tv Government Access Programming SFGTV May 25, 2019 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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>> let's get this going. is everybody ready? hello, and welcome to the tuesday, may 21st, 2019 commission meeting at the san francisco entertainment commission. meeting. i am the commission president. if you are a member of the public you like to speak, you can hand them out and fill them out. we do as you turn off your cell phones or put them on silent including commissioners and staff. thank you to san francisco government t.v. and media services for sharing with the public. we will start with a roll call. [roll call] >> we have some commissioners on route. >> the first order of business
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is general public comment. is there any general public comment for items not listed on the agenda? seeing none, public comment is closed. the next item is agenda number 2 , approval of the minutes from the may 7th, 2019 do i have a motion to approve the minutes of may seventh? >> i moved to approve. >> second. >> is there any public comment on the minutes? public comment is closed. [roll call] >> the minutes have been approved. the next agenda item is a report from the executive director. >> thank you. good evening, commissioners. i have a very brief update this evening. i just wanted to let everyone know that i had the opportunity to speak on a virtual panel last
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week for ucla's centre for music innovation. both dylan and i have a relationship with gigi johnson who runs that program at ucla. it is a dynamic program that was actually geared toward people in the industry from all over the united states, and i was alongside people from other cities who do similar work, along with the industry. the woman from new orleans was on the call, someone from denver , someone from seattle, and we talked about being a music city and other cities and talking about the challenges that cities are facing across the united states around music, music programming, artists, and how we can continue to support and get creative in the policy work that we do.
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so i talked about some of the work that we are already doing and some of the work we already have. it was interesting because you could see my face and i could see the actual audience out there on zoom, it was pretty weird, honestly, but it was very neat. that is all i have for you tonight. if you have any questions about that, or any other questions in general that you want an update on, i am here. >> questions? >> any update on the enforcement position? >> sure. i didn't put it on the agenda tonight because i don't have a public announcement. we are moving forward in the process and we should have an update for everybody hopefully by the first meeting in june. it looks like the person we have definitely considered as a final
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candidate, and they may be beginning the middle of june are the very beginning of july. >> thank you. >> i had a question from that conference. were there any good takeaways? >> from other cities? >> i think what is interesting is everybody is facing displacement issues right now, and so that was a common theme. i was actually the first to speak on the six person panel and everybody echoed the challenges that san francisco is facing in terms of density and growth, and then having to deal with displacement because of that, so i think if we can find a creative way to prevent displacement here in san francisco, we may be at the cutting edge and be able to help our other municipalities in the same struggle. >> thank you very much. are there any public comments on
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the executive director's report? seeing none, public comment is closed. the next item is number 4, reports from the direct -- the deputy director. >> thank you, and good evening, commissioners. taking a look at the enforcement report here, i have highlighted point that we are to going to discuss. you will see there are two highlighted notes about jones, and i would like to discuss those. there is an actual item on tonight's you didn't -- agenda so we can discuss jones, so we can hold off and talk about those then. weaving right into, if you look on page 3, i would like to bring to your attention st. mary's pub this is a location we are currently working with to bring into compliance. they are currently underway in applying for a limited live performance and a billiard parlour permit. the inspector received a 31 complaints that he responded to, and they were having
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entertainment this past saturday we did issue a notice of violation for that, i have been in conversation with the owner, and i think that things are going to be buttoned up from here on out. i did want to bring that to your attention. the other location that i have highlighted tonight is the blue light on union street, captain engler reached out to the deputy director because there was a new owner of the blue light and they were having entertainment without a permit. we went out and checked it out, and yes, they had a d.j. we are working with them. this location is not zoned for a place of entertainment. right now they are eligible for a permit and they -- we have a meeting set up with them for next one day to bring them -- wednesday to bring them into compliance. they also have a pool table. i'll be getting a billiard parlour permit as well.
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the final location that i've highlighted tonight is arena s.f. we did issue a verbal warning for this location. we actually received one complaints that is listed here on the complaints that came in since our last hearing. we were -- we did visit this location a couple of times and we did take a sound reading after the new sound limit was issued, and found them operating above their sound limit. he did give them a verbal warning about that. i will mention that he stated that their security, and otherwise they have been in compliance. it is the sounds that we let them know about. let me know if you have any questions about this report. >> i did have a question. emporium was coming up a lot in our hearing notes.
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it says here the inspector went into do a sound test. is there any compulsory -- pulls read in terms of just the way the neighbors are reacting to the sound complaints from the music, and their lines, and i think there was some conversation about their clientele being a little unruly. >> to speak to the previous complaint, as far as the crowds and unwillingness, that we have not heard complaints about lately since i have been taking on this report. i haven't had any of the crowd control being a problem. we are still experiencing an ongoing complaint that we are still trying to determine whether or not it is coming from emporium or the independent. the inspector has been out a number of times to try and get some sound readings that we feel comfortable with the numbers moving forward, and in fact, tomorrow, we're doing a final
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sound test for the independent. the director will be reviewing that data to issue sound limits for those locations. >> okay. thank you. >> i think the fact that we have gone out so many times to these venues has pushed them to be cleaner in their security as well. there were no issues with security at independent in terms of unruly nests. and emporium, things have cleaned up, and the deputy director has been speaking with the owner who lives in chicago as well. they know that we are checking them out. >> that is great. >> temple, and the new sound limit. do you know if it is a big change? have we seen any reports on that >> director, do you know? >> i can't remember the difference, but i know they did
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abatement. i am assuming it is a little bit higher. >> it is higher? >> they had some abatement done. >> okay. i know they were going to close up there front area. did they ever do that? i haven't been there in a while. >> not that i know of. they said they were going to and then they didn't. >> do you think it is louder? >> i actually can't answer unless i look at the previous verses the current. >> the biggest concern is with the doors open if it is really loud. i just wanted to know if it was a big drop. >> the sound limit increased due to their sound abatement that they did complete. the door being open, they hired someone to stand there and open and shut the door so there wasn't any lag in the door being held open, and we are still experiencing the door having to be open and close because people need to enter and exit.
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>> that is why that solution would be really great. we will see if they wind up doing that. >> okay. thank you. >> i just had a question about st. mary's pub. so you followed up with the owner, and the owner indicated that they didn't know if it was a d.j. performing. >> correct. the owner was not aware that there was a bartender that allowed someone spin records that evening, and due to the follow-up of the n.o.v. and the inspector going out there, i did make her -- the owner aware of what was happening, so there was , it sounds like there was a bit of a lack of communication. >> and she is applying for an lop. is she aware of the communication that needs to be
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done with the neighbors? >> she is very aware. >> okay. >> she is also aware that in l.l.p. happens. and this was happening at 11:15 p.m. >> i was just wondering if it was from the complaint itself, but it sounds like it was according to the complaint that some of the tenants are upset in the building and that that might get in the way of in l.l.p. >> that is up to all of you, but something that we suggested was the fact that the inspector noticed that there speakers were mountains -- mounted to the ceiling. it pretty easy fix would be to pull those down. >> and the applicant is aware of a sergeant tenant, and told me at the intake meeting we may encounter some opposition from that specific person. we are monitoring if there are
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complaints coming in, and if there is entertainment occurring , and trying to check on that for truthfulness. >> got it. all right, is that the conclusion of your report? is there any public comment on the report? seeing none, public comment is closed. moving along,. the next agenda item is agenda item number 5, report from our senior aled -- analyst. >> good evening, commissioners. senior analyst for community and cultural events. i wanted to give you an update on our digital enhancements and our education initiative. in terms of digital enhancements , in order to support these efforts to approve -- improve efficiency and improve customer experience for permitting, we launched a new online application for the one-time outdoor event permit on may 1st. crystal stewart has been a
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really wonderful partner in making that happen. so far we have processed ten permits, they are not done, and then we have five that are currently being processed. we will see a lot more coming in soon because as the season gets busier, we have been getting positive feedback from the rent producers as well as some of the permit officers from police stations on the new process, so that is really exciting. just a recap on what this means, we no longer are using the tbs for these permits. this is a digital and to end application process, you can now use your mobile device to show your permit -- send inspector or a police officer to your event. there is automated e-mail notifications when there is a status change, when there is a
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confirm receipt, so that is an enhancement in terms of making it more communication friendly. we no longer have two separate application forms for events within entertainment or amplified sound. it is just one process and one form. so we are also going to be moving the soundtrack permit and the one-time indoor event permit onto this new software platform. i'm currently creating those templates now, and the goal is to have those live by the end of june. shifting gears to this city's website, we got a notice from the city's digital officer that the city is going to be transferring to the new s.f. of platform starting this wednesday , so we will eventually
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list that has grown and we have a facebook group that has grown to about 250 people. everyone received it via those channels. and then the next mixer, which is the s.f. outdoor events network, that is going to happen in late july, stay tuned for the date and location. we are still trying to figure that out. we have some leads. i hope you guys can make it. but the topic will be fun, as some of you used to peruse you -- produce events a lot, success through vendor management. so you have events become more and more complex with multiple vendors with different experience levels and different needs, capacities, how can you efficiently and successfully manage them for their success and your event success? so you may recall events locker
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was one of our sponsors at the summit. they have actually rebranded the event hub, and they will be a program partner on this particular one and do a presentation on best practices and tools for improving event management, ways that you can turn vendor management into a revenue driver, but ways you can also mitigate risk and ensure compliance for your events. michael blue, who is the c.e.o. will be presenting something like a brief presentation, and then he will also lead a mini panel and identify a few larger cultural events that have complex social complex vendors and structures and how to talk about challenges and opportunities for vendor management. i will report back when i have those details confirmed that is all i have. >> thank you.
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>> success through vendor management. that does sound fun. is there any public comment on dylan's presentation? seeing none, public comment is closed. thank you very much. the next agenda item is number 6 , police department comments and questions. i don't see any members of law enforcement here so we will move on to number 7 and public comment is closed. next agenda item is number 7. hearing and possible action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission. we will begin with the consent agenda, which will be acted upon by single roll call vote of the commission unless a member of the commissioner the public request to make comment, the consent agenda will not include time for discussion. i will ask the deputy director to introduce the item.
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>> hello, again. the only consent item on the agenda is for an accessory permit. there is no opposition from the public, and the police department has no added conditions. do you have any questions? i am happy to answer them for you. >> i moved to approve the consent agenda. >> second. >> is there any public comment on the consent agenda? seeing none, public comment is closed. [roll call] >> the consent calendar has been approved. please follow up with deputy -- the deputy director at your latest convenience for your next steps. >> thank you very much. congratulations. >> we did have an item on here, but i believe it has a request for continuance, and i will ask the deputy director to explain this as well.
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>> the permit application that was scheduled for the agenda tonight, the applicant has asked for a request a continuance to be moved to the june 4th, 2019 hearing. they had some paperwork trouble and weren't able to get some items together, so they requested a continuance. it will be more prepared at the future hearing. >> all right. do we have a motion to continue this? >> motion to continue. >> second or third. >> is there any public comment on this agenda item? seeing no public comment, that is closed. [roll call] >> this item has been continued. the next agenda item is number 8 , discussions regarding neighborhood complaints for e.c. 1172 limited live performance permit for d.b.a. jones located at 620 jones street, san
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francisco, california. 94102. we will ask the representative from jones to come forward. this is an item that the vice president requested, so i will ask her to introduce it for us. >> sure. thank you. hello. thank you for making time to come in. i just wanted to spend some time in our agenda to go over what has been going on here. just looking at this record of complaint, there was over 20 complaints from some of your neighbors around some of your outdoor programming, and it seemed to slow down in the last few months, which is great, i would love to hear more from you around why you see that happening and in terms of the conversations that you are having with your neighbors, what is your game plan around ensuring that these complaints will slow down, and what strategies are you implementing
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to successfully continue to do programming. >> absolutely, thank you. >> before you get going, i just want to correct one data point on here for all of you that we noticed today. we said there were 41 complaints in the last year when we put our little synopsis at the end of the two pages. there were actually 29. that was a miss count, just because there were 41 entries in the enforcement timeline. only 29 of them were complaints. take it away. >> commissioners, my name is jordan. i'm one of the owners and partners at jones. first off, thank you for having me here. jones has operated for ten years now and successfully operated for about ten years. over the past year, we have gone through some different changes, the company as a whole, myself, we have expanded. we have opened up other spaces,
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taking on other projects, and with some of our attention, we have seen a downturn in our numbers. over about a year ago, a year or so ago, my business partner stepped in and started running the project on a full day-to-day basis. with that, we got busier. you saw for a very long period of time we didn't have a lot of complaints. i was very, very active in the first number of years at jones, and every one of the neighbors had my personal cell phone number. i talked to them, i invited them down for dinner, i had conversations with them. rather with them calling 31, we would get the direct phone call if it was too loud or if something was going on. fast forward a little bit to this past year, we have fallen off a little bit with our business, and therefore, the complaints stopped because we just weren't that busy. when pete stepped back in, we started to get more busy. we had more people, we had more stuff going on.
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jones is a large indoor, outdoor venue. it was the first one of its kind in san francisco. there is now a few more different points around the city we have battled -- i don't want to say battled, but we have worked with our neighborhood for a long time to figure out that fine balance of what we do as a space with people and just human beings being outside on our patio and what we do with our sound permit, and how we operate within what needs to be done within the city and county of san francisco. as i've said, a year ago, pete stepped in, we got busier. we started to get more complaints. that is where you see the 29 complaints over the past year. we have actively been reaching out to our neighbors to have communications with them. most recently, we asked for the entertainment commission to facilitate some of that mediation so we could sit down and connect. i have been doing this in the city and county of san francisco
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about 12 years, my business partner has been doing it for over 25. we have a number of different spaces, and being a good community steward is an absolute cornerstone of what our company is and what we do. the fact that we have 29 complaints is not fantastic, but it is also a sign of us doing a little bit more business, new neighbors coming into the neighborhood and it is becoming a little bit more of a reality to these people that jones is down there. we would absolutely love the opportunity to sit down and speak with -- i believe there are two main complainants. i don't know for sure. i know at least one of them, we have tried to reach out to directly and we have not had the situation to sit down with them. if you look at our ten year history at jones, we have had significant success in communicating with our neighbors , having conversations with them and coming up with solutions to the point where in
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the actual gaylord hotel, the building that jones is in the basement of, we have replaced over a dozen windows. four people, because it is a very old building, very same windows, we have gone in and paid for that to be done on some of our bigger events, and things that we have known would be a little bit louder. we have put people in hotels. we have gone above and beyond to make sure we are a good neighbor now is a little bit of a different time because there's new people and we just haven't had the opportunity to speak with them yet. over the course of the past couple of months, the complaints have subsided. a portion of that is because we, for about six or eight months, had a fairly famous drag queen here in san francisco take over and run our branches. part of that was doing a drag brunch, i don't know if anyone has been to a drug brunch, but they are generally pretty
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rambunctious, to say the least. we were doing that, and that was within the time that was allotted during our l.p., and it was great. we have since separated and parted ways, very amicably, but we saw wasn't necessarily working as far as revenue generation, and also some of the complaints that were coming with the neighborhood. we decided to go in a different direction. since then, you have seen a significant drop off in the number of complaints that we have had. based on the interaction i have had as deputy director, some of the complaints weren't leaving -- even surrounded jones. it was something going out and i said, it has to be jones. i would get the e-mail or phone call and i said well, we were actually closed that day, or we closed early, or whatever it might have been, so i think again, that goes back to us really wanting the opportunity to communicate and talk to our neighbors.
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twenty-nine is a lot, and i understand that, but i think it is something we have a track record of being able to prove that we can successfully navigate through and with the neighborhood to make sure we are not just in the neighborhood, but we are also an integral part of what makes san francisco put -- pretty awesome. >> can you speak to what your upcoming programming will look like? we are coming into the summer months, will you be implementing another brunch strategy, and is that information posted on your website? are you giving notice to your neighbors? >> we communicate very regularly with our neighbors that we have access to. we let the neighbors know what is going on. >> what is the mechanism. >> phone call, e-mail, things along those lines. we actually print out little flyers and we put in every single person's mailbox in the hotel. one big show that we do every
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single year is for gay pride. that is one where we let everyone know a week in advance what is going on in what we are doing and it is a pretty awesome show. constant munication is still very much a real thing at jones. we have no plan for additional programming for brunch. we have no plan for additional d.j.s are programming or programming along those lines.
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it is tough, right? we are still a accident. we have people we about and we have to be able to answer to folks who invested money with us so we can't really solve any of this unless there is the ability to have communication, unless there is a dialogue. for me it is really tough to have someone complain and someone call as regularly as they do without really hearing the other side of it. sorry you can tell i am fairly long-winded when it comes to this the stuff.
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to sum that up, there is no specific programming. we operated. we are continuing to operate within the bounds of our llp. we are not doing djs late night. jones is not a nightclub we have another one of those. jones is very cool. as the years progress a staple of san francisco nightlife. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> jordan, you mentioned numerous times the help of the commission. what are you specifically asking for? >> to be able to sit down and talk to them to see what it is that the owners jones can do to make their lives better and call us if it is loud. calling 311 is not going to turn down the volume, it is a complaint. if it is loud, text us and we will go to the table and tell them to be quieter.
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what i am asking from the commission is to facilitate mediation between jones and the complainants. >> is that because your efforts fail? >> correct. >> you believe this is two different people? >> i believe so, yes. >> you know who they are? >> i know one of them. we are conversation with one of them, meaning one-sided. we reached out, and i have an idea who the second one is but i don't know specifically. the reason i know is because of some of the management at the building informed me who it is. >> the other person -- complainant number one you reached out to and they resisted face-to-face contact. correct. >> person number two you think you know who it is, have you reached out to them yet? >> no, i have not. >> you would rather get the commission involved before you get too deep into it?
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>> yes, two reasons. one, to prove we are moving in a good faith effort to resolve this and having the commission involved in that proves that. secondly, there are 29 of them, and i want to make sure this is not a recurring thing. i know we can fix this. i am positive. we have done this for 10 years. we can solve this. >> do you recall how many units are in the gaylord? >> i believe 330. it is a very large building. then you look around the whole neighborhood it is highly densely populated. to take my side of this a little bit, it is a lot of people and there are two complaining, which i get it. two people and it is their quality of life and that is very important. we are a business that has been there for a really long time.
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>> thank you. >> thank you. >> i mean first of all, i think it is helpful to acknowledge that clearly some of these complaints are coming in at times when you are dark or not open so that doesn't mean the individual isn't being disturbed by noise but you are not the source of the noise that is disturbing them so, you know, because there are 29 complaints doesn't mean there were 29 instances where you were violating your conditions. there are a couple times when you got a notice of violation because you were operating outside of the bounds of your llp, but, you know, that is also dropped off which is great.
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you know, i think that if we can work to engage these residents and at the very least put in place a better communication strategy which is what you are saying you want so they can contact you directly, which might also help them identify the source of the sound that is disturbing them. you know if they are e-mailing or texting you, you are saying we are closed today there is nothing going on. they can try to do a better job assessing where the noise disturbing them is coming from. it looks like a number of these are anonymous. i am not sure how much we can help with that. >> we have the contact information for two people. everyone else has been anonymous. >> it is one of the things we ask for in the good neighbor policy is that the venue provide contact information for
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neighbors, but it also sounds like they don't have it or they are choosing not to use it. you are not getting e-mails or text. >> the front desk have my cell phone number, our manager's number. every person, we make it clear call, text, e-mail anytime of the day or night, someone will absolutely get back to you. >> i appreciate that. i am not sure how much we can do at the entertainment level. i don't know director if you want to address? >> we just tried to reach out to facilitate amid dation. we -- the mediation. we will circle back. it would be good to have myself the deputy director and pete and jordan in the room with the two complainants or anyone else
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interested. that is ideal. if they are nonresponsive i am not sure what else we can do aside from responding from complaints as they come in if we are in the field to check on compliance. >> you are right. we were out of compliance for a few things. we got a notice of violation and potentially two. >> a notice of violation and two citations. >> we get it. we worked with staff. we understand. that was during holiday season. that is very important to success of business overall in san francisco. we worked with staff to mediate that. we got it. we understand. if we have to do it we come back to the entertainment commission and ask for approval rather than forgiveness. understood. >> thank you. hopefully we can figure out some way to get these folks to engage. we want them to have their quiet
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enjoy meant. we want you to thrive as a business and we hope we can get somewhere along the way. >> one last point. i would like to point out we are always open. we want to talk. a testament to that is being here tonight and having the open dialogue with the commissioners and noticing none of the complainants are here either. we want to solve this and picking up the phone and calling and complaining in the city doesn't solve much. we want to come up with a solution. maybe there isn't one. i would like to figure out if something, obviously, not tonight. if this continues. if there is another 29 complaints and the same folks anonymous how can we work through that? i don't want this to be a representation of jones. i don't want these two individuals to be a representation what we do in san francisco either.
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>> i have a few questions. thanks for being here. jones is a great venue. i remember when you were putting in the windows for your llp. how are those working out? >> one woman in particular was fairly -- a an an avid caller. after we worked out the windows she has come to the meetings in support of what we do. she has written a number of letters to support for not only jones but other projects representing not just lip service up here. we truly care about the neighborhoods we operate in. >> that is good to know. i think that is actually a model that we sometimes recommend for other venues to say look at double paning the windows.
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is that something you are willing to do for these folk that are complaining if they reveal their identities. >> the short answer is yes. we are 100% willing to work with them whatever way is possible. the building actually changed ownership. when we were doing a bunch of the windows the ownership was am amicable for doing that. since the ownership changed they are more reluctant. since the ownership change we bought thick sound curtains. rather than the big construction project and taking out a window and putting them out for a day or two. we purchased whatever color, fabric, to match the apartment to make sure they can close them and have sound mitigation to that way. i can't say yes to a window. i can say, yes, we want to work for solutions with them.
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the one caveat is the extortion side pay $500 we will stop complaining. we found that and we don't want to go down that road again. >> that is not cool. i don't think we would support that at all. i am curious. i know you said it was like management change a little bit. peter came back with a picture. who is managing it now? is it you or someone else? >> yes, both pete and i are active. joanna is our general manager, front of housemanger. she was a bar manager and is now doing a fantastic job of being the operations manager. we brought in a new events person. the notice of violations i believe and i would have to check the dates, but i believe they came from events at
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corporate and things along those lines. the events person is on top of things. it is 10:00. if there is a request to go past we come to the staff to see if we can get that extended for those one nights. >> great. you answered my next question which is what is up with the citations if you are managing it properly? it is good to know that you guys have hired staff that you trust. i am curious, my last question is about phone numbers. did you say the gaylord apartment management has a new manger in town or something? >> there was a new ownership group. meridian management. >> are they based locally in the building? >> yes, they generally have someone there. i don't know if it is 24/7 any more. i know they have on site
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management. with a building of that size they require having folks there regularly. >> i wonder how much you have worked with them to just make sure that all of the contact information is up-to-date so that they know who to call in case any of their residents are bothered or whatever? >> that is a great point and something i can take away from this, this week, next week put out a bulletin to everyone in the building to say this is your contact list. >> that would do a lot. it sounds like there was time lost or some gap between the old management, you guys taking a break and coming back on. if you can get that squared away. hopefully that gives an extra olive branch to the neighbors. thanks for coming today. i know we don't like to see folks take time to come meet with us because usually it means
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you are in trouble. >> i am always happy to talk. if you need someone to filibuster, call me. >> don't filibuster. thank you. >> thank you, jordan. there are so many different aspect goes to the story. it is good to take time-out to understand it. >> thank you. i appreciate it. >> as i follow-up, it was very difficult. you have a very live space. you as a tenured person, you are doing enough, i think to reach out to the neighbors. iit is very usit is very frustre 3 111 calls are -- 311 calls are anonymous. it is part of what we do, right?
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i applaud you for at least being here to reach out and telling the public. that is for any public. there is a grey area from doing the right thing or being, like you say, the extortion part. we all get it. as long as you have your policy, as long as you are doing your part, i don't think we always stay on the side we should stay on the side of a more neutral fact we are trying to run a small business. payment i it is very -- payments evident you don't want to meet with these people and there is only so much we can do as an operator, too. i know you are stressed out about it. there was a slip in management. there was a time when you were doing something else. now that you are back on board, i don't think we will have as much issues, i'm hoping as what
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we had before. good job, just have your policies and talk to the new management at gaylord. i mean as long as you are doing that, i don't think anybody can hold you in contempt. >> thank you. i appreciate that. >> i think we are almost done here. i think that the reason that at least i wanted -- and i didn't request it. i wanted to talk to you not from the complaint so much. i think john is a unique venue. you are uniquely suited to get a lot of complaints because of the nature of the indoor and outdoor space. the citations are a breach of trust. iit is one thing to have a neighbor complaint about noise and find somebody acting outside of their permit. we see that often, and often it
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is a rookie operator who didn't know the rules. you said yourself you have 40 years or thereabouts. the trust is important. it is an important thing to have so i think going forward, you know, if somebody doesn't want to talk to you, we can try to help. at the end of the day, you know, getting us involved is hopefully would be helpful for you. at the end of the day it is your responsibility. we don't want the responsibility to manage your business relationships. not that you are asking for it. it is important to keep that. you know, we are happy to help with that and we want to find solutions. what we will be looking for in the future at least personally is the novs and citations. it is very hard for us to handle
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the complaints of a neighbor and mediate when there are clear violations that nobody can argue with. in that case, even a neighbor who not that one has in this case but who is extorting you, our hands are tied. i want to make that clear. thank you very much for coming in. i don't think anybody has anybody else to say. thank you. >> thank you all for the significant amount of time. >> is there any public comment on this agenda item? seeing none. public comment is closed. the final item is 9. commissioner comments and questions. anything exciting to say. >> a couple quick updates. i had a meeting on may 6th. we received a very extensive tour up to and including the tour of the roof. there has been quite a bit of
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work done in my times dealing with the place under previous owners. the entire roof is foamed. that didn't exist years ago. the skylights are sealed and insulated. a lot of good things are done. it is not quite where we would like to see it. i did forward an extensive voter to the executive director. they have recently provided a bid to do some of the first phase work and, unfortunately, it appears that the management is not really happy about the costs involved. i suspect. i was hoping we were winding the group down. this could be the group that can't go away. we will probably meet again. nonetheless it is productive, and there has been great communication. that is the quick update.
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lastly for those that didn't know. last week was law enforcement appreciation week. i am here if anyone didn't get a chance to hug a cop. i will stick around. i want to acknowledge our first responders. that is all i have got. >> i am -- there is an event on the future of queer nightlife that is at joleen's bar. it is the newest establishment june 3rd at 7:30. i am planning to go and looking forward to hearing about the future of queer night in san francisco. >> director wyland and nice and deputy director joined some city officials and comedians on the steps of city hall this morning
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to save the punchline. we are looking at so many different businesses in san francisco with nightlife and restaurants forced to close because of nightlife. i want to shout out to supervisor peskin for introducing a zoning measure to preserve the building as entertainment space. that was the best press conference i have ever been to on the steps of city hall to have the former supervisor basically open it up and then dave and to have a close from supervisor peskin. it was epic. shout out to the punchline family for bringing attention to this cause. there is so much we need to do to protect our businesses in san francisco. punchline is not a small
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business getting pushed out. the work we are doing is significant and we are leading the way in our country. whatever strategies that we are employing it will be modeled across all the different cities. let's not give up on this work. >> thank you for doing that. i would have gone but nobody invited me. >> you didn't get my text? >> no, but i think this goes to this is going to get worse before it gets better. we are seeing punchline and we will see more and more venues that are about to lose leases for one reason or another. i do think that director wyland's comments earlier about san francisco leading the way, but it won't happen if there is no sense of urgency. i don't know how much urgency
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there is. we are like the frog boiling in the cup of water. i want to stress urgency from all of us and everyone watching us today to really let's take measures to protect our cultural as secretaries before it is too late because it will be too late shortly. i any public comment? seeing none public comment is closed. we are adjourning this meeting at official time is 6:25 p.m.
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>> right before the game starts, if i'm still on the field, i look around, and i just take a deep breath because it is so exciting and magical, not knowing what the season holds holds is very, very exciting. it was fast-paced, stressful, but the good kind of stressful, high energy. there was a crowd to entertain, it was overwhelming in a good way, and i really, really enjoyed it. i continued working for the grizzlies for the 2012-2013 season, and out of
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happenstance, the same job opened up for the san francisco giants. i applied, not knowing if i would get it, but i would kick myself if i didn't apply. i was so nervous, i never lived anywhere outside of fridays know, andfridays -- fresno, and i got an interview. and then, i got a second interview, and i got more nervous because know the thought of leaving fresno and my family and friends was scary, but this opportunity was on the other side. but i had to try, and lo and behold, i got the job, and my first day was january 14, 2014. every game day was a puzzle, and i have to figure out how to put the pieces together. i have two features that are 30 seconds long or a minute and a 30 feature. it's fun to put that altogetl r
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together and then lay that out in a way that is entertaining for the fans. a lucky seat there and there, and then, some lucky games that include players. and then i'll talk to lucille, can you take the shirt gun to the bleachers. i just organize it from top to bottom, and it's just fun for me. something, we don't know how it's going to go, and it can be a huge hit, but you've got to try it. or if it fails, you just won't do it again. or you tweak it. when that all pans out, you go oh, we did that. we did that as a team. i have a great team. we all gel well together. it keeps the show going. the fans are here to see the teams, but also to be entertained, and that's our job. i have wonderful female role models that i look up to here
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at the giants, and they've been great mentors for me, so i aspire to be like them one day. renelle is the best. she's all about women in the workforce, she's always in our corner. [applause] >> i enjoy how progressive the giants are. we have had the longer running until they secure day. we've been doing lgbt night longer than most teams. i enjoy that i work for an organization who supports that and is all inclusive. that means a lot to me, and i wouldn't have it any other way. i wasn't sure i was going to get this job, but i went for it, and i got it, and my first season, we won a world series
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