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tv   Government Access Programming  SFGTV  June 15, 2019 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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[inaudible] >> the 22% of officers who have ten or more complaints account for all complaints during that period. if anyone else dies right now, and it's found out that one of these officers has prior instances, their blood is on your hands. if a person is found to be -- you can shake your head if you want, but if a person is found there's exculpatory evidence that wasn't turned over, you've got a cover up. if we had a commission that was done what you are doing, they would be charged with accomplice liability, conspiracy, and anything else -- [inaudible] >> you need to be a little m-- >> commissioner mazzucco: you need to be a little more professional. you're representing the community -- >> president hirsch: let's not have a back and forth. next speaker, please.
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>> we received a fifth record today from sfpd on a 1998 officer-involved shooting. one of the officers involved is no longer with the force. to touch again on brady, not only is the issue with brady materiality, it's also the time it takes. i checked with department 14 today, and if i file the brady motion today or tomorrow, it would be heard on the 10th of july. and if we're talking about preliminary hearings, you have ten days. if you're talking about a misdemeanor, you're talking about 30 days, so that's really not going to be an issue that can help at all. we've -- as we've been trying to obtain these reports, we have been largely in the dark, which is a frustrating respect to be on. last week, for example, when i was here, and i was speaking, i
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was told there was on -- this was on the agenda for july 10, and i didn't know. i have 35 active requests right now, and i didn't know the board was going to discussion the action of releasing these records until i came and was told in person. the data that i've heard at these meetings that i've been coming to is astounding. all of that can be called to what sorts of officers have records? what officers don't have records? we've started to receive some from the p.a. and we've started to receive some from this commission from officers that don't have records. let's just move on. let's not debate to hold a case
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where there's nothing. let's move on. firing weapons, dishonesty, all these things are tracked, all of these things are referenced somewhere, but when i talk to people who are actually pulling these records, it really seems as though -- and i don't doubt it, seems that once the report was finished, it was put on a shelf and no one was going to look at it again. so i understand it's hard, and it might take some time, but knowing what's there, that's written down somewhere, and i feel like that is -- should be more easily accessible. for example, my last note, since i'm running out of time, the d.p.a. cases we identified last week, six cases fall under this statute and could have just been puniblished. it didn't need to be asked for.
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these are just public records. >> president hirsch: okay. thank you. any other public comment? >> good evening, everyone. i'd like to use the overhead before you start my time. it's not on. >> president hirsch: okay. let's restart. i'm here, concerning my son, aubrey, who was murdered. the day is coming up, august 14, the day he was murdered. i, as i asked every year, for media coverage to let the perpetrators know what they've done to my child. i bring -- that is marcus hunter. that's all the names that i be bringing. here is hannibal -- i mean, thomas hannibal and paris
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moffitt. i want to show you this because paris moffitt is bragging i'm back. i kno he knows what he's done to my son. he is the ringleader, and he's done there in o.c. projects back bragging again. i'm back to kill again. that's what he's going to do, take someone else's child, like he took mine, him and the rest of them. so i'm asking you please, on august 14, that you do media coverage, because they're around, and they know who i am. i have no reason to hide because this was my child. but they're continuing to brag because this is what they've done. i bring my pictures, dead son,
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17-year-old boy shot 30 times with a semiautomatic gun. who does that? how paris moffitt and the rest of them shoot an innocent boy because they didn't get the innocent perpetrator that they wanted? i've got to suffer, his sister's got to suffer, all my family's got to suffer? my nieces suffer. the only way they know them is because they hear me say "aubrey" all the time. this is what i hear from them. nana, is he dead? is he in heaven now. i shouldn't have to go through this. my son in the casket. my son had a father, and you
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got paris moffitt saying, i'm back. he's bragging, and he doesn't care, and they have videos talking about killing again. help stop this killing. the summer is coming up, and there's going to be more killing. my son was killed during the summer before he could even graduate from school. >> president hirsch: thank you. as we say every week, the anonymous tip line is 415-575-4444, and we hope that there is a witness that will come forward. thank you. any other public comment? all right. public comment is closed. vice president taylor? >> vice president taylor: couple of things. one, miss brown, the murderer of your son should be in prison. that's where he belongs. i have helped to put the murderers of other people's children in prison. i am proud of that, because you
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matter and your pain matters, and that's part of what law enforcement does. so chief, i have a question. how many active members are on sfpd? >> i just heard 2300. >> vice president taylor: here's what's important with 1421. we need to comply with it, d.p.a. needs to comply with it. i take issue with asking for the records of every active duty sfpd officer. that's almost 2,000 officers. if you have a case that's pending, you need to know about that officer, ask about that case, but it is unfair -- it is unfair -- and unreasonable to ask for the -- the files of 2300 officers at one time and then to come here and complain that it's not being done quickly enough, right?
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so i -- i have a problem with that because it sets up an impossible kind of paradigm. if you have reasonable requests, make one. but if you're going to ask for everyone and then complain the process is unfair, that's your fault because you're trying to build a file on all sfpd officers, which you may be able to do under the law, but i don't know how it entitles you to come here and complain about processing your request in the order it was received. i do want to echo commissioner dejesus' comments on brady and and pitches. i'm not saying you are not entitled, you absolutely are.
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>> president hirsch: we can't take back and forth. commissioner elias? >> the fact is that this law was passed a year ago. we knew about it. i asked at that time for a 1421 memo from the city attorney. we received it days before the law was supposed to take effect in january 2019. we're now in june, and we have a handful of cases that have been released to the public under a law that was passed more than six months ago, so of course they are frustrated, and they have every right to be because we haven't gotten our stuff together to make sure that when the law became effective, we had a system in place to go ahead and distribute this information. with respect to the fact that, you know, commissioner taylor that a request has been made for all officer, it's my understanding based on public comment that was made tonight and before and from speaking with the community, yes, that
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was a request that was made, but the public defender and other members have followed up and said look, we understand that's a voluminous request, but they've followed up with these are the ones that we need. i'm not sure of the actual dates, but in speaking with commander weir, there was a specific list of targets that they need immediately. it's up to the commission, the department and d.p.a. as to how they're going to process the requests. it's not up to the people asking. [applause] >> we can't get mad at the public for being frustrated when you're asking for arrest y -- all of this. >> vice president taylor: i'm not mad. >> the other thing is with
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respect to brady and pitches, i left the public defender's office a year ago, but when you do a pitches motion, you get literally an index card with a person's name and phone number, and that phone number is literall literally a year old. i think the community -- zach from the public defender's office did an excellent job of explaining when commissioner mazzucco asked why didn't you just do pitches, and he explained the information you would get on 1421 and the information you would get on pitches. obviously, the information on 1421 is more beneficial. with respect to brady, i'm sorry, brady is not always accurate and they're not turned over. i think there's a misconception as to oh, there's brady or oh, there's pitches, or they can
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get it this way, or they can get it that way. which is why they're relying on the 1421 and they're frustrated. hirs >> president hirsch: commissioner mazzucco? >> commissioner mazzucco: 1421 is the law. i understand it's a big shift. i understand that the public defenders need it for their clients that are in custody, and i respect that. maybe you should have narrowed it to those cases instead of every police officers involved in all the cases that you have in custody. let me go on. but here's the deal. i worked down the hall of justice for many years, and i also worked at the u.s. department of justice. pitches, i understand you get a little bit of information. brady is different. that's not our problem. you need to talk to the district attorney's office and the bench down at 850 bryant street and make sure they get on the ball.
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i sense your frustration, and i feel it. but the problem is those are items that the court should be grants. 850 bryant's a small community, and everybody in the public defender's office and everybody in the d.a.s office know who which officer's had issues. but to come here and say that there'll be blood on the hands of this commission, we support completely turning over everything because you need that. you know, you come from probably the finest public defender's office in the state, if not the country. i respect the public defenders in this office. you're the true heros in the legal profession. you don't pick who you respect. you get who you get out of the holding cell. but to say there's blood on our hands and act unprofessional to this commission, please don't do that. please maintain the integrity that has started with this
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commission. please don't cut me off. we will do what we need to do to make sure you get need from 1421, but if you don't get it because the d.a. is not complying or the court's not listening, that's not our fault. >> president hirsch: this is public comment. we will address this in depth on the 10th of july. we get your frustration. this is not a cover up. that's not what's going on. we're inundated with documents, we're inundated with requests. there is no list that goes back years that tells us what we have. there isn't. they're creating that list right now by hand. but just to assume that we're a bunch of thugs or criminals or trying to hide things from you is a mistake, and it undermines your credibility later on when you come at us. come at us with a little
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integrity and treat us with a little integrity. we're just trying to do the best we can up here, and the folks in our office and the d.p.a. are trying to get this material out. they're not trying to hide it. that's a ridiculous point to take. there's no way we would ever try to do it because there's no way you can get away with it. we know what the law is. we want to comply with the law. everybody up here favored the law. he would have favored a law that was more ex-pansive, and i think other people would have, too. don't accuse us of being criminals. next item, please. >> clerk: line item 7, public comment on item listed below, closed session, including whether to hold closed session. >> president hirsch: all right. any public comment on closed session? all right. seeing none, public comment is closed. next item. >> clerk: item 8, closed session.
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>> president hirsch: is there a motion? >> motion. >> president hirsch: is there a second? >> second. >> president hirsch: okay. are we back on the back on the record? >> clerk: commissioner hirsch, we are back on the record and you still have a quorum. item 8, discuss whether to discuss anything that happened in closed session. >> motion not to disclose. >> second. >> all in favor? opposed. next item. >> clerk: public comment on item 8? >> president hirsch: there's no public, so public comment is
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closed. next item? >> clerk: item 9, adjournment. >> so moved. >> second. >> president hirsch: all in favor? opposed? this meeting is adjourned.
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>> good morning. this meeting will come to order. welcome to the june 10, 2019, meeting of the rules committee. i am supervisor ronen, chair of the committee. seated to me is supervisor walton, and to the left, supervisor gordon mar. our clerk today is victor young, and i would also like to thank jim smith and kalina mendoza at sfgov-tv for staffing the meeting. >> silence all cell phones and electronic devices. completed speaker cards should be submitted to the clerk. items acted on today will be on the june 18th supervisor agenda unless otherwise item. item number one, appointing four members, terms ending march 1,
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2022, to the in-home supportive services public authority. four seats, four applicants. >> supervisor ronen: i believe patricia webb was not able to attend, but shakina -- is she here? oh, ok. fantastic. hi. good morning. i was wondering if you were going to speak for patricia webb. thank you. and this is for seat two. >> speaking on behalf of patricia webb, she is not able to attend, she's been on the board for several years. she has been a member of our governing body several years, brings a very unique voice to our governing body. the person with multiple progressive disabilities now bedridden, she reminds us about the dainingers of older adults,
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resources needed to keep older adults and people with disabilities safely at home. she worked for planning elders to health care action team and community living fund. her entire career speaking out for the rights of older adults and people can disabilities. she's aware isolation is a leading cause of death to older adults. miss webb brings a voice to the governing body we would not otherwise have. offers perspective we don't use consider and very vital. participation is also an opportunity for her to participate in a community she is very much a part of. while the public authority also benefits from her participation, the governing body also benefits to her. we hope you agree and agree to extend her term and allow her to remain as a member of our board. >> thank you so much. any comments or anything?
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thinking. any public comment on this item? >> i believe you can take everything. >> yes. ok. thank you so much. with that said, we will go on to seat six, and this is succeeding rita see him el, term expired, must be a member of the human services commission, recommended to the board by the commission. for the unexpired portion of a three-year term ending march 1, 2022, and i believe miss semel is here to speak on behalf of herself. >> good morning, supervisors. my name is rita semel, i've been serving on the in-home health services public authority board for several years now, and it's been one of the most important and interesting experiences of my life.
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the work that we do is vital to the health and welfare of 20,000 people, keeping them in their homes, seeing they get the services that they need and making sure that they stay alive and well. it's been a joy to serve and i look forward to serving for some -- well, as long as live, can't say how long that will be, but it's been a pleasure. >> thank you, miss semel. thank you. we will also take item seat nine, succeeding tatiana kostanian, term expired, must be a member of the mayor's disability council, recommended to the board by the council for the uninspired portion of a three-year term ending march 1, 2022, and we have one applicant for seat nine. any one here to represent jim
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blacksten, or is jim here? perfect. >> good morning, supervisors. i take it i'm speaking to the three of you. i am jim blacksten, i've made application for seat number nine, i think it is, for the governing body board of i.h.s.s. i am an advocate in the field of disability. in particular, when it comes to working with people who are blind. currently i'm a, i've been appointed to the metropolitan transportation commission m.t.c. to represent persons with disabilities here in san francisco. so, all of the outreach i do actually stems from that. as you know, i'm currently a
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member of the mayor's disability council here in the city. i am one of the two co-chairs. i was appointed by the late mayor ed lee. the years escape me, back 2015 in march and work as a mentor in the i.h.s.s. area. so as i said, i do a lot of work in the field of disability, i'm an adviser when it comes to business matters and insurance-related situations. so, this is my last work. i'm really, where my passion lies. so, i hope you will consider my application accordingly. thank you. >> thank you, mr. blacksten. thank you so much. now take up seat ten, melvin beetle, term expired, must be over the age of 55, advocate for
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aging people with disabilities, for the unexpired portion of a three-year term ending march 1, 2022. melvin here, or someone to represent melvin? >> good morning, supervisors. i am melvin beetle. and i have enjoyed extremely well the experience that i've had at i.h.s.s. public authority. i am not only the president of the governing body, where i make sure that issues concerning consumers and related to consumers are brought up and dealt with immediately as possible, so the things can be resolved. i am also a mentor, we go out and help newly discharged people from laguna or san francisco general get a care provider, the
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figures time for many of them to be in charge of what they are doing with that person. so, i appreciate coming here this morning, and i hope you will reconsider me again. if you have any questions, i'm willing to answer them. >> thank you so much, mr. beetle. and questions or comments from colleagues? all right, thank you. >> supervisor ronen: thank you so much. ok, thank you so much. we'll now open up this item for public comment if any member of the public would like to speak, now is your opportunity. please come forward. you'll have two minutes, thank you. >> thank you. michael pappass, the executive director of the san francisco interfaith council and representative on i.h.s.s. i have had the privilege of knowing and working with rita semel the last 15 years and i remember before i went on to the
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i.h.s.s. board her talking just passionately about this work and with great conviction and great dedication, and i really would, without reservation, ask for your unanimous endorsement of her candidacy. thank you. >> supervisor ronen: thanks for your public comment. any other member of the public? seeing none, public comment is closed. so i would be happy to entertain a motion. supervisor mar. >> supervisor mar: i wanted to thank miss webb, miss semel and mr. beetle for all your work on the i.h.s.s. public authority work on the issues, and mr. blacksten for your willingness to step into this role. i think we are very well aware that care for our aging population and people with
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disabilities is a critical issue here in the city, especially with the growing aging population, and our i.h.s.s. services and system are just critically important to ensure that so many community members, tens of thousands are able to live with dignity in their homes and in their community. so, thank you so much for your commitment to these important issues, and yeah, i guess i would move that we move this to the full board with positive recommendation. the appointment of patricia webb to seat two, rita semel to seat six, jim blacksten to seat nine, and marvin beetle to seat ten of the i.h.s.s. public authority. >> i wanted to echo supervisor mar's sentiments and say i had a chance to meet with home care
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workers in my district to have a conversation about what the work they are doing, and working hard to support them and say thank you for your service. this is very important and we appreciate you stepping up to serve. >> supervisor ronen: thank you so much. i want to echo the sentiments of my colleagues. last year supervisor fewer and i worked very, very hard to get a small but significant wage increase for i.h.s.s. workers because they are doing some of the most critical and important work in our city with, you know, exploding senior population and the cost of living skyrocketing, having i.h.s.s. workers who are allowing seniors and people with disabilities to live in their own communities, to stay in their own communities, and to, you know, spend their lives indignity is so, so crucial, and so we cannot thank you enough for all of your tremendous work.
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i think some of the hardest and most underappreciated work out there, so, we see you and we appreciate you. so, congratulations and without objection, that motion passes. thank you so much. mr. clerk, can you please call item number two. >> hearing to consider appointing one member, term ending march 19, 2021, to the childcare planning and advisory council. one seat, one applicant. >> supervisor ronen: thank you. is elizabeth winograd here? hi, good morning. >> supervisors, thank you, i'm elizabeth winograd, i have been a part of the early care and child education community 20 years and played an active role in c-pac for most of those years and the past five years, a role in the legislative and policy committee for c-pac.
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my 20 years of education demonstrates my leadership ability and to work collaboratively with stakeholders. direct research and public policy, well-rounded experience in the field. i believe my relationship, skills and experience would be an asset to c-pac and the broader e.c.e. community. i have a lifetime commitment to making sure our youngest children and their families have the opportunity to receive the highest quality early education. if selected to serve on c-pac, i would be a full participant in monthly meetings and all key issues. proud to serve san francisco in building a better future for our youngest children and their families. thank you. >> supervisor ronen: thank you so much. any questions? thank you, thanks for this role in the city. now open up for public comment, seeing none, public comment is
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closed. >> i would like to make a motion to move elizabeth winograd for seat five for c-pac council. >> thank you so much. mr. clerk, read item number three. >> item number three, ordinance amending the administrative to do to displaced tenants and affordable housing programs where the tenants' unit is no longer restricted by a regulatory agreement or other housing restrictions in five years and market rate rent is more than 40% of the tenant's gross household income. >> and supervisor brown was not present last week, i see the amazing maria benjamin and amy chan here. you want to say anything? no, not necessary?
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questions? no. so, i'm happy to make a motion to send this item for positive recommendation. oh, before i do that, open up for public comments, seeing none, public comments is closed. and that motion passes without objection. >> item is recommended to go to the full board. >> that's right. >> that completes it for today. >> thank you so much. meeting is adjourned. - >> shop & dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges resident to do their showing up and dining within the
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49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services within the neighborhood we help san francisco remain unique successful and vibrant so where will you shop & dine in the 49 san francisco owes must of the charm to the unique characterization of each corridor has a distinction permanent our neighbors are the economic engine of the city. >> if we could a afford the lot by these we'll not to have the kind of store in the future the kids will eat from some restaurants chinatown has phobia one of the best the most unique neighborhood shopping areas of san francisco. >> chinatown is one of the
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oldest chinatown in the state we need to be able allergies the people and that's the reason chinatown is showing more of the people will the traditional thepg. >> north beach is i know one of the last little italian community. >> one of the last neighborhood that hadn't changed a whole lot and san francisco community so strong and the sense of partnership with businesses as well and i just love north beach community old school italian comfort and love that is what italians are all about we need people to come here and shop here so we can keep this going not only us but, of course, everything else in the
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community i think local businesses the small ones and coffee shops are unique in their own way that is the characteristic of the neighborhood i peace officer prefer it is local character you have to support them. >> really notice the port this community we really need to kind of really shop locally and support the communityly live in it is more economic for people to survive here. >> i came down to treasure island to look for a we've got a long ways to go. ring i just got married and didn't want something on line i've met artists and local
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business owners they need money to go out and shop this is important to short them i think you get better things. >> definitely supporting the local community always good is it interesting to find things i never knew existed or see that that way. >> i think that is really great that san francisco seize the vails of small business and creates the shop & dine in the 49 to support businesses make people all the residents and visitors realize had cool things >> good morning, everyone. you guys should be excited. good morning.
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thank you. i serve as the director of public works in the city and county of san francisco. on behalf of public works, we are very excited because we are going to be a tenant in this new building 49 south vanness. how about a big hand for that. [applause.] i am also excited to be here to celebrate a major construction milestone. today is very, very exciting not just for public works but for the other nine city departments that will be relocated into this state-of-the-arts building upon its completion. at the end of our ceremony, we will raise the final steel beam into place to complete the structural framing of this new 430,000 square foot building.
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430,000 square foot building. how about a big hand for that. [applause.] it will house approximately 1-800-cit1800city staff to movet summer. this gives us a good reason to celebrate. i want to thank all of those forgetting us here today. thank you builders, the prime contractors. let's give them a big hand. the development firm and the architects worked on many projects. let's give them a big hand. public works takes great pride
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in the public private partnerships such as this one as they help bring the city's vision for a modern advanced san francisco to life. i also want to give a special shout out to the project management team. let's give them a big hand. [cheers and applause.] all of this work would not happen, however, without the leadership from our elected officials who allow for capital infrastructure projects to be approved and implemented. with that said i have the pleasure of introducing our mayor london breed to say a few words about this project. welcome, mayor breed. >> thank you. you know, as someone who grew up in the city and someone who has had to get permits and get permits specifically for
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festivals and community events, it was often times frustrating works through did bureaucracy. one minute it is the planning department in this building then to city hall, then down the street somewhere that you couldn't find, and the fact is this building what is so amazing. we are bringing 10 city agencies together in one building with a central permitting system that would make it easier to do construction projects, would make it easier for entertainment, easier for events and all of the things we do in san francisco that make san francisco such a great city. it is about making bureaucracy more efficient. that is what this building is about. i know people don't get excited around efficiency, but i do. because i know you all remember when it was taking us 18 months
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to build one accessory dwelling unit and putting out an executive directive to bring in the fire department and planning and building department to work together. we completely reduced the time. now it takes up to six months. streamlining the process is critical to building more housing and making sure the festivals and events and nightlife that we are so excited to have in our city continues without delay because san francisco as we know is a special place, but we only work when we work more efficiently together. i am excited, and i know those over 1800 employees are excited to have new bathrooms and shower and places to park bicycles and the other great things we are
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adding to new buildings. i want to thank everyone who is building this place and the work you are doing to get this building built on time and hopefully on budget. you know that is important to us. more importantly, how this is going to be one of the projects that really changes how we do business in san francisco. no longer will you have people going on line to those different places where they complain about the process and what they have to do to get a permit. what i want to see them going on line to say is, wow, the city makes it easier. they have a new permitting process to get permit online and it doesn't take that long. that is what this place is about. i want to thank all of you for being here today. i also would like to acknowledge which i think is absolutely incredible that we will have an on site child care at this location as well so that
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families who work for our city in those various departments have a place to take their children. this budget that i just announced last week also including $7.7 million to digital the city permitter and create an electronic review process. san francisco is the technicaltal of the world but our city is a little behind schedule. we have to make the right investments to get to a better place. this is making bureaucracy more efficient. i want to thank all of you who have played a critical role in doing that. probably the only member of the board of supervisors who cares about efficiency the way that i do is my former colleague on the board who is supervisor for district 6. i want to ask supervisor aaron
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peskin to say a few brief words. >> supervisor peskin: thank you, mayor breed. i am the supervisor representing the northeast corner of the city, but i share with mayor breed the desire to have a one stopper hitting shop for everything in san francisco, and this floor print of almost an acre, 40,000 square feet, is precisely the right way to do it whether it is integrating planning and building and health and fire. this is going to be a huge step forward for the city and county of san francisco. thank you to related, thank you to public works. i cannot wait for it to be finished. [applause.] >> it is not easy to get projects done in our city. the person who is a leader to
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make sure we put forward the responsible policies and budgeting practices to allow an opportunity like this and recognizing we need to make the city more efficient and provide facilities that are safe and energy efficient is really the leader, one of the leaders of the city, our city administrator, naomi kelly. >> good morning. i have to say i am so honored to be here today. i want to thank mayor breed, supervisor peskin. they were with us in the beginning. we had to go to them to help with financing. part of that was selling off three city buildings to get into this one beautiful building that will have a one stopper mitt center. part -- permit center. why they supported us to open a
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restaurant you need 20 permits from 13 different city locations all over the city, not just one spot. if we get a one stopper mitt ste permitting that is how we kick started this. i promised we are not just about brick and mortar co-location. we need to streamline that process to make the permitting process more customer friendly through digital. i want to thank the mayor and board through funding those opportunities. in this building is the department of public works, building inspections, city planning, environmental services. in the one stopper mitter shop in addition to those major departments it will include the fire department, public
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utilities, office of small business, entertainment commission and we are looking at other satellite departments to touch the building in here, m.t.a., office of cannabis, disability. police, board of appeals and tax collector. that is all important. as the mayor talked about a.d.u. pilot and trying to streamline that process, let me drilling down what our team is looking at. as we currently before if you were an a.d.u. permit resident you needed five different departments, answer 516 questions and navigate multiple applications and forms, as we looked at that we want to unduplicate questions we are asking over and over. we needed 289 questions. we could stop asking the same
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question 227 times. that is what we are looking for. one clap is good government. that is the bureaucracy mayor breed and supervisor peskin wanted eliminated. then we will make it digital. i am excited to be here today. thank you tom, john, stephanie and all of those and ken leading this out of my office and melissa white house. you have all been fabulous to make sure we are not thinking about this as brick and mortar but streamlining the process. thank you. next up our partner in the begins, matt woody is instrumental to make sure he works with us every step of the way. he works on many projects. this is one that is near and dear to my house.
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up next matt woody from related california. [applause.] >> thank you, mayor breed, city administrator kelly, director, i am matt woody. we are overseeing the development of this unusual project. in the city like san francisco that is so land constrained, it is rare to find a 2.5-acre site, much less acquire it in the heart of the city close to public transportation and co-develop it. that is the reason we are here to celebrate. i would like to recognize the vision and leadership of our former mayor ed lee. many years ago as city administrator mayor lee began creating the one stopper mitt center to simplify the process. this including the food truck to a project like this, everything you need approval for in san
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francisco. this is less than a year away from realizing his vision. later on, as mayor, he was instrumental in acquiring this site from goodwill industries in 2014. this is the type of thing we look to do. it is something we are going to be proud of it a year from now when it opens. i would like to recognize the people you have heard about from the supervisor and mayor. chief among them is john updike, josh keene, john ram, jeff jocelyne and dan snider from planning. edgar lopez at public works and charles sullivan from the city attorney's office who work with us to get us to this point.
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related has been partnering with the city and working in san francisco for over 30 years on large projects of this type. innovative public private partnership is the type of challenge world class developments we work to do. 49 south vanness fillings the need to consolidate the city to one place as you have heard. by designing abconstructing both buildings at the same time we had the unique opportunity to plan and consider the needs for both buildings. i would like to kill out som and their team who work with us and the city to get these two buildings less than 200 feet apart to look as compatible as we can agree they do. the results of 1.3 million square folk and two magnificent
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buildings to bring 1800 city employees and apartment complex is unique in san francisco. this mixed use is proof of what san francisco can accomplish when we work together with optimism. thank you very much. >> let's hear from the team on the ground getting this building done. come on up. >> thank you for introducing me. i am joe mckeown. i have the honor to stand up with this great group of speakers. i hope i can live up to their charm and wit. welcome. this is a place of pride for all of the workers. this is our daily life and family. we are here to work together to build this great building for the city and county of san francisco.
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we appreciate related california and the city and county of san francisco to build this building that will live on for the next 100 years to serve the city and county of san francisco. a special thanks to the teams that show up every day and work hard building this building. [applause.] it is the skilled trades men and women behind me today that have worked over 260,000 hours on this building. they excavated 92,000 cubic yards ofvillsoil. today will hang the last beam of 2200-tons of -- 2300-tons of structural iron. i am proud to represent this team and i would like to ask you to join me in a great round of
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applause for the men and women behind me who are the heart and soul of this project. thank you. [applause.] >> thank you. now, mayor, we will go sign the beam and we can get our signatures and it makes the journey to the 16th floor to complete the structural work, and next summer this building will be occupied with the city agencies you heard and the one stop to get anything you want done in the city. come in the door and someone will take care of you, right melissa? thank you. thank you.
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[gavel] >> good morning. welcome to the san francisco county transportation authority meeting for today, tuesday, jun. our clerk is mr. alberto quintanilla. mr. quintanilla, could you please call the roll. >> commissioner brown? >> brown present. commissioner haney? haney present. commissioner mandelman? mandelman present. commissioner mar? >> present. >> missioner p.e.s.? >> coss