tv Government Access Programming SFGTV June 12, 2019 5:00am-6:01am PDT
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[cheering] [speaking spanish] >> colleagues and special guests , welcome to this momentous occasion. [speaking spanish] >> i particularly want to thank a former commissioner and former vice president of the board, mark sanchez, for their sponsoring of the resolution that made this day possible. thank you. [applause] >> i want to thank all of our
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students for engaging in the process and evolving in their thinking. our faculty and staff, our parent and community at large for their support. think youth -- special thanks go to our muralists for countless hours designing -- [cheers and applause] >> countless hours designing the beautiful murals right across our office. and to marita and ray for their contribution, to make our main mural possible. gracilis. i think i have developed a reputation for talking a little too much. today, however, words cannot express my appreciation to the
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name change committee. we are in a -- a fluid and adaptable bunch. the commitment, the energy, the dedication, the excitement and love for the idea where a constant in every single act we took to get to this stage. to you, thank you. [applause] [speaking spanish] to every single parent who helped us along the way. our parent volunteers, supporting us throughout this process. without you, this would not have happened. [speaking spanish] [applause] >> it is not about just talk,
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talk, talk. let's celebrate. let's begin our celebration hearing our fifth-graders in their own evolution. [cheers and applause] >> welcome parents, families, students and community members to this special event. my name is lucy sylvester. [speaking spanish] >> today we are celebrating the renaming of our school. i have to be honest, when my
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fellow fifth-grade peers and i heard the news renaming of our school, we were not happy. many felt confused and upset because we felt as if we were losing our attachment to the school. we really didn't know who she was or what she did. [speaking spanish] >> in class, we began a learning about this person through read aloud his, watching a documentary, and hearing from other people who know about her. little by little, we started
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changing our minds because we shop -- saw what she did for foreign workers and other people now we think it was a good decision that the school name was changed, as she deserves a school named after her in san francisco. [cheers and applause] [speaking spanish] [applause] >> the fifth-graders are lucky enough to have been elected for the mural product -- project. we begin to brainstorm ideas for what would go on the wall. without a be a good idea to show the work that she did in order for the farmers to have their
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[applause]. >> thank you and have a great rest of your day. [cheers and applause] [speaking spanish] >> that is what education is supposed to do. help the kids come to their own conclusions. and we will introduce our superintendent, dr. matthews, to give us some remarks. >> it afternoon, everyone. -- good afternoon, everyone. what a great day. yesterday it rained, it's supposed to rain tomorrow, but when you are doing something extremely special and extremely important, look how the sun comes out. [cheers and applause]
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i want to thank the students, families, teachers, and the community leaders and teachers who are here today. in order for this to happen, it takes great leadership. i want to acknowledge our school board who is here. you'll be hearing from him in a minute. i want to also acknowledge our former assembly member and former board of education minister who is here, and a special thank you to principal rodriguez. [cheers and applause] it is truly my honor and quite a privilege to be here today to celebrate the renaming of this school, and what an honor it is to have dolores huerta hear herself in attendance. she has dedicated her life are fighting for civil and human
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rights of those who are oppressed and disenfranchised. these are the values that we teach our students each and every day here in san francisco unified and we strive to embody as educators. in fact, some of our school districts are exactly what she has dedicated her entire life to to persist through challenges, and to make sure that she stands for the rights of those most vulnerable in the community. [applause] >> here in this district, our vision is to provide the opportunity for every student to become multilingual and multicultural. multilingualism and multiculturalism are assets we aim to develop and nurture in our students. it is an essential part of the graduate profile as we prepare our students for the skills that they will need to be successful in this 21st century.
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we have over 70 language programs in our schools throughout the district. the schoolwide spanish immersion program here at this school offers students at least half of their instruction in spanish from kindergarten through to the fifth-grade. [cheers and applause] >> this passion for social justice and the commitment to serving its community are evident here at this school. this school bearing the name of a lifelong champion for these ambitions and it is a great honor for the school district for our entire city and it is our honor. we thank you for allowing us to name the school after you. thank you so much. [cheers and applause] [speaking spanish]
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you are the hero of my family, you are a hero for all of us. i want to read the resolution that president mendoza read and i wrote in october, it passed by the entire board of education. whereas fairmont elementary is renowned school with a long history of providing excellent academic opportunities to the neighborhood community and across san francisco, the school is highly sought after by families who value is schoolwide spanish dual immersion program. and it was founded in 1864. and by many accounts, established the first p.t.a. in the state of california. and whereas according to the neighborhood, the history project, the founder of the fairmont school, it has a significant history and legacy. the track that became known as fairmont heights plotted during the civil war will be the oldest neighborhood in san francisco. for more than 150 years, the
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school has educated generations of san francisco children on land once owned by the last mexican in the area. you brought this sun, the politicians brought the wind. [laughter] >> i can barely hold this paper now. the communities dedicated to ensuring that all of its students have access to an education with a strong commitment to the development of their creativity, equity, empathy, self reflection and deep love of learning. and whereas the community has committed itself to the proposition of renaming the school because she has dedicated her life to improving the lives of others -- others. in her battle to provide access to the voiceless, to the hopeless and to the oppressed, and a commitment to creating a space of awareness and justice
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based on evidence of hard work, sweat, tears, and blood in her own unwavering resolve to deliver a message a better tomorrow. she has become an institution herself, an institution that safeguards and fights for civil and human rights, of those who feel the system encroaching on their dignity and efforts to thrive. she cofounded the united farmworkers and helped organize the strike in 1965. she was a lead negotiation or -- negotiator in the strike. she is the originator of the fate -- phrase -- [speaking spanish] [cheers and applause] >> we will get there. she has received numerous awards for her advocacy including the foundation, outstanding american award. united states presidential
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eleanor roosevelt award for human rights in the presidential medal of freedom. she was the first latina inducted into the national women's hall of fame. [cheers and applause] >> therefore, be it resolved that the san francisco board of education accepts the community proposal to rename the school to dolores huerta elementary school and as the superintendent said, thank you for allowing us to name the school after you. thank you to the school community. you have done an amazing, brilliant job. thank you very much. [cheers and applause] >> thank you, commissioner. and now we are going to invite a special guest to come up. that is supervisor safai for
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some remarks, please. welcome. >> good afternoon, everyone. good afternoon, everyone. all right. that is about the only times we want you to yell. my name is supervisor safai. i see a lot of families here today. many of whom went to school with my kids. it is good to see you. i'm so honored to be here in this historic day for the ribbon-cutting and the renaming of this school. her name signifies a hard-working, inspirational, and dedicated leader who not only helped to shape this state, but
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help shape this nation. and if ever there were a time that the work that she did in the sacrifice that she gave was more important, that is this time, now, in this era with the challenges that we are faced for everything that you fought for and dedicated your life toward. may we be reminded today of the sacrifice that she gave personally and she worked shoulder to shoulder for the powerless, those who had no voice, and if any of you understand what that means and to the kids, what that means is, when someone has no voice, that means literally they are not being heard and they are not being listened to because people believe that they don't matter. to all the students that will walk in these halls going forward, you are walking amongst a legacy of a giant and know
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that every step that you take going forward remember that you are doing it in the spirit of dedication and sacrifice. you will be empowered and be present in every step that you take. be bold, be brave, and never let anyone tell you that you cannot do what you dream to do. it doesn't matter where you come from, it doesn't matter the color of your skin or the country of your origin or your background, that is what the beauty of this country is in that is what the beauty of the women sitting there that we are going to name today, what she taught all of us. i want to thank principal rodriguez for your hard work and education -- dedication over the last few years since you have taken leadership. i want to thank principal matthews. round of applause for principal rodriguez. i want to thank the board of education. thank you mark sanchez.
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thank you former president of the board of supervisors. a simile men and educator for everything that you have done. i am here on behalf of the board of supervisors in the city and county of san francisco to say congratulations. this is so important for our city. i want to thank all the families , all the children that made this day possible. without you embracing this and without your leadership, this day wouldn't happen. and of course, the teachers for all the sacrifice and work that you do. [applause] >> i will present a quick note to the principle. a certificate of honor on behalf of the board of supervisors. thank you to the educators and the staff and their families for all their hard work and work that they have done for the city and may you help to continue and shape the next generation. thank you very much. i will present this to the principle. may the spirit of the school live on in each and every one of you. [speaking spanish]
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[cheers and applause] [speaking spanish] >> we have a special moment right now and i want to invite evelyn rose, the founder of our historic association. evelyn, welcome. [speaking spanish] >> good afternoon, everybody. what a day. i want to thank you, mr. rodriguez, and the members of the transition community and the p.t.a. students and parents for today. this glorious day. it is a pleasure to be here today, also with the representatives of the san francisco unified school district, the board of supervisors, and of course, it
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is a very special honor to be here with ms. dolores huerta. the fairmont district is a long and rich history. in 1776, after selecting the site for the presidio and mission, the. [speaking spanish] were the first europeans to exit the northern san francisco peninsula through this very district. over a gentle pass between today 's fairmont hill and the hill behind us. it was a route that was likely following a well-worn trail that had been established by one of our local native americans. when we compare early maps of what was called the old mission road with modern street maps, that well-worn route ran right through this property.
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it was, at the time, considered to be the only natural route out of san francisco. the easiest route to go south. when the route of the railway was established in 1862, the start of the civil war, along what is now san jose avenue behind me, a new residential district, one of the oldest in our city now was first laid out, the fairmont homestead. the association president was a california pioneer. as one of the oldest districts in san francisco, over time, fairmont has become linked with the important history in agriculture, immigration, civil rights, railroads, aviation first, post- 1906 earthquake recovery, mid 20th century redevelopment and environmentalism. many of those which link our neighborhood's legacy with the
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legacy of dolores. then in 1864, the first fairmont school welcome students, making it one of the oldest continuously active schools in san francisco. and for that reason, a plaque is being placed to commemorate the legacy of fairmont school in the fairmont district. we can go ahead and unveil, and i will read it for you. so the plaque will say, the historic fairmont school, the first fairmont school welcomes students -- welcome students in 1864, two years after the founding of the fairmont district. new school buildings at the street were constructed in 1867, 1877, 1917, and 1977. there is certainly something with lucky sevens in there.
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with a continuously active p.t.a. since 1923, and the brave decision of teaching spanish, bilingual education since 1974, fairmont, now dolores huerta elementary is determined to continue embracing what is just and doing what is right for generations to come. we will have the plaque dedication date of today, with the support of students, teachers and parents of dolores huerta elementary school. fairmont residence, the san francisco unified school district, and the glen park neighborhood history project. we are very honored to have this important legacy of the school here in our district, and now having it after 155 years to be named for dolores huerta, it is truly an honor to be here with you today. [applause]
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>> thank you, evelyn for that wonderful plaque and the work you made -- he did into making it possible. the plaque will be on the street where we have the sign right now that says fairmont university. [laughter] [cheers and applause] [laughter] >> fairmont elementary. there is a little plaque on the sidewalk where we will be adding -- we are working on how we will make this visible to everybody. thank you, evelyn for the hard work. [speaking spanish] [applause] >> that gives me time to get my papers. i also want to recognize united educators of san francisco. thank you for being here, welcome. [speaking spanish]
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>> thank you for being here, and all the members of the cabinet, thank you. the decision to change the name of the school was shared in a board meeting in august, and with different community members throughout the process. yes, i think it is important that we revisit the motivation behind it. in a political environment where being a person of color is generally devalued, and being of mexican descent is equated with being a criminal, and the political environment where ignorance of the other turns into hatred of the different,
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and in the context of our mission and of sharing our spanish-language and our culture the idea of changing the name of the school to one that is better transmitting acceptance and inclusion began to take shape. a school, at the most basic of its function, is supposed to lay the foundation -- to lay the foundation that will support the improvement of the lives of the children who attend it. a school is an institution of learning, and institutions with a responsibility to help students build bridges of understanding instead of walls that segregate. and where we teach our students the power of voice, the power of
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presence, the power of being, the power of standing up for dignity and fighting for equity, an institution with a responsibility to teach our students to stand up for justice and to challenge the status quo, which perpetuates systems of oppression where only a few privileged ones get to decide the fate of the many. therefore, we began to think about who embodied qualities that aligned with what we are trying to instill in our students. respect for others, working to effect positive change, being relentless and consistent, standing up for dignity, and fighting for justice. giving voice to those whose voices have been historically muffled or silenced, defending the basic right of a human being to exist. we knew it was important to
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select someone representative of our latino community. someone who possesses strong principles, and the conviction of resisting injustice and creating a more just world. after several conversations with like-minded individuals, we found the person we believe embodies these qualities. she is someone who personifies the struggle, the persistence, the endurance, the commitment, and the conviction of fighting for justice and not just us. by adopting the name of a strong latino leader, we also want to send a message of empowerment to all our female students and particularly, our female students of color. [cheers and applause]
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[speaking spanish] >> we are make all because a woman who lent her name to our schoolmate history the moment she be up and down decided that when it was easier to remain silent. when she decided, when she demanded better working conditions when it was expected to be content just by having a job -- being relegated to acquiesce them into subservience when she was brutalized for leading the protest when they would -- it would have been easier to pronounce a statement from a safer perch. [speaking spanish]
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thank them for this great honor of naming this school after me. i want to thank the parents and the students for supporting that decision. [speaking spanish] >> i have seen all the beautiful performances that we have seen today and this school is about justice and about human rights for everybody. [speaking spanish] [cheers and applause] >> we know we have a lot of work to do, especially for our
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students. we know that education is the foundation of our democracy. we know that if we do not have an educated citizenry, the greedy will rule our country. [speaking spanish] >> we all want to work for the day where all of you, all of you students that are sitting here today, that you will have, hopefully, by the time that you graduate from high school, that we will be able to have free college education for every single one of you. [cheers and applause] [speaking spanish]
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>> and with the help of our legislators that are here present and our education leaders, that we will see the day where we will have art and music in every single classroom in our educational system. [cheers and applause] [speaking spanish] >> dancing, also. we will have it in every one of our schools. we know that we have a lot of work to do. i want to say to the students -- [speaking spanish] >> i want to say to all the students here, that we are talking about justice, but it doesn't happen by itself. we have to work very hard to make it happen. and the one thing that we can do to make sure that we get justice
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for everybody is that we have to study hard to, we have to learn our lessons, and remember that whatever we learn, nobody can ever take it away from us, nobody could ever take it away -- the things that we have, and the things in our head that we can learn, nobody can steal from us. it is a treasure that nobody can take away. [speaking spanish] >> i want to say one thing very important especially to our teachers and everybody, we want to end hatred in our society. we want to make sure that people really respect each other. [speaking spanish]
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>> one thing we have to remember is that we are all related. did you know that? did you know that we are all related, because we are one human race. [speaking spanish] >> i want to remind everybody where our human race came from. >> i will ask the question and see if somebody knows. [speaking spanish] >> where did our human race begin? >> africa! >> that is right. our human race began in africa. [speaking spanish]
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