tv Government Access Programming SFGTV June 7, 2019 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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>> president serina: any comments or questions from the commission? any comments from the public? may i have a motion to approve? >> so moved. >> president serina: thank you, a second? >> second. >> president serina: any further discussion? all in favor? any opposed? thank you. the motion carries. item i. requesting authorization to enter into a new grant agreement with asian americans advancing justice. asian law caucus for the provision of legal services for older adults during the period of july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2020 in the amount of $186,391 plus a 10% contingency for a total amount not to exceed $205,030 and clearly it's not michael presenting. >> thank you.
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hi. asian law caucus is located at the edge of chinatown in north beach. their specialty is housing and their languages that are available are english, cantonese, mandarin, vietnamese, arabic, korean, farcy. i'm happy to answer any questions. >> president serina: any comments or questions from the commission? any comments from the public? hearing none, may i have a motion to approve? any further discussion? all the question, all in favor? any opposed? thank you, the motion carries. item j. requesting authorization to enter into a new grant agreement with asian pacific islander legal outreach for older adults during the period of july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2020 in the amount of $200,000 plus a 10% contingency for a total
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amount not to exceed $220,000. now it's michael. >> yes, hello again. we're now moving into our older adult contracts. or actually with did the one before me. asian pacific islander legal outreach on mission, between 7th and 8th streets. language capacity is extensive including multiple chinese dialects, korean, filipino, japanese vietnamese and spanish. >> president serina: thank you. any comments or questions from the public? any further discussion? oh, i need a second. >> i'll second. >> president serina: any further discussion? call the question, all in favor? any opposed? thank you, the motion carries.
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item k. requesting authorization to enter into a new grant agreement with legal assistance to the elderly for the provision of legal services for older adults during the period of july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2020, in the amount of $575,120, plus a 10% contingency for a total amount not to exceed $632,632. welcome back, reanna. >> thank you. as i mentioned earlier, legal assistance to the elderly is located in nob hill, but they'll be moving to a new location at mission street and south van ness. they have areas of expertise in housing and elder abuse prevention. i'm happy to answer any questions. >> president serina: thank you, any comments or questions.
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>> commissioner loo: i want to point out on the sheet, there is a typo, should be 10%, not 2% as indicated. i want to make that change. >> okay, thank you. >> president serina: thank you, commissioner loo. >> commissioner arcelona: why are they moving? >> the program is moving. they have a need to move to a bigger space. and they are by far our largest legal provider, so they have the most staff, therefore, they require more space. so this new place will be more accommodating for their staff. >> president serina: thank you. commissioner? >> commissioner pappas: we've heard a lot of services moving that are in the mission. i'm wondering the nob hill area, what percentage of their clients are in that area? >> living in the nob hill area? >> commissioner pappa >> commissioner pappas: yeah. >> i don't know offhand what the
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percentage are -- can you step up to the mic? you have the executive director here. >> good morning, all. i'm lara kira, executive director of legal assistance to the elderly. i would say roughly 10-15% in that area, and also kind of lower nob hill, upper tenderloin. there is a lot of people that are quite close. our new location is actually directly across from your office. so it's not so deep into the mission, i would say, that it's not inaccessible to the tenderloin in that same area. it's not feasible in that area to rent a space because of square footage cost at this time. >> president serina: thank you. any other comments or questions from the commission? any comments or questions from the public? hearing none, motion to approve? >> so moved. >> second. >> president serina: thank you. any further discussion?
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all in favor? any opposed? thank you. the motion carries. item l. requesting authorization to enter into a new grant agreement with open door legal for the provision of legal services for older adults during the period of july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2020, in the amount of $126,997 plus a 10% contingency for a total amount not to exceed $139,696. thank you, michael. >> this is open door legal, it's one of the new providers joining our legal provider group. we're very excited they're joining us. they're currently located in the bayview neighborhood on 3rd street. this would actually, at least in recent years, be the first daas legal provider that would have a brick-and-mortar location in the bayview.
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they're working toward opening a second location in the excelsior near mission and ocean, which again, would be a first dedicated space within our daas provider representation. they have the institutional abt to provide assistance with -- ability to provide assistance in housing, consumer rights, immigration. but they're looking to focus their efforts on this grant to helping clients with elder law issues. this is including estate planning, probate, power of attorney, physical and financial elled are abuse. -- elder abuse. language capacity is spanish and cantonese in house. they do use volunteers which can enhance language capacity, but they also utilize a language access line service to ensure that all languages can be served. >> thank you. any comments or questions from the commission? >> it's great there is an office
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on the bayview. >> president serina: thank you. any other comments or questions. any comments or questions from the public? hearing none, may i have a motion to approve? >> so moved. >> second. >> president serina: thank you. any further discussion? call the question, all in favor? any opposed? thank you. the motion carries. item m. requesting authorization to enter into a new grant agreement with uc hastings college of the law, medical legal partnership for seniors for the provision of legal services for older adults during the period of july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2020, in the amount of $149,790, plus a 10% contingency for a total amount not to exceed 164,6 $769. >> commissioners, another exciting addition to our legal
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provider group. uc hastings medical legal partnership for seniors. what is unique is that they are based out of the hastings law school. and they will use a managing attorney as well as legal student interns for delivery of services. the other interesting thing they have is that they are serving -- they're recruiting and serving clients that are interacting with the health care system, so these are clients who are receiving services, generally at the v.a. medical center or zuckerberg general hospital. the legal services provided can vary in issue assisted with. but with the goal of supporting that person's health, well-being and independence to ensure that they are as well supported and independent in the community as
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possible, particularly focus who are hospitalized, soon to be discharged or folks with unstable income or benefit situation. it's going to be housing issues. making sure housing is safe and appropriate for return as well as helping untangle any benefit issues. insurance, medicare, medi-cal, as well as income such as pensions, social security, s.s.i. and other benefits. language capacity, again, amongst the providers is fluid, it's going to depend. they use a network of their interns. in the program as well as volunteer -- other students who volunteer to provide translation services. they're also able to leverage health care providers at the site who may be able to translate and finally they use a language line access services. >> president serina: thank you,
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michael. >> commissioner pappas: is the partnership at hastings an independent clinic within hastings that is -- or it is part of a field work program at hastings? >> it's part of the u.c. system and part of the college, so they're u.c. hastings staff that work there, with students who are working for pay. does that answer? >> commissioner pappas: not really. just curious. >> i guess i would say it's not an independent agency separate from the university. >> commissioner pappas: and one of the reasons i ask is because of the -- just for continuity sake, that they have designated staff monitoring. >> yes, this is correct. there are dedicated staff that work there permanently tied to the grant. it's the students -- the student interns who may rotate in and out, but you do have those permanent staff to ensure continuity of cases and services
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and managing that transition. >> president serina: thank you. >> is this a new program? >> we are funding a program that has existed in the community for a couple of years now. since 2012, it has existed. it has grown since then. we've known about it for a couple of years. with our recent procurement process, it was an opportunity to come in and join us and seek funding to expand their services. >> so they will be able to expand due to this funding in >> right. >> president serina: thank you. >> commissioner arcelona: language line has been mentioned several times. who pays for that service? >> it is -- if it is either in the contract, we're paying for it on the contract. if it is not in the contract -- or listed in the budget in the contract, it is being paid for
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by that provider. i think in the situation hastings, it's not a line item, they're covering that in-kind as a service they have. >> is that something that is asked in the r.f.p. to make sure that is available? how do you make sure that happens? >> well, we don't -- i think -- we don't require language access line services. we always seek to make sure that services are accessible as possible, including -- with a focus on language capacity. >> i would say, not a question, but a comment, the city and county of san francisco definitely benefits by the students at hastings. during my tenure on the human rights commission, we had a cadre of students who did
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research on policy and so the city and county of san francisco has benefitted and i'm sure this is going to be a great program. >> president serina: thank you. any other comments or questions. any comments or questions from the public? hearing none, may i have a motion to approve? >> so moved. >> second. >> president serina: any further discussion? all in favor? any opposed? thank you, the motion carries. item n. requesting authorization to enter into a new grant agreement with on lok day services for the provision of the health promotion, for older adults and adults with disabilities during the period of july 1, 2019, through june 30, 2021 in the amend of $756,300, plus a 10% contins for a total grant amount not to exceed $831,930.
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welcome back, linda, in your old job. >> good morning, commissioners and executive director mcspadden. we seek your approval for a two-year grant for on lok day services for july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2021 in the amount of 1,141, $398 plus 10%, not to exceed $1,255,538. this contract is for two programs. and the -- i'm giving you an overview. it's two items. for the fall prevention, physical fitness is a grant that helps older adults to stay physically fit, includes -- is
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evidence-based. it has strength training, endurance and flexibility included. there is a specific fall prevention to help reduce the risk of falls for high-risk older adults. and then the other program is the healthier living, it's a self-management program. and there is two components of that. one is a program developed by a university. and the other is from the university of chicago, illinois, called diabetes empowerment education program. and both these programs, of course, are -- the goal is to help improve and maintain the health of older adults and adults with disability. and we have had these programs for several years now. and has been proven to be very effective. and as i go through the service units for the -- you can see for
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the physical fitness and fall prevention, currently we have -- this contract for two years is 22 sites that will be implementing this program throughout the neighborhood. and they are using -- partnering with a lot of different community partners to make this happen. and if you have questions, i'll be happy to answer them. >> president serina: thank you, linda. just a comment. today's chronicle tt carried an article about the increase in the number of adults with disabilities experiencing falls. and it cited several reasons. one was often medication affects balance. another, we have more people who are living to older ages and many more who are living alone. so obviously, a program like this is of great need. and we've had, in the past
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presentations, talking about the way they approach this fall prevention at senior centers and working with seniors hands-on, showing them how to get up. showing them how to sit down and move and so forth. and it has proven to be effective. and the need is greater all the time. just wanted to make that observation. it's in today's chronicle tt. >> commissioner loo: just a question. this program has been in existence for quite a number of years. >> 12 years. >> commissioner loo: 12 years. how do you measure that this is actually helping, preventing, et cetera? >> so, as part of a contract, we have outcome objectives and included in that, besides the level, we also have several validated tests that actually measure pre and post.
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and measuring how they improve. and that's -- for example, that's how we measure the effectiveness. so based on a significant survey sample size, at least 70% of the assessed participants who participate in the program show improvements in the functional fitness level and obtain 70% or better score on the three functional fitness tests. there is also another s.f.12 survey tool that also determines how much improvement they've made in the program. and there is -- and for the special fall prevention program, it's actually, the assessment test is pretty thorough. there is a baseline. and then post program, see if there are improvements and how much there were.
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we have the results. if you're interested, we can share them with you. >> commissioner loo: i'm interested. the other question i have is like, the program is working otherwise they won't be funded okay? and the number of elderly are going up, so there will be more need for this in future. i'm looking down the line. so there will be more money coming to them? or on lok can raise the funds? >> on lok does raise funds. as to additional dollars from the department, that is a question for shireen, and luckily, i don't have to deal with that [laughter] --. >> commissioner loo: that's why you're retiring. you don't have to be afraid of speaking up. >> that's right. [laughter]. >> commissioner knutzen: i had two questions. one, do you work with park and rec? because i read the article
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today, they mentioned about tai chi being so important to this issue. do you work with park and rec? because there is a lot of tai chi classes and other classes that are appropriate. i wondered about that. >> the tai chi class that is offered at park and rec, as far as i know is from city college in san francisco. however, our department does fund a tai chi for fall prevention and that is through our grant. and self-help for the elderly is our grantee for that to administer that program. and we do have it in different locations, different partners. with our grant, because it's so small, our goal is to actually train tai chi leaders who can then go back to their community and lead those classes. so it's more cost effective. those could be either volunteers or staff at those agencies.
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>> commissioner knutzen: i noticed all of the places where these take place. are there any new ones? >> yes, there are actually quite a few new ones on the site chart for the next few years. currently, we have only like 13. so next year it's going to be 22 sites. so there is quite a few. >> commissioner knutzen: very significant expansion then, all right, okay. >> president serina: thank you. any other comments or questions? any comments or questions from the public? hearing none, may i have a motion to approve? second? any further discussion? all in favor? any opposed? thank you. the motion carries. thank you, linda. item o. requesting authorization to enter into a new grant agreement with on lok day services for the provision of the health promotion healthier
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living program for older adults and adults with disabilities during the period of july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2021 in the amount of $385,098, plus a 10% contingency for a total grant amount not to exceed $423,608. welcome back, linda. >> thank you. so this is the healthier living chronic disease management program. and it teaches -- the goal is really to help older adults and adults with disabilities learn skills to be able to better manage the chronic health problems, whether it is arthritis. any kind of diabetes or anything else. another similar -- another component of the program is diabetes and self-management program. that one targets prediabetics and people with diabetes. that program is very hands-on with lots of ways to help people
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better learn how to better manage their diabetes. i'm open to any questions you might have. >> president serina: thank you. just a question, linda, do most of the clients have medical insurance? private insurance? or are they using health san francisco? >> you know, we have part of the intake, we do ask that question. however, because of the -- we have not analyzed that per se. that is not a requirement for participation. we do capture that information. so hopefully, we'll be able to share that with you to see what percentage of the clients, what type of health insurance coverage they're under. and -- but the -- i think the criteria 0 for this program is they have some chronic health problems, right?
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it's not income-based. it is -- we highly recommend it for people, they don't need to have a doctor's referral to participate in the program. >> president serina: i think it's an excellent program, but the reason i asked the question, it might be helpful to provide the information to their medical providers so the patient is getting the same type of advice and there is no inconsistencies there. >> yes. and we appreciate that. and that is sort of the other reasons why i think when we have the state analysis, we can look at who could be a potential partners to help provide additional funding for this program to support it. >> president serina: thank you. >> i was thinking along the same lines. this whole meeting, i've been thinking along the same lines. is there any relationship or communication with the primary health care provider to ensure there is consistency of advice being given? >> so one of the advice and the
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guidelines for the program is that the facilitator in this program encourage the participant to inform their primary care provider that they are taking this program and how it has benefitted them or not. and you know, i think the anecdotes and the testimony from the graduates, from these programs, have shown that they have improved significantly. one story that was shared with us is that a graduate of the diabetes program said after she completed it and was able to make changes, she was able to get off her diabetes medication and manage her condition completely. so those are really exciting. and i think it's one of the reasons why we wanted to
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continue to support this program, because as you know, diabetes is the number three chronic health problems. >> on the flip-side, do doctors refer clients to you all? >> that, i am not sure. maybe valerie is aware of this. the executive director of the program. you may hear from her staff. >> good morning, commissioners. two things. one i think what commissioner pappas is talking about, is fidelity. how do you know that the information that the leaders are giving to participants of this program is the right stuff? they all have to be certified trainers. they go through a very rigorous training. and then there is a fidelity check on the leaders throughout the year, just to make sure they're following the curriculum. because it's a very concrete established curriculum. in terms of doctors for the
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always active program, we require a doctor's okay, so we keep that on file yearly. for this one, as linda said, we don't require it, because it's not part of the stanford or the university of chicago program. >> president serina: thank you, valerie. any other comments or questions. any comments or questions from the public? hearing none, may have motion to approve? any further discussions? call the question, all in favor? any opposed? thank you. the motion carries. thank you, linda. the next group of items, agenda items, p through u, will be presented by paulo salta. welcome, paulo. >> good morning, commissioners. analyst for the office on the
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aging. a quick overview of the department of naturalization program which serves older adults and adults with disabilities which are lawful permanent residents looking to naturalize. becoming a u.s. citizen provides benefits, rights, privileges and responsibilities some of which include access to securing a better financial security, freedom to travel without time restrictions, access to government benefits, protection from deportation and the right to vote. on is this program, also protects lawful permanent residents from exploitation by having well informed organizations out there in the community. the following six grantees will be providing citizenship, one-on-one assistance and legal services. i'm happy to answer questions. >> president serina: thank you. >> commissioner arcelona: i
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notice under performance, there were two organizations, asian pacific island legal outreach and la razza center. and there was -- it noted under fiscal monitoring that the findings would be resolved in june of 2019. have those been resolved? >> good morning. steve kim, contractor with human services agency. this is a program we've been working with the different providers as part of the control office on finance, support procedures. so, yes, we have identified and
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provided assistance for that now. they've been addressed and resolved. there are other issues going forward, but from what we identified, it is being resolved by june of this year. >> for both of the organizations? >> for -- >> la raza, unfortunately, i cannot say specifically. >> we don't know? >> good morning, commissioners. they are currently working on releasing the findings and should be resolved by june 2019. >> i had a quick question on the overview you presented.
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only because the census is going to dictate funds coming back to san francisco, for critical programs, many of which we continue to vote on, is there any education through the work that you've talked about with the clients on the importance of self-identifying. this year, it's going to be a little more complicated because of the immigration issue. but is the census on your radar? >> department-wide, it's on the radar. for example, there are access issues we're looking into and i think the best possible way to combat that is sharing information with all of our clients. i think it's spread across all programs. we want to make sure that our contractors know as they become citizens how important it is to also fill out the census.
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>> commissioner pappas: thank you. >> president serina: thank you. i would just like to note that on the memo, breaking out the details for the grant, the first grant is actually agenda item t. so it's a little bit out of sequence. wanted to point that out. item p. requesting authorization to modify the existing grant agreement with seine tree latino desan francisco. for an ldz amount of $115,503, plus a 10% contingency not that exceed $254,106.
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>> we've been providing naturalization services. they're providing in english and spanish on 15th street between valencia and mission. they provide citizenship, esl and one-on-one assistance. i seek approval on this grant? >> president serina: thank you. any comments or questions? motion to approve? any further discussion? all in favor? any opposed? thank you. the motion carries. item q. requesting authorization to modify the existing grant agreement with international institute of the bay area for the provision of naturalization services for older adults and adults with disabilities during the period of july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2020, for an additional amount of $185,198 plus a 10% contingency for a
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total amount not to exceed $407,436. thank you, paulo. >> international institute of the bay area will be providing citizenship, esl classes and legal services. citizenship and esl classes are held at 201 turk street. and at their main office on market. the language capacity is english and spanish. happy to answer questions. >> president serina: who are most of the clients or where are most of the clients from? >> it's city-wide, but they're centrally located. >> i mean in terms of where the immigrants are from, are they particularly from latin america? >> yes. and actually in the -- i was fortunate enough to attend one of the citizenship classes and
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they're actually from the middle east. the one time that i did go. so it's widespread. >> good, thank you. any other comments or questions. >> in general -- i should ask this in the beginning, are all the grants representing expansion? and my other question is sort of related to that. are more people asking in san francisco to become citizens? so is there increased need or increased desire to be become san franciscans among the residents that would be eligible for this? >> sure. this is an extension, not an expansion, so it's continued funding. but there has been ongoing need. every citizenship and e.s.l. classes are always full. and the legal services meeting their numbers every year. so there is always a continued need. also, there is now the wait
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time. when you submit your applications, it has expanded. it used to be about a year. a year ago it was six months, now it's lasting 13 months. we haven't seen a decrease in people wanting to naturalize. and i think that's a good thing. a lot of people taking advantage that they do it now. with the administration that we have. >> thank you. >> quick question. and perhaps -- are you working with the office of immigration and what is the relationship there? >> a majority of our grantees are actually part of the pathway to citizenship initiative. they are -- this cohort of grantees are working together, communicating, making sure they're updating each other on whatever is happening. yes, with the initiative, grantees are providing larger
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scale eligibility, helping filling them out, et cetera. >> president serina: an additional question. are the recipients from san francisco, or is it open to the bay area? >> i believe they're san francisco residents. >> president serina: any other comments or questions? any comments or questions from the public? hearing none may have a motion? any further discussion? call the question, all in favor? any opposed? thank you. the motion carries. item r. requesting authorization to modify the existing grant agreement with jewish family and children services for the provision of naturalization services for older adults and adults with disabilities during
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the period of july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2020, for an additional amount of $81,225 plus a 10% contingency for a total amount not to exceed $178,695. thank you, paulo. >> jewish family and children services naturalization program provides legal services out or their office. they also provide citizenship and e.s.l. classes in the fillmore area. they're language capacity is english and russian. >> president serina: any comments or questions from the commission? any comments or questions from the public? hearing none, may i have a motion to approve? thank you. any further discussion? all in favor? any opposed? thank you. the motion carries.
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item s. requesting authorization to modify the existing grant agreement with la raza centro legal inc. for the provision of naturalization services for older acuts and adults with disabilities during the period of july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2020, for an additional amount of $43,519 plus a 10% contingency for a total amount not to exceed $95,742. welcome back, michael. >> hello again. la raza is located in the mission district on valencia. spanish language capacity on staff. this is actually one of our smaller naturalization grants. they're focusing specifically on legal services related to naturalization issues. hence, the smaller clients work with their not providing the larger classes and things. we do see coordination between
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them and nearby centro latino, as well as the mission neighborhood center and the naturalization programs to coordinate referring clients back and forth based on need for specific type of services, so that is encouraging. >> president serina: just so that i understand. they serve a similar client base? >> so it's actually sometimes the same client base. the idea being that centro latino and neighborhood centers are providing the courses to help people study for the exams and things like that. la raza is able to send folks over there for the clients. meanwhile, centro latino and mission neighborhood, when they recognize a complicated naturalization issue that really needs legal expertise, they're able to provide that referral to a nearby neighborhood organization. >> president serina: thank you. any other comments or questions from the commission?
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any comments or questions from the public? hearing none, may i have a motion to approve? >> so moved. >> president serina: may i have a second? thank you. any further discussion. all in favor? any opposed? thank you, the motion carries. item t. requesting authorization to modify the existing grant agreement with legal outreach doing business as a.p.i. legal outreach for the provision of naturalization services for older adults and adults with disabilities during the period of july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2020 for an additional amount of $147,672 plus a 10% contingency for a total amount not to exceed $330,378, thank you, michael. >> hello again. so located in the south of
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market between 7th and 8th on mission. extensive asian languages available in-house. i think also worth noting on this grant, they subcontract for services with classes -- for classes and small one-on-one assistance. they identified a new partner, the filipino resource center located nearby on mission between 5th and 6th streets. that relationship just evolved over the past few months, so the actual documents here have it as t.b.d., but that looks like it's worked well and the plan is to move forward with that in the next year as ongoing subcontractor and partner. >> president serina: thank you. >> commissioner loo: one question. on the operating expenses details. the office supply is the new one is $9,500, which is more than
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two times the original. why is there such a big jump? it's on page 3. appendix b, page 3. >> you know, i do not have that information for you. i will have to get that for you. >> commissioner loo: thank you. i was just curious, you know. thank you. >> president serina: thank you. any other comments or questions from the commission? any comments or questions from the public? hearing none, may have i motion to approve?
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item u. requesting authorization to modify the existing grant agreement with self-help for the elder for the provision of naturalization services for older adults and adults with disabilities for $170,017. >> self-help for the elderly naturalization program provides e.s.l., citizenship classes primarily to the a.p.i. community. it's offered in six locations, which includes chinatown, richmond, vicitation valley and lutheran church. their language capacity is english, cantonese and mandarin. i seek approval of the extension? >> president serina: thank you. >> that church is christ church
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united, just so you know. >> president serina: any other comments or questions from the commission? any comments or questions from the public? hearing none, may i have a motion to approve? >> so moved. >> second. >> president serina: thank you. any further discussion. all in favor? any opposed? thank you, the motion carries. item v. requesting authorization to enter into a new grant agreement with bayview hunters point multipurpose senior services for the provision of money management services for older adults and younger adults with disabilities during the period of july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2023 in the amount of $465,396, plus a 10% contingency for total amount not to exceed $511,936. monte? >> thank you, commissioner.
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bayview's money management program works with individuals to machining their finances -- manage their finances, pay rent and other bills in a timely manner to ensure individuals enrolled in the program relamai housed. it includes financial reporting, budgeting and regular communications with government funders such as social security, medi-cal on behalf of the clients. thank you. >> i notice this is a new grant. so have they been doing this program before? and does this mean they can expand it? >> this -- yes, it was a new grant. and the two applicants that applied have been previously providing the services through department of aging. there was additional funds this time around, so bayview did get additional funding to provide money management services.
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in turn, they were able to increase the number of clients that they can serve for money management. >> great, thank you. >> quick question. is this at all connected with the office of financial empowerment and our treasurer's office? >> not to my knowledge. >> no, the answer is no. >> president serina: monte, do most of the clients have existing banking relationships? do they have checking accounts, savings accounts? or do they get help opening up accounts? because it's difficult to get a bank account sometimes? >> that's a great question. one of the things about the program is the financial management of the individual's money. bayview's client population is a little more high functioning, so they're able to take on a little more complexity with the money management. so bayview system for individuals that are able to
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manage their account through an a.t.m. card, what the money manager will do is put their disbursement into their a.t.m. account and they can use their card. that way they don't have to come into the center every time they want to get a disbursement. for other programs, that's not necessarily the case. but for bayview it is. they keep records of the money so that it's properly disbursed and bills are paid on time. there is an element of money coaching and financial education for these individuals, so they can become better aware how to manage their finances. >> president serina: thank you. any other comments or questions? from the public? hearing none, may i have a motion to approve? second? thank you. any further discussion? all in favor? any opposed? thank you. the motion carries. item w.
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requesting authorization to enter into a new grant agreement with conard house for the provision of money management services for older adults and younger adults with disabilities during the period of july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2023, in the amount of $289,424, plus a 10% contingency for a total amount not to exceed $318,366. thank you, monte. >> thank you. conard house money management program, provides financial assistance. they come in multiple times a week for money disbursement or to meet with their money manager. they work with social security and other benefits offices to
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make sure bills are paid on time. >> president serina: thank you. may i have a motion to approve? a second? thank you. any further discussion? call the question, all in favor? any opposed? thank you. the motion carries. item x. requesting authorization to enter into a new grant agreement with san francisco lgbt center for the provision of smart money financial coaching for lgbtq alder adults and adults with disabilities during the period of july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2023, in the amount of $268,352, plus a 10% contingency for a total grant amount not to exceed $295,187. tiffany. welcome. >> hello.
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thank you. good morning, again. smart money coaching is a financial coaching program that is administered through the office of financial empowerment. the office is collaborating with o.f.e. to offer the program to older adults and adults with disability who identify as lgbtq. the san francisco lgbt community center will be the department's partner to provide smart money coaching. the report issued by the lgbt aging task force in march of 2014 revealed that many lgbt older adults struggle with poor financial literacy. so to address this issue, and in alignment with the recommendations in the report, daas introduced smart money coaching in fiscal year 17-18 with the help of o.f.e. clients who enroll in the program work one-on-one with the
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certified financial coach to assess their financial situation, identify needs and create an action plan. clients through the program will gain a better understanding of their cash flow, debts owed and credit score. the san francisco lgbt community center has been serving the community for over 15 years and is a hub for providing access to information and resources that address the needs of the communities they serve. one of their major program areas include economic development. their economic development programming provides an array of services, one of which is financial literacy, which is why they are in an excellent position to provide smart money coaching. daas is looking forward to working with its new partner. and building upon the growth and success of the program these past two years.
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thank you. i would be happy to answer any questions the commission may have at this time. >> commissioner loo: tiffany, on the budget sheet. operating expenses, there is an error. it should be 233,348, not $175,011. you want to double check? >> i'm sorry, what page? >> commissioner loo: it's the budget page. appendix b, page 1. >> okay. >> operating the subtotal, should be -- >> oh, okay. >> commissioner loo: there is error here. >> thank you, we'll correct that. >> president serina: any other comments or questions? >> i would be remiss if i didn't say this. this program is a very important
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program. and my organization collaborated with the commission on the status of women in particular, commissioner carrie schwab and o.f.e. and we're working very hard to make sure the elements of this program are disseminated throughout the city. i want to congratulate my friend rebecca rolf who is here for undertaking this and i think it's going to be of great benefit to the folk through the program. >> if i could just say, this again, feels like full circle for me. i began working on this issue at the human rights commission. what we had to start with was to combat the stereotype that all gay people are rich. i don't know that is true anymore because we live in a city where everyone is struggling to survive, so it's not as much of a stereotype. but i wanted to say i'm so appreciative to see this grant
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today. it's an important marker in the community that we get that understanding out there and really help people to survive in the city. it makes a big difference to our community, where staying in this city is sometimes a matter of life and death. yet, it's become so expensive for people. i think we started that advocacy years ago when it was perhaps less safe for us to be anywhere else. and we wanted to make sure that people understood that people struggle here financially, they're not all rich, the stereotype of rich gay people is prevalent. now, it's just -- even though there are many safer places for lgbtq people in the country, which is a good thing, the financial ability to stay in san francisco has increased. so we sort of have that same situation. so i just wanted to make kind of
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a note of that today. how i think we started with this issue in the mid 1990s. and to see a program like this getting a new grant, it's really significant. so i'm glad i'm here to see it. >> i'm thrilled to be able to have the contract. >> president serina: i can only echo the comments? my tenure on the commission, i have seen services for our community growing. i'd also like to thank rebecca rolf and the lgbt center for taking the lead on this. it's very important. thank you. any other comments or questions? any comments or questions from the public? hearing none, may i have a motion to approve? thank you. any further discussion? all in favor? any opposed? thank you. the motion carries. item y.
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requesting authorization to enter into a new grant agreement with institute on aging for the provision of the home safe pilot program, during the period of july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2021. in the amount of $1,705,392, plus a 10% contingency for a total amount not to exceed 1,875,931. well, akiles ceron. >> i am the director of adult press conferencetive services -- protective services. we're providing case management to those facing evictions at the result of self-neglect. these are vulnerable adults living in supportive housing or
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independently, but with limited financial resources. the purpose of this grant agreement is to mirror a commit under the home safe pilot program, by providing case interventions and purchasing goods and services. through this grant agreement, we'll be able to support client safety and housing stability using evidence-based practices under the daas program which has been operating since 2006. thank you. >> president serina: any comments or questions from the commission? any comments or questions from the public? hearing none, may i have a motion to approve? and the second? any further discussion? hearing none, call the question, all in favor? any opposed? thank you. the motion carries.
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thank you, akiles. item z. requesting authorization to enter into a new grant agreement with institute on aging for the provision of the elder abuse forensic center during the period of july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2021 in the amount of $302,728 plus a 10% contingency for a total grant amount not to exceed $333,000. thank you. >> thank you. we're requesting authorization to enter into a new grant agreement with the institute of aging to operate the elder abuse forensic center. the purpose is to meet our state mandate to establish teams to provide coordinated preventive and remedial services to older adults and adults with disabilities who are victims of abuse. through this
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