tv Government Access Programming SFGTV June 19, 2019 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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>> chair fewer: this is the june 19, 2019 special meeting of the budget and finance committee. i am sandra lee fewer, the chair of the budget and finance committee. i am joined by supervisors mandelman, stefani, ronen, and yee. the clerk is miss linda wong. madam clerk, do you have any announcements? >> clerk: yes. [agenda item read]. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. so good morning and welcome to the budget and finance committee, everyone. today's agenda is focused on bringing back departments that we heard presentations from last week to hear recommendations for reductions from the budget and legislative analyst. also on today's agenda are particular training items
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particular with each department's budget. there will be public comment on those items at the time they are heard, and there will be public comment on budget reductions after each item is heard. before i get into the items, my office is releasing a proposed spending plan that totals over $30 million over two years which will be on the board's website. as you all know, it's being released before each committee knows the budget. we know that the demand for
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budget allocations the board received far exceeds -- far exceeds the available funding. our office has received budget requests totaling more than $500 million and as i noted, this initial spending plan totals $30 million. while we have a staggering $12.6 billion, the board of supervisors each year has limited ability to reallocate funding that comes to us as the mayor's proposed budget. that said, i have worked to create a draft that prioritizes many of the different communities and policy areas that i think my colleagues and the public cares about. whi -- about while it's certainly not able to meet all of the need. i look forward to working with all of you to improve it in the
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coming week. madam clerk, can we call item 3, and i would like to call item 3 because it included three departments that are on a fixed-year budget schedule. they would not come back to us this year but for that. >> clerk: yes. [agenda item read]. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. and we're hearing from the mayor's budget director. >> can ythank you, supervisors. i'm kelly kirkpatrick, the mayor's budget director. before you is the supplemental appropriation for the public utilities, the port, and the airport. the major changes are driven by salary and benefit changes? due to the nature of these things, fixed budget, and we
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had active labor negotiations this spring, we are amending the budget to adjust for the salary work increases and citywide work orders as well as including workers comp, changes that have happened to worker's compensation, changes in technology, etc. and so before you is a $14.6 supplemental, 12.2 million of which is for the p.u.c. the changes are largely due to salary benefits and increases to noncreationary work order. there is a work order increase for pg&e, and to continue that work. the airport represents $2.1 million of the supplemental. these changes are due to work order payments to other departments, including treasurer's and tax collector's office, and $300,000 also
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driven by work orders. if you have any questions on the supplemental, please let me know, and we'll have the appropriate department come speak. >> chair fewer: thank you. do we have any questions or comments from my colleagues? seeing non, we'll hear from the budget and legislative analyst's office. >> good morning. dan gonchar from the budget and legislative analyst's office. the proposed ordinance -- excuse me -- this -- the details of the reappropriation of the p.u.c. money are detailed in table one on pages
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2 and 3 in our report. $22,467 of the p.u.c. appropriation is not subject to board of supervisors approval because that amount would be transferred out of the cleanpowersf operating budget for fiscal year 19-20, and cleanpowersf is sel self-aappropriating. $282,917 of the proposed airport reappropriation which
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corresponds to an appropriate work order is subject to approval by a two-thirds vote of the board of supervisors pursuant to charter section 911.3 c. it also deappropriates $344,000 and the county wide cost allocation as shown in the report. our recommendations are to amend the proposed ordinance that states that $282,917 of the airport reappropriation requires a two thirds vote of the board of supervisors for
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approval and to approve the proposed ordinance as amended. >> chair fewer: public comment on this item. would anyone like to comment on item number 3? hello, mr. wright. >> good morning. when you talk about employment, and you talk about salary increases, you've got a tendency of overlooking your employment. you've got a great deal of employment discrimination. you've got a great deal of violations of title 7 of the united states of america's code service, the 2000-e series pertaining to the unequal pay act. you've got exempt employees working for the city that's been working here for 25 years. no medical coverage, no pension plan, no kind of annuity plan,
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but yet you're giving cost of living raises to one type of employees and yet another type of employees don't have any benefits doing the same type of work in the same type of departments within the city. so i think that should be addressed because you're in violation of that law, and no one has checked that. ronen has demonstrated she has experience as far as attorney is concerned. if she looks into that, i'm sure she'll agree with me. >> chair fewer: thank you very much, mr. wright. any other public comment? public comment is closed. i make a motion to move this to the full board with a positive recommendation. can i have a second, please? thank you very much, mr. mandelman. we can take that without objection. madam clerk, can you please
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call items 1 and 2 together. >> clerk: yes. [agenda item read] [agenda item read]. >> chair fewer: okay. thank you very much. and now we're going to hear from the different departments, and -- let me take my sweater off for this. so first, we have -- so first we have up is our assessor, and i think we have douglas legg. so before we start, could we have a b.l.a. report, please. >> dan gonchar, budget and
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legislative analyst's office. the budget is $1,217,692 or 2.8% less than the original year fiscal 2018-19 budget of $43,885,008. for year two, it's $4,584,101 or 10.8% more than the mayor's proposed budget of $48,662,116. our recommendations for the proposed budget total $453,254 for fiscal year 19-20.
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our recommendations -- recommended reductions for the proposed budget for fiscal year 2020-21 total $361,699. in fiscal year 2020-21, of that action, 361,944 are ongoing. my understanding is that we have full agreement with the department. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. mr. lake. >> douglas lake from the assessor. we are in agreement with the budget analyst. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. so can the controller's office take note. so i'm looking for sort of in agreement with that. okay. that's great. so please, mr. controller, take
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note of the committee's intention to accept the b.l.a.'s recommendation for this department. thank you very much, and best wishes to the assessor. >> thank you very much. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. madam clerk, can you please call items 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, please, as there is trailing legislation with the controller's report. >> clerk: yes. [agenda item read] [agenda item read] [agenda item read] [agenda item read].
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of one or more series to refinance the certificates of participation or cops, issued in 2009. item 8 is an ordinance appropriating $160 million in the cops proceeds, and 176,000 in proceeds to refinance the 2009-a and 2009-b cops issuances. it was approved to construct the new laguna honda hospital as well as the acquisition and installation of certain street improvements. the report recommended refinancing the cops. according to the office of
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public finance on june 3, 2009 memorandum to the board of supervisors, the city expected to issue approximately $148 million in refunding cops and reappropriating reserve funds to reappropriate $131 million of outstanding 2009-a cops, and $39 million of outstanding 2009-b cops. according to the office of public finance, the estimated net present value of savings from refunding the 2009-a and b cops are equal to 9.4 of the outstanding par amount of the 2009-a and b cops to be
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refunded. the estimated savings exceeds the net savings proposed by the city policy. we recommend the approved legislation. >> chair fewer: thank you. let's hear -- any comments from my colleagues? seeing none, let's hear from the controller. >> thank you, chair fewer. i can briefly speak to the five pieces of legislation that the b.l.a. reported on. you have in front of you a one pager that quickly summarizes those. item number 4 is an administrative adjustment that the voter adopted neighborhood beautification fund. the amount of money that flows into that fund is capped, and so each year, we make calculation of the percentage of a company's taxes that they can contribute into this to
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achieve that cap, and our calculation for the year ahead is a 4.2% rate for tax year 2019. item number 9 is an adjustment to what we call the access line tax, so this is a voter adopted tax several years ago. it was a flat dollar tax imposed, and we are allowed to increase that flat tax by c.p.i. each year, provided that the board approved that by resolution. we do that each year. it's a c.p.i. increase on the year ahead, which generates that additional 2% on inanythingary revenue. item 6, you were he aware that the city can contract out certain services, provided the controller determines they can
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do that more effectively through contracted workers. this is that certification that comes to the board for approval. these are for long-standing services, these are for services the city has contracted out for many years, and we estimate total annual savings of approximately $24 million. and lastly, items 7 and 8 are authorization for us to c.o.p.s that we issued about a decade ago now. given the mechanics of how it's structured, approximately $2.75 million in savings is available in the first year, and that is proposed in the budget to be used to offset general fund support that would otherwise be required for street resurfacing. so happy to talk about these
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items, but that's a quick summary of them. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. president yee? >> president yee: for item number 6, in terms of contracting out services, things like citywide custodial services, contracted services -- i don't know how long this has been going on, but when we do contract it out, what's -- are these -- i guess the contractor, are they hiring out people -- at what rate? are they union jobs or what are they? >> so some of these questions would be better directed to departments that might be coming up with different pieces of this, but i can say generally speaking, if memory serves, the city has not entered into a new prop j
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contracting out proposal in the last more than ten years, so these are services that have been contracted out for many years. generally speaking, the jobs we're talking about here are covered by prevailing wage laws and the prevailing wages that the board of supervisors determine. that's determined by some of the services you see here. i believe in the majority of cases contractors that are currently performing these services are union shops, but wouldn't know that with certainty for all the shops but could report back to you. >> president yee: you know, maybe, this is not the day to do it, but i would love to have some survey or something to come back to us and let us know how much these people are actually getting paid. i don't think it's going to
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determine my vote for today, but i think certainly in the future, we should have that information. >> we would be happy to prepare that for you and submit it to the board. >> chair fewer: so i would like to also comment. i also have questions for item number 6. the charter allows us to do this contracting out because it states that when there is an emergency situation, so our fund has grown. it's $12.6 billion. some of these departments have grown. we brought this up last year. this is not what the charter intended. the charter said explicitly in an emergency situation. this is currently not an emergency situation, so quite frankly, i am not open to or ready to approve this today, but i will listen to my other colleagues. supervisor ronen?
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>> supervisor ronen: i just -- i just wanted to -- to echo bo both chair fewer and president yee's remarks. there is reasons why this happened, but some of them are relatively recent. the security guards for h.s.h. nav centers, that's sort of not a historical contracted out role, but i think the point that president yee made, reporting on what these contracts salary worker -- contracted salary workers departments are are extremely important. chair few>> chair fewer: also, it's the mayor's decision what
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constitutes an emergency, but i don't see an emergency situation here, and this is why, mr. controller, i would like to continue this particular item. so we heard from the b.l.a. and we heard from the controller about these items. so i will take now public comment on items number 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. thank you, mr. wright. you have two minutes. >> you're very welcome. sf viewer please. most powerful point and most stress on this is this section right here, refunding
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certificates of participation. i move this board to incorporate the fact that twitter at twitter and a minimum of nine other companies have made quadruple of billions of tax free money. i move to have the board of supervisors along with the mayor to call back that money in order to finance all these proposals that are before you but also to contribute to the community of the population that's economically disadvantaged and homeless out in the street. they've been undermining you, and i spoke to ed lee, when he was living. i pointed out to him that you're going to create a negative cash flow by giving them this tax break. here's another example how you can take advantage of. here's twitter with their
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multitrillions and millions of dollars taking their money not only outside the city of san francisco but outside california. they went to chicago and built a multiquadruple trillion billion skyscraper tower to how's their employees. this administration putting their trust into their resulted in this. this is what you're money's been financing coming from the city of san francisco when it should be financing and helping the people who are here and in most need and economically disadvantaged. you work and you setup your headquarters in the district where this money should have been spent, and they're taking
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this money and building these outside of state of california. -- >> chair fewer: thank you very much, mr. wright. any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. can you please take note that the committee's intention to accept the b.l.a. recommendations for your department? thank you very much. mr. b.l.a. >> would you like me to describe those recommendations. >> chair fewer: oh, i didn't call you? yes, i'm so sorry. >> okay. so the budget and legislative analyst's recommendations to the controller's office. of the 110,000 recommendations reductions, 30,000 are ongoing
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savings, and 80,000 are one-time savings. in addition, we recommend reducing carry forward funding from fiscal year 19-20 by $90,133 and closing out prior year encumbrances of $97,320. in addition, we recommend -- our recommended reductions for the proposed budget in fiscal year 20-21 include 80,000 in recommended savings. this would still allow an increase of 3.1% in the department's fiscal year 20-21 budget, and as we stated, we have agreement. >> chair fewer: we have agreement. that is great. okay. thank you very much. now i'd like to make a motion on the trailing legislation. i'd like to make a motion to
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continue item number 6 to next week, which would be june 16, and then, the other items, 4, 5, 7, and 8, i'd like to make a motion to move that -- move that -- continue that -- no, recommend it -- recommend it to the full board meeting of july 16. is there a second? can we take that without objection? >> president yee: excuse me. >> chair fewer: yes. >> president yee: can you repeat that? >> chair fewer: we're going to continue that until the following meeting. >> president yee: 4, 5, 7, and 8?
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>> chair fewer: yes. okay. we can do that without objection. thank you, mr. controller. now, i think we have general responsibility. >> we are in agreement with the budget analyst's report. >> chair fewer: okay. great. can we hear from the b.l.a. >> dan gonchar from the b.l.a. [inaudible] >> we do not have any proposed reductions for fiscal year 20-21, and as you heard, we have agreement. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. colleagues, are we somewhat in
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agreement? mr. controller, can you take note of the b.l.a.'s recommendation recommendation of agreement with this budget. >> the department's proposed $91,776,129 for 19-20 is $6,070,070. the department's proposed $95,532,559 budget for fiscal year 20-21 is 4.1% more than the mayor's proposed fiscal year budget. our recommendations to the budget for fiscal year total
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$340,908. all of the $340,908 recommended are one-time savings. this would still allow 6.7% increase in the department's fiscal year budget, and our understanding is we do have an agreement with the city attorney's office. >> chair fewer: it looks as though we have consensus with my colleagues, also, so mr. controller, would you take notice of the intention to set the b.l.a.'s reduction. okay. so next, we have the mayor's office, and we have kelly kirkpatrick, i think. >> mayor's office of housing and urban development. we are in agreement with the
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budget and legislative analyst's office. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. let's hear from the b.l.a. >> the department's proposed $152,136,808 for fiscal year 2020-21 is $178,145,233 or 53.9% less than the pay i don't remember's proposed fiscal -- mayor's proposed fiscal year budget. our recommended -- we recommended closing out prior unexpended encumbrances for a total general fund savings of $265,000. in addition, we have reserve recommendations that total
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$41,560,000 in fiscal year 19-20, all of which are one-time, and we do not have any recommendations for fiscal year 2020-21 as mr. mccloskey has stated, we do have agreements and that i'm available for questions if you have any. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. colleagues, are we in agreement with this agreement? okay. mr. controller, can you take note of this committee's recommendations to set note. next up, we have elections. >> good morning. john ernst. the department is in agreement with the b.l.a. recommendations. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. let's hear from the b.l.a. now.
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>> dan gonchar. the department's proposed budget for fiscal year 19-20 is $7,470,373 or 38.7% more than the original fiscal year 18-19 budget of $19,280,746. the department's proposed budget for fiscal year 2020 is 21% -- 21.7% less than the mayor's proposed fiscal year 19-20 budget of 21,756,119. our recommendations for the budget -- all of the $105,000 in recommended reductions would still allow an increase of
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38.2% in the department's fiscal year 19-20 budget. in addition, we recommend closing out prior unexpended encumbrances of $9,098.19. all of these recommended reductions are ongoing savings, and as we stated, we believe we do have agreement with our elections. >> chair fewer: thank you, and i see agreement with my colleagues. so we have the department of environment. >> hello. my name is debbie raphael, and i'm pleased to say the department of environment is in full acceptance of the board's
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and legislative analyst's report, and i want to thank everyone in the b.l.a. and my own team. it's a lot of work. >> chair fewer: oh, it's a heck of a lot of work. let's hear the b.l.a. >> the department's budget is 19.1% more than the fiscal year 18-19 original budget of $21,745,648. the department's proposed $27,445,578 budget for 20-21 is 6% more than the mayor's proposed fiscal year 19-20 budget. our recommended reductions to the proposed budget total $180,679 in fiscal year 19-20. of the $180,679 in recommended
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reductions, 67,000 are ongoing savings and $113,679 are one-time savings. this would still allow 18.3% in the department's fiscal year 19-20 budget. in addition, we recommend closing out encumbrances of $88,411. we recommend reductions totaling $67,000. all of those are ongoing savings. these reductions would still allow an increase of 5.7% of the department's fiscal year 2020-2021 budget, and we do have agreement with the department. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. thank you. mr. controller, can you please take note of this committee's
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intention to take note of the b.l.a.'s recommendation. so before we hear from mickey callahan and kate howard, could we please hear the b.l.a. before they present. >> sure. so the department of human resources proposed $112,137,327 is 11.1% more than the original fiscal year 18-19 budget. our recommended reductions to
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the proposed budget total 206,374 in reductions, still allowing an increase of 10.9% of the department's fiscal year 19-20 budget. in addition, we recommend closing out prior year unexpendeden come brasses of $67,304 -- unexpended encumbrances of $67,304. . the budget and legislative analyst's recommended reductions for the proposed budget in fiscal year 20-21
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total $23,603. they're all ongoing savings and our reductions for the fiscal year 20-21 of $500,000 are all ongoing. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. >> thank you very much, chair fewer and members of the committee. mickey callahan, program director. i'm pleased to say we're in agreement with the budget and legislative analyst's recommended reductions. i would ask that you allow us to put the money for the budget and labor in reserve. the mayor's office has a very aggressive program including one-on-one support for employees, and we are in the midst of that. we do not know what the ultimate requirements will be,
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and we will need some support because it is a rapidly changing environment. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. so mr. b.l.a., you recommended that they put -- we put $3 million on reserve, and this is the $3 million, so it looks as though the department is in agreement with the budget cuts, but this $3 million in reserve around the housing authority and to actually give more flexibility to the mayor's office to be able to address some of the issues concerning that. can you give us some of the reasons why you thought that money should be on reserve? >> we placed is on reserve because we -- it on reserve because we did not see any specifics on how that money would be spent, and we did not feel that coming back to the committee would be an undue burden on the department. i'll give a little more explanation once they have an understanding of how those
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funds will be allocated. >> chair fewer: thank you. supervisor stefani? >> supervisor stefani: i'd also like to understand the consequences of doing this. can you get into that a little bit further? >> yes. thank you, supervisor stefani. we're -- every day, we are dealing with new requirements and issues that are raised by the former employees -- or the current employees of the housing authority, excuse me, and their -- their looming employment transition. we have had to reassign three of our workforce development staff to -- from their already important duties to provide one-on-one counseling with the individuals. we're looking at providing financial counseling with the
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individuals, the very complex decisions with the individuals, do i take severance? do i retire from the housing authority if i'm eligible to do so? do i bank on my retirement from the housing authority, but then, do i forego further city employment? it's a huge lift, and i'm concerned we need to be able to move quickly and respond to those needs:. i would note that we're very happy to come back and report to any committee of the board or the board itself on what we've been doing on a regular basis, to submit regular reports. maybe a smaller amount could be in reserve, perhaps the second year. those are options that we would prefer to having the entire $3
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million on reserve. >> chair fewer: thank you. >> supervisor stefani: can i just follow up on that? >> chair fewer: yes. >> supervisor stefani: when e >> supervisor stefani: it sounds like it would have to be a continuing request from the board to act. >> that depends on what we are doing. if we have a large contract that he wiw we -- that we have to move very quickly, that's our concerns. this is a very fluid situation, but whatever the board approves, we will do. >> chair fewer: certainly. miss callahan, what is your response for the question there is no plan presented to the board and presented to the board prior to the release of these funds. >> it is correct we don't have
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a detail how we're going to spend every dollar here because we don't know what the requirements will be. as we go, know, the federal government pulled the plug from the housing authority and required the city to assume its functions, and everybody is scrambling to deal with the impacts of that, and we weren't expecting it. we are developing the plan as we go. we know we will need money, but we don't know how much it will cost. we don't know how much it will cost to provide the level of support the employees will need because we haven't put out a contract or worked out a reciprocal contract with our partners. so this is all very dynamic. so i understand why the legislative analyst has made that recommendation. i'm just asking for a little more flexibility. >> chair fewer: i think that the b.l.a.'s job is also to
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have fiscal responsibility. also, these moneys are from -- earned on the hard working backs of san franciscans, so really, it is our job and the b.l.a.s job and our job to ensure that knethese moneys ha accountability attach today it. you -- attached to it. you have recommended that a certain amount could be put on reserve and the bulk everyone to give you some -- bulk not to give you some flexiblity. what if we gave you $1.5 million and kept $1.5 milli $1.5 million in reserve and before i left you answer
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that -- let you answer that, supervisor mandelman it f is-- on the roster. >> supervisor mandelman: $3 million, handing it over the table, mickey callahan, spend it as you will seems a little challenging. similar to what the chair is suggesting, i'm wondering if we could arrive at something where we could provide an initial amount that is enough to make things happen in the sort term and give you time to figure out what the going forward picture looks like and then have you council member back with -- come back with a plan for the rest. >> thank you. i think supervisor fewer's recommendation is acceptable. i think right -- over the next four months to six months is where we have the most uncertainty, so that's where we
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have the greatest flexibility. i'm confident that we'll be able to come up with a detailed plan should we need the additional funds. >> chair fewer: okay. then, are you in agreement that we would put -- we would release half of those funds now, which is 1.5 million and put another 1.5 million on reserve? would that be acceptable? >> yes. thank you. >> chair fewer: okay. that is great. we understand this is an emergency situation, and you need to act quickly. thank you. so mr. controller, i look like i have consensus, supervisor? okay. great. so it looks as though, mr. controller, can you please take note of this committee's intention to accept the b.l.a.s recommendations for reductions for this department and also the agreement that half of the reserve of 1.5 -- half of the funds, $1.5 million, would be put on reserve, is that correct? thank you very much, miss callahan, and thank you for your work. >> thank you very much. >> chair fewer: okay. another one before us, fine
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arts museum. mr. campbell? >> good morning. tom campbell for the fine art museums. >> chair fewer: let's hear from the b.l.a. >> dan gonchar with the budget and legislative analyst's office. the department's proposed $19,400,288 budget for 19-20 is 13.9% less than the original 18-19 budget of $22,520,741. the propose d budget for fiscal year 2020-21 is $1,222,404 or 4.3% more than the mayor's proposed 19-20 budget of $19,408,288. our recommended reductions to
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the proposed budget total $22,500 in fiscal year 19-20. all of the $22,500 in recommended reductions are ongoing savings. our recommendations for the proposed budget total $23,364 in fiscal year 20-21. all of the 23,364 recommended reductions are ongoing savings. this would still allow an increase of 6.2% in the department's fiscal year 20-21 budget. my understanding is we have agreement, but mr. campbell, could we have confirmation? >> yes. we agree with the recommendation. >> chair fewer: mr. controller, could you take note of the department's recommendation to accept the b.l.a.s report. -- oh, supervisor stefani, would you like me to rescind
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that? >> supervisor stefani: no. >> chair fewer: okay. >> supervisor stefani: thank you, chair fewer. i think these are drastic, 1.5 millionless than last year for continuing projects last year. i understand there are some projects that will be delayed. i just wanted to get that on the record because i didn't any anything last week and also point out that the fine arts museums receive $10 per visitor in subsidies from the city which is less than others, but i also wanted to get that on the record. i am in agreement. [please stand by]
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