love to have apply for that. we love to do whatever we can soundproofing within our budget. >> commissioner lee: there's some things. you can go online and type in soundproofing and there's some z-channels you can do on your own and try that first and see if it works. it depends on the music you're playing. if you're playing -- it's going to be harder to put that in. you're playing hip hop, it's probably less problems with the
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base. it depends on the music you're playing. >> very true. >> commissioner tan: i have two questions. can you explain to us why you are interested in going to like a full place of entertainment if you already have a limited live permit? i get the concept that you're trying to do. why now and why expand hours? >> i think when we first start started, when we first were obtaining performance licenses we had a different thought of what our customers would have wanted. we thought it was held to 10:00 p.m. we soon realized it's the climate at best. our clients and customers wanted more. we had the ability it bring out
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some amazing artists. at that time, we were applying for the onetime permit unti until 12:00 a.m. it was nearly $500 to do those events. we were losing money. main reason was is, san francisco needs more spaces like this. we want to provide people the opportunity to see some of those artists that we want to bring in at our space. just give you guys example, we don't do that much as whitney mentioned. what we like to do is bring out an artist usually international and play with someone local. for example, we have this artist, he's from the u.k., he plays big. he does anything from experiment stuff to more like electronic
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music. he came and performed and it was amazing. people couldn't believe they will see this in this environment. that's the stuff we love to do. on the other side of it, the reason why i want to extend is private rental. we laws so much revenue because we can't extend to 12 for people's parties. they don't want to end 10:00tor 11:00. they want to go to 12:00. that's another reason why. that's our bread and butter. we do well only records but private ren tells i it will -- s is keeping us alive. >> commissioner tan: i'm curious with your single event permits or your regular operations with your live performance space, have you had complaints from your neighbors? if so, what was the nature?
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>> here is what was shocking. over the last year, i haven't gotten a call or complaints from a neighbor. last hearing we had to postpone to now, it was just a few days before when i found out our neighbors were complaining. as soon as i found out, i reached o out and we sat down ad talked. there was a time when someone called 311. we weren't open that night. besaids that, there wasn't a direct complaint.
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