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tv   Government Access Programming  SFGTV  June 23, 2019 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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and -- because the function that you initially described almost sounded like a counselor, which could be a much cheaper position. you're sort of describing a lot of different functions in one person. i'm curious how this is played out in other jurisdictions. >> i'm going to let the deputy chief speak to that. he's done a lot of research on this. >> good afternoon, supervisors. deputy chief, administration, so i looked into the boston unit. the boston unit is currently the forefront of the fire service of this. we would be the first one in the west coast to actually put something like this in their command. they have a deputy chief, battalion chief, captain, lieutenant, two civilians to improve the health of the members there, so this is what's coming in the fire service. this is what's in the forefront of protecting our members with
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the cancer nowadays and ptsd more common nowadays. we will be one of the first ones, after boston, doing this in the west coast. >> supervisor mandelman: okay, thank you. >> supervisor fewer: supervisor stefani. >> supervisor stefani: thank you, chair fewer, and thank you, chief nicholson, for the explanation. just knowing two incidents in my district lately, the drowning two weeks ago and hearing through friends on the fire department the toll that it took on those that were assisting in that rescue, and then, of course, the clay fire on christmas eve in presidio heights and the toll it took on the firefighters that went through that, and hearing, again, through the grapevine that there's not that support. there is somewhat, but as you described it, i feel like there could be a step up, and i feel like mental health is something that at all levels needs to be
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focused on, and i feel moved and persuaded by the need. and again, it goes back to me feeling that your new department head, your designing your department in a way that you see fit, you've been in the department for 25 years, i think i got that right. >> yes. >> supervisor stefani: and i am moved by the need, and to support the work of your department and i feel -- i'm leaning towards finding a way to support this position. i just wanted to let my colleagues on the committee know that that's where i'm at right now. >> okay, thank you. >> supervisor fewer: supervisor yee. >> supervisor yee: chief, is this position also something that you would support in terms of fiscally through attrition? >> so we have --
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>> supervisor yee: not attrition. what is it? is it attrition? oh, it is attrition. >> not the whole thing, just 120, right? so not the entire position, but we are offering the difference between a battalion chief and an assistant deputy chief, and that is how much, mark? $72,000. so we are offering to cover that, as well. >> supervisor yee: and the -- what's the difference then that needs to be covered through new budget? through the budget? >> i'll let mark corso speak to that. >> good afternoon, supervisors. so the department's proposal is currently in the budget. the request is to fund a position and then do a substitution, and the department is proposing to fund that substitution through attrition and figure it out internally. the total cost savings proposeed
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is $334,000, and the department's proposal is $72,000, so that would leave about $260,000. >> supervisor yee: is that the best you guys could do? >> so just to be clear, we have -- initially, i'd like mark corso to speak to sort of the numbers we did work with the bla on. i think it's $461,000 we gave back. and then how much with the $53,000 with the other two positions, so it's over half a million dollars thus far that we've sort of moved over towards then. >> supervisor yee: i -- so, chief, you did a real good job
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in arguing for this position, so i just want to give you credit for that. i'm trying to push as much as i can to see fiscally how we can make this happen, and to see if we could, you know, prove to our taxpayers that we can spend our money wisely. so if you can find other places, even more than the $77,000 you're claiming, that would push me over in wanting to support this position. >> okay. >> supervisor fewer: supervisor ronen? >> supervisor ronen: chief, i'm also so supportive of beefing up this unit, which you have made such a compelling case for, i think, but i'm also having a hard time with is the level of this position and the cost of it, that there are very few
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employees in the entire city and county of san francisco, including yourself and the mayor, that makes salaries at this level, and it's tough to swallow, especially competing against so many needs, so it's not the position itself, and it's not the beefing up of this unit, which i could not agree more absolutely needs to be done. it's just the cost of this position and still trying to fully understand why it needs to be at the high level that you're requiring. so i think that's what we'll continue to try to understand and look into. >> okay, yes, they will be creating policy, working with state and federal agencies to secure initiatives and funding and that kind of stuff, so -- and we don't have members in
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lower ranks, frankly, during that -- >> did you have a comment? >> can we have more information regarding supervisor ronen's question about civilian versus sworn positions? we understand there's a 5177 safety officer classification and the job description is very similar to what is being proposed, and i'm going to let linden berry, principal analyst with our office, speak to those classifications. >> supervisor fewer: thank you very much. >> thanks, supervisors. so this safety officer position, like dan said, is a civilian position. the annual salary and fringe benefit cost is about $212,000. which is $120,000 difference each year between the proposed position and the 5177 civilian position. so the safety officer is responsible for directing sort of a comprehensive program for
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control, and -- excuse me, the essential functions will include sort of developing and revising safety procedures and training, evaluating personnel and protective equipment, providing safety training and technical information, sort of looking at the effectiveness of operational safety programs, and analyzing injuries and costs to targeting -- excuse me, injury prevention. so they also -- this position is supposed to monitor workers' compensation claims and manage workers' compensation. an example of the duty under 5177 would be to evaluate the effectiveness of occupational safety programs and make recommendations to modify or comply with legal requirements and to prevent injuries and minimize workers' compensation costs. so we think this position might be a good compromise at a lower cost than what's being proposed, but would still allow the department of sort of relatively high level of a safety officer position. i think there's some osha --
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this position has to be certified under osha or something, so they have sort of public safety training. >> supervisor yee: so -- >> supervisor fewer: yes, president yee, so sorry. >> supervisor yee: thank you for that suggestion. the positions -- you're the top person, and then there's a deputy, and the next one in line would be a battalion chief? >> assistant deputy chief. >> supervisor yee: then what? >> assistant deputy chief, assistant chief battalion chief is below that. >> supervisor yee: is a battalion chief fairly high? i would think? >> they oversee a district within the city as opposed to an assistant chief, who oversees half of the city. >> supervisor yee: okay.
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>> may i make a suggestion? if we could come up with that $120,000 difference, that bla is proposing, that civilian would cost, and if we could come up with that $120,000 difference for the assistant deputy chief, would that be agreeable? >> supervisor yee: before i answer that, can you answer -- i'm just trying to -- take your remarks in consideration about rank and file and the respectability one has and so forth, at what level does one result enough about what's going on, and that's why i ask, seems like you have an unfunded position at battalion level, and
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i wonder if that level of giving of respectability within your rank and file to work with that person at that level. >> so our battalion chiefs do not implement policy or conduct research. while it might give some more credibility, it is -- to me, it is imperative that it be an assistant deputy chief, and much of it because battalion chiefs do not have that high level of creating and implementing policy, conducting research, working with outside agencies and the like. it's not part of their job scope. >> supervisor yee: isn't that something -- where do the assistant deputy chiefs come from? >> where do they come from?
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they come from the rank and file. >> supervisor yee: i mean, a lot of them, i would think, somebody from the battalion level to move up from the next level. >> yes, or the assistant chief level. >> supervisor yee: right. chief level. so at some point there must be a jump somewhere. >> yeah, and just to be clear, this is a new initiative that i need developed and implemented, and from conducting safety investigations, which has to be a higher level, period. we cannot have a battalion chief investigating a fire where an assistant chief was in charge. and so i'm just going to -- i'm
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going to say in my bones it needs to be an assistant deputy chief. it is a new program, it is a new initiative, and we are willing to, you know, come up with the $120,000 difference. if that's acceptable. >> supervisor yee: i'm just trying to follow the argument a little bit, because i'm thinking if you're going to hire this new position, in which nobody is in there right now, this is a new position, you might be hiring a battalion chief, or you might be hiring somebody from the rank and file to do the work, so i don't follow the argument that somebody as a battalion chief doesn't have the skills. >> so they don't have the authority to investigate somebody or something that was a
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safety investigation that was an incident overseen by a chief. so rank does really matter within the fire department. >> supervisor yee: okay, thank you. not knowing how it works, i take your word. >> supervisor fewer: chief, who investigates these investigations now? >> yeah, do you want to speak to that? yeah. i'm going to have chief vello speak to it. at times it's been our chief of training, other chiefs, assistant chiefs, but we really do need to sort of centralize it and have it in one position, and this is the position. >> supervisor fewer: okay. before, i just wanted to mention this. personally, this amount of $330,000 for a position with benefits is really, i feel, like
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very, very high-level position. very few people in our public agencies make that kind of money, and i think that i understand, and i am fully supportive, and i think this whole committee is fully supportive. we know, as a wife of a first responder who has been in a police shooting, that it is a very traumatic incident. it's something that first responders, quite frankly, share. i understand the hazards of it, and there are people who not only are in fires, but there are police officers who are in shootings, there are some police officers that accidentally shoot each other. this is very serious. i think that mental and emotional health of our first responders is crucial. this is a job, and this is why -- my colleagues agree, but i protect the pensions of our first responders, because this is something that affects your psyche the rest of your life. this is a different job than
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many jobs. this is a job you carry with you until you die. so having said that, we have seen the police department with this position also. they are also dealing with shootings and emotional health and mental health. they have just civilized their position to a 5177. the sheriff's department also has this same position at a 5177. i understand -- and also, i'm assuming that like other first responder departments around the united states, that you would be developing a peer counseling program, as you said, the camaraderie among the brothers and sisters of first responders is deep, and the trust is deep. i cannot justify this position at an assistant chief's level. i understand and i hear you, i just cannot justify it to the taxpayers of san francisco. this is too high of a level.
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i feel like underneath it would be different if you didn't have also a supervising position, which -- who i feel as though your first responders may also be open to, since it is a position. also, you have someone that develops policy, so isn't just this person, and you also have a senior analyst assisting. when the police department first started its peer sort of resource program and really dealt with post-traumatic stress, my husband was one of the first people to be in the pilot, and i think the results of it were outstanding. it was the first time that we really addressed post-traumatic stress if you have been in a shooting or in a life-endangering situation, and so i completely understand it. chief, i cannot agree, even if you are able to make the difference up, this position is just too high level. and, actually, i agree with the bla on this, and i want to say
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that campbell herself did your budget, and i completely trust her from the years and years and years and positions they have seen. they have recommended this position to the sheriff's department, and that is what the sheriff's department is using. the police department just civilized. we are going towards civilization. this idea that only sworn people can do certain jobs, i think we are moving away from it. this particular job, because you also have a physician and you have all these other support systems, does not warrant an annual salary with benefits of $330,000. as i said before, there are few people in the city family that actually make that kind of money. more often, we have people in the city family making $65,000 a year. so while i think this is so important, and i say that as somebody who has seen the effects of someone who has been in a traumatic incident, i say that as somebody who i think
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knows firsthand how important this type of intervention is, i think i cannot, and even if this committee were to say that this position is warranted at $330,000, i cannot approve it personally. i have a duty, i feel, to the taxpayers of san francisco and this is just too high of a level. i am with agreement with the ems 6 captains, even though bla is not. i'm in agreement with your chief of staff. i cannot go here, and i just want you to understand. it is not because i don't see the need. it is not because i don't value the brothers and sisters in the first responder family, i do, and i know the work is hard, but this is just too high of a level. seeing that you have all these other personnel that are assisting you, too, so i hope you understand and i hope your
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members understand this is not personal. this is really being fiscally responsible to the taxpayers of san francisco. thank you. having said that, the bla. this position 5177 that does policy, health, and safety, what are the requirements to being a 5177? and i am talking about academics or any kind of experience that this person, to fill this civilian position, what are the qualifications that this person must have? >> thanks, supervisor fewer. i have the job description right here. so under knowledge, skills, and abilities, it says it requires a comprehensive knowledge of the theory, principles, and practices of occupational safety and health and cal osha regulations and requirements, specific knowledge of california occupational injury and workers' compensation reporting is essential, plan, revise, and
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carry out a program in safety, including personnel training, inspection and correction of unsafe employees, carry out safety programs and procedures, communicate effectively both orally and writing and work independently. so the minimum qualifications are possession of a master's degree in safety, occupational safety, and health, safety management, or equivalent degree in a closely related field from an accredited college or university, and four years of professional, industrial, or occupational safety experience, work safety assessments, accident investigation, safety program development, and safety management, and certification as a certified safety professional by the american board of safety professionals, and possession of a current valid california driver's license, and the ability to wear personal protective equipment such as a respirator, squat and crawl in tight spaces and safely access
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work sites. >> supervisor fewer: so chief, having heard that, and i do want you to have a position, and i do want you to have this unit, and i do want you to be successful in your job, would you accept this position of a 5177 safety officer that the annual salary would be $210,000 a year? >> may i take some time with my -- >> supervisor fewer: absolutely, please do. >> okay. >> supervisor fewer: absolutely. would you mind, chief, if i went on to the next, which might be a little lengthy conversation, but it would give you time actually to mull this over and actually even speak to the bla maybe and ask some questions, if you would like, of what this position would be? you've heard the requirements, but maybe you have other questions of that department head. if you don't mind? >> not at all. >> supervisor fewer: i am happy to call the police department before you. thank you. i appreciate it.
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now i'd like to call up the chief of police. >> i'm sorry, is there any public comment allowed? >> supervisor fewer: no, there isn't. we will take public comment. this is item one and two together. after we hear all of the testimony, we can hear public comment. i will also say that we only have the police and juvenile probation left, so hopefully, those discussions will not take long, and public comment will be available fairly soon, because i know we have other people in the audience today waiting to do public comment, too, chief. >> thank you. >> supervisor fewer: thank you very much. >> madam chair, would you like to call three now? >> supervisor fewer: chief, may i do this, may i call item no. 3, because we have one item, no. 3, which is the fire code, and i believe the fee amendment. so we can knock that off the plate, if you don't mind. mr. clerk? >> clerk: ordinance amending the fire code to increase fees for
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certain fire department services. >> supervisor fewer: yes, would you like to report on item no. 3? >> absolutely. this item is legislation for a small increase of about 4% to fire prevention fees. these fees are at the request of customers for things that are required under fire code, such as permits, et cetera, to recover the costs of providing services. fees have not increased in two years and in the meantime we've seen salary and benefit costs increase in both of those years, and those increases have increased the cost of providing service by the department, so these fees would be allowed for the department to cover costs. >> supervisor fewer: thank you very much. let's open up public comment for item no. 3. you must speak about item no. 3. mr. wright, which are fees for fire services. thank you. or permits.
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public comment. >> derivative what i'm talking about. >> supervisor fewer: okay. you have two minutes, mr. wright, thank you. >> okay. as you know, our combat veterans have a suicide rate of 22 people per day. and as a result, the police officers have also come to my attention that they have a suicide rate, as well. that needs to be addressed. says right here, plus police suicides at more than 160 for the year 2018 have rose for a third straight year. that's nearly tripled the rate of officers killed in the line of duty. moreover, suicide among the surviving law enforcement happens about every 17 hours, and the rate among firefighters has sharply increased. my point is that my housing opportunity demonstration
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pertaining to a 27-story building, apartment building complex, are moved to have two floors for rehabilitation for people who are firefighters, veterans, and our veterans, and also the homeless people that's out in the street and the people who you want to put in conservatorship, instead of having a shortage of -- the behavioral health system and by the same response the remainder of the units can be used for housing for also the people homeless out in the street. it's approximately 2,070 units pertaining to these two towers that i've demonstrated before you. it's been proposed that each and every one of you supervisors is to build a navigation center. i object to a navigation center, because it's only 130 beds and it's not actually a bed, and it's supposed to be supportive housing. that's the kind of conditions
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that you have when you're in custody at 850 bryant street, and by the same response, you can only stay there 60 days. [ buzzer ] >> supervisor fewer: thank you, mr. wright. any other comments on item no. 3? seeing none, public comment is now closed. i'd like to make a motion to move item no. 3 to the full board meeting of july 16th with a positive recommendation. could i have a second, please? president yee. we can take that without objection. thank you very much. that's done. so fire chief, we will call you after the police, or are you ready or prepared? >> yeah, after the police is fine. >> supervisor fewer: thank you very much, chief. let's have chief up.
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yes, hello, chief, thank you for joining us. let's hear from the bla first. >> yes, ma'am. >> supervisor fewer: oh, mr. rose. >> is it on? >> it is on. >> madam chair, members of the committee, on page 15 of our report, the proposed budget for 19-20 is $65,880,240 or 10.5% more than the original 18-19 budget of $629,838,175. the department's proposed budget for 2021 is 6.2% more than the mayor's proposed 19-20 budget.
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supervisors, if you could look at page 16 of our report, you can see a comparison of the growth of this department from fiscal year '15-'16, you note the department's budget in '15-'16. the proposed budget as i just stated is $695,718,415. that's an increase of $150.9 million, or 27.7%. the fte count in 2015-2016 was 287.79, yet the proposed is 3210.68. that's an increase of 339.8 ftes. that's an 11.8% increase. on page 17, we report that our
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recommended reductions to the proposed budget total $3,118,201. in 2019-2020, all of which are one-time savings, still allow an increase of $62,762,039, or 10% increase in the department's '19-'20 budget. our policy recommendations total $1,687,181 in fiscal year 2019-'20, and that $1,626,000, which are one-time savings. we have no recommended reductions to the proposed fiscal year 2020-21 budget. our policy recommendations for 2021 total $233,066, all are ongoing savings. our detailed recommendations are shown on pages 18-22 of our
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report. on page 18, we recommend that you reduce the requested increase of sworn overtime by $2,368,201. that represents 25,566 hours. we know it has not implemented all the controls agreed to and the budget analyst 2018 performance audit, including specifying guidelines and training for which overtime is necessary, an ongoing analysis of necessity overtime. now, the department has added, as you know, 155 new sworn officers to the field in '18-'19, expects to add an additional 95 new sworn officers to the field over the next two budget years. so that's a total of 250 new officers. the addition of the 155 new
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officers for '18-'19 reduces the need in other police services. the 155 new officers added in '18-'19 amount to approximately 251,000 work orders, additional 25,566 hours we are recommending you delete. in addition, patrol officers and police vehicles have a 30% target for the time needed to respond to calls for service. this allows 70% of their time for proactive patrol and other activities, thereby reducing the need for overtime. if you accept our recommended reduction of $2,368,201, the department would still be allocating $2,918,132 in general fund overtime. that's just general fund.
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by implementing overtime controls and having authorized the 155 new sworn officers in '18-'19, the department will be able to meet its staffing needs without the necessity of the 2,2, 2,368,000 overtime, the reduction still allows for maintaining baseline police hours. the department disagrees with our recommendation. on page 19 of our report, we recommend that you change one senior legal process clerk, nine legal assistants, and one attorney that will respond to public records request related to changes in state law and our recommendation is to change from permanent to limited tenure that expires at the end of fiscal year 2021. so two-year terms for those positions. the work load for responding to these requests beyond 2021 is
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unknown. police department doesn't know. we don't know. and the department is planning to implement a technology solution that will automate responses, reducing the staffing needs required to fulfill public records requests. if at the end of the two-year period the department can justify the need to make these positions permanent, a request for such permanent connections will need to be made. if it's justified, of course, we will recommend approval. now, in recommendation, supervisors, does not result in any savings whatsoever. it is just going from permanent to limited tenure. the department disagrees with our recommendation. recommendation on the bottom of page 19 increase attrition savings to account for current vacancies and expected staff turnover, that would be a savings of $750,000, as i understand it, the department does concur with our recommended
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increase in attrition savings for $750,000. on page 20, we recommend that you delete $1 million for tasers. let me clarify, supervisors. this is the first of our policy recommendations, beginning on this page 20. we recommend that you delete $1 million for tasers in '19-'20. the board of supervisors lim eliminated in the budget, including $1 million for tasers, the department disagrees with our recommendation. on page 21, this table is our recommendation to accelerate the civilization of positions identified by the comptroller that are currently contemplated to occur in 2021, and we have
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the details here. as i understand it, the department does concur with our -- this recommendation. now this recommendation is actually a cost, so if you see in '19-'20, if you accept this recommendation, there would be an additional cost to the city of $830,738 in '19-'20. in 2021, you see to the right an additional cost of $2,716,787. on page 22, this is the offset recommendation for -- to take away that additional cost. so in -- we're recommending on page 22 that you delete five police officers that are budgeted for this year's academy to offset our recommended acceleration of civilization as i just cited on page 21. the department will still be
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able to hold all planned academies, so that's in '19-'20, and in 2021, again, we recommend that you delete 16 police officers that are budgeted for this year's academy to offset our recommended acceleration of civilization. again, as shown in our recommendation that i cited on page 21. that's for 2021. as i understand it, the department concurs with our recommendations. so the sum and substance of those two recommendations is that you can accelerate civilization and it will actually result in a savings. and finally, supervisors, on the bottom-left page, 22, we recommend you delete $626,000 in temporary salaries. these temporary salaries are intended to fund 14 sworn
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officers to guard union square businesses for one year. deleting such temporary salaries would require that the cost of security be paid by the union square businesses. in addition, the department added, we note, as i've previously stated to you, 155 officers in the current fiscal year, which will be available for deployment in '19-'20, including to the union square area. the department disagrees with our recommendation. that concludes my presentation, supervisors, and we would be happy to respond to any questions. >> supervisor fewer: okay, thank you very much. and so we should hear from the chief. what do you say about it? >> thank you, chair fewer. first of all, i'd like to thank mr. rose and the bla for their report. i just want to clarify, and i won't go through all the report that mr. rose just read, but there's only three that we do not agree with.
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we do agree with the increased civilian attrition, we agree with the acceleration of civilization. we agree with the fte 1421 positions. where we don't agree is the tasers, electronic control weapons. we disagree with that. we want to move forward with electronic control weapons. this is one of the 272 department of justice reform recommendations. it's been approved by the police commission, and although we have not requested that this funding be taken off reserves, we disagree with the recommendation to take the funding. so that one we disagree on. as far as the union square ambassador program, we also disagree. we need a stronger presence in that area, and we wanted to implement and economical solution to meet the need quickly. union square receives about 5,000 visitors per hour with an
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increase in tourism, conventions, and work day populations, that area needs more support. we see this as an economical and cost effective and innovative strategy to provide more presence and public safety support to that area. as to the overtime, we disagree with that recommendation, as well. in response to many community requests, businesses, including members of the board of supervisors, the mayor, there's a need for more proactive policing, and this budget asks, helps support that. this is not new funding. this is a repurposing of existing funding in the form of overtime to meet that need. we don't have the current staffing levels to sustain the progress that we've made. we've reduced crime, officer-involved shootings are way down this year. haven't had one in over a year.
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all these things work together. and this overtime request to support that initiative works in conjunction with all the other deployment strategies that mr. rose mentioned. it all works together. the department, work with the mayor's office to repurpose existing police department budget funds to meet this need with no new budget dollars. the overtime budget increase is for increased service levels to add proactive policing efforts. the bla's cuts will result in a loss of our hours on market street and civic center, the civic center area, and it will make it hard to maintain existing neighborhood foot beats. other money that's being proposed to be cut by the bla, 800,000 of that funding is specifically designated for neighborhood foot beats, providing 10,000 hours across the city. it also provides for 5,000 hours for transit hubs, tourists, and also for car break-in hot spots,
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which we have worked very, very hard the past two years to reduce the number of car break-ins, so we do disagree with that, and i'm happy to add more details and provide more answers for your questions on that issue. >> supervisor fewer: thank you. mr. rose. >> madam chair, members of the committee, i just want to clarify, sum up our recommendations. first of all, with our actual recommended cuts, what the chief is saying is, if you take a look on page 19 of the $3,118,201 we recommended be cut in '19-'20, he disagrees with the $2.3 million, so the overtime is the main item he disagrees with. secondly, i want to point out on our recommended reductions on pages 20, 21, and 22, these policy recommendations. so we didn't say absolutely cut
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this, we said we believe you should consider these as policy recommendations. as it turns out, the chief, since we initially submitted our recommendations, the department now concurs with the civilization. so we don't even have to consider that as a policy, because if the committee accepts it, the department is agreeing with this. so of the other recommendations, basically, the chief is disagreeing with the entire $1.6 million of cuts in the policy recommendations. disagreeing with the policy cuts because the acceleration of civilization sunt result in a -- a cut to him, basically, it's a wash. i just wanted to clarify that, supervisors. again, we'd be happy to respond
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to questions. >> supervisor fewer: thank you, mr. rose. so, supervisor mandelman? >> supervisor mandelman: hello, chief. thanks for being here. i guess i'd like -- so the bla has sort of shown up -- a pretty significant increase in both the budget going to the department and the size of the police force over the last few years. and so it's presenting these recommendations, you know, kind of a fairly modest haircut on what has been, from their perspective, a pretty significant increase. so i guess to start -- the overtime that you're proposing is over and above the basically $20 million of overtime in your budget for last year, right?
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you have 155 new sworn officers. is that right? >> those figures don't take into account attrition and retirements, resignations. >> supervisor mandelman: okay. so last year's budget, or this year -- the current year's budget was supposed to add 155, and then the next two years are supposed to add 95, but you're saying we need to consider who's leaving the force. >> yeah. this is our budget manager caroline wells. >> just to clarify, the 155, that came from 155 more officers would be on the street over the next couple of years through 80 being in the academy at the time under ed lee's hiring plan, 25 through civilization. we've hired seven of those to date and the rest in the hopper
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and 50 new sworn. that class was hired in december. they are still in academy. so those numbers are 75 net new officers and they are not on the street yet. >> supervisor mandelman: is there a way to see year-to-year how many officers are on the street, what there was in 2017-18, '18-'19, and '19-'20, and '20-'21? >> yes. >> supervisor mandelman: that would be helpful. given you've been able to expand foot patrols and meet some of these additional needs that bart has, et cetera, with the existing overtime budget, can you explain again why you need an additional $2.4 million in overtime? >> yes, sir. i'll put this quickly in a historical context. we have a number of studies on foot patrols over the years,
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dating back to the early 2000s. one of the constant issues that this department faces is we staff up, we put foot patrols, everybody loves it, it's great, we see positive results, we can't sustain it. foot patrols are an extentative way to police. they are labor intensive. this was just about crime reduction, there are tangible payoffs to foot patrols due to the increased reduction in crime, engagement, building trust and community engagement, so there are tangible payoffs, but we haven't been able to sustain this over the years and i'm not talking about the last couple of years. i'm talking about going back 20
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years. every time that we've engaged in this, and there's been comptrollers reports, there's been private outside consultants that have studied this. we always end up going back to where we were because we can't sustain it. in order to sustain what we're doing, we're going to need some support, and we believe that an economical way to do that is repurpose existing monies. >> supervisor mandelman: why can't you continue to do for another year what you've done in the last year? i understand historically it's been hard to sustain, but presumably, we're just asking you to continue -- is this overtime going to get us more foot patrols, or is it sustaining what we've already got? >> if i could put this on the
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overhead. this slide illustrates how that funding would be used and these are new service hours that 376 for housing, that covers bayview mission and central station. we have housing officers doing the work, but in order to do what's being asked, we have a peace parks program, foot beats, there's a lot of demands on the housing officers, and they respond to calls of service. that's 4,500 hours. 800,000 for neighborhoods across the city, which is equivalent to 10,000 hours. 200,000 hours for healthy streets operations team, and that is actually to respond to the special events, conventions, and all that, that we deploy these officers to, and then $400,000 to transit areas, foot beats, and car break-in abatement, which is equivalent
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to 5,000 hours and then the civic center area, which is 6,000 hours. these are -- these are new monies. well, not new monies, but this -- >> supervisor mandelman: you're telling us we're going to see more service on the street for this $2.4 million? >> right, and it will allow us to be -- we want to hold the services that we have, and one of the things that probably didn't illustrate in our last conversation is sometimes these -- the funding for foot beats and the overtime is used to support sector cars, response to critical incidents and things, so we can keep the foot beats in place. and that's what's happening historically, those other demands ended up killing the foot beat deployment. so we just want to keep it going. we are in a good place. >> supervis
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>> supervisor mandelman: so one challenge is the report from the middle of last year with these recommendations that your department agreed to, but according to the dla, has not actually fully implemented, and i'm wondering if the plan is to fully implement those recommendations in the next year, and how quickly you plan on doing that. >> so yes, the bla report, which i have in front of me actually, for those interested, it's on page 42 of that report, the recommendations. some of what was recommended we are doing, and there was a couple things that the bla recommended. and if you look at the chart on that report, basically, they sample the things that we are doing to either prove or disprove that whether or not we were doing it. some of the protocols are in place, and in some instances the protocols are in place, but we don't have official policy. for instance, one of the first
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column, overtime must receive authorization unless unreasonable due to emergency circumstances. so that's the policy recommendation. we do require preapproval, but what the bla found out in their look at this is that the preapproval was given verbally and not recorded. department cannot enforce policy unless the overtime is pre-approved. so that's something we can enhance. there are several of those in that category, where we do have systems and protocols in place, but it's not a written policy. so yes, we can work on some of these things. we've agreed to do it, and some of what we have done are in place, and i'll read some of that. >> supervisor mandelman: you don't have to read it, but i think we should have it and see what the plan is going forward,
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you know, with regard to each of these recommendations, is this something the department agrees to, planning to implement, takes eight months to get a policy approved and, therefore, we'll be doing that by whatever date. something we can see what's happening with these recommendations, whether or not we approve any portion of the overtime. i also think we'd love to see the enhanced services that we are being promised. the -- so given -- i have not been a part of the taser conversation at this board, but given there does not appear to be the bill on the board of supervisors to move forward with tasers over the next year, why would we keep a million dollars for that on reserve? >> well, one of the things that
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the board asked for last year, there's a list of the things that the commission directed the department to do, and there are many questions about the cost of the tasers, the cost of implementation. there was another issue that is outstanding, is the review board that will review all the taser usages, if and when we implement, when we implement. those are things that are still outstanding, and at which time those tasks are completed, we'd like to request for that funding to be released. now whether that -- we believe it could happen within this year, and that's why we're asking for that funding to stay on reserve. there was a list of things that the board asked, questions about, and the commission directed. and we believe that we can get those things completed within this year. >> supervisor mandelman: and then lastly on the union square investment, which, you know,
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certainly the businesses in union square are experiencing lots of petty theft and challenging street conditions, but lots of parts of the city are experiencing those things, and including my own district, and the thought of directing $700,000 to one favored investment is something i'm trying to wrap my brain around why that in particular union square when the need appears to be, you know, clearly citywide. i'm sure supervisor haney has some need in his district. i do, as well, right? >> yes, sir. couple things. we wanted to try this out, piloted it, if you will, and not citywide, but we requested additional funding, if we were going to do that. the union square, i believe, has
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the right infrastructure, a very supportive community in terms of the business community, very supportive community in terms of the security infrastructure that exists outside of the police department, the technology infrastructure, the partnerships and collaboration is there, and all those things, i think, point to a chance of having a successful rollout of this program. you know, there's really -- boils down the three things that we're trying to accomplish here, help create a safer environment for anybody that is in the union square area via a more visible presence. second thing is, you know, monitor the area, serve as a resource for the people who live in, frequent, and work in union square, and the third thing is really, most important thing, it's really an additional set of eyes and ears that will work
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with the police department, observe and report behaviors that we need to respond to in a coordinated fashion, and, you know, this has been tried in other forms and fashions in other cities and has been met with some success. it's economical, because it doesn't cost as much as it would -- and it will enhance public safety. so that's really what we're after. >> supervisor mandelman: and what is the magic of a sworn retiree as opposed to someone else? they are not carrying guns, right? >> no, they are not. you take advantage of a lot of training. knowing what to look for, knowing how to communicate with law enforcement, knowing how to -- all those elements are already there. other cities that i know about that have tried this have used security -- licensed security guards, that type of thing. using a retired police officer gives you the benefit of years of experience of observing and reporting and knowing what actions to take, you know, the calmness and the things that
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we're looking for. we're not looking for people to go out and do police work. that's why we have the on duty, but the coordination, the observing and reporting is really important. >> supervisor mandelman: all right, thank you. >> supervisor fewer: okay. supervisor ronen. >> supervisor ronen: yes, thank you so much. i wanted to address the recommendation to cut the $1 million for the use of tasers, or as i like to call them, the electric shock weapon, because that's what they are, and i think that the name taser is a little bit euphemistic. i want to start off by saying i completely agree with that recommendation, and i think we should cut that $1 million from the budget, and here's the reasons why. number one, under your leadership, chief, we have finally made some really significant, exciting, and meaningful progress on police reform. we -- you have lowered the
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amount of use of force significantly and substantially. the amount of officers that have been cit trained continues to go up, and instead of, you know, what we had had before your arrival, which was a whole series of officer-involved shootings, what we've seen lately is the regular use of time and distance that leads to the peaceful resolution of crises, often with people with mental illness, that have gotten those individuals the treatment they need with nobody, no officer, no civilian injured. and it's just incredibly exciting. it's a tremendous testament to your leadership. i can't tell, you know, to your officers, i can't tell you how many times recently that captains in my district have
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called me and detailed incidents that in the past could have led to someone getting shot and killed, but instead, through time and distance, and working with dph and de-escalation, led to successful outcomes. and it's just -- i want to just recognize that work. i want to thank you for that work, and i want to suggest that we keep moving in that direction. it's not only theoretical anymore, it's actually working on the ground. i believe that introducing a new weapon that is increasingly more and more problematic and the evidence is bearing that out, is dangerous and will set that tremendous gain that you have made backwards. number one, we're all paying attention to the media and the three deaths just recently last year in san mateo county that were immediately after