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tv   Government Access Programming  SFGTV  April 28, 2019 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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because -- delores park and because you have foot spifrz -- officers on the ground and they're performing the social work function but they're very expensive social workers. and very expensive liquefied natural gases. clinicians. i've been pushing for more for more and we have been making noise and we got the january and february reports and it looked like there'd been 20 contacts in one month and maybe 32 in the next nap sounds like an outreach worker or two outreach workers went out one time each month in
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an area that's heavily impacted. whereas you're out every single day. maybe we can beef up staff with some training and it seems like the weighting of this and i don't think we need the police to be involved often because there's a safety and security component. but it seems we have a strong strong arm and one shrivelled atrophied arm. i know you thought about trying to bring in focus who aren't police to do the outreach work and i wanted to know if you could talk a little bit more about that.
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>> you make a great point and it gets to effectiveness. if somebody pick up the phone and calls and sees somebody struggle ong -- struggling on the street or aggressive, we have to look at what we have at our disposal to address that situation in the right way and most effective way. ideally the more we can engage to be part of that solution the better off we are. i always advocate for support of that with the other departments. the next best solution is to get
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everybody together. we triage the calls. we can't always do that but in the cases where we can, we have to workectively with the other agencies to make it happen now while we figure it out for the future. i'm a big advocate for that very thing. these incidents can go if you don't have the right people involved. it's in the to the best case scenario. i advocate for the band-aid fix, but we have to get the right people involved and to help. that's what we're trying to do and again it goes back to that strategic pillar of collaboration. we have to be a collaborative department. in the past it was mostly depends would go and they'd be siloed. sometimes the results weren't what we wanted.
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they were disastrous
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>> increasing the number of hot team members and clinicians is vital to this conversation. right now i want to focus some questions on staffing. i know we're 85 full-duty sworn officer short of our mandate of 1,971 passed by the charter amendment in 1994. i feel when talking to you'll the captains and officers that i talk to that we're engaged in like this game of whack-a-mole. when the police response and resources are taken to hsoc and maybe not in other areas in other stations if we're down, i feel like during those times and this is anecdotally because i don't think we have the data to
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prove my point but i feel like when we are directing resources to other places leading some areas unattended in a way they should be, i've seen spikes in smash and grabs in district 2 and we've seen robberies on chestnut street all when we've been down officers. i say that because i think it's so important to make sure we are staffed correctly and you mentioned challenges with hiring. it concerns me greatly because i still don't know what the challenges are and what the strategies are for addressing them because i think it's a whole lot of things. i think it's the whole state of policing and people wanting to be police officers anymore. when we look at the academy and create the classes, we can't even fill them. the ones in the academy drop off by 25% and the ones in their first year of policing drop by
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25% that. that's my understanding, correct me if i'm wrong. but i need to understand what are the challenges because if we can't even staff the academy of classes we're budgeting for are we doing to solve for that? >> traditionally it's less than 25%. we did have some anomalies this year but traditionally it's less than 25%. historically, rather. spatially the policing profession is struggle reg routing. go to recruiting conferences and national association of police and other departments and other chiefs are seeing the same thing you just said and i say when i'm talking to them about the challenges with recruitment. it's a nationwide problem.
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with that said, we have to recruit as aggressively and as hard as we can. right now in this area, economically times are good so we're not only competing with other police departments but with a vigorous job market. there are things we think we have done to increase our efforts in recruitment and it's an ongoing thing. we have to keep at it. san francisco is not alone. people are struggling in the bay area and across the country. we have to keep recruiting. as we work on the other things in law enforcement there's a lot of change right now. laws are changing. we see some incident that happen across the country that cause
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problem for law enforcement and policing in general. we have to work through those things. it's not the first time it's been this way and it kind of goes in cycles. we have to work through it and we have to keep recruiting and keep the academies open. we put as many as we can trained and out on the streets and by changing the p.t. tests and the policies and strength test, things we know we have to look at and say can we do it differently, those things add up to get us to a better place in terms of recruitment and intention of the people trying to get on the police department. it's a process.
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i'm looking forward to seeing what we can do with d.h.r. to address the issues. we have to just keep pushing forward. >> commissioner: thank you. with regard to clearance rates in the report i'm wondering where violate crimes are lower and same with the property crime clearance rates and what steps we're doing to improve on this? >> there's some areas where we are doing very very well like om sides property crime is down and it's something we want to do better at. part of putting the investigatio investigations bureau together we believe will help in that regard because the series of
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robberies and the prolific car burglars and the prolific burglars. the ones that victimize many people. those are the ones we can address with the bureau we re-instituted last year and we tracked this, we've seen when certain individuals that are prolific are in custody, the crimes go down, particularly car burglars. when they get out we see uptake. we've identified the issue and have to keep working. in terms of the clearance rates some goes to the organizational structure. an investigation bureau provides
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the infrastructure to hone in on investigative professors and issues and that type of thing. we lost a little bit of that and we have to get it back and when you have experts in that area you'll get better results at the end of the day. we just put it back in place at the end of 2018 or 2017. we're with a year in the making here but we're seeing good results. our homicide rate is a good indicator of the possibilities. we have and will continue to get better on my estimation in that issue. >> >> commissioner: thank you. with regard to the m.t.a. and busses we had a discussion on safety and muni.
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has the technology on the busses been successful at preventing crime and apprehend those that commit crimes? >> we've had success, yes. very much so. i don't know if commander ewing is here but we've had success with that. identification of people that are committed crimes on busses and we continue to work with m.t.a. on that and share information but we've had success. it's a huge part of our ability to address that issue. >> commissioner: supervisor fewer said m.t.a. is coming so you're off the hook on the rest of the questions. and i'm wondering if there's any resources you need to aappropriately implement and enforce g.d.r.o. law at a robust level.
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>> we understand the volume and i talked about our organizational structure giving us the ability to adapt and this is an example. we expanded the investigation's bureau and now we intelligence understand. and we have to staff it up and we have the infrastructure to address the issue. we still have processes we have to work through. but we have infrastructure there to make that change to the law. we have to assess as we see the volume but we have the bones to do it and the framework to get it done. we're very happy with that. again it speaks to the importance infrastructure to
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have the ability of change without having to recreate your entire department. >> commissioner: thank you, nothing further. >> commissioner: thank you very much. i have some requests and questions and i want to say i'm glad there's now an investigate officer unit. you had a bureau and then you didn't and now you have a bureau. it's like public education frankly. i know we try different things on the school board and find it doesn't work. you mentioned there's a report about the foot patrols and we can request that report. >> we can get you a copy. >> commissioner: i have a list for the next hearing and one is that report. the other is the violate crime stats by number not just percentages.
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i think also how many traffic citations by number that are focussed on the big five and vision zero goals. not just the percentage but the number of citations and not so much the number of citations given because some aren't on the five. how many specifically the number of traffic citations focussed on the big five. also the number of collisions you have responded to and i think supervisor mandelman asked about some information about larceny and which areas or types of larceny are we seeing and some stats around that. thank you. i want to ask do you have a reserve in your budget? >> a reserve? no. >> commissioner: you don't have
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a reserve you can pull from? >> no. i wish we did. >> commissioner: that's good to know. you have mentioned there's 137 new officers in the academy or about to graduate some time soon. is that included in the 1, 186 sworn officers have you. >> the 1,186 are full-time officers in the field.186 sworn officers have you. >> the 1,186 are full-time officers in the field. >> commissioner: so 137 is in addition to. so that puts us over the charter to put us 2,000 police officers when they graduate. >> yes, ma'am. >> commissioner: got it. there seems to be a discrepancy in the number of traffic training going through.
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the bureau report says 15 and you say 12. >> in may we hope to get one and eight through and we'll have another class at the end of the summer, hopefully. we plan to and another one. so two and 15 total by the end of the year. >> commissioner: so the ones you're putting through are the class coming in may is actually 12, is that correct? i think you're accounting for being able to pass the course? >> we may lose a few. we put more in than just like the academy. if we want eight we will put in 11 or 12.
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if we get everybody through, we can shorten or lessen the next class. we usually lose a few. >> commissioner: we thank you for that effort. i wanted to ask a little bit about the narcotics arrest and prosecutions. i just want to say i understand what you said but how many people do you have now in the narcotics unit. >> 19 and we just added five more. >> commissioner: they're out of your investigations bureau, correct? >> yes. >> commissioner: i think when i see these drug sales arrests and it's down 32%, yet we hear
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consistently there are more drug sales on the street and even though i think your foot beats may be on market street i think it's pushing to other areas. maybe that could be a fallacy this is what the police officers in my district tell me. it's not getting to the problem. it's pushing it out so when i look at the negative 32% it makes me think it's not really solving the problem, so much, it is really about pushing it out. just a quick response. >> there's always some of that. when we increase enforcement say in the tenderloin, people will move. when the foot beats are out there, most folks aren't going to deal in front of an officer
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they move two blocks away and we account for that. and a lot of our strategies when we do a bust operation we have to coordinate where the uniform officers are and plain clothed officers are doing what they do. there's a bit of that. and street enforcement is one piece of the solution to make this better. we have long-term investigations going on. the other piece is we're trying to engage and address or engage where the supply side. some have substance additions we have to address that. we're not trying to make jail the first option in a lot of these cases but we have to
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engage with the population and make it not easy for people to go to any street corner in san francisco and buy drugs. we don't want that to be the norm. we have to address that side too. often times if you don't address one side, as long as there's a demand, there'll be somebody even if we arrest everybody out there now, as long as there's a demand, somebody will pop up and take their place. we have to do both. we'll that need services, we have to get them services and where people where the criminal justice system is a better solution, that's the route we'll take. working with the district attorney's office and it's not just the street enforcement you see. it's not been the total solution.
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>> commissioner: i want to say the negative 32% is shocking. what we're dealing with in san francisco a negative 32% is shocking and disappointing. i understand what you're saying but the district attorney and i'll ask the conviction ratio. i would think -- and i also want to talk about foot beats. i get you're increasing foot
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beats and i understand everybody wants a patrolman everywhere. so you have limited mobility. and when you see an officer without a vehicle readily right there they're on the beat and i get it's a benefit to that. however there's a trade-off because it is very resource intensive. so when i see that in the tenderloin and also with the car which i get the sector cars and so when i look at the negative 32% which you said the majority of this drug dealing is in the tend tenderloin and south of market
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it becomes more disappointing i just want to say. [please stand >> you cover that hole up, where it can't come back up,
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you're going to have less holes to whack. so really, a simple example, but a visual example of what we're trying to do. and part of what we need to do is sustain the effort. within a week, it would be back to what it was eight months ago. so we have to sustain the effort. even when we make the narcotic sales, it's up to the judge, whether that person is released or stay in custody. so we have to deal with those consequences. >> i know the importance of actually making a good case. that it isn't also just the person selling drugs, that there is a hierarchy and there is a big man behind it. i think what we want to do is take down the machine. >> we absolutely do. >> supervisor fewer: thank you very much. any other questions from my colleagues? none.
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yes, thank you. and because public safety isn't just our police, it is also community, i'd like to call up kyle worthy from san francisco safe. madame clerk, can you set the timer for five minutes? >> hello, everybody. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is kyra worthy, i'm director of san francisco safe.
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i have a brief, very brief, presentation for you. i was asked to come by supervisor fewer's office to talk about what we do in the neighborhood. i'll be focussing on neighborhood watch and the service that we do out in the community. i've met many of you before, came to your community meetings out in your districts and then i have a few pamphlets and packets. so san francisco safe has been around since 1976. we're the nonprofit arm of the police department. we receive 100% of our fund from the police department. so our goal is to work together with all city agencies, including the police department, to keep everyone who lives, works and visits san francisco a safe place. pursuing our collective goal of a safer san francisco, we provide a diverse free services
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and activities for the constituents who live in san francisco. and we center everything around safety to empower residents, the police community groups, neighborhood watch groups and different community groups that are around in each of your districts. so the main -- the bulk of our work that we do in san francisco safe is the neighborhood watch program. we all know what a neighborhood watch program is, but as recent as economic has provided more buildings, we do provide different levels of neighborhood watch. so it's not just for a single-family homes, it's for apartment buildings, sros by floor and condo buildings. and so we sort of call that a neighborhood block meeting. and give you example, in mission bay, there are 12-13 developers in one area, we work with the developers in each building to have quarterly block meetings around safety.
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we work with the captain there, to sort of give them important information of everything that is coming up. and what to look out for. we did that around the city. that is something we implemented most recently. along with what we do during establishing a neighborhood watch, some of the things that we did begin implementing is inviting our neighborhood prosecutors from the d.a. office to address the neighborhood groups. having the board of supervisors, your aides, come out to neighborhood watch groups. and also the mayor's office of neighborhood services. we found that while we were establishing our neighborhood watch groups, that the residents had a lot more questions outside of our purview, so we decided to introduce the mayor's office and different departments and how they can call upon those services in their neighborhood. so there is ten meetings that take place, with the 10th being a celebration of getting their group together. and they meet over -- it takes
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about two months or so. some groups meet after work. some meet on the weekends. some like to double up the meetings, but we do take our time, going out to meet with the constituents to ensure they understand each step and how they can work closely with the city departments and their local police station. if it's a multiblock, or if it's a whole neighborhood, we sort of meet at one central place to get them involved with that. so a lot of things that come out after there is an unfortunate incident that someone experiences, we do come out and do a residential community survey. it's a free service. it's conducted with the resident and one of my staff who goes all around the entire home, the front doors, the entryways, around your shrubbery, how things are positioned, lighting
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and if you have your own personal camera system, which systems will gauge to get the whole view of our home. and also to introduce you to your local officer in their neighborhood. you receive a free written report, it's about 35-40 pages after the survey is done. and it takes about two weeks to get that completed from the date of initiation. and so another thing we do want to add, we do surveys and it's crime prevention through environmental design and those are popular in the multiple unit dwellings, apartment complexes, we come out and meet with the hoas. the last slide is more of what we do, that i spoke about, that you guys have. finally, we have the save the date for the summit that is coming up in july.
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>> supervisor fewer: great. colleagues, questions, comments? yes. project safe presentation. >> do you actually have the slides to hand out, the ones that you presented? >> no, i don't. >> can you send them to us? >> yes, i can. >> thank you. >> supervisor fewer: i just want to say i've had a neighborhood watch group in my neighborhood and this is how you get to know your neighbors. and neighbors' phone numbers. if you see something weird happening. and actually this is a big component of public safety. police officers cannot be everywhere. but we all have to look out for each other and i can't say enough about project safe. i think many neighbors have called for assessment after attempt attempted burglary in their
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home. any more comments? >> supervisor stefani: i wanted to echo that. i have neighborhood watch groups. you've been so wonderful. your work is definitely part of the public safety process and we can't thank you enough. thank you. >> supervisor fewer: thank you. >> president yee: same here. i've been to quite a few project safe orientations and so forth in my district and i guess one of the things you didn't talk about, in which a few years ago when i realized how underfunded you were, that was probably three or four years ago, and your workload for the organization had increased so much, but your budget was flat for many years. so there was a little bump in,
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hopefully, a little bump in the budget a few years back, so the question i have is, is it still adequate? >> well, when i first came, yes, organization wasn't receiving enough, but i was advocating and continue to advocate to have at least 1.5 staff person in each -- for each captain in their district. so that way, there could be someone that is totally focused on neighborhood watch and the other person working in tandem with the officers around the residential surveys. right now, each staff person is doing both. as you know, as more people hear about neighborhood watch, we're doing double duty to establish the neighborhood watch and also providing the security surveys around the city. it's very busy for us across all districts. not one district is, you know, more busier than others.
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we have over 300 neighborhood watch groups in each district. and they want refresher, they meet quarterly, we come out. it just depends on what their concern is at that time. i'm advocating for more funds for staff. it's something i'm continuously doing. >> which is good. again, i think at the time -- were you there? >> no, i was not. >> president yee: i didn't think so. it was some comfort level, or uncomfort level for sf safe to advocate for more funding through the police department. and i think -- i'm hoping that chief scott and his police department will look at what you do and advocate for the program, because i know that even since i've been a supervisor, how much more work you've done for our
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district. and certainly, it's not just the neighborhood group -- neighborhood crime watch groups, but you know, i'm telling all my residents, go to the assessment of the house, so you must be getting a load of that. so -- >> yes, our services are based on requests. we receive about 30 requests a day. >> supervisor fewer: what is currently your budget? >> we currently receive a little less than a million from the police department. >> supervisor fewer: and all fur funding comes from the police department? >> that's correct. >> supervisor fewer: less than a million. 300 in each district? >> yes. >> supervisor fewer: okay. that's very helpful. thank you very much. i just wanted to know about the
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language capabilities. >> we are all bilingual and pro-fish in enter /* -- proficient in the languages we read, write and speak. >> supervisor fewer: thank you very much. our next speaker is our district attorney. >> good afternoon, supervisors. how are you? >> supervisor fewer: good. >> what i'd like to do is go over some of the areas that you requested. i gave you a brief overview and then certainly i'm open for any questions you may have. >> supervisor fewer: mr.
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district attorney, did you have a power point for us? >> yes. we do. right there. >> supervisor fewer: thank you very much. >> okay. so what we're going to talk about today is the burglary unit, and i want to talk about leads and how that impacts drug markets in the city. i also want to touch briefly upon administrative requests we have, because we're reaching a breaking point. if we don't take care of some of this, we're going to have to take people from other places to do this work. it impacts constitutional mandate, both for victims and defendants. it's the law today and almost crime, but for murder and using
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weapons of mass destruction, now actually qualify for mental health diversion. i know some are a priority. and then sentence review, which is something that is coming to us quickly because of new state legislation. beginning with auto burglary, you probably heard or read an article by "the chronicle" recently, that talked about one or more district attorney, who basically is a one-person unit handling the burglary -- review of all the burglary cases from the police department. herself, handling 30 cases. unfortunately, the workload is about 300 cases a year, so some of the work has to go to a general unit. but when we do have that unit do the work, we get much better results. it's just simply a matter of being able to dedicate the time, the attorneys that are working
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in our units, do not have the luxury of time. the next slide is a quick overview of since the team been in place, you can see what our filing rates on this case has been. and you see also -- >> q1 incidents? >> i'm sorry, q1, 2014, but you can see progression from 2014 to 2018 and you can see the difference in filing rates. 2014, to 81% consistently for the last three years. i'm sorry? we're on the right slide now? no, we're not. i'm sorry.
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you can see there what the filing rate is in this case. very briefly, the next slide, you see a review of something that probably both of you are aware of, but this is what the hot spots are when it comes to auto burglaries. no surprise, the areas where there is a lot of tourism. then moving onto the next slide. it kind of breaks down by the hot spots. you can see what the year today, i think the first quarter of 2019 versus 18. good news, we're down 45% city-wide in this hot spot. you can see obviously there are some that really experienced major reductions like the fishermen's wharf. there are a few that have had a slight increase. but overall, there is 45%
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reduction, which is good news when compared to the fact that we had a reduction already in 2018 to 2017. so we're continuing to see a good trend in this area. next slide is what the auto burglary team is. it's one attorney as i mentioned earlier. she is handling roughly 33-50 cases. there are 300 cases a year. so a lot of the cases go back to the general units, whether it's misdemeanor or felony unit. you can see the workload for those attorneys is somewhere between 100-150 apiece. so it's a significant impact on the work. we've asked for two other toe s attorneys to handle the work. that is part of our budget request. the next area i want to move into, one you talked about, it had to do with drug sales. and i apologize again, because i
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have a different slide. i don't have that one slide in my presentation, but basically, what we are looking at is how do we deal with the problem? i was very supportive of what the chief was saying, arrests are certainly a component to the work, but i think that we want to be careful that we do not assume that arrests are going to be the solution to the problem, because the problem is very -- is complicated and it's much more than simply arresting people and for that matter, prosecuting them. but for those arrested, basically we see that 35% of those are -- 5% are going to the unit, 22% to the general felonies unit. and this is a rough estimate, we were asked to provide this information very quickly, and it doesn't get into all the details, but 2 million appears to be the rough number for prosecuting drug cases. i suspect it's higher than that if we take into consideration
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all the support staff. the next slide that i have here is, you can see the number of cases that are presented and we're looking for drug prosecutions between 17 and 18 fiscal years. you can see there at the top, 747 cases have been presented. we have taken action on 86% of the cases and 107 of those cases were discharged. next slide goes into lead. i know the chief mentioned this program briefly, but for those not familiar, it started originally in seattle and it stands for law enforcement assisted diversion. basically, the goal is to try to identify as many people as there are out on the streets, whether they're buying or selling or a combination of both, which is usually the case, and try to understand what their needs are and where it's possible, connect those people to, whether it's counseling, housing, you know,
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many other types of services. i'm trying to get them into a path to recovery and away from the drug scene in the streets. we have a pilot program where one of the cities or counties that was selected by the state, funding will be coming to an end soon and we're hoping that will continue to be funded through the general fund. area that i wanted to touch upon briefly, because it important for you to know what is happening. in the administrative side, especially body worn cameras, this is becoming a huge issue for us. the san francisco police department implemented the usage, the body worn cameras, what that translates into, we have to review all the footage that comes with every arrest and that workload is increasing significantly. we're looking at around 3200 hours of review every month and
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that number is only going to grow. and it really has two components that are important. one, we have constitutional obligations under marcy's law to protect identity, so we have to review and redact the video. and then under the u.s. constitution, we have obligations of discovery to the defense. and making those things happen in a timely fashion is becoming increasingly more difficult to do. and we're having to use attorneys for the work that should be done by para lilles legals, so it's one of the things you pay up front, or pay on the back end. we're not being efficient. if you look at ratio of support staff, it's running 685 cases per person. when you're talking about the time it takes to review body-worn camera and redact, it's very significant. just to illustrate a point. if you have four officers has respond to a scene over a
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violent incident and they're there for half an hour, you have two hours of video. every moment of the video has to be reviewed, because you don't know if it's on the 29th minute of the last officer that you review, that there will be information that is critical to provide somebody's safety or support, or frankly, to inform the way that we're going to proceed with the case. the next thing also an area you did not ask for, but i'm taking the liberty to offer it to, is mental health aversion. the bill which is now the law, provides that most cases can be diverted if there is the right set of circumstances around mental health component or whatever the criminal behavior was. we support that. i think it's the right way to do. we hope one day we will not have our jail be the health institution in the count, but
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that requires a new level of work and review. we're anticipating that we will be addressing around 1800-3,000 cases that will be petitions for this type of work. this work requires a tremendous amount of time and expertise. so that is the area that i'd like for you to also consider. and then finally, sentence review unit, we've had legislation that has passed in the last few years that increasingly requires we look back at cases, convictions under different state statutes. that requires high level of expertise by the reviewing attorneys and this is only going to increase. if we don't address this on the front end, we'll have people on the front line do this work because they're constitutionally required. with that, i'm ready for questions. >> president yee: thank you for your presentation. and it's good to see the work,
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the change in terms of increasing. i'm just wondering, conversely, has there been things that you've done in the past where the amount of staff time needed to focus on those issues have decreased? for instance, since the legalization of marijuana, are you spending less time on those issues? because it's not just, you know, it's kind of odd to see only one side, everything is increasing, when maybe there isn't anything decreasing, but can you -- >> yeah, to be honest, since we've been prosecuting cases for many years in the county, it's had little impact. we prosecute very little cases. marijuana is not an area we have concentrated on. but i do want to say something that is a policy for you to
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consider. marijuana is now legal, but what we're doing as a county and many others are doing the same thing, by creating so many hurdles for the legalized sale of marijuana to occur, you're encouraging, again, a street market of marijuana sales and i see also this therapy and what is occurring. so generally white population will buy marijuana from legal establishments, they can pay the higher price. the poor and generally people of color are often having to go and buy their marijuana in the streets, so you continue to see the inequities even with the law. we're making so many things so difficult for the legalize to be implemented, that we don't -- >> president yee: excuse me. i appreciate your speech about that, but -- >> it's a good policy. >> president yee: that wasn't my point. that was a bad example. i'm just asking, are there any
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examples? if none, just state it. >> there is none. i can give you, for instance, the homicide case to years ago was a box of material. the homicide case had to be loaded on a cart. the complexity of our work continues to increase. it has now decreased. >> supervisor ronen: yes, thank you. i have two questions -- or one question, one comment. in terms of the mental health diversion and ab1810, when you are able to divert someone, where do they go? >> great question, because we don't have enough places to send them. so we continue to be challenged by the fact that even though we have a lot of services, we do not have enough. it's a combination. we work with non-profits, with the public defender. we work with the courts. we try to be collaborative in the way we handle this work.
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it's just there is a lack of resources to do the work. >> supervisor ronen: because 1800-3,000 cases a year, that's quite a lot of people to divert into programs. i'm wondering, do you have statistics on how often there is a space available for people in a program? i'd love to see the data on that. >> yeah, we can get that for you. but i can tell you anecdotally, that often people, because they will have to stay in custody longer in order to take the services that are available -- >> supervisor ronen: because they're not available. -- because they're not available, they keep coming back again. but i can get for you how long it takes for the availability. >> supervisor ronen: i would appreciate that. because i think -- ab1810 is great. >> it is. >> supervisor ronen: diverting people, but when i was visiting, i believe it was the bay area health court, that was what i
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was hearing. was that people, it ended up being ineffective alternative because people had to stay in jail longer so what was the point? >> yeah. i think if we want to address the street sales of drugs and homelessness, we need to address mental health in a big way. >> supervisor ronen: absolutely. and then you hadn't mentioned it, but i wanted to state for the record and for the committee, that your request around the human trafficking unit is a big priority for me. one of the major tracks in the city for sex work, where there is a lot of human trfing is in the mission. and we've, you know, at times, it's cyclical in the area. you have one or two attorneys
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currently working on the case? >> we have one attorney. >> supervisor ronen: she is amazing. kim is incredible. this is not a job for one person. >> as you know, we're one of the capitals of human trafficking. and we haven't touched the organized side of human trafficking. we nibble around the edges, but 50% of human trafficking is tied to organized crime. to make those cases require much resources. i know i kept hearing the little bell going off, i wanted to be respectful, but it is there in the power point. >> supervisor ronen: and not only have we not even begun to address it, these are very complicated cases -- >> they are. >> supervisor ronen: they go across the state and the country. >> for instance, we had a case a couple of years ago, a single
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defendant initially who started trafficked at age 14. she was reluctant to become a witness. we were working hard. kim hunter said you're doing a great deal of work behind the case. by the time she was done, we were able to identify 20 victims around the country. we were able to bring one from austin, texas, that was one of our star witnesses and we got a successful prosecution, but frankly, we spend hundreds of hours preparing for that case. and then it was a multi-week trial. >> supervisor ronen: yeah. i just wanted to say that is a priority for me. thank you so much. >> it is for us, too. thank you. >> supervisor fewer: supervisor mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman: thank you, chair fewer. thank you for being here. i want to talk about the mental health diversion. we talked some about this in a hearing, i think we had in the public safety neighborhood services about access to mental health services, bayview health
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services and the jails and the broader population. i think we heard similar statistics around the number of petitions that have been filed and that is since -- is that since the beginning of this year? >> yeah, that just started. just in the last year, six months. since october. >> supervisor mandelman: since october. so 131 petitions have been filed and the police department is bringing those petitions? >> mostly, although there is private counsel. >> supervisor mandelman: i think it's something like 40 -- i mean there was concern about whether the willingness of the judges to grant those petitions -- >> yeah, but in fairness to the bench, they need alternative. if the bench doesn't have a place to send the person, then they have to -- they have to go through the traditional route, right?
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and the problem is that we don't have sources. [interjections] [interjections] michael? [interjections] so often, it does offer the ability of resources to go in the diversion program, then they don't have alternative. >> supervisor mandelman: i thought, that, too, although the judge was suggesting it wasn't a lack of resources. people have to wait a long time, but he was sort of indicating that he wasn't declining to
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authorize diversions. that eventually -- i don't know. you certainly need more resources for diversion. i guess i'm trying to think a little bit about how we would get from the 131 petitions that have been filed up to 1800 to 3,000 a year. where did that number come from? >> if you look at the public defender estimates that 40% of his work would qualify for this. that was the assertion made by our former public defender, which i agree with. i believe he's absolutely right. all you have to do is sit in the hall of justice for day and you can see the intersection between mental health and criminal behavior. so we're just anticipating that as everyone becomes more familiar with this, and in cases are coming through the system, we'll see a significant increase primarily based on the extension from the -- estimation from the
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public defender. >> supervisor mandelman: and the 3,000 would be 40% of the case load? >> it depends, because sometimes we do the math of our cases a little different. he counts one defendant at a time. sometimes we may have a codefendant case, but it's an estimation. and really we won't know two or three years, but we're basing 40%. we're not disagreeing with that. we believe we'll get in that neighborhood somewhere. >> supervisor mandelman: thank you. >> supervisor fewer: i just have a couple of questions. i understood -- i'm looking at your budget request for the year. you're going to renew your request to create an auto burglary team. >> yes. >> how many are you asking for there? >> one -- i'm sorry, three. >> supervisor fewer: three to join the person that exists? >> correct. >> supervisor fewer: so four. it