tv Government Access Programming SFGTV June 13, 2019 6:00am-7:01am PDT
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congestion pricing would actually go on to the drivers. >> chair fewer: and we're trying to get at a company, a multibillion company to pay its fair share. and so this is why we've been grappling with the congestion pricing in one of your recommendations. i think another thing that was interesting well, that i really want to dig deeper into is the fact that, you know, they aren't able to actually explain about safety issues because they're at the mercy of people rating them arbitrarily. this puts a crazy system that you would drive someone in your own vehicle while you're driving and so vulnerable -- we know that taxi drivers have put in a lot of protection such as cameras and everything else
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because they have -- it has been ripe for them to be actually assaulted, right? and even though the drivers in these cases aren't really carrying cash and money as a lot of taxi drivers did in the past, it is still the fact that you have your back to somebody, and you are busy driving, and it could be in a very serious situation because you don't have any idea about the people that you're picking up. but i wanted to know when you were talking to folks about this if people have been assaulted or have had physical harm done to them, have they actually filed police reports? >> i'll let sergio speak to this and i'll have some other thoughts, as well. >> of the driver that brought it up, like i said, they called me up after the interview and
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said this is embarrassing, but i want to tell you this because i think it's important. so after that -- he didn't report it to uber or lyft because in other instances, he's seen what the investigation process looks like. he's been reported for supposed intoxication. he was not, and so lyft deactivat deactivated him, and he was like, this didn't happen. what they were like was, okay. it was, like, 24-hour suspension, and they were like okay, this is fine. so his disillusionment with what the process looks like, he just believed that uber and lyft was not going to do anything about it. and no, they did not file a police report, either. >> chair fewer: okay. commissioner mar -- >> could i add an additional thought? >> chair fewer: yeah. >> yeah. in combination with a number of driver leaders with gig work rising, this issue came up. and one story or one concern
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that was shared is if someone wants to file a police report per se, it can be difficult to get from uber or lyft the actual identity of their passenger. so uber and lyft might turnaround and say oh, you're going to need a warrant for that, so that makes a structural barrier for someone getting useful information into that police report. >> chair fewer: yeah. good point. commissioner mar, do you have any questions or comments? >> supervisor mar: thank you so much, guys, for doing this really important initial study, and i really look forward to the follow up study that's going to happen through lafco. i did have a question just whether you found that drivers were aware, you know, of the -- you know, the issue of independent contractor status versus, you know, permanent employee status and the dynamics, decision, and the state bill, and now there's the
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recent nlrb ruling on this issue, too. so i was, like, wondering where the drivers were and whether you have any -- what kind of perspectives or -- that you got from the drivers on this question about independent contractor status. >> oh, yeah. we actually, a few days ago, had a follow up phone call with another driver leader with bgi workers rising, and they specifically said half of drivers don't care, aren't interested in knowing what their status or rights are and another half are passionate about it. the reason being that they explained that they're just focused on driving and earning their income. and part of the inherent nature of driving for a transportation network company is you're often very isolated from other drivers, so it's harder, except on an on-line platform with real intention to go about sharing your stories and share your intention, and sergio's
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got something else to add. >> yeah. so i just, like, want to add in the slide that we had on work-life balance, it shows that two thirds of drivers appreciate the flexibility that they have with their schedule. how flexible is really is might be up for discussion, but when we were speaking with someone from uber and lyft -- well, one of the drivers, they were saying that if it means losing that flexibility that we become employees, we don't want to become employees. so that part is really important for them, and that's why the drivers are really split between do we want to stay independent contractors or become employees. >> chair fewer: did you also get an idea of how many drivers are driving full-time and how many part-time? >> so from the survey itself, it seemed like -- from what -- the number that i remember, it seemed like half of drivers were driving full-time for uber
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and then a quarter were driving full-time for lyft. >> chair fewer: okay. >> the other thing that i mid might add in response to your question, commissioner mar is in the united kingdom, there's litigation over the subject that we're talking about, and that's some of what drivers are seeking is to be classified in the middle. but as we said, the independent contractor status is being abused here and it seems on a pretty large scale. so the question is do we categorize people as employees now and create a third category later and that's something we should consider on this subject. >> chair fewer: okay. thank you very much. now when is your class -- is your semester over? >> yes. >> chair fewer: okay. i want to thank you, and i
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think on behalf of the whole lafco, thank you so much for this. this is as i said the tip of the iceberg but really gives us food for thought on our next steps and this information to be added also to the further studies that we're doing. thank you so much. we totally appreciate it. thank you. >> thank you for your time and consideration. thank you very much. >> chair fewer: so let's hear some public comment on this item. are there any members of the public that would like to speak? you have two minutes. >> all right. first of all, these situations where the drivers are considered contractors, it's a trick and device that's used by the management of the taxi drivers. you've got a different preferential treatment of different drivers, like the medallions. i'd like to ask the students to study and ask the opinions of
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the medallions. they're being charged $250,000 to drive a taxi where other drivers are not being charged. it's differential treatment and it's discrimination based on race. i come to another hearing to speak on economically disadvantaged people, and before i know it i'm surrounded by 15 indian and arabic drivers that want me to speak out on behalf of them. as a result, when i get up and speak, i say it's a violation of their protective rights in the civil rights act of 1964 and equal rights pertaining to due process under the law. you've got a situation that some taxi drivers are not paying $250,000 for a medallion and other drivers that's paying that much money in order to drive a vehicle. as far as employment discrimination law, can't be applied because the contractor, it's a loophole.
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you're using the wrong type of law. the true and correct law to use on that is corporate law, contract law because you signed a contract with the owners of that company. you violated the contract because you're not dealing in good faith and never had any intentions on reaching a legal agreement on this matter because you're undermining the drivers and they're paying all this money and you're red lining the areas where they can drive their taxis. you need to ask them about personal injuries, too, because a lot of them are paying a lot of money to drive the taxis. >> chair fewer: thank you, mr. wright. >> good afternoon. eric brooks with the local grassroots group our city. thanks to the students for this excellent research and presentation. i want to add another crucial deeper layer to the iceberg, and that is the potential for a city -- a city issued
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cryptocurrency to solve this problem. all the problems that were raised in the presentation and all of the solutions can be programmed into a new type of cryptocurrency with something that uses a smart contract. if that was issued by the city and was required to be used by anyone that's working as a driver or anyone that's calling a ride, has a rider, you could program into that -- that sets up an automatic relationship directly between the driver and the rider. there's an automatic exchange. that eliminates the need for uber and lyft. it would just make those companies go away if it's spread all over the planet. there are already private companies that are working on creating cryptocurrencies like this. but if it was a city-issued cryptocurrency, all the current
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rules that you put in the currency that are mandated in the exchange would be mandated by the city. by the way, this currency does not have to have the high energy use of bitcoin. this is a different type of currency. so the city could issue this, and i would actually urge some urgency on this because as i said, private companies are working on these type of cryptocurrencies to disrupt uber and lyft and airbnb, and if a private company does it first, then we have to deal with them skimming money off the top of the process. so i would urge you folks that are -- >> chair fewer: thank you, mr. brooks. seeing no further comment, public comment is now closed. [gavel]. >> chair fewer: so madam clerk, can you please call item seven. >> clerk: yes, and for the record, there was no action
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tick taken on item four. item seven is director's report. >> chair fewer: mr. goebel, would it be okay if we continued this to the next meeting? okay. let's take public comment on item number seven. >> i want to talk about current events. i spoke up and demonstrated that 144 unit apartment building complex can be built in the embarcadero for $66 million, and a 66 unit apartment complex can be built
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for $57 million. i demonstrated that 9 times 3 is 27 and each of these building is 27 stories tall. you get more bang for your buck building a 27 story apartment complex side by side with each of these two buildings which is already being built in mountain view and san mateo. you take a chunk of about 1,900 homeless people off the street by using this technique. and by using that technique, the homeless rate would decrease, and if you apply it to each and every location you want to build a navigation center, you'd have a less amount of people on the streets. sf viewer, please.
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document myself. >> chair fewer: thank you, mr. wright. i appreciate it. >> that's okay. current events. in 2019, at the present time, there was a homeless census count. at the present, we've got 8,011 homeless people in the city and county of san francisco, okay? as you can see from the year of 2007 all the way up to the present, the numbers of homeless people population has been increasing. we have gotten statements from the mayor's office on housing, the mayor's office on homelessness that they're closing the gap on homelessness in san francisco. it's not true, and these figures clearly stipulate that. >> chair fewer: thank you, mr. wright. so we are doing public comment on the executive officer's report, item number seven.
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public comment is next. >> yeah. eric brooks, san francisco green party, our city san francisco, and san francisco energy choice. so on the issue of renewable energy specialist and contractor, it would be good just to get a sense from the executive officer and maybe the commissioners that are in the loop on this as to the reason for the postponement. and i also wanted to say that when you hire or whatever firm you hire for this, it is very important that the first thing on the list for that contractor to work on is -- is the citywide local buildout plan, so i'm hoping that -- i've already spoken privately with executive officer goebel about that, and that's what the advocates would like to see is for that to be -- as soon as we hire that person, then, the next thing they should be working on is the local r.f.p.
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for the planning. >> chair fewer: thank you very much, mr. brooks. seeing no more public comment, public comment is closed. next item, please. >> clerk: item 8 is public comment. there was no objectiaction tak item 7. >> i take it there was no action taken on item 6? >> chair fewer: mr. wright, we did take action on it. we approved it. >> i would like you to -- to see you get into public housing since you've got million to -- millions to spend. the way you're taking care of business by spending money only in shelters instead of permanent housing, you're only wasting money. it's been projected that you
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would have an additional negative cash flow again if you keep spending money like you're doing. $643.9 million has been forecast within five years if you keep taking care of business the way you're doing, okay? by housing the homeless people and giving them permanent housing, you'll cut down on the expenses as far as treatments and the medical services, going to san francisco general hospital, services by the sheriff's department, by the direct housing program, mental health services, and ageing services for the people of san francisco. i want to call it to your attention that he hyou had an 8 -- that you had an $88.2 million cash flow last year. you had an $88.2 million cash flow problem when the current administration took over.
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the $9 billion in that account that came because of tax cuts and tax cuts regulations and multimillion dollar companies located overseas who were avoiding taxes came back to the united states is the reason why every state overall in the united states of america has millions of dollars in their account. if you don't start spending moneywisely, you're going to end up with that kind of negative cash flow again. >> chair fewer: thank you very much, mr. wright. seeing no further public comment, public comment is closed. madam clerk, can you read the next item. >> clerk: item nine, future agenda items. >> chair fewer: any items? seeing none, let's open it up to public comment. mr. brooks?
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>> eric brooks, our city san francisco, and clean energy san francisco. it's up to san francisco to do this, and so it's crucial that we get the public -- we can be the first in public to get a public bank. if we did, it would be amazing. the cryptocurrency thing, the best way to issue that would be through a public bank, so i just want to bring that up and make sure that's on the table and hopefully we get that on a near term agenda because it looks like it's going to be up to san francisco and not los angeles to get this done. thanks. >> chair fewer: thank you, mr. brooks. >> i'd like to see interest be put into the juvenile hall, as well. there's only 30 people that's in the juvenile detention
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center, and i object to minors who have a behavior problem when they're coming from a dysfunctional home. that that's not the correct way to treat people when they have an unfortunate situation in their family. places being shutdown, and on further review, i found out that place has the amount of square footage that's on or about the size of mission rock. i move to incorporate the fact that you could build on or about 1,000 to 2,000 apartment building complexes there, you can make a john o'connell-style vocational program for people, adolescent kids who come from a dysfunctional family. and instead of them being in a situation like they're being a criminal, you can put them in a training program. it's made headline news about
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how the places being shutdown, and the amount of square footage that is located in that area and not being utilized with the type of homeless population that we've got of on or about 8,011 is no excuse for a city with the type of resources, land, and leadership that you claim that you want to help. it's counter productive. it's counter productive, so i had -- i'd like to have that included in a public agenda, and included in that, the response that i provided, you build the two towers and instead of having developers in the process for profit. i did a demonstration with walton about that that saves -- >> chair fewer: okay. thank you mr. wright.
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thank you very much. seeing no further public comment, public comment is closed. madam clerk, do we have any other business today? >> clerk: we have no further questions today. >> chair fewer: on behalf of all the commissioners, i'd like to thank all the students. there's a small celebration in room 208. commissioners, i'd ask you -- you are invited to attend. i have another meeting that i have to get to, but i'd ask that you attend. thank you, colleagues. this meeting is adjourned.
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many different environmental issues keep popping up. when i think about the planet i want to leave for my children and other generation, i think of what contribution i can make on a personal level to the environment. ♪ clean power sf is san francisco's key way of fighting climate change by renewable energy and offering it to san francisco customers. i'm from the san francisco public utilities commission. the program came about with state wide legislation in 2002 to enable people to take more control over supplies. i first heard of the program when the organization was advocating to launch clean power sf. what i'm most excited about,
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it's going to bring 100% renewable energy to my home and reinvest into renewable energy infrastructure and jobs. i had gone to a lot of street fairs and heard from the staff at the san francisco public utilities commission to sign up for clean power sf even before it launched. >> we learned about clean power sf because our sustainability team is always looking for clean operations. linkedin is the largest online network. there are about 530 million members using our site. in this san francisco office there's about 1400 employees working in roughly 400,000 square feet. >> after signing up for the program we heard about the san
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francisco program and learned they had commercial rates and signed up for that. i'm the co-owner of the new wheel electric bike shop. we opened this store in 2012 and the new wheel sells and services electric bikes. 11 people work here in san francisco and our store is about 2,000 square feet. electric bikes are fantastic for transportation in the city, they're clean and green and you get places faster than any other form of transportation. it amplifies the power, it doesn't replace it. it makes it easier to get places by bicycle and it's so enjoyable and environmentally friendly way to go and more convenient in san francisco. >> clean power sf requires two products, green, 40% renewable and competitively priced with pg and e. for those who want to fight
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climate change more, 100% renewable at $0.02 per kilawatt. >> i decided to go with the super greens, after finding it only to cost about $5 more a month to have super green, that's a no-brainer, i can do that. >> we were pleased that clean power sf offers the super green 100% for commercial entities like ours and residents for the city of san francisco. we were pleased with the package of services for linkedin and now encouraging our employees who have a residence in san francisco to sign on as well. >> clean power sf buys its power from renewable plants that feed the energy directly into the grid. >> there's a commitment to
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sustainability throughout the entire organization and this clean power opportunity reflects that. >> one of the wind farms we use is the shilo wind farm and that is large enough to be able to provide energy for up to 200,000 homes. >> our mission is sustainability, even though our bikes are minimal energy use, it still matters where the energy comes from and part of our mission in sustainability is how we run everything -- run our business. having the lights come on with clean energy is very important. >> the sunset reservoir has solar panels that take up about four city blocks covering the reservoir and the solar power generates energy for city resources and clean power sf for residents participating in the program. >> it was easy to sign up for the program, i went online to
6:30 am and i started getting pieces in the mail letting me know i was going to be switched over and it just happened. when i pay my bill, i still go to pg and e and i don't see any difference between now and a year ago. >> sign up online, just have your account number ready and it takes about two minutes and there's nothing to install. no lines are getting connected to your home. all the power goes through the existed power grid. >> we haven't had any problems with the switch over to clean power. >> it's super easy to sign up. our book keeper signed up online, it took about 15 minutes. nothing changed but now we have cleaner energy. >> we see clean power sf as a key strategy to meet renewable energy goal, we have a goal of
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50% renewable energy by 2020. currently we have enrolled about 86,000 customers across the city. about 20% of what we hope to serve in the future and in the next two years we'll offer service to all san francisco electricity customers. >> an easy way to align your environmental responsibilities and goals around climate change and it's so easy that it's hard to not want to do it and it doesn't really add anything to the bill. >> joining clean power sf is one of the easiest ways to fight climate change, receiving cleaner energy at low and stable rates, you're helping to support a not for profit that helps influence the energy grid and produce more production. >> i would encourage any business to seriously convert to the clean sf service. it's good for environment,
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